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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low Power Capacitive Touch Sensing

Elden, Edgar Leopold January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis will seek to design a capacitive touch sensor that uses as little power as possible while still having decent performance. The study will start by discussing oscillators and find that relaxation oscillators with a frequency dependent on an RC-circuit is of greatest interest. Thorough simulations and theory will show that it is power efficient for the RC-circuit to oscillate between two voltage levels close to the supply voltage. It will also show that it is only the resistance that affect the power dissipation in the RC-circuit. A Finite State Machine that monitors changes in the period of the oscillator is described and designed. It uses two IIR filters to reject noise from the oscillator and provide an average over time the input can be compared to. A prototype is built and tests establish that both the oscillator and FSM behave as expected. It is found that the response time of the FSM can be stated in sampling periods and that lower bit lengths give faster response time. Power estimations are done and it is found that the FSM uses two orders of magnitude less power than the oscillator. The full design is compared to a low power capacitive touch system currently on the market. Power estimations indicate that the design proposed uses an order of magnitude less power than the commercial implementation it is compared with. The results also indicate that the proposed design has a potential for even more power optimization.</p>

Vectorized 128-bit Input FP16/FP32/FP64 Floating-Point Multiplier

Stenersen, Espen January 2008 (has links)
3D graphic accelerators are often limited by their floating-point performance. A Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) has several specialized floating-point units to achieve high throughput and performance. The floating-point units consume a large part of total area, and power consumption, and hence architectural choices are important to evaluate when implementing the design. GPUs are specially tuned for performing a set of operations on large sets of data. The task of a 3D graphic solution is to render a image or a scene. The scene contains geometric primitives as well as descriptions of the light, the way each object reflects light and the viewer position and orientation. This thesis evaluates four different pipelined, vectorized floating-point multipliers, supporting 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit floating-point numbers. The architectures are compared concerning area usage, power consumption and performance. Two of the architectures are implemented at Register Transfer Level (RTL), tested and synthesized, to see if assumptions made in the estimation methodologies are accurate enough to select the best architecture to implement given a set of architectures and constraints. The first architecture trades area for lower power consumption with a throughput of 38.4 Gbit/s at 300 MHz clock frequency, and the second architecture trades power for smaller area with equal throughput. The two architectures are synthesized at 200 MHz, 300 MHz and 400 MHz clock frequency, in a 65 nm low-power standard cell library and a 90 nm general purpose library, and for different input data format distributions, to compare area and power results at different clock frequencies, input data distributions and target technology. Architecture one has lower power consumption than architecture two at all clock frequencies and input data format distributions. At 300 MHz, architecture one has a total power consumption of 1.9210 mW at 65 nm, and 15.4090 mW at 90 nm. Architecture two has a total power consumption of 7.3569 mW at 65 nm, and 17.4640 mW at 90 nm. Architecture two requires less area than architecture one at all clock frequencies. At 300 MHz, architecture one has a total area of 59816.4414 um^2 at 65 nm, and 116362.0625 um^2 at 90 nm. Architecture two has a total area of 50843.0 um^2 at 65 nm, and 95242.0469 um^2 at 90 nm.

Delay-Fault BIST in Low-Power CMOS Devices

Leistad, Tor Erik January 2008 (has links)
Devices such as microcontrollers are often required to operate across a wide range of voltage and temperature. Delay variation in different temperature and voltage corners can be large, and for deep submicron geometries delay faults are more likely than for larger geometries. This has made delay fault testing necessary. Scan testing is widely used as a method for testing, but it is slow due to time spent on shifting test vectors and responses, and it also needs modification to support delay testing. This assignment is divided into three parts. The first part investigates some of the effects in deep submicron technologies, then it looks at different fault models, and at last different techniques for delay testing and BIST approaches are investigated. The second part suggests a design for a test chip, including a circuit under test (CUT) and BIST logic. The final part investigates how the selected BIST logic can be used to reduce test time and what considerations needs to be made to get a optimal solution. The suggested design is a co-processor with SPI slave interface. Since scan based testing is commonly used today, STUMPS was selected as the BIST solution to use. Assuming that scan already is used, STUMPS will have little impact on the performance of the CUT since it is based on scan testing. During analysis it was found that several aspects of the CUT design affects the maximum obtainable delay fault coverage. It was also found that careful design of the BIST logic is necessary to get the best fault coverage and a solution that will reduce the overall cost. The results shows that a large amount of time can be saved during test by using BIST, but since the area of the circuit increases due to the BIST logic it necessarily don’t mean that one will reduce cost on the overall design. Whether or not a BIST solution will result in reduced cost will depend on the complexity of the circuit that is tested, how well the BIST logic fits this circuit, how many internal scan chains can be used, and how fast scan vectors can be applied under BIST. In this case it looks like the BIST logic is not well suited to detect the random hard to detect faults. This results in a large amount of top up patterns. This combined with the large area of the BIST logic makes it unlikely that BIST will reduce cost of this design.

Low power/high performance dynamic reconfigurable filter-design

Bystrøm, Vebjørn January 2008 (has links)
The main idea behind this thesis was to optimize the multipliers in a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The project was chosen because digital filters are very common in digital signal processing and is an exciting area to work with. The first part of the text describes some theory behind the digital filter and how to optimize the multipliers that are a part of digital filters. The substantial thing to emphasize here is the use of Canonical Signed Digits (CSD) encoding. CSD representation for FIR filters can reduce the delay and complexity of the hardware implementation. CSD-encoding reduces the amount of non-zero digits and will by this reduce the multiplication process to a few additions/subtractions and shifts. In this thesis it was designed 4 versions of the same filter, that was implemented on an FPGA, where the substantial and most interesting results were the differences between coefficients that was CSD-encoded and coefficients that was represented with 2's complement. It was shown that the filter version that had CSD-encoded coefficients used almost 20% less area then the filter version with 2's complement coefficients. The CSD-encoded filter could run on a maximum frequency of 504,032 MHz compared the other filter that could run on a maximum frequency of 249,123 MHz. One of the filters that was designed was designed using the * operator in VHDL, that proved to be the most efficient when it came to the use of number of slices and speed. The reason for this was because an FPGA has built-in multipliers, so if one has the opportunity to use the multiplier they will give the best result instead of using logic blocks on the FPGA It was also discussed a filter that has the ability to change the coefficients at run-time without starting the design from the beginning. This is an advantage because a constant coefficient multiplier requires the FPGA to be reconfigured and the whole design cycle to be re-implemented. The drawback with the dynamic multiplier is that is uses more hardware resources.

Optimisation of a Pipeline ADC by using a low power, high resolution Flash ADC as backend.

Høye, Dag Sverre January 2008 (has links)
Flash ADCs with resolutions from 3 to 5 bits have been implemented on a transistor level. These ADCs are to be incorporated as the backend of a higher resolution Pipeline ADC. The motivation for this work has been to see how much the resolution of this backend can be increased before the power consumption becomes to high. This is beneficial in Pipeline ADCs because the number of Pipeline stages is reduced so that the throughput delay of the Pipeline ADC is also reduced. All the Flash ADCs are implemented with the same Capacitive Interpolation-technique. This technique was found to have several benificial properties as opposed to other power saving techniques applied to Flash ADCs in a project assignment done prior to this thesis. The results of the simulations show that the resolution of the backend can be increased to 5 bits both in terms of power and other static and dynamic performance parameters.

Framework for self reconfigurable system on a Xilinx FPGA.

Hamre, Sverre January 2009 (has links)
Partial self reconfigurable hardware has not yet become main stream, even though the technology is available. Currently FPGA manufacturer like Xilinx has FPGA devices that can do partial self reconfiguration. These and earlier FPGA devices were used mostly for prototyping and testing of designs, before producing ASICS, since FPGA devices was to expensive to be used in final production designs. Now as prices for these devices are coming down, it is more and more normal to see them in consumer devices. Like routers and switches where protocols can change fast. Using a FPGA in these devices, the manufacturer has the possibility to update the device if there are protocol updates or bugs in the design. But currently this reconfiguration is of the complete design not just modules when they are needed. The main problem why partial self reconfiguration is not used currently, is the lack of tools, to simplify the design and usage of such a system. In this thesis different aspects of partial self reconfiguration will be evaluated. Current research status are evaluated and a proof of concept incorporating most of this research are created. Trying to establish a framework for partial self reconfiguration on a FPGA. In the work the Suzaku-V platform is used, this platform utilizes a Virtex-II or Virtex-IV FPGA from Xilinx. To be able to partially reconfigure these FPGA's the configuration logic and configuration bitstream has been researched. By understanding the bitstream a program has been developed that can read out or insert modules in a bitstream. The partial reconfiguration in the proof of concept is controlled by a CPU on the FPGA running Linux. By running Linux on the CPU simplifies many aspects of development, since many programs and communication methods are readily available in Linux. Partial self reconfiguration on a FPGA with a hard core powerPC running Linux is a complicated task to solve. Many problems were encounter working with the task, hopefully were many of these issues addressed and answered, simplifying further work. Since this is only the beginning, showing that it is possible and how it can be done, but more research must be done to further simplify and enhance the framework.

Construction of digital integer arithmetic : FPGA implementation of high throughput pipelined division circuit

Øvergaard, Johan Arthur January 2009 (has links)
This assignment has been given by Defence Communication (DC) which is a division of Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace(KDA). KDA develops amongst other things military radio equipment for communication and data transfer. In this equipment there is use of digital logic that performes amongst other things integer and fixed point division. Current systems developed at KDA uses both application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) to implement the digital logic. In both these technologies it is implemented circuit to performed integer and fixed point division. These are designed for low latency implementations. For future applications it is desire to investigate the possibility of implementing a high throughput pipelined division circuit for both 16 and 64 bit operands. In this project several commonly implemented division methods and algorithms has been studied, amongst others digit recurrence and multiplicative algorithms. Of the studied methods, multiplicative methods early stood out as the best implementation. These methods include the Goldschmidt and Newton-Raphson method. Both these methods require and initial approximation towards the correct answer. Based on this, several methods for finding an initial approximation were investigated, amongst others bipartite and multipartite lookup tables. Of the two multiplicative methods, Newton-Raphsons method proved to give the best implementation. This is due to the fact that it is possible with Newton-Raphsons method to implement each stage with the same bit widths as the precision out of that stage. This means that each stage is only halve the size of the succeeding stage. Also since the first stages were found to be small compared to the last stage, it was found that it is best to use a rough approximation towards the correct value and then use more stages to achieve the target precision. To evaluate how different design choices will affect the speed, size and throughput of an implementation, several configurations were implemented in VHDL and synthesized to FPGAs. These implementations were optimized for high speed whit high pipeline depth and size, and low speed with low pipeline depth and size. This was done for both 16 and 64 bits implementations. The synthesizes showed that there is possible to achieve great speed at the cost of increased size, or a small circuit while still achieving an acceptable speed. In addition it was found that it is optimal in a high throughput pipelined division circuit to use a less precise initial approximation and instead use more iterations stages.

Comparator-Based Switched-Capacitor Integrator for use in Delta-Sigma Modulator

Torgersen, Svend Bjarne January 2009 (has links)
A comparator-based switched capacitor integrator for use in a Delta Sigma ADC has been designed. Basic theory about comparator-based circuits has been presented and design equations have been developed. The integrator had a targeted performance of a bandwidth of 1.5MHz with a SNR of 80dB. Due to the lack of a complete modulator feedback system, the integrator was simulated in open-loop. For the integrator not to saturate in open-loop, an overshoot calibration circuit was enabled during the simulation. This resulted in a severe deterioration of the integrated signal. The results are therefore significantly lower than expected, with a SNR of about 39dB but can be expected to be better in a closed-loop simulation. The power consumption of the implemented modules is 0.43mW. However, this is without several modules which were implemented as ideal.

Low-power microcontroller core

Eriksen, Stein Ove January 2009 (has links)
Energy efficiency in embedded processors is of major importance in order to achieve longer operating time for battery operated devices. In this thesis the energy efficiency of a microcontroller based on the open source ZPU microprocessor is evaluated and improved. The ZPU microprocessor is a zero-operand stack machine originally designed for small size FPGA implementation, but in this thesis the core is synthesized for implementation with a 180nm technology library. Power estimation of the design is done both before and after synthesis in the design flow, and it is shown that power estimates based on RTL simulations (before synthesis) are 35x faster to obtain than power estimates based on gate-level simulations (after synthesis). The RTL estimates deviate from the gate-level estimates by only 15% and can provide faster design cycle iterations without sacrificing too much accuracy. The energy consumption of the ZPU microcontroller is reduced by implementing clock gating in the ZPU core and also implementing a tiny stack cache to reduce stack activity energy consumption. The result of these improvements show a 46% reduction in average power consumption. The ZPU architecture is also compared to the more common MIPS architecture, and the Plasma CPU of MIPS architecture is synthesized and simulated to serve as comparison to the ZPU microcontroller. The results of the comparison with the MIPS architecture shows that the ZPU needs on average 15x as many cycles and 3x as many memory accesses to complete the benchmark programs as the MIPS does.

A digital audio playback system with USB interface

Karlsen, Espen, Tørresen, Magne January 2009 (has links)
A high performance sound card is designed and implemented using a USB enabled microcontroller and an external dataconverter. Data is retrieved either via USB or S/PDIF. The sampling clock is generated by a precision clock synthesizer. This is programmable and can be adapted to different sampling rates of USB data. The system supports 24 bit, 192 kHz audio. Signal attenuation is performed through a relay based stepped voltage divider with constant output impedance. 64 dB attenuation in steps of 1 dB is available. An extensive power supply is made to support the range of required voltages. The signal to noise ratio of the power supply was measured to be 93 dB in the audio frequency band. The microcontroller has been programmed to handle the USB communication and provision of control signals for the system. The whole system is assembled on PCBs and tested. The audio performance measurements show a dynamic range of 105 dB, measured at the system output in a noisy environment. The total harmonic distortion plus noise was 0.0011 %.

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