Spelling suggestions: "subject:"juvenile."" "subject:"juvenil.""
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Significados del conflicto armado interno con líderes de organizaciones juveniles en AyacuchoDel Solar Lozano, Amanda, Estebes Yaranga, Guissel, Chávez Rodríguez, Karina Cinthia 09 March 2021 (has links)
Este estudio explora los significados que los y las jóvenes líderes de las distintas
organizaciones juveniles que forman parte de la Mesa de Concertación de Jóvenes de
Ayacucho (MCJA), construyen respecto del conflicto armado interno (CAI). Los
participantes de este estudio fueron los y las jóvenes que no vivieron de manera directa
el periodo del conflicto, pero eso no quiere decir que vivan distanciados de ella, por el
contrario, están involucrados con el tema porque muchos de ellos cuentan con
familiares y amigos de familias víctimas del CAI. Ellos hoy, son líderes activos, cuyas
agendas centrales están más relacionados con desarrollo que con las políticas de justicia,
verdad y reparación del CAI. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que
contrariamente a la apariencia que dan las agendas de sus organizaciones, estos jóvenes
se encuentran implicados de manera significativa con los procesos post CAI y que el
ejercicio memorioso de los jóvenes se activa y transita por caminos impensados y no
institucionales, de ahí que reconocemos el papel de sus familias, de sus amigos y otros
en el proceso de significación. Para los y las jóvenes el CAI significa un evento que
conmocionó todas las dimensiones de la sociedad, un periodo de confusión e
irracionalidad de la violencia, como un medio de cambio social ante los problemas
irresueltos que dieron lugar al CAI y la estigmatización que trasciende al tiempo y
espacio, entre otros. A partir del discurso de los y las jóvenes, nos acercamos al mundo
social y cultural de las instituciones u organizaciones donde participan y hacen política,
con la finalidad de comprender los momentos en las cuales esos significados se
objetivizan; pero también la dinámica misma de cómo activan la (re) elaboración de
sentidos y significados respecto del CAI. / This study explores the meanings that the young leaders of the different youth
organizations that are part of the Ayacucho Youth Coordination Table (MCJA),
construct regarding the internal armed conflict (CAI). The participants in this study
were the young people who did not live the conflict period directly, but that does not
mean that they live at a distance from it, on the contrary, they are involved with the
subject because many of them have family and friends of families victims of the CAI.
Today, they are active leaders, whose central agendas are more related to development
than to the CAI's justice, truth and reparation policies. The results of this study show
that contrary to the appearance given by the agendas of their organizations, these young
people are significantly involved with post-CAI processes and that the memory exercise
of young people is activated and transits unthinkable and non-institutional paths. Hence,
we recognize the role of their families, their friends and others in the process of
meaning. For young people, the CAI means an event, an event that shocked all
dimensions of society, a period of confusion and irrationality of violence, as a means of
social change in the face of the unresolved problems that gave rise to the CAI and the
stigmatization that it transcends time and space, among others. Starting from the
discourse of young people, we approach the social and cultural world of the institutions
or organizations where they participate and do politics, in order to understand the
moments in which these meanings are objectified; but also the very dynamics of how
they activate the (re) elaboration of meanings and meanings regarding the CAI. / Tesis
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Bioarchaeological Study of Patterns of Juvenile Oral Health in Ancient PeruPatel, Nidhi S 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Dental caries have been identified for several centuries as a common pathology within individuals’ mouths, more specifically in the posterior teeth surfaces (Jesudass, Prabhu, Rajajee, & Sudheer, 2014). Although there have been modern procedures and preventative methods developed to help treat dental caries, in ancient times this was not always the case. The persistence of anterior teeth dental caries in juveniles is a unique pathology observed in Túcume that has not been studied yet. Through the analysis of skeletal samples, this research aims to study the specific case of the formation of anterior deciduous dental caries in juveniles located at the archaeological site of Túcume, Peru, while trying to understand the factors that might have caused them. Observational-based analysis was used to gather data, which was then used to test the proposed hypotheses that aimed to identify possible dental pathology (anterior deciduous dental caries) patterns. The sample size consisted of a dental inventory generated from the skeletal remains of 32 juveniles (< 7 years) that were excavated from Túcume. It was discovered that not all juveniles had the presence of anterior deciduous dental caries in Túcume. The discussion of this research explores possible explanations that may have contributed to the formation of anterior deciduous dental caries. Possible explanations that will be discussed include breastfeeding, The Osteological Paradox (DeWitte & Stojanowski, 2015), genetics, stress, socioeconomic levels, biomechanics and evolution of the mandible, maxilla, and teeth, non-dietary objects, and Andean weaning practices. In doing so, this research aims to provide great improvements in understanding oral health care and creating preventative measures to help avoid oral diseases starting at a young age.
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Activismo social contra el acoso sexual callejero en colectivos juveniles de LimaGonzalez Espinosa, Macarena 14 December 2015 (has links)
En Lima el acoso sexual callejero es experimentado por las mujeres cotidianamente, generando múltiples consecuencias emocionales y afectando su vivencia del espacio público. Existen, sin embargo, algunos colectivos juveniles que intentan cambiar esta realidad para generar un ambiente más saludable y justo para las mujeres limeñas. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue describir el activismo social de dichos colectivos; identificar las motivaciones de sus integrantes, así como los beneficios y dificultades que la participación en estos grupos les supone. Considerando la falta de estudios previos en este campo, se optó por un enfoque cualitativo para realizar una investigación exploratoria que genere un panorama inicial. Se trabajó con dos colectivos, la Asociación Apala y el Observatorio Ciudadano Paremos el Acoso Sexual Callejero, realizando dos entrevistas individuales y dos grupos de enfoque a las miembros que accedieron voluntariamente a participar en la investigación. En la discusión, se abarcan los resultados en tres áreas de análisis que permiten comprender el activismo social como un: "Espacio de desarrollo colectivo", "Espacio de contención" y "Espacio de reconocimiento". En ellas se analiza el desarrollo de diversos procesos, individuales y colectivos, que la participación en dichos colectivos promueve, mostrando la gran importancia que la práctica activista adquiere para la salud mental y el bienestar subjetivo de las participantes, al tiempo que impacta positivamente en la comunidad. / Everyday women in Lima experience sexual harassment in the streets. This generates multiple emotional consequences and impacts their perception of public spaces. There are, however, groups of young people trying to change this reality in order to create a healthier and fairer environment for women. The objective of the present investigation was to describe the social activism followed by these groups as well as the benefits and difficulties their participation supposes. Due to the lack of previous studies in this field, a qualitative approach was used for the realization of this exploratory investigation in order to generate an initial overview of the topic in question. Two groups were chosen for the study, the “Apala” Association and the “Paremos el Acoso Sexual Callejero” (Stop Street Harassment) Citizen Observatory, and two individual interviews as well as two focus groups were carried out to the members who agreed to participate in a voluntary manner. For a better comprehension of social activism, the discussion is divided into three areas of analysis: “Room for collective development”, “Room for Emotional Support” and “Room for acknowledgement”. This will allow an understanding of how participating in these groups promotes several individual and collective processes and will show the importance of activism for the mental health and the subjective well being of the participants. Considering, as well, the positive changes generated for the community.
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Por uma história sócio-cultural do abandono e da delinqüência de menores em Belo Horizonte 1921-1941. / For a socio-cultural history of abandonment and juvenile\'s in Belo Horizonte 1921-1942.Silva, Wesley 15 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é abordar a produção sócio-histórica de representações sobre o abandono e a delinqüência de menores em Belo Horizonte entre os anos de 1921 e 1941. Através da abordagem de espaços lugares e instituições especificamente destinadas aos menores ou apropriadas por eles, tentei entender a forma como a noção de delinqüência e abandono circulava nos espaços da Capital de Minas Gerais no período em apreço. Dessa forma, abordei, ainda que sucintamente, a cidade de Belo Horizonte na condição de espaço geográfico que oferece múltiplos lugares à apropriação para seus habitantes. Revelou-se a forma preconceituosa com que se concebiam os usos do espaço urbano pelos pobres, mas de maneira mais aguda pelos menores. A escola e a educação primária, que deveriam privilegiar a presença dessas personagens da urbanidade modernizante caracterizada na Nova Capital, cidade pedagógica por excelência, não lograram êxito em cumprir um projeto de escolarização de massas, ainda que ensejassem fazê-lo pelo uso do primado da obrigatoriedade. Nem mesmo essa estratégia com todos os dispositivos postos a funcionar foi capaz de efetivar a matrícula, freqüência e aproveitamento escolar de boa parte do contingente de menores pobres da cidade e do Estado de Minas Gerais. A resistência empreendida por esse setor da sociedade possuía diversos matizes dentre os quais a pobreza e a necessidade do trabalho em prol do sustento da família, quando essa existia. Desenhou-se, assim, um cenário no qual se passou de uma obrigatoriedade escolar que se pretendeu generalizante a outra de caráter seletivo, pois que se pretendia eficiente e funcional. No contexto onde se localiza a pesquisa, um dos principais elementos da produção dessa noção de delinqüência foi a reforma jurídica encetada pelos setores dominantes naquilo que concerne à legislação para menores. Nesse sentido, foi preciso abordar o processo de produção das leis e projetos que tem na Lei de Orçamento 4.242 de 1921 um marco essencial, muito embora os anseios de regulamentação reportem aos anos iniciais da República. A partir de 1921 caminha-se em direção à consolidação do Código de Menores de 1927, passando pela apresentação de projetos com esse fim, englobando a promulgação de Regulamentos de Assistência de âmbito nacional e estadual, em Minas Gerais. A promulgação do Código de Menores em 1927 constitui-se em um marco referencial na consolidação da noção de menor. Ao produzi-lo, produzirá também um termo pelo qual passarão a ser identificadas crianças e adolescentes abandonados, delinqüentes, desvalidos, mas também pobres trabalhadores e meninos e meninas de rua. Trata-se de um processo de despersonalização que remeterá a infância e a adolescência para uma identidade jurídica. Ao tornar-se jurídica, a identidade social das crianças e adolescentes abandonados, delinqüentes, desvalidos e expostos, entre outros designativos, tornar-se-á caso de polícia. Entre outras esferas da sociedade na qual o Código de Menores influiu, sobremaneira, figura o trabalho dos menores. Num contexto de profundas transformações sócio-econômicas, em cuja principal mudança é a relativização do setor agrário e o incremento da indústria, o aproveitamento da mão-de-obra dos menores exigirá sua regulamentação entre outras coisas por chocar-se com a representação de criança e infância ora produzidas e por constituir-se num óbice à escolarização primária pretendida para todas as crianças. Considerando o processo de urbanização e o caráter atrativo que ele exercerá sobre as populações do interior, foi preciso levar em conta que os deslocamentos populacionais se constituíram como um corolário dessa urbanização, cooperando para aumentar o contingente de famílias pobres, desempregadas e sem moradia, aumentando por conseqüência o número de menores abandonados e delinqüentes. O trabalho dos menores, observado na cidade, alocava a mão-de-obra de crianças e adolescentes pobres em atividades mal remuneradas sob condição de risco físico e moral. Dentre elas, figurava a venda de objetos, serviços e principalmente jornais. O perigo iminente que a presença dessas crianças nas ruas representava à defesa social e à própria integridade delas exigirá uma tomada de posição da sociedade organizada que encontrará no Código de Menores um instrumento significativa de respaldo à criação de instituições de preservação e reforma. Dentre elas foram criadas o Abrigo de Menores e Escola de Reforma. Ainda que não prevista no Código, a Associação Protetora dos Vendedores de Jornais figurará como iniciativa marcante, pois que foi criada graças ao concurso de personalidades do meio político, judiciário, educacional e religioso. A produção dessas instituições no âmbito de reformas encetadas no campo educacional, dentre as quais figura o processo de consolidação da obrigatoriedade do ensino primário, pode ser entendida como um recurso adotado para relativizar a resistência das camadas pobres à escola como também como um processo de diferenciação da escola e da educação a ser oferecida aos diferentes sujeitos da sociedade. Verificar-se-á a produção de uma escola para as classes dirigentes, de caráter enciclopédico e propedêutico e outra com função formativa pelo e para o trabalho, a ser destinada aos pobres e, sobretudo, a crianças abandonadas e delinqüentes, clientes nas instituições de preservação e reforma. As noções de apropriação representação, estratégias e táticas são chamadas a conferir entendimento à leitura das fontes, em prol da produção de uma história sócio-cultural do abandono e da delinqüência de menores. A imprensa jornalística e a imprensa especializada, na pessoa da Revista Forense e da Revista do Ensino, constituíram-se em importantes fontes a atestar a produção e circulação de representações sobre a menoridade abandonada e delinqüente num diálogo profícuo com os textos legislativos. As produções históricas e historiográficas sobre o tema conduziram-me ao entendimento de várias representações acerca do objeto proporcionando um entendimento que partiu do senso comum e chegou ao conhecimento específico sobre a menoridade abandonada e delinqüente em Belo Horizonte. / The purpose of this paper is to broach the historical and social production of representations about abandonment and the juveniles\' delinquency in Belo Horizonte between the years of 1921 and 1941. Through the approach of spaces, places and institutions specifically constructed for or appropriated by them, I tried to understand how the notion of delinquency and desertion was circulating in the spaces of the Capital of Minas Gerais in the period in regard. In this way, I broached, in a summarized way, the city of Belo Horizonte as a geographical space that offers multiple places to the appropriation for his inhabitants. There was revealed the prejudiced form with which the urbane space usage was conceived by the poor people and in a sharper way for the juveniles. The school and the primary education, which should privilege the presence of these characters from the modern urbanity characterized in the New Capital, pedagogic city par excellence, did not achieve result in carrying out a project of schooling of masses and although they wished provide it as a usage of the primacy of the obligatoriness. Not even this strategy with all the devices put working was able to bring into effect the enrolment, frequency and school use of good part of the contingent of poor juveniles of the city and of the State of Minas Gerais. The resistance undertaken by this sector of the society had several shades among which the poverty and the necessity of the work on behalf of the support of the family, when that one was existing. There was drawn, so, a scenery in which the school obligatoriness that intended to be wide given place to another with a selective character, so what was claimed efficiently and functionally. In the context where the research was realized, one of the principal elements the contributed for the production of this notion of delinquency was the legal reform started by the dominant sectors in the legislation for juveniles. Therefore, it was necessary to broach the process of production of the laws and projects that has in the Law of Budget 4.242 of 1921 an essential great landmark though the longings of regulations turn back to the initial years of the Republic. In 1921 the consolidation of the Juveniles\' Code of 1927 started, passing by the presentation of projects with this objective including the promulgation of Bills of Assistance of national and state extent, in Minas Gerais. The promulgation of the Juveniles\' Code in 1927 constitutes a referential landmark in the process of consolidation of the juvenile\'s notion. This code will produce also a term by which abandonned, delinquent, helpless children and teenagers will start to be identified, but also poor workers, boys and girls who live around the streets. It constitutes a process of depersonalization that will send the childhood and the adolescence for a legal identity. Becoming legal the social identity of delinquent, helpless and exposed children and adolescents, between others nominalization, will become a policial case. Among other spheres of the society which the Juveniles\' Code influenced, remarkably, the work of juveniles appears. In a context of deep, social and economical transformations, whose the mainly change is the loss of importance of the agrarian sector and the growth of the industry, the utilization of juveniles\' labor will demand regulations and other attitudes because it will crash to the produced child\'s and childhood\'s representation and because it will constitute an obstacle to the primary schooling claimed for all the children. Considering the process of urbanization and its attractive character for the inland populations, it was necessary to consider that the population displacement constituted as a corollary of urbanization, cooperating to increase the contingent of poor and unemployed families without dwelling, increasing consequently the number of abandoned and delinquent juveniles. The work of the juveniles, observed in the city, was allocating the labor of poor children and adolescents in activities badly remunerated and with hard physical and moral conditions and risks. Among them, it was the sale of objects, services and mostly newspapers. The imminent danger what the presence of these children in the streets was representing to the social defense and to their entirety itself it will demand a capture of position of the organized society which will be found in the Juveniles\' Code an signficant instrument of backrest for the creation of institutions of preservation and reform. Among them there were created the Juveniles\' Shelter and School of Reform. Even it was not predicted in the Code, the Protective Association of Newspapers\' Sellers will represent an outstanding initiative, because it was created as an effort of the political, judicial, educational and religious personalities. The production of these institutions in the context of reforms started in the education field, amongst which appears the process of consolidation of the obligatoriness of the primary teaching, can be understood like a resource adopted to decrease the resistance of poor people to go to school as also a process of differentiation of the school and of the education to be offered to the different subjects of the society. It will be verified, the production of a school for the ruling classes with an encyclopedic aspect and another one with formative function for work, being intended to the poor persons and, especially, to abandoned and delinquent children, clients in the institutions of preservation and reform. The notions of appropriation, representation, strategies and tactics are called to give understanding to the reading of the sources, on behalf of the production of a social e cultural history about the abandonment and the juveniles\' delinquency. The journalistic press and the specialized press, represented by the Revista Forense (Forense Review) and for Revista do Ensino (Teaching Review) were constituted as important fountains to attest the production and circulation of representations about the abandoned e delinquent juveniles in a useful dialog with legislative texts. The historical productions concern the subject drove me to the meaning of several representations about the object, providing an understanding that started in the common sense and reached the specific knowledge concern the delinquent and abandoned juveniles in Belo Horizonte.
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Por uma história sócio-cultural do abandono e da delinqüência de menores em Belo Horizonte 1921-1941. / For a socio-cultural history of abandonment and juvenile\'s in Belo Horizonte 1921-1942.Wesley Silva 15 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é abordar a produção sócio-histórica de representações sobre o abandono e a delinqüência de menores em Belo Horizonte entre os anos de 1921 e 1941. Através da abordagem de espaços lugares e instituições especificamente destinadas aos menores ou apropriadas por eles, tentei entender a forma como a noção de delinqüência e abandono circulava nos espaços da Capital de Minas Gerais no período em apreço. Dessa forma, abordei, ainda que sucintamente, a cidade de Belo Horizonte na condição de espaço geográfico que oferece múltiplos lugares à apropriação para seus habitantes. Revelou-se a forma preconceituosa com que se concebiam os usos do espaço urbano pelos pobres, mas de maneira mais aguda pelos menores. A escola e a educação primária, que deveriam privilegiar a presença dessas personagens da urbanidade modernizante caracterizada na Nova Capital, cidade pedagógica por excelência, não lograram êxito em cumprir um projeto de escolarização de massas, ainda que ensejassem fazê-lo pelo uso do primado da obrigatoriedade. Nem mesmo essa estratégia com todos os dispositivos postos a funcionar foi capaz de efetivar a matrícula, freqüência e aproveitamento escolar de boa parte do contingente de menores pobres da cidade e do Estado de Minas Gerais. A resistência empreendida por esse setor da sociedade possuía diversos matizes dentre os quais a pobreza e a necessidade do trabalho em prol do sustento da família, quando essa existia. Desenhou-se, assim, um cenário no qual se passou de uma obrigatoriedade escolar que se pretendeu generalizante a outra de caráter seletivo, pois que se pretendia eficiente e funcional. No contexto onde se localiza a pesquisa, um dos principais elementos da produção dessa noção de delinqüência foi a reforma jurídica encetada pelos setores dominantes naquilo que concerne à legislação para menores. Nesse sentido, foi preciso abordar o processo de produção das leis e projetos que tem na Lei de Orçamento 4.242 de 1921 um marco essencial, muito embora os anseios de regulamentação reportem aos anos iniciais da República. A partir de 1921 caminha-se em direção à consolidação do Código de Menores de 1927, passando pela apresentação de projetos com esse fim, englobando a promulgação de Regulamentos de Assistência de âmbito nacional e estadual, em Minas Gerais. A promulgação do Código de Menores em 1927 constitui-se em um marco referencial na consolidação da noção de menor. Ao produzi-lo, produzirá também um termo pelo qual passarão a ser identificadas crianças e adolescentes abandonados, delinqüentes, desvalidos, mas também pobres trabalhadores e meninos e meninas de rua. Trata-se de um processo de despersonalização que remeterá a infância e a adolescência para uma identidade jurídica. Ao tornar-se jurídica, a identidade social das crianças e adolescentes abandonados, delinqüentes, desvalidos e expostos, entre outros designativos, tornar-se-á caso de polícia. Entre outras esferas da sociedade na qual o Código de Menores influiu, sobremaneira, figura o trabalho dos menores. Num contexto de profundas transformações sócio-econômicas, em cuja principal mudança é a relativização do setor agrário e o incremento da indústria, o aproveitamento da mão-de-obra dos menores exigirá sua regulamentação entre outras coisas por chocar-se com a representação de criança e infância ora produzidas e por constituir-se num óbice à escolarização primária pretendida para todas as crianças. Considerando o processo de urbanização e o caráter atrativo que ele exercerá sobre as populações do interior, foi preciso levar em conta que os deslocamentos populacionais se constituíram como um corolário dessa urbanização, cooperando para aumentar o contingente de famílias pobres, desempregadas e sem moradia, aumentando por conseqüência o número de menores abandonados e delinqüentes. O trabalho dos menores, observado na cidade, alocava a mão-de-obra de crianças e adolescentes pobres em atividades mal remuneradas sob condição de risco físico e moral. Dentre elas, figurava a venda de objetos, serviços e principalmente jornais. O perigo iminente que a presença dessas crianças nas ruas representava à defesa social e à própria integridade delas exigirá uma tomada de posição da sociedade organizada que encontrará no Código de Menores um instrumento significativa de respaldo à criação de instituições de preservação e reforma. Dentre elas foram criadas o Abrigo de Menores e Escola de Reforma. Ainda que não prevista no Código, a Associação Protetora dos Vendedores de Jornais figurará como iniciativa marcante, pois que foi criada graças ao concurso de personalidades do meio político, judiciário, educacional e religioso. A produção dessas instituições no âmbito de reformas encetadas no campo educacional, dentre as quais figura o processo de consolidação da obrigatoriedade do ensino primário, pode ser entendida como um recurso adotado para relativizar a resistência das camadas pobres à escola como também como um processo de diferenciação da escola e da educação a ser oferecida aos diferentes sujeitos da sociedade. Verificar-se-á a produção de uma escola para as classes dirigentes, de caráter enciclopédico e propedêutico e outra com função formativa pelo e para o trabalho, a ser destinada aos pobres e, sobretudo, a crianças abandonadas e delinqüentes, clientes nas instituições de preservação e reforma. As noções de apropriação representação, estratégias e táticas são chamadas a conferir entendimento à leitura das fontes, em prol da produção de uma história sócio-cultural do abandono e da delinqüência de menores. A imprensa jornalística e a imprensa especializada, na pessoa da Revista Forense e da Revista do Ensino, constituíram-se em importantes fontes a atestar a produção e circulação de representações sobre a menoridade abandonada e delinqüente num diálogo profícuo com os textos legislativos. As produções históricas e historiográficas sobre o tema conduziram-me ao entendimento de várias representações acerca do objeto proporcionando um entendimento que partiu do senso comum e chegou ao conhecimento específico sobre a menoridade abandonada e delinqüente em Belo Horizonte. / The purpose of this paper is to broach the historical and social production of representations about abandonment and the juveniles\' delinquency in Belo Horizonte between the years of 1921 and 1941. Through the approach of spaces, places and institutions specifically constructed for or appropriated by them, I tried to understand how the notion of delinquency and desertion was circulating in the spaces of the Capital of Minas Gerais in the period in regard. In this way, I broached, in a summarized way, the city of Belo Horizonte as a geographical space that offers multiple places to the appropriation for his inhabitants. There was revealed the prejudiced form with which the urbane space usage was conceived by the poor people and in a sharper way for the juveniles. The school and the primary education, which should privilege the presence of these characters from the modern urbanity characterized in the New Capital, pedagogic city par excellence, did not achieve result in carrying out a project of schooling of masses and although they wished provide it as a usage of the primacy of the obligatoriness. Not even this strategy with all the devices put working was able to bring into effect the enrolment, frequency and school use of good part of the contingent of poor juveniles of the city and of the State of Minas Gerais. The resistance undertaken by this sector of the society had several shades among which the poverty and the necessity of the work on behalf of the support of the family, when that one was existing. There was drawn, so, a scenery in which the school obligatoriness that intended to be wide given place to another with a selective character, so what was claimed efficiently and functionally. In the context where the research was realized, one of the principal elements the contributed for the production of this notion of delinquency was the legal reform started by the dominant sectors in the legislation for juveniles. Therefore, it was necessary to broach the process of production of the laws and projects that has in the Law of Budget 4.242 of 1921 an essential great landmark though the longings of regulations turn back to the initial years of the Republic. In 1921 the consolidation of the Juveniles\' Code of 1927 started, passing by the presentation of projects with this objective including the promulgation of Bills of Assistance of national and state extent, in Minas Gerais. The promulgation of the Juveniles\' Code in 1927 constitutes a referential landmark in the process of consolidation of the juvenile\'s notion. This code will produce also a term by which abandonned, delinquent, helpless children and teenagers will start to be identified, but also poor workers, boys and girls who live around the streets. It constitutes a process of depersonalization that will send the childhood and the adolescence for a legal identity. Becoming legal the social identity of delinquent, helpless and exposed children and adolescents, between others nominalization, will become a policial case. Among other spheres of the society which the Juveniles\' Code influenced, remarkably, the work of juveniles appears. In a context of deep, social and economical transformations, whose the mainly change is the loss of importance of the agrarian sector and the growth of the industry, the utilization of juveniles\' labor will demand regulations and other attitudes because it will crash to the produced child\'s and childhood\'s representation and because it will constitute an obstacle to the primary schooling claimed for all the children. Considering the process of urbanization and its attractive character for the inland populations, it was necessary to consider that the population displacement constituted as a corollary of urbanization, cooperating to increase the contingent of poor and unemployed families without dwelling, increasing consequently the number of abandoned and delinquent juveniles. The work of the juveniles, observed in the city, was allocating the labor of poor children and adolescents in activities badly remunerated and with hard physical and moral conditions and risks. Among them, it was the sale of objects, services and mostly newspapers. The imminent danger what the presence of these children in the streets was representing to the social defense and to their entirety itself it will demand a capture of position of the organized society which will be found in the Juveniles\' Code an signficant instrument of backrest for the creation of institutions of preservation and reform. Among them there were created the Juveniles\' Shelter and School of Reform. Even it was not predicted in the Code, the Protective Association of Newspapers\' Sellers will represent an outstanding initiative, because it was created as an effort of the political, judicial, educational and religious personalities. The production of these institutions in the context of reforms started in the education field, amongst which appears the process of consolidation of the obligatoriness of the primary teaching, can be understood like a resource adopted to decrease the resistance of poor people to go to school as also a process of differentiation of the school and of the education to be offered to the different subjects of the society. It will be verified, the production of a school for the ruling classes with an encyclopedic aspect and another one with formative function for work, being intended to the poor persons and, especially, to abandoned and delinquent children, clients in the institutions of preservation and reform. The notions of appropriation, representation, strategies and tactics are called to give understanding to the reading of the sources, on behalf of the production of a social e cultural history about the abandonment and the juveniles\' delinquency. The journalistic press and the specialized press, represented by the Revista Forense (Forense Review) and for Revista do Ensino (Teaching Review) were constituted as important fountains to attest the production and circulation of representations about the abandoned e delinquent juveniles in a useful dialog with legislative texts. The historical productions concern the subject drove me to the meaning of several representations about the object, providing an understanding that started in the common sense and reached the specific knowledge concern the delinquent and abandoned juveniles in Belo Horizonte.
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Environmental management of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and turbot (Scophthalamus maximus) : implications of noise, light and substrateSierra Flores, Rogelio January 2014 (has links)
During the last decades marine aquaculture has steadily expanded and diversified to include a wider range of commercial species. Despite the intense effort towards understanding the biological requirements of farmed species, several issues remain to be addressed. Mariculture success is restricted by a number of production bottlenecks including limited seed supply, caused mainly through a combination of compromised productivity in broodstock paired with high mortalities during the early life stages. Productivity and survival success is often dependent on the successful recreation of natural environmental conditions. While in a commercial setting a concerted effort is generally made to simulate key environmental stimuli there remains a lack of understanding of the significance of many potential signals. The overarching aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of some of the overlooked environmental stimuli on fish performance in enclosed facilities and where possible relate this to the natural setting from which the species have been removed. The studies contained in this text are focused on the effects of anthropogenic noise, light spectral composition and substrate on the performance of broodstock and juvenile development of two valuable commercial marine species Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). The aim of Chapter 3 was to test if artificial sound can act as a stressor in Atlantic cod and thereafter to examine if chronic sound disturbances can compromise broodstock spawning performance in land-based facilities. Results showed that anthropogenic noises in a land-based marine farm are within the auditory thresholds of cod and other fish species. Juvenile cod exposed to 10 min of artificial noise (100-1,000 Hz) from 10 to 20 dB 1 re µPa above background sound levels presented a typical acute stress response with a 4 fold elevation of plasma cortisol levels within 20 min, with a return to basal levels after 40 min, while the intensity of the stress response (in terms of amplitude and return to normal levels) appeared to be correlated to the noise level applied. When a similar artificial noise of 35 dB 1 re µPa above background sound level was applied to a broodstock population daily on a random schedule during the spawning season, it significantly impacted on reproductive performances in comparison to a control undisturbed population with notably a reduction in fertilisation rate that correlated with increased egg cortisol contents. Overall, these studies confirmed, for the first time, that artificial noise mimicking anthropogenic sounds generated in marine land-based facilities trigger a typical acute stress response if a similar sound exposure is then applied in a chronic manner it resulted in reduced broodstock spawning performances. Overall this work provides novel evidence on the potential of anthropogenic noise to act as stressor in fish. The possible implications for both captive and wild stock are discussed. In chapter 4 the effects of light spectrum and tank background colour on Atlantic cod and turbot larval performance from hatch until the end of metamorphosis were investigated. In both species larvae exposed to shorter wavelengths (blue and green spectrums) showed significantly enhanced growth in terms of standard length, myotome height, eye diameter and condition factor in comparison to larvae exposed to longer wavelengths (red). Larvae performances in the colour background experiment differed between species. Atlantic cod larvae reared in a red tank background displayed the best growth and survival, while larvae in blue tank background had a significant positive effect on final survival rate. In contrast, turbot larvae survival rates were the highest in the red tank background colour with the lowest growth parameters, while larvae in the blue tank background displayed the best growth. In both species, white tank background colour resulted in the lowest final survival rate. These results highlight the biological relevance of light spectrum and background colour in marine larvae performance and survival, demonstrating the importance of considering the light composition of the light units used in the hatcheries for larval rearing. Subsequently in chapter 5 the effects of light spectrum in juvenile turbot growth, appetite, stress response and skin pigmentation were investigated. Two sets of experiments were performed with post-metamorphosed (1 g) and on-growing (100 g) turbot. Results demonstrated that short wavelength treatments had a significant positive effect on growth parameters (total length and wet weight), food intake and feeding response. Light treatments caused a positive correlation between plasma glucose and cortisol levels with significant differences between the short and long wavelength treatments. Skin pigmentation was affected by the light treatments, showing a relationship between wavelength and brightness (negative) and darkness (positive). Blue light treatment resulted in brighter and lighter skin colouration, while red light had the opposite effect: darkening of the skin. Overall these results confirm that turbot juveniles performance is enhanced by exposing them to a similar photic environment than the one from the natural ecological niche. Light spectrum intervenes in skin pigmentation and the possible mechanisms behind the variations are discussed. In general chapter 5 provides background knowledge of the possible implications of light spectrum in fish juveniles performance and possible commercial applications. The final two experimental chapters turned focus back on the optimisation of broodstock environmental management and subsequent effects on their productivity. In Chapter 6 the importance of crepuscular light simulation was investigated in Atlantic cod broodstock spawning performance. No significant impact could be observed in terms of egg production and quality in association with dawn/dusk simulation compared to abrupt lights on/off. This suggests, at least for Atlantic cod, that crepuscular light simulation is not a key factor affecting spawning performance during the spawning window. The possible implications of twilight on gamete quality prior ovulation are discussed. In Chapter 7 the effect of a “breeding nest” containing a substrate (i.e. sand) in turbot broodstock spawning performance was investigated. Behavioural observation recorded active occupancy of the nests with the suggestion of social structuring as specific individuals (females) occupied the nest preferentially. However no fertilised, naturally released eggs were collected from the overflow during the spawning seasons. This would suggest that the presence of a nest is not enough to induce natural spawning behaviour in turbot in itself however the elective occupancy suggests that nests and/or their substrate was a physical enrichment that was valued by the fish which should be explored further. Overall the studies contained in this thesis highlight further the importance of considering noise and light as crucial environmental factors in marine aquaculture. Results from the different chapters offer a possible application within the enclosed facilities that might contribute to the success of the industry. Present findings contribute towards the understanding of the effects of environmental signals in fish and provide further insight to guide further lines of research on the involvement of light spectrum on fish physiology.
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Capacidad y factores asociados a la resiliencia, en adolescentes del C.E. Mariscal Andrés Avelino Cáceres del Sector IV de Pamplona Alta San Juan de Miraflores 2002Aguirre Gonzáles, Aída January 2004 (has links)
La resiliencia se define como el conjunto de procesos sociales e intrapsiquícos que posibilitan a las personas a tener una vida sana en un medio insano como producto de las interacciones de sus atributos con su ambiente social, ello justifica la realización del presente estudio titulado: “CAPACIDAD Y FACTORES ASOCIADOS A LA RESILIENCIA, EN ADOLESCENTES DEL C.E.M. “A.A.C.” DEL SECTOR IV DE PAMPLONA ALTA S.J.M.
En este estudio de tipo descriptivo exploratorio de corte transversal se aplicó la Lista de Chequeo de Goldstein modificado para determinar la capacidad de resiliencia (C.R) y un formulario para identificar los factores asociados a la resiliencia (F.A.R.) en 214 adolescentes del mencionado C.E.
Se obtuvo que el 97.6% poseen una C.R entre alta y mediana, de los cuales en el 54.3% se presentan mas factores protectores (F.P) y en el 44.4% se presentan mas factores de riesgo (F.R). En 24.3% la familia es considerada como el F.P más importante, 20.6% es la comunidad y 10.75% consideran a la escuela como F.P. Entre los adolescentes con C.R alta, el 20.5% lo constituyen las mujeres y el 14% los varones.
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Despite recent drops in rates, juvenile incarceration remains a serious issue in the United States (Hockenberry, 2013; Mendel, 2011). One shared part of the incarceration experience across different systems and facility types is the obligation for juvenile offenders to receive correctional education. Ample research demonstrates that increased academic achievement, attending community school, and being employed are connected to better community outcomes and desistance, yet little is known about how school experiences in the facility influences these outcomes. Applying life-course theory of the development of crime (Sampson & Laub, 1997, 2005), the present study investigates whether correctional education serves as a turning point to influence a number of community adjustment outcomes in serious juvenile offenders. Specifically, it tested how subjective (teacher bonding and school orientation) and objective (grades, time spent in the facility school) parts of the school experience during the facility stay were related to transitioning to community schools (attendance), and/or work (gainful activity and employment), self-reported delinquency, and staying in the community at 6 and 12 months after release for a sample of 519 male and 50 female serious juvenile offenders. Results showed
that across juvenile and adult facilities, improved attachment to the facility school while incarcerated predicted increased involvement in gainful activity and decreases in self-reported delinquency up to 12 months after release. This positive effect was greatest for younger offenders who returned to school, even when accounting for the number of previous facility stays and prior community school experiences. Conversely, older offenders who returned to gainful employment showed less positive adjustment. In contrast to other studies, grades received while incarcerated were not a significant predictor of community adjustment. Overall, the results repeatedly show behavioral differences based on individual history and experiences during incarceration across different types of facilities, strongly supporting a research agenda that treats incarceration as more than a binary variable. The present results add to the corpus of evidence that the perspective of the incarcerated juveniles matter and suggest that the school experience while incarcerated can serve as an important turning point, indicating resources should be directed towards enhancing juveniles’ school orientation and relationships with teachers.
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Un acercamiento al régimen cerrado de SENAME y la experiencia de los centros licitadosMartínez Salinas, Cristóbal Nicolás January 2015 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Desde la puesta en marcha de la ley 20.084, el 08 de junio del
año 2007, el sistema penal destinado a los adolescentes sufrió un gran
cambio. Sin embargo, existen múltiples factores que debemos analizar
atendiendo al tiempo transcurrido desde su entrada en vigencia para
determinar si dicha reforma surtió efectos; en segundo lugar, si estos
efectos fueron los deseados y, por último, si acaso el aparato estatal
diseñado para dar respuesta a la necesidad de intervenir a los menores
infractores de ley ha sido una herramienta útil, efectiva y real que esté a
la altura de lo que se requiere en términos de reinserción social y
En este sentido, además de lo establecido por la ley 20.084, sobre
Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente, momento en el cual se hace una
declaración de principios de este nuevo sistema penal, se fijaron sus
penas –ciertamente menos gravosas que las establecidas para adultos
que cometan los mismos delitos- se da cuenta del diseño de planes de
intervención y equipos multidisciplinarios que traten a los menores, con
todo lo que ello implica para que los menores infractores de ley retornen
a la sociedad insertos en ella. Lo cierto es que de un tiempo a esta parte
las críticas son muchas, y no parece ser una solución convincente y
efectiva al problema de los delincuentes menores de edad.
Se abordará esta problemática desde distintos puntos, buscando
identificar las falencias de un sistema que nació prometiendo un nuevo
trato, el cual parece haberse ido diluyendo con el tiempo, la pregunta es
¿por qué?
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Možnosti řešení trestní odpovědnosti mladistvých v evropském kontextu / The possible solutions of juvenile criminal liability in the European contextPošíková, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis thoroughly examines the issue of response to juvenile delinquency and potential solutions of their criminal liability in the European context. The thesis describes the historical development of approach to juvenile delinquency, as well as basic models of youth justice. The important part of the thesis focuses on comparative analyses of selected foreign legislation, namely the legal order of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In depth are analyzed penalty systems of those countries and their mutual comparison. Further part is dedicated to evaluation of selected sanctions in terms of their effectiveness based on knowledge about recidivism of juvenile offenders. In relation to effectiveness of sanctions the thesis deals with question how to influence different types of juvenile offenders from the perspective of developmental criminology, especially chronic offenders. Author pays attention to the phenomenon of chronic juvenile offenders, formulates risk factors used to identify and predict the life-course delinquency. Following subpart discusses two of the most important factors influencing the committing of serious crimes by juveniles, e.g. delinquent peer groups and immigrant origin, which are relative neglected in the Czech professional literature. The importance of immigrant origin for a...
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