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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samband mellan arbetsgrad och kinesiofobi hos vuxna individer med långvarig smärta och förändring av dessa variabler efter fyra veckors smärtrehabilitering

Åkerström, Mona-Lisa January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the study was threefold. Firstly, to investigate if a four week program in pain rehabilitation had any effect on how much individuals with persistent pain worked and their degree of kinesiophobia. Secondly, to study if there was a correlation between how much these individuals worked and their degree of kinesiophobia. Thirdly, to study if there was a correlation between the change in these variables. Method: 112 patients who had participated in a four week rehabilitation program took part in the study. The study had a retrospective design, which was based on a review on medical records and consisted of three minor parts. The first part had a quasi-experimental comparative design and the other two parts had non-experimental cross-sectional correlative designs. Kinesiophobia was analyzed with the Swedish version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-SV). How much a patient was working was measured in percent. Results: Both work status and kinesiophobia had improved significant in every measurement. The highest improvement in the variable of kinesiophobia was discovered by the end of the program in pain rehabilitation and by the twelve month follow-up in the variable about how much patients was working. Analysis with Spearman’s rang correlation coefficient showed a weak statistical significant correlation between how much individuals work and their degree of kinesiophobia in the twelve months follow-up. There was however no statistical significant correlation between the change of how much individuals worked and the change of their degree of kinesiophobia, neither in the two nor in the twelve months follow-up. Conclusions: This is one of the first studies that have been done who investigate the correlation between kinesiophobia and how much individuals with persistent pain are working and it shows that there is a need to continue to investigate the correlation between them, both for the individual as well as for the society in general and if possible also study what importance self-efficacy has in this context.

Fysisk aktivitet, rörelserädsla och livskvalitet hos individer som genomgått hjärtinfarkt och/eller hjärtoperation

Palm, Emelie, Josefsson, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Hjärt -och kärlsjukdom är den vanligaste folksjukdomen i Sverige. Fler män än kvinnor drabbas och c:a 20% av de som drabbats lider utav rörelserädsla. Fysisk aktivitet är en viktig del i primär- och sekundärprevention. Livskvaliteten kan påverkas negativt efter hjärt-och kärlsjukdom. Syfte: Syftet var att studera samband mellan självskattad fysisk aktivitet, självskattad rörelserädsla och självskattad livskvalitet hos individer som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått hjärtoperation. Syftet var även att studera om det fanns några könsskillnader avseende rörelserädsla och livskvalitet i denna patientgrupp. Metod: Studien var en icke-experimentell kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie där enkäter lagt grunden till beskrivande, korrelerande och jämförande design. Resultat: 29 deltagare medverkade. Totalt 19% av deltagarna led av rörelserädsla. Det förekom ingen skillnad mellan könen i median avseende varken rörelserädsla eller livskvalitet. Korrelationskoefficienten var 0,387 (p = 0,07) mellan fysisk aktivitet och livskvalitet i hela gruppen. Sambandet mellan rörelserädsla och livskvalitet var r = -0,460 (p = 0,03). Konklusion: Resultatet stämmer överens med tidigare forskning avseende andelen individer som lider utav rörelserädsla. Inga skillnader påvisades mellan fysisk aktivitet och livskvalitet men ett måttligt negativt samband förelåg mellan rörelserädsla och livskvalitet.

Adaptação transcultural para o português brasileiro da Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for Temporomandibular Disorders (TSK/TMD) / Transcultural para o Português Brasileiro da Tampa Scale for Temporomandibular Disorders (TSK/TMD)

Aroldo dos Santos Aguiar 09 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O medo do movimento (cinesiofobia) parece desempenhar um papel importante no desenvolvimento da dor crónica. No entanto, em Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM), há uma escassez de estudos sobre este tema. A Escala de Tampa para Kinesiophobia para DTM (TSK / TMD) é o instrumento mais utilizado para medir o medo de movimento e não está disponível em Português do Brasil. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar transculturalmente o TSK/TMD para o Português Brasileiro e avaliar suas propriedades psicométricas em termos de consistência interna, confiabilidade, validade de construto e estrutural. MÉTODOS: Um total de 100 pacientes do sexo feminino com DTM crônica participaram do processo de validação da TSK/TMD-Br. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) foi utilizado para a análise estatística de confiabilidade (teste-reteste), ? de Cronbach para consistência interna, correlação de Pearson para classificar a validade de construto e análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) para a validade estrutural. RESULTADOS: AFC aprovou o modelo pré-especificado com dois domínios e 12 itens (Evitando Movimento-EM/Foco Somático-SF) e todos os itens apresentaram carga fatorial superior a 0,4. Foram encontrados níveis aceitáveis de confiabilidade (CCI> 0,75) para todas as questões e domínios da TSK/TMD-Br. Para consistência interna, ? de Cronbach de 0,78 para ambos os domínios. Foram observadas correlações moderadas (0,40 <r <0,70) para a maioria dos domínios e para o escore total entre TSK/TMD-Br vs. catastrofização, depressão e limitação funcional da mandíbula. CONCLUSÃO: TSK / TMD-Br 12 itens demonstrou propriedades de medida satisfatórias (validade transcultural, confiabilidade, consistência interna e análise estrutural), e pode ser utilizado em ambientes clínicos e para fins de pesquisa. / BACKGROUND: Fear of movement (kinesiophobia) seems to play an important role in the development of chronic pain. However, in Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) there is a scarcity of studies about this topic. The Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for TMD (TSK/TMD) is the most widely used instrument to measure fear of movement and it is not available in Brazilian Portuguese. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to culturally adapt the TSK/TMD to Brazilian Portuguese and to assess its psychometric properties in terms of internal consistency, reliability, and construct and structural validity. METHODS: A total of 100 female patients with chronic TMD participated in the validation process of the TSK/TMD-Br. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used for statistical analysis of reliability (testretest), Cronbach\'s alpha for internal consistency, Pearson\'s rank correlation for construct validity, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for structural validity. RESULTS: CFA endorsed the pre-specified model with two domains and 12-items (Activity Avoidance - AA/ Somatic Focus - SF) and all items obtained a loading factor greater than 0.4. Acceptable levels of reliability were found (ICC>0.75) for all questions and domains of the TSK/TMD-Br. For internal consistency, Cronbach\'s ? of 0.78 for both domains were found. Moderate (0.40<r<0.70) correlations were observed for the majority of domains and for the total score between TSK/TMD-Br vs. catastrophizing, depression and jaw functional limitation.CONCLUSION: TSK/TMD-Br 12 items demonstrated sound psychometric properties (transcultural validity, reliability, internal consistency and structural validity) and can be used in clinical settings and for research purposes.

Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå, kinesiofobi och self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet hos personer med migrän

Lund, Caroline, Tengström, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Migrän är en neurovaskulär sjukdom som yttrar sig i form av huvudvärksattacker. Som en del av migränbehandlingen rekommenderas regelbunden träning mellan anfallen. Studier visar dock att personer med migrän är mindre fysiskt aktiva än friska personer. Rörelserädsla (kinesiofobi) och tilltron till sin förmåga att vara fysiskt aktiv (self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet) är två faktorer som kan påverka den fysiska aktivitetsnivån. Syfte: Beskriva förekomst av fysisk aktivitetsnivå, kinesiofobi och self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet samt sambanden mellan dessa variabler hos personer med migrän. Metod: Studien var en tvärsnittsstudie med deskriptiv och korrelerande design. Totalt 29 personer med migrän från neurologmottagningen vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala inkluderades. Datainsamling skedde via självskattningsformulär samt ett formulär med bakgrundsinformation. Utfallsmåtten var fysisk aktivitetsnivå, kinesiofobi och self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet. Resultat: Cirka 76 % av deltagarna nådde rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet. Deltagarna hade en relativt hög grad av både kinesiofobi och self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet. Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå och grad av kinesiofobi var lågt till måttligt r = -0,49 (p = 0,01), och mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå och self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet var sambandet måttligt r = 0,56 (p &lt;0,01). Konklusion: I studien sågs ett samband mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå, kinesiofobi och self-efficacy för fysisk aktivitet hos personer med migrän. Dessa samband verkade framförallt gälla fysisk träning och inte vardagsmotion. / Background: Migraine is a neurovascular disease causing recurring headache attacks. As part of the treatment, exercise is recommended. Studies show that individuals with migraine are less physically active than healthy individuals. Fear of movement (kinesiophobia) and self-efficacy for physical activity are two factors that may influence the level of physical activity. Aim: To describe level of physical activity, kinesiophobia and self-efficacy for physical activity and the correlation between these variables among individuals with migraine. Method: The study was cross-sectional with a descriptive and correlative design. A total of 29 individuals with migraine were recruited from the Department of Neurology at the University Hospital of Uppsala. The participants completed self-reported questionnaires including background information. The outcome measures were level of physical activity, kinesiophobia and self-efficacy for physical activity. Results: Approximately 76% reached the recommendations for physical activity. The participants scored a relatively high level of both kinesiophobia and self-efficacy for physical activity. The correlation between level of physical activity and level of kinesiophobia was low to moderate r = -0,49 (p = 0,01), and the correlation between level of physical activity and self-efficacy for physical activity was moderate r = 0,56 (p &lt;0,01). Conclusion: There was a correlation between level of physical activity, kinesiophobia and self-efficacy for physical activity among individuals with migraine. These correlations only seem to concern exercise.

Audio feedback in music : a study of experience of audio feedback in music for rehabilitation treatment for fear avoidance / Ljudfeedback i musik : en studie av upplevelse av ljudfeedback i musik inom rehabiliteringsbehandling för rörelserädsla

Hansdotter, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Rehabilitation treatments used for fear avoidance need to be further developed to be more adaptable to the different needs of patients. Fear avoidance is a condition whereby people avoid performing certain movements because they afraid of the pain they will experience or think they will experience from performing the movement. There is a need for exercises in fear-avoidance treatments to be fun, motivating and effective. This is to encourage the patients to continuously do exercises in the treatment. In this master thesis project, the experience of having audio feedback in music whilst performing exercises is investigated. A proof-of-concept prototype using one way of presenting audio feedback was built and used in experiments to investigate the experience. The prototype was built in Java and uses a camera-based motion capture system and markers to track movements. The results show that 100% of the participants thought about movements they had made when feedback was given, 60% claimed the feedback made them feel more aware of how they should move, and 70% said that the music with audio feedback was fun and/or exciting. The conclusion is that the use of music encouraged the participants to perform the exercises, and the feedback made them more conscious of the movements in the exercises and they reflect about the movements they made. / Rehabiliteringsmetoder som används vid behandling av rörelserädsla behöver vidareutvecklas för att behandlingar ska kunna anpassas bättre efter olika behov hos patienter. Rörelserädsla är ett tillstånd där en person undviker att utföra vissa rörelser för att hon är rädda för smärtan som hon upplever eller tror hon kommer uppleva när rörelsen utförs. Det finns behov av att övningar som utförs i behandlingar är roliga, motiverande och effektiva i att behandla rörelserädsla. Detta för att uppmuntra patienter som lider av rörelserädsla att utföra övningar de fått i rehabiliteringsbehandlingen. Detta masterarbete undersöker upplevelsen av att ha auditiv återkoppling i musik medan övningar utförs. En proof-of-concept prototyp som använder en typ av ljudfeedback byggdes och användes i experiment för att undersöka detta. Prototypen är byggd i Java och använder ett system för kamera-baserad rörelseföljning samt markörer för att följa rörelser. Resultaten visar att 100% av deltagarna tänkte på rörelser de utfört då ljudfeedback gavs i musiken, 60% tyckte att de blev mer medvetna om hur de skulle göra rörelserna och 70% sa att musik med ljudfeedback var kul och/eller spännande. Slutsatsen är att användandet av musik uppmuntrade deltagarna till att utföra övningarna samt att återkopplingen gjorde att de blev mer medvetna om rörelserna i övningarna och reflekterade kring rörelser de gjorde.

Muscle Co-Contraction, Joint Loading, and Fear of Movement in Individuals with Articular Cartilage Defects in the Knee

Thoma, Louise M. 08 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Pain-related Fear, Pain and Harm Appraisal, and Kinematic Avoidance among Healthy Participants Following Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Trost, Zina 23 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Imaging Chronic Pain and Inflammation : Positron Emission Tomography Studies of Whiplash Associated Disorder

Linnman, Clas January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is on chronic neck pain after a rear impact car injury, so called whiplash associated disorder (WAD). Three empirical studies using positron emission tomography (PET) with different radioligands have been performed. The first study evaluated resting state regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in WAD patients and in healthy, pain-free controls, by use of oxygen-15 labeled water. Patients had heightened resting rCBF bilaterally in the posterior parahippocampal and the posterior cingulate gyri, in the right thalamus and in the right medial prefrontal gyrus. Attenuated tempero-occipital blood flow was also observed in the patient group as compared to healthy controls. Alterations in rCBF were related to patients’ neck disability ratings. Study I suggests an involvement of the posterior cingulate, the parahippocampal and the medial prefrontal gyri in WAD. This altered resting state neural activity may be linked to an increased self-relevant evaluation of pain and stress. The second study evaluated central expression of the neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor in WAD patients and healthy controls. Using a carbon-11 labeled specific NK1 antagonist, the receptor availability was measured. Patients displayed lowered NK1 receptor availability in the insula, anterior cingulate, frontal lobe, hippocampus, amygdala and in the periaqueductal gray matter, consistent with results from animal models of chronic pain. NK1 receptor availability was most reduced in the ventromedial orbitofrontal cortex, where attenuations were linearly related to patients fear and avoidance of movement. Thirdly, carbon-11 labeled D-deprenyl was used to investigate the presence of locally inflamed soft tissue in the cervical neck in WAD patients. Although the retention mechanism of [11C]D-deprenyl is not known, the results suggest that WAD patients have chronic inflammatory processes in the neck, most commonly in the adipose tissue at the spineous process of the second vertebra. In summary, this thesis provides evidence for altered central blood flow and receptor characteristics in WAD patients. Further, WAD patients may also have signs of persistent peripheral tissue damage. Both central and peripheral pain mechanisms have been demonstrated and visualized in patients with whiplash associated disorder.

Is there a correlation between fear avoidance, disability and physical inactivity 2 years after surgery for chronic low back pain? : A cross-sectional study / Finns det korrelationer mellan rädsla-undvikande, funktionsnedsättning och fysisk inaktivitet 2 år efter kirurgi för kronisk ländryggsmärta? : En tvärsnittsstudie

Widman, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Aims This study examines the effects of surgery for chronic low back pain (CLBP) as well as fear avoidance, disability and levels of rated physical activity in patients treated in 2011. An additional aim was to assess patient’s experience of physiotherapy in primary care following the surgery as well the effect of physiotherapy on above mentioned outcome measures. Method A cross-sectional study design was used and a stratified random sample from 189 patients who were treated surgically in a hospital setting. This resulted in a sample of 112 respondents, half of whom where female. Ages ranged between 25-78 years. Questionnaires were sent by mail and data from 79 patients was collected. Non-parametric statistics were used. Outcome measures used were Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire and the physical activity scale. Results More than one in four patients reported high levels of kinesiophobia, more than one in three experienced disability and less than a third were physically active. Patients with total disc replacement had better outcome than patients with lumbar fusion. A higher degree of kinesiophobia correlated significantly to experiencing more disability (rs=0.53, p&lt;0.001) and being less physically active (rs=-0.48, p&lt;0.001), and there were significant negative correlations between disability and levels of rated physical activity (rs=-0.37, p&lt;0.001). Rehabilitation in primary care did not affect the results significantly. Conclusions The results of this study hint that the fear avoidance model is relevant in patients treated surgically for chronic low back pain. Physiotherapists and other health care professionals should screen for these beliefs and try to target them. This may assist patients to pursue health promoting activities and activities in daily life. / Syfte och frågeställningar Denna studie undersöker effekterna av kirurgi för kronisk ländryggssmärta liksom kinesiofobi, funktionsnedsättning och skattade fysiska aktivitetsnivåer hos patienter som behandlats under 2011. Ett annat syfte var att utvärdera patienternas upplevelser av sjukgymnastik i primärvård samt effekten av sjukgymnastik på ovannämnda utfallsmått postoperativt. Metod Tvärnsittsstudie med stratifierat randomiserat urval från 189 patienter som behandlats kirurgiskt i sjukhusmiljö. Detta resulterade i 112 respondenter, varav hälften var kvinnor. Åldrarna sträckte sig från 25-78 år. Enkäter från 79 patienter kunde analyseras. Icke-parametrisk statistik användes för analys. De utfallsmått som användes var Tampaskalan för kinsiofobi, Roland Morris funktionsnedsättningsskala och en skala för fysisk aktivitet. Resultat Mer än en fjärdedel av alla patienter rapporterade höga nivåer av kinesiofobi, mer än en tredjedel upplevde funktionsnedsättning och mindre än en tredjedel skattade sig som fysiskt aktiva. Patienter som opererats med diskprotes hade bättre resultat än patienter som opererats med steloperation. En högre grad av kinesiofobi korrelerade signifikant med att uppleva en större funktionsnedsättning (rs=0.53, p&lt;0.001)  och lägre skattad fysisk aktivitet (rs=-0.48, p&lt;0.001). Det fanns även en signifikant negativ correlation mellan funktionsnedsättning och skattad fysisk aktivitet (rs=-0.37, p&lt;0.001). Rehabilitering i primärvård påverka inte resultatet signifikant. Slutsats Resultaten i denna studie pekar mot att rädsla-undvikande-modellen är relevant hos patienter som behandlats kirurgiskt för kronisk ländryggssmärta. Sjukgymnaster och annan häslo- och sjukvårdspersonal bör undersöka om dessa tankar finns hos denna patientgrupp och behandla dem. Detta för att underlätta för patienter att delta i aktiviteter för förbättrad hälsa och aktivitet i dagliga livet.

Samband mellan muskuloskeletal smärta från columna vertebralis, rörelserädsla, tilltro till egen förmåga och balans.

Thelander, Linnea, Gunnarsson, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Balansförmågan är komplex och bygger på att flera förmågor samspelar väl för att vara fungerande. Smärta, rörelserädsla och tilltro till egen förmåga är variabler som enligt studier har en inverkan på en individs funktionsförmåga. Hur dessa variabler påverkar utfallet i ett balanstest, är fortfarande ett område med kunskapsluckor. Syfte: Undersöka eventuella samband mellan smärta, rörelserädsla, tilltro till egen förmåga och balans hos en grupp personer med muskuloskeletal smärta från columna vertebralis. Metod: Studien var en observationsstudie med korrelerande design. Studiegruppen bestod av 18 personer, 9 män och 9 kvinnor med medelåldern 32 år. Där samtliga hade muskuloskeletal smärta härledd från columna vertebralis och valdes ut via ett bekvämlighetsurval. Självskattad smärta, rörelserädsla och tilltro till egen förmåga studerades var för sig, i förhållande till uppmätt balans. Data samlades in genom Numerical Rating Scale-självskattningsformulär, Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia och Mini-BESTest, varpå Spearman ́s rangkorrelationskoefficient applicerades för att analysera samband. Resultat: Inga signifikanta samband kunde påvisas mellan självskattad smärta och uppmätt balans, självskattad rörelserädsla och uppmätt balans respektive tilltro till egen förmåga (självskattad balans) och uppmätt balans. Konklusion: I den undersökta gruppen kunde inga samband påvisas mellan smärta, rörelserädsla, tilltro till egen förmåga och balans. / Background: Balance capacity is a complex notion. It relies upon several abilities interacting well with each other in order to be functioning. Pain, kinesiophobia and Self-Efficacy are factors that according to studies do have an impact on the individual ́s functional capacity. Although within the area of how such variables specifically affects a balance test there are still gaps of knowledge. Objective: Examine possible correlations between pain, kinesiophobia, Self-Efficacy and balance in a population of people with musculoskeletal pain from columna vertebralis. Methods: The study was one of correlating design. The study group consisted of 18 people, 9 men and 9 women with an average age of 32 years. All of them had musculoskeletal pain from columna vertebralis and were selected through a convenience sample. Self-assessed pain, kinesiophobia, Self- Efficacy were studied separately relative to measured balance. Data was collected through Numerical Rating Scale-self assesment questionaires, Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia and Mini- BESTest, whereon Spearman's rank correlation was applied in order to analyse correlations. Results: No significant correlations were found between self-assessed pain and measured balance, self-assessed kinesiophobia and measured balance or Self-Efficacy (self-assessed balance) and measured balance. Conclusion: In the studied group no significant correlations between pain, balance and kinesiophobia could be detected.

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