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Coordination of the swing limb during obstacle crossing a comparison between young and elderly adults /Beavers, Jeffrey Thomas, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 77-81). Also available online (PDF file) by a subscription to the set or by purchasing the individual file.
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Delay to diagnosis and specialist consultation following anterior cruciate ligament injury : a study investigating the nature of, and factors associated with, pathway delayAyre, Colin A. January 2016 (has links)
Background: Historically the identification of ACL injuries upon initial presentation is low and considerable diagnostic delays have been reported. However, specific evidence on the individual elements of, and factors which influence delay, is lacking. Aims: The overarching aim was to provide a comprehensive picture of delay to diagnosis and specialist consultation, including factors which influence delay. An additional aim was to determine whether the approach to examining acute knee injuries varied as a consequence of varying patient presentation or experience of the assessing clinician. Methods: Study 1: Cross -sectional survey. Study 2: Non-participant direct observation methodology. Results: Data from 194 patients were analysed in the survey. Only 15.5% of patients were given a correct diagnosis of ACL rupture at the initial consultation. Median delay to diagnosis was 67.5 days (IQR= 15 to 178 days) and specialist consultation 108 days (IQR= 38 to 292 days). The factors most influential on delay were whether a follow-up appointment was arranged after attending A&E, whether the site of attendance operated an acute knee clinic and whether MRI was performed. The direct observation study showed wide variation in approach to injury assessment. Specialist clinicians performed the most comprehensive examination. A&E clinicians were more likely to assess for bony, neurovascular and gross tendon injuries as opposed to ligamentous or meniscal injury. Conclusions: The diagnostic rate of ACL injury at initial presentation remains low. Considerable delays to diagnosis and specialist consultation are apparent following ACL injury, the majority of which is attributable to health system delay.
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Innovations relatives à l'évaluation du cartilage articulaire du condyle fémoral humain par une nouvelle modalité d'imagerie optique / New optical imaging modality for assessment of knee cartilage defectsPailhé, Régis 23 October 2017 (has links)
L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé recommande le développement d’outils innovants d’imagerie pour le diagnostic précoce et le monitoring de l’arthrose dans le cadre d’une prévention secondaire(10). L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’établir l’intérêt de l’imagerie par OCT grand champ pour réaliser une évaluation du tissus cartilagineux peropératoire.La première partie de notre travail a consisté à définir à partir des données les plus récentes de la littérature les paramètres qualitatifs et quantitatifs les plus pertinents pour évaluer les lésions cartilagineuses arthrosiques. Ce travail de synthèse nous a semblé être le prérequis indispensable pour pouvoir développer des stratégies d’évaluation automatisé du cartilage en peropératoire. En effet, il n’existe pas en l’état une technique d’imagerie combinant toutes les qualités nécessaires pour caractériser le tissu cartilagineux. Les données actuelles montrent que parmi les paramètres quantitatifs, l’évaluation de l’état de surface, à une échelle micrométrique apparaît comme l’un des paramètres les mieux corrélés aux grades histologiques d’arthrose qui demeurent le gold-standard. Cette revue de la littérature a également mis en avant que les paramètres structurels, aussi bien biomécaniques que biochimiques, souffrent en l’état de ne pas avoir fait l’objet d’une corrélation avec les stades arthrosiques histologiques, limitant ainsi leur intérêt à des travaux de recherche fondamentale. Enfin, nous avons constaté que les systèmes d’imagerie les plus intéressants (IRM, SEM, etc…) pour caractériser le cartilage, et de fait les plus étudiés n’étaient accessibles qu’à un usage peropératoire et que très rarement à un usage in vivo.Dans la deuxième partie de notre travail de thèse, nous avons évalué la place de l’imagerie par tomographie par cohérence optique grand champ (Full Field Optical Coherence Tomography : FFOCT) pour la caractérisation du tissu cartilagineux. Nous avons exposé les principes de l’OCT grand champ ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients que présente cette technique d’imagerie en comparaison à celles listées dans notre revue de la littérature. Puis nous avons présenté les résultats des évaluations descriptives, qualitatives et quantitatives des lésions cartilagineuses arthrosiques par OCT grands champ. Ces travaux expérimentaux sont, à notre connaissance, les premiers à avoir permis de développer un algorithme semi-automatique pour évaluer la dégénérescence cartilagineuse à partir d’images FFOCT. Six paramètres de surface ont pu être ainsi identifiés comme fortement corrélés au stade arthrosique histologique OARSI.Dans la troisième partie de cette thèse, nous essayons de répondre à la question de l’applicabilité clinique de ces travaux, en présentant les perspectives et les travaux de recherche que nous conduisons. En effet, même si les paramètres de surfaces sont fortement corrélés aux grades arthrosiques histologiques, il semble indispensable de développer et de valider de nouveaux paramètres quantitatifs, accessible à terme en peropératoire, qui pourront être combinés à ces premiers. Nous développons actuellement une thématique de recherche avec l ‘étude de deux paramètres structurels :la densité cellulaire des couches superficielles du cartilage et l’analyse de la rugosité de surface du cartilage. En parallèle de ces travaux, le développement d’un système d’imagerie accessible au bloc opératoire et à la chirurgie endoscopique mini-invasive est poursuivi. La sonde endoscopique FFOCT-NOCT développée en collaboration avec la société LLTech pourrait être le futur système d’imagerie peropératoire permettant d’obtenir les paramètres de caractérisation des lésions cartilagineuses que nous avons validés lors des expérimentations ex-vivo. / The World Health Organization recommends as part of secondary prevention, the development of innovative imaging tools allowing early diagnosis and assessement of osteoarthritis (10). The objective of this thesis was to study full-field OCT imaging and determine its ability to evaluate intraoperative cartilage tissue.The first part of our work consisted in defining the most accurate qualitative and quantitative parameters to evaluate osteoarthritis-induced cartilage lesions according to the latest literature. This preliminary part seemed necessary to further develop peroperative cartilage evaluation strategies. Indeed, to our knowledge, no existing technique allowed cartilaginous tissue characterization. Among the quantitative parameters, the assessment of the cartilage surface on a micrometric scale appeared to be best correlated to the histological grades of osteoarthritis which are the gold standard. This review of the literature also revealed that the structural parameters, both biomechanical and biochemical, lacked of actual correlation with histological arthrosis stages, which limits their interest in fundamental research. Finally, we noticed the most appropriate imaging systems for cartilage characterization (MRI, SEM, etc.) were unusable peroperatively and were very rarely used in vivo.In the second part of our work, we evaluated the ability of full field optical coherence tomography (FFOCT) imaging to characterize cartilaginous tissue. We described the principle of full field OCT, its advantages and disadvantages compared to the other existing imaging techniques listed in our review of literature. We then displayed the results of the descriptive, qualitative and quantitative evaluations of osteoarthritic cartilage lesions by full field OCT. This experimental work is, to our knowledge, the first to develop a semi-automatic algorithm in order to assess cartilage degeneration on FFOCT images. This allowed us to identify six surface parameters strongly correlated with OARSI histological arthrosis.In the third part of the thesis, we tried to determine the clinical applicability of this work, exposed further perspectives and explained the research work that we lead. Indeed, although the surface parameters were strongly correlated with the osteoarthritis grades, it seems essential to develop and validate new quantitative parameters that can be combined with these first ones. We are currently working on two structural parameters: the cell density of the superficial layers of the cartilage and the analysis of the surface roughness of the cartilage. At the same time we are working on the development of a peroperative and minimally invasive imaging system for endoscopic surgery. The endoscopic probe FFOCT-NOCT developed with the LLTech company could in the future allow to characterize cartilage lesions with the parameters we validated during the ex-vivo experiments.
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Estudo comparativo das técnicas de tratamento da deformidade em flexão do joelho nos pacientes com paralisia cerebral espástica: alongamento dos tendões dos músculos isquiotibiais mediais com ou sem transferência do semitendíneo para o tubérculo dos adutores / Comparative study of the techniques for treatment of knee flexion deformity in patients with spastic cerebral palsy: lengthening of the tendons of hamstrings muscles with or without the transfer of semitendinosus to adductors tubercleMauro Cesar de Morais Filho 25 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O alongamento dos músculos isquiotibiais (ISQ) tem sido utilizado com frequência para a correção da contratura em flexão dos joelhos na paralisia cerebral (PC), porém o aumento da anteversão da pelve (AP) e a recidiva da deformidade podem ocorrer a longo prazo. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a transferência do semitendíneo para o tubérculo dos adutores (TXST) está relacionada a uma menor taxa de recidiva e a um menor aumento da AP no período pós-operatório, quando comparada ao alongamento deste músculo. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo tipo coorte retrospectivo. Pacientes com PC diparesia espástica, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) I-III, sem cirurgias prévias nos joelhos, submetidos ao alongamento dos ISQ mediais ou à TXST, e com completa documentação no laboratório de marcha foram incluídos no estudo. Foram excluídos aqueles que receberam de forma concomitante a osteotomia extensora do fêmur distal e o encurtamento patelar. Trinta e nove pacientes preencheram os critérios de inclusão e foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com os procedimentos cirúrgicos realizados: Grupo A (22 pacientes / 44 joelhos), composto por aqueles que receberam o alongamento dos ISQ mediais; Grupo B (17 pacientes / 34 joelhos), formado por aqueles que receberam a TXST ao invés do alongamento do semitendíneo (AST), em conjunto com o alongamento dos demais ISQ mediais. Parâmetros clínicos e de cinemática foram avaliados nos dois grupos antes e após as cirurgias. Resultados: Os grupos não exibiram diferença quanto à distribuição por gênero, idade na cirurgia e tempo de seguimento. A deformidade irredutível em flexão estava presente em 9,1% dos joelhos no Grupo A e em 50% no Grupo B (p < 0,001) antes do tratamento, e em 25% dos joelhos do Grupo A e 20,6% no Grupo B (p=0,647) após os procedimentos cirúrgicos. O número de joelhos com deformidade irredutível em flexão aumentou no Grupo A (p=0,047) e reduziu no Grupo B (p=0,011) após a intervenção. Houve redução significativa da deformidade média em flexão dos joelhos ao exame físico (de 7,3° para 4,4°, p= 0,04) e da flexão dos joelhos durante a fase de apoio da marcha (de 34,2° para 20,2°, p < 0,001) apenas no Grupo B. A AP aumentou nos Grupos A e B após a correção cirúrgica da deformidade em flexão dos joelhos. Conclusão: O aumento da AP foi observado nos dois grupos após o tratamento efetuado. A redução da deformidade em flexão dos joelhos ao exame físico e o aumento da extensão dos joelhos na fase de apoio foram observados apenas nos pacientes submetidos à TXST / Introduction: Hamstrings surgical lengthening has been frequently used for the correction of knee flexion contracture in cerebral palsy (CP), however the increase of anterior pelvic tilt and the recurrence of the deformity can occur in a long-term follow-up. The aim of this study was to evaluate if semitendinosus transfer to distal femur (STTX) is related to less increase of anterior pelvic tilt and less recurrence of knee flexion deformity after treatment than semitendinosus surgical lengthening (STL). Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. Patients with diplegic spastic CP, GMFCS levels I to III, without previous surgical procedures at knee, undergone to bilateral medial hamstrings surgical lengthening or STTX, and with complete documentation at gait laboratory were included in this study. Patients with concomitant distal femur extension osteotomy and patellar tendon shortening were excluded. Thirty-nine patients matched the inclusion criteria and they were divided in two groups according surgical procedures at knees: Group A (22 patients / 44 knees), including patients who received medial hamstrings surgical lengthening as part of multilevel approach; Group B (17 patients / 34 knees), represented by patients who underwent orthopedic surgery including a STTX instead of STL. Clinical and kinematic parameters were evaluated at baseline and at follow-up for all groups. Results: The two groups matched at gender distribution, age at surgery and follow-up time. Fixed knee flexion deformity (FKFD) before surgery was observed at 9.1% of knees in Group A and at 50% in Group B (p < 0.001). At final follow-up, 25% of knees in Group A and 20.6% in Group B shown FKFD (p=0.647). FKFD increased in Group A (p=0.047) and decreased in Group B (p=0.011) after treatment. The reduction of mean FKFD (from 7.3° to 4.4°, p= 0.04) and of knee flexion during gait stance phase (from 34.2° to 20.2°, p< 0.001) were observed only in Group B after surgical procedures. The anterior pelvic tilt increased at both groups after treatment. Conclusion: The increase of anterior pelvic tilt occurred at both groups after correction of knee flexion deformity. Patients who received STTX exhibited less fixed knee flexion deformity and better knee extension during stance phase after surgical treatment than those whom undergone to STL
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Sexual dimorphism at the proximal tibia: a geometric morphometric analysisToon, Celena 12 March 2016 (has links)
In the past few decades, an area of skeletal research focusing on shape analyses has gained popularity in the field of physical anthropology, and subsequently forensic anthropology. Known as geometric morphometrics, this type of analysis allows the researcher to place the morphological shape of bones into a statistical framework to answer questions on a variety of topics, including sexual dimorphism. Sex assessment from the long bones has been traditionally conducted using traditional morphometric methods (Iscan and Miller-Shaivitz 1984; Steyn and Iscan 1997), and as a result, relies mainly on size differences and has not considered how joint morphology and shape affect sex. For this project, a geometric morphometric analysis of the proximal tibia in a modern Caucasian American population was conducted using a sample of 100 male and 100 female tibiae from the William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. The proximal tibia's effectiveness as an indicator of sex in a modern American population was evaluated via generalized Procrustes, principal components, and discriminant function analyses. Principal components revealed a lack of separation between males and females in terms of proximal tibia shape. The discriminant function analysis was successful at discriminating males from females, but cross-validation yielded a low total accuracy rate of 58%. The shape of the proximal tibia contributes to sexual dimorphism in a Caucasian American population, but is only slightly useful in a discriminant function. Further research should be conducted on different populations and using different skeletal landmarks.
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Influ?ncia do alinhamento perna-antep? e de fatores da articula??o do quadril na cinem?tica do joelho no plano frontal durante o agachamento unipodalDiniz, K?ren Marina Alves 09 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-07-27T20:49:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / A abdu??o do joelho durante atividades din?micas realizadas em cadeia cin?tica fechada ?
considerada o principal mecanismo envolvido nas les?es n?o traum?ticas do joelho. A
abdu??o do joelho est? relacionada ao aumento da adu??o do quadril, da rota??o medial do
f?mur e da prona??o do p?, tais altera??es cinem?ticas podem ser influenciadas por altera??es
de alinhamento estrutural, amplitude de movimento e for?a muscular. Especificamente, o
varismo excessivo do antep?, a diminui??o da for?a muscular de rotadores laterais de quadril
e o aumento da amplitude de movimento passiva de rota??o medial do quadril podem
contribuir para o aumento da prona??o do p? e da rota??o medial da t?bia e f?mur, o que
consequentemente pode contribuir para a abdu??o do joelho em cadeia fechada. Portanto,
entender como estes fatores em conjunto interagem e influenciam a abdu??o do joelho
permite desenvolvimento de estrat?gias de preven??o e reabilita??o mais eficientes. O
objetivo da presente disserta??o foi investigar a influ?ncia do alinhamento do p?, torque
muscular de rotadores laterais do quadril e amplitude de movimento passiva em rota??o
medial do quadril na cinem?tica do joelho no plano frontal durante o agachamento unipodal.
Quarenta e um indiv?duos participaram do estudo, sendo avaliados nos testes de torque
isom?trico de rotadores laterais do quadril (TRLQ), amplitude de movimento (ADM) passiva
de rota??o medial (RM) do quadril, alinhamento perna-antep? (APA) e avalia??o da
cinem?tica do joelho no plano frontal durante o agachamento unipodal atrav?s do sistema de
an?lise do movimento em 3D. A ?rvore de classifica??o e regress?o (Classification and
Regression Tree - CART) foi utilizada para identificar os fatores e intera??es que est?o
associados ao movimento do joelho no plano frontal. A curva receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) foi usada para determinar a acur?cia do modelo desenvolvido pela
CART. Finalmente, utilizou-se a raz?o de preval?ncia (RP) para identificar a for?a de
associa??o das intera??es indicadas em cada nodo terminal da ?rvore com o desfecho. Os
resultados revelaram que 14 indiv?duos (93,3%) classificados com abdu??o do joelho
apresentaram menores valores de TRLQ (entre 0,26 e 0,47) e maiores valores de APA
(>10,11?), com RP igual a 3,03. O modelo desenvolvido pela CART obteve acur?cia
adequada (91,5% (IC 95%= 82,7-100) p < 0.0001), indicando como predi??o correta 81,8%
de indiv?duos com abdu??o de joelho e 94,7% de indiv?duos com adu??o do joelho. Concluise
que a abdu??o do joelho ? influenciada e depende da intera??o entre TRLQ e APA, sendo
assim, indiv?duos com menores valores de TRLQ e maiores APA apresentam abdu??o do
joelho. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Reabilita??o e Desempenho Funcional, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / The knee abduction during dynamic activities in closed kinetic chain is considered the main
mechanism involved in non-traumatic knee injuries. Knee abduction is related to the increase
in hip adduction, femur medial rotation and foot pronation. These kinematic changes can be
influenced by modifications on structural alignment, range of motion and muscular strength.
Specifically, the excess of forefoot varus, reduction strength of in the lateral hip rotators and
increased passive hip medial rotation can contribute to a higher degree of foot pronation and
medial rotation of tibia and femur, which may contribute to the abduction of the closed-chain
knee. Therefore the understanding of how these factors interact to influence the keen
abduction permits the development of prevention strategies and a more efficient
rehabilitation. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of foot alignment, hip
lateral rotator torque and passive hip medial rotator range of motion on frontal plane knee
kinematic during single leg squat. Forty one subjects participated in this study. They were
tested on the hip lateral rotator isometric torque test (HLIT), passive range of motion (ROM)
of hip medial rotator (MR), shank-forefoot alignment (SFA) and were assessed on the frontal
plane knee kinematics during single leg squat using a 3D movement analysis system. The
Classification and Regression Tree ? CART was used to identify factors and interaction that
are associated to the occurrence of knee abduction. The receiver operation characteristic curve
(ROC) was used to calculate the accuracy of the model developed by the CART. Finally,
prevalence ratio (PR) was used to identify the strength of the association of the interactions
indicated at each terminal node with the outcome. The results revealed that 14 subjects
(93.3%) classified with knee abduction present lower HLIT values (between 0.26 and 0.47)
and higher SFA values (>10.11?, PR=3.03). The model developed by CART had an adequate
accuracy (91.5% (IC 95%= 82.7-100) p < 0.0001), indicating a correct prediction of 81.8% of
the subjects with knee abduction and 94.7% of the subjects with knee adduction. In
conclusion the knee abduction is influenced and depends on the interaction between HLIT
and SFA. Subjects with a lower HLIT and higher FSA present knee abduction.
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Contribution à la modélisation du genou arthrosique. Application à l’étude d’une orthèse de décharge / Contribution to knee osteoarthritis modelling. Application to the study of an unloading brace.Langlois, Karine 21 December 2016 (has links)
Le projet se situe dans le contexte de la gonarthrose fémoro-tibiale, et plus spécifiquement de son traitement par orthèse de décharge. Du fait de la cinématique particulière de l’orthèse testée, un protocole spécifique a été mis en place dans le but d’approfondir les mécanismes d’actions de cette orthèse. Ce protocole s’est appuyé sur des outils d’investigation utilisés dans la routine clinique (système EOS® et Vicon®). Seize sujets symptomatiques ont participé à l’étude. Les objectifs principaux étaient de valider et d’utiliser des méthodes de personnalisation des modèles, support de la biomécanique, dans ce contexte spécifique, afin d’améliorer la précision de la quantification des paramètres cinématiques et dynamiques. En effet, l’état de l’art démontre que l’indicateur dynamique couramment utilisé dans l’étude de la gonarthrose, le moment articulaire externe d’adduction, souffre de résultats controversés. Les objectifs secondaires étaient de caractériser la pathologie à l’aide des indicateurs calculés ainsi que d’approfondir le mécanisme d’action de l’orthèse de décharge. Ainsi, deux méthodes principales ont été investiguées. La première porte sur l’analyse séquentielle cinématique de l’articulation fémoro-tibiale en utilisant le système EOS®. Cette analyse nécessite une étape de recalage d’objet 3D sur des vues 2D biplanaires. La fiabilité de ce recalage manuel a été quantifiée en évaluant, d’une part, la précision de la méthode grâce à des données in vitro et, d’autre part, la répétabilité de la méthode grâce à la participation de 3 opérateurs et de 6 sujets asymptomatiques dont les acquisitions ont permis d’obtenir des vues du genou dans plusieurs positions (extension et flexion 20°, 40°et 90°). La seconde méthode consiste en la fusion de données issues de deux environnements (EOS® et Vicon®) de façon à quantifier les moments articulaires externes dans le genou en définissant le point auquel sont calculés ces moments à partir du modèle 3D du fémur. Ce modèle étant recalé dans l’environnement Vicon® par l’intermédiaire des marqueurs externes détectables dans les acquisitions EOS® et Vicon®. Les résultats principaux concernent :1/ la fiabilité du recalage des modèles 3D des os sur des vues 2D de l’ordre de 0,3° et 1,6 mm dans le plan sagittal de 2,1° et 1,8mm dans le plan transversal ; 2/ la quantification d’angles positionnels 3D du fémur et du tibia des membres inférieurs symptomatiques montrant que la surface articulaire tibiale (plateaux tibiaux) tend à demeurer horizontale contrairement à l’inclinaison plus marquée du fémur ; 3/ une variation des moments articulaires externes en fonction de l’intégration ou non d’un modèle interne pour le calcul de ce paramètre ; 4/ la quantification de la cinématique séquentielle de l’orthèse et du genou. La fiabilité des méthodes développées dans ce travail a été estimée ouvrant la voie à leurs applications et à leurs développements en clinique.Mots clés : gonarthrose fémoro-tibiale ; orthèse ; analyse séquentielle ; recalage. / The context is the knee osteoarthritis and its treatment via an unloading brace. As the evaluated brace has specific kinematics, a dedicated protocol was set up using clinical routine tools (EOS® and Vicon®). Sixteen symptomatic subjects participated to this study. The main objective was to validate and to use personalization methods of the biomechanical models to improve the accuracy kinematics and kinetics parameter computation in this specific context. Indeed, the state of the art highlights that the dynamic indicator, currently used in knee osteoarthritis studies, the external adduction joint moment is controversial. The secondary objectives were both the characterization of the pathology using indicators obtained on the acquired data and the in-depth study of the mechanical action of the unloading brace evaluated in this study. Thus, two main methods were investigated. The first one is the sequential analysis of the knee kinematics using EOS® system. This analysis required a registration step of a 3D object on 2D biplanar views. The manual registration reliability was quantified by evaluating both the method accuracy with in-vitro data and the method repeatability thanks to the participation of 3 operators and 6 asymptomatic subjects allowing the acquisition of knee images in several positions (extension and 20°, 40°, and 90° flexion). The second method consists in the fusion of data obtained in the two acquisitions environments (EOS® and Vicon®), to obtain the external knee joint moment in order to define the point where the moment is computed from the femur 3D model. This model is registered in the Vicon® environment through external markers visible in both the EOS® and Vicon® acquisitions. The main results relate to: 1/the reliability of the registration of the bone 3D model on 2D views estimated at about 0,3° and 1,6 mm in the sagittal plane and about 2,1° and 1,8 mm in the transverse plane ; 2/ the quantification of the angular relative position of the shank and tibia of the symptomatic lower limbs, showing the tibial plateau horizontality opposed to the femur emphasized inclination ; 3/ external joint moment variation according to the computation method (with or without internal model included) ; 4/ brace and knee sequential kinematic quantification. As the reliability of the methods developed in this study was estimated, further developments and clinical applications and development could now be explored using these methods.Keywords : knee osteoarthritis; brace, sequential analysis; registration.
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Desequilíbrio muscular e qualidade de vida de indivíduos com osteoartrite e artroplastia total de joelhoRitzel, Cíntia Helena January 2008 (has links)
A osteoartrite de joelho caracteriza-se por um processo degenerativo da cartilagem articular e do osso subcondral, com a presença de processo inflamatório, dor, rigidez, fraqueza muscular, e que leva a uma incapacidade funcional. É uma doença degenerativa e incapacitante, e que necessita de reabilitação funcional para a melhora do indivíduo. Nos casos mais avançados, pode ser realizada a substituição da articulação degenerada por uma prótese. A cirurgia de artroplastia total de joelho pode levar o indivíduo a uma melhora funcional (redução da dor, com conseqüente melhora da capacidade de ativação do quadríceps por redução da inibição muscular reflexa, e possivelmente aumento na capacidade de produção de força do músculo) e a uma melhora da qualidade de vida. Em função disso o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as razões de torque e de ativação muscular dos flexores e extensores do joelho e a qualidade de vida e a dor entre indivíduos com osteoartrite de joelho (n=20) e indivíduos com artroplastia total de joelho (n=13). As razões de torque e de ativação dos músculos flexores e extensores de joelho foram avaliados durante contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas no ângulo de 60º, e contrações isocinéticas concêntricas e excêntricas nas velocidades de 60º/s e 180º/s. As razões de torque foram calculas a partir da divisão do valor do pico de torque flexor pelo extensor, e as razões de ativação da mesma forma, porém pela divisão do valor RMS do sinal EMG do músculo BF pelo valor RMS (Root Mean Square) dos músculos VL, RF e VM. As razões musculares foram comparadas entre os grupos e correlacionadas com o questionário Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Os escores do WOMAC e a dor (obtida através da escala visual analógica de dor) foram comparados entre os dois grupos. O grupo artroplastia obteve menores escores no WOMAC quando comparado ao grupo osteoartrite (p=0,022), o que indica melhora da qualidade de vida após a artroplastia total de joelho. O grupo artroplastia também apresentou menor intensidade de dor que o grupo osteoartrite (p=0,014). Tanto as razões de torque quanto as de ativação foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Uma correlação positiva foi encontrada entre as razões de torque isocinético convencional e o WOMAC para o grupo osteoartrite, nas velocidades de 60º/s (r=0,501 p=0,025) e 180º/s (r=0,863 p=0,0001). Isso demonstra que indivíduos com aumento das razões de torque, ou seja, maiores desequilíbrios musculares, apresentaram piora da qualidade de vida. Os resultados deste estudo apoiam a hipótese de que a técnica cirúrgica de artroplastia total de joelho propicia uma redução da dor e uma melhora da qualidade de vida. No entanto, não produz uma melhora na funcionalidade do sistema neuromuscular conforme demonstrou a análise das razões de torque e de ativação dos músculos flexores e extensores do joelho. / The knee osteoarthritis is characterized by a degenerative process of the joint cartilage and of the subcondral bone, with an inflammatory process, pain, joint stiffness, muscular weakness, leading to functional incapacity. It is a degenerative disease, which incapacitates the individual and needs functional rehabilitation. In the most advanced cases, the replacement of the joint is accomplished by the surgical implantation of a prosthesis. The total knee replacement surgery leads the patient to functional improvement (reduction of the pain, increasing muscle force production capacity, and possibly improvement the muscle unbalance) and an improvement of the quality of life. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the muscle torque ratios and the activation ratios of the knee flexor and extensor muscles, as well as the quality of life and the pain intensity amongst patients with knee osteoarthritis (n =20) and patients with total knee replacement (n =13). The torque and activation ratios of the flexor and extensor muscles were evaluated during maximal voluntary isometric contractions at a knee joint angle of 60º, and during maximal voluntary isokinetic contractions (concentric and eccentric) at the angular velocities of 60º/s and 180º/s. The torque ratios were calculated by dividing the maximal peak torque value of the knee flexor muscles by the corresponding knee extensors torque value. The activation ratios were calculated in a similar way, by dividing the RMS values of the biceps femoris muscle by the RMS (Root Mean Square) values of the knee extensor muscles (i.e. vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and vastus medialis). All ratios (torque and activation) were compared between the two groups and correlated with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaire. The activation ratios showed a similar behavior as the torque ratios for all four muscles studied, and there was no difference for these ratios between the two groups. The WOMAC scores and the pain scores (obtained by the pain visual analog scale) were compared between the two groups. The total knee replacement group obtained smaller scores in WOMAC when compared to the osteoarthritis group (p =0,022). This indicates improvement in the quality of life after the total knee replacement surgery. Patients from the total knee replacement group also presented smaller pain than the osteoarthritis group (p =0,014). A positive correlation was observed between the conventional isokinetic torque ratios and the WOMAC for the osteoarthritis group at the angular velocities of 60º/s (r=0,501 p =0,025) and 180º/s (r =0,863 p =0,0001). This indicates that patients with increased torque ratios, or in other words larger muscular unbalances, also present worsening of the quality of life. The results here presented support the idea that the total knee replacement produces a reduction in pain and an improvement in the quality of life. However, it does not improve the knee functionality as the torque and activation ratios of the knee flexor and extensor muscles was similar between the two groups.
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Qualidade de vida, dor e função muscular em indivíduos com osteoartrite e com artroplastia total de joelhoBortoluzzi, Silvia Helena Manfrin January 2008 (has links)
A osteoartrite é uma desordem articular comum nos idosos, sendo responsável por causar perda da funcionalidade destes indivíduos, quando comparada a outras doenças. Sua prevalência aumenta com a idade por ser uma doença irreversível. Esta condição musculoesquelética causa dor, incapacidade física e redução da qualidade de vida. A artroplastia total de joelho é o procedimento adequado para o tratamento da osteoartrite em seus graus mais avançados, e tem apresentado uma melhora funcional dos extensores do joelho (por meio da redução da inibição reflexa e possível aumento da capacidade de produção de força) e da qualidade de vida (pela redução da dor, aumento da mobilidade e retorno às atividades de vida diárias) nesses casos avançados da doença. No entanto, os efeitos da substituição do joelho osteoartrítico pela prótese não são totalmente conhecidos. Em função disso, o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a ativação muscular e a produção de força (torque) de indivíduos com osteoartrite (n=20) e indivíduos com artroplastia total de joelho (n=12). O pico de torque dos músculos extensores de joelho foi avaliado durante contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas nos ângulos de 30º, 60º, 75º e 90º. Nos mesmos ângulos articulares também foi avaliada a ativação elétrica dos músculos vasto lateral, vasto medial e reto femoral, através da eletromiografia de superfície. A qualidade de vida foi comparada entre os dois grupos através do questionário WOMAC. O grupo artroplastia obteve menores escores no questionário, o que indica melhora da qualidade de vida destes indivíduos ao serem comparados com o grupo osteoartrite. O comportamento dos dados tanto para a produção de torque como para a ativação muscular, apresentou-se semelhante nos dois grupos. A produção de torque não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos avaliados (p=0,775), sendo que a única diferença observada foi para o torque entre os ângulos testados (p=0,0001). Assim como para a produção de torque, a ativação muscular não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos osteoartrite e artroplastia total de joelho para os músculos VL, RF e VM (p>0,05). Somente para o menor ângulo (30º) e para o maior ângulo (90º) houve diferença significativa da ativação muscular em relação aos ângulos para os músculos vasto lateral (p=0,011) e vasto medial (p=0,014). Os resultados apresentados neste estudo suportam a hipótese de que a técnica cirúrgica de artroplastia total de joelho propicia uma redução da dor e uma melhora da qualidade de vida. No entanto, essa melhora na qualidade de vida parece não ser refletida em uma melhora funcional após a colocação da prótese, uma vez que não foi observado um aumento na ativação muscular com um correspondente aumento na capacidade de produção de força dos músculos extensores do joelho. / Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease prevalent in the elderly population characterized by pain, disability and decrease of quality of life. Total knee replacement is indicated for the last stages of the disease, and shows a functional improvement of the knee extensor muscles (by a reduction of reflex inhibition and possibly by increasing muscle force production capacity) and improvement of quality of life (by the reduction in pain, increase in mobility and return to daily life activities) in these advanced stages of the disease. However, the functional effects of the joint replacement are not completely understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare both the muscle activation and the force production (torque) developed by patients with osteoarthritis (n=20) and patients which underwent total knee replacement (n=12). The knee extensor muscles peak torque was evaluated during maximal voluntary isometric contractions at the joint angles of 30º, 60º, 75º and 90º of knee extension. At the same joint angles the electrical activation was obtained, by surface electromyography from the vastus lateralis, the vastus medialis and the rectus femoris muscles. The WOMAC questionnaire was used to compare the quality of life between the two groups of the study. The arthroplasty group showed lower scores, indicating an improvement in the quality of life compare to the osteoarthritis group. Both groups showed a similar behavior in the torque production and in the muscle activation. Torque production was similar between the two groups (p=0,775), although there was a difference in the torque amongst the studied angles (p=0,0001). There was no difference between the osteoarthritis and the arthroplasty groups for muscle activation of the VL, RF and VM muscles (p>0,05). Nevertheless, activation was different when comparing the smallest and the largest angles studied (30º and 90º, respectively) of the vastus lateralis (p=0,011) and the vastus medialis (p=0,014) muscles in both groups. These results seem to support the hypothesis that the total knee replacement produces an improvement in the quality of life by a reduction in knee joint pain and an increase in the patients mobility and a return to the daily life activities. However, this surgical procedure did not produce a functional improvement in the knee extensor muscles, as there was no increase in muscle activation nor in the expected force produced by this muscle group.
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Cinesioterapia no controle postural de idosos : metanálise, ensaio clínico e validação de instrumento de avaliação isocinéticaMeereis, Estele Caroline Welter January 2017 (has links)
O controle postural é a base do sistema de controle motor humano, produzindo estabilidade e condições para o movimento. Com o processo de envelhecimento acontecem mudanças que ocasionam um declínio na capacidade de produção de força e de manutenção do equilíbrio, diminuindo a capacidade funcional e aumentando o risco de quedas em idosos. Diante da perspectiva de que o exercício pode minimizar esse processo, o objetivo da presente tese é verificar a influência de treinamentos com ênfase no fortalecimento muscular e treino de equilíbrio em variáveis que influenciam o controle postural, sendo estas a força muscular, o equilíbrio postural, funcionalidade e risco de quedas em idosos. Para isso, foram desenvolvidos três estudos, sendo uma metanálise para demonstrar os estudos e lacunas existentes sobre o assunto, um estudo de validação e um ensaio clínico randomizado, os quais serão apresentados nos capítulos I, II e III, respectivamente. No capítulo I, a metanálise buscou verificar a influência de intervenção com treinamento de força e do treino com multicomponentes na funcionalidade e risco de quedas em idosos, avaliados pelos testes Timed Up and Go (TUG), Sit to Stand (STS) e/ou Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB). Desse modo, foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados Pubmed, Web of Science, PEDro, Cochrane e Lilacs. Foram encontrados 1434 estudos, dos quais 32 preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos. Os resultados apontaram para a melhora em todos os desfechos investigados quando realizados treino multicomponentes em comparação com grupos controle. Já o treino de força, em comparação com grupos controles, mostrou benefício apenas para o desfecho STS realizado em 30 segundos. Poucos estudos compararam treino de força com treino multicomponentes, e aqueles que compararam não encontraram diferença entre os dois. Diante disso, foi verificado que, para determinar qual tipo de treino é mais benéfico sobre os parâmetros funcionais, é necessária a realização de novos ensaios clínicos. Esses achados motivaram a execução do estudo clínico apresentado no capítulo III. No entanto, para avaliação da força com um novo instrumento proposto para avaliação do torque isocinético de joelho foi necessário realizar o estudo de validação e confiabilidade, descrito no capítulo II o qual foi realizado com 20 indivíduos do sexo feminino que realizaram avaliações com equipamento considerado padrão ouro para verificar a validade e repetidas avaliações com o referido equipamento para verificar a confiabilidade intradia e interdias. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI), intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%), erro padrão da medida (EPM), gráficos de Bland-Altman e nível de significância de 5%. Nos resultados relacionados à concordância entre os dois equipamentos, foram verificadas excelentes correlações entre os dados tanto para extensores quanto para flexores de joelho (CCI 0,96 e 0,94, respectivamente) e na análise de Bland-Altman, os dados encontraram-se distribuídos dentro dos limites de concordância entres os dois equipamentos. Na análise intradia e interdias, os EPMs do equipamento para avaliação isocinética de joelho variaram entre 4,9% e 11,3%. A acurácia da avaliação, verificada na comparação do torque experimentar e o torque analítico obtido com pesos conhecidos foi de 99,9%. Diante disso, verifica-se que o equipamento proposto demostrou ser um equipamento válido e confiável, sendo uma alternativa simples e de baixo custo possível de quantificar o pico de torque de indivíduos não atletas do sexo feminino. O capítulo III descreve o ensaio clínico realizado com 18 idosas, divididas randomicamente para grupo controle (GC: 71.5 ± 3.02 anos), grupo intervenção com ênfase no treinamento de força (GF: 67.3 ± 3.01 anos) e no treinamento de equilíbrio (GE: 71.8 ± 5.38 anos). A intervenção foi realizada em grupo durante 60 minutos, duas vezes por semana, durante 8 semanas. Constou de exercícios de aquecimento, treino de força e alongamento para o GF e aquecimento, treino de equilíbrio e alongamento para o GE. O GC foi orientado a manter as atividades habituais. Para a comparação entre os momentos e entre os grupos foi utilizada uma ANOVA two-way com Post hoc de Bonferroni. O nível de significância utilizado para todos os testes foi de 5%. Nos resultados foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a avaliação pré e pós intervenção relacionas ao equilíbrio postural na situação de olhos abertos para o COPvel (p= 0,01) e área da elipse de 95% do COP (p= 0,04) e ao TUG (p= 0,04) para os idosos do GE, demostrando que o treinamento com ênfase no equilíbrio melhorou variáveis relacionadas ao equilíbrio e a funcionalidade. Além disso, foi verificado diferença significativa entre grupos GC e GF relacionada ao pico de torque de flexores de joelho na comparação pós-intervenção (p= 0,04) demostrando que o GF apresentava maior força. Diante do presente estudo, foi observado que os dois programas apresentaram benefícios em comparação ao GC, que não realizou intervenção. No entanto, foi observado que a especificidade do treino influenciou na melhora das variáveis, sugerindo que as intervenções realizadas com idosos sejam compostas de exercícios tanto de força como de equilíbrio. / Postural control is the basis of the human motor control system, producing stability and conditions for movement. During the aging process, changes occur declining the ability to produce strength and maintain balance, reducing functional capacity and increasing the risk of falls. Considering that physical exercises can minimize this process, the objective of this study is to verify the influence of kinesiotherapy with emphasis on strength and balance training in postural balance, muscle strength, functionality and risk of falls in the elderly. For this, three studies were developed, consisting of a meta-analysis of the existing studies and its gaps about the subject, a validation study and a randomized clinical trial, which will be presented in Chapters I, II and III, respectively. In Chapter I, the meta-analysis sought to verify the influence of intervention with strength training and multicomponent training on the functionality and risk of falls in the elderly, evaluated by the timed up and go (TUG), sit to stand (STS) and/or Berga Balance Scale (BBS) tests. The databases searched were Pubmed, Web of Science, PEDro, Cochrane and Lilacs. Of the 1434 studies found in the literature, 32 met the eligibility criteria and were included. The results pointed to an improvement in all of the outcomes investigated when comparing multicomponent training groups to control groups. Strength training, compared to control groups, showed benefit only for the 30STS outcome. Few studies compared multicomponent training with strength training, and those which made this comparison did not find a difference between the two trainings. It was observed that new clinical trials are required in order to determine which type of training is most beneficial on functional parameters. These findings motivated the execution of the clinical study presented in chapter III. However, in order to evaluate the force using a new instrument for knee isokinetic torque evaluation, it was necessary to perform the validation and reliability study of this equipment, described in Chapter II, in which 20 female subjects performed evaluations with the new equipment and with an equipment considered “gold standard”. In addition, 20 women performed repeated evaluations in the new equipment in order to verify the intraday and interdays reliability. Statistical analysis was performed using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), 95% confidence interval (95%CI), standard error SEM, Bland-Altman charts and significance level of 5%. The results pointed out to an excellent correlation between the data for both extensors and flexors (ICC= 0.96 and 0.94, respectively). In the Bland-Altman analysis, the data were distributed within the limits of agreement between the two equipments. In the intraday and interdays analysis, the SEMs of the knee isokinetic evaluation equipment varied between 4.9% and 11.3%. The accuracy of the evaluation, verified in the comparison of the experimental torque and the analytical torque obtained with known weights was 99.9%. Therefore, it was verified that the proposed equipment proved to be valid and reliable, being a simple and low-cost alternative to quantify the peak torque of female non-athletes, inferring that it can also be used for to individuals with similar torque/force, as non-athletes of both sexes in the age group from 60 years. Chapter III describes, clinical trials performed with 18 elderly women, randomly assigned into 3 groups: 6 in the control group (CG: 71.5 ± 3.02 years), 6 in the intervention group with emphasis on strength training (SG: 67.3 ± 3.01 years) and 6 in the Intervention group with emphasis on balance training (BG: 71.8 ± 5.38 years). The intervention was performed for each exercise group during 60 minutes, twice a week, for 8 weeks, consisting of warm-up exercises, SG stretching and stretching exercises, and warm-up, balance training and stretching for BG. The CG maintained the usual activities. A two-way ANOVA for repeated measurements was used for the comparison between the moments and between the groups, with Bonferroni Post hoc to identify the differences. The level of significance set for all tests was 5%. The results demonstrated significant differences between the pre-and post-intervention evaluations related to the postural balance in the open-eyes situation for COPvel (p = 0.01) and the ellipse area of 95% of COP (p = 0.04) and TUG (p = 0.04) for the elderly of the BG, showing that the training with an emphasis on balance improved variables related to balance and functionality. A significant difference between GC and SG groups was verified related to the maximum torque of knee flexors in the post-intervention comparison (p = 0.04), demonstrating that SG presented greater strength. In view of the present study, it was observed that both programs presented benefits in comparison to the CG, whose participants did not follow any kind of intervention. However, it was observed that the specificity of the training had an influence on the improvement of the variables, suggesting that the interventions performed with the elderly are composed of both strength and balance exercises.
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