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Βιοαποικοδομήσιμο σύστημα ελεγχόμενης αποδέσμευσης ακετονικής τριαμσινολόνης για διασκληρική χορήγηση : in vitro μελέτηΜπλάτσιος, Γεώργιος 21 October 2011 (has links)
Η Ακετονική Τριαμσινολόνη είναι ένα συνθετικό γλυκοκορτικοειδές το οποίο έχει ευρέως χρησιμοποιηθεί στη θεραπεία ενός αριθμού φλεγμονωδών και αγγειακών / εξιδρωματικών παθήσεων του οφθαλμού, χορηγούμενη υπό μορφή ένεσης παραβόλβια, υποτενόνια ή ενδοϋαλοειδικά. Δυστυχώς έχει περιορισμένο χρόνο ημιζωής με συνέπεια να είναι συχνά αναγκαίες επανειλημμένες ενέσεις για να επιτευχθεί παρατεταμένη δράση. Αυτό αυξάνει τη συχνότητα των επιπλοκών, οι οποίες σχετίζονται τόσο με το ίδιο το φάρμακο όσο και με την οδό χορήγησης.
Σκοπός της μελέτης: Η παρασκευή σκληρικών συστημάτων ελεγχόμενης αποδέσμευσης Ακετονικής Τριαμσινολόνης βασιζόμενα στο βιοδιασπόμενο πολυμερές Πόλυ[γαλακτικό] (PLA) και η αξιολόγηση των in vitro/ex vivo χαρακτηριστικών τους σε σχέση με τη δυνητική χρήση τους για παρατεταμένη διασκληρική χορήγηση ΤΑ.
Υλικό και Μέθοδος: Μικροσφαίρες PLA που περιείχαν ΤΑ παρασκευάστηκαν με τη μέθοδο του απλού και του διπλού γαλακτώματος. Εξετάστηκαν η μορφολογία τους, το μέγεθός τους, η επίδραση της αρχικής ποσότητας ΤΑ και της μεθόδου παρασκευής στη φόρτιση των μικροσφαιρών καθώς και η in vitro αποδέσμευση ΤΑ από αυτές. Παρασκευάστηκαν δισκία αποτελούμενα από μικροσφαίρες καθαρού PLA και ΤΑ (με αναλογία βάρους 1:1, 2:1 και 4:1 αντίστοιχα) και εξετάστηκε η in vitro καμπύλη αποδέσμευσης ΤΑ από αυτά. Αξιολογήθηκε η καμπύλη διασκληρικής διάχυσης in vitro τοποθετώντας ένα δισκίο αναλογίας PLA:TA=1:1 σε ένα δοχείο δότη και μετρώντας τη συγκέντρωση ΤΑ σε δοχείο δέκτη. To δοχείο δότης και το δοχείο δέκτης διαχωρίζονταν διαμέσου ενός τμήματος σκληρού χιτώνα κουνελιού. Σε δύο πτωματικούς οφθαλμούς κουνελιών τοποθετήθηκε επισκληρικά ένα δισκίο 1:1 PLA-ΤΑ και καλύφθηκε με ένα σκληρικό μόσχευμα. Η συγκέντρωση της ΤΑ στο υδατοειδές υγρό και στο υαλοειδές μετρήθηκε 5, 10 και 20 ημέρες μετά από την ένθεση.
Aποτελέσματα: Η μέση διάμετρος των μικροσφαιρών ήταν 2 μm. H μέθοδος του διπλού γαλακτώματος καθώς και η αύξηση της αρχικής ποσότητας του φαρμάκου οδήγησε στην αύξηση της τιμής φόρτισης και ενκαψακίωσης των μικροσφαιρών. Παρατηρήθηκε παρατεταμένη για αρκετές μέρες αποδέσμευση ΤΑ από τις μικροσφαίρες, με το ρυθμό αποδέσμευσης να εξαρτάται από την περιεκτικότητά τους σε ΤΑ. H ΤΑ αποδεσμευόμενη από δισκία PLA-TA παρουσίασε παρατεταμένη αποδέσμευση, με το ρυθμό της να εξαρτάται από το λόγο PLA:TA. H TA μπόρεσε να διαπεράσει το σκληρό χιτώνα με περίπου 21% του φαρμάκου στο δοχείο δότη να έχει διαχυθεί διαμέσου του σκληρού χιτώνα μετά από 45 ημέρες. Μετά από σκληρική χορήγηση η ΤΑ εμφάνισε συγκεντρώσεις στο υδατοειδές υγρό και στο υαλοειδές σε πτωματικούς οφθαλμούς.
Συμπεράσματα: Οι μικροσφαίρες και τα δισκία PLA-TA που αναπτύχθηκαν σε αυτήν τη μελέτη παρουσιάζουν παρατεταμένη και ελεγχόμενη αποδέσμευση ΤΑ, έχουν τα πλεονεκτήματα της καθιερωμένης βιοαποικοδομησιμότητας και βιοσυμβατότητας του πολυμερούς PLA, παρέχουν ευελιξία ως προς το ρυθμό αποδέσμευσης και τη συνολική δόση ΤA και παρουσιάζουν ευκολία στους χειρουργικούς χειρισμούς. Αυτά τα συστήματα φαίνεται να είναι υποσχόμενα για την ελεγχόμενη διασκληρική χορήγηση ΤΑ και δικαιολογείται η περαιτέρω μελέτη τους. / Triamcinolone Acetonide (TA) is a synthetic glucocorticoid, which has been widely used to treat a number of inflammatory and vascular and/or exudative diseases of the eye, administered via a peribulbar, sub-tenon or intravitreal injection. Unfortunately, it has a limited half-life and thus repeated injections are often required to establish a prolonged effect. This increases the rate of complications, which are related to the drug itself as well as to the administration route.
Study Purpose: To develop scleral controlled-release-systems of Τriamcinolone Αcetonide based on biodegradable Poly[lactide] (PLA) and evaluate their in vitro/ex vivo properties with regard to their possible application for the prolonged transscleral delivery of TA.
Materials and Methods: PLA microspheres containing TA were prepared by a single or double emulsification-solvent evaporation method. Morphology, size, effect of drug input and method of microsphere preparation on drug loading, and in vitro TA release of the microspheres were investigated. Tablets consisting of blank PLA-microspheres and TA (weight ratios of 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1, respectively) were developed and their release profile οf TA in vitro was evaluated. The in vitro transscleral diffusion profile was evaluated by placing a PLA-TA (1:1) tablet in a donor chamber and measuring the TA concentration in a receptor chamber. Donor and receptor chambers were separated by rabbit sclera. Two cadaver rabbit eyes received a 1:1 PLA-TA tablet episclerally, which was covered by a scleral patch. TA aqueous humor and vitreous concentrations were measured 5, 10, and 20 days post implantation.
Results: Microsphere average diameter was 2 μm. The double emulsification method and increasing drug input led to an increase in microsphere drug loading and encapsulation. Sustained release of TA over several days from the microspheres in vitro was observed, with the rate of release being affected by their TA content. TA exhibited sustained release profile from the PLA-TA tablets, with the rate of release being affected by the PLA:TA ratio. TA could cross the sclera tissue in vitro, with approximately 21% of the initial drug in the donor compartment having diffused through the sclera in 45 days. Following scleral administration of the PLA-TA tablets, TA accumulated in the vitreous and aqueous humor of cadaver eyes.
Conclusions: The PLA-TA microspheres and tablets developed in this study provide a sustained and controlled release of TA, provide the advantages of established biodegradability and biocompatibility of the PLA polymer, demonstrate flexibility concerning their TA release rate and total TA dosage and are easy to surgically manipulate. These systems appear promising for the controlled transscleral delivery of TA and justify further investigation.
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Copolímeros estatísticos biodegradáveis de epsilon-caprolactona e L,L-dilactídeo - síntese, caracterização e propriedades. / Biodegradable statistical copolimers of epsilon-caprolactone e L,L-lactide - synthesis, caracterization and properties.Maria Leonora de Castro 07 April 2006 (has links)
Copolímeros de e-caprolactona e l,l-dilactídeo têm sido investigados com a finalidade de desenvolver materiais biodegradáveis para aplicações médicas. As sínteses dos homopolímeros e copolímeros de epsilon-caprolactona e l,l-dilactídeo por abertura de anel e polimerização em massa transcorreram a 120oC sob atmosfera de nitrogênio, usando o octanoato de estanho como iniciador. A composição dos copolímeros variou de 5,90% a 97,30% em massa de l,l-dilactídeo. As massas molares dos polímeros sintetizados foram determinadas por viscosimetria capilar e cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC). A composição dos copolímeros foi determinada por RMN de 13C. As propriedades térmicas e mecânicas foram avaliadas por DSC e DMTA. O grau de cristalinidade e as fases cristalinas dos copolímeros foram determinados por difração de raios X (WAXS). Foram observadas altas taxas de conversão de monômeros para os homopolímeros e para os copolímeros Co60 ao Co90 (taxas de 70-80%). Os homopolímeros e copolímeros sintetizados apresentaram altas massas molares (M w até 106.500 g/mol para os copolímeros) e moderada polidispersidade (1,50). As análises de RMN de 13C demonstraram a predominância da formação de copolímeros estatísticos e a ausência da transesterificação durante a polimerização em massa. As propriedades dinâmico-mecânicas foram fortemente dependentes da estrutura cristalina e do grau de cristalinidade dos copolímeros. Os copolímeros sintetizados apresentaram propriedades mecânicas variando do flexível ao rígido termoplástico. Os copolímeros com composição próxima a equimolar (Co30 ao Co40) apresentaram os mais baixos graus de cristalinidade (13 a 15%) e, por conseqüência, apresentaram maior taxa de degradação (20% em 408 horas para o Co40), em comparação com os demais copolímeros. / Copolymers of epsilon-caprolactone with l,l-lactide have been investigated in order to develop biodegradable materials for medical applications. The synthesis of homopolymers and copolymers of e-caprolactone with l,l-lactide by ring-opening bulk polymerization was performed using stannous octoate as initiator at 120 ºC under nitrogen atmosphere. The copolymers composition was varied from 5.90 to 97.30 % in mass of l,l-lactide. The molecular weight of synthesized polymers were determined by viscometry and GPC. The copolymers composition was determined by 13C NMR. Thermal and mechanical properties have been evaluated by DSC and DMTA. The degree of crystallinity and the crystalline phase of copolymers were determined by WAXS. High conversion was observed for homopolymers and copolymers Co60 to Co90 of l,l-lactide (70-80%). The homopolymers and copolymers presented hight molecular weight (M w up to 106,500 g/mol for copolymers) and low polydispersivity (1,50). The analyses by 13C- NMR spectroscopy have shown the predominance of statistical copolymers formation and the transesterification reaction did not occur during the bulk polymerization. Thermal and mechanical properties were dependent on the crystalline phase and of the degree of crystallinity. The synthesized copolymers presented mechanical properties from rubbery to stiff thermoplastics. The copolymers with equimolar composition presented low degree of crystallinity (13 ? 15%) and higher degradation (20% during 408 hours for Co40).
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SÃntese e caracterizaÃÃo de emulsÃes de Pickering a base de goma do cajueiro enxertado com lactÃdeo / Synthesis and characterization of cashew gum graft lactide Pickering emulsionAna Rosa Richter 05 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi sintetizar emulsÃes de Pickering a partir da goma do cajueiro (GC) enxertada com poli lactÃdeo (PLA) para incorporaÃÃo de anfotericina B (AB), utilizando como fase oleosa o miglyol. A GC foi isolada do exsudato por precipitaÃÃo em etanol e modificada por reaÃÃo de enxertia na cadeia lateral com o PLA. O copolÃmero foi purificado por lavagem com hexano e denominado GCPLAP. Foram realizadas trÃs condiÃÃes reacionais, 1:1; 1:5 e 1:10, variando a razÃo molar GC/PLA. A confirmaÃÃo da reaÃÃo foi possÃvel atravÃs dos espectros de FTIR, pelo aparecimento de uma banda em 1700 cm-1, caracterÃstica de estiramento C=O da carbonila. O grau de substituiÃÃo foi determinado por RMN H1, que aumentou com o aumento da proporÃÃo molar de PLA. O TGA mostrou que a enxertia do PLA confere uma maior estabilidade tÃrmica à GCPLAP quando comparado a GC. Na anÃlise tÃrmica de DSC observa-se um estreitamento do pico endotÃrmico a medida em que se aumenta a proporÃÃo de PLA. NÃo foi possÃvel detectar os cristais de PLA enxertados na GC por difraÃÃo de raios-X. Pelos dois mÃtodos de citotoxicidade in vitro, MTT e LDH, foi comprovada a nÃo citotoxicidade do copolÃmero. As emulsÃes foram sintetizadas vertendo a fase orgÃnica sob a fase aquosa e houve a formaÃÃo instantÃnea das emulsÃes. O teste do fenol sulfÃrico demonstrou que para todas as condiÃÃes de emulsÃes o processo de isolamento por centrifugaÃÃo nÃo desestabiliza nem separa as nanopartÃculas das gotas de Ãleo. O tamanho das emulsÃes, determinados por espalhamento dinÃmico de luz, apresentaram distribuiÃÃo unimodal e diminuÃram apÃs o isolamento em centrÃfuga. As emulsÃes com copolÃmero GCPLAP 1:1 obtiveram os menores valores de tamanho e IPD, alÃm de melhor estabilidade com a variaÃÃo do tempo. A AB foi incorporada Ãs emulsÃes e atravÃs do espectro de UV-Vis foi possÃvel verificar que a eficiÃncia de encapsulamento em torno de 25% para todas as formulaÃÃes testadas. / The aim of this work was to synthesize Pickering emulsions from the cashew tree gum (GC) grafted with polylactide (PLA) using miglyol as oily phase as potential matrix for Amphotericin B (AB) incorporation. GC was isolated from exsudate by precipitation with ethanol and it was modified through the PLA graft reaction. The copolymer was purified and named GCPLAP. The graft reaction was performed in three GC/PLA molar ratio conditions (1:1, 1:5 and 1:10). The presence of PLA gratf to GC was confirmed by FTIR and NMR spectra. The degree of substitution was measured by RMN 1H, and it increases with increase of PLA amount in the CG/PLA molar ratio conditions. TGA analysis showed the graft of PLA provides a better thermal stability in comparison with GC. DSC thermal analysis showed a more well define peak as the PLA ratio increases. It was not possible to detect crystallization due the insertion of PLA into GC through X-ray microscopy. In vitro citotoxicity methods (MTT and HDL) confirmed the non-toxicity of the grafted polymer. Emulsions were prepared by adding the organic phase in the aqueous phase, resulting the immediate emulsion formation. The sulfuric phenol test showed the presence of CG in all emulsion prepared with differents GC/PLA molar ratio samples. The isolation by centrifugation does not destabilize or separate nanoparticles from oil droplets. The emulsion size, measured by dynamic light scattering, presented unimodal distribution and they decreased after the isolation by centrifugation. Emulsions with GCPLAP 1:1 presented the less values in size and IPD, in addiction to the best stability over time. The AB was incorporated in the emulsions and it was possible to verify the encapsulation efficiency by UV-VIS, was about 25% in all of the tested formulations.
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Steric Stabilization of Polylactide particles achieved by Covalent 'grafting-from' with Hydrophilic PolymersNugroho, Robertus Wahyu Nayan January 2013 (has links)
Despite numerous advantages of using particles in a wide range of applications, they have one drawback that is their tendency to agglomerate. One way to overcome this problem is to sterically stabilize the particles by introducing polymeric chains covalently attached to the surface. Surface modification by covalently attaching polymer chains to the particle surface can be achieved by e.g. a ‘grafting-from’ technique under UV irradiation. In this thesis, polylactide (PLA) particles were surface modified, under UV irradiation, with the hydrophilic monomers: acrylamide (AAm), acrylic acid (AA), and maleic anhydride (MAH). The developed ‘grafting-from’ technique was shown to be nondestructive method for surface modification of PLA particles of two different geometries. The change in surface chemistry of the PLA particles was confirmed by FTIR and XPS, indicating the success of the surface grafting technique. Force interaction between two surface grafted PLA substrates was measured by colloidal probe AFM in different salt concentrations. In order to understand the repulsive force, the AFM force profiles were compared to the DLVO theory and AdG model. Long range repulsive interactions were mainly observed when hydrophilic polymers were covalently attached to the surface of PLA particles, leading to steric interaction. Attractive force dominated the interaction when neat PLA particle was approaching each other, resulting in particle aggregation, even though short range repulsion was observed at small separation distance, i.e. approximately 10 nm. Attractive interaction was also observed when neat PLA was approaching to PAA-grafted PLA substrate. This attractive interaction was much greater than force interaction between two neat PLA substrates. The surface grafted particles can be used in biomedical application where secondary interactions are important to overcome particle agglomeration such as particle-based drug delivery. / <p>QC 20130529</p>
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Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Biodegradable PolyestersKarikari, Afia Sarpong 24 April 2006 (has links)
The ring opening polymerization of D,L-lactide (DLLA) using multifunctional hydroxyl-terminated initiators and catalyst/coinitiator systems based on Sn(Oct)2 afforded the preparation of star-shaped, poly(D,L-lactide)s (PDLLA)s of controlled molar mass, narrow molar mass distributions, and well-defined chain end functionality. Various modifications of star-shaped PDLLA resulted in macromolecules with tailored functionalities for biomedical applications. Star-shaped PDLLAs were modified to contain photoreactive methacrylate end groups and subsequent photo-crosslinking was performed. Photo-crosslinked networks based on methacrylated star-shaped PDLLAs exhibited thermal properties and mechanical performance that were superior to current approved clinical adhesives. In addition, the thermal and mechanical properties of the networks were strongly dependent on the composition and molar mass of the star-shaped PDLLA precursors. Tensile strengths in the range of 8-21 MPa were obtained while the Young's modulus increased from 12 to 354 MPa and were higher for networks based on urethane containing polymers. Star-shaped PDLLAs bearing complementary adenine and thymine terminal units were also prepared. The hydrogen bonding associations between complementary PDLLA macromolecules depended strongly on molar mass and hence, the concentration of multiple hydrogen bonding units. 1H NMR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of hydrogen-bonded complexes with a 1:1 optimal stoichiometry and an association constant of 84 M-1. The hydrogen-bonded complexes also exhibited significantly higher solution viscosities than non-blended polymer solutions of similar molar mass and concentration. Thermoreversible associations of PDLLA-based complementary polymers were observed in the melt phase and the melt viscosity of a blended complex was consistently an order of magnitude higher than non-functionalized star-shaped PDLLA of similar molar mass. Furthermore, melt electrospinning of the hydrogen-bonded complexes successfully resulted in fibers of significantly larger diameter (9.8 ± 2.0 µm) compared to the individual precursors (PDLLA-A = 4.0 ± 0.6 µm and PDLLA-T = 4.4 ± 1.0 µm). These results suggested that thermoreversibility, as well as the strength of the hydrogen bonding interactions between the end groups of the tailored star-shaped PDLLA-based supramolecular polymers controlled the fiber diameter in the melt electrospinning process.
Highly ordered microporous honeycomb structures were developed on photo-functional star-shaped PDLLA surfaces. The pore dimensions were dependent on polymer solution concentration, polymer molar mass and relative humidity. The combination of self-organizing and cross-linking techniques resulted in free-standing, PDLLA membranes with high chemical stability as well as higher mechanical strength for further material patterning. Amikacin, an antibiotic commonly used for treating infections was successfully encapsulated in star-shaped PDLLA fibers that were electrospun from solution. Preliminary results suggested that molecular architecture influenced the encapsulation of the antibiotic and subsequent drug release profile. / Ph. D.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Surface-Functionalized Magnetic Polylactide NanospheresRagheb, Ragy Tadros 21 April 2008 (has links)
Polylactide homopolymers with pendent carboxylic acid functional groups have been designed and synthesized to be studied as magnetite nanoparticle dispersion stabilizers. Magnetic nanoparticles are of interest for a variety of biomedical applications including magnetic field-directed drug delivery and magnetic cell separations. Small magnetite nanoparticles are desirable due to their established biocompatibility and superparamagnetic (lack of magnetic hysteresis) behavior. For in-vivo applications, it is important that the magnetic material be coated with biocompatible organic materials to afford dispersion characteristics or to further modify the surfaces of the complexes with biospecific moieties. The acid-functionalized silane endgroup was utilized as the dispersant anchor to adsorb onto magnetite nanoparticle surfaces and allowed the polylactide to extend into various solvents to impart dispersion stability. The homopolymers were complexed with magnetite nanoparticles by electrostatic adsorption of the carboxylates onto the iron oxide surfaces, and these complexes were dispersible in dichloromethane. The polylactide tailblocks extended into the dichloromethane and provided steric repulsion between the magnetite-polymer complexes. The resultant magnetite-polymer complexes were further incorporated into controlled-size nanospheres. The complexes were blended with poly(ethylene oxide-b-D,L-lactide) diblock copolymers to introduce hydrophilicity on the surface of the nanospheres with tailored functionality. Self-assembly of the PEO block to the surface of the nanosphere was established by utilizing an amine terminus on the PEO to react with FITC and noting fluorescence. / Ph. D.
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Comprehensive histological evaluation of bone implantsRentsch, Claudia, Schneiders, Wolfgang, Manthey, Suzanne, Rentsch, Barbe, Rammelt, Stefan 14 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
To investigate and assess bone regeneration in sheep in combination with new implant materials classical histological staining methods as well as immunohistochemistry may provide additional information to standard radiographs or computer tomography. Available published data of bone defect regenerations in sheep often present none or sparely labeled histological images. Repeatedly, the exact location of the sample remains unclear, detail enlargements are missing and the labeling of different tissues or cells is absent. The aim of this article is to present an overview of sample preparation, staining methods and their benefits as well as a detailed histological description of bone regeneration in the sheep tibia. General histological staining methods like hematoxylin and eosin, Masson-Goldner trichrome, Movat’s pentachrome and alcian blue were used to define new bone formation within a sheep tibia critical size defect containing a polycaprolactone-co-lactide (PCL) scaffold implanted for 3 months (n = 4). Special attention was drawn to describe the bone healing patterns down to cell level. Additionally one histological quantification method and immunohistochemical staining methods are described.
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Development and characterization of polymeric nanoparticles(NPs) made from functionalized poly (D,L- lactide) (PLA)polymersEssa, Sherief 11 1900 (has links)
Les nanoparticules polymériques biodégradable (NPs) sont apparues ces dernières années comme des systèmes prometteurs pour le ciblage et la libération contrôlée de médicaments. La première partie de cette étude visait à développer des NPs biodégradables préparées à partir de copolymères fonctionnalisés de l’acide lactique (poly (D,L)lactide ou PLA). Les polymères ont été étudiés comme systèmes de libération de médicaments dans le but d'améliorer les performances des NPs de PLA conventionnelles. L'effet de la fonctionnalisation du PLA par insertion de groupements chimiques dans la chaîne du polymère sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des NPs a été étudié. En outre, l'effet de l'architecture du polymère (mode d'organisation des chaînes de polymère dans le copolymère obtenu) sur divers aspects de l’administration de médicament a également été étudié. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, divers copolymères à base de PLA ont été synthétisés. Plus précisément il s’agit de 1) copolymères du poly (éthylène glycol) (PEG) greffées sur la chaîne de PLA à 2.5% et 7% mol. / mol. de monomères d'acide lactique (PEG2.5%-g-PLA et PEG7%-g-PLA, respectivement), 2) des groupements d’acide palmitique greffés sur le squelette de PLA à une densité de greffage de 2,5% (palmitique acid2.5%-g-PLA), 3) de copolymère « multibloc » de PLA et de PEG, (PLA-PEG-PLA)n. Dans la deuxième partie, l'effet des différentes densités de greffage sur les propriétés des NPs de PEG-g-PLA (propriétés physico-chimiques et biologiques) a été étudié pour déterminer la densité optimale de greffage PEG nécessaire pour développer la furtivité (« long circulating NPs »). Enfin, les copolymères de PLA fonctionnalisé avec du PEG ayant montré les résultats les plus satisfaisants en regard des divers aspects d’administration de médicaments, (tels que taille et de distribution de taille, charge de surface, chargement de drogue, libération contrôlée de médicaments) ont été sélectionnés pour l'encapsulation de l'itraconazole (ITZ). Le but est dans ce cas d’améliorer sa solubilité dans l'eau, sa biodisponibilité et donc son activité antifongique. Les NPs ont d'abord été préparées à partir de copolymères fonctionnalisés de PLA, puis ensuite analysés pour leurs paramètres physico-chimiques majeurs tels que l'efficacité d'encapsulation, la taille et distribution de taille, la charge de surface, les propriétés thermiques, la chimie de surface, le pourcentage de poly (alcool vinylique) (PVA) adsorbé à la surface, et le profil de libération de médicament. L'analyse de la chimie de surface par la spectroscopie de photoélectrons rayon X (XPS) et la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) ont été utilisés pour étudier l'organisation des chaînes de copolymère dans la formulation des NPs. De manière générale, les copolymères de PLA fonctionnalisés avec le PEG ont montré une amélioration du comportement de libération de médicaments en termes de taille et distribution de taille étroite, d’amélioration de l'efficacité de chargement, de diminution de l'adsorption des protéines plasmatiques sur leurs surfaces, de diminution de l’internalisation par les cellules de type macrophages, et enfin une meilleure activité antifongique des NPs chargées avec ITZ. En ce qui concerne l'analyse de la chimie de surface, l'imagerie de phase en AFM et les résultats de l’XPS ont montré la possibilité de la présence de davantage de chaînes de PEG à la surface des NPs faites de PEG-g-PLA que de NPS faites à partie de (PLA-PEG-PLA)n. Nos résultats démontrent que les propriétés des NPs peuvent être modifiées à la fois par le choix approprié de la composition en polymère mais aussi par l'architecture de ceux-ci. Les résultats suggèrent également que les copolymères de PEG-g-PLA pourraient être utilisés efficacement pour préparer des transporteurs nanométriques améliorant les propriétés de certains médicaments,notamment la solubilité, la stabilité et la biodisponibilité. / Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) have emerged as promising drug delivery carriers for the controlled drug release and targeting. The first part of this study aimed to develop biodegradable NPs from functionalized copolymers of poly (D,L-Lactide) (PLA). Those copolymers were explored as drug delivery systems in attempt to improve the drug delivery performance of conventional PLA NPs. The effect of PLA functionalization (insertion of chemical substituents onto PLA backbone) on the physicochemical properties of the obtained NPs was investigated. Moreover, the effect of polymer architecture (mode of organization of polymer chains in the resultant copolymer) on various drug delivery aspects was also studied. To reach those goals, various PLA based copolymers namely poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) grafted on PLA backbone at 2.5% & 7% mol/mol of lactic acid monomers (PEG2.5%-g-PLA and PEG7%-g-PLA, respectively), palmitic acid grafted on PLA backbone at 2.5% grafting density (palmitic acid2.5%-g-PLA), and multiblock copolymer of PLA and PEG, (PLA-PEG-PLA)n were synthesized. In the second part, the effect of different PEG grafting densities over PLA backbone on the properties of PEG-g-PLA NPs either physicochemical or biological properties was investigated to reveal the optimal PEG grafting density required to develop stealth particles (long circulating NPs). Finally, functionalized PEG/PLA copolymers that showed the most satisfactory results in terms of various drug delivery aspects, such as size and size distribution, surface charge, drug loading, and controlled drug release were selected for encapsulation of itraconazole (ITZ) to improve its aqueous solubility, bioavailability and hence its antifungal activity. NPs were first prepared from functionalized PLA copolymers then analyzed for their major physicochemical parameters such as encapsulation efficiency, size and size distribution, surface charge, thermal properties, surface chemistry, % poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) adsorbed at the surface of NPs, and drug release pattern. Surface chemistry analysis using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) phase imaging were used to study the chain organization behavior of each functionalized copolymer during NPs formulation. Generally speaking, functionalized PEG/PLA copolymers showed improved drug delivery behavior in terms of narrow size and size distribution, enhanced loading efficiency, less plasma protein adsorption onto their surfaces and less macrophage uptake, and finally better antifungal activity for ITZ loaded NPs. For the surface chemistry analysis, AFM phase imaging and XPS studies revealed the possibility of existence of more PEG chains at the surface of PEG-g-PLA NPs than (PLA-PEG-PLA)n during NPs formation. Our results demonstrate that properties of PLA-based NPs can be tuned by proper selection of both polymer composition and polymer architecture. Results also suggest that PEG-g-PLA copolymers could be used efficiently as a nanocarrier to improve various drug properties e.g. solubility, stability, and bioavailability.
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Análise in vitro de um dispositivo polimérico como alternativa para o uso de antimicrobiano sistêmico em Odontologia / In vitro analysis of a polymeric device as an alternative for systemic antibiotics in DentistryCarnaval, Talita Girio 15 December 2015 (has links)
A administração indiscriminada de antimicrobianos sistêmicos tem como principais efeitos indesejáveis a seleção antimicrobiana, hipersensibilidade, comprometimento gastrointestinal e toxicidade. A busca por uma alternativa à terapêutica antimicrobiana sistêmica em Odontologia através do uso de um material biodegradável de aplicação local pode apresentar inúmeras vantagens. As características estruturais, de citocompatibilidade e facilidade de fabricação do polímero sintético ácido poli-L-lactídeo (PLLA) permitem que este seja um carreador de fármacos como amoxicilina (AM), azitromicina (AZ), clindamicina (CL) ou metronidazol (ME) mantendo concentrações inibitórias constantes e por tempo prolongado, sendo capazes de prevenir a colonização dos principais patógenos orais. Objetivo: Avaliar e comparar o comportamento de filmes ou malhas de PLLA associados aos quatro antimicrobianos mais utilizados em Odontologia como uma alternativa local. Metodologia: 180 (N) discos poliméricos com 15 ou 6 mm de diâmetro foram preparados em associação a 20% do antimicrobiano amoxicilina, azitromicina, clindamicina ou metronidazol sendo classificados como grupo F (filme) e M (malha). Foram confeccionados segundo os métodos de deposição e eletrofiação (fibras) respectivamente. Todos os discos foram armazenados em solução tampão (pH 5 ou 7.4) e alíquotas foram coletadas e analisadas por cromatografia líquida de alta performace (HPLC) em 8, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 e 168 horas. As espécimes foram pesadas após 3 e 6 meses de armazenamento nas soluções tampões para análise de degradação. Para a análise de citotoxicidade, os materiais foram cultivados com fibroblastos humanos por 24h, 48h e 72h e analisados por ensaio de MTT. A capacidade antimicrobiana dos discos foi determinada em cultura de P.gingivalis e S.pyogenes. Para o controle estrutural foram realizadas fotografias digitais e MEV dos espécimes controle, das interfaces (criofratura) e das espécimes degradadas. Resultados: A liberação farmacológica para os antimicrobianos na ordem pH levemente básico (7.4) e ácido (5.0) foi respectivamente: ME 70.03% (F) e 100% (M); 88,01% (F) e 19,4% (M). Para AM 38,73% (F) e 18,63% (M); 61,44% (F) e 47,93% (M). Para AZ 32,53% (F) e 82,85% (M); 46,78% (F) e 73,15% (M). Para CL 68,42% (F) e 81,10% (M); 76,47% (F) e 72,76% (M). A análise antimicrobiana demonstrou capacidade inibitória para S.pyogenes e P.gingivalis para todos os materiais testados, não havendo diferença significativa entre filme e malha dentro de cada grupo (p>0.05). A reação de citotoxicidade por MTT comprovou que os biomateriais testados são compatíveis com fibroblastos humanos e mais citocompatíveis que o controle PLLA, controle de vida e morte (p<0.05). As malhas demonstraram favorecimento do crescimento celular principalmente em 24 e 48 horas. A MEV demonstra um filme com superfície rugosa e malha com fibras e poros mimetizando a matriz extracelular. Após criofratura a MEV da interface comprovou incorporação do fármaco ao filme e malha, exceto para o ME, com cristais externos ao polímero. Após a degradação, os filmes de amoxicilina apresentaram maior degradação que PLLA no pH 5.0 (p=0.007) e pH 7.4 (p=0.046). Já para as malhas a azitromicina apresentou maior degradação que PLLA no pH 7.4 (p=0.031). Conclusão: O PLLA é um polímero cuja associação aos antimicrobianos utilizados mostrou-se segura, citocompatível e promissora na liberação de doses inibitórias contra os microrganismos P.gingivalis e S. pyogenes. A liberação farmacológica foi influenciada pela característica química do fármaco, apresentação do polímero (filme e malha) e pH da solução de armazenamento. Este estudo comprovou ser possível através de uma terapêutica medicamentosa local controlar ou prevenir infecções localizadas, sem que seja necessário o fármaco sistêmico. / Indiscriminate administration of systemic antimicrobial has undesirable effects such as antimicrobial selection, hypersensitivity, gastrointestinal commitment and toxicity. For an alternative to systemic antimicrobial therapy in Dentistry, use a biodegradable material of local application can present numerous advantages. The structural characteristics, cytocompatibility and ease of fabrication of the synthetic polymer poly-L- lactide acid (PLLA) enable this to be a carrier biomaterial. When associated with antimicrobials as amoxicillin (AM), azithromycin (AZ), clindamycin (CL) or metronidazole (ME) it can maintain constant the inhibitory concentrations for a long time, being able to prevent colonization of the main oral pathogens. Objective: To evaluate and compare the behavior of PLLA associated with the most useful antimicrobials in Dentistry as an alternative for prevention and treatment of infections. Methodology: 180 (N) polymer discs with 15 or 6 mm diameter were prepared in association with the antimicrobial concentration of 20% amoxicillin, metronidazole, clindamycin or azithromycin being classified as Group F (film) and M (mesh). They were made using the methods of deposition and electrospinning (nanofibers) respectively. All discs were stored in buffer solutions (pH 5 or 7.4) and aliquots were collected and analyzed by high performance chromatography (HPLC) on 8, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 , 144 and 168 hours. Cytotoxicity of human fibroblasts was tested after 24h, 48h and 72h by the MTT reaction. The antimicrobial capacity of the disks was determined against P. gingivalis and S. pyogenes cultures. The specimens were weighed after 3 and 6 months of storage for degradation analysis. Specimens were also carried out by digital photos for structural control. SEM was used to control interfaces (freeze-fracture) and degradation description. Results: The drug release for antimicrobials in order slightly basic pH (7.4) and acid ( 5.0 ) was respectively : ME 70.03 % (F ) and 100% (M ) ; 88.01 % (F) and 19.4 % ( F ) . For AM 38.73 % (F) and 18.63% ( F ) ; 61.44 % (F) and 47.93 % ( F ) . To AZ 32.53 % (F) and 82.85 % (F ) ; 46.78 % (F) and 73.15% ( F ) . Cl 68.42 % (F) and 81.10 % ( F ) ; 76.47 % (F) and 72.76 % ( F ) . Antimicrobial analysis showed inhibitory capacity against S. pyogenes and P. gingivalis for all tested polymers. ANOVA showed no difference between film and mesh within each group (p> 0.05). The MTT reaction demonstrated that the biomaterials tested are compatible with human fibroblasts (p < 0.05). The meshes have shown a tendency to cell growth especially in 24 to 48 hours. The SEM images showed a film with a rough surface and mesh of nanofibers and pores mimicking the extracellular matrix and also proved incorporation of the drug to the film and mesh after the freeze-fracture interface, except for ME that was external to the polymer crystals. Degradation showed differences among Amoxicillin-film and PLLA pH 5.0 (p = 0.007) and pH 7.4 (p = 0.046). As for the meshes differences occurred only between azithromycin and the PLLA pH 7.4 (p = 0.031). Conclusion: The PLLA is a polymer biomaterial whose association to antimicrobial is safe, biocompatible and promising. It can inhibit P. gingivalis and S. pyogenes microorganisms. The drug release was influenced by the chemical characteristics of the drug, polymer performance (mesh and film) and the pH of the storage solution. This study proved a local drug system therapy to control or prevent localized infections without systemic doses.
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Síntese e caracterização do copolímero tribloco anfifílico biodegradável poli(L, L-lactídeo-stat-e-caprolactona)-bloco-poli(óxido de etileno)-bloco-poli(L, L-lactídeo-stat-e-caprolactona). / Synthesis and characterization of triblock anfiphilic biodegradable copolymer poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone).Lili, Zhao 09 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a síntese e propriedades do copolímero poli(l,l-lactídeo-stat-e-caprolactona)-bloco-poli(óxido de etileno)-bloco-poli(l,l-lactideostat-e-caprolactona). Poli(óxido de etileno) de massa molar 20.000 u.m.a. e poli(óxido de etileno) modificado, preparado a partir de poli(glicol etilênico) de massa molar 4.000 u.m.a., foram selecionados para o processo da síntese. A reação foi feita pela polimerização por abertura de anel em massa a 120ºC usando octoanato de estanho como iniciador. A composição química de cada amostra foi determinada com auxílio de RMN-1H e RMN-13C e suas propriedades mecânicas foram verificadas e comparadas utilizando análises térmicas como DMTA, DSC, TG e a aplicação da MEV como análise complementar. A observação pelas fotos de MOLP permitiu a visualização do comportamento de nucleação dos copolímeros e as características de sua cristalinidade. Seu grau de cristalinidade e as fases cristalinas foram identificados por difração de raios X (WAXS). A biocompatibilidade do material também foi examinada pela cultura de células. Os resultados de caracterização indicam o sucesso da copolimerização, as propriedades elastoméricas e, sua não citotoxidade comprovaram a possibilidade do uso destes copolímeros como biomateriais. Contudo, o tempo prolongado de reação e baixa incorporação do monômero lactídeo ainda são questões a serem melhoradas para a viabilização do copolímero como material de implante na área biomédica. / This work includes the study of the synthesis and characterization of the copolymer poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone)-b-PEG-b-poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone). Poly (ethylene oxide) with molar weight 20.000 and poly(ethylene oxide) modified, prepared from poly(ethylene oxide) with molar weight 4000 have been selected for this synthesis process. The reaction was done by ring-opening bulk polymerization, using stannous octoate as initiator at 120ºC. The chemical composition of samples were determined by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR and their mechanical properties were verified using thermal analyses like DMTA, DSC and TG. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was applied as a complementary analysis. The pictures of polarizing optical microscopy showed us the copolymer\'s nucleation behaviors and their respective crystallization. The degrees of crystallinity and phase of copolymers were determined by WAXS. The biocompatibility of the copolymer was examined by cell cultivation test. The result of these analyses above indicated the success of synthesis. Their rubbery properties and non-toxicity allowed their application as biomaterial. However, the long reaction time and low incorporation of monomer of lactide might to be improved to increase its potential use in biomedical area in the future.
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