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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Probes and pronouns: variation in agreement and clitic doubling in Arabic

Sahawneh, Meera 23 March 2017 (has links)
This study develops a new approach to agreement variation in Standard Arabic (SA) and Rural Jordanian Arabic (RJA) based on the Probe-Goal framework of Chomsky (2000, 2001). The key patterns investigated are the variation in fullness of agreement in the SV and VS word orders, the relationship between agreement and clitic doubling, and the patterning of agreement with conjoined subjects. The thesis argues for a connection between agreement, clitic doubling, and word order. Full agreement on T (in person, number, and gender) causes the subject to move to [Spec, TP], deriving SV order. However, partial agreement on T (lacking person) creates only a partial copy of the subject in [Spec, TP]. This partial copy is realized as a pronominal clitic in some contexts (giving CLsVS word order) and as null pro in other contexts (giving VS word order). This approach enables a unified account of various differences in the patterning of agreement in SA and RJA. Turning to the more complex case of agreement with conjoined subjects, both varieties exhibit full resolved agreement with preverbal conjoined subjects. With postverbal conjoined subjects, however, there is variation: SA allows only partial agreement with the first conjunct while RJA allows partial agreement either with the first conjunct or with the entire conjoined phrase, depending on the features and the order of the conjoined nominals. The Probe-Goal framework augmented with Multiple Agree and the Continuity condition (Nevins 2007, 2011) will be employed to account for the choice between these two options in RJA. The more general theoretical conclusion is that the variation in agreement patterns is constrained by the internal hierarchical structure of φ-features on the probe. I propose that the probe has the same hierarchical structure as a pronoun (i.e. a DP). This proposal makes predictions about the range of possible variation in the features that are active in agreement and connects to broader issues such as the Pronominal Argument Hypothesis (Jelinek 1984) and the diachronic relationship between pronouns and agreement markers. / May 2017

Assessing the effect of organisational culture on lean tech practices in Jordanian manufacturing firms

Baqlah, Lubna Attallah Saeed January 2017 (has links)
Lean manufacturing is one of the most developing manufacturing philosophies through which firms can minimise waste in the production process. Implementing lean practices successfully enables firms to lower unit costs of production and maximise value to the customer, which in turn helps them to increase their competitive edge over rivals. The emerging literature considers organisational culture as a necessary intangible source for achieving a competitive advantage for companies, and to have a critical role in the success or failure of lean practices implementation. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effect of organisational culture on lean technical practices in the manufacturing firms in Jordan. More specifically, four conceptual models have been developed in the current study highlighting the effect of each type of organisational culture on lean technical practices implementation. In addition, more emphasis was on understanding the mechanism through which customers' involvement, employees’ involvement and suppliers’ involvement affect the relationship between organisational culture and lean technical practices. Thus, the four conceptual models bring to light the potential intervening role of the human lean practices in the organisational culture/ lean technical practices association. After identifying and reviewing the relevant literature, the socio-technical system theory, contingency theory and RBV are adopted to develop the conceptual models and associated hypotheses. A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques have been adopted to analyse a dataset of over 200 manufacturing firms in Jordan, collected by using a self-administered survey. The findings of this study indicate that the hierarchical culture has the highest substantial positive effect on lean technical practices followed by developmental culture, group culture and rational culture respectively. In addition, it is found that each type of organisational culture (group, developmental, hierarchical and rational) affects positively lean human practices (customers' involvement, employees’ involvement and suppliers’ involvement) in different statistical levels. For example, all types of organisational culture affect suppliers’ involvement more than customers’ involvement and employees’ involvement respectively. Moreover, it is found that customers’ involvement and suppliers’ involvement have the highest positive effect on lean technical practices in the rational culture and the least positive effect in the hierarchical culture. Furthermore, it is found that the positive effect of each type of organisational culture on lean technical practices is partially mediated by customers' involvement and partially mediated by suppliers’ involvement. The highest significant mediating effect of customers' involvement and suppliers’ involvement lies in the rational culture/lean technical practices link whereas the lowest significant mediating effect of customers' involvement and suppliers’ involvement lies is in the hierarchical culture/ lean technical practices link. Finally, it is found that employees’ involvement does not mediate the relationship between organisational culture and lean technical practices. These findings provide new evidence from Jordan to support the hypotheses that the organisational culture can act as a crucial pre-condition for lean technical practices to be fully effective. Additionally, the findings reinforce the notion that emphasizing the human side of lean especially for customers' involvement and suppliers' involvement can promote the effectiveness of lean implementation. The current study contributes to the current literature at two levels. First, at the theoretical level, this study develops multiple conceptual models which crosses two streams of literature mainly, organisational culture literature and lean manufacturing literature with a focus on the human side of lean. Unlike previous studies, the models integrate the direct effect of organisational culture on lean technical practices and the intervening role of lean human practices due to which the organisational culture is assumed to have also an indirect effect on lean technical practices. Furthermore, employing a powerful statistical technique (Analysis of Moment Structure-SEM) provides more credibility to the results reported in this study. Second, at the empirical level, this study is conducted in the Jordanian context. As such, this study is one of the first, to our knowledge, that examines the effect of organisational culture on lean technical practices, as well as having examined the mechanism of how each type of organisational culture affects lean technical practices using empirical survey data from this context.

Difficultés de prononciation et de perception de voyelles du français par des apprenants jordaniens / Pronunciation and perception difficulties of French vowels by Jordanian learners

Nawafleh, Ahmad 24 May 2012 (has links)
Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’application des connaissances acquises grâce à des expériences de phonétique expérimentale à l’enseignement de la prononciation des voyelles dans le cadre du FLE. Les formants des voyelles orales françaises et arabes prononcées par des natifs indiquent que les voyelles /iː aː uː/ de l’arabe diffèrent phonétiquement des /i a u/ du français, en particulier /iː uː/ qui se rapprochent plutôt de /e o/ du français. L’étude acoustique des voyelles du français montre que la voyelle /u/ perd son identité quand elle est réalisée par des apprenants jordaniens : les formants de /u/ réalisée par des débutants sont proches de /ø/ et ceux par des apprenants avancés sont proches de /o/. Les études perceptives confirment que /u/ est confondue avec /o ø/ et indique que les apprenants réalisent seulement un timbre des paires: [e-ɛ], [ø-œ] et [o-ɔ] et qu’ils réussissent à reproduire et identifier /y/ et /ø/ pourtant absentes de leur système phonologique. En revanche, les voyelles nasales représentent, pour eux, une grosse difficulté. Ils les confondent entre elles et avec des voyelles orales. L’étude aérodynamique des voyelles /ɑ̃ ɛ̃ ɔ̃/ des apprenants jordaniens montrent qu’ils synchronisent différemment l’arrivée du débit d’air nasal et qu’ils répartissent différemment sa quantité sur les voyelles par rapport aux natifs. La mesure des formants au début des voyelles nasales montre que les apprenants ne possèdent pas les mêmes cibles articulatoires pour /ɑ̃ ɛ̃ ɔ̃/ que les natifs. Notre thèse s’achève par une réflexion portant sur des stratégies de correction phonétique, des propositions matérielles et techniques d’entraînement à la prononciation. / The dissertation deals with the application of knowledge acquired from experimental phonetics to the teaching of vowels pronunciation within the framework of French as a foreign language. The formants of French and Arabic oral vowels pronounced by natives indicate that Arabic vowels /iː aː uː/ differ phonetically from French /i a u/, in particular /iː uː/, which were realized more like /e o/ of French. The acoustic study of French vowels shows that the French /u/ loses its identity when it is produced by the Jordanian learners: The formants of /u/ realized by beginners are close to those of /ø/, and close to /o/ in the realization of advanced learners. The perceptive studies confirm that the learners merge /u/ with /ø o/ and reproduce only a single sound for the following pairs: /e-ɛ/, /ø-œ/ and /o-ɔ/ whereas they realize and identify correctly /y ø/ in spite of the absence of /y ø/ in their phonological system. By contrast, the nasal vowels /ɑ̃ ɛ̃ ɔ̃/ pose a serious problem for the learners. They are mutually merged and also confused with oral vowels. The aerodynamic study of French nasal vowels, pronounced by Jordanians learners indicates that they synchronize differently the onset of nasal airflow and distribute in different manner its quantity on the vowels with regard to the realization of natives. The formants measured at the beginning of /ɑ̃ ɛ̃ ɔ̃/ show that the learners do not have the same articulatory targets for the nasal vowels as the natives. The dissertation ends up with a reflection concerning strategies of phonetic correction, materials and technical propositions for pronunciation teaching

The role of institutions in state-private sector interaction: the case of the management contract for water and wastewater services in the Amman Governorate, Jordan

Steiner, Sylvia Marlene January 2008 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / This research investigates the performance of private sector participation (PSP) in the water sector from a governance perspective. It is concerned with the role that institutions play in the interaction between the state and the private sector, which occurs with respect to the regulation and implementation of such PSP arrangements. The research takes place within the context of a development debate and practice, which identifies water as a key poverty issue in a substantial part of the developing countries, which advocates private sector participation as a remedy to inadequate water management and which acknowledges good governance as a crucial requirement for development. Nevertheless, few studies have scrutinized the impact of governance and institutions on the outcome of PSP arrangements in the water sector. Most research on the performance of PSP arrangements has examined exogenous and endogenous determinants, such as the price mechanism and the property rights allocation, but these factors proved unsatisfactory as explaining variables in the context of natural resource management. To contribute to filling a gap in research this study aims at evaluating the impact of institutional frameworks on the outcome of private sector participation in water supply and sanitation through a case study of the Management Contract for Water and Wastewater Service in the Amman Governorate, Jordan. At the end of the 1990s the quality of water supply and sanitation in the Jordanian capital Amman was unsatisfactory, as supply was insufficient and entailed high costs. Therefore, in 1999, the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan contracted a private joint venture to improve water service provision in the Amman Governorate. The research takes into account the specific institutional framework for the mentioned arrangement in Amman, which is comprised of the national judicial and political institutions, the specific regulatory institutions as well as relevant international institutions. These institutions are not limited to laws and regulations only, but also include informal institutions such as traditions. The specific objective of this study is to show how the institutional framework of a transaction affects regulatory processes by abating and amplifying the potential for opportunistic behavior of the contracting parties, and thereby affecting the performance of a privately operated water utility. The examination of the institutional framework of the Amman Management Contract revealed that mainly judicial and international institutions and specific contract rules were constraining the discretion of the contracting parties. Political checks and balances were insufficiently established and the regulatory institutions of the water sector were set up in an improper way. The field study discovered that the resulting discretionary power of certain actor was used opportunistically, which had a detrimental effect on the outcome of the PSP arrangement. Nevertheless the overall performance of the arrangement was good from which the general insight was drawn that regulatory credibility may be developed even in unpropitious environments. However, to be able to judge upon the effect of governance and institutions on a planned or existing PSP arrangement each time a complex assessment of the respective institutional environment is necessary. This is because institutions may not be seen as independent building blocks but rather form a network which is likely to be unique for each country and situation. The mini-thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1 an outline of the study and its problem background is provided. Chapter 2 provides a detailed literature review and sets out the theoretical framework and research hypotheses of the study. Chapter 3 outlines the research design and methodology that was used for the study. Chapter 4 provides background detail on the Jordanian political, economic and social situation, on the issues pertaining to the water sector, andon the Amman water contract. Chapter 5 provides a description and analysis of the main research findings. Chapter 6 provides a summary as well as final conclusions and considerations.

When Anti-Corruption Initiatives Meet the Culture of Wasta: The Case of Public Sector Reforms in Jordan

Al-Saleh, Mohammed January 2016 (has links)
Jordan has strived to manage a large-scale anti-corruption initiative for the public sector since 2006. Despite the implementation of laws and bodies mandated to address corruption, public trust of government remains low and the country’s position on international corruption rankings has not improved. This study seeks to investigate how the implementation of a large-scale anti-corruption initiative impacts the organizational culture of the country’s public sector. It proposes that wasta, a unique Arab phenomenon that promotes the values of loyalty, represents the most significant barrier to penetrating what is essentially a normalized culture of corruption in the Government of Jordan. The organizational culture theory model was adopted as the theoretical framework because of its ability to account for differences in culture where promoted values do not necessarily correspond with employee actions. Because literature in this area is rare, a qualitative exploratory methodology was chosen. Based on data saturation, a total of 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted on-site in Jordan with mid-level managers identified using snowball sampling. The results prove the theoretical proposal to be accurate and show that wasta has evolved to the deepest level of organizational culture. The results are sub-divided into two major themes: culture and leadership. The results show that wasta is a deeply held and engrained part of organizational culture and that it is difficult for anti-corruption efforts to change this culture in the Jordanian public sector. The thesis also demonstrate how leadership can be both something negative or something positive in the fight against wasta depending on how it is used.. The findings carry implications for public administration, foreign policy, and society as a whole especially with regard to the development of more effective anti-corruption strategies in Jordan and abroad. The specific contribution to knowledge of this thesis is the examination of how organizational cultural reforms impact public-sector organizations in the Middle Eastern context given the influence of wasta, which is not discussed in the literature but remains important for the field. Future research should consider the views of a wider variety of stakeholders, as well as the impact of wasta on organizational characteristics including performance and delivery of public services.

Political Engagement Against the Odds : The case of Syrian students at the University of Jordan

Cadei Fritz, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
This study examines political engagement among Syrian students at the University of Jordan who are either refugees, asylum seekers or children of Jordanian mothers. By adopting Ekman and Amnå’s conceptualization of political participation and analysing 15 semi-structured interviews, I find that the Syrian students are both engaged in manifest and latent forms of political participation. The engagement is mostly canalised through individual activities rather than collective activities. Most importantly, the engagement is less common in domestic issues than non-domestic issues. When the students are engaged in domestic issues, it is mostly in latent forms of political participation and in private activities not risking revealing their opinions to the general public. Interestingly, I find that the students are interested in Jordan public affairs but that this interest is not transformed into political action aiming to affect Jordanian political decisions. The pattern of political participation in several ways corresponds with the students’ perceptions of risks. The Syrian students associate political engagement in Jordan with perceived risks such as being deported back to Syria or facing racism. Respondents expressed that they were not politically engaged because of the risks that it could entail and engagement in activities connected to Jordan public affairs seems to be perceived as more of a risk compared to being engaged in non-domestic issues. This seems to be particularly true for activities carried out in public. My findings are important as they shed light on political engagement in authoritarian contexts in the Global South and among marginalised non-citizens.

Jordanian-Palestinian relations: a Jordanian view

Awwad, Mohammad 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution unlimited / Jordanian - Palestinian relations are deeply rooted in history. They date back to the first quarter of the twentieth century, to the period of British and French involvement in the region in the aftermath of World War I, and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Since the early days of the British mandate, the two peoples, Jordanian and Palestinian, found themselves obliged to interact with each other due to geographic, social, economic and demographic considerations. Following the decision to unite the West Bank and Transjordan to make up the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1950, the West Bank and its people were in the process of integration within Jordan until war halted progress in 1967. This study presents the evolution of Jordanian - Palestinian relations through history. These relations have been both challenged by hardships and influenced by several other Arab states. The current peace process between the Israelis and Palestinians, which could bring about an independent Palestinian state, requires that Jordanians and Palestinians restructure their relations in order to be of mutual benefit. / Brigadier General, Jordanian Army

Jordan, Palestine and the British world system, 1945-57 : Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion

Jevon, Graham January 2014 (has links)
This thesis offers a microcosmic insight into Britain's transition toward a world system without an Empire by exploring the life of the Anglo-Jordan Treaty (1946-57) via the prism of the British financed Jordanian Army, also known as the Arab Legion, and its British commander, Glubb Pasha. In so doing it puts the state of the relationship down to a system of mutual dependence. Britain's withdrawal from Jordan has primarily been linked either to the success of Arab nationalism or the loss of British will. By examining the Treaty relationship from construction to termination this thesis posits that it is imprudent to push any single factor too deeply, but identifies a shift in the balance of mutual dependence, caused by the changing geopolitical climate, as the driving force. A subsidiary aspect of this thesis concerns the partition of Palestine. The Arab Legion was the most important Arab army during the 1948 War. Based on unprecedented access to Glubb's private papers 'the most significant new documents to emerge since the opening of the official western archives in the late 1970s' this thesis provides the most accurate portrayal of the Arab Legion's conduct yet achievable. In so doing it reconciles inconsistencies within the controversial 'collusion' debate. It negates the revisionist argument that a firm Hashemite-Zionist agreement existed, but corroborates the notion that Britain approved the Arab Legion's use to implement an alternative form of partition to that proposed by the UN. It thus supports the revisionist argument that pre-war negotiations helped shape the 1948 War, but explains the Arab Legion's adherence to this secret scheme by emphasising Glubb's (limited) autonomy. Moreover, it reveals further details concerning the divisions within the Arab coalition, which further debunks the traditional David (Israel) versus Goliath (Arab coalition) portrayal of the conflict.

Pseudo wh-fronting: a diagnosis of wh-constructions in Jordanian Arabic

Al-Daher, Zeyad 29 November 2016 (has links)
This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of wh-question formation in Jordanian Arabic (JA) and presents a uniform approach that can accommodate all of its various wh-constructions. JA makes use of five different wh-constructions, four of which involve clause-initial wh-phrases and the fifth is a typical in-situ wh-construction. Although wh-phrases surface clause-initially in four different wh-constructions in JA, I propose that bona fide wh-movement to [Spec, CP] does not occur in any of these constructions, whether overtly in syntax or covertly at LF. I abandon the classification of JA as a wh-movement language (Abdel Razaq 2011) and focus instead on identifying the syntactic role that wh-phrases realize and the underlying structures that feed each wh-construction. I propose that the clause-initial position of the wh-phrase results either from the syntactic function that the wh-phrase serves or from other syntactic operations that are independently attested in JA. There are three clause-initial positions that the wh-phrase can occupy: it surfaces in [Spec, TP] when functioning as the subject of a verbal or verbless structure, in [Spec, TopP] when functioning as a clitic-left-dislocated element (as in CLLD questions and ʔilli-interrogatives involving PRON), or in [Spec, FocP] when undergoing focus fronting. Thus, all instances of clause-initial wh-phrases in JA constitute what I refer to as “pseudo wh-fronting”, as the clause-initial position of the wh-phrase arises from mechanisms other than canonical wh-movement to [Spec, CP]. To account for the interpretation of wh-phrases in JA, I adopt a binding approach in which a null interrogative morpheme (Baker 1970; Pesetsky 1987; Chomsky 1995) unselectively binds the wh-phrase regardless of its surface position, whether clause-initial or clause-internal (in-situ). A major implication of this analysis is that JA is a concealed wh-in-situ language of the Chinese type although it looks at a cursory glance as though it were a wh-movement language of the English type. A broader typological implication of my analysis is the convergence of Cheng’s (1991) Clausal Typing Hypothesis to which JA previously appeared to constitute a counterexample. The recognition of the null interrogative particle, or its optional overt realization as the Q-particle huwweh, as the locus of interrogative clause typing in all JA wh-questions entails that JA employs just one unique strategy to type a clause as a wh-question, as predicted by Cheng’s Clausal Typing Hypothesis, regardless of whether the wh-phrase surfaces clause-initially or clause-internally. / February 2017

Le crime d'honneur en droit pénal jordanien / Crime of honour in the jordanian criminal law

Abu Anzeh, Mohammed Bara 03 February 2015 (has links)
Phénomène tabou et peu étudié en droit pénal, le crime d'honneur au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde arabe ne cesse d'alimenter les unes de la presse dans le monde et de relever les antagonismes existant entre les juridictions occidentales et orientales. Souvent qualifié d'inhumain ou relevant de pratiques d'un autre âge, le phénomène du crime d'honneur figure en Jordanie parmi les crimes qui retiennent le plus l'attention publique. On estime qu'un homicide sur quatre est assimilable à ce crime, dans ce pays où l'honneur familial est considéré comme la clé de voûte de l'équilibre social. Toute menace à cet équilibre serait donc le signe d'une décadence à punir afin de rétablir l'ordre originel. Les circonstances du meurtre sont autant d’éléments qui génèrent condamnation ou indulgence de l’opinion publique et de la justice. La position délicate du législateur face au traitement des affaires de crimes d'honneur mérite des éclaircissements historico-culturels et un examen précis des résolutions et des recommandations internationales rendues à l'intention des juridictions jordaniennes. / As a taboo subject that has not been researched enough in the Criminal Law field, crime of honour in the Middle East and in Arab world continues to feed international press headlines and to raise up differences in views between Eastern and Western jurisdictions. Often described as inhuman or as a practice from another age, the phenomenon of honour killings appears among the crimes that attract the most public attention. In Jordan - where family honour is considered as the cornerstone of social balance - studies showed that one of four crimes is a crime of honour. Any threat to this social balance would be a sign of decadence to be punished in order to restore the original balance. The circumstances of honour murders are among elements that generate either conviction or indulgence from public and justice. The delicate legislature position to face up honour crime cases deserves cultural and historical clarifications and an accurate review of international resolutions and recommendations towards Jordan jurisdiction.

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