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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between plasticity ratio and hydraulic conductivity for bentonite clay during exposure to synthetic landfill leachate

Allen, Whitney M 01 June 2005 (has links)
In landfill design, the containment of solid and liquid contaminant is essential. Leachate is produced from the biodegradation of the waste with the migration of liquid including rain-water through the heap. This liquid can become a health hazard if it leaches into the groundwater. Liners are placed beneath leachate collection systems to prevent leachate from seeping into the soil underneath the landfill. Compacted clay liners, usually containing bentonite clay, are widely used. Bentonite can be characterized by its low hydraulic conductivity and high swell potential. With a low hydraulic conductivity, the liner can serve as a barrier. The high swell potential aids in the integrity of a liner when suffering from cracking or puncturing. The chemicals that can be found in leachate are capable of increasing the clays hydraulic conductivity due to chemical interactions. Chemical compatibility testing - laboratory hydraulic conductivity tests using specific chemical solutions as a permeant - are performed to determine the effects. Laboratory hydraulic conductivity tests, regardless of the permeant, can be time-consuming and expensive. In this study, pure Wyoming bentonite clay and Bentofix clay were used. Deionized water and 0.01M, 0.1M, 0.5M concentrations of four inorganic salt (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, and CaCl2) solutions were the liquids to which both clays were exposed during testing. Plastic limit and liquid limit tests were run on both clays with all 13 liquids. Laboratory hydraulic conductivity testing with pure Wyoming benonite clay was done with 12 different permeants- all solutions except 0.01M CaCl2 and 0.5M CaCl2. The hydraulic conductivity testing on Bentofix clay was run with 3 permeants- de-ionized water, 0.1M CaCl2, and 0.1M NaCl. The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation exists between the experimentally determined liquid limit and plastic limit of a specific clay and its hydraulic conductivity when exposed to a synthetic leachate. It was determined that a trend exists that will allow for less expensive and time-consuming determination for hydraulic conductivity of a clay liner when exposed to a specific chemical solution. However, more experimental data need to be collected before a definite trend is verified. The proposed procedure requires that a hydraulic conductivity test of the clay be run using deionized water as the permeant, and plasticity index tests be performed using the leachate.

Environmental Risk Assessment and Leachate Evolution at the Ekebyboda Landfill Site, Uppland, Sweden. / Miljöriskbedömning och lakvattenutvecklingvid Ekebyboda deponi, Uppland, Sverige

Fors, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Ekebyboda is a closed landfill north west of Uppsala where the leachate water was studied to evaluate the status of the landfill for, the Uppsala environmental office. Leachate water has been measured continually for different parameters, during the period 1959-2007. The landfill differs from other landfills because of its mixed content of domestic and industrial waste. Close to the investigated area is a small number of residents with private water wells which enhances the importance of the investigation of the landfill. In this thesis, the period 1990 -2007 is the investigated with an additional measurement during 2014. Precipitation data is compared with leachate water composition, to evaluate correlations between leachate water and precipitation. Correlation between leachate water, and precipitation also gave an indication of the status of the cover on the landfill during, 2014. Due to the problematic history of Ekebyboda the aim of the thesis is to evaluate the status of the landfill and do a risk classification according to MIFO, which is a classification system for polluted sites from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Measurements were made in four wells in the spring of 2014. These results showed a decline in eight analysed parameters and increase or stagnant trend for pH, NO3- + NO2 and SO42-. Most of the parameters have large fluctuations during the period. A field investigation is also show a non-functional culvert system with stagnant water and indications of water running in the direction of the residential area due to malfunctioning pumps. The stagnant water and problematic culvert system raised concerns for the quality of the datasets. The data analysis shows that the correlation between precipitation and leachate water was non-existent and the second covering of the landfill has reduced the amount of infiltrating water. Analysis of the leachate water and problematic management of leachate water were two major causes for a high risk classification. The MIFO classification of this landfill was set as one which is the highest possible which mainly was due to a possible risk for contamination for private water wells. / Ekebyboda är en nedlagd deponi nordväst om Uppsala vars lakvatten studeras för att utvärdera deponins tillstånd på uppdrag av Miljökontoret i Uppsala. Lakvattenkvalitén från deponin har kontinuerligt blivit mätt under perioden, 1959-2007. Deponin skiljer sig från andra deponier främst på grund av sitt blandade innehåll av både hushållsavfall och industriavfall. Deponin stängdes 1970 och täcktes över i två omgångar först 1970 och senare även 1994. Ekebyboda har under den aktiva fasen orsakat en rad olika problem så som förorenade brunnar och vattendrag samt åkrar inom närliggande område. I när-heten av det undersökta området finns ett mindre antal privata hushåll med egna dricksvattenbrunnar vilket är en förhöjande faktor till att deponin undersöks. Uppsatsen fokuserar på åren 1990-2007 med en ytterligare mätning under 2014 som ligger till grund för utvärderingen av deponins rådande tillstånd. Lakvattensammansättningsmätningar under denna tidsperiod jämförs med nederbörden för att utvärdera hur stor inverkan nederbörden har på lakvatten sammansättning och uppmätta ämnen i det. Korrelationer mellan lakvattensammansättning och nederbörd gav även en indikation om deponins tillstånd idag. På grund av deponins problematiska historia ska detta området studerats men även riskklassificera enligt Naturvårdsverkets MIFO modell. MIFO står för Metod för Inventering av Förorenade Områden och är en mall för att riskklassificera förorenade områden. Fältprovtagning visade även ett ickefungerande kulvertsystem för transport av lakvatten. Stillastående vatten och problematiska lakvatten kulvertar ledde till att datasetets kvalité ifrågasätts. Korrelationen mellan nederbörden och lakvattenkvalitén var låg och en andra täckning av deponin minskade mängd infiltrerat vatten. Analysen av lakvattnet sammansättning och problematisk hantering av lakvatten var ytterligare två anledning för en hög risk-klassificering av deponin. För den fyrskaliga klassificeringen som metoden består av fick Ekebyboda den högsta riskklassificeringen som mestadels beror på en viss risk för spridning av lakvatten till när-liggande privata brunnar. Mätserien är en generell nedåtgående trend där ett flertal näringsämnen m.m. har minskat i koncentration samt att mängden infiltrerat vatten i deponin har minskat i mängd.

Household waste recycling in the UK and the Netherlands : a comparative study of Sheffield and Amsterdam

Price, Jane Lesley January 1996 (has links)
Waste and its management is a dynamic subject that has far reaching implications. These extend beyond basic practical issues of producer responsibility and consumer behaviour, and encompass pollution and environmental problems in a global context. Economic concerns, such as scarcity of resources and the emergence of environmental issues such as sustainability, have influenced the need for a waste management strategy that will increase material re-use and recycling, and energy recovery. Increasing quantities of waste and changes in its composition have placed an ever increasing pressure on traditional disposal routes, namely landfill, giving impetus to the development of alternative management options. The emphasis on management through a waste hierarchy has resulted in a trend throughout Europe of striving towards numerical targets to induce movement away from landfill. In 1990 the UK government set a target of recycling 25% of household waste by the year 2000. The Dutch have set a general waste target to separate 65% of waste for recycling, by the year 2000. Currently, achievement of the UK target is unlikely. Explanations for this do not stem from the target being too high, as it has been illustrated in Europe and more specifically in the Netherlands, that more stringent targets are already being attained. Therefore this research is of importance in developing a greater understanding of the barriers and alternative policy incentives that exist in achieving materials reclamation and energy recovery, and aims to contribute to the development of suitable policies and strategic options. Previous research has focused on specific aspects or singular concepts within the field of waste management. Although this has proved useful in specific contexts, the results and applications have been limited. This research extends such experience further in developing a model that can link the barriers that exist with regard to the 'successful' implementation of waste management strategies. This model focuses on evaluating data gained from the case study, having identified causal relationships and underlying pressures. It introduces a way of relating national data with local data, and it is at this interface that the 'success' of a waste management strategy can be determined, or barriers to its application can be identified and policies developed to overcome such barriers. The research design has been developed within the framework of a comparative embedded case study. The methodology enables a fuller understanding of the current situation at national, regional and local level, incorporating a number of different data collection techniques. The selection of Sheffield and Amsterdam allows a greater focus on crosscultural issues with specific reference to environmental awareness, recycling behaviour and implementation strategies within each local political framework. These results can then be placed within the context of the model to identify the feasibility of policy targets, and propose modifications to the policy or strategic options available.

Arsenic Leaching from Mineral Sorbents under Landfill Conditions and Arsenic Transport by Wind

Guzman Grijalva, Hector Manuel January 2014 (has links)
The capacity of four mineral sorbents to retain arsenic under simulated mature landfill conditions was tested using semi-batch and continuous flow columns. The sorbents tested were Fe-, Ti-, La-, and Zr- based oxi(hydroxides). The Fe sorbent was included as a positive control to compare the release of As from a substrate subject to reduction to those of the, non-sensitive to reduction under typical mature landfill conditions, Ti, La, and Zr media. It has been proved that under mature landfill conditions, As(V) preloaded on ferric sorbents is prompt to be released at high levels. Our results indicate that Ti, La, and Zr sorbents can release As at a similar or higher degree than a ferric sorbent. In a second phase, the capacity of the same sorbents to retain As was evaluated after being subject to polymeric encapsulation in an epoxic resin. Landfill conditions were simulated by use of semi-batch column systems packed with compost and fed with actual landfill leachate. Results obtained indicated that encapsulation highly enhanced As retention of the media under simulated landfill conditions. In our research regarding soil contamination by atmospheric transport from mine tailings, a previously developed deposition forecasting model (DFM) that is designed to model the transport of particulate As and Pb from mine tailing impoundments is verified using dust collection and topsoil measurements. The forecast deposition patterns are compared to dust collected by inverted-disc samplers through gravimetric, chemical composition and lead isotopic analysis. The DFM is capable of predicting dust deposition patterns from the tailings impoundment to the surrounding area. Finally, the bioaccessibility of As and Pb were on samples collected at Iron King Mine Tailing was evaluated through chemical extractions using simulated the gastric and the lung fluids of the human body. Results obtained indicate that extractions using simulated gastric fluid lead to As concentrations one order of magnitude higher to those obtained with lung fluid. For Pb concentration the difference was greater than 2 orders of magnitude.

Paviršinio ir gruntinio vandens apsauga diegiant atliekų tvarkymo sistemą utenos regione / Surface and ground water's guard introducing system of wastes regulative of the region of utena

Tiškauskas, Gintautas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe pateikti Utenos regiono sąvartynų sutvarkymo ir uždarymo poveikio paviršiniam ir gruntiniam vandeniui tyrimai. Darbe buvo analizuoti 40 didesnių ir mažesnių sąvartynų, esančių Utenos regione ir būsimas regioninis Mockėnų sąvartynas, paviršinio ir gruntinio vandens apsauga. Buvo apžvelgiamos sąvartynų charakteristikos: amžius, sąvartynų plotas, vyraujantys dirvožemiai, atliekos, esančios sąvartynuose, sąvartynų aplinka, vandens apsaugos priemonės įdiegtos sąvartynuose, filtrato cheminė sudėtis. Nustatyta, kad sąvartynuose nėra įdiegtos paviršinio vandens ir filtrato šalinimo sistemos, dugno izoliacijos, vyraujantys gruntai turi gerą filtraciją. Pagrindinis Mockėnų sąvartynas pagal filtratą yra pereinamoje fazėje, turinčioje dar nemažą filtrato užterštumą. / The waste regulative center of the region of Utena was established in 2005. The main purposes of the center were: to solve the problems of treatment regulative and closed landfill impact on the environment. This article describes the regulative of landfill and the closing impact of surface and ground water researches. This article analyses 40 major and lesser landfills, which were established of the region of Utena and the main future landfill of Mockėnai, his surface and ground water protection. The main characteristics of landfill: age, area of landfills, prevailing soils, wastes, which ones are on landfills. The main pollution - filtrate. At landfills aren’t established systems of removal of surface-water and filtrate.

The Vancouver landfill : final closure strategy

Foisy, Janine Jennifer 11 1900 (has links)
The body of work presented in this Thesis document provides a comprehensive examination of final cover design for municipal solid waste landfills. Accompanying general design principals is the investigation and resulting recommendations for issues specific to the closure of the Vancouver Landfill. The first objective of the Thesis was to develop a set of physical characteristics for soil materials, which would allow for the construction of a lowpermeability barrier layer meeting British Columbia guidelines. The second objective was to then use the developed soil criteria to evaluate the suitability of Lower Mainland soils. The physical characteristic of soil material, originating from trench excavations in Vancouver, was closely examined and the material evaluated for use in all layers of final cover design. The last objective of the Thesis was to investigate the use of alternative cover materials, including geosynthetics, in final cover design. The combination of a comprehensive literature review and the implementation of a program of soil sample collection and analysis allowed for the completion of the above objectives. Testing of soil samples included the determination of the grain size distribution to the clay fraction level. The major findings of the work are that soil sources in the City of Vancouver are not suitable for use in the construction of a low-permeability barrier layer. Suitable soil sources however, can be found in areas of Surrey and Langley. Trench excavation soil is recommended for use in the foundation layer of the final cover. Lastly, geosynthetic materials are a viable alternative to the use of soil in final cover design. A polyvinyl chloride (PVC) geomembrane would be the most suitable geosynthetic based barrier layer for the requirements of the Vancouver Landfill.

Sąvartyno filtrato savybių eksperimentiniai tyrimai ir jas veikiančių sąlygų įvertinimas / Landfill leachate characteristics of experimental studies and their assessment of the condition affecting

Kačinskaja, Irina 21 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos komunalinių atliekų sąvartynų keliamos aplinkosaugos problemos. Pagrindinė problema – filtrato susidarymas. Pirmajame skyriuje išnagrinėti savartyno filtrato savybių tyrimai, atlitki kitų mokslininkų Lietuvoje ir užsienyje, aptarta filtrato keliama žala dirvožemiui ir gruntiniams vandenims, išskirta kolmatacijos problema. Taip pat aprašytos sąvartynų filtrato valymo technologijos. Antrojo skyriaus pirmame poskyryje pateikta eksperimentų metodika. Darbe atlikti skendinčiųjų medžiagų, kalcio, magnio, bendrosios organinės anglies (TOC) koncentracijų, pH kitimo eksperimentiniai tyrimai per 12 savaičių. Antrajame antro skyriaus poskyryje išnagrinėti gauti eksperimentų rezultatai, išanalizuotas tirtųjų savybių kitimas ir pastarojo priežastys bei pateiktos poskyrio išvados. Trečiajame skyriuje atliktas sąvartyno filtrato keliamos taršos prognozavimas naudojantis Microsoft Excel skaičiuokle. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamosa bendrosios išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų sąrašas. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, 3 skyriai, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 90 p. teksto be priedų, 52 iliustr., 14 lent., 91 literatūros šaltinis. / The thesis examines municipal waste landfills pose environmental problems. The main problem - leachate generation. In the first section examine the characteristics of the landfill leachate studies conducted by other researchers in Lithuania and abroad, discussed the filtrate caused damage to the soil and groundwater derived kolmatacijos problem. Also described in landfill leachate treatment technologies. Second the first subsection of the experimental methodology. The work carried out suspended solids, calcium, magnesium, total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations, pH variation of experimental studies of 12 weeks. In the second section of the second chapter to consider to get the results of the experiments, analyzed the changes in properties of the latter, and the reasons for the conclusions section. The third chapter reviews the municipal waste landfill leachate collection system life prediction Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. At the end of the general conclusions, and the author's list of publications. Structure: introduction,3 chapters, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consist of: 80 p. text without appendixes, 52 pictures, 14 tables, 91 bibliographical entries.

A historical case study of the federal and state response to the chemical emergency at love canal in Niagara Falls, New York

Carmichael, Carol Susan 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Ageing of HDPE Geomembranes Used to Contain Landfill Leachate or Hydrocarbon Spills

Rimal, SANTOSH 14 January 2009 (has links)
The ageing of high density polyethylene geomembrane (GM) liners used to minimize advection and diffusion of contaminants in municipal solid waste landfill leachate and in hydrocarbon spills to the environment is examined. The evaluation of the ageing of GMs used in landfills involved four components. First, a laboratory-accelerated ageing investigation of a GM exposed to air, water and leachate at elevated temperatures. Service life of a GM (Stage I: Antioxidant depletion, Stage II: Induction, and Stage III: Polymer degradation) is examined. The results demonstrate the critical role of antioxidants in protecting against oxidative degradation. The service life of the GM is predicted. Second, a study was conducted to provide an estimate of Stage I for a GM in a composite liner. The results indicated that immersion tests are too severe and the service life is substantially greater for a GM in composite liner than implied by leachate immersion tests. Third, a comparison of ageing with three different “protection” layers between the GM and overlying gravel and leachate is reported. A slower antioxidant depletion rate is observed when geotextile-geosynthetic clay liner and geotextile-sand-geotextile are applied than with a typical geotextile alone. This could be partially attributed to the attenuation of leachate constituents by the protection layer as well as the buildup of antioxidant concentration on either side of GM thereby reducing the concentration gradient and outward diffusive flux of antioxidants. Fourth, diffusion modelling is used to evaluate the results from immersion and composite liner simulation tests. Diffusion modelling provided a means for predicting the performance of the GMs in conditions other than the typical test conditions. The evaluation of the ageing of GM used in barrier system for hydrocarbon involved two components. First, untreated and fluorinated GMs immersed in jet fuel were tested. Results show that antioxidants depleted at slower rate from fluorinated GM than untreated GM. This suggested a significant beneficial effect of fluorination. Antioxidant depletion time is predicted at field temperatures. Second, the time dependant change in GM samples used at jet fuel containment site constructed in 2001 is reported. The GM is shown to be performing very well. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2009-01-14 10:46:31.089


ABDELATTY, Khaled 09 September 2010 (has links)
The effect of calcium uptake by hydration and diffusion from an adjacent calcium-rich soil on the performance of a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) is examined for three cases. In Case 1 the GCL rested directly on a soil with a high calcium (1800 mg/l) concentration in the pore water (called “calcium rich soil” herein). Case 2 involved a GCL resting on 300 mm of soil with a low (200 - 300 mg/l) calcium concentration in the pore water (“foundation soil”) overlying the calcium rich soil. In the third (“control case”), the GCL only rested on the foundation soil. The overburden pressure was 15 kPa. The moisture content of GCL increased to 96%, 86% and 108% in the first 279 days for Cases 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Under isothermal conditions, the GCL moisture content decreased to 80% and 67% for Cases 1 and 2 respectively and increased to 113% for Case 3. After 1100 days, the hydraulic conductivity (k) of the GCL was 4×10-11 m/s for Case 3 but had increased up to about 7×10-11 m/s and 2×10-10 m/s for cases with and without the foundation layer respectively. The results are used to calibrate finite element models. A good correlation was found between k the bulk void ratio (eB) of GCL. Leakage and contaminant transport through 10 mm diameter hole in a geomembrane in a composite liner involving a GCL is examined at a stress of 100 kPa for hydraulic heads of 0.3 or 1 m. When permeated with distilled water, the interface transmissivity (θ) was about 2.3 × 10 11 m2/s. After 800 days of permeation with 0.14M NaCl there was only about 3% increase in the flow despite an order of magnitude increase in GCL permeability near the hole because θ decreased from 2.3×10-11 m2/s to 1.1×10-11 m2/s and controlled the leakage despite the increase in GCL permeability. Numerical modeling demonstrated reasonable agreement with the observed transport. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-09-09 12:20:42.298

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