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Characterization of circulating DNA as a biomarker for genetic aberrations in humans / Maniesh van der VaartVan der Vaart, Maniesh January 2006 (has links)
Circulating DNA is fragments of DNA which can be found in the blood of healthy
as well as diseased individuals. Higher levels of these nucleic acid molecules
can be found in diseased and pregnant individuals in contrast to healthy controls.
The origin of circulating DNA has not been elucidated, but release of DNA after
apoptosis or necrosis or active release by living cells has been hypothesized. It
was concluded in this study that apoptosis or necrosis may only be a minor
source of circulating DNA and that release of DNA by living cells might play a
major role in the origin, while disturbance of the equilibrium between release by
living cells and clearance mechanisms may cause the rise in the levels of
circulating DNA observed in different conditions.
Before circulating DNA can be analyzed, it has to be isolated from the blood. A
number of different preanalytical conditions can have an impact on the quantity
and quality of circulating DNA that can be isolated. Furthermore, the choice of
isolation and quantification method may also influence the results obtained.
Quantitative analysis of circulating DNA was done by real-time PCR analysis of
the &Globin gene and the DNA levels obtained for healthy controls and cancer
patients correlated with levels reported in the literature.
Characterization of total circulating DNA may be beneficial in diagnosis and
prognosis and may also contribute to determining the source and function of
circulating DNA. In order for characterization to take place a method to clone
total circulating DNA was developed and standardized and thirty-five clones were
obtained and analyzed. It was found that the sequences contain a large amount
of Alu repeats and the significance of this has not been determined yet. This is a
first step towards future studies. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007
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En studie av Quentin Tarantinos karaktärsskapande : Analys av karaktärerna O-ren Ishii, Hans Landa och Calvin Candie / A Study of Quentin Tarantino's Character Creation : Analysis of the Characters O-ren Ishii, Hans Landa and Calvin CandiePaulsson, Tim January 2019 (has links)
Quentin Tarantino är välkänd för att skriva bra dialog och lyfts ofta fram som skicklig på att skapa intressanta karaktärer. I denna studie analyseras tre av hans karaktärer O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu) från Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003), Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) från Inglourious Basterds (2009) och Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) från Django Unchained (2012). Målet med studien är förankra karaktärsteorin i konkreta exempel på karaktärer som är skapade av Tarantino, samt att bidra med kunskap om hur man skapar välgjorda karaktärer. Målet uppnås genom att svara på två frågeställningar: 1) Hur är karaktärerna O-Ren Ishii, Hans Landa och Calvin Candie uppbyggda? 2) Finns det ett mönster i hur Tarantino har skapat dessa tre karaktärer? För att kunna svara på frågeställningarna analyseras de tre karaktärerna utifrån karaktärsteori baserat på den information som kan erhållas i filmerna Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Inglourious Basterds och Django Unchained, filmmanuskripten till de tre filmerna och intervjuer med Quentin Tarantino. Studien visar att alla de tre karaktärerna är oförutsägbara och har en stor spridning av motstridiga egenskaper. Istället för att bygga på identifikation, empati eller sympati, bygger karaktärerna på att skapa spänning och att hålla publiken kognitivt aktiv.
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Characterization of circulating DNA as a biomarker for genetic aberrations in humans / Maniesh van der VaartVan der Vaart, Maniesh January 2006 (has links)
Circulating DNA is fragments of DNA which can be found in the blood of healthy
as well as diseased individuals. Higher levels of these nucleic acid molecules
can be found in diseased and pregnant individuals in contrast to healthy controls.
The origin of circulating DNA has not been elucidated, but release of DNA after
apoptosis or necrosis or active release by living cells has been hypothesized. It
was concluded in this study that apoptosis or necrosis may only be a minor
source of circulating DNA and that release of DNA by living cells might play a
major role in the origin, while disturbance of the equilibrium between release by
living cells and clearance mechanisms may cause the rise in the levels of
circulating DNA observed in different conditions.
Before circulating DNA can be analyzed, it has to be isolated from the blood. A
number of different preanalytical conditions can have an impact on the quantity
and quality of circulating DNA that can be isolated. Furthermore, the choice of
isolation and quantification method may also influence the results obtained.
Quantitative analysis of circulating DNA was done by real-time PCR analysis of
the &Globin gene and the DNA levels obtained for healthy controls and cancer
patients correlated with levels reported in the literature.
Characterization of total circulating DNA may be beneficial in diagnosis and
prognosis and may also contribute to determining the source and function of
circulating DNA. In order for characterization to take place a method to clone
total circulating DNA was developed and standardized and thirty-five clones were
obtained and analyzed. It was found that the sequences contain a large amount
of Alu repeats and the significance of this has not been determined yet. This is a
first step towards future studies. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007
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Resor i 1800-talets Japan : En analys av två svenska reseskildringar i Japan under Meijieran / Traveling in the 19th Century Japan : An analysis of two Swedish traveloguesMoen, Björn January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the characterization of Japan and Japanese people by Swedish travelers during the Meiji period. It seeks to answer what aspects of Japanese people two Swedish travelers chose to highlight, and how these aspects were presented in their travelogues. This thesis also has a second aim. By applying Edward Said’s theory of orientalism, it wants to answer if Swedish travelogues were influenced by western 19th century ideas of colonialism and imperialism. Finally, the third question deals with the question if these travelogues fit the general European discourse regarding Japan. The results show that the two Swedish travelers present many different parts of the Japanese; topics such as nature, industry and the character its inhabitants were all accounted for. Most of these different aspects were presented in a positive light, and this seems to hold true for the general perception of the country. It also shows that the travelogues fits in with the general Swedish perception of Japan; that it is a country inhabited by intelligent people that are considered to be highly civilized. However, it is still implied that the Japanese are not considered to be true equals, despite the travelers' claim that they are excelling in many areas compared to Europeans. The Japanese discourse is therefore one of admiration and also of a subtle feeling of superiority, though the latter is not as overt in its presentation as it was with orientalism.
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Vinterviken- studie av afallsegenskaper hos bottensediment. / Vinterviken - Waste Properties of Bottom Sediment.Seidevall Byström, Lilliy January 2014 (has links)
Förorenade områden är ett problem då föroreningarna kan påverka hälsa och miljö. När förorenade områden saneras genom schaktning eller muddring utgör schaktmas-sorna ett avfall. Avfallsklassificering är en viktig del vid sanering av förorenade områ-den. Det finns mycket lagstiftning att förhålla sig till och många analysmetoder att välja på. Detta kandidatarbete syftar till att avfallklassificera och identifiera aktuell de-poni för bottensedimenten i Vinterviken i södra Stockholm samt diskutera resultatens relevans mot bakgrund av forskning på området. Resultaten visar att bottensedimen-ten utgör ett icke farligt avfall som på grund av sin TOC halt inte kan placeras på de-poni utan att genomgå förbehandling eller att dispens från gränsvärdena ges. Det finns osäkerhet i de reglerade analysmetoderna och redovisade avfallsegenskaper kan på denna grund ifrågasättas.
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Förnyelsebar plast från rapshalm / Bioplastic from rapeseed strawEL Khoury, Youssef January 2014 (has links)
Efterfrågan på förnyelsebara och miljövänliga produkter har ökat under de senaste åren. Biobaserade plaster anses vara en av de mest lovande innovationer. Det övergripande målet med examensarbetet var att undersöka möjligheterna att utvinna xylan och glukomannan ur rapshalm. Metoden som utnyttjades var en hydrotermisk extraktion. Inverkan av temperatur, pH och tid studerades genom att tillämpa ett faktorförsök på två nivåer. En askhalt- och torrhalt-analys utfördes på produkterna för att dels bestämma andelen oorganiskt material, dels beräkna det totala utbytet. Hemicellulosans molekylvikt bestämdes med hjälp av en SEC-analys. Kolhydratsammansättningen och andelen lignin i varje prov avslöjdes genom att utföra en kolhydratanalys. Två väletablerade tekniker (NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance) och FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy)) användes i detta arbete för bestämning av strukturen. NMR utnyttjades för att studera förhållandet mellan sockret och sidogrupperna medan IR användes för identifiering av de funktionella grupperna som förekommer i varje prov. Hemicellulosan som togs fram i projektet användes till gjutning av plastfilmer vars mekaniska egenskaper studerades genom att utföra dragprovningar. Resultaten påvisade ett högt utbyte av produkt i samband med höga koncentrationer av NaOH. Andelen oorganiskt material var högre för de prover som behandlades med enbart vatten jämfört med de prover som behandlades med alkali. IC-analysen påvisade att glukomannan utsöndras med vatten medan utbytet av xylan blir högre vid behandling med alkali. IC-analysen visade även att den specifika typen av xylan i den undersökta rapshalmen utgörs av arabinoglukuronoxylan. SEC-analysen fastställde att vattenbehandlade prover har en högre molekylvikt. Ett oväntat resultat var att mängden lignin som erhölls i de vattenbehandlade proverna var högre än de som erhölls vid alkalibehandling. Resultaten från NMR- och IR- analyserna påvisade förekomsten av polysackarider i de olika proven. Dragprovningen visade att jämnt fördelade andelar xylan och glukomannan tillsammans med en hög molekylvikt bidrog till en större förmåga hos materialet att kunna bemöta den ökade belastningen.
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Mucin preparation and assembly into new biomaterialsZhong, Xueying January 2016 (has links)
Mucins, the main macromolecular constituent responsible for gel-forming property in mucus, have great potential to act as new biological hydrogel for medical applications. Click chemistry reaction is an attractive tool to be applied in both bioconjugation and material science to form covalent bonds between molecules. Herein the click chemistry reaction of tetrazine-norbornene ligation was adapted to form click mucin hydrogel using purified commercial available bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM). This study included the characterization, purification and chemical modification of commercial available BSM. The flow filtration purification was chosen after investigating the effectiveness and yields of four different purification strategies. The reactivity of tetrazine and norbornene-functionalized BSM was evident from the formation of robust mucin hydrogel within minutes after mixing the two components. / Mucin, den viktigaste makromolekylära beståndsdel som ansvarar för den gelbildande egenskapen i slem, har stor potential att fungera som en ny biologisk hydrogel för medicinska tillämpningar. Klick-kemi reaktioner är attraktiva verktyg som kan användas i både biokonjugering och materialvetenskap för att bilda kovalenta bindningar mellan molekyler. I detta projekt användes renat kommersiellt köpt bovint submaxillärt mucin (BSM) i en klick-kemi reaktion för att sammanlänka tetrazin och norbornylen. Denna reaktion anpassades för att bilda en mucin hydrogel. Detta projekt inkluderade karakterisering, rening och kemisk modifiering av kommersiellt köpt BSM. Flödesfiltrering valdes som reningsmetod efter undersöking av effektivitet och utbyte av fyra olika reningsstrategier. Reaktiviteten hos tetrazin och norbornen-funktionaliserad BSM var uppenbar från bildandet av robust mucin hydrogel inom några minuter efter de två komponenterna sammanblandats.
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Ferdinand... they should have called you Caliban : En intertextuell karaktärsanalys av huvudpersonerna i John Fowles roman The Collector och William Shakespeares pjäs The Tempest / Ferdinand... they should have called you Caliban : An Intertextual Character Analysis of the Main Characters in John Fowles’s Novel The Collector and William Shakespeare’s Play The TempestHolmberg, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
This essay analyses the two main characters in John Fowles’s novel The Collector and the three characters Miranda, Ferdinand and Caliban in William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, as well as the intertextual connection between them. The essay is based off the idea of intertextuality, which refers to a connection between texts. To study this connection, a comparative method is used. The character analysis is grounded upon Shlomith Rimmon- Kenan’s model for characterization. The essay concludes that the main characteristics of the characters in The Tempest are mirrored in the corresponding characters in The Collector. Miranda is kindhearted, empathic, brave, naïve, romanticizing, innocent and superior. Ferdinand and Caliban are both present in Clegg’s character, in which the former side is naïve, romanticizing, civilized, in control of his sexual urge and honorable; while the latter side is inhuman, a villain, violent, uncivilized, not in control of his sexual urge, incapable of change and does not show any remorse. The comparison of the two works also sheds light on the slave-motif that is present in The Collector, both in the inner struggle between Clegg’s two alter egon, as well as in his relationship with Miranda. / Denna uppsats analyserar de två huvudkaraktärerna i John Fowles roman The Collector och de tre karaktärerna Miranda, Ferdinand och Caliban i William Shakespeares pjäs The Tempest samt den intertextuella kopplingen dem emellan. Uppsatsen utgår från begreppet intertextualitet som indikerar ett samband mellan texter. För att undersöka detta samband används en komparativ metod. I botten för karaktärsanalysen ligger Shlomith Rimmon- Kenans modell för karakterisering. Uppsatsen visar att huvuddragen hos karaktärerna i The Tempest speglas i karaktärernas motparter i The Collector. Miranda är godhjärtad, empatisk, modig, naiv, romantiserande, oskuldsfull och överlägsen. Ferdinand och Caliban kommer båda till uttryck i Cleggs karaktär, där den förra sidan är naiv, romantiserande, civiliserad, i kontroll över sin sexuella drift och hederlig; medan den senare sidan är omänsklig, en skurk, våldsam, ociviliserad, inte kan kontrollera sin sexuella drift, oförmögen att förändras och inte visar någon ånger. Jämförelsen mellan verken bidrar även till att belysa det slavmotiv som förekommer i The Collector och tar uttryck dels i den inre kamp som pågår mellan Cleggs två alteregon samt i hans relation med Miranda.
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Ionizing radiation as imaging tool for coal characterization and gasification research / Hoffman, J.W.Hoffman, Jakobus Willem January 2012
In this study, imaging with ionizing radiation was evaluated as a research technique in coal research. Part of the evaluation was to conduct a thorough literature survey as well as a preliminary investigation into coal pyrolysis and gasification with micro–focus X–ray tomography.
The literature survey summarizes previous research experiences, primarily focussing on the possibility of utilizing a specific coal bed for carbon dioxide sequestration and methane production. This includes quantifying the fracture and cleat network and visualizing the orientation of this network. The cleat and fracture spacing and aperture are used to calculate certain parameters necessary to model gas flow. Other aspects include non–destructive characterization which consisted of determining the porosity and the minerals and macerals present and the respective mineral distribution. The literature survey also includes a section on the utilization of neutrons in coal research and a description of a neutron imaging facility in South Africa is presented.
Three coal samples from the Waterberg and Highveld regions of South Africa were used to investigate the process of pyrolysis through micro–focus X–ray tomography. The samples swelled significantly when 50% pyrolysis was achieved after which the samples became brittle.
This verified the plastic nature of the coal, that is prevalent under these conditions. It was also possible to perform qualitative characterizations prior to and during the process. Regions of low and high density materials could also be visualized. The distribution of the minerals is indicative of the permeability of the organic matrix. Two coal samples of the Highveld regions were used to investigate gasification up to a level of 30%. It was possible to verify that the reaction progressed according to the mechanisms proposed by the un–reacted shrinking core model.
The mineral matter and the high density coal macerals did not influence the reaction in any way. / http://hdl.handle.net//10394/7008 / Thesis (M.Ing. (Chemical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Ionizing radiation as imaging tool for coal characterization and gasification research / Hoffman, J.W.Hoffman, Jakobus Willem January 2012
In this study, imaging with ionizing radiation was evaluated as a research technique in coal research. Part of the evaluation was to conduct a thorough literature survey as well as a preliminary investigation into coal pyrolysis and gasification with micro–focus X–ray tomography.
The literature survey summarizes previous research experiences, primarily focussing on the possibility of utilizing a specific coal bed for carbon dioxide sequestration and methane production. This includes quantifying the fracture and cleat network and visualizing the orientation of this network. The cleat and fracture spacing and aperture are used to calculate certain parameters necessary to model gas flow. Other aspects include non–destructive characterization which consisted of determining the porosity and the minerals and macerals present and the respective mineral distribution. The literature survey also includes a section on the utilization of neutrons in coal research and a description of a neutron imaging facility in South Africa is presented.
Three coal samples from the Waterberg and Highveld regions of South Africa were used to investigate the process of pyrolysis through micro–focus X–ray tomography. The samples swelled significantly when 50% pyrolysis was achieved after which the samples became brittle.
This verified the plastic nature of the coal, that is prevalent under these conditions. It was also possible to perform qualitative characterizations prior to and during the process. Regions of low and high density materials could also be visualized. The distribution of the minerals is indicative of the permeability of the organic matrix. Two coal samples of the Highveld regions were used to investigate gasification up to a level of 30%. It was possible to verify that the reaction progressed according to the mechanisms proposed by the un–reacted shrinking core model.
The mineral matter and the high density coal macerals did not influence the reaction in any way. / http://hdl.handle.net//10394/7008 / Thesis (M.Ing. (Chemical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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