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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinio darbuotojo darbas komandoje: esama padėtis ir perspektyvos / Social workers work in team: existing state and perspective

Rimšienė, Rasa 29 June 2006 (has links)
Team activity in social work is a new and topical issue as the social work requires information, knowledge and skills in various spheres, decision taking demands new ideas and being updated and the joint solution taken by the team ensures that the problems encountered by the client are timely and duly solved. Object of the paper – work of a social worker in a team. Goal of the paper – reveal the status and prospects of a social workers’ team. Objectives: 1. To discuss the importance of team work in a modern organisation; 2. To analyse the peculiarities of a social worker‘s activities in a team; 3. To study the approach of the social workers and leaders of their organisations to team work. Methods applied: 1. Analysis of scientific references; 2. The main method of the study – interview of social workers and managers; 3. Qualitative analysis of the content. The analysis of scientific references was conducted seeking to discuss the notion of a team, its peculiarities, stages of its formation, roles and peculiarities in social work with the emphasis on the functions, roles and daily routines of a social worker. Based on the main aspects taken from the scientific references the questionnaire was developed and interviewing was carried out in Panevėžys during March 2006. The involved were the organisations rendering social services, and their managers and social workers were asked to answer questions. The answers to these questions helped to find out whether the following... [to full text]

Socialinis pedagogas - sociokultūrinės komandos vadybininkas / Social pedagogical – social culture command leader

Vaitkutė, Goda 01 July 2006 (has links)
The formulation of the scientific problem New challenge society, opening possibilities, tradition standpoint, emphasize real news importance, don‘t be in keeping changing society and activities requirements. Upbringing are orientating to special habits, to be able to live in the society and to get more information and news in the public education and bringing up schools. (www.smm.lt ). Developing social industrial system, increasing education system, social service requirements problems are very growing problem in the schools. One of the most important conditions social in providing pedagogical help is team-based work. In that way the work of individual professionals can be coordinated, the optimal need of social pedagogical help can be determined, the cooperation among institutions and departments can be increased.

Komandinio darbo efektyvinimo prielaidos Šiaulių miesto mokyklose / Assumtions of making team work more efficient in schools of Siauliai

Dargienė, Inga 01 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Inga Dargienė Assumptions of making team work more efficient in schools of Šiauliai. Master’s work. Theoretical aspects of team work of different Lithuanian and foreign authors have been analyzed in Master thesis taking into consideration peculiarities of a school as an organizational unit and particularity of activities. On the grounds of theoretical analysis the research of team work practice in schools of Šiauliai has been carried out evaluating overall situation of team work; establishing characteristics and development of team work and factors that influence its efficiency; finding out the most efficient directions in team work improvement, optimal team work issue solving methods and assumptions of making team work more efficient. Data collected during the empirical research by the means of questionnaire poll has allowed to support the scientific hypothesis that team work enhances functionality of schools as organizational units.

Vidaus marketingas: komandų formavimas ir motyvacija / Internal marketing: team building and motivation

Šunokienė, Rita 20 June 2014 (has links)
Komandinis darbas, vidinio marketingo kontekste, šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje – vienas pagrindinių įmonės sėkmę lemiančių veiksnių. Gera komanda sujungia savyje bendradarbiavimo ir konkurencijos elementus. Tokios komandos nariai, veikdami išvien, padeda vienas kitam pasiekti geriausių asmeninių rezultatų. Dažniausiai komandos nariai pasidalina vaidmenimis, iš kurių kiekvienas yra svarbus ir reikšmingas. Magistriniame darbe yra analizuojami teoriniai vidinio marketingo samprata, aspektai, įvairialypė koncepcija ir vaidmuo paslaugų teikėjams bei vartotojams. Pateikiama vidinio marketingo sistema, ją įtakojantys veiksniai ir principai palaikantys ją. Suformuojamas vidinio marketingo procesas atsižvelgiant į daugelio autorių nuomones ir aptariami vidinio marketingo tikslai bei dalyviai, kurie yra pagrindiniai vidinio marketingo įgyvendintojai. Gilinantis į vidinio marketingo sudėtį pereinama prie svarbiausio vidinio marketingo elemento – komandinis darbas, kuris yra palaikomas motyvacijos. Kalbama apie komandinio darbo formavimą, principus, dedamąsias bei aptariami komandiniai vaidmenys, jiems būdingi veiksmai. Didelė reikšmė teikiama komandos motyvavimui, atkreipiamas dėmesys į motyvacijos priemonių klasifikacija, principus ir principinė motyvacijos schema. Išnagrinėjus teorinius komandinio darbo ir motyvavimo sprendimus, jų subtilumus ir principus yra atliekamas komandinio darbo ypatumų tyrimas paslaugų teikimo įmonėje – UADB „Seesam Lietuva“. Tyrimas atliekamas apklausiant tiek... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the main aspects that influence success of a company today is team work in a context of internal marketing. A good team covers elements of cooperation and competition. Members of such team help each other to achieve the best personal results. Most often members each of a team have their roles and each of the roles is very important to the teamwork. This Master paper firstly analyses theoretical aspects of internal marketing that cover conception of theoretical marketing, it’s aspects, diverse concepts and the role that service providers and consumers perform. In addition, internal marketing system, factors that influence it and principles that support it are presented in this paper. While formulating internal marketing process, opinions and theories of many authors have been considered. Finally, goals and participants of internal marketing are discussed and described, for they are the main implementing force of internal marketing. In the process of analysing constitution of internal marketing, paper introduces the main element of internal marketing, which is team work that is supported by motivation. This part of the paper analyses formation, principles and consistency of team work, as well as discussing roles within a team and actions common to those roles. A big attention is paid to team’s motivation, classification of motivation tools, principles and principle motivation scheme. After a profound analysis of theoretical decisions of teamwork and team motivation... [to full text]

Komandinio ir grupinio darbo įtaka organizacijos veiklai / Teamwork and groupwork influence on organization activity

Mizeikytė, Jolanta 26 June 2014 (has links)
MIZEIKYTĖ, Jolanta. (2009) Komandinio ir grupinio darbo įtaka organizacijos veiklai. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Vilniaus universiteto, Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas. 72 p. SANTRAUKA Pastaruoju metu vis dažniau tenka išgirsti sąvoką komandinis ir grupinis darbas. Taip yra todėl, kad pastarosios sąvokos tampa nuolatiniu šiuolaikinio verslo palydovu, teikiančiu konkurencinį pranašumą. Darbo objektas – komandinis ir grupinis darbas. Darbo tikslas – ištirti komandinio ir grupinio darbo įtaką organizacijos veiklai. Magistro baigiamajame darbe, siekiant iškelto tikslo, yra sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: 1. išnagrinėti komandinio ir grupinio darbo teorinius aspektus; 2. išanalizuoti komandinio ir grupinio darbo skirtumus; 3. išanalizuoti komandinio ir grupinio darbo empirinį ištyrimo lygį; 4. remiantis teorine ir empirine komandinio ir grupinio darbo analize, suformuoti darbo efektyvumą didinantį grupinio ir komandinio darbo modelį; 5. atlikti komandinio ir grupinio darbo efektyvumą didinančio modelio empirinį įvertinimą bei nustatyti komandinio ir grupinio darbo efektyvumą tiriamose organizacijose. Suformuluotos hipotezės. - organizacijos sėkmė priklauso nuo darbuotojų darbo, atlikto bendrai su kitais organizacijos nariais (darbo grupėje ar komandoje); - darbą grupėse renkasi nariai, skatinami vadovo, atsižvelgiant į užduoties sudėtingumą; - komandinio darbo efektyvumui didžiausią įtaką turi narių skaičius. Atlikus darbą galima daryti sekančias išvadas: 1. Išanalizavus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / MIZEIKYTĖ, Jolanta. (2009) Teamwork and Groupwork Influence on Organization Activity. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 72 p. SUMMARY Recently, increasingly need to hear the concept of teamwork and group work. This is because the latter concept is becoming a regular business by satellite, providing a competitive advantage. Job object - teamwork and group work. The aim - to examine team and group influence on the organization of work activities. Master work, the objective is addressed in the following tasks: 1. to consider the team and group work on theoretical aspects; 2. analyze the team and working group differences; 3. analyze the team and the team level of empirical testing; 4. on the basis of theoretical and empirical work team and group analysis, maximizing the effectiveness of a working group and team work model; 5. make team and group work to maximize the performance of the model and empirical assessment team to identify and block the efficiency of Lithuanian organizations. Formulated hypotheses. - The organization's success depends on employees' work, carried out jointly with the other members of the organization (work group or team); - Workgroups meet members are encouraged to guide, depending on the complexity of the task; - Team work efficiency has the greatest impact on the number of members. Conclusions: 1. The analysis of team-work and group differences, it can be argued that the outside group, and the team does not... [to full text]

Bibliotekų komandinis darbas vykdant projektus / Libraries teamwork implementing projects

Valantinavičiūtė, Daina 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojami efektyvios projektinės veiklos principai, tyrinėjami projekto žmogiškųjų išteklių aspektai bei su jais susiję procesai. Magistro darbo objektas – žmokiškieji bibliotekų projektų ištekliai ir jų valdymas. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti komandinio darbo ypatumus bei bibliotekų personalo valdymą vykdant projektus. Manant, jog darbuotojai, turintys aukštesnius motyvus, dažniau įsitraukia į projektinę veiklą, šiame darbe analizuojamas ir projekto personalo motyvacijos aspektas. Magistro darbo objektas tyrinėjamas, remiantis vadybos mokslo teorija, žvelgiant į bibliotekų projektų komandinį darbą per bendrą projektų valdymo praktikos prizmę. Pagrindiniai magistro darbo uždainiai: pateikti bibliotekose vykdomos projektinės veiklos sampratą; išanalizuoti komandinio darbo vykdant projektus ypatumus; išsiaiškinti esminius darbo komandoje organizavimo principus bei jose vykstančius procesus; įvardinti efektyviam komandiniam darbui būdingas prielaidas; išsiaiškinti darbuotojų motyvavimo principus; parengti ir atlikti tyrimą, siekiant nustatyti Lietuvos bibliotekų komandinio darbo vykdant projektus specifiką; pateikti tyrimo rezultatus, išvadas ir pasiūlymus. Šio magistro darbo problemą galima būtų išreikšti klausimu – ar mūsų šalies bibliotekose vykdant projektus naudojamas efektyvaus komandinio darbo potencialas? Ar jose organizuojamas komandinis darbas, pasitelkiant bendruosius vadybos teorijos principus? Todėl šis magistro darbas galėtų būti aktualus, siekiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research is Lithuanian libraries‘ teamwork management in implementing projects. Having the aim to analyse basic Lithuanian libraries‘ teamwork singularities, to find out what are the ways of Lithuanian libraries‘ project personnel motivation and to investigate the particularity of project teamwork management, during the period of 15 11 2005 – 07 12 2005 research was carried out. In the run-up of the research and performing it the methods of the scietific sources analysis and questionnaire survey was used. After performing this research was found out that Lithuanian libraries are modern organisations, which endeavour to improve methods of its work ogranization by implementing projects, reasoned on teamwork. The research revealed that Lithuanian libraries‘ personnel, which involved in organisation‘s project activity, are mostly senior age, have a big work experience and primarily seek to fill one‘s professional wants. In the project teams authoritarian ruling method dominates, but it does not put active others team members‘ participation in the shade. Library projects‘ team leader not only controls but also works with others as team member and pacemaker. Team leader put much value upon both the quality of results of project and the amount of working, thus makes climate where common team goals are exalted best. In this master paper performed research, data, its analysis and valuation of Lithuanian libraries‘ teamwork could be relevant and to come in useful... [to full text]

Virtualios komandos valdymas / Managing of virtual team

Rindzevičiūtė, Laura 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe pateikiama virtualios organizacijos specifika, išskiriami virtualių komandų tipai. Išsamiai išnagrinėjami virtualios komandos darbo privalumai ir trūkumai. Remiantis komandinio darbo ir personalo valdymo teoriniais aspektais bei sprendimų priėmimo valdymo modeliu formuojamas praktinis virtualios komandos valdymo modelis. Modelis sudarytas iš 5 valdymo veiklų – procesų, kiekvienas procesas paremtas specialiais kriterijais. Remiantis pasiūlytu virtualios komandos valdymo modelio ketvirtuoju veiklos procesu, atliktas tyrimas, kurio rezultatai leidžia įvardinti pagrindines problemas kylančias virtualios komandos nariams dirbant kartu. Tai laiko skirtumai, kultūrų skirtumai, kalbos skirtumai, taip pat įvardintos techninės problemos ir suderinamumas, skirtingas IT priemonių naudojimas, nepasitikėjimas komandos nariais, glaudžių bendradarbiavimo santykių nebuvimas, virtuali aplinka; komandų tikslų skirtingas interpretavimas. Įvardintos priežastys leidžia sukurti virtualios komandos veiklos efektyvumo tobulinimo sistemą, kur minėtieji probleminiai aspektai tampa tobulinimo sritimis. / Presented work covers theoretical and empirical research related to virtual organization and particularly virtual team. Virtual organization requires a different way of perceiving the world by those who wish to participate in it. Essential key characteristics of virtual organization and team should be developed. The main objective of this work is to create model of virtual team management. Particularly goals are to analyze theoretical aspects of virtual organization and virtual team. To name today’s personnel management processes and the main advantages of team work. According to these processes model of virtual team management are created. This model includes five basic processes, and the most important point is – this model includes five dynamic decision styles, which helps to manage the whole management process. Empirical researches are held to recognize the main disadvantage of virtual team work. These results helps to crate evaluation system - virtual team managing assessment scheme are created. First section of this work represents theoretical aspects, disclosure virtual organization features, various aspects. Virtual team functions are mentioned. Considering these functions and personnel management theory virtual team management model are created, which is shown in second section of this work. The model includes five basic processes. Empirical researches are shown in third section. Problems are named: time zones, cultural awareness, language difficulties also shared... [to full text]

KOMANDINIO DARBO YPATUMAI STATYBINĖJE ORGANIZACIJOJE UAB „ŽEMDA“ / Team work peculiarities of a building enterprise „Žemda“

Barzinskas, Dainius 29 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė komandinio darbo ypatumai statybinėje organizacijoje „Žemda“ analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad komandinio darbo rezultatai žymiai lenkia atskirai dirbančių individų darbo rezultatus. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas išanalizuoti komandinio darbo ypatumus statybinėje organizacijoje UAB „Žemda“ ir pateikti priemones darbo organizavimo gerinimui. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 68 respondentai iš statybos organizacijos UAB „Žemda“. 28 respondentai buvo administracijos darbuotojai ir 40 respondentų darbininkai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Komandinis darbas šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje – vienas pagrindinių įmonės sėkmę lemiančių veiksnių. Organizacijos, kurios skatina savo darbuotojus už asmeninius pasiekimus, kuria aplinką, kurioje išlieka tik stipriausieji, sunkiai persiorientuoja prie komandinio darbo, nes komandinis darbas neleidžia išryškinti asmeninių pasiekimų. 2. Didžioji dalis administracijos darbuotojų ir darbininkų teigia, kad komandos nariai bendradarbiauja tarpusavyje padeda vieni kitiems, komandos nariai pasitiki vieni kitais, gali atvirai išsakyti savo mintis todėl galima teigti, kad organizacijoje labai svarbus yra komandinis darbas. Gera komanda sujungia savyje bendradarbiavimo ir konkurencijos elementus. Tokios komandos nariai, veikdami išvien, padeda vienas kitam pasiekti geriausių asmeninių rezultatų. Efektyvi komanda turi dirbti kartu ir būti atsakinga už reikšmingų užduočių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / An analysis of a team work peculiarities of a building enterprise „Žemda“ was made in this work. The risen hypothesis states that the results of the team work are much better than the results of an individual work. A questionnaire was used in order to analyze the peculiarities of the team work of the building enterprise „Žemda“ and to suggest several means to improve it. So a statistical data analysis was fulfilled. There were a total number of 68 respondents from the „Žemda“ (28 simple workers and 40 office workers). The main conclusions of the empirical part of this work: 1. The team work nowadays is one the leading factors influencing the success of the enterprise. Organizations encouraging workers for their personal achievements create a milieu where only the strongest exist. However, such workers have a difficulty to work in a team because a team work does not allow personal features to show up. 2. The majority of the office and simple workers states that the teamwork signifies in an organization because it gives an opportunity to collaborate with each other, learn to help and trust and openly express ideas. A good team unifies the elements of the communication and competition. A member of such team helps to achieve the best personal results for the other member and him/herself as well. An efficient team has to work hand in hand and be responsible for important assignments. Besides, the members of the team have to be motivated to work. That motivation comes with... [to full text]

Organizacinio komandinio darbo ir klimato raiškos ypatumai reklamos agentūroje / Singularities of team work and organizational climate in advertisement agency

Černeckienė, Inga 03 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s final paper formulates possibilities to improve team work and organizational climate in advertisement agencies based on the team work and organizational climate diagnostic research made in the Joint Stock Company “Pramuštgalvis“. The paper analyses theoretical scientific material and this analysis allows to justify importance of team work and organizational climate and possibilities to improve it in the context of human resources management. The research of team work was made according the German test „Team Plus“ adapted in Lithuania. The organizational climate research was made according the test created by professor G. Merkys and his scientific group. 41 respondents from 6 teams of advertisement agency took part in the research. The data received was processed by the typical SPSS program. Evaluation of the statistical data allows to propose that team work in the advertisement agencies is little functional and organizational climate is rather poor. The hypothesis formulated by the author of this paper is proved. Team work and organizational climate are interdependent characteristics of human resources management.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje / Peculiarities of expression of teamwork and organizational climate in primary health care institution

Martinkus, Artūras 04 June 2005 (has links)
This Master's Dissertation is an independent part of collegial diagnostic research of teamwork. The aim of the project is to investigate peculiarities of team-work and expression of microclimate carrying out a diagnostic research and using two standardised tests: standardised German test “Team Plus” and organization climate crisis test created by Prof. G. Merkys' research group. The tests of teamwork consists of 66 questions about various aspects of teamwork. Organization climate crisis test consists of 149 questions. The research was carried out in Siauliai X Primary Personal Health Care (PPHC) Centre. The test was anonymous. 71 respondent has been questioned. The received data was processed using a typical SPSS program. Overall evaluation of efficiency of teamwork was negative and overall evaluation of organizational climate is positive. Teamwork optimisation recommendations have been formulated according to the carried out diagnostic research.

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