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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Climate declaration 2022 : A study on the impact of the climate declaration on the construction industry / Klimatdeklaration 2022 : En studie om klimatdeklarationens påverkan på byggbranschen

Andersson, Jonas, Edsman, William January 2021 (has links)
From 2022 the Swedish housing council (Boverket) is requiring that all new production houses,with a few exceptions, calculate their climate impact in a climate declaration. This is the firststep of many in order to reach climate neutrality in 2045. The plan is to set limits for maximumemissions from a building project in 2027. Any numbers on what the maximum limit might behas not yet been presented.The climate declaration will include the emission from transports and a few mandatory buildingparts. These parts are load-bearing structural parts, interior walls and climate screens. Thedeveloper has the responsibility that the climate declaration will be sent to the housing councilwhen the project is finished.With this law many actors in different parts of the construction value chain will be affected andwill have to change their routines. The thesis aims to present what adjustments different actorsneed to make and what problems may arise in the making of a climate declaration.The thesis is mainly based on interviews and the practical climate calculation that was done inconnection to the study. Results from the interview shows that much of the climate calculationwork will be sent over to the next instance, for example the developer will most likely requirethat the entrepreneur is responsible for the climate calculation, in turn the entrepreneur ordeveloper will require that the material supplier will calculate their emissions on transports andthe material.The material suppliers are those who likely will be affected the most. Customers will demandEPDs and precise transport distances on their orders to make sure their climate declaration iscorrect. Material suppliers with EPDs on many of their products will be much more attractive tocustomers.The results from the practical climate calculation shows that producing a climate declarationdigitally will not be especially complicated as there is intuitive software to ease the transition,without the need for any greater knowledge. The critical moment will be the resourcecompilation and making sure that the amount of material used is correct. This can be done byestablishing templates and routines at an early stage, and continuously post transports andmaterials used throughout the project. / Från och med 2022 ställer boverket krav att alla nyproducerade byggnader, med ett fåtalundantag, skall redovisa sin klimatpåverkan i en klimatdeklaration. Detta är ett första steg avflera för att minska utsläppen i byggbranschen och senare kunna uppnå klimatneutralitet 2045 ienighet med det klimatpolitiska regelverk som röstades igenom i riksdagen 2017. Planen är attår 2027 kommer referensvärden och gränsvärden att träda i kraft, några precisa siffror har pågränsvärden har ännu inte presenterats.Klimatdeklarationen skall visa utsläppet från transporter, energiåtgång i byggprocessen samt ettantal obligatoriska byggnadsdelar. De byggnadsdelar som måste ingå i en klimatdeklaration ärbärande konstruktionsdelar, innerväggar samt klimatskärmar. Byggherren innehar det ytterstaansvaret att klimatdeklarationen lämnas in till boverket när projektet är färdigställt.I och med lagkravet kommer många företag i olika delar av värdekedjan behöva göraomställningar i sina rutiner och arbetssätt. Undersökningen syftar att presentera vilkaomställningar olika aktörer behöver göra samt vilka problem som kan uppstå i samband medframställning av en klimatdeklaration.Arbetet är till stor del baserat på intervjuer och det praktiska klimatberäkningsarbetet som utförtsi samband med studien. Resultatet från intervjuerna visar att nya krav kommer ställas iupphandlingarna angående klimatdeklarationen, likt det vi ser i arbetet med energideklarationeridag. Byggherren kommer ställa krav i upphandlingen att entreprenören skall utföraklimatberäkningen till exempel. I sin tur kommer entreprenören eller byggherren ställa krav påbyggmaterialleverantören att dessa ska redovisa utsläpp för material och transporter.Aktörerna i värdekedjan som med stor sannolikhet kommer påverkas mest ärmaterialleverantörerna. Kunderna kommer begära EPD-underlag på produkterna och precisatransportsträckor för att enkelt kunna säkerställa att deras klimatdeklaration är korrekt.Materialleverantörerna med EPDer på många av sina produkter kommer bli konkurrenskraftigaframöver.Resultatet från det praktiska arbetet visar att framställandet av klimatdeklarationen inte medförstörre svårigheter då det finns flera effektiva programvaror som är lätta att förstå utan störreförkunskaper. Det kritiska momentet kommer vara att resurssammanställningen är korrekt gjordoch att mängderna stämmer. Detta kan göras genom att tidigt upprätta mallar och rutiner för attkontinuerligt kunna bokföra transporter och material i projektets gång.

Energieffektivisering inom transportsektorn : En fallstudie på ett företagsfordonspark

Isak, Eklöv January 2021 (has links)
Energy efficiency within the transport sector - A case study on the vehicle fleet of a companyIsak EklövThe environmental objective of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045 asdecided by the Swedish parliament establishes a framework for a standard thatimplies a demand for considerable changes within many sectors at both technical and political level. The need for long term efficiency solutions with respect tosustainability to be able to reach this goal is great and one step towards this couldpotentially be an adaption to an increased amount of vehicles with alternative fuelsin the vehicle fleet of Sweden. This thesis examined the potential for companiesto reduce their life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as the total cost ofownership (TCO) for their vehicles by changing the composition of their vehiclefleet.The project started with a literature review of a general character where data forlife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as TCO for different vehicle typeswas examined and collected. Then the life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases andTCO were calculated for the different vehicle types through a case study on thevehicle fleet of a company. Finally a programming script was developed to increasethe efficiency of the process which was then used to create scenarios with differentcompositions of the vehicle fleet. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to evaluate the robustness of the life cycle calculations where the parameters individuallywere altered and the effect on the final result was examined.The result of the case study showed that alternative fueled vehicles are expected tolead to lower life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases compared to the conventionalalternatives for all vehicle types where alternative fuels are commercially available.The only exception for this was the electric fringe benefit vehicle with a 100 kWhbattery which was expected to lead to higher life-cycle emissions than its fossilalternatives. The result of the cost analysis showed a similar pattern but in thiscase the service vehicle fueled with gas was expected to lead to a higher value ofTCO than its fossil alternatives. The sensitivity analysis for life-cycle emissionsof greenhouse gases showed that production of lithium-ion batteries, vehicle base production and tailpipe emissions were the most contributing parameters forfringe benefit vehicles. The purchase cost was found to be the most contributingparameter for TCO.The result of the scenario analysis showed that there is a potential to decreaseiiilife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases by 22 % of the total life-cycle emissionsfor the vehicle fleet according to the Base-case scenario. The potential to decreaseTCO was found to be 1,1 %. The other scenarios showed a potential decrease forlife-cycle emissions of 37 % and a cost decrease of 7 % individually.Key words: greenhouse gas emissions, alternative fuels, electric vehicles, totalcost of ownership, life cycle assessment, sustainable vehicle fleet

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