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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undersökning av deponerat ferrokromstoft : Utvärdering av ny behandlingsmetod / Investigation of disposed ferrochromium dust : Evaluation of new treatment method

Nejdmo, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
<p>The production of ferrochromium alloys at Vargön Alloys AB contributes to formation of unwanted ferrochromium dust, which contains toxic Cr(VI). The dust is since summer 2005 treated with an iron-sulphate solution to reduce Cr(VI) to the non-toxic Cr(III). A year later the treatment technique was improved and disposal occurs in cells on the landfill. The cells can be up to 300 m3 and the edges can be made out of fro example concrete. Tests are conducted on the treated dust when it is disposed. The analyses show low contents of Cr(VI), which indicates that the reduction is successful. Analyses of leakage water from a small scale cell however showed an increasing content of Cr(VI) and pH under the first two months.</p><p>This thesis has evaluated the new treatment method. An investigation was conducted to determine if the same changes have occurred in the full scale cells. Half of the 18 collected samples from the disposed dust showed high or very high contents of Cr(VI). The other half had a almost no detectable content. pH was over 12. No correlation between Cr(VI)-content and pH, conductivity, age or water content in the disposed dust could be shown.</p><p>An experiment was also performed in small scale to reduce the number of influencing parameters. The results showed that if the dust has access to oxygen the Cr(VI) content increases during the first days from a few mg/kg dry substance to over 20 mg/kg dry substance, a level which was maintained during the rest of the experiment period. The content of Cr(VI) was almost constant at 4 mg/kg dry substance when oxygen was eliminated during the whole experiment period. When the water content was below 5 %, the content of chromium did not increase more.</p><p>Since almost all newly created Cr(VI) is reduced to Cr(III) by the addition of ferrous sulphate, recreation of Cr(VI) occurs. Today there is now possibility to follow the changes in the dust from untreated to after disposed. The addition of iron-sulphate is based upon an average Cr(VI) content in the dust and the variation of disposal occasions can be significant. To determine if the increase in Cr(VI) is caused of an incorrect addition of solution a smaller disposal cell can be constructed. The initial content of Cr(VI) can be controlled and the dust can be examined during the time it ages. If the dosage could be improved the addition can be optimized. It is also important to minimize the infiltration and accelerate the drying of the slurry since the Cr(VI) content can increase the as long as the water content is high the Cr(VI) content can increase.</p> / <p>Vid produktionen av ferrolegeringar på Vargön Alloys AB bildas ferrokromstoft som en oönskad biprodukt, vilken innehåller hälsofarligt sexvärt krom. Sedan sommaren 2005 behandlas stoftet med järnsulfatlösning för att reducera Cr(VI) till mindre hälsofarliga Cr(III). Ett år senare förbättrades tekniken och deponering sker sedan dess i iordningställda celler på deponin. Cellerna rymmer cirka 300 m3 och har kanter av bland annat betongstöd. Provtagning sker på det behandlade stoftet i samband med deponeringen. Analyserna visar mycket låga halter av Cr(VI), vilket tyder på att reduktionen lyckas. Analyser av lakvatten från en småskalig provcell visade däremot att Cr(VI)-halter och pH ökade under de två första månaderna.</p><p>Detta arbete har utvärderat den nya behandlingsmetoden. Undersökning huruvida samma förändring har skett i fullskaliga celler har utförts. Utav de 18 prov som inhämtades från det deponerade stoftet visade hälften på höga eller mycket höga Cr(VI)-halter och resterande hade nästan omätbara halter. I det deponerade stoftet var pH genomgående drygt 12. Inget samband mellan Cr(VI)-halt och pH, konduktivitet, ålder eller vatteninnehåll i deponerat stoft erhölls.</p><p>Försök utfördes även i liten skala i för att minska antalet påverkande parametrar. Utan tillgång till syre var Cr(VI)-halten cirka 4 mg/kg torrsubstans under hela försöksperioden. Försöken visade att om stoftet har tillgång till syre ökar Cr(VI) från några mg/kg torrsubstans till dryga 20 mg/kg torrsubstans efter bara några dagar. Halten förblev konstant under resten av försökstiden. Ett samband som sågs var att när Cr(VI)- halten har stagnerat är vatteninnehållet i provet under 5 %.</p><p>Eftersom nästan allt krom reduceras till Cr(III) vid tillsatsen av järnsulfatlösning har det nyreducerade Cr(VI) återbildats. I nuläget går det inte att följa hur stoftet förändras från obehandlat och vad som händer när det åldras efter att det har behandlats och deponerats. Tillsatsen av järnsulfat doseras efter en medelhalt Cr(VI)-innehåll i stoftet och variationen i Cr(VI)-halt mellan deponeringstillfällen kan vara stor. För att avgöra om ökningen av Cr(VI) beror på felaktig tillsatts av järnsulfatlösning kan en mindre deponeringscell anläggas. Ingående Cr(VI)-halter kan kontrolleras och stoftet kan undersökas medan det åldras på deponin. Visar det sig att dosering behöver förbättras kan tillsatsen optimeras. Det är även viktigt att minska infiltrationen samt påskynda torkningen av slurryn eftersom så länge vattenhalten är hög kan Cr(VI)-halterna öka.</p>

Clean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in China

Zeng, Lei January 2006 (has links)
<p>China is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world. Since 68% of its primary energy is from coal, China’s average energy intensity is 7.5 times higher than the EU and 4.3 times higher than the US (EU, 2003). Therefore, introducing advanced clean technologies and management to China represents opportunities for Annex I countries to obtain low-cost CERs through CDM projects, and access to one of the largest energy conservation markets in the world.</p><p>The Chinese government considers that the introduction of CDM projects can bring advanced energy technologies and foreign investment to China, thereby helping China’s sustainable development. As energy efficiency is generally low and carbon intensity is high in both China’s energy supply and demand sectors, numerous options exist for cost-effective energy conservation and GHG mitigation with CDM.</p><p>This study has focused on the following areas:</p><p> Clean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaClean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaChina’s energy development strategy and climate change, how to make CDM work for sustainable development in China?</p><p> CDM projects in China: policies assessment and recommendations for improvement.</p><p> Energy efficiency CDM projects and renewable CDM projects in China: case studies</p><p>Firstly, this thesis reviewed the current CDM developments in China, attentions were given to the renewable energy, energy efficiency and methane capture project opportunities in China.</p><p>Secondly, this study introduced China’s current policy on CDM implementation, and reviewed its permission requirements, institutional arrangements and project procedures. Based on the observations, this study analyzed the current problems and pointed out the shortfalls of the existing Chinese CDM policies and institutional settings. Options to remove these barriers were given as recommendations. This thesis also looked at the problem of that CDM was designed to have double dividends, to reduce the compliance cost of the Annex I countries and to contribute to sustainable development in Non Annex I Parties, but in reality, CDM has caused concerns about whether it could really support sustainable development in host countries. This study analyzed the reasons underpin this problem.</p><p>Thirdly, based on the analysis made on energy efficiency and renewable CDM project development in China, case study was given on China’s landfill gas to energy project. This study analyzed the perspective of GHG mitigation through landfill gas capture and utilization in China, its opportunities and challenges. Moreover, this study demonstrated how CDM can add value to landfill gas-to-energy projects in China.</p>

Prediction, management and control of odour from landfill sites.

Laister, Guy. January 2002 (has links)
Due to the spread of urbanisation and increased environmental awareness, odour has become a major problem in communities surrounding landfills. The aim of this research was to investigate odour emissions from landfills and develop a management tool that operators could use to assist in minimising the impacts of odour. The management tool would be in the form of real-time predictions of odour concentrations in the vicinity of a source. The Bisasar Road landfill in Springfield, Durban was a case study site for the research. The methodologies used in this project can be divided into three broad categories. Firstly, flow visualisation experiments were conducted on the case study site to investigate the effects of complex terrain and the results compared to predictions from a dispersion model. Secondly, source characterisation was done on-site. Sources of odour were identified using a portable odour monitor (Electronic nose). Sources of odour were then sampled using sorbent tubes and analysis done using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. Thirdly, numerical dispersion modelling was done. Five available dispersion models were assessed and compared against one another in order to select the most suitable model for this application. A software management tool or 'Odour Management System' (OMS), was designed and implemented on a computer at the Bisasar Road landfill. Qualitative results of the flow visualisation experiments show that terrain does have an effect on a dispersing plume path for short-range predictions. Comparisons between the flow experiments and model predictions are qualitatively consistent. Quantitative results were not obtained for the emission flow rate and emission concentration of landfill gas. The chemical composition of the fresh waste gas was determined. ADMSTM(Advanced Dispersion Modelling System) was found to be the most suitable dispersion model for this application. The OMS has been installed on-site to produce odour concentration graphics every ten minutes. A fence line odour control misting system has been installed along approximately 600 metres of the landfill border based on work done as part of this project. Weather conditions and information provided by the OMS, assist in running the odour control system economically. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal,Durban, 2002.

Model optimizacije monitoringa deponijskog gasa i procedne vode na zatvorenim deponijama / Model of optimization of landfill gas and leachate monitoring onclosed landfills

Jovanov Dejan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije, kori&scaron;ćenjem linearnog programiranja, definisani<br />su različiti modeli za optimizaciju monitoringa deponijskog gasa i<br />procedne vode na zatvorenim deponijama. Razvoj modela je baziran<br />na grafičkoj metodi linearnog programiranja i upotrebi softvera<br />GeoGebra. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, identifikovani su parametri<br />monitoringa procedne vode kao i obim monitoringa deponijskog gasa<br />i procedne vode. Evaluirani su ekonomski i legislativni efekti<br />modelovanja i uočene značajne mogućnosti u&scaron;tede i unapređenja<br />procesa monitoring zatvorenih deponija.</p> / <p>This doctoral dissertation, by using the linear programming, has defined<br />the various optimization models for the monitoring of landfill gas and<br />leachate at the closed landfills. The development of the model is based<br />on graphical method of linear programming and the usage of GeoGebra<br />software. According to the results, leachate monitoring parameters and<br />landfill gas and leachate monitoring volume have been identified. The<br />economical and legislative effects of the models have also been<br />evaluated, as well as the considerate possibilities for financial saving<br />and improvement of the closed landfill monitoring process.</p>

Environmental Fate, Recovery and Microbial Toxicity of the Semiconductor Materials GaAs, CdTe and CdSe

Ramos-Ruiz, Adriana, Ramos-Ruiz, Adriana January 2016 (has links)
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), cadmium selenide (CdSe), and cadmium telluride (CdTe) are semiconductor materials with remarkable opto-electronic properties that make them suitable for a wide variety of applications including, light emitting diodes (LEDs), mobile phones, tablets, and solar panels. Due to the growing demand and the short lifespan of these electronic devices, a remarkable amount of electronic waste (e-waste) has been produced in the last decades. An important fate of e-waste is landfill disposal; therefore, there is an increasing concern about the release of toxic elements into the landfill environment and the potential risks for human health and the environment. Among the elements constituting GaAs, CdTe, and CdSe, tellurium (Te) has gained increasing attention in recent years. Tellurium is a scarce element on the earth’s crust, and a shortage in its supply might compromise the development of new advanced technology, particularly in the energy and defense fields. For these reasons, the US Department of Energy and the European Union regard Te as a critical element, and have urged the need to develop efficient and cost-effective processes to recover Te from waste streams. This thesis dissertation explored different aspects related to the fate and impact of the widely used semiconductor materials, GaAs, CdSe and CdTe in municipal mixed solid waste (MSW) landfills. Furthermore, it investigated the removal of the Te oxyanions, tellurite (Teᴵⱽ, TeO₃²⁻) and tellurate (Teⱽᴵ, TeO₄²⁻), from aqueous streams and the recovery of this strategic metalloid as biogenic, elemental tellurite (Te⁰) nanoparticles (NPs). In the first part this work, the dissolution of GaAs was evaluated under a range of redox conditions, pH levels, ionic strength, and the presence of organic constituents commonly found in landfills. Our results indicated that aerobic conditions and mildly alkaline pH conditions favor the dissolution and release of high levels of soluble arsenic (As) and gallium (Ga) to the synthetic leaching solutions. The rate of As and Ga dissolution in long-term exposure experiments was initially constant but later progressively decreased due to the formation of a passivating layer on the surface of GaAs. The leaching behavior of CdSe and CdTe was also investigated under different pH and redox conditions in solutions simulating landfill leachates. CdTe and CdSe were subjected to two different standardized leaching tests, the federal Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and the California Waste Extraction Test (WET). CdTe showed a very high leaching potential in both tests and the concentrations of Cd released were 1500- and 260-times higher than the regulatory limit (1 mg Cd L⁻¹), respectively. In contrast, CdSe was relatively stable and dissolved selenium (Se) in both leaching tests was below the regulatory threshold (1 mg Se L⁻¹). Tests performed under different pH and redox conditions confirmed a marked enhancement in CdTe and CdSe dissolution both under acidic pH and aerobic conditions, which is consistent with thermodynamic predictions. Due to the high leaching potential observed for CdTe in the previous batch experiments, leaching studies were designed to investigate the potential release of soluble Cd and Te from a commercially available CdTe thin-film solar panel under different chemical and biogeochemical conditions commonly found in landfills. The solar panel was subjected to two standardized batch leaching tests (i.e., TCLP and WET), and to a continuous column test designed to investigate the dissolution of CdTe under conditions simulating the acidic- and the methanogenic circumneutral phases of a MSW landfill. A negligible amount of Cd and Te was measured in the synthetic leachate of both batch tests. On the other hand, a significant amount of Cd and Te was released from the panel to the synthetic leachate of the column simulating an acid landfill after 30 days (73% and 21% of the total Cd and Te, respectively). In contrast, the amount of Cd or Te detected in the effluent of the column operated at circumneutral pH values was negligible. The marked difference in the leaching behavior of CdTe in both columns is related to the different aqueous pH and redox conditions promoted by the microbial communities in the columns. The microbial toxicity of the soluble species that can be released from CdTe and CdSe was also assessed as a part of this work. The toxicity of cadmium (Cdᴵᴵ), selenite (Seᴵⱽ), selenate (Seⱽᴵ), Teᴵⱽ, and Teⱽᴵ was evaluated in bioassays with different microbial targets, including acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenic populations in a mixed microbial culture, similar to those involved in the stabilization of organic waste stabilization in a landfill, and the bioluminescent marine bacterium, 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖 (Microtox® test). The acetoclastic methanogens were most sensitive to the presence of the various soluble species, with the toxicity decreasing in the following order: Cdᴵᴵ, Teᴵⱽ, Teⱽᴵ, Seᴵⱽ, while Seⱽᴵ was only toxic at non-environmentally relevant concentration. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens were highly inhibited by Cdᴵᴵ and Seᴵⱽ, but Teᴵⱽ and Teⱽᴵ only had a moderate toxic impact. The bacterium 𝐴. 𝑓𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖 was very sensitive to inhibition by Cdᴵᴵ and Seᴵⱽ, and Teᴵⱽ. In the last part of this work, the potential recovery of insoluble, elemental Te⁰ NPs from aqueous solutions containing soluble Teᴵⱽ or Teⱽᴵ was investigated in batch- and continuous flow bioreactors inoculated with a methanogenic granular mixed culture. In the batch experiments, the capacity of the culture to catalyze the reduction of the Te oxyanions and to produce Te⁰ NPs internally and externally to the cells was demonstrated. The granular sludge was found to contain enough endogenous substrates to provide the electron equivalents required to reduce both Te oxyanions and the reduction rates were only modestly increased by an exogenous electron-donor (e-donor) such as H₂. The effect of several redox mediators (RM), namely, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), hydroxocobalamin, riboflavin, and lawsone, was also tested. Riboflavin and lawsone caused a remarkable increase of the rate of Teᴵⱽ and Teⱽᴵ reduction, respectively, and also enhanced the fraction of Te recovered as extracellular Te⁰ NPs. The morphology and localization of the Te⁰ NPs were also impacted by the presence of a particular RM and e-donor in the system, suggesting that NP production can be tailored for a particular application. Finally, the feasibility of utilizing upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) bioreactors to reduce Teᴵⱽ oxyanions to non-toxic Te⁰ NPs was also investigated. Two reactors were supplied with ethanol as the external e-donor source to promote the biological reduction of Teᴵⱽ. Riboflavin, a redox mediator, was supplied to one of the reactors to enhance Teᴵⱽ bioreduction. Continuous formation of Te⁰ NPs using an UASB was found to be feasible and remarkably improved by addition of riboflavin at the low Teᴵⱽ:riboflavin molar ratio of 4:1. This flavonoid enhanced the conversion rate of Teᴵⱽ and reduced the toxic impact of Teᴵⱽ towards the methanogenic consortium. Overall, the evidence found in this work indicates that recycling of decommissioned devices containing GaAs, CdTe, or CdSe is desirable to prevent the potential environmental release of toxic metals and metalloids in MSW landfills, but also to allow the recovery of critical resources. Microbial processes offer potential for the removal and recovery of soluble metals and metalloid ions leached from decommissioned semiconductor materials. In particular, this study demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing continuous UASB bioreactors for the removal of Teᴵⱽ from aqueous streams and the recovery of this valuable metalloid as biogenic Te⁰ NPs.

Recycling in the demolition industry - a case study of Destroy AB

Fredriksson, Peter, Tafreshi, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Landfill and mixed wastes are more expensive to dispose of than sorted wastes, and also decrease the possibilities for recycling of wastes. This thesis aimed towards determining what the potential benefits could be with leasing a sorting site and whether or not Destroy RC AB should introduce a sorting site to their business from a primarily economic perspective. The materials included in landfill and mixed wastes were determined and were prioritized differently depending on the economic and environmental benefit from sorting and recycling each material. If a sorting site was introduced to Destroy’s network of processes, unsorted waste types would be sent to the sorting site from demolition sites instead of to landfill and recycling sites. Scenarios with different variations of amounts of wastes at the sorting site, compositions of wastes, truck types used for transports, and sorting speeds were studied and used for total cost analyses

The Analysis of PCDD and PCDF Emissions from the Cofiring of Densified Refuse Derived Fuel and Coal

Moore, Paul, 1962- 08 1900 (has links)
The United States leads the world in per capita production of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), generating approximately 200 million tons per year. By 2000 A.D. the US EPA predicts a 20% rise in these numbers. Currently the major strategies of MSW disposal are (i) landfill and (ii) incineration. The amount of landfill space in the US is on a rapid decline. There are -10,000 landfill sites in the country, of which only 65-70% are still in use. The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) predicts an 80% landfill closure rate in the next 20 years. The development of a viable energy resource from MSW, in the form of densified Refuse Derived Fuel (dRDF), provides solutions to the problems of MSW generation and fossil fuel depletions. Every 2 tons of MSW yields approximately 1 ton of dRDF. Each ton of dRDF has an energy equivalent of more than two barrels of oil. At current production rates the US is "throwing away" over 200,000,000 barrels of oil a year. In order to be considered a truly viable product dRDF must be extensively studied; in terms of it's cost of production, it's combustion properties, and it's potential for environmental pollution. In 1987 a research team from the University of North Texas, in conjunction with the US DOE and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), cofired over 550 tons of dRDF and bdRDF with a high sulfur Kentucky coal in a boiler at ANL. This work examines the emission rates of polychlorinated dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs) during the combustion of the dRDF, bdRDF, and coal. Even at levels of 50% by Btu content of dRDF in the fuel feedstock, emission rates of PCDDs and PCDFs were below detection limits. The dRDF is shown to be an environmentally acceptable product, which could help resolve one of the major social and environmental problems facing this country today.

Dinâmica da geração e fluxo de chorume em aterro sanitário de pequeno porte a partir de monitoramento geofísico /

Helene, Livia Portes Innocenti. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: César Augusto Moreira / Resumo: Aterros sanitários de resíduos sólidos são a forma de disposição final adequada mais utilizada no mundo devido a suas vantagens operacionais. O processo de instalação, no entanto, exige o desenvolvimento de diversos sistemas tecnológicos a fim de garantir uma disposição de resíduos segura em termos ambientais e de saúde pública. Ainda assim, a contaminação do ambiente subterrâneo pelos produtos da degradação dos resíduos sólidos (chorume) é recorrente. Diante dessas ocorrências, é necessário investigar a área com o objetivo de encontrar as falhas nos sistemas do aterro responsáveis pela contaminação; propor projetos de remediação e monitoramento. Este trabalho aplicou o método geofísico da eletrorresistividade em uma vala de resíduos de um aterro sanitário de pequeno porte com o intuito de diagnosticar a presença de chorume no aquífero e detectar possíveis imperfeições no sistema de impermeabilização. Adicionalmente, por meio de um monitoramento temporal do parâmetro resistividade, entender a dinâmica da geração e fluxo do chorume na área do aterro. Para tanto, o levantamento geofísico contou com 12 linhas de tomografia elétrica, adquiridas durante um período de 3 anos (2016, 2017 e 2018). Para complementar os resultados o método do potencial espontâneo foi aplicado na área no ano de 2018 com o objetivo de adicionar informações a respeito do estágio de degradação dos resíduos sólidos. Os resultados do parâmetro resistividade elétrica são apresentados em seções 2D e modelos de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Landfills are the most widely used destination in the world for municipal solid waste due to their operational advantages. The installation, however, requires the development of several technological systems in order to ensure a safe and environmentally correct disposal of waste. Nevertheless, the contamination of the subsurface by leachate is recurrent. In view of these occurrences, it is necessary to investigate the area in order to find the faults in the landfill systems responsible for the contamination; propose projects for remediation and monitoring of the area. Therefore, this project predicted the application of the resistivity method in order to diagnose the sources of contamination and to detect possible point of percolation through the geomembrane. By means of a temporal monitoring the present project aimed to understand the leachate generation and flow in the landfill area. For this purpose, the geophysical survey consisted of 12 electrical tomography lines, acquired during a three-year acquisition period (2016, 2017 and 2018). To complement the results, the self-potential method was applied in the area in the year 2018 with the purpose of adding information about the solid waste degradation stage. The results of the resistivity parameter are presented in 2D sections and 3D visualization models with discussions for the superficial level of acquisition, for the geomembrane level (-4m) and for the aquifer level (-10m). The analysis over the years allowed the identif... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Differences between urban and landfill citizens in the An Giang province of Vietnam : - a field study about landfilling &amp; solid waste management

Jonsson, Nina January 2019 (has links)
Landfilling is the most common treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the An Giang province in south Vietnam. Many of the landfills are not sanitary and can be harmful to the environment and the residents, especially those who live within the settled distance limit of 1000 meters. There is a lack of knowledge about the people living close to landfills in the An Giang province. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate any issues about living close to landfills, by comparing health, knowledge and social issues, between people living near landfills and people in urban areas in the An Giang province. A total of 80 people was chosen in Long Xuyen and An Phu, for a questionnaire. The data was compiled and coded in Excel for further analyzation in SPSS. The results show differences in social issues, health and knowledge related to landfilling and solid waste. The experiences in the landfill areas could be taken in advantage. The study suggests using students in communication programs and workshops to increase knowledge and practice about solid waste among the citizens. To monitor landfills and the air in due to open burning of solid waste, is recommended. / Deponering är den vanligaste behandlingen av hushållsavfall i An Giang-provinsen i södra Vietnam. Många av dessa soptippar (deponier) är inte sanitära och kan vara skadliga för både miljön och invånarna som bor inom den bestämda avståndsgränsen på 1000 meter. Det finns brist på kunskap om de människor som bor nära deponier i An Giang-provinsen. Därför var syftet med studien att undersöka förekomsten av problem av att bo nära deponier i provinsen. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra hälsa, kunskap och sociala frågor mellan människor som bor intill deponier och människor i urbana områden. Totalt valdes 80 personer i Long Xuyen och An Phu till en enkätstudie. Uppgifterna sammanställdes och kodades i Excel för vidare analys i SPSS. Resultaten visade skillnader i sociala frågor, hälsa och kunskap relaterade till deponering och fast avfall. I deponiområdena fanns det mycket erfarenhet som skulle kunna utnyttjas. Studien föreslår bl.a. att använda skolungdomar i kommunikationskampanjer och workshops för att öka kunskap och praxis hos invånarna. Att övervakning och mäta deponier och luften p.g.a. öppen eldning av avfall, rekommenderas.

Waste recycling and small, micro, and medium enterprises (SMMEs) development in Greater Kokstad Municipality.

Sobuce, Ndabazovuyo Wellington 15 February 2013 (has links)
Waste management is a global phenomenon and all nations need to ensure that waste is handled in an environmentally friendly and healthy manner. Municipalities in South Africa generate a lot of solid waste which is disposed of in the landfill site. The life span of these landfill sites is shortened by all waste that gets disposed on site. The only mechanism that can be used to minimize the amount of waste disposed of in the landfill site is waste recycling. At Greater Kokstad Municipality (GKM) there are very few companies that are involved in recycling activities. The rate of unemployment in the area is high and recycling activities would provide employment opportunities. This study is based in Kokstad and emanates from the fact that there are large volumes of waste discharged at the Kokstad landfill site. It seeks to explore the experiences and challenges faced by waste pickers and recycling SMMEs in the GKM. Also to identify reasons that causes waste pickers and SMMEs not to use the opportunity created by large volumes of unused waste to establish self-employment or employment of large numbers of unemployed people. This study used a qualitative research method and a phenomenological research design. The researcher used focus groups and semi-structured one-to-one interviews based on question themes or an interview guide. Data gathered was analyzed using Tesch’s method of data analysis and thematic content analysis. The main findings of the study revealed vital information that can assist in shaping and planning recycling activities within Greater Kokstad Municipality. Findings also highlight the need to create an environment conducive to the implementation of effective recycling initiatives.

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