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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A produção do espaço agrário sergipano : estruturação e arranjos (1850-1925).

Santos, Lourival Santana 14 February 2011 (has links)
The present work has as objective analyzes the production of the sergipano agrarian space in the period from 1850 to 1925. It breaks initially of a discussion on the geographical space as object of the Geography, whose foundations base mainly on Milton Santos works and Ruy Moreira. Besides, he/she has as objective, to show the relationships between the Law of Lands and the formation of the property fundiária in Sergipe, also showing, the effectiveness of the referred Law through the analysis of the cadaster fundiário of 1854, presenting the way as the earth was juridically appropriate (apossamento, inheritance, buys and sale) and the forms of properties (ranch, farm, ownership etc.). we will still emphasized aspects of the organization of the space agrarian sergipano in the first decades of the century XX, mainly in what he/she refers to your agrarian structure. In spite of the adopted literature to show that the mercantilização of the earth legally begins starting from the validity of the Law of Lands in 1850, consolidating the great property, he/she breaks of the following hypotheses : a) the Law of lands did not impede the consolidation of the small property, on the contrary it institutionalized it through the land cadaster of 1854, what it infers that this, dressed warmly in the law in screen and quantitatively there were no differences comparing the two extreme periods, 1850 e 1925. The one that we intended to show with the analysis of the data presented in that study it is that the period from 1850 to 1925 was a period of transition of the property of public domain, understanding public domain the period from 1822 to 1850, when the apossession became a form access to land, for the private domain. The Law of lands was just a transition mark for the modern capitalist property and not the responsible, because as much the small as the great exploration, they were created again in elapsing of the second half of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century . Therefore, studied period is of transition of the slave for the capitalist regime. Even if the Law of lands has imposed the beginning of the purchase as acquisition form, this did not mean the consolidation of the capitalist relationships, since the non - capitalist production relations for example, the family work, the taskwork and the work for task live together side by side with salaried relationships of production without one of those relationships prevail at least in the period from 1850 to 1925, the mark storm of the research. Another subject that we defended was that the sergipanas agrarian elites saw the order and the progress as a material subject, that is, by order they understood the organization of the work and for progress the introduction of technical innovations in the agrarian section. In that sense, we considered that the transition process for the Capitalism in Sergipe, approached the Laird/Prussion model, tends as responsible for the transition the landowner aristocracy. Methodology, a bibliographical rising was accomplished regarding the category space, as well as to the property of the earth, so much in national level (Brazil) as place (Sergipe). The data obtained in this research they were worked statistics and presented in pictures, tables and illustrations. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a produção do espaço agrário sergipano no período de 1850 a 1925. Parte-se inicialmente de uma discussão sobre o espaço geográfico como objeto da Geografia, cujos fundamentos se baseiam principalmente nas obras de Milton Santos e Ruy Moreira. Além disso, tem como objetivo, mostrar as relações entre a Lei de Terras e a formação da propriedade fundiária em Sergipe, mostrando também, a efetividade da referida Lei através da análise do cadastro fundiário de 1854, apresentando o modo como a terra foi juridicamente apropriada (apossamento, herança, compra e venda) e as formas de propriedades (sítio, fazenda, posse etc.). Ademais, enfatiza-se aspectos da organização do espaço agrário sergipano nas primeiras décadas do século XX, principalmente no que se refere à sua estrutura agrária. Apesar de a literatura adotada mostrar que a mercantilização da terra legalmente se inicia a partir da vigência da Lei de Terras em 1850, consolidando a grande propriedade, parte-se das seguintes hipóteses: a) a Lei de terras não impediu a consolidação da pequena propriedade; pelo contrário, institucionalizou-a através do cadastro fundiário de 1854, o que se infere que esta se agasalhou na lei em tela e, quantitativamente, não houve diferenciações comparando os dois períodos extremos, 1850 e 1925. O que pretendemos mostrar, por meio análise dos dados apresentados nesse estudo, é que o período de 1850 a 1925 foi um de transição da propriedade de domínio público - entendendo-se por domínio público o período de 1822 a 1850, quando o apossamento se tornou uma forma de acesso à terra - para o domínio privado. A Lei de terras foi apenas um marco de transição para a moderna propriedade capitalista e não a responsável, pois tanto a pequena como a grande exploração foram recriadas no decorrer da segunda metade do século XIX e início do século XX. Portanto, o período estudado é de transição do regime escravista de produção para o capitalista. Mesmo que a Lei de terras tenha imposto o princípio da compra como forma de aquisição, isto não significou a consolidação das relações capitalistas, uma vez que as relações não capitalistas de produção - a exemplo do trabalho familiar, a empreitada e o trabalho por tarefa - convivem lado a lado com relações assalariadas de produção, sem que uma dessas relações predomine no período. As elites agrárias sergipanas viam a ordem e o progresso como uma questão material, ou seja, por ordem entendiam o ordenamento do trabalho e por progresso a introdução de inovações técnicas no setor agrário. Nesse sentido, o processo de transição para o capitalismo, em Sergipe, se aproximou do modelo Latifundiário/Prussiano, tendo como responsável pela transição a aristocracia latifundiária. Metodologicamente, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico referente à categoria espaço, como também à propriedade da terra, tanto em nível nacional (Brasil) como local (Sergipe). Os dados obtidos nesta pesquisa foram trabalhados estatisticamente e apresentados em quadros, tabelas e figuras.

\'Recantilados\', entre o direito e o rentismo: grilagem judicial e a formação da propriedade privada da terra no norte de Minas / Recantilados, between law and rentism: judicial grabbing and formation of private land the formation of private land property in Northern Minas Gerais

Sandra Helena Gonçalves Costa 29 August 2017 (has links)
A questão agrária em Minas Gerais é permeada por conflitos e por uma estrutura fundiária concentradora, cujas raízes encontra-se no processo de formação da propriedade privada da terra. Buscando compreender essa questão, a partir de uma leitura geográfica, analisei processos de divisão e demarcação de terras particulares, que tramitaram na antiga Comarca de Grão Mogol, no Norte de Minas Gerais. Esses processos tiveram amparo jurídico no Decreto Nº 720 de 05 de setembro de 1890 promulgado durante o Governo Provisório e insere-se no conjunto de medidas legais que permearam a transferência do controle das terras devolutas para os Estados. A divisão e demarcação de terras foi uma estratégia geopolítica utilizada pelas elites fundiárias locais e regionais para se apropriarem das terras públicas devolutas. Nas décadas de 1920 e 1930, quando tramitaram os processos de divisão e demarcação de terras no Norte de Minas Gerais, teve início a grilagem judicial que transformou grileiros em proprietários de terras. Esse processo desigual de apropriação privada das terras públicas envolveu a extração da renda fundiária, em diferentes contextos, que se somaram ao longo do avanço do modo de produção capitalista sobre as terras soltas, terras livres, de uso comum nos gerais. A partir da década de 1960, em decorrência de mais uma aliança entre o Estado e os rentistas (elites locais e empresas de plantio de madeira para produção de carvão para as siderúrgicas), através da SUDENE e RURALMINAS, na fração do território estudada, por meio de contratos de arrendamentos foram entregues mais de 500 mil hectares de terras devolutas a empresas, que desmataram o Cerrado e a Caatinga e invadiram as terras de morada, trabalho e reprodução da vida das famílias camponesas geraizeiras. O pacto rentista, segue em curso, com a territorialização dos monopólios das empresas monoculturas de árvores e de exploração mineral. Como consequência desse processo desigual e contraditório, iniciado com a adjudicação de terras na década de 1930, desdobrou-se a retaliação fundiária, conceito que utilizo para explicar dois movimentos: de um lado, realiza-se o confinamento das famílias geraizeiras em porções recortadas de terras alheias às suas práticas costumeiras de uso, submetendo camponeses ao trabalho nas carvoarias ou no plantio de eucalipto e até a expulsão de suas terras de morada. De outro lado, as lutas geraizeiras pela conquista e retomada de suas terras de uso tradicional, ao qual se somam as lutas territoriais indígena e quilombola. Esta tese também tem o propósito de evidenciar o embate dialético colocado entre o direito e o rentismo, a partir da análise da disputa também judicial pela autodemarcação do Território Tradicional Geraizeiro do Vale das Cancelas, abrangendo terras nos municípios de Grão Mogol, Josenópolis, Riacho dos Machados e Padre Carvalho, atualmente distribuídos na jurisdição das Comarcas de Grão Mogol, Porteirinha e Salinas, cujas terras têm sido alvo da prática da grilagem judicial e do processo de retaliação fundiária, iniciado com as ações de divisão e demarcação de fazendas, dentre as quais, algumas sequer existiram, mas que tiveram sua origem documental judicialmente legitimadas. / The agrarian issue in the state of Minas Gerais is permeated by conflicts and by a concentrated land structure, whose roots lie in the process of formation of private land property. Seeking to comprehend this issue, based on a geographic reading, i analyze procedures of division and demarcation in private lands, which were processed in the former Grão Mogol County, a northern city of Minas Gerais. These procedures were legally protect by the Decree nº 720 of September 5th, 1890 promulgated during the Provisional Government and is part of the legal measures that permeated the transfer of control of the vacant lands of Brazilian states. Land division and demarcation was a geopolitical strategy used by local and regional land elites to appropriate the vacant public lands. In the decades of 1920 and 1930, when processes of division and demarcation of lands in the North of Minas Gerais were processed, judicial land grabbing began, transforming grabbers in landowners. This unequal procedures of private appropriation of public lands involved the extraction of land income, on loose lands, free lands commonly used in general. Since the 1960s, as a result of a further alliance between the state and the renties (local elites and the timber companies for the production of coal for steel mills), through SUDENE (Superintendence of the Development of Brazilian Northeast) and RURALMINAS (Rural Institution of Minas Gerais), in the fraction of the territory studied, for in the middle of lease agreements, more than 500,000 hectares of vacant lands (terras devolutas) were delivered to companies that deforested the Cerrado and the Caatinga, and invaded the homestead, work and reproduction of the life of the Geraizeira peasant families. The rentier pact continues, with the territorialisation of the monopolies of companies of monoculture of trees and mineral exploration. As a consequence of this unequal and contradictory process, begun with the adjudication of lands in the 1930s, land retaliation was deployed, a concept that i use to explain two movements: on one hand, the families of Geraizeiras are confined in cut-out portions of Lands alien to their customary practices of use, subjecting peasants to work in charcoal or eucalyptus plantations, and even the expulsion of their land. On the other hand, the Geraizeiras struggles for the conquest and resumption of their lands of traditional use, to which are added the territorial struggles indigenous and quilombola. This thesis also has the purpose of evidencing the dialectical conflict between rights and rentism, from the analysis of the judicial dispute for the autodemarcation of the Tradicional Geraizeiro Territory of Vale das Cancelas, covering lands in the municipalities of Grão Mogol, Josenópolis, Riacho dos Machados and Padre Carvalho, currently distributed in the jurisdiction of the Counties of Grão Mogol, Porteirinha and Salinas, whose lands have been subject to the practice of judicial land grabbing and the process of land retaliation, initiated with the actions of division and demarcation of farms, among the which, some even existed, but had their documentary origin judicially legitimized.

Plungės rajono žemės ūkio paskirties žemės naudojimas 2005-2013 metais / Land use for agricultural purposes in Plunge district in the period of 2005-2013

Krasauskytė, Ernesta 16 June 2014 (has links)
Analizuojamo Plungės rajono žemės ūkio paskirties žemės plotas didėja, tačiau nepaisant to, kiekvienais metais žemės ūkio naudmenų yra vis mažiau. Atsiranda didesni miškų ir kitos žemės plotai dėl savaiminio miško užžėlimo, užpelkėjimo ir panašaus žemės naudojimo ne pagal paskirtį. Nustatyta, kad tam įtakos turi esančios nenašios žemės. Dėl nedidelių išmokų ūkininkai nebeinvestuoja į grūdinių augalų auginimą, o ariamąją žemę deklaruoja daugiametėmis žolėmis ar pievomis. Kiekvienais metais pievų ir ganyklų iki 5 m. deklaruojamų plotų skaičius auga. 2012-2013 metų laikotarpyje gerokai sumažėjo deklaruojamų daugiamečių ganyklų-pievų (5 m. ir daugiau), skirtų prekinei žolinės produkcijos gamybai. Tai paveikė ūkininkų ir šeimos ūkių naudojamų pievų ir ganyklų plotų sumažėjimas. Remiantis 2003-2010 metų surašymo duomenimis ūkininkų ūkių skaičius sumažėjo, tačiau vidutinis ūkio dydis tapo didesnis. Tam įtakos turėjo ūkių stambėjimas. Plungės rajone dominuoja augalininkystė ir galvijininkystė, 2010 metais buvo užregistruota 21602 galvijai. Plungės rajone didžiausią dalį sudaro melžiamos karvės (9598) ir kiaulės (4821). Labiausiai pienininkyste verčiasi Šateikių seniūnijos ūkininkai, čia užregistruotos 1639 melžiamos karvės. Iš viso Plungės rajone 100 ha žemės ūkio naudmenų tenka 20 melžiamų karvių. Pasėlių ir gyvulių bandų struktūra apskrityje ir savivaldybėse derinama prie gamtinių sąlygų. Per 2007-2013 metus Plungės rajone buvo parengta 207 Kaimo plėtros 2007-2013 priemonės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the analysis of Plunge region the area of agricultural land has been increasing; despite this increase, landed property areas has been shrinking from year to year. The enlargement of forest cover is related to the increase of the self-overgrown unused land, swampy areas and the use of the land for other purposes. It is often the case that unproductive lands with poor soils remain uncultivated. Moreover, due to insufficient payouts farmers are not interested on investment into crop growing. They tend to declare the arable land as grasslands and meadows. The number of declared areas of meadows and grasslands up to 5 years has been increasing every year. During 2012-2013, grasslands and pastures (5 years and more) covered in commercial grasses significantly decreased. Such decrease was caused by a decline in grasslands and pastures owned by the individual farmers and family farms. According to the census (2003-2010), the number of farms has decreased, but the average farm size has become larger, thus suggesting that small farms were incorporated within the bigger ones. Plungė district is engaged in both crop growing and cattle farming. In 2010, the district’s livestock population counted a total of 21602 heads with the largest number of dairy cows (9598) and pigs (4821). The largest number of dairy farms is in Šateikiai eldership which together keeps 1639 milking cows. On average 20 milking cows on 100 hectares of landed property are counted here. Crop growing and... [to full text]

Possessing the city : urban space and property relations in Delhi, 1911-47

Vanaik, Anish January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation pursues three overarching themes. The first of these is empirical: to illuminate the actual functioning of the property market in Delhi. After reconstructing the pattern of depression and boom from 1920-40, I argue that these cycles shaped the nature of participation in the market. During the depression of the 1920s many indigenous financial firms came to rely on property rentals and sales. Alongside these, a nascent sector concentrating primarily in real estate came into existence. Compared to planned state intervention, most of Delhi’s urban fabric was created by private construction. Analysis of the state’s relationship to the property market is the second aim of the work. The colonial state both embraced and was constrained by the commodification of land. Though it was the largest landowner in the city, it did not leverage this position. Rather than construction, the state was happier to act on the market indirectly. One means of indirect action concerned forms representations of urban land as commodity. Leases, advertisements and other documents were crucial for its circulation. The strength of the state in the property market derived from its role as enforcer and repository of representations of commodified space. A third aim is to study the forms of struggle engendered by urban property. Struggles over commodification of urban land, when they took collective forms, did not necessarily splinter along class lines. In fact, subsidised housing emerged out of caste, class and nationalist struggles. Conversely, the commodification of land was at issue in struggles that were not ostensibly about property. For instance, this dissertation tracks its salience for understanding communal conflicts over urban shrines. Taken together, the three themes constitute a picture of the city in which forms of capital accumulation – particularly those relating to space – cannot be ignored.

Modernização e tradição: urbanização, propriedade da terra e crédito hipotecário em São Paulo na segunda metade do século XIX / Modernization and tradition: urbanization, land property and mortgage credit in the city of São Paulo during the second half of the 19th century

Brito, Monica Silveira 02 March 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do processo de urbanização e dos primórdios da organização do mercado imobiliário paulistano, ao longo da segunda metade do século XIX, com o objetivo de analisar a introdução de estratégias mais complexas de inserção da propriedade imobiliária urbana nos circuitos de valorização capitalista no contexto de modernização conservadora que se configurava. A abordagem optou, por um lado, pelo exame do processo de estabelecimento das bases jurídicas e institucionais que definiram o estatuto da propriedade da terra urbana e a reformulação legal do funcionamento do crédito hipotecário e da regulamentação das hipotecas. Por outro lado, analisou as repercussões desses instrumentos formais nas práticas concernentes aos referidos aspectos e suas conseqüências sobre a urbanização, na capital paulista.O tratamento dispensado à propriedade fundiária urbana privilegiou o movimento de passagem do patrimônio fundiário municipal, um bem público, ao domínio privado. No que respeita ao crédito hipotecário, explorou-se tanto os propósitos envolvidos no processo de sua institucionalização, quanto as características assumidas pelo movimento não-institucional de empréstimos efetivados sob a garantia de imóveis urbanos na cidade de São Paulo. / This paper deals with the urbanization process and the early stages of the real estate market in the City of São Paulo during the second half of the 19th century, with the aim of analyzing the introduction of more complex strategies for including urban properties into capital value appreciation within the emerging context of conservative modernization. This approach sought, on the one hand, to review the process of establishing legal and institutional foundations that determined the statute of urban land ownership and the legal changes of mortgage credit and regulation of mortgages. On the other hand, it reviewed the impact of these formal instruments on the above-mentioned issues and their consequences on urbanization in the Capital City of São Paulo. The treatment given to urban land ownership focused on the transfer of municipal land properties, a public asset, to the private domain. In respect of mortgage credit, this study looked at both the purposes implied in the formalization process and the character of the informal loans made against the security of urban properties in the City of São Paulo.

Ar asmeninių ūkių suteikimas piliečiams kaimo vietovėje užkerta kelią pretendentams atkurti nuosavybės teises į žemę natūra? / Does the fact of the distribution of the land as personal farming land to villagers takes away the right of pretenders to restitute private property rights to the same piece of the land?

Apanavičiūtė, Kristina 11 June 2010 (has links)
Magistriniame tyrimo darbe analizuojamos žemės nuosavybės Lietuvoje istorinės ir teisinės prielaidos bei iš to išplaukiantis nuosavybės teisių atkūrimo procesas, kurio didžiausias kliuvinys savininkams, siekusiems atkurti nuosavybės teises į žemę natūra pasirodė esąs asmeninių ūkių šioje žemėje skyrimas. Darbe išanalizuotos problemos, su kuriomis praktiškai susiduria asmenys, siekiantys įgyvendinti savo subjektinę ir Konstitucijos ginamą teisę į nuosavybę. Atkreipiamas dėmesys, jog Lietuvos teisės mokslo autoriai beveik neanalizuoja Žemės reformos istorinių ir teisinių pagrindų, o apsiriboja vien tik teoretiniais svarstymais apie restitucijos idėjos tobulumą, neanalizuodami nuosavybės teisių atkūrimo tam tikrų įstatymų ir poįstatyminių aktų taikymo problemų vykdomosios valdžios institucijose kaip mirusios teisės normos apraiškos fenomeno. Darbe siekiama pažvelgti giliai ir išsamiai į Lietuvos teismų darbą, kuris buvo atliktas nagrinėjant žemės teisės bylas, kuriose susikirto asmeninių ūkių įgijėjų bei žemės savininkų, siekusių susigrąžinti žemę natūra, interesai, analizuojamos teisės taikymo ir aiškinimo taisyklės bei prieinama išvados, jog netgi konkrečią teisės taikymo ir aiškinimo taisyklę sukūrę ir įgyvendinę teisėjai kartais jos iš viso netaiko. Todėl darbe prieinama išvados, jog būtina užtikrinti teisėjų darbo kokybę, kontrolę bei etiką, nes netinkamai nagrinėjant bylas, susijusias su pamatine demokratine vertybe – teise į nuosavybę, yra pakertamas konstitucinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this resarch the problems of the 1991 Lithuanian Land Reform are being analyzed. The main problem is that starting the Reform mentioned Lithuania‘s legislature didn‘t postpone the desicion of the Parliament, 26th of July, 1990, regarding establishement of the personal farming of villagers. According to the idea of the restitution, based in Lithuania‘s legal constitutional tradition and based on the just expectations, Land Reform should have been great democratical project, partly restoring previous civil order, which was destroyed by the Soviet occupation by nacionalizing all immovable property. In this paper having analysed Lithuania‘s scientific papers regarding Land Reform issues author didn‘t choose solely thoeretical analysis as Lithuanian scientist didn‘t analyse this problem of two social groups interests claiming the right to the same piece of land. That is why author used broad range of the social science methodology, interviewed plaintiffs and land owners, analyzed Lithuanian Supreme Court‘s practice regarding cases between personal farm owner and the real owner of the same land according to the restitution idea. It is concluded that Lithuanian Land Reform partly collapsed because the law of the restitution didn‘t come into practice what means that law remained unimplemented. The results of the research suggest that not only legislature didn‘t guarantee the due process of law during the Land Reform, but also judges and the attorneys where not ready for such kind... [to full text]

Classificação do uso do solo ao nível municipal

Santos, Ana Sofia da Fonseca Moreira January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Modernização e tradição: urbanização, propriedade da terra e crédito hipotecário em São Paulo na segunda metade do século XIX / Modernization and tradition: urbanization, land property and mortgage credit in the city of São Paulo during the second half of the 19th century

Monica Silveira Brito 02 March 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do processo de urbanização e dos primórdios da organização do mercado imobiliário paulistano, ao longo da segunda metade do século XIX, com o objetivo de analisar a introdução de estratégias mais complexas de inserção da propriedade imobiliária urbana nos circuitos de valorização capitalista no contexto de modernização conservadora que se configurava. A abordagem optou, por um lado, pelo exame do processo de estabelecimento das bases jurídicas e institucionais que definiram o estatuto da propriedade da terra urbana e a reformulação legal do funcionamento do crédito hipotecário e da regulamentação das hipotecas. Por outro lado, analisou as repercussões desses instrumentos formais nas práticas concernentes aos referidos aspectos e suas conseqüências sobre a urbanização, na capital paulista.O tratamento dispensado à propriedade fundiária urbana privilegiou o movimento de passagem do patrimônio fundiário municipal, um bem público, ao domínio privado. No que respeita ao crédito hipotecário, explorou-se tanto os propósitos envolvidos no processo de sua institucionalização, quanto as características assumidas pelo movimento não-institucional de empréstimos efetivados sob a garantia de imóveis urbanos na cidade de São Paulo. / This paper deals with the urbanization process and the early stages of the real estate market in the City of São Paulo during the second half of the 19th century, with the aim of analyzing the introduction of more complex strategies for including urban properties into capital value appreciation within the emerging context of conservative modernization. This approach sought, on the one hand, to review the process of establishing legal and institutional foundations that determined the statute of urban land ownership and the legal changes of mortgage credit and regulation of mortgages. On the other hand, it reviewed the impact of these formal instruments on the above-mentioned issues and their consequences on urbanization in the Capital City of São Paulo. The treatment given to urban land ownership focused on the transfer of municipal land properties, a public asset, to the private domain. In respect of mortgage credit, this study looked at both the purposes implied in the formalization process and the character of the informal loans made against the security of urban properties in the City of São Paulo.

La question foncière à Aného (Togo) pendant la période allemande (1888-1913)

Caupeil, Françoise 20 March 2019 (has links)
This volume presents a set of unpublished documents written in the period when Togo was a German colony. They refer to claims relating to landed property in the coastal town of Aneho (formerly Little Popo). The value of these documents as historical sources is discussed (in French); the documents themselves (with accompanying diagrams) are given in the original German. / Dieser Band präsentiert eine Reihe unveröffentlichter Dokumente, welche in der Zeit geschrieben wurden, als Togo eine deutsche Kolonie war. Sie beziehen sich auf Forderungen in Vebindung mit Grundeigentum in der Küstenstadt Aneho (früher Little Popo). Der Wert dieser Dokumente als historische Quelle ist umstritten (in Frankreich); die Dokumente selbst (mit den dazugehörigen Diagrammen) sind im ursprünglichen Deutsch.

Žemės nuosavybės teisės įgyjimo, disponavimo ir gynimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of Acquisition, Disposal and Protection of Land Ownership Right

Razulytė, Sonata 02 January 2007 (has links)
Land in its nature and destination is a peculiar real estate. Issues of land ownership are topical to all, as most of us were affected by problems of property right restoration, others wish to acquire new land lots for private building. Land belongs not to private persons, but to the state, municipalities. Persons owning land lots according to title are interested in the opportunity to conclude real estate transactions. The appearing disagreement and disputes regarding title are settled in the manner prescribed by laws. In the present Master theses the ways and conditions of acquiring land for ownership are discussed, private land ownership right is considered and also the right of state and municipalities to have land in their ownership is analyzed. In another chapter the law of disposal of land, land transactions peculiarities are analyzed comparing them with other real estate transactions. In the third part the inviolability of ownership right and protection of land ownership law consolidated in the Constitution is analyzed.

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