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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Širdies susitraukimo dažnio greitoji adaptacija izometrinio ir dinaminio fizinio krūvio metu ugdant jėgą / Heart rate fast adaptation to physical activity, applying izometric and dynamic physical exercises in strength training

Milaševičius, Laurynas 18 May 2005 (has links)
Cardiac muscle is unique because it has the capability of maintaining its own rhythm. If left to this inherent rhythmicity, the heart would beat steadily between 70 and 80 beats per minute. Extrinsic regulation provides for heart rates that may be as slow as 30 beats per minute at rest in highly trained endurance athletes and as fast as 220 beats per minute in maximum exercise. In our research we analyzed different strength training methodics, dynamic and isometric exercise’s influence to the heart rate in fast adaptation. Research showed, that while working at 80% of maximum, isometric physical activity provides higher heart rate than dynamic physical activity at the same intensity.

Skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių aerobinio pajėgumo ir kvėpavimo funkcijos ypatumai / Aerobic Capacity and Function of Respiratory System in female handball players of different age

Petruninaitė, Augusta 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – didelio meistriškumo rankininkių kvėpavimo sistemos funkcija ir aerobinis pajėgumas. Tyrimo aktualumas. Aerobinis pajėgumas yra labai svarbus rankinyje siekiant aukštų sportinių rezultatų. Kiekvienoje sporto šakoje sportininkai skiriasi savo aerobiniu pajėgumu, todėl mūsų darbas yra aktualus, nes informatyviais tyrimo metodais nustatėme skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių aerobinį pajėgumą ir kvėpavimo sistemos funkcinius rodiklius. Tyrimo problema. Kokią įtaką amžius turi rankininkių aerobiniam pajėgumui bei kvėpavimo sistemos funkcijoms? Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių kvėpavimo funkcijos ir aerobinio pajėgumo ypatumus. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių kvėpavimo sistemos pajėgumą ramybėje ir nuosekliai didėjančio fizinio krūvio metu. 2. Nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių aerobinį pajėgumą. 3. Palyginti jaunesnio ir vyresnio amžiaus rankininkių aerobinį pajėgumą ir kvėpavimo funkcinius rodiklius. Išvados 1. Jaunesniųjų rankininkių maksimalūs plaučių ventiliacijos rodikliai buvo didesni, tiek testuojant ramybėje (maksimali valinga ventiliacija), tiek ir nuosekliai greitėjančio bėgimo metu (didžiausios pasiektos reikšmės). 2. Absoliučios plaučių talpos reikšmingai nesiskyrė lyginant skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių, tačiau lyginant su atitinkamo amžiaus norminėmis reikšmėmis forsuota iškvėpimo talpa buvo santykinai geresnė vyresnių rankininkių. 3. Jaunesnių rankininkių maksimalus deguonies suvartojimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – respiratory system and aerobic capacity of professional female handball players. The relevance of research. The efficiency of aerobic capacity is important in handball play. In every sports athletes differs in aerobic theme capacity, thats why our study is relevant, because we obtained the results about on aerobic capacity of the female handball players in different age group. Question of research – what influence has age for the aerobic capacity and respiratory system function of female handball players. The purpose of research: to determine the respiratory function and aerobic capacity of the professional female handball players of different age. Goals: 1. To determine the capacity of respiratory system of the female handball players. 2. To determine the aerobic capacity of female handball players. 3. To compare the data of senior and junior female hanball players. Conclusions 1. The rates of the maximal lungs ventilation of junior female handball players were greater in both while testing at rest and maximal ventilation continuously accelerating running (maximal achieved value). 2. Absolute lungs capacity did not change significantly between different age female handball players, although comparing the forced exhalation capacity of appropriate age standard value, senior handball players had relatively better data. 3. The maximal oxygen uptake, ventilation threshold and correspondent values of vegetative system (HR, maximal oxygen... [to full text]

Family practice in Lithuania during ten years of Primary Health Care reform: task profiles, job satisfaction and patients’ attitudes / Šeimos medicina Lietuvoje per pirminės sveikatos priežiūros reformos dešimtmetį: gydytojo veiklos apimtys, pasitenkinimas darbu bei pacientų požiūris

Liseckienė Juodrytė, Ida 11 November 2009 (has links)
The primary health care (PHC) institution has a core value in comprehensive health care systems. PHC have been presented as an effective resolution in improving health care, because it is associated with the better health outcomes, lowers health care costs and is related to a greater equity in health. PHC institution was newly established in Lithuania in 1992, when the health care reform was started. Family physicians were retrained from district doctors (pediatricians and internists) or graduated family medicine residency. The recent years have been challenging for Lithuanian family medicine institution. This is the first national study, which evaluates changes in the task profiles and workload of family physicians ten years after the beginning of PHC reform in Lithuania. It provides new information about the differences and similarities in the services of retrained district physicians and physicians after family medicine residency. First time was evaluated family physicians’ satisfaction at national level: are they happy with new role? The study is exceptional because it combines data from patients and their family physicians and gives insight into the attitudes of PHC services users, an important indicator of the quality of health care. Aim of the study: to evaluate changes in family physicians’ task profiles and job satisfaction, and to assess patients’ attitudes towards PHC during ten years of PHC reform in Lithuania. Objectives of the study: 1. To evaluate and... [to full text] / Pirminei sveikatos priežiūrai (PSP) šiuolaikinėje sveikatos priežiūros sistemoje skiriamas ypatingas dėmesys, nes šios institucijos plėtojimas gerina visuomenės sveikatą, paslaugų prieinamumą bei mažina sveikatos sistemos išlaidas. Šeimos gydytojai Lietuvoje nuo 1992 metų pradėti ruošti dvejopai: dalis jų buvo perkvalifikuojami iš apylinkės gydytojų (terapeutų ir pediatrų), kita dalis buvo ruošiama stacionarinėje šeimos medicinos rezidentūroje. Neabejotinai pastarieji PSP reformos metai buvo iššūkis tiek visuomenei, tiek šeimos medicinos institucijai. Tai pirmasis nacionalinis tyrimas, kuriame vertinti šeimos gydytojų veiklos apimčių, darbo krūvio pokyčiai vykdant PSP reformą per dešimtį jos metų. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia šeimos gydytojų baigusių stacionarinę rezidentūrą panašumus ir skirtumus su šeimos gydytojais, persikvalifikavusiais iš apylinkės gydytojų. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje šeimos gydytojų buvo klausiama, ar jie patenkinti savo darbu? Be to, tyrimo metu vienu mtu buvo apklausiami ne tik šeimos gydytojai, bet ir jų pacientai, kurių nuomonė labai svarbi vertinat sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybę. Darbo tikslas: nustatyti šeimos gydytojų veiklos apimtis, jų nuomonę apie darbą ir įvertinti pacientų požiūrį apie pirminę sveikatos priežiūrą per pirminės sveikatos priežiūros reformos dešimtmetį. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti apylinkės ir šeimos gydytojų darbo krūvį, veiklos apimtis ir jų pokyčius. 2. Palyginti šeimos gydytojų nuomonę apie jų darbą ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Blauzdos tiesėjų ir lenkėjų raumenų funkcijos dinamika izokinetinio krūvio metu / The shin stretchers - benders function dinamics, during isokinetic physical load

Kičas, Regimantas 19 May 2005 (has links)
The goal of the research is to define the indicators of the muscle function, fatigue and recovery for the shin stretchers and benders, who are LCA students and soldiers, during the isokinetic load. Two groups were investigated: 17 healthy underclassmen from the Lithuanian Military Academy at the age of 18,8±0,4, and 20 healthy soldiers from the Great Lithuanian Etmon Jonusas Radvila training flock at the age of 19,8±1,1. The investigative were tested using the Biodex Medical System, the equipment allocated to the testing of human bone-muscle and rehabilitation. The testing was executed in the regime according to the specially created protocol. The maximum power of the right leg shin of the stretchers-benders and the power at the maximum speed when the fixed speed is 180 l/s was recorded. These parameters were registered before the load while doing 3 stretches and bends, and a 5-minute recovery period after the load doing 3 stretches and bends. In order to evoke tiredness 100 load of the stretching and bending was used at the fixed speed of 180 l/s. The achieved results revealed, that the benders of the first (LCA students) and the second (the soldiers) groups get less tired during the isokinetic load than stretchers. The maximum power of the first and the second group shin stretchers did not recover after a 5-minute period rest from the controlling value, and the maximum power of the shin benders recovered completely in comparion to the initial value. The muscle power of the... [to full text]

Didelio meistriškumo penkiakovininkų rengimas keturmečiu olimpiniu ciklu / Training of the elite modern pentathlonists in the four - year Olympic cycle

Rakitinas, Eugenijus 03 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of the current work was to analyze the structure of training in the four – year Olympic cycle (2001 – 2004), the achieved results and to assess the dynamics of sportsmen`s physical and functional abilities over the period. The dynamics of the physical and functional abilities over the annual cycle of training was analyzed on an example of A.Z. and E.K., the most efficient Lithuanian modern pentathlonists. We analyzed physical load in 2001 – 2004 and the results achieved in the same year, the dynamics of physical development, such as body mass, muscle and fat mass, lung volume, muscular power in different zones of energy production. The efficiency on anaerobic alactic energy production mechanisms was determined by measuring single muscle contraction power (SMCP) and anaerobic alactic muscular power (AAMP). The functional capacity of the circulatory and respiratory systems was assessed by the Roufier index (RI). By fixing the speed on a running-track, pulse rate and lactate concentration in blood we determined the intensity of bioenergetic processes at the anaerobic metabolism threshold limit. Also, aerobic capacity at the critical intensity limit and anaerobic metabolism threshold limit were determined. The physical development indices of these sportsmen changed little over the annual cycle of training. In both sportsmen, muscular power under short work remained stable at the level years and showed little change throughout the competition period up to its culmination... [to full text]

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