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Cultural Dynamics - zur langfristigen Existenzsicherung von Kulturorchestern in Deutschland und der Schweiz /Hamann, Thomas Klaus. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--St. Gallen, 2004.
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Ein automatisches Verfahren für geodätische Berechnungen / An Automatic Method for Geodetic ComputationsLehmann, Rüdiger 17 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das in diesem Beitrag beschriebene automatische Verfahren findet bei klassischen geodätischen Berechnungsaufgaben ausgehend von gegebenen Startgrößen (z. B. Festpunktkoordinaten, Messwerte) Berechnungsmöglichkeiten für alle anderen relevanten Größen. Bei redundanten Startgrößen existiert meist eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Berechnungsmöglichkeiten, die alle gefunden und deren Ergebnisse berechnet werden. Wenn die Berechnung mehrdeutig ist, aber nur endlich viele Lösungen existieren, werden alle Lösungen gefunden und berechnet. Durch den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Berechnungsergebnisse besteht die Möglichkeit, grobe Fehler in den Startgrößen aufzudecken und ein robustes Endergebnis zu generieren. Das Verfahren arbeitet nicht stochastisch, setzt also kein stochastisches Modell der Messwerte voraus. Die Beschreibung wird mit Beispielen illustriert. Das Verfahren wurde als Webserver-Script realisiert und ist frei im Internet verfügbar. / This contribution describes an automatic method, which can be applied to classical geodetic computation problems. Starting from given input quantities (e. g. coordinates of known points, measurements) computation opportunties for all other relevant quantities are found. For redundant input quantities a multitude of different computation opportunties exists, which are all found automatically, and their results are computed. If the computation is non-unique, but only a finite number of solutions exist, then all solutions are found and computed. By comparison of the different computation results there is the opportunity to detect gross errors in the input quantities and to produce a robust final result. The method does not work stochastically, so no stochastic model of the observations is required. The description of the algorithm is illustrated with the help of examples. The method was implemented as a webserver script and is available for free in the internet.
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Self-assembly and Mesocrystal Formation via Non-classical CrystallisationBahrig, Lydia 06 May 2014 (has links)
New materials can be fabricated using small scaled building blocks as a repetition unit. Nanoparticles with their unique size-tuneable properties from quantum confinement can especially be utilised to form two- and three-dimensional ordered assemblies to introduce them into what would normally be considered to be incompatible matrices. Furthermore, new collective properties that derive from the ordered arrangement of the building blocks, are accomplished. Additionally, different materials can be combined by mixing different building blocks during self-assembly, so that size ranges and material combinations that are difficult to achieve by other means can be formed.
The arrangement of small particles into highly ordered arrangements can be realised via self-assembly. To achieve such assemblies, highly monodisperse nanoparticular building blocks with a size distribution below 5 % have to be synthesised. The production and variation in the size of both lead chalcogenide and noble metal nanoparticles is presented in this work. Moreover, the syntheses of multicomponential nanoparticles (PbSe/PbS and Au/PbS) are investigated.
Non-classical crystallisation methodologies with their varyious self-assembly mechanisms are used for the formation of highly symmetrical mesocrystals and supracrystals. Analogous to classical crystallisation methods and their formation processes the interparticle interactions, attractive as well as repulsive, determine the resulting crystalline structure. Variation of the environmental parameters consequently leads to structural variation due to the changing interparticle interactions. In contrast to classical crystallisation the length scale of the interparticle forces stays constant as the size dimension of the self-assembled building unit is changed.
Two different non-classical crystallisation pathways are investigated in this work. One pathway focuses on the slow destabilisation of nanoparticles in organic media by the addition of a non-solvent. In this approach optimisation of parameters for the formation of highly symmetrical three-dimensional mesostructures are studied. Furthermore, to shine some light onto the mechanism of self-assembly, the intrinsic arrangement of the building units in a mesocrystal and the steps of non-solvent addition are analysed. The mechanistic investigations explain the differences observed in mesocrystal formation between metal and semiconductor nanoparticles. The lower homogeneity of the building units of the metal nanoparticles leads to smaller and less defined superstructures in comparison to semiconductor building blocks.
Another pathway of non-classical crystallisation is the usage of electrostatic interactions as the driving force for self-assembly and supracrystal formation. Therefore, the building blocks are transferred into aqueous media and stabilised with oppositely charged ligands. The well-know procedure for metal nanoparticles was adapted for semiconductor materials. The lower stability of these nanoparticles in aqueous solution induces an agglomeration of the semiconductor nanoparticles without including oppositely charged metal nanoparticles. The destabilisation effect can be increased by the addition of equally charged metal nanoparticles in a salting out type process.
In comparison to the slow formation of mesocrystals achieved via destabilisation in an organic media (up to 4 weeks), the salting out procedure takes place within two hours, but the faster agglomeration causes a less well defined assembly of the building units in the mesocrystals.
Moreover, the arrangement of semiconductor nanoparticles with organic molecules such as polymers and proteins was investigated in order to use the nanoparticles as a light harvesting component. In combination with the directly bound polymer the charge carrier may be directly transferred to the conductive thiophene-based polymer, so that infrared light can be transformed into an electrical signal for use in further applications such as solar cells. The advantage of the nanoparticle-protein system is the self-assembly across a liquid-liquid interface and additionally a Förster resonance energy transfer can occur at this phase boundary. Hence, it is possible to transfer highly energetic photons directly to biological samples without destroying the biological material.
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Die »Überleitung« im klassischen Stil: Hauptwege und Seitenwege in der Sonatenexposition bei Haydn, Mozart und BeethovenFuß, Hans-Ulrich 12 September 2023 (has links)
The bridge passage of sonata form has generally been considered less attractive to listeners and analysts than the themes it connects. This applies to general aesthetic judgements as well as to music analyses where it has been usually neglected. Sequential structures and other conventional materials typical of these transitions for a long time have deterred music theory from acknowledging the fact that many of the most important innovations of the classical sonata were shaped in the multifarious linear processes and harmonic contents of the bridge passage. The movement away from the initial tonic and the introduction of a new tonal area has become a key feature of the sonata form between 1730 and 1780 and thus has provoked many highly original compositional solutions. After general components of a formal model of the sonata bridge passage are introduced, the main section of this article discusses a broad number of examples from symphonic, chamber and solo works by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven in order to demonstrate how they continuously modified this scheme in order to raise attention, expectancy and expressive power. On the basis of James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy’s seminal book on sonata form (Elements of Sonata Theory, 2006) it can be shown how the compositional function of a bridge passage (exposition and extension of the principle theme, harmonic transformation from the tonic to a new key and its affirmation by a cadence, exposition of contrasting material) is modified through procrastination or hurry, displacement in time, exaggeration and understatement, interrupted processes, interpenetration, and the incongruence of design and function. Such a dialogue between generic norm and individualization can also imply semantic perspectives.
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Intermedialität zwischen Wort, Bild und Musik im Werk Kurt TucholskysPistocchi, Francesca 13 July 2023 (has links)
Il progetto verte principalmente sullo studio dell’intermedialità nell’opera di Kurt Tucholsky, mettendo in comunicazione i testi dell’autore con la produzione saggistica che, fra la fine degli anni ’90 e l’inizio del nuovo millennio, descrive il rapporto fra scrittura, visione e suono. Scopo dell’indagine è tracciare un ritratto inedito di Tucholsky sostituendo, alla tradizionale prospettiva storico-biografica, un approccio di tipo formale e giungendo ad osservare la sua figura sotto una nuova luce.
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E-Musik - Kunstreligion der Moderne: Beethoven und andere GötterLoos, Helmut 08 January 2025 (has links)
No description available.
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Honora Howell Chapman / Zuleika Rodgers (Eds.), A Companion to Josephus. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World.) Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell 2016. XVI, 466 S., [Rezension]Herzer, Jens 31 July 2024 (has links)
Considered the most important historian of Jewish antiquity, the works of Flavius Josephus offer unparalleled insights into the world of Late Second Temple Judaism, the dawn of Christianity, and the early years of the Roman Empire. A Companion to Josephus presents a collection of readings that probe deeply into aspects relating to the four extant works of the first century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. Featuring contributions from more than two dozen renowned international scholars specializing in Josephus and related studies, readings introduce the writings of Josephus, put them into historical contexts, explore their transmission and reception, and highlight contemporary scholarly approaches to two millennia of Josephan studies. Following an examination of the four individual texts and their manuscript tradition and situating the writings of Josephus among contemporaneous Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Christian works, a wide variety of themes are explored--the archaeology of Galilee, military history, the Jerusalem Temple, women, Jewish rulers, and more. Further readings follow the transmission and reception of the Josephan corpus along its remarkable journey from Late Antiquity through to the Medieval, early Modern, and Modern periods. In the first single-volume scholarly guide to Josephus, A Companion to Josephus sheds important new light into the writings of an eyewitness to a pivotal point in world history'.
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Timing and expectation of reward: a neuro-computational model of the afferents to the ventral tegmental areaVitay , Julien, Hamker, Fred H. 08 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Neural activity in dopaminergic areas such as the ventral tegmental area is influenced by timing processes, in particular by the temporal expectation of rewards during Pavlovian conditioning. Receipt of a reward at the expected time allows to compute reward-prediction errors which can drive learning in motor or cognitive structures. Reciprocally, dopamine plays an important role in the timing of external events. Several models of the dopaminergic system exist, but the substrate of temporal learning is rather unclear. In this article, we propose a neuro-computational model of the afferent network to the ventral tegmental area, including the lateral hypothalamus, the pedunculopontine nucleus, the amygdala, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the ventral basal ganglia (including the nucleus accumbens and the ventral pallidum), as well as the lateral habenula and the rostromedial tegmental nucleus. Based on a plausible connectivity and realistic learning rules, this neuro-computational model reproduces several experimental observations, such as the progressive cancelation of dopaminergic bursts at reward delivery, the appearance of bursts at the onset of reward-predicting cues or the influence of reward magnitude on activity in the amygdala and ventral tegmental area. While associative learning occurs primarily in the amygdala, learning of the temporal relationship between the cue and the associated reward is implemented as a dopamine-modulated coincidence detection mechanism in the nucleus accumbens.
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Lucan. 9, 1-604 / Lucan. 9, 1-604Seewald, Martin 05 February 2001 (has links)
Im neunten Buch von Lucans Bellum civile
übernimmt Cato der Jüngere den durch Pompeius´ Ermordung in Ägypten
vakant gewordenen Oberbefehl über die bei Pharsalos von Caesar
geschlagenen pompejanischen Truppen. Cato versucht die
republikanische Verfassung vor dem Tyrannen Caesar zu retten. Aus
dem verbrecherischen Bürgerkrieg zweier Despoten, Pompeius und
Caesar, ist somit ein bellum iustum geworden (9, 292-293). Nachdem
Cato Pompeius durch eine laudatio funebris die letzte Ehre erwiesen
hat (9, 190-214), besteht er eine Reihe von Bewährungsproben und
erweist sich als idealer Feldherr. Zur Charakterisierung Catos
greift Lucan verschiedene literarische Traditionen auf. Cato
übertrifft den homerischen Odysseus (9, 294-299. 388-389) und
Alexander den Großen (9, 268-269. 493-510. 564-586); er entspricht
in vollkommener Weise dem Feldherrenideal, wie es sich bei den
römischen Historikern der Republik (Sallust; Livius) findet
(9,294-296. 379-406. 587-593). Zentrum und Höhepunkt des neunten
Buchs stellt Lucans Bewertung Catos in 9, 587-604 dar. Die
Triumphzüge des Pompeius und des Marius sind geringer einzuschätzen
als die Leistung Catos, obwohl er schließlich Caesar unterliegt.
Entsprechend der stoischen Ethik bemißt sich der Wer einer Leistung
nicht nach dem äußeren Erfolg -dieser hängt allein von der Fortuna
ab- , sondern nach der vorbehaltlosen Erfüllung des moralisch
Gebotenen. Für den Erhalt der Republik ist Cato in den Tod
gegangen; er ist mulitärischer Held und pater patriae; er verdient
göttliche Verehrung.Die stoische Moralphilosphie ist Kern der
Poetik Lucans; daneben greift er jedoch auch auf andere stoische
Theoreme zurück. Vor allem die Naturschilderungen (9, 303-318.
420-420-444. 444-492) lehnen sich an stoische Lehre an. Zuweilen
finden sich auch Rückgriffe auf Lucrez (9, 76-77. 315-318.
471-472). Lucan ist poeta doctus; er gibt eine
wissenschaftlich-rationale Weltdeutung.Der Stil Lucans ist geprägt
durch das Paradox und die Sentenz. Dem Leser wird auf diese Weise
die Ungerechtigkeit des Schicksals vor Augen geführt, das es
zugelassen hat, daß Rom unter die Herrschaft von Tyrannen geraten
ist. Lucan beabsichtigt die Empörung seiner Leser hervorzurufen und
ermuntert sie, gegen die Kaiser Widerstand zu leisten.
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Signatures of non-classicality in optomechanical systemsMari, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains several theoretical studies on optomechanical systems, i.e. physical devices where mechanical degrees of freedom are coupled with optical cavity modes. This optomechanical interaction, mediated by radiation pressure, can be exploited for cooling and controlling mechanical resonators in a quantum regime.
The goal of this thesis is to propose several new ideas for preparing meso- scopic mechanical systems (of the order of 10^15 atoms) into highly non-classical states. In particular we have shown new methods for preparing optomechani-cal pure states, squeezed states and entangled states. At the same time, proce-dures for experimentally detecting these quantum effects have been proposed. In particular, a quantitative measure of non classicality has been defined in terms of the negativity of phase space quasi-distributions. An operational al- gorithm for experimentally estimating the non-classicality of quantum states has been proposed and successfully applied in a quantum optics experiment. The research has been performed with relatively advanced mathematical tools related to differential equations with periodic coefficients, classical and quantum Bochner’s theorems and semidefinite programming. Nevertheless the physics of the problems and the experimental feasibility of the results have been the main priorities. / Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus verschiedenen theoretischen Untersuchungen von optomechanischen Systemen, das heißt physikalische Bauteile bei denen mechanische Freiheitsgrade mit Lichtmoden in optischen Kavitäten gekoppelt sind. Diese optimechanischen Wechselwirkungen, die über den Strahlungsdruck vermittelt werden, lassen sich zur Kühlung und Kontrolle von mechanischen Resonatoren im Quantenregime verwenden.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, verschiedene neue Ideen für Methoden vorzuschlagen, mit denen sich mesoskopische mechanische Systeme (bestehend aus etwa 10^15 Atomen) in sehr nicht-klassischen Zuständen präparieren lassen. Außerdem werden Techniken beschrieben, mit denen sich diese Quateneffekte experimentell beobachten lassen. Insbesondere wird ein quantitatives Maß für Nichtklassizität auf der Basis von Quasiwahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen im Phasenraum definiert und ein operationeller Algorithmus zu dessen experimenteller Beschrieben, der bereits erfolgreich in einem quantenoptischen Experiment eingesetzt wurde.
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