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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza financování úvěrových finančních instrumentů pro malé firmy / The Analysis on Financing of Credit Financial Instruments for Small Businesses

KUTÍLKOVÁ, Aneta January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the credit process as a form of financing from foreign sources The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the characteristics of the credit business, furthermore with explanation of the terms connected with bank loans, which are the main focus of the theoretical part. Not least, alternative forms of financing are mentioned, which banks offer next to the credits mostly by means of their branches. The practical part analyzes the process of credit offers in the chosen banking institutions, the application process of granting the loan for buying a car i.e. what an applicant has to hand in and which conditions he has to fulfill, so that the bank would in general accept his application. At the same time, some leasing companies were addressed with an application for a not {--} binding offer for the same object of financing. On the basis of performed calculations it has been found that the financing of the bank loan is more advantageous for the company than leasing and that the client gets more easily a bank loan in the bank, in which he has a checking account

Nedobrovolný klient v sociální práci / Involuntary Client in Social Work

VÍŠKOVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The objective of my work is to survey what kinds of social work tools motivate, from the view of a social worker, an involuntary client to change his/her current situation and start working with a social worker. In the theoretical part of my diploma work I first deal with general topics, I focus on the typology of clients and relation and communication with clients. Within the section that is dedicated to the involuntary client solely I deal with the characteristics of such a client and ethical dilemmas in respect of the relation to this client. Furthermore, I present some recommendations for work with an involuntary client and I concentrate more on motivating the client. The chapter that deals with specific features of social work with addictive substances users, as one of the groups of involuntary clients, forms an extensive part of the theoretical part. In order to achieve the set objective, I have chosen a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The data have been collected by means of anonymous questionnaires and non-standardized dialogues with 144 social workers in the Vysočina Region. Within the research I study the experience of social workers with work with involuntary clientele, further I focus on methods and techniques used at work with involuntary clients and on theoretical bases of this work as well. The survey also aims to determine the diversity in the approach of social workers in respect of voluntary and involuntary clientele. Following the evaluation of the survey outputs it can be said that a majority of social workers meet involuntary clients at their work. However, not all the workers consider the use of a specific approach to such clients important. A possible improvement in this respect may, in my opinion, be brought by educational courses that focus on the issues of involuntary clientele. Supervision plays an irreplaceable role here, too. The results of my diploma work may be used for the needs of further research, teaching and in order to enhance the knowledge of the issues of involuntary clientele.

Hlášení sester a sesterská vizita v praxi. / Message nurses and ward sister in practice.

NOVÁKOVÁ, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The ward sister round presents an integral part of the nursing profession. The ward sister round comprises a regular visit of the nurse directly at the patient´s bed. Its objective consists in determining and satisfying the unsaturated needs of patients, further in ensuring and providing a high quality and efficiency nursing care in a close link with medical care. Nursing handover can be divided into two main sections: written and oral handover. The oral handover takes place directly in the patients´/clients´ room under the use of nursing documentation. Its advantage consists in the direct involvement of the patient/client in the handover process. The written handover is then entered by the nurses into the Handover Book. The significance of my diploma work consists in increasing the nurses´ standard of knowledge related to the modernization of ward sister rounds and nursing handover as an integral part of the nursing profession.

MyMusic – e-shop för musik i Flash / MyMusic – e-shop for music files in Flash

Wejsflog, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working “bridge” between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP. Furthermore, a web interface for adding music files and data to the server was created, built in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. The project consisted of researching and implementing the technologies and techniques involved by iteratively collecting information, reading, testing, programming and evaluating the end results. Also, object oriented design and programming principles was applied in the development process. The software development methodologies – Agile development and extreme programming was practiced. The purpose was to gain experience in developing large scale client/server web applications dealing with creative processes, project planning, project management and problem solving. And in the longer perspective make use of the experience and knowledge in future projects. / Jag hade en idé om att skapa en e-shop med fokus på användarvänlighet och interaktivitet. Detta ledde till en klient/server-applikation med funktioner för att lyssna på musik och söka efter- och ta del av musikinformation. Syftet var att ge användare möjlighet att köpa musik i form av nedladdningsbara MP3-filer. Applikationen är huvudsakligen indelad i tre sektioner, en meny överst; en musikspelare placerad på vänster sida; och en s.k. content-del, ett slags fönster där all text och bildbaserat innehåll presenteras. Gränssnittets utformning är rent och enkelt med tydliga knappar och menyer för enkel navigation. Musik kan förhandslyssnas, och spelas upp med hjälp av en inbyggd musikspelare. Tanken är att ljudet ska kunna spelas upp i realtid från servern, dvs. strömmas. Detta medför att data inte lagras hos klienten och syftet är alltså att användaren ska kunna förhandslyssna på den musik han eller hon är intresserad av att köpa, men till sämre ljudkvalitet än den köpta MP3-filen. En display visar artistens eller gruppens namn, låtnamn, spelad tid, och total tid. Vidare finns knappar för att spela upp, stoppa, pausa och spela nästa respektive föregående låt. Slutligen finns ett reglage för att kunna styra spelposition. Som ett led i att förenkla köp av musik kan en spellista fyllas med valda låtar. Låtarna i denna lista kan man sedan köpa i ett svep eller var för sig. Detta innebär att användaren slipper leta upp en låt i taget, och lyssna på dem vart efter varandra. Ett webbformulär byggdes för att kunna tillhandahålla uppladdning och lagring av musikfiler och musikinformation. Webbformuläret är byggt i teknikerna HTML, CSS, PHP och JavaScript. Den innehåller en dynamiskt genererad tabell för att underlätta insättning av låtar. Webbformuläret kan med fördel utnyttjas av godkända parter (skivbolag, artister…), för att ladda upp och lagra musikfiler på servern. Detta resulterar i en arbetsbesparande process eftersom arbetsbördan fördelas till extern part. All musikinformation, så som artistnamn, låtnamn, utgivningsdatum, etc. lagras och hämtas från en MySQL-databas. Musikfiler lagras och spelas upp från filsystemet i en Apache HTTP Server. Applikationen utgörs av flera skikt. Det innebär att den är uppdelad i flera separata delar. En del består av gränssnittet, en SWF-fil som användaren kommer åt genom sin webbläsare. Gränssnittet opererar gentemot data som ligger lagrat på en webbserver. Vidare finns speciell programkod på servern för att ta emot-, skicka respektive manipulera data. Två typer av datalager används för att möjliggöra kommunikation av data mellan Flashklient (gränssnitt) och server – Flash Remoting och AMFPHP. Flash Remoting är ett slags kommunikationsprotokoll som Flashklienten använder för att kommunicera med server. AMFPHP används för att ”tolka” Flashkod som sänds via HTTP till server. AMFPHP omvandlar denna till, för servern, läsbar server-sidekod – PHP, som i sin tur kan manipulera data på servern, t.ex. lagra data i databasen. När data skickas till Flashklienten, omvandlar AMFPHP data till, för Flashfilen, läsbar kod. En stor del av projektet har varit av undersökande natur. Målet var att erhålla tekniska kunskaper i Flashmiljön för att kunna utveckla interaktiva webbapplikationer. Kunskap har inhämtats via litteratur i bokform, det inbyggda hjälpbiblioteket i Adobe Flash 8 Professional mjukvara, samt från internet, bland en mängd olika forum och webbsidor. Utvecklingsarbetet har bestått av en kombination av rörlig utveckling och extrem programmering. / +46 (0)708 38 08 03 guild2000@hotmail.com

Profesní předsudky jako limitující faktor práce pedagogických pracovníků a pracovníků sociální péče se znevýhodněnými klienty / Professional prejudices as a limiting factor in the work of teaching staff and social care workers with disadvantaged clients

Suchomelová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
This study is going to focus on professional bias of pedagogical staff and social services workers in facilities with disadvantaged clients, particularly those with mental handicap. Such bias can limit work efforts of workers, and thus effect quality of life of disadvantaged clients. The research gathers and describes general knowledge of bias and its influence on men's life. The study mentions chosen professional bias of workers, documents it and compares degree of its influence on behaviour and approach to clients of both pedagogical staff and social services workers. The research attempts to search for connection between workers' biased behaviour and their education. Last of all, the study aims to search for suggestions and possible solutions of given situations that may be beneficial to quality of life of disadvantaged clients.

Činnost pedagogického pracovníka s klienty azylového domu / The activities of a pedagogical worker with clients of asylum house

Michálková, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is The activities of a pedagogical worker with clients of an asylum house. The target is to find out what activities the pedagogical worker does in this kind of facility, what is the work description, how the worker works with clients and their children. Further more the thesis deals with necessity of pedagogical worker in an asylum house a their in/sufficient capacity. The thesis is focused on finding out the success of a pedagogical worker in this kind of facility and how the pedagogue reaches the target of their activity. In the theoretical part there I describe particular activities which the pedagigical worker carries out in an asylum house, it means in socially disadvantaged environment. In the empirical part of the thesis there I research whether the pedagogical worker is neccessary in this facility and wheteher and to what extent their work capacity is sufficient. The research includes finding out the success of a pedagogical worker in asylum house primarily with the help of reached targets made by clients. Key words: pedagogical worker, asylum house, a client, children, socially disadvantaged environment, education

Bemötandet inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om klienters upplevelser

Välijeesiö, Maria, Eriksson, Anna-Lena January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how clients who have or have previously had a drug- and/or alcohol addiction experienced interchanges with social workers. In this study, eight semi-structured interviews were made with respondents from an out-patient clinic in a small town in Sweden. Questions were asked regarding clients’ experience of the social workers' attitudes during the initial meeting as well as all continuing meetings. Other possible variables that affected the interchanges, either positively or negatively, including how the clients wanted to be treated, were also explored. Theories used in the interpretation of the results were power and an interactional perspective. The power at the social bureau is unevenly dispensed in favor of the social worker and they should use that power in a non-offending way. Good communication is essential to avoid misconceptions and to make the interaction work well between social workers and clients. The results showed that concepts such as being listened to, mutual trust between client and social worker, and that the clients felt respected, were all important. Aspects that had a negative effect were mistrust from the social worker, lack in professionalism as well as the clients’ attitudes. Most respondents were satisfied with the way they were being treated. / Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur klienter som har eller har haft en alkohol- och/eller drogproblematik upplever bemötandet på socialkontoret. För att få svar på syftet undersöktes klienters upplevelser av bemötandet vid sitt första möte och under fortsatta möten. Även faktorer som påverkar bemötandet positivt eller negativt samt hur de skulle vilja bli bemötta undersöktes. För att få svar på syftet gjordes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från en öppenvårdsmottagning i en liten ort i Mellansverige. Teorier som använts vid tolkningen av resultatet var makt och interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Makten på socialkontoret är ojämnt fördelad till handläggarens fördel, det är viktigt att makten används enligt socialtjänstens riklinjer för att inte kränka klienten. Bemötandet uppstår i interaktionen mellan människor, och det är viktigt att kommunikationen mellan handläggare och klient fungerar för att inte missförstånd ska uppstå. Resultatet visade att det som var viktigt för ett bra bemötande var att respondenterna blev lyssnade på, att det fanns ett ömsesidigt förtroende mellan klient och handläggare och att de blev respekterade. Det som kunde påverka bemötandet negativt var misstro från handläggaren, brister i professionaliteten och klientens egen attityd. De flesta var dock i stort sett nöjda med bemötandet på socialkontoret.

Project Management and Problem Solving Methods in Management Consulting / Project Management and Problem Solving Methods in Management Consulting

Gábor, Richard January 2011 (has links)
Conducting management consulting project for Transparency International Czech Republic, the leading non-profit non-governmental organization active in anti-corruption practices, by applying selected project management and problem solving methods, the objective of the thesis is to support the assumption that proper selection and application of suitable methods to problem identification, definition and decomposition enables to come up with the solution of the problem by analyzing it with no need for further solution development.

Marketing soukromé kliniky Santé / Marketing of the private clinic Santé

Herlesová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on marketing of Santé, the private clinic. The first part is theoretical and has two main chapters. Marketing in the field of health care is the first chapter, including the differences between health care marketing and marketing in other fields and other characteristics of the medical system. Next a product is defined, in health care it is the provided service. Marketing mix is described not as 4P but as 4C. Then there is the practical point of view on the health care system. Very important is the patients' satisfaction, which is measured by many different surveys, such as the best hospital, or quality perceived by the patients. The other chapter discusses used methods, defines marketing research and the S-T-P strategy. The practical part of thesis introduces the company Santé followed by the description of their clientele, which is differentiated as individual and companies' clientele. Marketing mix of the company consists of the 4 components already mentioned higher. Next is the SWOT analysis. Analysis of the competition focused on the main competitors of Santé. Very significant moment is the research project created to suit the needs of this thesis only. A complex questionnaire researching the privet clinic market as a whole was prepared. Analysis of the data was complex as well. Open questions were analyzed separately, closed questions were processed with the help of SPPS computer program. By the end of the thesis there are some recommendations for the company that originate in the research project and also from the confrontation of the theory and practice. Last is the conclusion, bibliography and the annex, where you can find already mentioned questionnaire.

Návrh a vývoj tenkého klienta infrastrukturního cloudu na platformě Android / Design and development of thin client for infrastructure cloud based on Android platform

Andrle, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the development of mobile thin client application which is able to manage commercial infrastructure cloud service. The introduction section provides an overview of the necessary terminology and presents the problem domain that is a subject of this thesis. Besides the project itself, of which result is the main output of this work, is also the part dedicated to research of current theses, school information resources, guidelines, recommendations and methodologies that covers topics of design and implementation of graphical user interfaces for mobile devices, especially for those that have the Android operating system installed. Information obtained on basis of the research is after used as a default knowledge base for design and implementation of the presentation layer of the previously mentioned application. The next aim of this thesis is to make analysis of requirements for new application which is being developed. The requirements are then transformed into conceptual design, to which is bound the explanation of implementation of individual application layers. UML was mainly used for the modeling of the application parts design in environment of the Sybase PowerDesigner. The programming process was performed by usage of the development environment called Eclipse SDK. Benefit of this diploma thesis lies in the possibility of reusing its concentrated knowledge resulting from the research dealing with the problems of creating GUI for mobile devices. Programmer, who is untouched in this specialization, will be able to use this part of the thesis as a critical study material which has been verified in practice. Cloud infrastructure solution providers can find there an inspiration for their own mobile thin client application.

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