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The background of Searle's "Background" : motives, anticipations, and problemsRoss, Paul Douglas 28 July 2005
In this thesis, I discuss John Searles account of Intentionality which includes his theory of the Background as something which is necessary, in some sense, to there being such a thing as Intentionality. In chapter one I briefly introduce the notions of both background and normativity. In chapter two, I discuss the motives and initial rationale of Searles theory. In chapter three I discuss the philosophers he has had contact with who anticipated the Background. In chapter four I claim that Searle has always been conflicted about his theory and I diagnose the root of his conflict, namely that the original rationale required the Background to be normative in nature, but over time it was additionally conceived neurophysiologically, causally, and thus non-normative in nature. I argue that his conflict is inevitable given the irreducibility of the intentional to the non-intentional, and more generally of the normative to the non-normative.
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The background of Searle's "Background" : motives, anticipations, and problemsRoss, Paul Douglas 28 July 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, I discuss John Searles account of Intentionality which includes his theory of the Background as something which is necessary, in some sense, to there being such a thing as Intentionality. In chapter one I briefly introduce the notions of both background and normativity. In chapter two, I discuss the motives and initial rationale of Searles theory. In chapter three I discuss the philosophers he has had contact with who anticipated the Background. In chapter four I claim that Searle has always been conflicted about his theory and I diagnose the root of his conflict, namely that the original rationale required the Background to be normative in nature, but over time it was additionally conceived neurophysiologically, causally, and thus non-normative in nature. I argue that his conflict is inevitable given the irreducibility of the intentional to the non-intentional, and more generally of the normative to the non-normative.
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Are age-related differences in episodic feeling-of-knowing accuracy influenced by the timing of the judgment?MacLaverty, Stephanie Nicole 19 May 2008 (has links)
The current study investigated whether there were age-related differences in episodic feeling-of-knowing (FOK) accuracy and whether accuracy was influenced by when the FOK judgments were made. Younger and older participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 conditions that manipulated the timing of the FOK in relation to cued-recall and recognition. Age-related differences in FOK accuracy were not reliable either when the FOK was immediate or when it was delayed. Moreover, FOK accuracy was above chance for both age groups. Remember/Know (RK) judgments correlated reliably with FOKs for unrecalled words for both age groups and did not vary by FOK timing. Verbal ability, but not education, health, or perceptual speed, correlated with FOK accuracy. These results suggest that rather than a general age-related deficit in episodic FOK accuracy, the presence of age-related differences in resolution might be influenced by individual differences in such factors as verbal ability and frontal functioning.
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Memory and metamemory in patients with temporal lobe epilepsyHoward, Charlotte Emma January 2009 (has links)
It is well established that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) commonly report memory difficulties. The aim of this thesis was to use a novel approach adopting Nelson & Narens' (1990) theoretical framework to investigate whether metacognitive knowledge and memory performance were differentially disrupted in patients with TLE. More specifically, investigating to what extent poor memory in TLE could result from inadequate metamemory monitoring, inadequate metamemory control or both. Experiment I employed a combined Judgement-of-Learning and Feeling-of-Knowing task to investigate whether participants could monitor their memory successfully at both the item-by-item and global levels. The results revealed a dissociation between memory and metamemory in TLE patients. TLE patients presented with a clear episodic memory deficit compared with controls yet preserved metamemory abilities. Experiments 2 and 3 explored the sensitivity approach to examine metacognitive processes that operate during encoding in TLE patients and controls. Both these experiments demonstrated that TLE patients were sensitive to monitoring and control processes at encoding. The final experiment further investigated memory performance by examining the role of lateralisation of the seizure focus using material specific information and the 'Remember-Know' paradigm. The findings from the verbal task provided partial support to the material-specific hypothesis. The results from these experiments are discussed in terms of their association with executive functioning and memory deficits in TLE, and have important implications for future research examining memory and metamemory in TLE patients and other clinical populations. Read more
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Skolad blick på blommor : Formandet av yrkeskunnande i floristutbildning / Educated Gaze on Flowers : The Formation of Vocational Knowing in Floristry EducationGåfvels, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
This article-based thesis focuses on the formation of vocational knowing within adult and upper secondary floristry education in Sweden. Three articles explore classroom interaction and assessment actions; a fourth considers changes in vocational subject matter during the period 1990–2015. While the first three articles draw on empirical data in the form of video and audio recordings in combination with participant observation, the fourth is based primarily on material-based interview data. All four articles share a sociocultural perspective on educational practice (Wertsch, 1998; Säljö, 2011, 2013) and a relational view of knowing (e.g., Carlgren, 2015; Molander, 1996), in combination with the use of conversation analysis (Goodwin & Heritage, 1990; Sahlström & Melander, 2010) as a tool to illuminate the formation of vocational knowing. The interaction between teacher, student, and floral arrangement is foregrounded to facilitate analysis of the formation of vocational knowing. The results contribute to our understanding of the schooling of the gaze (Goodwin, 1994; Grasseni, 2009, 2011) as appropriated by participants in the interaction. Floristry vocational knowing is shown to evolve in the temporal dimension, encompassing (a) financial and aesthetic values, (b) verbal and non–verbal communication, (c) botanical material and tools, and (d) making. The respective roles and interrelations of these four components of vocational knowing in floristry are discussed. The contribution of the thesis is twofold. First, these articles contribute to the understanding of vocational education through close appraisal of the formation of vocational knowing. Second, in exploring the previously under-researched field of Swedish floristry vocational education, the thesis bridges a gap in existing knowledge of the evolution of Swedish vocational education. As floristry education is little researched internationally, the thesis also contributes to the wider body of international research. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted.</p><p> </p><p></p> Read more
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Perspektiv på kunskap : En fallstudie om vad kunskap är och hur den sprids vid mjukvaruutvecklingIversen, Mathias, Aspeteg, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Studies bakgrund kan summerat sägas grunda sig i en insikt; att kunskap är en central verksamhetsresurs. Samtidigt visar forskning på att det råder delade meningar om vad kunskap är och hur den ska hanteras, speciellt vid mjukvaruutveckling. Studiens överordnande vetenskapliga syfte är att explorativt undersöka vad kunskap är inom kontexten för mjukvaruutveckling. Det underordnade syftet är att bidra till en begreppsapparat som kan användas av praktiker för att underlätta kommunikationen vid mjukvaruutveckling. För att uppnå syftet med studien har en multipel fallstudie med en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt använts. Dessa vägval beror till stor del på en uppfattning om att bäst förståelse och resultat nås genom tolkande och kontinuerligt utvärderande av genomfört arbete. Då kunskap som begrepp beskrivs vara svårt att definiera. Till grund för datainsamlingen ligger semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka har analyserats genom tematisering och kodning. Studiens resultat visar på att den egenutvecklade teoretiska förståelsemodellen stöds och att kunskap är att betrakta som något subjektivt; en produkt av individers tidigare erfarenheter, lärdomar och handlingar. Hinder för kunskapsspridning går att relatera till: individens attityd och förmåga till att återge och skapa ny kunskap. Möjligheter till kunskapsspridning kan därför främst sägas vara insatser som leder till att den personliga förståelsen underlättas. Vidare visar studiens resultat på att det kan vara lämpligt att utgå från ett praktiskt perspektiv för att studera vad kunskap är. Då kunskap är personligt hållen kan det vara mer fruktbart att studera individers handlingar. Handlingar som är baserade på tidigare erfarenheter och kunskaper. Read more
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O voo da coruja entre a luz e a sombra : acerca do saber absoluto e da possibilidade de uma nova figura do espíritoMiranda, Marloren Lopes January 2018 (has links)
A filosofia, para Hegel, é o saber conceitual que se pensa e pensa sua época, sendo esse saber resultado do processo de desenvolvimento histórico e cultural do mundo. Nesse sentido, a Fenomenologia do Espírito é a apresentação necessária do movimento de formação do saber que surgiu na época de Hegel, o qual ele denomina de saber absoluto. Esse é o resultado do percurso que culminou na Revolução Francesa, na religião protestante e na filosofia do idealismo transcendental, e a Fenomenologia apresenta esse encadeamento através de suas figuras, isto é, momentos da história, da cultura e da filosofia tomados a partir de sua perspectiva conceitual e conectados de forma a demonstrar as transformações do saber ele mesmo. A partir disso, Hegel denomina o saber absoluto como última figura do espírito, que, como ele aponta no final da obra, também é a nova figura, a filosofia como ciência, e se propõe a desenvolvê-la naquilo que ele chama de Ciência da Lógica. Desse modo, o objetivo desse ou, em outras palavras, se é possível, a partir do próprio sistema hegeliano, considerar o surgimento de novas figuras do espírito depois da figura do saber absoluto ou da filosofia do idealismo absoluto. Para isso, busca-se esclarecer a noção de figura na Fenomenologia, bem como suas condições de possibilidade e aquilo que Hegel utiliza como o seu método científico, a saber, o processo dialético, explicitado na noção de suprassunção (Aufhebung). A fim de esclarecer essas noções de modo mais preciso, recorre-se a noções da Ciência da Lógica e retorna-se à Fenomenologia a partir deles, de modo a compreendê-los de maneira concreta e de salientar os aspectos lógicos já presentes nessa obra. Para isso, procurase demonstrar aqui que a Lógica hegeliana não é apenas uma ciência formal, como a metafísica tradicional usualmente considera, mas também uma ontologia, um estudo de como o ser é. Para Hegel, o ser é o conceito e por isso se pode ter um saber conceitual, como o saber absoluto, acerca da realidade e ele ser um saber efetivo, isto é, um conhecimento das coisas como elas são nelas mesmas, e não apenas como elas aparecem para nós segundo nossas condições de possibilidade da experiência, como tenta mostrar o idealismo transcendental de Kant. Por isso, este trabalho defende que a ontologia hegeliana não é nem um retorno à metafísica tradicional, nem uma radicalização dessa, mas uma apropriação de seus conceitos revistos sob a óptica das novas lentes do saber absoluto, um saber qualitativamente diferente dos saberes anteriores e que, precisamente por isso, permitiria a continuação e atualização desse saber de acordo com novos momentos históricos e culturais. / For Hegel, philosophy is the conceptual knowing that is thought about and thinks about its time. This knowing derives from the process of historical and cultural development of the world. Thus, the Phenomenology of Spirit is the necessary presentation of the movement of knowledge acquisition that arose in Hegel's time, which he calls absolute knowing. This is the result of the path that climaxed in the French Revolution, in the Protestant religion and in the philosophy of transcendental idealism. The Phenomenology presents this chaining through its figures, that is, moments of history, of culture and of philosophy taken from their conceptual perspective and connected in order to demonstrate the transformations of knowing itself. Based on this, Hegel considers absolute knowing the last figure of spirit, which, as he points out at the end of the work, is also the new figure, philosophy as science, and proposes to develop it in what he calls the Science of Logic. Therefore, this study aims to investigate in what sense one can understand the determination of figure of or, in other words, if it is possible, based on the Hegelian system itself, to consider the emergence of new figures of spirit after the figure of absolute knowing or of the philosophy of absolute idealism. In order to do so, it seeks to clarify the notion of figure in the Phenomenology, as well as its conditions of possibility and what Hegel uses as his scientific method, namely, the dialectical process, explicit in the notion of sublation. In order to more precisely clarify these notions, notions from the Science of Logic are used and a return to the Phenomenology is made based on them, so as to understand them in a concrete way and to emphasize the logical aspects already present in this work. To this end, here we try to demonstrate that the Hegelian Logic is not only a formal science, as traditional metaphysics usually considers it to be, but also an ontology, a study of how the being is. For Hegel, the being is the concept and therefore it is possible to have a conceptual knowing, such as the absolute knowing, about reality, and it can be an actual knowing, that is, a knowledge of things as they are in themselves and not only as they appear to us according to our conditions of possibility of experience, as transcendental idealism attempts to show us. Therefore, this study argues that the Hegelian ontology is neither a return to traditional metaphysics nor a radicalization of this metaphysics, but an appropriation of its concepts revised under the new lenses of absolute knowing, a knowing that is qualitatively different from previous types of knowing and that, precisely for this reason, would allow the continuation and updating of this knowing according to new historical and cultural moments. Read more
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The social reality of initiatives which pursue insight from dataDouglas, Martin January 2016 (has links)
While (big) data promises immense opportunity, initiatives focused on using data to pursue insight have mixed outcomes. The Management Support Systems (MSS) model summarises what we currently understand within Information Systems (IS) about the implementation and use of systems to improve organisations’ use of data. Adopting an ethnographic approach to observe how practitioners in two contrasting organisations actually generate insight from data, this research challenges the implicit information processing and implementation logics of the MMS model. The pragmatic messiness of pursuing insight is described in two monographs, which reveal the socially constructed nature of data in relation to phenomena, and the importance of data engagement to produce insight. Given that this PhD study also seeks to generate insight from data, it is compared and contrasted reflexively to the two cases observed. While the inquiry logic pursued in this study was made explicit, and was regularly reviewed and challenged, the two cases left this largely implicit. The use of tools is shown to facilitate and constrain inquiry, with related data acting as boundary objects between the different practitioner groups involved. An explanatory framework is presented and used to suggest various enhancements to the MSS model. First, the Problem Space is reframed to reflect the distinct, though interdependent logics involved in inquiry versus realising envisaged benefits from insights. Second, the MSS artefact itself is contextualised and Data Engagement rather than MSS or Tool Use is positioned as central. Third, Data are disentangled from the wider MSS artefact, as a critical, distinct construct. Fourth, an Alignment construct is introduced to address the boundary spanning nature of data initiatives. The thesis also highlights the value of using Wenger’s (1998) Communities of Practice (CoP) situated learning framework to study data initiatives, and the related value of mapping groups as a technique for further development. Some questions are provided for practitioners to gain a better understanding of data initiatives. Wider implications are also noted for the socio-material theorising of Data, and distinguishing between Data, Information and Knowledge concepts within the IS discipline. Read more
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Kant e a história da Filosofia como idéia filosófica / Rodrigo Andia. -Andia, Rodrigo. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques / Banca: Marco Aurélio Werle / Banca: Clélia Aparecida Martins / Mestre
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Journey toward knowing : a narrative inquiry into one teacher's experience with at-risk studentsMcKay, Patricia A. 29 April 2008
The purpose of this inquiry was to retell and represent the life that I have lived as I explore how I adapted my professional practice for students in an alternative program. This naturalistic inquiry is positioned as a self narrative. Retrospection and reflection enabled me to bring together my construction of self and my journey of teaching as I attempted to explain how I know what I know about working with at risk students and alternative programming. <p>The collection of data comes from my personal experience; thus I am observer, participant, and narrator. Threaded throughout this thesis are interwoven stories which create the fabric of my teaching experience. Each narrative represents justification of teacher knowledge and a refocusing of the lens through which I viewed at risk students and their marginalized position in our education system. As teachers we must first establish a relationship with our students and develop an empathetic understanding of the circumstances of the life experiences each one brings to the classroom. By understanding their past, we can make the school experience a positive influence in their lives and hopefully smooth out their way to a successful future.
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