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Toward an Ecclesial Vision in the Shadow of Wounds:Selak, Annie January 2020 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Nancy Pineda-Madrid / This dissertation in the area of systematic theology examines wounds in the church, specifically two examples of systematic injustice that prevent the church from living into its mission to proclaim the Gospel and make present the reign of God on earth. I argue that the church is wounded, as most clearly evidenced by the wounds of racism and sexism. Ecclesiology must take seriously the reality of wounds in order to be church in credible and authentic ways. In order to deepen this examination, I utilize contemporary trauma theory as a tool to clarify the nature and dynamic of wounds. The overarching theme of trauma theory is woundedness, for the term “trauma” derives from the Greek term for wound. An originating trauma or wound continues to become known to the victim in the present and future, unable to be relegated to the past. As a result, it is essential for the church to attend to the site of the wound in order to uncover the truth contained in the wound rather than ignoring it. The church cannot fully be church if it neglects its own painful and uncomfortable wounds. Rather, in order for the church to embody its mission, it must attend to these insistent, important, and neglected wounds. The capacious ecclesiological work of Karl Rahner, when placed in dialogue with trauma studies, reorients ecclesial self-understanding. Rahner’s understanding of church as symbol and sacrament affirms paradoxical realities of the church, such as the church as sinful and holy. Rahner’s emphasis on the church as mystery has the capacity to hold the challenges articulated by trauma theory, for there is always more to the church than currently expressed. Rahner’s ecclesiology emphasizes the importance of the concrete as well as the transcendent, attending to the realities of wounds in the church while being attentive to the ongoing self-gift of God. Together, the contributions of trauma theory and Rahner’s ecclesiology illuminate ways to identify essential components of an ecclesial vision in the shadow of wounds. An ecclesial vision in the shadow of wounds must include lived experience, center the role of wounds, consider ecclesial authenticity, embrace paradox, and hold space for the revelatory nature of wounds. If ecclesiology fails to attend to the wounds of the church, our understanding and practice of the church will become distorted. The marks of the church as one, holy, catholic and apostolic are threatened when the wounds of the church are denied. By engaging in this ecclesiological method, wounds in the church can undergo a transfiguration to become post-Easter wounds, where their memory still exists but they cease to continue to harm the church. This dissertation argues that Roman Catholic ecclesiology must address its own institutional wounds in order to credibly embody its mission to make the reign of God present in the world, while living into the already-but-not-yet reign of God. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2020. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.
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Subversion und Implosion. Die andere Moderne des Joris-Karl HuysmansBaethge, Constanze 05 July 2012 (has links)
Die in dieser Studie vermittelte Geschichte der Moderne setzt sich erstmals von der chronologischen Ernsthaftigkeit der Fin-de-Siècle Ismen ab, um am Beispiel des Ikonoklasten Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848 - 1907) das subversive Programm der ästhetischen Revolution zwischen Baudelaire und Breton sowohl poetologisch als auch sozialgeschichtlich neu zu verorten.
Unveröffentlichte Briefdokumente aus dem 19. Jahrhundert gewähren erstaunliche Einblicke in den so unsentimentalen Prozeß der Literaturwerdung, dessen teils ironische, teils skandalöse literarische Substanz mit stilistischer Brillanz extrahiert werden. Auf der Basis der kultursoziologischen Theorien Pierre Bourdieus können sowohl produktionsästhetische als auch inhaltsästhetische Analyseverfahren zeigen, wie der Schriftsteller, Kunstkritiker und Konvertit Huysmans die institutionelle und literarische Autonomie unterläuft und damit die reglementierte ästhetische Praxis der klassischen Moderne ad absurdum führt.
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Karl X Gustav, Fem gestaltningar genom tiden : En studie i hur 1600-tals kungen Karl X Gustav har gestalts i historieböckerna från åren 1855, 1924, 1958, 1984 & 2009 / Charles X Gustav, Five compositions through timeNensén, Albin January 2021 (has links)
Charles X Gustav was a Swedish king during the 17th century and mostlyremembered for his military camping to take control of the Baltic Sea. As oflate, Charles X has not been as well mentioned as other monarchs in Swedishhistory (such as Gustav Vasa or Charles XII). Therefore this study isconducted to investigate how Charles X has been depicted in five differenthistory books written between 1855 and 2009 and examine how the historicalview has change during a period of almost 150 years, in the purpose of thedevelopment of historiography as well as judging the matter of how valid thebooks and the authors are as sources. The development of the history behindCharles X shows that throughout the years it's still mainly focusing on themilitary history, but during the development of history it becomes moreapparent with the inclusion of social relations, the aftermath that warfare hason the common man and how Charles X is depicted. First in the 19th centuryas a fairytale like warrior king to more of a living human being with doubtand a questionable morale in the 20th and 21st century. A development inthe field of retelling history has been observed as writing about Charles Xhas become more and more unbiased as time has gone by and includes moreaspects outside the themes of war and incorporates more social history aboutwomen and children.
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Metodutveckling för bestämning av vattenhalt i presspan / Development of a quantitative method for determining water content in pressboardAhlén Norberg, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
Vid produktion av nya transformatorer adsorberas fukten från luften i den fasta isolationen (presspan) vilket påverkar isolationskapaciteten. Därför genomgår transformatorn en torkningsprocess innan den fylls med olja. Vatteninnehållet i den fasta isolationen mäts kvantitativt genom Karl Fischer (KF)-titrering. KF-titrering används ofta för bestämning av vattenhalten i produkter inom industrin och är en beprövad metod som använts under många år. Bestämning av vattenhalten genom manuell KF-titrering är tidskrävande på grund av omständlig provberedning genom termisk extraktion med metanol. En automatiserad metod för bestämning av vattenhalten i presspan kloss har utvecklats genom KF-ugnsextraktion. En kvantitativ analys av vattenhalten i presspan med KF-coulometri genom ugnsextraktion jämfördes med KF-coulometri genom metanolextraktion. Syftet med projektet var att undersöka möjligheten att utveckla en snabbare och enklare mätmetod för vattenhalten i kaseinlimmad presspankloss (HDLC) och polyesterlimmad presspankloss (HDLP) genom att implementera KF-coulometri med ugnsextraktion. Det initiala steget var att undersöka och bestämma en metod för provberedning och bestämning av driftparametrar (ugnstemperatur, inertgasflöde och extraktionstid). Driftparametrar som bestämdes var en ugnstemperatur på 170 grader Celsius, inertgasflödet på 50 ml/min och extraktionstid på 600 sekunder. Resultatet av undersökningen av olika provtagningsmetoder indikerade att provtagning med skölp eller stämjärn inte uppfyllde kraven för att ersätta provtagning genom borrning. Validering av metoden genomfördes med en certifierad fast standard med känd vattenhalt (1%) från Aquastar (certifierad i ett ISO/IEC 17025 ackrediterat testlaboratorium). Den uppmätta halten med den utvecklade metoden var lägre än den förväntade. En kalibreringsmodell upprättades utifrån standarden med en korrelationskoefficient av 0,9952 som indikerar att kalibreringsmodellen visade god linjäritet. Riktigheten för mätmetoden har utvärderats enligt ISO 5725-4. Metodens riktighet visade sig inte vara godkänd på grund av att avvikelsen översteg gränsvärdet 3%. Resultatet av jämförelse mellan metanolextraktion och ugnsextraktion indikerade att metoden inte var lika bra som metanolextraktion på grund av lägre resultat av vattenhalter i jämförande prov. Metoden är möjlig att tillämpa under villkoren att felen som påverkar analysmetoden identifieras och elimineras. Ytterligare bekräftande experiment behövs för implementering av metoden. / In the production of new transformers, the moisture from the air is adsorbed in the solid insulation and affects the insulation capacity. Therefore, the transformer undergoes a drying process before filling it with oil. Water content in the solid insulation is measured quantitatively by Karl Fischer titration. Karl Fischer titration is widely used for determining water content in products in the industry and is a proven method that has been used for many years. The manual method for determining moisture content in pressboard is time consuming due to long sample preparation with thermal extraction with methanol. An automated method for water content determination in pressboard has been developed by KF oven extraction. A quantitative analysis of the water content of pressboard by KF coulometry through oven extraction was compared with KF coulometry through methanol extraction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility to develop a faster and simpler measurement method for the moisture content in High-Density Casein Laminated Pressboard (HDLC) and High-Density Polyester Laminated Pressboard (HDLP) by implementing oven extraction for KF coulometry. The initial step was to investigate and determine methods for sample preparation and operating parameters (oven temperature, carrier-gas flow and extraction time). Determined operating parameters were oven temperature 170 degrees Celsius, carrier gas flow of 50 ml/min and extraction time of 600 seconds. The result of investigation of different sample preparations indicated that sample selection with gouge or chisel did not meet the demands to replace sample selection by drilling. Validation of the method was carried out with a certified solid standard of known moisture content (1%) from Aquastar (certified in an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing laboratory). The measured concentration was lower than the expected concentration. A calibration model was established from the standard with a correlation of 0.9952 indicating the calibration model showed good linearity. The trueness of the measurement method has been evaluated according to ISO 5725-4 confirming the trueness of the method was not approved. The result of the comparison of methanol extraction and oven extraction indicated that the method was not as good as methanol extraction due to lower results of water content in the comparison samples. The method is applicable under the terms of the error is identified and eliminated. Further confirmatory experiments are needed to implement the method.
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Un essai sur la pertinence de la théorie marxiste pour l'analyse du phénomène urbain capitaliste /Couture, Yves January 1976 (has links)
No description available.
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The genesis and systematic function of the filioque in Karl Barth's Church dogmatics /Guretzki, David Glenn. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Karl Barth's view of warSansom, Heather R. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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L’expression littéraire des sensations olfactives et gustatives dans les romans de Joris-Karl Huysmans.Wolfgang, Mary Bott. January 1951 (has links)
No description available.
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Karl May's Winnetou : the image of the German Indian, the representation of North American First Nations from an Orientalist perspectivePerry, Nicole. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Imperial Subjugations: Colonialism and Race After MarxMandin, Gareth 14 June 2018 (has links)
Drawing on Foucault’s conception of “subjugated knowledges,” this thesis attempts to articulate a subjugated anti-colonial reading of Marx so as to interrogate the discursive modifications effected within Marxism after Marx, specifically as those modifications relate to the conditions of possibility regulating Marxist understandings of race and colonialism. This genealogy proceeds by offering a critical re-examination of the ways in which Marxists of the Second International theorized a “modern,” “scientific” account of imperialism, one that expunged important insights into the nature of colonial-capitalism at the same time it established a new knowledge of capitalist expansion and the world market. This Leninist schematization of imperialism is theorized in relation to “deraceination,” a neologism arising from this project and describing the manifold discursive processes by which Marxism was uprooted from its grounding materialist premises while it underwent an ideological de-racialization that eschewed discussions of race and Indigeneity in Marxist political economy. After this critique of the Leninist schematization of imperialism, deraceination is elaborated by revisiting the early history of Marxist feminism, leading to the conclusion that the historical subjugation of the basic materiality of race and gender was accomplished in no small part through the definition of “the woman question.” By liberating this subjugated trajectory of Marxist thought, this thesis argues for the necessity of reincorporating an anti-colonial reading of Marx into our understandings of Marxism and Marxist feminism.
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