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Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zu Augenerkrankungen beim Holstein Friesian Rind / Moleculargenetic studies on eye diseases in Holstein Friesian cattleHollmann, Anne Katrin 05 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Patienters upplevelser av kataraktkirurgi och informationen preoperativt och postoperativt: En litteraturstudieLindström, Maria January 2020 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Det vanligaste kirurgiska ingreppet i Sverige är gråstarrsoperation. Information kan ges muntligt, skriftligt eller med hjälp av kroppsspråket före och efter operationen. Patienter upplever/uppfattar en eller flera visuella sensationer under gråstarrsoperation. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att få kunskap om hur patienter upplever/uppfattar kataraktoperation och informationen som ges preoperativt och postoperativt. Metod: En litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design. Studien grundades av nio vetenskapliga kvantitativa originalartiklar och en vetenskaplig kvalitativ originalartikel. Databas PubMed användes för sökning av artiklar. Resultat: Flera av studierna beskriver att det är viktigt med skriftlig information. Den information som patienterna ville ha som studierna omfattade är risker med operation och information om synen. De positiva aspekter som studierna inkluderade är minskad ångest och oro, minskad rädsla, ökad tillfredsställelse och ökad patientförståelse. Resultaten bestod av vilka visuella upplevelser som patienter upplever/uppfattar under gråstarrsoperationer. De olika typer av visuella upplevelser som studierna bestod av är ljusperception, olika färger, olika rörelser och olika former. Flera av studierna beskriver att patienter upplever mer visuella upplevelser vid lokal anestesi än under regional anestesi. En positiv aspekt som framkom i flera studier är att de flesta patienter upplever att visuella upplevelser under gråstarrsoperation är positiva/trevliga. Slutsats: Patienter som opereras för gråstarr bör få information både muntligt och skriftligt om de visuella sensationer som kan förekomma under operationen och om komplikationer som kan uppstå under och efter operationen. För patienter kan information innebära trygghet och omvårdnadsskador kan förebyggas. / ABSTRACT Background: The most common surgical procedure in Sweden is cataract surgery. Information can be given orally, in writing or using body language before and after surgery. Patients experience/perceive one or more visual sensations during cataract surgery. Aim: The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about how patients experience/perceive cataract surgery and the information given preoperatively and postoperatively. Method: A literature study with descriptive design. The study was founded on nine scientific quantitative original articles and one scientific qualitative original article. Database PubMed was used to search for articles. Results: Several of the studies describe the importance of written information. The information that patients wanted from the studies included risks with surgery and information about vision. The positive aspects that the studies included are reduced anxiety and concern, decreased fear, increased satisfaction and increased patient understanding. The results consisted of the visual experiences that patients experience / perceive during cataract surgery. The different types of visual experiences that the studies consisted of are perception of light, different colors, different movements and different forms. Several of the studies describe that patients experience more visual experiences in local anesthesia than in regional anesthesia. A positive aspect that emerged in several studies is that most patients find that visual experiences during cataract surgery are positive / pleasant. Conclusion: Patients undergoing cataract should receive information both orally and in writing about the visual sensations that may occur during surgery and about complications that may occur during and after surgery. For patients, information can mean safety and nursing injuries can be prevented.
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Konzeptentwicklung zur Veränderung einer vollstationären Behandlung in eine tagesklinische Versorgung am Beispiel der Kataraktoperation (Grauer Star) und ihre sozialwissenschaftliche EvaluationZulehner, Christoph 04 August 2008 (has links)
Den zentralen Auslöser für die Forschungsarbeit stellte die spürbare Veränderung der Versorgungsstruktur im österreichischen Gesundheitswesen dar. Kritisch ist in diesem Zusammenhang die Tatsache zu sehen, dass viel weniger der Gesundheitsmarkt selbst bzw. die Kunden (Patienten) des Quasimarktes Gesundheitswesen die zu untersuchenden Veränderungen gefordert haben, sonder es sich dabei um gesundheitspolitisch induzierte Maßnahmen handelte. Deshalb wurde der kritische Blick auf die Auslöser für die Veränderung, die Implementierung der neuen Versorgungsform sowie die gesellschaftliche Betroffenheiten und Auswirkungen gerichtet. Als konkretes Beispiel wird die Reorganisation einer vollstationären Augenabteilung in eine Tagesklinik an einem österreichischen Krankenhaus untersucht.Wesentliches Ergebnis war, dass sich 8 von 10 Betroffene im Rahmen einer qualitativen Befragung für die tagesklinische Behandlung aussprechen wenn sie nach Erleben beider Versorgungsformen die Wahl hätten.Darüber hinaus konnte belegt werden, dass triviale Indikatoren wie Alter und Enfernung zwischen Wohn- und Behandlungsort viel zu kurz greifen.
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Die operative Versorgung der kindlichen Katarakt. Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse über 25 Jahre / Surgical care of infantile cataract. A retrospective data analysis over 25 yearsMesser, Jan Moritz 19 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Macular pigment optical density measurements by one-wavelength reflection photometry – Influence of cataract surgery on the measurement resultsKomar, Bogdana 02 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of the present study was the investigation of possible influence of lens opacification on macular pigment optical density (MPOD) measurements.
86 eyes of 64 patients (mean age 73.4(±8.3)years) were included in the study. MPOD was prospectively measured using one-wavelength reflection method (Visucam500, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) before and after cataract extraction with implantation of a blue-light filtering intraocular lens (AlconSN60WF). The median of the maximum optical density (MaxOD) and the median of the mean optical density (MeanOD) measurements of macular pigment across the subject group were evaluated.
Statistically significant differences were noticed between pre-operative and post-operative measurements, the absolute values were generally lower after cataract extraction. The following median(lower/upper quartile) differences across the group were determined: MaxOD -33.8%(-46.2%/-19.1%), MeanOD -44.0%(-54.6%/-26.6%). Larger changes were observed in elderly patients (<70years of age: (n=25eyes) MaxOD -13.4%(-20.5%/3.6%), MeanOD -23.6%(-30.5%/-15.3%) versus patients ≥70years: (n=61eyes) MaxOD -40.5%(-53.2%/-30.1%), MeanOD -47.2%(-57.8%/-40.1%)) and in patients with progressed stage of cataract. MaxOD for lens opacification grade 1:(n=9eyes) -27.4%(-42.1%/-19.6%), 2:(n=26eyes) -35.0%(-44.2%/-25.3%), 3:(n=21eyes) -34.4%(-45.4%/-11.4%), 4:(n=25eyes) -32.6%(-53.2%/-6.4%) and 5:(n=5eyes) -53.5%(-61.7%/-38.7%) and MeanOD for cataract stage 1:(n=9eyes) -42.6%(-46.0%/-26.0%), 2:(n=26eyes) -44.1%(-51.8%/26.2%), 3:(n=21eyes) -45.7%(-54.7%/-24.7%), 4:(n=25eyes) -39.5%(-59.4%/-26.1%), 5:(n=5eyes) -57.0%(-66.1%/-51.4%).
As established by comparison of pre- to post-operative measurements, cataract presented a strong effect on MPOD measured by one-wavelength reflection method. Particular care should therefore be taken when evaluating MPOD using this method in elderly patients with progressed stage of cataract. Future optimization of correcting parameters of scattered light and consideration of cataract influence may allow more precise evaluation of MPOD.
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Macular pigment optical density measurements by one-wavelength reflection photometry – Influence of cataract surgery on the measurement resultsKomar, Bogdana 18 June 2015 (has links)
The main objective of the present study was the investigation of possible influence of lens opacification on macular pigment optical density (MPOD) measurements.
86 eyes of 64 patients (mean age 73.4(±8.3)years) were included in the study. MPOD was prospectively measured using one-wavelength reflection method (Visucam500, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) before and after cataract extraction with implantation of a blue-light filtering intraocular lens (AlconSN60WF). The median of the maximum optical density (MaxOD) and the median of the mean optical density (MeanOD) measurements of macular pigment across the subject group were evaluated.
Statistically significant differences were noticed between pre-operative and post-operative measurements, the absolute values were generally lower after cataract extraction. The following median(lower/upper quartile) differences across the group were determined: MaxOD -33.8%(-46.2%/-19.1%), MeanOD -44.0%(-54.6%/-26.6%). Larger changes were observed in elderly patients (<70years of age: (n=25eyes) MaxOD -13.4%(-20.5%/3.6%), MeanOD -23.6%(-30.5%/-15.3%) versus patients ≥70years: (n=61eyes) MaxOD -40.5%(-53.2%/-30.1%), MeanOD -47.2%(-57.8%/-40.1%)) and in patients with progressed stage of cataract. MaxOD for lens opacification grade 1:(n=9eyes) -27.4%(-42.1%/-19.6%), 2:(n=26eyes) -35.0%(-44.2%/-25.3%), 3:(n=21eyes) -34.4%(-45.4%/-11.4%), 4:(n=25eyes) -32.6%(-53.2%/-6.4%) and 5:(n=5eyes) -53.5%(-61.7%/-38.7%) and MeanOD for cataract stage 1:(n=9eyes) -42.6%(-46.0%/-26.0%), 2:(n=26eyes) -44.1%(-51.8%/26.2%), 3:(n=21eyes) -45.7%(-54.7%/-24.7%), 4:(n=25eyes) -39.5%(-59.4%/-26.1%), 5:(n=5eyes) -57.0%(-66.1%/-51.4%).
As established by comparison of pre- to post-operative measurements, cataract presented a strong effect on MPOD measured by one-wavelength reflection method. Particular care should therefore be taken when evaluating MPOD using this method in elderly patients with progressed stage of cataract. Future optimization of correcting parameters of scattered light and consideration of cataract influence may allow more precise evaluation of MPOD.
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Pharmakoepidemiologische Analyse zu okulärer Hypertension, Offenwinkelglaukom und Katarakt als unerwünschte Wirkungen von GlukokortikoidenGarbe, Edeltraut 13 March 2000 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert methodische Aspekte und Ergebnisse eigener pharmakoepdemiologischer Untersuchungen zum Risiko von okulärer Hypertension, Glaukom und Katarakt unter verschiedenen Darreichungsformen von Glukokortikoiden. Prospektive Studien der frühen 60er Jahre haben gezeigt, daß die Verabreichung topischer Glukokortikoide am Auge bei ca. einem Drittel der Bevölkerung zu einem Augeninnendruckanstieg führt. Bei langdauernder Therapie kann sich ein Kortikosteroidglaukom entwickeln, das in seiner Symptomatik und den klinischen Befunden einem primären Offenwinkelglaukom entspricht. Für orale Glukokortikoide untersuchten wir das Risiko von okulärer Hypertension und Offenwinkelglaukom in einer großen Fall-Kontroll-Studie, die 9.793 augenärztliche Patienten mit neu diagnostizierter okulärer Hypertension und Offenwinkelglaukom einschloß und 38.325 augenärztliche Kontrollpatienten ohne diese Erkrankungen. Die Einnahme oraler Glukokortikoide war mit einem Risikoanstieg von über 40% verbunden. Es zeigte sich ein deutlicher Anstieg des Risikos mit zunehmender Glukokortikoid-Tagesdosis: Für Patienten, die mehr als 80 mg Hydrokortisonäquivalent pro Tag erhalten hatten, war das Risiko über 80% erhöht. Unsere Berechnungen zeigten, daß unter solch hohen Dosen 93 zusätzliche Fälle von okulärer Hypertension oder Offenwinkelglaukom pro 10.000 Patienten und Jahr auftreten können. In derselben Fall-Kontroll-Studie analysierten wir auch das Risiko für inhalative und nasale Glukokortikoide. Zwar ist für diese Glukokortikoidformen das Risiko systemischer Glukokortikoidnebenwirkungen durch die topische Applikation deutlich reduziert, doch legen verschiedene klinisch-pharmakologische Untersuchungen nahe, daß inhalative Glukokortikoide in hoher Dosierung systemische Effekte ausüben können. Verschiedene Einzelfallberichte ließen ein erhöhtes Risiko von okulärer Hypertension und Glaukom für inhalative und nasale Glukokortikoide möglich erscheinen. Unsere Fall-Kontroll-Studie zeigte, daß inhalative Glukokortikoide, wenn sie in hohen Tagesdosen kontinuierlich über 3 Monate verabreicht werden, das Risiko von okulärer Hypertension und Offenwinkelglaukom um über 40% erhöhen. Wir beobachteten kein erhöhtes Risiko für nasale Glukokortikoide. In einer weiteren Fall-Kontroll-Studie untersuchten wir das Kataraktrisiko für inhalative Glukokortikoide. Orale Glukokortikoide sind ein etablierter Risikofaktor für eine Katarakt. Für inhalative Glukokortikoide lagen widersprüchliche Studienergebnisse vor. Während mehrere kleine Studien an Kindern kein erhöhtes Risiko gezeigt hatten, war in einer großen populationsbasierten australischen Studie ein erhöhtes Kataraktrisiko unter inhalativen Glukokortikoiden beobachtet worden. Wir konnten das Ergebnis der australischen Studie in unserer Fall-Kontroll-Studie bestätigen, die 3.677 Fallpatienten und 21.868 Kontrollpatienten einschloß. Eine Verabreichung inhalativer Glukokortikoide über mehr als 3 Jahre führte zu einer Verdreifachung des Risikos einer Kataraktextraktion. Das Risiko war nur für hohe Dosen inhalativer Glukokortikoide statistisch signifikant erhöht, nicht jedoch für niedrige bis mittlere Tagesdosen. Zusammengefaßt zeigen die Ergebnisse unserer Studien, daß inhalative Glukokortikoide in hoher Dosierung trotz topischer Applikation zu systemischen Glukokortikoidkomplikationen am Auge führen können. Dies läßt es geboten erscheinen, bei Patienten, die inhalative Glukokortikoide in hoher Dosierung erhalten, augenärztliche Kontrolluntersuchungen durchführen zu lassen / This work presents methodological aspects and results of own pharmacoepidemiologic studies investigating the risk of ocular hypertension, glaucoma and cataract for different forms of glucocorticoids.. Prospective studies of the early 60ies have shown that administration of topical glucorticoids at the eye will lead to ocular hypertension in about one third of the population. If ophthalmic glucocorticoid treatment is prolonged, a corticosteroid glaucoma may develop which closely resembles primary open-angle glaucoma.. We investigated the risk of ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma for oral glucocorticoids in a large case-control-study which included 9,793 ophthalmology patients with newly diagnosed ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma and 38,325 ophthalmology patients without these diseases (controls). Intake of oral glucocorticoids led to an increase in risk by over 40%. The risk increased markedly with the daily dose of glucocorticoid. For patients who had received more than 80 mg hydrocortisone-equivalent per day, the risk was more than 80% elevated. Our calculations showed that for such high doses, 93 additional cases of ocular hypertension or glaucoma per 10,000 patients and year may be expected. In the same case-control study, we analysed the risk of ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma for inhaled and nasal glucocorticoids. These forms of glucocorticoids have been developed to reduce the risk of systemic glucocorticoid complications by topical administration. Some clinical pharmacology studies have shown that high doses of inhaled glucocorticoids may cause systemic effects. Some published case reports suggested an increased risk of ocular hypertension and glaucoma for inhaled and nasal glucocorticoids. Our case-control study showed that high dose, continuous administration of inhaled glucocorticoids for more than 3 months increases the risk of ocular hypertension or open angle glaucoma by more than 40%. We did not observe an increased risk for nasal glucocorticoids. In another case-control study, we investigated the risk of cataract for inhaled glucocorticoids. Oral glucocorticoids are an established risk factor for cataract. For inhaled glucocorticoids, there have been contradictory results from several studies. Whereas some small studies in children did not show an increased risk, a population-based larger study from Australia demonstrated an elevated risk. We confirmed this increase in risk in our case-control study which included 3,677 elderly cases and 21,868 elderly controls. We observed a more than 3-fold risk of cataract extraction in patients who had been treated with inhaled glucocorticoids for more than three years. The risk was significantly increased only for high daily doses of glucocorticoids, but not for low-to-medium doses. In summary, the results of our studies show that high doses of inhaled glucocorticoids despite their topical administration may lead to systemic complications of glucocorticoids at the eye. Therefore it is recommended to have patients who are prescribed high daily doses of inhaled glucocorticoids examined by an ophthalmologist.
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