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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testování maximální SF v plaveckém trenažéru a plaveckém bazénu - porovnání metod / Testing of maximum SF in a swimming flum, and swimming pool - a comparison of methods

Hubička, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Title: Testing of Maximum HR in the Swimming Flum and Swimming Pool Objectives: The aim is to compare the detection method of max HR in a swimming Flum with the method of detection max HR in the classic swimming pool. By meeting other goals we want to determine which method is more precise, what the positives and negatives of individual measurements show and what the difference are practically max values observed in HR pool and the Flume compared with the results of theoretical calculation max HR. Methods: According to a pilot study with methodology of the thesis, HRmax was tested in a swimming Flum and the methodology according to Formanek and Horčic HRmax testing was carried out in the swimming pool. A sample of probands were selected from students UK FTVS. For the recording was used sporttester and data evaluation program execution Polar Precision Performance. To determine the submaximal swimming speed we used CSS test. This rate was also used to warm up before swimming test to the individual HRmax of probands in a swimming Flum. The measured data of both measurements were compared with each other and the results described and evaluated. Results: CSS gained speed in m/s, was used in the Flume in escalations test to HRmax. We measured values HRmax tests in a Flume and in a swimming pool. The Test...

Acute Endocrine Responses to Rest Redistribution with Heavier Loads in Resistance-Trained Men

Chae, Sungwon 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate endocrine responses to redistribution with heavier loads (RR+L) during back squat (BS) exercise in resistance-trained men. Ten men (mean±SE; 23±2 years, 175.6±2.0 cm, 78.0±3.4 kg, 4±1 training years) were assigned using randomization to either RR+L (4 sets of (2×5 repetitions) of BS with 30 s intra-set and 90 s inter-set rest using 75% of their 1RM) or traditional sets (TS; 4 sets of 10 repetitions of BS with 120 s inter-set rest using 70% of their 1RM). Fasted blood samples were collected pre-exercise (PRE), immediately post-exercise (IP), and 5 (+5), 15 (+15), and 30 (+30) minutes post-exercise to analyze the concentrations of testosterone (T), growth hormone (GH), cortisol (C), and blood lactate (BL). Two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures were used (p≤0.05). A main effect of condition (p=0.023) was observed for BL (RR+L; 5.9±0.5 vs TS; 6.7±0.4 mmol/L). A main effect of time point (p≤0.001) was observed for T, GH, C, and BL. T was greater at IP (8.8±1.1), +5 (9.0±1.1), +15 (8.5±1.0), and +30 (8.0±1.0) than PRE (7.1±0.8 ng/mL). GH was greater at IP (58.3±12.7), +5 (62.8±12.7), +15 (67.9±13.3), and +30 (52.8±11.2) than PRE (3.6±1.6 µIU/mL). C was greater at +15 (25.5±2.9) and +30 (25.6±2.7) than PRE (20.0±2.7 µg/dL). BL was greater at IP (8.6±0.6), +5 (8.2±0.6), +15 (7.4±0.5), and +30 (5.8±0.5) than PRE (1.4±0.2 mmol/L). RR+L resulted in lower BL but no differences in T, GH, and C responses compared to TS. Thus, practitioners may incorporate RR+L without affecting endocrine responses.

Koffein, Halothan und Sevofluran als Triggersubstanzen in einem minimal-invasiven Test zur Maligne-Hyperthermie-Diagnostik / Caffeine, halothane and sevoflurane as trigger substances in a minimally-invasive test for the diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia

Negele, Sabrina January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Maligne Hyperthermie (MH) ist eine erbliche Myopathie, die bei prädisponierten Patienten durch Anwendung volatiler Anästhetika sowie depolarisierender Muskelrelaxanzien bei Narkosen verursacht wird. Die klinische Symptomatik umfasst einen Anstieg des endexspiratorischen Kohlendioxidpartialdrucks, metabolische Azidose und Hyperthermie. Dieser Prozess wird durch einen abnorm erhöhten Einstrom von Kalzium aus dem sarkoplasmatischen Retikulum in das Zytoplasma ausgelöst, welcher durch eine Mutation im Ryanodinrezeptor der Skelettmuskulatur bedingt ist. Der Goldstandard für die Diagnostik einer MH-Veranlagung ist der Koffein-Halothan-In-vitro-Kontrakturtest. Eine Alternative zu diesem operativen Eingriff stellt der minimal-invasive Test dar. Untersucht wurde, ob der intramuskuläre Laktatspiegel durch eine lokale Applikation der Triggersubstanzen Halothan 6 Vol%, Koffein 80 mM und Halothan 4 Vol% in Abhängigkeit von der MH-Prädisposition gesteigert wird. Ziel der Studie war es zu überprüfen, ob dies eine Differenzierung zwischen MHS- und MHN-Individuen ermöglicht. Da Halothan in naher Zukunft kommerziell nicht mehr erhältlich sein könnte, wurde Sevofluran als neueres Inhalationsanästhetikum im Tierversuch in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen intramuskulär appliziert um zu testen, ob sich der Laktatwert in Abhängigkeit von der MH-Veranlagung verändert und eine Unterscheidung zwischen MHS- und MHN-Tieren erlaubt. Ziel war es, die erhobenen Daten auf eine mögliche Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung zu untersuchen. In der Probandenstudie wurden bei 23 Freiwilligen (neun MHS-Patienten, sieben MHN-Patienten, sieben Kontrollpersonen) über Venenverweilkatheter Mikrodialysesonden mit Zuspritzschläuchen in den M. vastus lateralis eingeführt. An die Spitze der Messsonden wurden nach einer Äquilibrierungsphase die Triggersubstanzen Halothan 6 Vol% (nur in der Kontrollgruppe), Halothan 4 Vol% und Koffein 80 mM lokal als Bolus von 200 µl über Zuspritzschläuche appliziert und die resultierenden intramuskulären Laktatveränderungen im Dialysat photospektrometrisch gemessen. Sowohl nach Stimulation mit Koffein als auch mit Halothan 4 Vol% zeigten sich Maximalwerte der Laktatkonzentrationen bei MHS-Patienten, die sich als signifikant höher als die der MHN- und Kontrollgruppe erwiesen. In der Kontrollgruppe wurde eine zusätzliche Messung mit einer Konzentration von Halothan 6 Vol% durchgeführt. Bei den Messungen wurden Werte erreicht, die für MHS-Patienten typisch sind. Im Tiermodell wurden bei gleichem Versuchsaufbau Messsonden in den Adduktorenmuskeln der Hinterläufe von neun MHS- und sechs MHN-Pietrain-Schweinen platziert. Als Triggersubstanz wurde Sevofluran in den Konzentrationen 3%, 7,5%, 15% und 28 Vol% gelöst in Sojabohnenöl als Bolus von 100 µl appliziert. Die Laktat- und Pyruvatwerte sowie die Laktat-Pyruvat-Quotienten stiegen dosisabhängig an. Es war ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den Maximalwerten der MHS- und MHN-Tiere nachweisbar. Die Vitalparameter wurden in beiden Versuchen kontinuierlich überwacht und metabolische Parameter vor und nach den Untersuchungen bestimmt. Es traten weder bei den untersuchten Probanden noch bei den Versuchstieren signifikante systemische oder lokale Nebenwirkungen auf. Wie schon vorhergehende Untersuchungen belegen diese beiden Studien, dass die intramuskuläre Stimulation mit MH-Triggersubstanzen zu einer Veränderung der lokalen Stoffwechselvorgänge mit signifikantem Laktatanstieg führt, welche bei MH-Prädisponierten stärker ausgeprägt ist als bei Gesunden. Koffein 80 mM und Halothan 4 Vol% ermöglichen eine sehr gute Differenzierung zwischen MHS- und MHN-Probanden. Eine zu hohe Konzentration an Triggersubstanz (Halothan 6 Vol%) ruft auch in nicht-veranlagten Patienten eine lokale, MH-ähnliche Reaktion hervor. In diesem Fall kann keine Unterscheidung zwischen MHS- und MHN-Individuen auf der Grundlage der Stoffwechselvorgänge getroffen werden. Bei der intramuskulären Applikation von Sevofluran ist eine Unterscheidung zwischen MHS- und MHN-Tieren über die resultierende Laktatkonzentration wiederum zu erreichen, so dass Sevofluran im Rahmen des Versuchsprotokolls als Ersatz für Halothan geeignet ist. Es ergibt sich eine klassische Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung für diese Substanz. Die von uns erhobenen Daten zeigen, dass mittels des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eingesetzten Untersuchungsverfahrens eine zuverlässige Diagnostik einer MH-Veranlagung möglich ist. Das minimal-invasive Testverfahren könnte in naher Zukunft die heutige MH-Diagnostik ergänzen. / Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an autosomal dominant inherited myopathy triggered by volatile anesthetics and/or depolarizing muscle relaxants. It is caused by an abnormal intracellular calcium release mediated via the ryanodine receptor, leading to a potentially lethal hypermetabolic syndrome with a massive increase of carbon dioxide, metabolic failure and heat production. The standard procedure for diagnosing MH susceptibility is the halothane-caffeine-contracture test which requires an invasive muscle biopsy. Therefore an alternative test, which is less invasive, is needed. We hypothesized that intramuscular injection of halothane 6 vol%, caffeine 80 mM and halothane 4 vol % would increase local lactate concentrations in individuals susceptible to MH (MHS) but not in those who are not susceptible (MHN) or healthy. Due to the probable lack of availability of halothane in the near future, we conducted the same experiments using sevoflurane. We proposed that local intramuscular injection of sevoflurane increases the lactate concentration dose-dependently in MH-susceptible pigs more than in MH-nonsusceptible pigs and allows a differentiation between these two groups. Microdialysis probes with attached microtubing catheters were placed in the lateral vastus muscle in nine MHS, seven MHN and seven control participants. After equilibration, 200 µl of halothane 6 vol% (only in controls), halothane 4 vol% , both dissolved in soybean oil, and 200 µl of caffeine 80 mM were injected as single boli into the tip of the microdialysis probe and the resulting lactate-increase was measured spectrophotometrically. Lactate increased significantly in MHS participants compared to MHN and control individuals after injection with caffeine and halothane 4 vol%. However, control participants showed relevant increases of lactate after injection of halothane 6 vol% comparable with the reaction of MHS patients. In a second series of investigations, microdialysis probes were inserted into the hindlimbs of nine MHS- and six MHN-Pietrain pigs. We used 100 µl of Sevoflurane 3%, 7.5%, 15% and 28 Vol% dissolved in soybean oil as a trigger substance. A dose-dependent response for lactate and the lactate/pyruvate ratio was observed only in MHS individuals. Systemic hemodynamic und metabolic parameters were monitored throughout both experiments. There were no significant side effects in humans or pigs. The results demonstrate that intramuscular injection of caffeine, halothane and sevoflurane induces a hypermetabolic reaction in skeletal muscle which can be measured by an increase of local lactate concentration. Sevoflurane can be used as a suitable replacement for halothane in the minimally invasive metabolic test. The findings of this study allow a differentiation of MHS and MHN individuals by measuring the local lactate concentration after application of a defined dose of a trigger substance. Thus, our minimally invasive test could be used to supplement routine testing for MH-susceptibility.

Avaliação da suplementação com dimetilglicina sobre o desempenho atlético de cavalos de enduro / Evaluation of dimethylglycine supplementation on athletic performance in endurance horses

Funari, Sabrina 16 December 2011 (has links)
O exercício de enduro é caracterizado por um esforço aeróbico prolongado, de intensidade variável em que o cavalo é submetido a um trabalho permanente o qual exige dos sistemas orgânicos a manutenção da homeostasia. A habilidade dos músculos em gerar energia rapidamente via produção de lactato, é essencial para o desempenho em exercícios de elevada intensidade. Entretanto, a produção de lactato pode também suprimir muitos dos processos vitais necessários pra sustentar a atividade muscular. A associação de lactato com a fadiga muscular tem levado à busca de suplementos alimentares que reduzem o acúmulo de lactato. N,N-Dimetilglicina (DMG), um intermediário do metabolismo da colina, é um suplemento atualmente comercializado, porém não há dados consistentes na literatura sobre sua eficácia para equinos atletas. Objetivando avaliar o efeito da DMG, utilizou-se 12 animais em treinamento para provas de enduro, dos quais seis receberam suplementação oral; utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com medidas repetidas no tempo. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue em sete tempos diferentes, a cada 15 dias; dessas amostras obteve-se valores das enzimas creatina quinase e aspartato aminotransferase e também valores de glicose e lactato, além de medições de freqüência cardíaca e respiratória. Após 30 dias da última amostragem, realizaram-se coletas de sangue em intervalos curtos de tempo, após exercício, a fim de se realizar uma curva de lactato, e também comparar dados analisados em laboratório com analisados via lactímetro. Dos dados analisados, houve interação entre tempo e aumento da enzima creatina quinase, o que pode ser justificado pelo aumento da demanda muscular durante exercício físico constante. A enzima aspartato aminotransferase diminuiu com o passar do tempo, em ambos os grupos, porém oscilou dentro da normalidade, o que pode caracterizar baixa permeabilidade da membrana celular, comum em animais condicionados. A alteração da glicose foi a mesma ao longo do tempo para ambos os grupos. As médias de lactato não diferiram no grupo suplementado, mas sua variação dentro do grupo não suplementado sugere que a suplementação com DMG pode influenciar na manutenção da integridade muscular. Em comparação entre as formas de dosagem do lactato plasmático, pode-se concluir que o lactímetro é uma ferramenta eficaz na obtenção de dados a campo, pois suas médias não diferiram das médias de lactato obtidas através de análise laboratorial. A suplementação oral com dimetilglicina não influenciou o desempenho atlético de cavalos em treinamento para enduro equestre. / The exercise endurance is characterized by a prolonged aerobic work, of varying intensity in which the horse is subjected to a permanent job which requires organ systems maintain homeostasis. The ability of muscles to generate energy quickly via production of lactate is essential for the performance of high intensity exercise. However, the production of lactate may also suppress many of the vital processes necessary to sustain muscle activity. The combination of lactate in muscle fatigue has led to the search for dietary supplements that reduce the accumulation of lactate. N, N-dimethylglycine (DMG), an intermediate in the metabolism of choline, is a supplement currently marketed, but there is no consistent data in the literature on its effectiveness for equine athletes. In order to evaluate the effect of DMG, we used 12 animals in training for endurance events, of which six received oral supplementation, we used a completely randomized design with repeated measures on time. Blood samples were collected in seven different times, every 15 days, these samples gave values of the enzymes creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase values as well as glucose and lactate, and easurements of heart rate and breathing. After 30 days the last sampling, there were blood samples at short intervals of time after exercise in order to perform a lactate curve, and also compare data analyzed in laboratory and analyzed via lactimeter. Of the data analyzed, there was interaction between time and increased the enzyme creatine kinase, which can be explained by increased demand constant muscle during exercise. The enzyme aspartate aminotransferase decreased over time in both groups, but varied within the normal range, which can characterize low permeability of the cell membrane, which is common in animals conditioned. The change in glucose was the same over time for both groups. The mean lactate did not differ in the supplemented group, but the variation in the unsupplemented group suggests that supplementation with DMG can influence the maintenance of muscle integrity. In comparison dosage forms of lactate, it can be concluded that the lactimeter is an effective tool for getting data into the field, because their means did not differ from average lactate obtained through laboratory analysis. Oral supplementation with dimethylglicine did not influence athletic performance of horses in training for endurance riding.

Role of glucose and glutamine in lipogenesis in the VM-M3 glioblastoma cell line and the inheritance of brain cardiolipin fatty acid abnormality in the VM/Dk mice

Ta, Nathan January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Thomas Seyfried / Lipids, in all their forms from structural components of the membranes (phosphoglycerides, glycolglycerolipids) to signaling molecules (IP3, DAG, prostaglandins, etc.,) post-translational modification of proteins (palmitoylated, farnesylated, prenylated, and GPI anchoring) play an essential role in cancer cell survival, proliferation, and metastasis. Alteration in structural lipids can impair transport, and signaling cascades. Abnormalities in lipids, such as cardiolipin (Ptd2Gro), impair mitochondrial function, bioenergetics, and could play a role in precipitatting the high incidence of spontaneous tumors in VM/Dk mice. This thesis explores the role of glucose and glutamine in their incorporation into lipids in the VM-M3 murine glioblastoma cell line as well as the inheritance of brain cardiolipin fatty acids abnormalities in VM/Dk mice. I used labeled [14C]-U-D-glucose and [14C]-U-L-glutamine to examine the profile of de novo lipid biosynthesis in the VM-M3 cell line. The major lipids synthesized included phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho), phosphatidylethanolamine (EtnGpl), phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns), phosphatidylserine (PtdSer), sphingomyelin (CerPCho), bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP) / phosphatidic acid (PtdOH), cholesterol (C), Ptd2Gro, and the gangliosides. The data show that the incorporation of labeled glucose and glutamine into synthesized lipids was dependent on the type of growth environment, and that the VM-M3 glioblastoma cells could acquire lipids, especially cholesterol, from the external environment for growth and proliferation. In addition, this thesis also explores and evaluates the abnormality of Ptd2Gro fatty acid composition in VM mice in comparison to B6 mice. Although previously reported, I confirmed the finding in the abnormal cardiolipin fatty acid composition in the VM mice. The abnormal brain cardiolipin fatty acid composition was found to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in reciprocal B6 x VM F1 hybrids for both male and female. Impaired cognitive awareness under hypoxia observed for the VM mice and reciprocal F1 hybrids is associated with abnormalities in neural lipid composition. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Biology.

Tipos de desaquecimentos na recuperação de cavalos Quarto de Milha submetidos à prova de tambor / Type of slowdown effect on the recovery of Quarter Horse submitted to racing barrel

Mota, Thaís Pagotti 17 November 2016 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do método de desaquecimento sobre a recuperação de cavalos submetidos a prova de tambor, foram utilizados 10 equinos adultos, da raça Quarto de Milha treinados para prova de tambor. O treinamento dos animais foi acompanhado por 30 dias e consistiu de 3 seções de treinamento semanal com duração média de uma hora, acompanhados de cinco minutos de desaquecimento a passo. Para a avaliação dos métodos de desaquecimento, os cavalos fora submetidos a simulações da prova de três tambores. O protocolo foi divido em dois métodos de desaquecimento: 5 minutos de trote e 5 minutos de passo ou 10 minutos ao passo. Todos os animais foram submetidos aos dois métodos de desaquecimento em períodos distintos. A frequência cardíaca foi aferida através de frequencímetro portátil fixado na cilha da sela do animal, nos tempos: antes do exercício, antes e ao término de cada etapa do protocolo descrito acima e imediatamente após a passagem pelo tambor, imediatamente após o desaquecimento, 2; 4 e 6 minutos após o desaquecimento, após a retirada da sela e após a ducha. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas por meio de venopunção da jugular, nos tempos: antes do exercício, imediatamente após a passagem pelo tambor; 2; 4; 6 minutos e 6; 24; 48 e 72 horas, para as concentrações de glicose e lactato. Para o acompanhar a atividade das enzimas musculares (CK, AST e LDH) foram coletadas amostras de sangue nos tempos: antes do exercício, após a passagem pelo tambor, 6 minutos e 6; 24; 48 e 72 horas após o desaquecimento. Para a determinação das variáveis: glicose, lactato e as enzimas creatinaquinase, lactato desidrogenase e aspartato aminotransferase foram utilizados kits bioquímicos, lidos por espectrofotômetro semi automático. No decorrer do aquecimento dos animais, foi observado aumento progressivo da frequência cardíaca (FC) conforme aumentava-se a velocidade. A FC atingida após a passagem pelo tambor foi em média de 167,25 ± 32,64 (bpm). Foi observado efeito do método de desaquecimento (p<0,05) sobre a frequência cárdica, com ajuste linear da regressão (y=88,87-2,1804x) para desaquecimento a passo e ajuste quadrático para o desaquecimento a trote e passo (y= 97,6-7,811x+0,4154 x2). Não foi observado efeito (p>0,05) do método de aquecimento e tempos de coleta sobre a atividade das enzimas CK, AST e LDH. Não foi observado efeito (p>0,05) do método de desaquecimento sobre a concentração sanguínea de glicose e lactato porém foi observado efeito do tempo de coleta (p<0,05). Na coleta de 24 horas após o exercício, observou-se concentração sanguínea de lactato dos animais desaquecidos ao trote e passo foi de 0,68±0,7mmol/l enquanto que os cavalos desaquecidos ao passo apresentaram 1,13 ± 0,81mmol/L. O desaquecimento do cavalo de tambor é importante para a sua recuperação. Cavalos desaquecidos utilizando trote e passo aparentam ter recuperação mais efetiva em 24 horas, favorecendo a realização de atividades em dias seguidos, como é pratica desta modalidade equestre. Este trabalho pode ser utilizado com base para o desenvolvimento de programas de treinamento de cavalos desta modalidade para garantir melhor desempenho e recuperação. / In order to evaluate the effect of cooling down method on the recovery of horses subjected to barrel racing, ten adult Quarter horse breed horses were used, trained to barrel test. The animals training was monitored for 30 days and consisted of three weekly training sessions with an average duration of one hour, followed five minutes of slowdown by step. For the evaluation of the slowdown methods, the horses had been submitted to simulations of three barrel tests. The protocol was divided into two methods of slowdown: 5 minutes trotting and 5 or 10 minutes by step. All animals were submitted to both slowdown methods in different periods. Heart rate was measured using a portable frequency meter fixed on the animal\'s saddle at the times: before exercise, before and at the end of each protocol step described above and immediately after passage through the barrel immediately after the slowdown, 2; 4 e 6 minutes after slowdown, after removing the saddle and after the shower. Blood samples were collected by venipuncture of the jugular at the time: before exercise, immediately after passage through the barrel; 2; 4; 6 minutes and 6; 24; 48 and 72 hours, for concentrations of glucose and lactate analysis. To monitor the activity of the muscle enzyme (CK, AST and LDH) blood samples were collected at the times: before exercise, after passing through the barrel, 6 minutes and 6; 24; 48 and 72 hours after the cooling. To determine the variables: glucose, lactate, creatine kinase enzymes, lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase biochemical kits were used, read by semi automatic spectrophotometer. During the animals heating, a progressive increase in heart rate (HR) was observed as the speed increasing. The HR reached after passage through the barrel was on averaged 167.25 (bpm). It was observed effect of slowdown method (p <0.05) on the HR with linear regression adjustment (y = 88,87-2,1804x) to slowdown by step and quadratic adjustment for trotting and step slowdown (97,6-7,811x + 0.4154 y = x2). There was no effect (p> 0.05) of the heating method and collection times on the activity of CK, AST and LDH. There was no effect (p> 0.05) of the slowsown method on blood glucose and lactate but there was an effect of collection time (p <0.05). At 24 hours after exercise, the blood lactate concentration of the slowdown animals at trot and step was 0.68 mmol / l while the cooled-down horses while had 1.13 mmol / l. The barrel horse slowdown is very important for it\' recovery. slowdown horses using trot and step seem to have more effective recovery within 24 hours, favoring the performance of activities in consecutive days, as is practiced in this equestrian modality. This study can be used as basis for the development of horse training programs of this modality to ensure optimum performance and recovery.

Avaliação do desempenho em equinos suplementado com coenzima Q10 / Performance evaluation of equines supplemented with Coenzyme Q10

Sanchez, Paulo José 17 December 2014 (has links)
Com o objetivo de se investigar o efeito da suplementação de coenzima Q10 sobre o desempenho de equinos em treinamento aeróbio, foram utilizados dez equinos do sexo masculino, castrados, da raça Puro Sangue Árabe, com idade de 48±8,15 meses e peso 473±34,75 kg, divididos em grupo controle (GC) e grupo suplementado (GS). O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Pesquisa em Alimentação e Fisiologia do Exercício de Equinos (LABEQUI), pertencente à FMVZ-USP, no Campus Administrativo de Pirassununga, São Paulo, adotando-se o consumo diário individual de 2% do peso corpóreo, com base na matéria seca, sendo 50% de volumoso composto por feno de gramínea e 50% de concentrado comercial. Os animais inseridos no grupo suplementado (GS) receberam individualmente a inclusão diária de 800mg de coenzima Q10 adicionado à dieta de concentrado durante os 90 dias de experimento. Todos os animais foram exercitados cinco vezes por semana, durante sessenta minutos, na velocidade máxima de 15 km/h, em exercitador circular mecânico para cavalos, controlado eletronicamente. Durante o experimento foram realizados análise hematológica e bioquímica (AST, CK e LDH), mensuração da curva de glicose e de lactato, monitoramento da frequência cardíaca e sudorese dos equinos. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo, com dados estatisticamente significantes sendo submetidos à análise de regressão. Através das análises hematológicas, bioquímicas, da curva glicose e de lactato, pode-se observar a higidez e a adaptação dos animais frente ao protocolo de treinamento. O grupo suplementado apresentou efeito de tratamento para a enzima creatinaquinase, e apresentou menor oscilação da frequência cardíaca e da taxa de sudação. Conclui-se que a suplementação de equinos atletas com coenzima Q10 submetidos a exercício aeróbio influenciou no desempenho atlético dos cavalos / With the goal of investigating the effect of Coenzyme Q10 supplementation on the performance of equines subject to aerobic exercise, ten pure Arabian geldings, aged 48±8,15 months and weighing 473±34,75 kg were divided into control group (GC) and supplemented group (GS). The experiment was performed at LABEQUI - Equine Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Research Laboratory, which belongs to FMVZ - USP, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of USP (São Paulo University), which belongs to Campus Pirassununga. Individual intake of food was considered 2% of body weight, of which 50% corresponded to grass hay and 50% to commercial pelleted concentrate. The horses in the supplemented group (GS) received a daily inclusion of 800 mg of coenzyme Q10, added to the concentrated food during the 80 days of the experiment. All animals were exercised five days per week, during sixty minutes, at a top speed of 15 km/h, in a electronically controlled circular mechanical walker. During the experiment, blood tests and biochemical analysis (AST, CK, and LDH) were conducted, as well as measurements of glucose and lactate curves and monitoring of heart frequency and perspiration. The method used was totally casual lineation with measures repeated in time, with statistically significant data being submitted to regression analysis. Animals’ healthiness and adaptation to the training protocol could be observed through hematological and biochemical analysis and glycemic and lactate curves. The supplemented group showed a treatment effect for the enzyme creatinekinase, and showed less fluctuation in heart rate and sweating rate.. It was concluded that supplementation with coenzyme Q10 of equine athletes submitted to aerobic exercise had a positive effect on the athletic performance of the horses

Some aspects of the effect of gossypol on antifertility.

January 1990 (has links)
by Ng, Shuet Fai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990. / Bibliography: leaves 118-137. / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.i / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / CONTENTS --- p.iv / Chapter CHAPTER 1: --- GENERAL INTRODUCTION / Chapter I. --- The History of Gossypol --- p..4 / Chapter II. --- The Chemistry of Gossypol --- p..7 / Chapter A. --- Enantiomers of Gossypol --- p.10 / Chapter B. --- Analysis of Gossypol --- p.11 / Chapter III. --- Metabolism and Distribution of Gossypol in Body --- p.12 / Chapter IV. --- The Effect of Gossypol --- p.14 / Chapter A. --- Effect of Gossypol on Different Animal Species --- p.14 / Chapter B. --- Effect of Gossypol on Male Reproductive Organs --- p.16 / Chapter 1. --- Testis and Epididymis --- p.16 / Chapter 2. --- Spermatozoa and Spermatogenic Cells --- p.18 / Chapter C. --- Effect of Gossypol on Reproductive Hormones --- p.20 / Chapter D. --- Effect of Gossypol on Enzymes --- p.22 / Chapter 1. --- Enzymes in Capacitation --- p.23 / Chapter 2. --- The Metabolic Enzymes --- p.24 / Chapter a. --- On Glycolysis --- p.24 / Chapter b. --- On TCA Cycle --- p.26 / Chapter c. --- On Oxidative Phosphorylation --- p.26 / Chapter 3. --- Adenyl Cyclase --- p.26 / Chapter 4. --- Na+/K+-ATPase --- p.28 / Chapter E. --- Other Effects of Gossypol --- p.29 / Chapter V. --- Toxicity of Gossypol --- p.30 / Chapter A. --- General Toxic Effect --- p.30 / Chapter B. --- The Mutagenicity --- p.32 / Chapter VI. --- Clinical Trials of Gossypol --- p.33 / Chapter VII. --- The Purpose of This Study --- p.35 / Chapter A. --- Gossypol and LDH-X --- p.35 / Chapter B. --- Effect of Gossypol on Antioxidant Defense Systems / Chapter C. --- The Influence of Gossypol on Zinc Metabolism --- p.37 / Chapter CHAPTER 2: --- EFFECT OF GOSSYPOL ON LDH-X OF COCK AND DRAKE / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.39 / Chapter A. --- General Description of Lactate Dehydrogenase --- p.39 / Chapter B. --- Discovery of LDH-X --- p.40 / Chapter C. --- Properties of LDH-X --- p.41 / Chapter D. --- Role of LDH-X in the Spermatozoa --- p.42 / Chapter E. --- Gossypol and LDH-X --- p.43 / Chapter II. --- Materials and Methods --- p.44 / Chapter A. --- Reagents --- p.45 / Chapter B. --- Methods --- p.45 / Chapter 1. --- The Effect of Gossypol on the Spermatozoa of Cock and Drake --- p.45 / Chapter 2. --- "Measurement of LDH-X Activities in Cock, Drake, Mouse and Rat" --- p.46 / Chapter a. --- Preparation of Samples --- p.46 / Chapter b. --- Enzyme Assay --- p.47 / Chapter III. --- Results / Chapter A. --- Effect of Gossypol on the Spermatozoa of Cock and Drake --- p.48 / Chapter 1. --- Cock --- p.48 / Chapter 2. --- Drake --- p.49 / Chapter B. --- "The LDH-X Activities of Cock, Drake, Rat and Mouse" --- p.51 / Chapter IV. --- Discussion --- p.54 / Chapter CHAPTER 3: --- "THE EFFECT OF GOSSYPOL ON THE METABOLISM OF ZINC IN THE TESTIS, HAIR AND RETINA OF HAMSTER AND MOUSE" / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.57 / Chapter A. --- The Physiological Role of Zinc in Animals --- p.57 / Chapter B. --- The Relationship Between Gossypol and Divalentions --- p.58 / Chapter II. --- Materials and Methods --- p.60 / Chapter A. --- Reagents --- p.60 / Chapter B. --- Treatment of Animals for the Zinc Content Study / Chapter 1. --- Detection of Zinc Content in Hamster Hair --- p.61 / Chapter 2. --- "Detection of Zinc Distribution in the Hair, Testis, and Retina in Hamster and Mouse" --- p.62 / Chapter C. --- Determination of Zinc and Iron --- p.63 / Chapter III. --- Results --- p.63 / Chapter A. --- Amount of Zinc in Hamster's Hair --- p.63 / Chapter B. --- "The Distribution of Zinc Content in Hair, Testis and Retina of Hamster and Mouse" --- p.69 / Chapter IV. --- Discussion --- p.71 / Chapter CHAPTER 4: --- EFFECT OF GOSSYPOL ON THE ANTIOXIDANT DEFENSE SYSTEM IN THE TESTIS OF HAMSTER / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.73 / Chapter A. --- Oxygen Radicals in Living Cells --- p.75 / Chapter B. --- Oxygen Damage of Spermatozoa --- p.76 / Chapter C. --- Antioxidant Defense System --- p.77 / Chapter 1. --- Enzymatic Antioxidants --- p.78 / Chapter 2. --- Non-Enzymatic Antioxidants --- p.78 / Chapter II. --- Materials and Methods --- p.81 / Chapter A. --- Reagents --- p.81 / Chapter B. --- Experimental Animals --- p.82 / Chapter C. --- The Effect of Scavengers on the Antifertility of Gossypol --- p.83 / Chapter 1. --- Vitamin C --- p.83 / Chapter 2. --- Selenium --- p.84 / Chapter 3. --- Vitamin E --- p.85 / Chapter D. --- Chemical Interaction of Gossypol with Vitamin C and Sodium Selenite --- p.85 / Chapter E. --- Malonaldehyde Assay --- p.85 / Chapter F. --- The Effect of Gossypol on the Antioxidant Defense Enzymes --- p.86 / Chapter 1. --- Drug Treatment --- p.86 / Chapter 2. --- Preparation of Samples for Enzyme Determination --- p.87 / Chapter 3. --- Enzyme Assays --- p.87 / Chapter a. --- Se-GSH-Px --- p.88 / Chapter b. --- Glutathione-S-Transf erase --- p.88 / Chapter c. --- Catalase --- p.89 / Chapter d. --- Superoxide Dismutase --- p.90 / Chapter III. --- Results --- p.90 / Chapter A. --- The Effect of Scavengers on the Antifertility of Gossypol --- p.90 / Chapter B. --- Chemical Interaction of Gossypol with Vitamin C and sodium selenite --- p.91 / Chapter C. --- The MDA Concentration of the Testis of Hamster after Gossypol and Scavengers Injection --- p.101 / Chapter D. --- The Antioxidant Defense Enzymes --- p.101 / Chapter IV. --- Discussion --- p.109 / Chapter CHAPTER 5: --- CONCLUSION AND GENERAL DISCUSSION --- p.113 / REFERENCES --- p.118 / Chapter APPENDIX I --- THE INFLUENCE OF DIETARY LARD ON THE ANT I FERTILITY EFFECT OF GOSSYPOL --- p.138 / Chapter APPENDIX II --- PROTOCOL FOR GOSSYPOL DETERMINATION --- p.158

"Limiar de lactato em teste de quadra: validade em jogadores de futsal" / LACTATE THRESHOLD IN COURT TEST: VALIDITY IN FUTSAL PLAYERS

Barros, Luis Fernando Nogueira Paes de 09 March 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi a validação da medida de limiar anaeróbio com o teste escalonado intermitente de 20 m de ida-e-volta em quadra, comparando-o com teste escalonado em esteira e com o máximo “steady state" de lactato (MLSS) em teste retangular simulado, em jogadores de Futsal. Para isso, nove jogadores de Futsal (16,8 ± 1,27 anos) realizaram um teste incremental em esteira (protocolo de HECK, 1985) para determinação da velocidade de 3,5 mmol.l-1 de lactato (V3,5Heck). Também para determinação da V3,5 (V3,5leger), os atletas realizaram teste progressivo de 20 m de ida-e-volta, com velocidade inicial de 8,5 km.h-1, com incremento de 1 km.h-1 a cada três minutos. Após a determinação da V3,5leger, os atletas retornaram à quadra e realizaram (pelo menos) três testes para a determinação do MLSS. O MLSS foi determinado através de corrida intermitente (20 m de ida-e-volta) e definido como a maior velocidade em que o lactato sanguíneo não aumentou mais que 1 mmol.l-1 de lactato entre o 10 e 30 minutos com velocidade constante. As velocidades correspondentes à V3,5leger e MLSS tiveram correlação de r = 0,86. O teste de comparações múltiplas TURKEY TEST detectou que existe diferença (p<0,05) entre as médias de intensidade de MLSS e V3,5Heck e entre V3,5Heck e V3,5leger. Já entre V3,5leger e MLSS, o teste não detectou diferença. A correlação entre a F.C. no V3,5leger e o MLSS foi de r = 0,70. O teste de comparações múltiplas TURKEY TEST detectou que existe diferença (p<0,05) entre as médias de F.C. entre V3,5leger e MLSS e entre V3,5Heck e MLSS. Já entre V3,5leger e V3,5Heck, o teste não detectou diferença. Portanto, nós concluímos que a V3,5leger é um instrumento válido para se estimar o MLSS em jogadores de Futsal. / The objective of this study was to investigate the validity of the anaerobic threshold in the 20 m shuttle run test in the determination of the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in Futsal players. Nine male futsal players (16,8 ± 1.27 years) performed an incremental treadmill test for the determination of the velocity corresponding of 3.5 mmol.l-1 of lactate (HECK et alii, 1985) (V3.5Heck). Also for the determination of the V3.5 (V3.5leger), the Futsal players performed the 20 m shuttle run test, with the initial running speed of 8.5 km.h-1 and increment of 1 km.h-1 each three minutes. After the determination of the V3.5 the athletes performed at least three tests to determine the MLSS. The MLSS was determined through intermittent running (20 m shuttle run) and defined as the highest velocity at which blood lactate did not increase by more than 1 mmol.l-1 between the minutes 10 and 30 of the constant velocity runs. There was a significant correlation between the velocities of V3.5leger and MLSS (r = 0.86). Analysis of variance revealed significant difference (p<0.05) between the intensities of the MLSS and V3.5Heck and between V3.5Heck e V3.5leger, but the analysis did not reveal difference between V3.5leger and the MLSS. The correlation between the heart frequency (F.C.) in the V3.5 Leger and MLSS was r=0.70. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between F.C. in V3.5leger and MLSS and between V3.5Heck and MLSS. The analysis did not revealed differences between V3.5leger and V3.5Heck. We conclude that OBLA can be utilized in Futsal players to estimate the MLSS.

Contribuição dos sistemas energéticos na água e em diferentes ergômetros de remo / Contribution of different energy systems for rowing on the water and on different rowing ergometers

Mello, Fernando de Campos 14 November 2008 (has links)
O remo é uma modalidade que depende muito das condições ambientais para ser praticada, tais como vento, chuva e frio, as quais podem atrapalhar e, dependendo da variação, até impedir a sua prática. Por esses motivos, a realização de atividades em ambiente fechado torna-se importante nesse esporte. A alternativa mais utilizada para treinamento e avaliação é o ergômetro de remo Concept2. Contudo, a dinâmica do ergômetro de remo é diferente da dinâmica na água. Na tentativa de contornar parte dos problemas associados ao uso do ergômetro, a empresa fabricante do Concept2 criou um acessório chamado slide. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar as respostas fisiológicas (consumo de oxigênio, freqüência cardíaca e concentração de lactato) do remador em três situações diferentes: ergômetro de remo, ergômetro de remo com o acessório slide e na água, bem como comparar a contribuição energética de cada situação. Oito sujeitos foram submetidos a cinco testes no total, sendo três deles a simulação da prova de 2000 metros em cada situação e outros dois testes progressivos até a exaustão no ergômetro de remo com e sem o slide. Os principais resultados do estudo foram: a) o perfil metabólico, bem como a demanda energética da prova de 2000m no remo é a mesma, independentemente se ela é realizada no ergômetro de remo Concept2 com ou sem slide ou na água, no barco single-skiff; b) o menor gasto energético total na água está relacionado exclusivamente ao maior tempo necessário para percorrer os 2000m nessa situação; c) a utilização do acessório slide no ergômetro de remo Concept2 não implica em alterações no perfil fisiológico da atividade; d) a utilização do ergômetro de remo no treinamento de remadores produz o mesmo efeito, no que diz respeito aos ajustes fisiológicos agudos, que o treinamento na água / Rowing is a sport that can be subject to environmental conditions as it is practiced outdoors. Wind, rain and cold climates can disturb or even impede the execution of rowing on the water. For that reason, indoor rowing is considered to be an important means of training. The most used form of indoor training and evaluation of athletes is the rowing ergometer Concept II. Nevertheless, outdoor rowing presents dynamic singularities compared to indoor rowing. In order to minimize differences related to rowing on a machine, the manufacturer of Concept II created a device called the slide. The aim of this study was to verify the physiological responses (oxygen consumption, cardiac frequency, lactate concentration) of rowers in three different situations: rowing on an ergometer without and with the slide and rowing on the water. Also, the energy contribution was evaluated. Eight individuals were submitted to five physical tests each. Three of the tests consisted of the simulation of a race in a distance of 2000m in each of the situations defined above, and 2 of the tests consisted of progressive effort until exhaustion in the rowing ergometer with and without the slide. The results obtained were the following a) metabolic profile, as well as energy demand in the 2000 m test was the same if completed on the rowing ergometer with or without the slide or on the water on a single scull. b) the least energy cost on the water was related to the longer time needed to complete the 2000 m test outdoors. C) the use of the slide on the ergometer did not show any changes on the physiological profile of the activity d) the use of the rowing ergometer for training of rowers has the same effect, in terms of physiological adjustments, as training on the water

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