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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arte e meio ambiente nas poéticas contemporâneas / Art and environment in contemporary poetics

Marilda Bianchi 27 April 2012 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento e a prática de arte voltada para questões ambientais, cujo objeto de arte possa ser o próprio ambiente, por meio de ações ou intervenções em espaços públicos ou privados, construções de objetos de arte com utilização de materiais não convencionais, com proposta de foco ou crítica a questões ambientais. A pesquisa estabeleceu investir em um levantamento de artistas cuja poética se envolva com o meio ambiente, como um exercício de crítica de arte. Escolhi os artistas Brígida Baltar, Andy Goldsworthy e Carlos Vergara pelas poéticas. A análise da pesquisa caracterizou-se por um levantamento das principais características das obras escolhidas, as analogias estabelecidas entre a proximidade e as singularidades da poética de cada artista/obra analisadas com o meio ambiente. Considero que a crise ambiental pela qual passa o planeta pede uma nova postura dos artistas, uma necessidade de estar aberto às possibilidades de um fazer artístico junto ao meio ambiente natural, um fazer crítico, consoante com os novos tempos, reafirmando-se na função social da arte. / This is a study on the development and practice of art focused on environmental issues, whose object of art may be the environment itself, through actions or interventions in public or private spaces, construction of art objects using unconventional materials, including proposals of focus or critical environmental issues. The research established to invest in a survey of artists whose poetic engages with the environment, as an exercise in art criticism. I chose the artists Brígida Baltar, Andy Goldsworthy and Carlos Vergara by poetic. The research analysis was characterized by a survey of the main characteristics of the chosen works, the analogies made between the proximity of the poetic and the singularities of each artist / work analyzed with the environment. I believe that the environmental crisis in which the planet is a new approach calls for artists, one need to be open to the possibilities of an artwork with the natural environment, to do with a criticism way, according to the new times, reinforcing its position in the function social of art.

Krajinoumalba / Painting of Landscape

Kochanová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Anotation: The subjekt of the diploma thesis is a creation bound to natural environment and to processes, phenomenons and materials in it. The theoretical part maps a simile isme in the art history and it also explains the term landscape. Practical pictorial part of the thesis follows the theoretical part and it contains series of paintings in which natural processes partake. The research part of the work, in the form of interview with Mgr.A. Lenka Klodová PhD. And Mgr.A. Lukáš Gavlovský, complements the information about present interferences to the nature. Didactical part contains elaboration of the topic for the high school students, whose work takes place directly in the country. Key words: landscape, painting, esthetics, concept, natural processes, ecology, landscape painting

Arte, industria y medio rural: la implicación del arte en los procesos de transformación del territorio. La experiencia de las minas de Ojos Negros (Teruel)

Arribas Navarro, Luis Diego 01 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] SUMMARY (English) Art, industry and rural areas: The implication of art in the transformation processes of the territory. The experience of Ojos Negros mines (Teruel) This dissertation takes an intervention process through art on a natural environment altered by human action: the iron mines open pit Ojos Negros (Teruel). The hypothesis of the research is the ability of art to promote, guide and intervene in processes of transformation of the territory and so specifically, the finding that capacity through the results this mining environment. I starting from a first approach from the art world in which I developed a series of works and exhibitions around the mining stage, and after contact with the local residents, was moving towards my creative activity intervention the territory, integrating the rest of the stakeholders: residents and authorities in the search for alternatives to the cessation of mining activity. The artist becomes a dynamic agent, a mediator who proposes and promotes collaborative strategies with the mining group, generating a change in the perception of the space of intervention that is oriented towards the field of art and culture. Through organizing three meetings held in mines Ojos Negros between 2000 and 2007, the artistic action served to aggregate artists, miners, authorities and specialists from the field of art, architecture, industrial archeology, sociology, mining and local development, contrasting opinions and proposals for the construction of a new stage in the converge the industrial past with a new cultural identity. To achieve this goal have continued empirical research methods, deploying a research process based on experience. Given its application in the same space of intervention, we can talk about an experiment field, to analyze the process and the impact it has on the actors in their environment natural. In turn, the investigator is the agent responsible for conditions beginning and development of changes, both in the space field and in the community involved. Throughout the process they have been applied instruments observation has allowed to directly follow up their evolution. Has been participant observation, which besides observer, researcher also formed part of the observed object. The references that accompany this research have helped contextualize framework for action. On one side basics are addressed and heritage industrial archeology, with some national and international examples of action in disused mining and steel operations. Furthermore, it draws a tour of the presence of industrial activity in the different artistic disciplines, such as painting, sculpture, photography, film and literature and, finally, address some examples of action in industrial and social contexts They are going through conflict or are involved in processes of change. As practical results we must emphasize the Government's decision of Aragon to declare Ojos Negros mines Cultural Park, the highest figure heritage protection of the Aragonese community. Also involvement neighbors and local authorities in the activities, reaffirming its mining identity and interest in addressing the changing roles of its natural environment and industrial after the cessation of the activity. On the theoretical side it has been important the publication of minutes of meetings developed in the mines, giving interventions known artists and expert opinion participants, leaving the testimony of an experience that has helped boost change function and social revitalization of the environment. Keywords: Public art, land-art, industrial archeology, mining, Ojos Negros. / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral recoge un proceso de intervención a través del arte en un contexto natural alterado por la acción antrópica: las minas de hierro a cielo abierto de Ojos Negros (Teruel). La hipótesis de la investigación es la capacidad del arte para impulsar, orientar e intervenir en procesos de transformación del territorio y, de forma específica, la constatación de esa capacidad a través de los resultados obtenidos en este entorno minero. Partiendo de un primer acercamiento desde el ámbito artístico en el que desarrollé una serie de obras y exposiciones en torno al escenario minero, y tras el contacto con los vecinos de la localidad, fui desplazando mi actividad creativa hacia la intervención en el territorio, integrando al resto de los actores implicados: vecinos y autoridades, en la búsqueda de alternativas al cese de la actividad extractora. El artista se convierte así en un agente dinamizador, un mediador que propone e impulsa estrategias de colaboración con el colectivo minero, generando un cambio en la percepción sobre el espacio de intervención orientado hacia el ámbito del arte y la cultura. A través de la organización de tres encuentros celebrados en las minas de Ojos Negros entre los años 2000 y 2007, la acción artística sirvió para aglutinar a artistas, mineros, autoridades y especialistas pertenecientes al ámbito del arte, la arquitectura, la arqueología industrial, la sociología, la minería y el desarrollo local, contrastando opiniones y propuestas para la construcción de un nuevo escenario en el que converja el pasado industrial con una nueva identidad cultural. Para alcanzar este objetivo se han seguido métodos de investigación empírica, desplegando un proceso de investigación fundamentado en la experiencia. Dada su aplicación en el espacio mismo de intervención, podemos hablar de un experimento de campo, al analizar el proceso y la repercusión que tiene en los actores en su ambiente natural. A su vez, el investigador es el agente que provoca las condiciones para el comienzo y desarrollo de los cambios, tanto en el ámbito espacial como en el de la comunidad implicada. A lo largo del proceso se han aplicado instrumentos de observación que ha permitido hacer un seguimiento directo de su evolución. Ha sido una observación participativa, en la que, además de observador, el investigador ha formado también parte del objeto observado. Los referentes que acompañan a esta investigación ayudan a contextualizar el marco de actuación. Por un lado se abordan conceptos básicos sobre patrimonio y arqueología industrial, con algunos ejemplos nacionales e internacionales de actuación en explotaciones mineras y siderúrgicas en desuso. Por otro lado, se traza un recorrido por la presencia de la actividad industrial en las distintas disciplinas artísticas, como la pintura, la escultura, la fotografía, el cine o la literatura y, por último, se abordan algunos ejemplos de actuación en contextos industriales y sociales que atraviesan por situaciones de conflicto o están inmersos en procesos de cambio. Como resultados prácticos destacamos la decisión del Gobierno de Aragón de declarar las minas de Ojos Negros como Parque Cultural, la máxima figura de protección patrimonial de la comunidad aragonesa. También la implicación de los vecinos y las autoridades locales en las actividades desarrolladas, reafirmando su identidad minera y su interés por abordar el cambio de funciones de su entorno natural e industrial después del cese de la actividad. En el aspecto teórico ha sido importante la publicación de las actas de los encuentros desarrollados, dando a conocer las intervenciones de los artistas y la opinión de los especialistas participantes, dejando el testimonio de una experiencia que ha servido para impulsar el cambio de función y la dinamización social del entorno. / [CA] Art, indústria i medi rural: La implicació de l'art en els processos de transformació del territori. L'experiència de les mines d'Ojos Negros (Teruel) La present tesi doctoral recull un procés d'intervenció a través de l'art en un context natural alterat per l'acció antròpica: les mines de ferro a cel obert d'Ulls Negres (Terol). La hipòtesi de la investigació és la capacitat de l'art per impulsar, orientar i intervenir en processos de transformació del territori i, de forma específica, la constatació d'aquesta capacitat a través dels resultats obtinguts en aquest entorn miner. Partint d'un primer acostament des de l'àmbit artístic en el que vaig desenvolupar una sèrie d'obres i exposicions entorn de l'escenari miner, i després del contacte amb els veïns de la localitat, vaig anar desplaçant la meva activitat creativa cap a la intervenció en el territori, integrant al resta dels actors implicats: veïns i autoritats, en la recerca d'alternatives al cessament de l'activitat extractora. L'artista es converteix així en un agent dinamitzador, un mediador que proposa i impulsa estratègies de col·laboració amb el col·lectiu miner, generant un canvi en la percepció sobre l'espai d'intervenció orientat cap a l'àmbit de l'art i la cultura. A través de l'organització de tres trobades celebrades en les mines d'Ojos Negros entre els anys 2000 i 2007, l'acció artística va servir per aglutinar artistes, miners, autoritats i especialistes pertanyents a l'àmbit de l'art, l'arquitectura, l'arqueologia industrial, la sociologia, la mineria i el desenvolupament local, contrastant opinions i propostes per a la construcció d'un nou escenari en el qual convergeixi el passat industrial amb una nova identitat cultural. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'han seguit mètodes d'investigació empírica, desplegant un procés d'investigació fonamentat en l'experiència. Donada la seva aplicació en l'espai mateix d'intervenció, podem parlar d'un experiment de camp, en analitzar el procés i la repercussió que té en els actors en el seu ambient natural. Al seu torn, l'investigador és l'agent que provoca les condicions per al començament i desenvolupament dels canvis, tant en l'àmbit espacial com en el de la comunitat implicada. Al llarg del procés s'han aplicat instruments d'observació que ha permès fer un seguiment directe de la seva evolució. Ha estat una observació participativa, en què, a més d'observador, l'investigador ha format també part de l'objecte observat. Els referents que acompanyen aquesta investigació ajuden a contextualitzar el marc d'actuació. D'una banda s'aborden conceptes bàsics sobre patrimoni i arqueologia industrial, amb alguns exemples nacionals i internacionals d'actuació en explotacions mineres i siderúrgiques en desús. D'altra banda, es traça un recorregut per la presència de l'activitat industrial a les diferents disciplines artístiques, com la pintura, l'escultura, la fotografia, el cinema o la literatura i, finalment, s'aborden alguns exemples d'actuació en contextos industrials i socials que travessen per situacions de conflicte o estan immersos en processos de canvi. Com a resultats pràctics destaquem la decisió del Govern d'Aragó de declarar les mines d'Ojos Negros com a Parc Cultural, la màxima figura de protecció patrimonial de la comunitat aragonesa. També la implicació dels veïns i les autoritats locals en les activitats desenvolupades, reafirmant la seva identitat minera i el seu interès per abordar el canvi de funcions del seu entorn natural i industrial després del cessament de l'activitat. En l'aspecte teòric ha estat important la publicació de les actes de les trobades desenvolupats, donant a conèixer les intervencions dels artistes i l'opinió dels especialistes participants, deixant el testimoni d'una experiència que ha servit per impulsar el canvi de funció i la dinamització social de l'entorn. Paraules clau: Arte público; Land-art; arq / Arribas Navarro, LD. (2016). Arte, industria y medio rural: la implicación del arte en los procesos de transformación del territorio. La experiencia de las minas de Ojos Negros (Teruel) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61308 / TESIS / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Land art v zahradně-architektonickém umění / Land art in garden-architectural design

Brašeňová, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
My thesis Land art in garden-architectural design deals about land art as artistic movement which was born in the twentieth century. In the historical literature review, namely the theoretical section are an informations about the origin of this art, also presented are the creations of the most important land artists known worldwide and also in Czechoslovakia together with their works as well as the alternative of using these works in different types of places in landscape gardening and landscape architecture. Practical part (chapter Results and suggestions) contains, on the basis of knowledge, designs and studies of my own land art installations in selected localities of Slovakia and Czech republic together with the characteristics of the locality, analysis of the locality, main idea, inspiration and material used for implementation.

Lo que cansa de subir son la ganas de llegar.

Moraga Cires, Rodrigo January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Partir - Revenir: étude des concepts de déplacement et de voyage dans la mouvance du Land Art. De l'espace de création à l'espace de présentation

Penders, Anne-Françoise January 1996 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Brány. Autorská environmentální tvorba ve volné krajině. / The Gates. Environmental Creation in the Landscape.

PRÁZNOVSKÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The submitted work deals with the topic of the gate. The theoretical part analyses this structural and cultural feature, particularly from its architectural point of view, and focuses on the origin of gateway, its evolution throughout the centuries, and on the description of the best known and most famous gates, both throughout the world and in the Czech Republic. In the thesis, the gate is characterised as a symbol with different meanings in various cultural contexts. The implementation of the author´s photographic project entitled ?The Gates to the Past? is further presented in the practical part of the work. The text also describes a brief essay on the relation of aesthetic education to the environmental artistic works and develops its potential for educational goals emphasizing humanistic objectives.

Zeit-Raum-Natur-Erfahrung im Werk von Richard Long

Geiseler, Marie-Louise 21 December 2004 (has links)
Meine Dissertation stellt den 1945 geborenen britischen Künstler Richard Long nicht nur in den Kontext der Land Art, der Minimal und der Concept Art, sondern zeigt dar-über hinaus Parallelen zur Tradition der englischen Landschaftsgärten und der Land-schaftsmalerei des 18. Jahrhunderts auf. Im Anschluß an eine detaillierte Kategorisie-rung und Analyse der von ihm verwendeten Medien (Photographien, Skulpturen, Kar-tenarbeiten, Textarbeiten) und Materialien (Stein, Holz, Erde/Schlamm, Wasser, Wind) steht Longs Auseinandersetzung mit rahmenden Blicken, mit der Bewegung durch die Natur, mit dem Aufsuchen geschichtsträchtiger Orte und mit Landschaftsphysiognomie, mit der Erfahrung von Raum, Zeit und Natur im Mittelpunkt. Zu Longs Leitgedanken gehört das Moment der Transformation. Long wandelt Natur in Kunst; er stellt Naturmaterialien dahingehend neu zusammen, daß sie durch Anordnung zum Kunstwerk werden. Er thematisiert die Umwandlung von Dingen und von Aggregatzuständen sowie den Wandel der Zeit (Jahreswechsel, aber auch den Tem-powechsel der eigenen Bewegung). Darüber hinaus ist seine eigene Körperbewegung wesentliche Voraussetzung für die skulpturalen Arbeiten, seine Bewegung wird zum Werk. Die Wechselwirkung von persönlichem Empfinden und Natur prägt Longs Werk. Natürliche Gegebenheiten veranlassen ihn zur Erschaffung von Skulpturen oder er ex-pliziert seine Sinneswahrnehmungen auf Wanderungen in Wort-Bildern. / In my PhD.-thesis, the oeuvre of the British artist Richard Long (born 1945) is dealt with in the context of Land Art, Minimal Art and Concept Art. Additionally, the tradition of eighteenth-century landscape gardens and landscape painting is discovered as another important influence on his artistic work. After giving a detailed analysis of Long’s artistic media (photography, sculpture, maps, textworks, film) and materials (stone, wood, turf, mud, water, wind), the study concentrates on the artist’s working methods based on his personal experience of space, time and nature. Moving through nature or visiting historic sites, Long not only discovers framed vistas in his surround-ings, but also gets involved with nature’s "physiognomy". Transformation is Long’s main topic: he changes nature into art, his arrangements transforming natural materials into works of art. These visualize the transformation of things or physical states as well as the change of time (e. g. the change of speed of his own movement or astronomical events such as the turn of the year). Generally, the movement of Long’s own body is turned into sculpture when he expresses either the characteristics of certain places or his perceptions during his walks by sculpture or textworks.

Od košíkářství po výtvarnou výchovu v environmentálních kontextech / From basketry to art education in environmental contexts

Barochová, Daniela January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on basket weaving in art education in an environmental context. In the theoretical part, the diploma thesis deals with nature and its origins for art education. It clarifies the concepts of environment, ecology and contemporary art in relation to traditional crafts. It also deals with the relationship between craft and applied art. The goal of the theoretical part is to deeply understand these concepts and contexts. It also represents the artwork of contemporary artists and free-form artists who deal with the theme of nature. The theoretical basis is based on authors own artwork, capturing the observation of nature and the growth of willow rods with as little human intervention as possible. The result of the author's work is the Willow Diary, which records this observation of the willow rods in nature. Authors own artwork is inspired by existing artwork in nature with natural materials. The didactic part of the thesis contains art tasks based on the theoretical part of the thesis. Tasks are focused on environmental education, spatial creation, contact with nature and natural materials. The aim of the artistic tasks is to raise pupils' interest for nature and to familiarize them with the techniques of basket weaving while introducing them to the themes of environmental education....

Proměny reflexe krajiny; práce ateliéru konceptuální tvorby Miloše Šejna v letech 1990 - 2000 / Changing perceptions of landscape; work of Miloš Šejn's Conceptual art studio in years 1990 - 2000

Hrnčířová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the conceptual expressions, that reflect the landscape. This thesis is also trying to imply the possible genesis of these artistic approaches. After the general definitions of terms and introduction, the thesis examines the various topics, which was related to the landscape and it's anti-mimetic visual representation since the late sixties. Another part of the work focuses on Milos Šejn, an artist with a very specific, physical relationship to nature and at the same time a former head of The Studio of Conceptual art of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, where many of his students were somehow related to nature. I chose four artists, who passed on Šejn's studio and on the basis of their work and available documents, I will try to show, how this new generation have reflected the landscape. If they were inspired by czech artists or by foreign examples, that were not available in the Czech Republic for a long time.

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