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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba marketingové strategie pro tržní segment kreditních karet Citibank a.s.

Studeník, Peter Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá tvorbou marketingovej strátégie pre spoločnosť Citibank v Českej republike, pre produkt - kreditná karta. Práca je rozdelená na teoretickú a praktickú čast. V teoretickej časti popisujem postup zostavenia marketingovej stratégie na základe přeštudovanej literatúry a poznatkov, ktoré som si osvojil počas štúdia na Fakulte managementu v Jidřichově Hradci. V úvode praktickej časti charakterizujem Citibank, ktorá je mojim zamestnávatelom od roku 2001. Neskor analyzujem interné a externé prostredie Citibank, ktoré doplňujem dokladnou SWOT analýzou. V poslednej časti poukazujem na nedostaky súčasnej marketingovej strátegie. Na základe uskutočnenej analýzy a súčasnej podnikovej stratégie Citibank, navrhujem novú marketingovú stratégiu.

Den mentala kartan : Ungdomars kunskaper om storleksrelationer

Arbin, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Detta arbete har som syfte att åskådliggöra högstadieelevers mentala kartor och dess kunskaper om storleksrelationer på världskartan. Som uppföljning av detta är ett ytterligare syfte att presentera tillvägagångssätt för att kunna arbeta med den mentala kartan för att få denna att i en högre grad överensstämma med verkligheten.                              Som bakgrund till elevernas mentala kartor presenteras hur olika länder representeras i media och vilket utrymme dessa får, samt att läroböcker i geografi från fyra olika förlag analyseras rörande deras presentation av världskartan.                              För att kartlägga elevernas kunskaper om storleksrelationer på världskartan har en enkätundersökning gjorts med 137 högstadieelever i en svensk grundskola. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen presenteras, analyseras och sätts i relation till tidigare forskning. Utifrån resultatet av enkätundersökningen och analysen av tidigare undersökningar görs ett försök att presentera arbetsmoment och strategier för att motarbeta de avvikelser som uppmärksammats mellan elevernas mentala kartor och den faktiska jordgloben.

Socialiniai mainai tarp kartų šeimoje / Social transfers between generations in the family

Kraujūnaitė, Asta 25 November 2010 (has links)
Nuo XX a. dešimto dešimtmečio pradžios Lietuvoje mažėja gimstamumas ir ilgėja vidutinė tikėtina gyvenimo trukmė. Tai daro poveikį kartų balanso kaitai – jaunosios kartos atstovų mažėja, o vyresniosios – daugėja, tuo pačiu plinta trijų keturių kartų giminystės ryšiai (vaikai-tėvai-seneliai-proseneliai). Dėl šių permainų, dėl šeimos instituto fundamentalių pokyčių, (įvairių šeimyninio gyvenimo formų įsigalėjimo, pakartotinai kuriamų šeimų skaičiaus didėjimo, teritorinio mobilumo) bei taip pat dėl specifinės permainų laikotarpio socialinės ekonominės aplinkos, kyla grėsmė solidarumo tarp kartų užtikrinimui. Todėl socialiniai mainai tarp kartų šeimoje yra svarbūs abipusiam kartų bendradarbiavimui, dialogo bei tarpusavio pagalbos užtikrinimui, vengiant kartų susvetimėjimo pavojaus, kuris galėtų neigiamai paveikti visos visuomenės sutelktumą bei gebėjimą darniai funkcionuoti. Kuomet valstybė ir rinka neužtikrina paramos, socialiniai mainai tarp kartų šeimoje gali sumažinti gresiančias pasekmes Empirinio tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti socialinių mainų tarp kartų šeimoje ypatumus. Tyrimo objektas – 18-77 metų amžiaus Vilniaus miesto gyventojai. Informacijos rinkimo metodas – anketavimas, instrumentas – klausimynas. Naudota netikimybinė kvotinė Vilniaus miesto gyventojų atranka. Atrankos dydis – 360 respondentų. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama ne reprezentuoti Vilniaus miesto gyventojus, todėl didesnis dėmesys skiriamas bendrų tendencijų išryškinimui ir jų palyginimui, remiantis skirtingomis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem. Since the beginning of the tenth decade of the 20th century, the birth rate has been decreasing in Lithuania and the average believable life expectancy has become longer. This has an impact on the change in the balance of generations – the number representatives of younger generation is decreasing and of the older – increasing, at the same time family relationships of three – four generations (children – parents – grandparents – great grandparents) is spreading. Because of these changes, because of fundamental alterations of family institution (various well established forms of family life, increase in number of repeatedly made up families, territorial mobility), also because of the period of specific changes in socio-economic surroundings a threat to generational solidarity arises. Thus, social transfers between generations are important for mutual cooperation of generations, for ensuring the dialogue and reciprocal help, avoiding the alienation danger of generations, which could negatively effect the concentration of the whole society, as well as ability to function compatibly. Family support can reduce consequences of non existing support from the state and market The purpose of empiric research is to reveal the peculiarities of social intergenerational transfers. The object of research is 18-77 aged residents of Vilnius city. The method of gathering information is questioning, instrument – questionnaire. The undenominational inquiry sampling of Vilnius city... [to full text]

Možnosti využití technologií RFID a NFC / Possibilities of using technologies RFID and NFC

Urválek, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The thesis presents two wireless technologies widely used in both everyday life and industrial area. Their working principles and utilization methods are explained, as well as devices which use these technologies and the possibilities of future implementation. The focus is on NFC (Near Field Communication) and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). NFC is latter of the two, and it has become often used for communication and payments. RFID technology is widely used for personal identification and attendance systems, ACS (Access Control System). The thesis takes up the subject of identification from legislative and normative aspects. The RFID and NFC safety breach possibility is thoroughly discussed and analyzed. The practical part elaborates RFID chip copying possibilities using commonly available software and hardware. In the same part, there will be an employee identification access control system draft for a fictional company, considering cost and safety. In the conclusion, there are recommendations, safety advantages and disadvantages of each suggested systems and the technologies themselves.

Odlišnosti v transpozici směrnice o modré kartě napříč Evropskou unií / Variances in the Blue Card Directive Transposition across the European Union

Pospíšil, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This work attempts to analyze causes of divergent transposition of the Blue Card directive, regulating the conditions of immigration of highly-skilled workers from third countries, between individual EU Member States. The differences are analyzed on two levels. Firstly, in terms of timeliness and correctness of transposition, secondly, from a perspective of a different manner of transposition of the discretionary clauses entailed in the Blue Card directive (whether the Member States opted for an open or for a restrictive way of transposition of these provisions). Scholarly literature about transposition compliance and highly-silled immigration policies creates the foundation, by means of which the author identifies several variables and articulates hypotheses aiming at providing explanation of the divergent transposition of the directive in the respective Member States. The author classifies the Member States in groups and clusters according to their transposition performance and its results embody a point of departure for a subsequent analysis. From each group, certain number of countries is selected for a detailed country-level analysis in order to ensure universality and geographical representativeness of the outcomes. To review how the individual hypotheses confirmed in the Member States, the...

Vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos laukas bei jo mažinimas švietimo veikla (Kaišiadorių rajono atveju) / Intension field of relations between younger and older generations and relief of the intension with the help of education activity (the case of Kaišiadorys district)

Balsevičienė, Inga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema – vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos laukas bei jo mažinimas švietimo veikla (Kaišiadorių rajono atveju). Tema aktuali, nes pastaruoju metu nebeišlaikoma pusiausvyra tarp kartų ir manoma, kad švietimas yra vienas iš būdų užtikrinti visaverčio senėjančios visuomenės gyvenimo galimybes. Darbas teoriškai ir praktiškai reikšmingas, nes vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos lauko mažinimas švietimo veikla dar mažai tyrinėtas. Tyrimo objektas – vyresnioji ir jaunesnioji karta bei jų santykiai senstančioje visuomenėje. Tyrimo problema – vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos laukas senstančioje visuomenėje. Tyrimo hipotezė: tarp kartų egzistuoja pakankamai ryškūs vertybinių orientacijų skirtumai. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampos mažinimo švietimo veikla galimybes. Tikslas realizuojamas šiais uždaviniais: a) išanalizuoti vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos situaciją; b) aptarti švietimo veiklos galimybes vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos santykių įtampai mažinti; c) ištirti vyresniosios ir jaunesniosios kartos vertybes bei santykių tarp kartų formavimo švietimo veikla galimybes Kaišiadorių rajone. Tyrimo metodai: teorinė literatūros bei galiojančių teisės aktų analizė; Kaišiadorių rajono savivaldybės administracijos, Kaišiadorių rajono nevalstybinių organizacijų parengtų dokumentų analizė; anketinė Kaišiadorių rajono gyventojų apklausa; tyrimo duomenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject is very important, because nowadays balance between generations isn’t keep and, supposedly, education is one of the means to safeguard possibilities of life for a new senescent society. The paper is theoretically and practically significant because intension field of relations between younger and old generations almost aren’t still studied. The object of this study is the younger and older generations and their relations in the senescent society. The problem of the study is intension field of relations between younger and old generations in the senescent society. The hypothesis of this study: enough keen differences of values’ orientations between generations exist. The purpose of this study is to reveal the possibilities of relief of the intension field of relations between younger and older generations with the help of education activity. The purpose is reached by these goals: a) to analyze the situation of younger and older generations; b) to discuss what are the possibilities of education activity which can relief the intension field of relations between younger and older generations; c) to explore values of younger and older generations and possibilities of formation of relations between generations with the help of education activity in Kaisiadorys District. The methods of the study: analysis of scientific literature and law deeds, analysis of documents of Administration of Kaisiadorys District Municipality and Kaisiadorys non-governmental organizations... [to full text]

Hur såg det ut? : Att visuellt informera om en historisk plats.

Lundin-Hatje, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
I detta arbete redogör jag för hur jag går tillväga för att skapa en representation av en historisk plats. Som fall använder jag mig av Kilakastalen (ett medeltida försvars- och vakttorn) med kringliggande miljö för att visa hur den kan ha sett ut under medeltiden. Det gör jag i samarbete med Sörmlands museum där min kontakt har varit arkeolog Lars Norberg. För att komma fram till vilken teknik, bildvinkel och perspektiv som är bäst att använda i detta sammanhang utgår jag från vad arkeologerna vill visa, olika forskningsresultat och litteratur för att därefter redogöra för mitt resultat. / In this article I explain my process when creating a representation of a historical site. I have used Kilakastalen and its surroundings as a case when I try to show the viewer how it may have looked like in the middle ages. I have done this in cooperation with Sörmlands museum and archaeologist Lars Norberg. My work is based on what the museum wants to show, previous research and literature on information visualization, the given medium and target group. I try to understand which technique, angel and perspective are the best to use under these circumstances.

Návrh slevové karty pro městskou památkovou rezervaci Jindřichův Hradec / Proposal discount cards for the urban reservation Jindřichův Hradec

Dvořáková, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem konkrétního produktu cestovního ruchu - turistické slevové karty pro jihočeské město Jindřichův Hradec. Při navrhování karty byly zohledňovány teoretické poznatky z oblasti marketingu destinace cestovního ruchu, byla provedena analýza v současné době fungujících českých slevových karet, byla zhodnocena primární nabídka a infrastruktura cestovního ruchu v Jindřichově Hradci. Metody výzkumu spočívaly v rozhovorech s řediteli jindřichohradeckých turistických atraktivit, představiteli města Jindřichův Hradec a v konzultacích s představiteli měst České Budějovice a Český Krumlov, která již mají se slevovými kartami zkušenosti. Pro účely analýzy poptávky bylo provedeno dotazníkové šetření návštěvníků Jindřichova Hradce.

České zelené karty v kontextu imigrační politiky EU / Czech green cards in context of the immigration policy of the EU

Kopecká, Vladimíra January 2008 (has links)
Green card is a new type of residence permit within the territory of the Czech republic designed for foreigners from selected third countries. It entitles its holder to residence as well as work. The concept functions in the Czech republic since 1.1.2009. This thesis sets the Czech project of green cards into wilder context of the immigration policy of the EU and examines whether Czech green cards are compatible with similar system of EU blue cards which is not yet running on but it is in process of approval. The thesis also investigates if there are similar systems already working in other EU member states and compares Czech green cards to selected systems of green cards of Germany and Denmark. It also deals with the question whether the Czech system has so far been successful, what are its strengths, weaknesses and prospects of the future.

Zaměstnávání cizinců / Employment of Foreigners

Hrdina, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
69 Abstract The main goal of the diploma thesis "Employment of foreigners" is to summarize and critically evaluate the current legislation regarding the employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic, both for foreigners from countries which are not Member States of the European Union and also employment of citizens of the European Union since a separate regime applies to each of these groups under the Czech law. The thesis itself is divided into the introduction, four main chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter defines the most important legal terms which are crucial for the elaboration of the thesis, i.e. in particular a foreigner - as a general term as well as the legal definition stipulated in the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic, a family member of an EU citizen or a Czech citizen respectively, an employee, an employer and employment. The second chapter deals with the current legal status and concept of employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic with focus on individual types of residence permits, types of individual work permits as well as on employers' obligations and necessary steps when employing EU citizens or foreigners in the Czech Republic. The third chapter defines the term "illegal work" and deals with its impact on the Czech environment, not only from a...

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