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Kompleksinis studentų fizinio aktyvumo vertinimas fizinės sveikatos, fizinio pajėgumo ir kūno masės kompozicijos rodikliais / Complex evaluation of student‘s physical activity by physical health, physical fitness and body composition parametersŠiupšinskas, Laimonas 02 January 2007 (has links)
Physical activity level of students is decreasing. Students are specific population group with similar patterns of habitual physical activity influenced by study process. That formed requirement to search for a new ways to assess physical activity of the students indirectly. Offered method assesses level of physical health, measures physical fitness and evaluates body composition. The aim of the study is to evaluate indirectly measured health-enhanced physical activity of the students by physical health, physical fitness and body composition parameters. Objectives: 1) To evaluate student’s physical development and physiological parameters related to physical health. 2) To measure student’s physical fitness and analyze its changes in 2003/2004 – 2005/2006 academic years. 3) To evaluate peculiarities of body composition and its components. 4) To propose complex evaluation methodology for indirect measured physical activity and to determine student’s level of physical health, physical fitness and body composition. According G. Apanasenka scoring system student’s physical health was lower than average. Physical fitness of males tested by Eurofit tests was in the average. Female’s physical fitness results were lowest of physical activity related components. Majority of assessed students (56% of males and 67% of females) had normal body weight. It was proposed method for the complex evaluation of indirectly measured physical activity and its components: physical health, physical... [to full text]
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Traukos riedmenų įsigijimo terminų AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ prognozavimas / Prognostication of purchase terms of traction rolling-stock for JSC Lithuanian RailwaysMontvidienė, Kristina 16 June 2005 (has links)
In this work are present analysis of traction rolling – stock in Lithuania. There are traversed main criterias of 2M62 series lokomotyve of Radviliškis lokomotyve depot – expenses of maintenance and outlays of fuel, oil, unplanned repairs, running repairs ER-1 and technical handling TP-3.According to complex quality rate is determined critical technical state of traction rolling-stock. There is designed expedient technique of selection of traction rolling-stock and terms of purchase, invoking which we could get maximum economical effect.Inferences are present in the end of this work.
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Kompleksinis meninės kompetencijos ugdymas priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupėje / Combined art competence education to pre-school education groupGasiūnienė, Kristina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėje informacinėje visuomenėje žmogui keliami visai kitokie reikalavimai. Kiekvienas žmogus, siekiantis prisitaikyti prie besikeičiančios visuomenės, turi įgyti jam reikalingų kompetencijų, būtinų vertybinių nuostatų. Priešmokyklinis ugdymas suvokiamas kaip ikimokyklinio ugdymo tąsa, tačiau turinti kokybiškai naujų tikslų ir uždavinių, kitokią vaiko ugdymo sampratą. Ugdomosios veiklos turi būti nukreiptos į visų esminių kompetencijų: socialinės, pažinimo, sveikatos saugojimo, komunikavimo, meninės ugdymą.
Darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti meninės kompetencijos kompleksinio ugdymo ypatumus priešmokykliniame amžiuje. Darbo tyrimo objektas – kompleksinis meninės kompetencijos ugdymas priešmokykliniame amžiuje. Darbo tikslui pasiekti analizuojami pedagoginiai ir psichologiniai literatūros šaltiniai, stengiantis išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio ugdymo sampratą ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pedagoginę ir psichologinę charakteristiką, siekiama išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio ugdymo kompetencijų sampratą ir šio amžiaus vaikų kompetencijas, kaip ugdoma meninė kompetencija priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams ir kokie yra šios kompetencijos ugdymo ypatumai, bei anketa ir interviu metodu išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir priešmokyklinėje grupėje dirbančių pedagogų požiūrį į kompleksinį meninės kompetencijos ugdymą.
Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo 67 respondentai. Anketa buvo pateikta 32 priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogams, interviu metodu apklausti 35 priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikai (... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In modern informatical society, there are much requirements raised for a person. Every person, who tries to adopt to the changing society, must acquire competence, necessary valuable rules. Pre-school education is perceived as pre-school education continuation, with qualities new aims, different child education conception. Educational activities must be directed to all basic competences: social, cognition, health care, communication, art education.
Research object - combined art competence education to pre-school age group. Work aim – to find out peculiarity of combined art competence to pre-school age group. To reach goal, there will be analyzing educational and psychologic literature sources, explaining pre-school education conception and pre-school age children pedagogic and psychologic characteristics, revealing pre-school education competence conception and particular age children competences; presenting pre-school age children art competence education conception, and by the method of inquestions and interviews there will be elucidated educators , working in pre-school age children and pre-school group, opinion to combined art competence education.
In research there was 67 participants. Questionnaire was given to 32 pre-school education educators, by interview method there was questioned 35 pre-school age children (5 – 7 years old).
There were used these science research methods: sciences literature and documents analysis, interview method, questionnaire inquest... [to full text]
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Ro-ro vežimų tyrimai Baltijos jūroje / Research Of Ro-Ro Freight On The BalticMaksimavičius, Ričardas 12 November 2004 (has links)
Currently Port of Klaipėda has been interlinked by ro-ro transit lines with Germany, Sweden and Denmark. It has been sought not only for improvement but also for development and expansion of the ro-ro market in order to answer continuously growing needs of clients.
Lithuanian ro-ro liner shippers and operators although confronted by severe competition in ro-ro shipping market, strive to retain their position, conquer and manage new ro-ro markets. Yet it is to be mentioned that close cooperation with other transport industries and ro-ro terminals is not always attainable what consequently enhance the impact of factors affecting ro-ro transport and lessen attractiveness of such transportation, reduce cargo flow in general.
Relevance of the problem. Considerable part of ro-ro lines are forced to close down soon after they are opened as having no prospects for they fail to attract sufficient freight and cargo flow due to multiple reasons like inadequate assessment and underestimation of advantages, shortcomings and risks (threats) and overestimated possibilities, insufficient research into cargo flow, inconsideration or failed acknowledgement of factors affecting ro-ro transportation. Therefore the relevance of the issue involved in this dissertation reveals not only for developing of new ro-ro shipping lines, but also for restructuring of existing lines and restoring of former ro-ro lines, it applies also in view of intended increase in competitiveness of ro-ro freightage... [to full text]
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Ro-ro vežimų tyrimai Baltijos jūroje / Research Of Ro-Ro Freight On The BalticMaksimavičius, Ričardas 12 November 2004 (has links)
Currently Port of Klaipėda has been interlinked by ro-ro transit lines with Germany, Sweden and Denmark. It has been sought not only for improvement but also for development and expansion of the ro-ro market in order to answer continuously growing needs of clients.
Lithuanian ro-ro liner shippers and operators although confronted by severe competition in ro-ro shipping market, strive to retain their position, conquer and manage new ro-ro markets. Yet it is to be mentioned that close cooperation with other transport industries and ro-ro terminals is not always attainable what consequently enhance the impact of factors affecting ro-ro transport and lessen attractiveness of such transportation, reduce cargo flow in general.
Relevance of the problem. Considerable part of ro-ro lines are forced to close down soon after they are opened as having no prospects for they fail to attract sufficient freight and cargo flow due to multiple reasons like inadequate assessment and underestimation of advantages, shortcomings and risks (threats) and overestimated possibilities, insufficient research into cargo flow, inconsideration or failed acknowledgement of factors affecting ro-ro transportation. Therefore the relevance of the issue involved in this dissertation reveals not only for developing of new ro-ro shipping lines, but also for restructuring of existing lines and restoring of former ro-ro lines, it applies also in view of intended increase in competitiveness of ro-ro freightage... [to full text]
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Chromo kompleksinių dažiklių sorbcija jonitais ir aktyvintosiomis anglimis / Sorption of chromium complex dyes onto ion exchangers and activated carbonsKirkutė, Jolita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Chromo kompleksinių dažiklių: rūgštinio rudojo (1:1 ir 1:2 chromo kompleksai) ir rūgštinio mėlynojo (1:2 chromo kompleksas) sorbcija aktyvintąja anglimi, neutraliu sorbentu, anijonitu bei chelatiniu jonitu atlikta statinėmis sąlygomis, keičiant pradinio tirpalo koncentracijas, pH, temperatūrą bei sorbcijos trukmę. Pusiausvirosios sorbcijos eksperimentinės vertės ir apskaičiuoti Langmiuro ir Froindlicho teorinių sorbcijos izotermų paramertrų didžiausios vertės liudija, kad sorbcijai palankiausia tirpalo rūgšti terpė. Gautos sorbcijos kinetinės kreivės ir ištirtos pagal tris kinetikos modelius: pseudo-pirmojo laipsnio reakcijos greičio lygtį, pseudo-antrojo laipsnio reakcijos greičio lygtį ir vidinės difuzijos modelį. Nustatyta, kad sorbcijos kinetika vyksta pagal pseudo-antrojo laipsnio reakcijos lygtį ir yra kontroliuojama vidinės difuzijos procesų. Nustatyti sorbcijos proceso termodinaminiai parametrai H0, S0 ir G0 liudija apie spontanišką, egzoterminę sorbcijos aktyvintąja anglimi, anijonitu bei chelatiniu jonitu prigimtį. / Sorption of two chromium complex dyes (1:1 and 1:2 chromium complex; 1:2 chromium comlex) and from model solutions onto an various types of sorbents was investigated in aqueous solution in a batch experiments with respect to initial solution concentration and pH, contact time, and temperature. The sorption capacity at equilibrium obtained experimental and estimated Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm parameters was demonstrate that acidic media was favourable for dye sorption. The pseudo-first-order, pseudo - second order kinetics models and the diffusion (intraparticle) model were used to describe the kinetics data, and the rate constants were evaluated. Kinetics of dye sorption is observed to confirm pseudo-second order rate expression. The activation energy, change of Gibbs free energy, enthalpy of sorption was also evaluated. The results indicate the sorption process onto activated carbon, anion exchanger and chelating sorbent was egzothermic, spontaneous.
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Lietuvos nacionalinėms rinktinėms priklausančių ir nepriklausančių dziudo imtynininkų motyvacijos, kognityvinių ir emocinių procesų kompleksinis įvertinimas / Complex Evaluation of cognitive and emotional processes of motivation in sports activities for the wrestlers who belong or do not belong to the national teams of LithuaniaPaškevičius, Marius 12 May 2006 (has links)
In the training of judo sportsmen, it is topical for the coach to be aware of the psychological specialties that are important for the sportsmen in this field, and know how they are successfully realized in sporting wrestlers’ activities. Psychological characteristics of Lithuanian judo sportsmen have not been researched so far. In this paper there were researched professionally important qualities of judo wrestlers. The set aim of the research was to evaluate psychosocial specialties, cognitive processes (transfer of attention, spatial-visual thinking) and emotional resistance of judo wrestlers who belong to adult and junior groups in a complex manner, and compare the data of wrestlers, who belong or do not belong to the national team. The personality’s motivational field is analyzed in a complex with other domains, as any activities are conditioned by motives. Motives play an exceptionally important role for the development of actions, thinking and all other cognitive functions.
The task of research:
1. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, seven psychosocial dimensions that influence the motivation in sports activities.
2. 2To investigate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, cognitive field - operations of attention transfer and spatial-visual thinking.
3. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national... [to full text]
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Niutono metodo realizacija ir tyrimas taikant Žulija aibes / Implementation and analysis of Newton’s method using Julia setsIsodaitė, Reda 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo analizuojama Niutono fraktalų Žulija aibės. Dažniausiai Žulija ir užpildytų Žulija aibių vaizdai gaunami, panaudojant "pabėgimo laiko" algoritmą. Norėdami šį algoritmą naudoti kompleksinio daugianario šaknų vizualizacijai, turime nurodyti iteracijų skaiči��, algoritmo tikslumą, žingsnį bei kompleksiniu Niutono metodu rasti daugianario šaknis. Taikant Niutono metodą, buvo susidurta su pradinių taškų parinkimo problema. Tyrimo metu patvirtinta, kad pakanka Niutono iteracinę funkciją taikyti taškams z, kurių modulis 2. Darbe buvo pasiūlytas šaknų lokalizacijos srities nustatymo būdas. Naudojant PL-algoritmą, pasirinktu žingsniu pereiname visus taškus, kurie patenka į šią sritį. Taip gauname Niutono-Rafsono fraktalus ir lygiagrečiai analizuojame Žulija aibes bei užpildytas Žulija aibes. / Julia sets and filled Julia sets of Newton‘s fractals are analyzed in this work. The Escape Time Algorithm provides us with a means for "seeing" the filled Julia sets of Newton‘s fractals, but roots, (zeros) of the polynomial under investigation should be known. The Newton‘s method for finding roots of an algebraic equation is well known. Here in the paper the complex Newton method for finding roots of a complex polynomial is presented. The main difficulties, associated with implementation of this method in practice, are discussed, namely: construction of the set of initial points (first approximations of the roots), finding the basin of attraction for a particular root and so forth. Some experimental results are presented.
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Kompleksiškų technologinių projektų įgyvendinimo strategijos pasirinkimas grindžiamas daugiakriteriniais sprendimų priėmimo metodais. Ignalinos AE įrangos išmontavimo projekto atvejis / Complex technology project implementation strategies choice based on multiple criteria decision making methods. The case of Ignalina NPP equipment dismantling projectPoškas, Gintautas 07 December 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – suprojektuoti kompleksinių inžinerinių projektų įgyvendinimo strategijos pasirinkimą, grindžiamą daugiakriteriniais sprendimo priėmimo metodais, ir, jais naudojantis, parinkti tinkamiausią Ignalinos AE įrangos išmontavimo projekto strategiją. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgiami dažniausiai naudojami daugiakriteriniai sprendimų priėmimo metodai, atlikus metodų palyginimą išrenkami tinkamiausi suformuluotai problemai spręsti. Atlikus situacijos analize Ignalinos AE pastate V1 ir surinkti pirminius duomenis apie įrangos komponentų fizinius, radiologinius, išdėstymo schemų ir kitus duomenis bei atlikus jų pradinę analizę, suformuluojamos strategijų alternatyvos, bei rekomendacinis hierarchinis kriterijų sąrašas, kuris yra charakteringas atominių elektrinių užterštos įrangos išmontavimo projektams. Pateikiamas konkretus problemos sprendimo projektas/metodologija, kuris įgyvendinamas Ignalinos AE pastato V1 įrangos išmontavimo atvejui. / The aim of this paper is to create methodology for choosing the best strategy for complex technology projects using multi criteria decision making methods and to implement this methodology for Ignalina NPP decommissioning project (dismantling equipment in building V1). MCDA methods are analyzed and the most appropriate for Ignalina’s NPP equipment dismantling is chosen. Primary data has been collected and analyzed and two different alternative strategies for dismantling are formulated and also the tree of hierarchical qualitative and quantitative criteria is created. It is used for measuring performance of alternatives against criteria. Finally the scheme for choosing the best alternative has been proposed, and by applying MCDA method the best strategy has been selected for dismantling unused equipment and radioactive waste treatment and decontamination at Ignalina NPP in building V1.
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Kelių infrastruktūros aptarnavimo vykdant žemės konsolidacijos projektus kūrimas ir pertvarkymas / Road infrastructure facilities development and rearrangement implementing land consolidation projectsPašakarnienė, Inela 18 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos problemos, susijusios su kelių infrastruktūra, atsiradusios po pastarosios žemės reformos Lietuvoje, užsienio šalių patirtis vykdant žemės konsolidacijos projektus, kuriuose kuriami ir pertvarkomi kelių infrastruktūros aptarnavimai, taip pat apžvelgiama žemės konsolidacijos patirtis Lietuvoje. Darbe išnagrinėti pagrindiniai žemės konsolidacijos principai bei su žemės konsolidacija susiję Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai. Tiriamojo darbo pradžioje buvo iškeltas tikslas – išanalizuoti žemės konsolidacijos pritaikymą kelių infrastruktūros aptarnavimų kūrimui ir pertvarkymui Lietuvoje. Siekiant esmines problemas identifikuoti ir jas pabrėžti Lietuvoje, buvo: (1) apklausti automobilių ir geležinkelių atstovai, (2) atliktos eismo įvykių ir žemės paėmimo visuomenės poreikiams procedūrų statistinių duomenų analizės, (3) išanalizuotas parengtas žemės konsolidacijos projektas bei, naudojantis geografinėmis informacinėmis sistemomis, (4) atliktas žemės konsolidacijos poreikio pasirinktoje kadastro vietovėje tyrimas.
Visi atlikti tiriamojo darbo rezultatai pateikti išvadose, patvirtina, kad yra poreikis pertvarkymams, o žemės konsolidacija, kaip žemės tvarkymo instrumentas, plačiai naudojamas daugelyje Vakarų Europos šalių, galėtų būti taikomas kelių infrastruktūros aptarnavimų kūrimui ir pertvarkymui Lietuvoje.
Darbą sudaro 4 pagrindinės dalys, įvadas, literatūros analizė, tiriamojo darbo skyriai, išvados ir rekomendacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master’s thesis analyses problems related to road infrastructure that appeared after recent land reform in Lithuania; reviews experience of foreign countries implementing land consolidation projects where road infrastructure facilities are developed and rearranged; as well as overviews experience on land consolidation in Lithuania. The paper analysis the main land consolidation principles and legal acts related with land consolidation in European Union and Lithuania. At the initial stage of the thesis main aim was stated – to analyse the abilities to apply land consolidation for the development and rearrangement of road infrastructure facilities’ in Lithuania. Seeking to identify and highlight main problems in Lithuania, following steps were taken: (1)road and railroad representatives were interviewed; (2) statistical data of accidents and procedures for land acquisition for public needs were analysed (3) implemented land consolidation project was studied, (4) as well as with GIS support demand for land consolidation in selected cadastral territory was revealed. All conclusions of the thesis witness the demand for rearrangement and land consolidation, as land management instrument, that is widely used by many Western European countries and therefore could be successfully applied for the development and rearrangement of road infrastructure facilities in Lithuania.
Thesis structure consists of 4 sections, introduction, literature analysis, research chapters, conclusions... [to full text]
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