Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kurdish""
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Studies on mental health in Kurdistan - IranMofidi, Naser January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to carry out an epidemiological study on mental health related issues in the Kurdish population of Iran. This part of Iran suffered directly during the Iran-Iraq war 1980-1988. Iran is an Islamic republic with strict adherence to Islamic traditions, which has implications for the way of life and gender issues. Suicide is prohibited according to Islamic teaching, but still there is a rather high suicide incidence especially among young women, who burn themselves to death. This thesis deals with mental health in general, the prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder and issues related to suicide. In a cross- sectional study in Sanandaj, the capital of the province of Iranian Kurdistan, 1000 households were approached. One member of each household was asked to respond to the following internationally well-known questionnaires; General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL), Life Events Check List (LEC), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and Attitude Toward Suicide (ATTS). PCL and LEC were translated to Farsi and their psychometric properties were studied. The other instruments have already been translated and used by other researchers in Iran. About 27% of the subjects were found to suffer from mental distress according to GHQ-12. No gender differences were found. Unmarried and unemployed belong to the most afflicted. The participants in the investigation reported, not surprisingly, a low level of personal experiences of suicidal behaviour in their family. Females were more prone to believe that suicide is preventable compared to males. A low number reported suicide attempts during the last year. Being married seemed to have a protective effect against suicide attempts for males but not for females. Suicide behaviour was not substantially related to PTSD, but to severe depression. The idea that there is a continuity of suicidal behaviour from suicidal thoughts to suicide attempts was supported. Younger individuals more often reported thoughts of life weariness and those who reported suicide attempts were younger than individuals with no suicidal attempts. Females reported more death wishes than males during the last year and married women more often reported suicide attempts than men. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder was 10, 9% which is higher than reported in other countries, but still lower than expected. Women suffered significantly more often from PTSD than men. Women reported also more often re-experiencing and more arousal symptoms than men. The finding supported a good construct validity of PCL. One major limitation of these studies is the fact that the sample was drawn from the population of the capital city of the province. So the finding cannot probably be generalized to Iranian Kurds from rural areas. The sample also had a rather high educational level compared to the population of Sanandaj. To this should be added the fact that the instruments used are developed in the western culture, which might influence the way questions are perceived. So, the result should be interpreted with some caution. The results, however, give indications that there are mental health problems of a magnitude that should be taken seriously.
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"Utan bok är det ingen riktig undervisning" : en studie av skolkulturella referensramar i sfi /Gustavsson, Hans-Olof, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2007.
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Under-underdevelopment : a regional case study of the Kurdish area in Turkey /Jafar, Majeed R. January 1976 (has links)
Th.--Sci. polit.--Helsinki, 1976. / Bibliogr. p. 148-152.
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Media in an emergent democracy : the development of online journalism in the Kurdistan region of IraqSyan, Karwan Ali Qadir January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines online journalism in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and its role in political debate in this emerging democracy. It also focuses on the role of the internet in the public sphere, explores the historical context in which Kurdish online journalism has developed and compares mass media in the Kurdistan region to that in other newly democratic countries, in addition to the mass media landscape, human rights conditions and political system in the Kurdistan region and Iraq overall are explored. Data has been collected through in-depth interviewing of journalists, both independent and affiliated with political parties, as well as media academics and other educators. Moreover, as a case study, a qualitative thematic analysis has been carried out on opinion articles in online news sites to search for key themes and messages published and explore the limits of free discussion online. The thesis argues that although there are many barriers to media work and freedom of expression, online journalism in the Kurdistan region is an alternative tool for expression and constitutes a better medium for promoting freedom of speech than mainstream media outlets. It then suggests recommendations for conducting further studies about the development and influences of online journalism and social media on Kurdish society.
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The major purpose of this thesis is to present a proposal for a Kurdish Tourism Center complex designed on the present site of two of Chicago’s most famous parks. These parks are the Washington Park and the Jackson Park located near the center of this famous city. Moreover, this thesis attempts to offer some new ideas about Kurdish architecture which blend ideas of bio morphism and critical regionalism into the overall design of Center Complex. Thus, much of this thesis offers a discussion of issues related to trying to define Kurdish identity in the 21st century and seeks to include these ideas into the architectural designs of the projects. For example, Kurdish people, by and large, love and treasure the many famous Kurdish poets who have written throughout the centuries until the present day. Overall, Kurdish people love the outdoors and nature. They love flowing water falls and often escape to the mountains with their families to enjoy picnics and have celebrations. Moreover, Kurdish people love music and they love to dance. These are just some of the things that have been translated from ideas into architectural designs for this project. In addition, the Kurds are one of the largest populations of “ethnic” people’s in the world that do not have their own recognized country or nation. Consequently, much of Kurdish identity is about this struggle for freedom and autonomy and the desire to have a country they can call their own. These themes are explored in both the architectural designs for this project and in the accompanying “programing” that might be presented and housed at a Kurdish Tourism/Cultural Center Complex in Chicago, Illinois.
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Farmaceut-patientkommunikation på öppenvårdsapotek i Kurdistan : En observationsstudie som undersöker i vilken omfattning apotekspersonalen informerar om läkemedelsanvändningen och dess verkan.Abdulbasid Samad, Delan January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Apotekens riktlinjer har utvecklats från att ha begränsat farmaceuter ideras utdelning av medicin till att ge råd eller erbjuda rådgivning om patientens medicinering. Det är viktigt att farmaceuter ger rådgivning kring patienters medicinering då det ger effektivt behandlingsresultat, ökad följsamhet och minskar konfusion och osäkerhet hos patienten. Studier har visat att den farmaceutiska rådgivningen varierar mycket på apotek. En svensk studie har visat att samtalet mellan farmaceut och patient fokuserar mer på ekonomi och regelverk än att ge farmaceutiskrådgivning. Det har tidigare inte gjorts studier på hur kommunikation samt den farmaceutiska rådgivningen fungerar i mellanöstern. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka kommunikationen mellan farmaceut och patient på öppenvårdsapotek i Kurdistan, Irak. Kommunikationen kommer att undersökas utifrån hur lång tid patientmötena tar och innehåll. Det som studeras är i vilken utsträckning apotekspersonalen konsulterar patienter samt den information som tillhandahålls till patienterna ur ett farmaceutiskt perspektiv. Metod: En kvantitativ och icke- deltagande observationsstudie där patientmöten observerades utifrån innehåll och tidsmätning av mötet. Observatören bockade avämnen som tas upp under mötet utefter en empirisk fastställd observationsmall. Resultat: 4 apotek deltog i studien och det gjordes sammanlagt 90 observationer varav 85 stycken inkluderades i studien. Apotekmiljön har en negativ påverkan på patientmötena, exempelvis att det saknas ett avskilt ställe för ett privatsamtal medpatienter, bullret i omgivningen och dålig organiserad läkemedel. Den stora delen av den medicinska konsulteringen är information om administrering, lite om läkemedelsverkan och nästan inget om biverkningar. Det icke-medicinska innehållet var frågor om pris och tillgänglighet av läkemedel. Diskussion: Det finns säkert många anledningar för varför kommunikationen inte är fokuserad på konsultering till patienter. En orsak kan vara otillräcklig kunskap bland informatörerna som konsultering kring biverkningar och läkemedels verkan exkluderas i kommunikationen. En annan förklaring kan vara att rådgivningen tar mer tid och at tapoteksägare upplever rådgivning som en dyr tjänst och av den anledningen inteprioriterar sin uppmärksamhet på läkemedelsrådgivning. Försäljningen som uppenbarligen inte ligger i att ge läkemedelsrådgivning till patienterna. Slutsats: Den här observationsstudien visade att mycket lite tid (medeltid 125,5 smin7 s/max 427 s) tillägnas till rådgivning kring patientens medicinering. Läkemedel är en stor behandlingsmetod inom hälso- och sjukvården av den orsaken borde farmaceutisk rådgivning vara tillgänglig för personer som besöker apotek. Resultatet avden här studien visar att dagens patientmöten på öppenvårdapotek i Kurdistan inte fokuserar på konsultering kring läkemedel. Eventuellt kommer patienten inte få ett nyttigt behandlingsresultat.
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Peace education in Iraqi Kurdistan schools : an analysis of human rights and history education curriculumAlsayid Mohammed, M. A. January 2015 (has links)
Reforming the education system to reflect a new vision of society is part of many peacebuilding efforts in post-conflict societies. Accordingly, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is currently implementing a wide range of reforms in the education system in Iraqi Kurdistan. This research is a qualitative study of the KRG’s efforts to implement a peace education curriculum. It uses critical discourse analysis to investigate the Human Rights Education (HRE) textbooks content for Grades 5 and 7 (ages 11 and 13) and the History Education (HE) textbooks content for Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 (age 11 to 14). The study also focuses on the policy and strategies of the Ministry of Education (ME) in implementing these subjects; the teaching methods used; and how effectively the knowledge, values and skills involved have been disseminated. The approach adopted by the ME to peace education is top down and experiences significant resistance from teachers and parents. Moreover, the curriculum reforms lacked consideration of the hidden and null curricula. The research highlights how HRE contents are primarily focused on cognitive development of awareness of rights and responsibilities rather than acquiring social skills and a critical approach, and that the content was not contextualised to the reality of Iraqi Kurdistan. Furthermore, the research found that the HE curriculum focuses on the history of Iraq, Kurdistan and Islamic history and presents a message that glorifies war; it is not open to different narratives or interpretations and does not foster critical debate or an enquiry-based approach. The curriculum contents included concepts and statements that appear to instigate violence and build divisions between Muslims and non-Muslims. Despite the achievements of the ME in improving the education system there are many challenges such as weak infrastructure, lack of professional development and resistance through the wider cultural context. The methods of teaching are what Freire terms the ‘banking system’, authoritarian and not learner-centred, which largely reflects the social fabric of Kurdish society. The research identified many challenges facing teachers including the level of their commitment, skills, specialization and capacity-building. However, it also found positive support for HRE among students and teachers.
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Geopolitika Iráckého Kurdistánu: analýza role vnitřních a vnějších aktérů kurdské otázky v Iráku / Geopolitics of Iraqi Kurdistan: A Role of External and Internal Actors in Kurdish IssueSommer, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This thesis represents a comprehensive analysis of the geographical and geopolitical position of the Kurdistan regional government (KRG) as an official political institution of the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI). Firstly, it focuses on the internal issues of this institution and its division between two main Iraqi Kurdish political parties: KDP and PUK. Secondly, it examines the form of the relationships between the KRG and central government in Baghdad. The regional position of the KRG is explained by capturing the relationships among the KRG, the governments of the key regional countries (Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel) and important Kurdish political parties operating in this area (PKK, PYD, PJAK, HDP, ENKS and KDPI). Thirdly, the global actors (United States of America, Russian Federation and China) and their position towards the Iraqi Kurds, is also included. And finally, this thesis deals with the problematics of the Kurdish referendum of independence in 2017 and the role of ISIS as an "game changing" actor in the regional dynamics. This thesis builds on extensive search of scientific literature (about 70 titles), field research in the Kurdistan region of Iraq in the form of the interviews with 20 respondents and media reports on this topic and region. Additionally, this thesis...
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BILDUNDERVISNING I KURDISTAN / Visual Arts Education in KurdistanHusseini, Zaher January 2020 (has links)
Hur ser bildundervisning ut i andra delar av världen? Vilken syn finns på ämnet bild i andra länder än Sverige? Jag har undersökt hur bildundervisningen ser ut i ett av de områden flyktingar kommer till Sverige från, Kurdistan. För att kunna genomföra min undersökning åkte jag till Kurdistan.Vi lever idag i ett mångkulturellt samhälle, där ett samarbete mellan olika kulturer är nödvändigt för att få det att fungera. Invandringen till Sverige ökade efter andra världskriget. Flyktingar har sedan dess kommit i vågor från olika länder. Vi lever i ett samhälle som blir alltmer globalt och där allt fler människor från olika kulturer och med olika erfarenheter möts i olika sammanhang, till exempel i skolan. Att behandla elevernas kulturella bakgrund som en tillgång i undervisningen kan ge eleverna självkänsla och möjlighet att utvecklas. Min förhoppning är att jag genom denna undersökning kan bidra med kunskap om hur bildundervisningen ser ut i Kurdistan.GestaltningenJag använder kryddan nejlika (mexak- م ێخھ ک på kurdiska), som huvudmaterial. Jag älskardoften av mexak, den påminner mig om mitt ursprung och min barndom. Den påminner migom min mor som nästan alltid bar den rund halsen. Mexak bidrar med ljuvlig doft, god smakoch maximal stämning och har också positiva effekter på hälsan. I den kulturen jag föddes ini, den kurdiska, gör man också smycken av dem.
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Forming Democracy in the Face of Authoritarianism: A Case Study Examination of How Politically Disenfranchised Ethnic Minority Groups Achieve Democratic Self-GovernanceErmatinger-Salas, Ian 20 April 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Using a case study approach, this thesis explores how ethnic minority groups living under authoritarian rule can utilize social bonds, create social capital, and eventually achieve democratic self-governance. Social movement literature is also utilized to examine how one of the case studies, the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico should be examined as a social movement rather than a military insurgency. This thesis also examines the Kurds of Northern Iraq and then puts forward the Kurds of Northern Syria as a future case study. This thesis takes a historical analysis approach throughout as well as utilizing philanthropic studies literature.
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