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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför stannar du kvar? : En kvalitativ undersökning av varför utsatta kurdiska kvinnor i Stockholm väljer att stanna hos familjen

William, Ihab, Murad, Inas January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to examine what the factor or factors are to why young exposed Kurdish women stay with their family despite honor-related oppression and violence. We have used a qualitative study process consisting interviews with eight young Kurdish women. We have also applied theories such as cultural patterns and aspects of power by Mona Eliasson and normalization process by Eva Lundgren With the material from our research we can see that the main and only factor to why the respondents decide to stay with their family is fear of getting killed or beaten. This study will provide you as a reader a better understanding of why young exposed Kurdish women decide to stay with their family.

Kvinnan var Guds andra misstag : En kvalitativ studie om bemötandet av pojkar och flickor inom religionsundervisningen i regionen Kurdistan utifrån ett genusperspektiv. / Woman was God’s second mistake : A qualitative study on the treatment of boys and girls in religious education in the region of Kurdistan based on gender perspective.

Tamar, Rojin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate teachers’ treatment of girls and boys in religiouseducation and how these teachers discuss their treatment of them. The study is set in Kurdistan innorthern Iraq. Religion teachers were interviewed in order to examine their reasoning regardingtheir treatment of girls and boys and observations have been performed to investigate how theseteachers treat the students in religious education. As a background, the study describes the Kurdisheducation from the time of them being an ethnic minority group in northern Iraq to becoming a selfgovernedregion with their own curriculum. This study has used a qualitative method whereinterviews have been conducted with a phenomenological approach and ethnography as a methodfor the observations. The study's results have been analyzed based on its gender-theoretical points.The study has been written with the help of a phenomenology approach. The results have beendiscussed based on the studies gender-theoretical points. The conclusion is that even though girlsand boys are considered equal they do not have equal opportunities. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka lärares bemötande av flickor respektive pojkar ireligionsundervisningen i Kurdistan i norra Irak, samt hur dessa lärare resonerar kring sittbemötande. Religionslärare har intervjuats för att undersöka deras resonemang kring sitt bemötandeoch observationer har utförts för att undersöka hur dessa lärare bemöter eleverna ireligionsundervisningen. Som bakgrund har studien beskrivit Kurdistans undervisning från att varaen minoritetsfolkgrupp i norra Irak till att sedan bli en självstyrd region med egen läroplan. Enkvalitativ metod har använts och intervjuer med ett fenomenologiskt tillvägagångsätt har utförtsoch med etnografi som observationsmetod. Resultat har analyserats utifrån de genusteoretiskautgångspunkter. Utifrån fenomenologin och de teoretiska utgångspunkterna har resultatetdiskuterats. Slutsatsen är att trots att flickor och pojkar ses som jämlika så har de inte likamöjligheter.

Load and Demand Forecasting in Iraqi Kurdistan using Time series modelling

Taherifard, Ershad January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the concept of time series forecasting. More specifically, it predicts the load and power demand in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, who are today experiencing frequent power shortages. This study applies a commonly used time series model, the autoregressive integrated moving average model, which is compared to the naïve method. Several key model properties are inspected to evaluate model accuracy. The model is then used to forecast the load and the demand on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. The forecasts are evaluated by examining the residual metrics. Furthermore, the quantitative results and the answers collected from interviews are used as a basis to investigate the conditions of capacity planning in order to determine a suitable strategy to minimize the unserved power demand. The findings indicate an unsustainable over consumption of power in the region due to low tariffs and subsidized energy. A suggested solution is to manage power demand by implementing better strategies such as increasing tariffs and to use demand forecast to supply power accordingly. The monthly supply forecast in this study outperforms the baseline method but not the demand forecast. On weekly basis, both the load and the demand models underperform. The performance of the daily forecasts performs equally or worse than the baseline. Overall, the supply predictions are more precise than the demand predictions. However, there is room for improvement regarding the forecasts. For instance, better model selection and data preparation can result in more accurate forecasts. / Denna studie undersöker prediktion av tidserier. Den tittar närmare på last- och effektbehov i Sulaymaniyah i Irak som idag drabbas av regelbunden effektbrist. Rapporten applicerar en vedertagen tidseriemodell, den autoregressiva integrerade glidande medelvärdesmodellen, som sedan jämförs med den naiva metoden. Några karaktäristiska modellegenskaper undersöks för att evaluera modellens noggrannhet. Den anpassade modellen används sedan för att predikera last- och effektbehovet på dags-, månads-, och årsbasis. Prognoserna evalueras genom att undersöka dess residualer. Vidare så användas de kvalitativa svaren från intervjuerna som underlag för att undersöka förutsättningarna för kapacitetsplanering och den strategi som är bäst lämpad för att möta effektbristen. Studien visar att det råder en ohållbar överkonsumtion av energi i regionen som konsekvens av låga elavgifter och subventionerad energi. En föreslagen lösning är att hantera efterfrågan genom att implementera strategier som att höja elavgifter men även försöka matcha produktionen med efterfrågan med hjälp av prognoser. De månadsvisa prognoserna för produktionen i studien överträffar den naiva metoden men inte för prognoserna för efterfrågan. På veckobasis underpresterar båda modellerna. De dagliga prognoserna presterar lika bra eller värre än den naiva metoden. I sin helhet lyckas modellerna förutspå utbudet bättre än efterfrågan på effekt. Men det finns utrymme för förbättringar. Det går nog att uppnå bättre resultat genom bättre förbehandling av data och noggrannare valda tidseriemodeller.

Vilka doktriner inom den klassiska liberalismen kan kopplas till de historiska händelser som bidragit till att Kurdistan lyckats bilda en självstyrande region i Irak? : En kvalitativ fallstudie / Which doctrines within classical liberalism can be linked to the historical events that contributed to Kurdistan succeeding in forming a self-governing region in Iraq? : A qualitative case study

Weilan, Anwar Mohammad January 2023 (has links)
This study conducts an analysis of the Classical Liberal doctrines, namely Natural Rights, Utilitarianism, and Social Darwinism, in the context of historical events contributing to the successful establishment of autonomous governance by the Kurdish population in Iraq. The research methodology employed is qualitative case study, with the case subject being the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq. The study draws upon secondary sources encompassing scholarly books and articles, to gather pertinent information. Throughout the course of history, the Kurdish people have ardently aspired to create their own homeland, Kurdistan. Despite their determination and historical occurrences, the four constituent parts constituting Kurdistan have not been able to coalesce into a unified entity. Nevertheless, the Kurdistan region in Iraq has made remarkable progress and presently governs itself autonomously within the Iraqi state. This progress can be attributed to a myriad of historical events, ranging from major turning points to subtle influences. In the comtext of this study, all three aforementioned Liberal doctrines hold relevance, although to varying degrees. Utilitarianism and Natural Rights emerge as the primary influential doctrines, while Social Darwinism, though present, exerts a lesser impact on the studied developments.

Irakiska Kurdistans självständighet : En kvalitativ fallstudie om Iraks, Turkiets och Irans motstånd till ett självständigt Kurdistan i norra Irak / Independence of Iraqi Kurdistan : A qualitative case study on the opposition of Iraq, Turkey and Iran to an independent Kurdistan in northern Iraq

Tarek, Mohammed January 2023 (has links)
Iraq, Turkey and Iran have all historically opposed an independent Kurdistan. This is because the Kurdish quest for an independent Kurdistan is a threat to Arab, Turkish and Persian nationalism and their national security. I have therefore formulated the following question to gain a deeper understanding of the subject: How can the realist perspective and the balance of threat theory explain the opposition of Iraq, Turkey and Iran for an independent Kurdistan in northern Iraq? The goal of this essay has been to answer the above question using the realist perspective and the balance of threat theory. This has been done using a case study design to study each of the countries' opposition to an independent Kurdistan. The results show that realism and the balance of threat theory can explain the opposition of Iraq, Turkey and Iran for an independent Kurdistan in northern Iraq. Kurdistan's aggregate power, geographic proximity, offensive capabilities and perceived intentions are factors that worry the three countries if Kurdistan were to declare independence today. This can be explained by the fact that these factors can be seen as a threat to the countries' security and their position of power in the region.

Kurdistan syrien (Rojava) : histoire, géographie et géopolitique / Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) : history, geography and geopolitics

Hesso, Aimad 17 October 2018 (has links)
Si les Kurdes du Rojava (terme par lequel ils désignent le Kurdistan de Syrie après 2011) ont pu, comme leurs frères d’Irak dans les années 1990, profiter de l’affaiblissement du pouvoir central pour gagner une autonomie de facto, leurs orientations sont très différentes. Ce travail vise à étudier celles-ci et à évaluer défis et possibilités politiques futures s’offrant à eux. Un premier travail d’archives a examiné l’ancienneté de la présence des Kurdes en Syrie et les racines historiques de leurs revendications politiques présentes, focalisé particulièrement sur l’évolution des tribus kurdes et à leur sédentarisation rapide durant la période mandataire française (1920-1946) et les premières revendications politiques (notamment le mouvement autonomiste de 1937 en Haute Djézireh). La situation politique des Kurdes dans la Syrie de l’indépendance (1946) à la révolution (2011), a été largement déterminée par la prédominance du nationalisme arabe. L’étude des orientations des différents partis politiques kurdes, notamment dans la période de 2011 à aujourd’hui, a été menée à partir des sources et surtout de nombreux séjours de terrain, permettant de rencontrer des responsables politiques, et à partir desquels une cartographie inédite du Rojava a été élaborée. Ce mouvement, qui, au niveau international, opte après la bataille de Kobané (2014) pour l’insertion dans la coalition anti-Daech, se caractérise localement à la fois par une volonté de dépassement du nationalisme kurde et une stratégie de développement d’alliances avec les communautés non-kurdes. / Kurds of Rojava (as they have been designing Kurdistan of Syria since 2011) were able, as their Iraqi brethren from the 90s onwards, to take advantage of a weakened central government to gain de facto autonomy, with, however, very different orientations. This research aims to study these and to evaluate political challenges and opportunities awaiting them. We relied on archival work to study the history of Kurdish presence in Syria and the roots of their present political demands, particularly during the French mandate (1920-1946), with the fast evolution and settlement of the Kurdish tribes and the first political expression (in particular the 1937 autonomist movement in Upper Djezireh). Next we studied the political situation of the Kurds in Syria from independence (1946) to revolution (2011), a situation that we think was largely determined by the predominance of Arab nationalism. Studying the orientations of the Kurdish political parties in the period from 2011 to today was carried out through numerous field trips, during which we met political leaders and collected data allowing us to build an original cartography of Rojava. We concluded that this movement, which, at international level, chose after the Kobane battle to integrate the anti-ISIS coalition, is locally characterised by both a drive to move on from Kurdish nationalism and a strategy of alliance with non-Kurdish communities.

Dynamiken in der Gruppenbildung der Kurden durch nationalstaatliche Prozesse / Eine politikethnologische Betrachtung Irakisch-Kurdistans / Dynamics in the Formation of Groups through Nation-Building-Processes in the case of the Kurds / A political social-anthropoligist approach to Iraqi Kurdistan

Jasberg, Jennifer 16 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Bilden som röst för ett rop på hjälp : En semiotisk bildanalys av svenska pressbilders iscensättning av folkmordet på den kurdiska befolkningen i Irak 1988 / The image that cries for help : A semiotic analysis of Swedish press images staging the genocide of the Kurdish population in Iraq in 1988

Stavhagen, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
An important starting point for the thesis is the enormous importance of photography as a source for historical research. Earlier in history, this approach has not been obvious among many historians, but recent decades’ new trends have emerged that have changed the attitude towards the image as historical source. Against this background, the main purpose of the thesis is to study how the Swedish media have chosen to portray the genocide of the Kurdish population in Iraq in 1988. The material consists of photographs that has been published by Swedish newspapers from 1988. In order to visualize general patterns, trends and a symbolism in the images, the methodological approach has been based on a semiotic image analysis where the image has been placed in a context while analyzed from two levels. In addition to this, a cultural theoretical perspective has also formed the theoretical framework for the thesis. Here, the starting point has been that the photographs published in the Swedish press papers reflected a cultural as well as a historical context in which they existed in. The results of the thesis have shown that the imagery has testified to a clear tendency to create clear dividing lines between male and female individuals in the photographs. The research have showed that women and children got strong positions as victims while the men usually became absence or they became more dominant in the situations when they showed up. When it came to the context in which the images were published, it showed that the photographs usually came to be placed in context where they came to symbolize or manifest events that concern parts of the genocide. Sometimes images also came to complement each other like a story where each part had to manifest certain parts of the story.

Property related processes - A comparativestudy regarding land legislation in Iraq / Fastighetsanknutna processer - En studie kringmarklagstiftning i Irak

Nasberg, Davan January 2013 (has links)
To buy, subdivide and apply for a building permit regarding a property are three common property related processes. One way to improve a country's system is to compare it with another. The countries can then benefit from the outcome. Such comparisons are common in countries where laws and society are largely comparable to each other. In this study, the Swedish and the Iraqi systems are presented and then compared with each other. Sweden and Iraq differ from each other in many ways. Iraq has a larger and more densely inhabited population, a much lower standard of living and have been victims of dictatorship for over 50 years. The country can be described as divided with different conditions. Kurdistan in the north is a peaceful haven with great potential of development, while everyday life for people in other parts of the country consists of violence and misery. In the essay, I have explained how the two countries' legislative interpret the term "property". Among other things, the impact of religion and the possibility of joint properties are described. To make a comparison possible, where the term cannot be interpreted differently depending on the country, the study formed a viable common term. The Iraqi processes are less developed in comparison to the Swedish. The buying process in Iraq is a complex procedure where several instances have to give its approval, while the subdividing process seems rather simple. Shortcomings for the building permit process include the fact that the society in general is undeveloped. Things that are taken for granted in the western world, such as water and electricity cannot be taken for granted in the same way in Iraq. Another phenomenon that is not as widespread in Sweden is corruption. In Sweden regulations and bylaws are respected to most and bribery is not common, according to studies. In Iraq, almost everything is made easier, including the aforementioned processes, through a wide network of contacts and bribery. A priority is made, where bribes can lead to the processing time being reduced and employees are given an incentive to work harder and more efficiently. / Att köpa, stycka av och ansöka om bygglov för en fastighet är tre vanliga fastighetsanknutna processer. En väg till förbättring av ett lands system är att jämföra det med ett annat så att landet sedan ska kunna dra nytta av resultatet. Sådana jämförelser är vanligt förekommande för länder vars lagstiftning och samhällsutveckling till stor del är jämbördiga. I denna studie presenteras de svenska och irakiska systemen för att därefter jämföras med varann. Sverige och Irak skiljer sig från varandra på många sätt. Irak har en större befolkningsmängd, är mer tätbefolkat och har en mycket sämre levnadsstandard än Sverige och har letts av en diktator i över 50 år. Landet kan beskrivas som splittrat med olika förutsättningar. I Kurdistan i norr ligger en fredlig oas med stor utvecklingspotential, medan vardagen i övriga delar av landet kantas av våldsdåd och elände. I  uppsatsen  har  jag  redogjort  för  hur  de  båda  ländernas  lagstiftning  tolkar  begreppet "fastighet".  Bland  annat  beskrivs  inverkan  från  religion  och  möjlighet  till  samfällda fastigheter. För att en jämförelse ska kunna ske, där begreppet inte tolkas olika beroende på land, framställs en för studien gångbar gemensam benämning. De irakiska processerna är inte lika utvecklade i jämförelse med de svenska. Köpprocessen i Irak vittnar om en komplicerad procedur där flertalet instanser måste ge sitt godkännande, medan avstyckningsprocessen motsatsvis verkar för simpel. Bygglovsprocessens brister ligger främst i att samhället i överlag är outvecklat. Saker som tas för givet i väst, som exempelvis vatten och elektricitet är inte alls lika självklart i Irak. Ett annat fenomen som inte är lika utbrett i Sverige är korruption. I Sverige respekteras reglementen och stadgar till allra högsta grad och mutor är inte vanligt förekommande enligt undersökning.  I  Irak  underlättas  det  mesta,  inklusive  nämnda  processer,  via  ett  brett kontaktnät och mutor. En prioritering sker, där mutor kan leda till att tidsåtgången minskar och där anställda får ett incitament till att arbeta hårdare och mer effektivt.

Reinterpreting traditional weave : Revisiting vernacular architecture / En omtolkning av traditionell vävning

Cemal, Havar January 2014 (has links)
I am interested in experiences and knowledge that is passed on from generation to generation, and in a broad sense this is the starting point of my thesis project.  I am of Kurdish descent, and I knew early on that I wanted to make a project that related to Kurdish tradition. I was specially intrigued by Kurdish weaving craft and how this particular tradition could be architecturally interpreted and used as a tectonic component. I wasn´t interested in simply reproducing traditional architecture, but rather using certain techniques and methods as a way of conceiving something new. Within my family, there is experience in weaving. With their knowledge, it has helped me technically but also with issues relating to the social and traditional. The study is based on developing design techniques of Kurdish weaving techniques and principles. My design technique has mostly been focused on the slit tapestry technique, more commonly known as kelim, where openings are created when two separately woven areas of weft meet along adjacent warps and do not interlock. Using this technique, there is room for spontaneity, which has allowed me to use the weave frame and warp to develop my design technique. In addition to weaving tradition, the project is also based on Kurdish vernacular architecture as well as Islamic architecture in terms of climatic and social aspects. / Jag är intresserad av erfarenheter och kunskap som förs vidare från generation till generation, och i en bred mening är detta utgångspunkten för mitt examensarbete. Jag är av kurdisk härkomst, och jag visste tidigt att jag ville göra ett projekt som relaterade till kurdisk tradition. Jag var speciellt fascinerad av kurdisk vävning och hantverk, och hur denna tradition kunde omtolkas arkitektoniskt och användas som en tektonisk komponent. Jag var inte intresserad av att helt enkelt reproducera traditionell arkitektur, utan snarare att använda vissa tekniker och metoder som ett sätt att skapa något nytt. Inom min familj, finns det erfarenhet av vävning. Med sin kunskap, har det hjälpt mig tekniskt men även med frågor som rör den sociala och traditionella. Studien bygger på att utveckla designtekniker and kurdisk vävtekniker och principer. Min designteknik har främst varit inriktad på slit tapestry tekniken, mer känd som kelim, där öppningar skapas när två separat vävda områden väft möts längs intilliggande varptrådar utan att låsas. Med denna teknik, finns det utrymme för spontanitet, vilket har tillåtit mig att använda väv ramen och varpen att utveckla min designteknik. Förutom vävning tradition, är projektet också baserat på den lokala successiva arkitekturen samt islamisk arkitektur när det gäller klimat-och sociala aspekter.

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