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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auf dem Weg vom Lehrenden zum Lernbegleiter: Der Einsatz von EPOSTL und Englisch-Assistent-WEB zur Professionalisierung von Englischlehrenden für die Sekundarstufe I an Pädagogischen Hochschulen

Keplinger, Gudrun Isolde 09 June 2015 (has links)
Die Arbeit verfolgt die Frage, wie zwei Werkzeuge der Hochschuldidaktik, das Europäische Portfolio für Sprachstudierende in Ausbildung (EPOSA) und der Englischassistent, für die Professionalisierung von zukünftigen Lehrenden an Neuen Mittelschulen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des geänderten Verständnisses von Lehrenden als Lernbegleitern unterstützend eingesetzt werden können. Nach einer Darstellung des theoretischen Rahmens und Positionierung des Themas im Kontext, verfolgt die empirische Arbeit die Beantwortung von 20 Forschungsfragen und Untersuchung von vier Hypothesen, welche mithilfe quantitativer und qualitativer Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren realisiert und an dem Anforderungsprofil für NMS-Lehrer/-innen, sowie den Konstrukten „Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung“, „Motivation“, „Autonomes Lernen“, „Lernklima“ und „Reflexionskompetenz“ orientiert ist. Die Analysen der durch Befragungen, Gruppendiskussionen und Experteninterviews gewonnenen Daten machen Ansatzpunkte und Problemfelder der Verwendung des EPOSA und Englischassistenten sichtbar. Die Ergebnisse zeigen hohe Akzeptanz des EPOSA als Reflexionstool und als Begleiter im kontinuierlichen Professionalisierungsprozess bei den befragten Personen. Große Defizite wurden in den Kompetenzbereichen des „autonomen Lernens“, „Beurteilung“ und „Kulturbewusstsein“ sichtbar gemacht. Dem Englischassistenten wird Potential vorwiegend im Bereich des Diagnosetools und als Hilfsmittel in der „professionellen Lerngemeinschaft“ zugeschrieben. Überarbeitungsbedarf wird in Bezug auf kompetenzorientierte und dem kommunikativen Ansatz folgende Aufgabenstellungen offensichtlich. Zusammenfassende Empfehlungen für die weitere Verwendung und Entwicklung der beiden Werkzeuge, sowie ein Ausblick auf geplante zukünftige Forschungstätigkeit beschließen die Arbeit. / This paper aims to answer the question how the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) and the “Englischassistant” can assist the process of teacher training perceiving the teacher’s primary role as the one of a “coach” rather than an “instructor”. Following a close description of the theoretical framework and positioning the topic in its context, the empirical work is geared towards finding answers to 20 research questions and verifying four hypotheses. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used and the empirical work was oriented to requirements set in the NMS-teacher-profile and the concepts “Self-efficacy”, “Motivation”, “Independent Learning”, “Learning Climate”and “Reflective Competence”. The analyses of the data collected by means of surveys, group discussions and expert interviews made starting points and problem areas of the use of the EPOSTL and the “Englischassistent” apparent. The results showed wide acceptance of the EPOSTL as a tool to assist both reflective processes as well as life-long learning among the respondents. Deficits in the following areas of competence became obvious: “Independent Learning”, “Assessment” and “Cultural Awareness”. The “Englischassistent” was accredited potential primarily as an assessment tool and as an aid in the “Professional Learning Community”. A better orientation towards the “Communicative Approach” and developing skills was said to be urgently required. The main findings are summarized in a set of recommendations concerning further usage and development of the two tools. Together with a brief description of future research projects it can be found in the final passage of the paper.

Att spela eller inte spela : En intervjustudie om att använda digitala spel i engelskundervisningen för lägre årskurser

Wahlberg, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
En stor del av unga barn spelar digitala spel på sin fritid och flera studier har visat på positiva effekter på ungas engelskaförmåga genom detta. Med tanke på dess potential för lärande vore det intressant att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om dem och hur de använder dem. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka på vilka sätt som lärare i engelska för lågstadiet använde digitala spel i sin engelskundervisning samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de ansåg fanns i detta användande. Inom ramen för studien genomfördes fem intervjuer med lärare från olika kommuner och skolor i Sverige. Intervjuernas innehåll kategoriserades genom den fenomenografiska ansatsen. Resultatet diskuterades även utifrån ramverken LTC och TPACK. Resultatet visade att alla utom en lärare använde digitala spel i engelskundervisningen i syfte att variera undervisningen eller att motivera eleverna. Bingel och elevspel.se användes mest. Utmaningar som lärarna såg med spelen var tidsåtgången, teknik som strular, en svårighet att anpassa spelen ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv samt att det skulle öka elevernas skärmtid ytterligare. Möjligheterna de såg var motivation, variation, nivåanpassning, mer självgående elever samt att spelen gjorde lärandet lustfyllt. Inställningen till digitala spel verkar bero på ålder, intresse och yrkesverksamma år, samt deras uppfattning om teknologisk och ämnesspecifik kunskap.

Reflection on and for Actions: Probing Into English Language Art Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences With English Language Learners

Hong, Huili, Keith, Karin, Moran, Renee Rice 01 February 2019 (has links)
Effective ELL teaching and learning is profoundly influenced by the teachers’ personal experiences and personalities (Farrell, 2016), their experience as language learners as well as language teachers (Farrell, 2007), and their beliefs about learning and teaching a second language (Farrell, 2015; Farrell & Ives, 2015). This study honored and examined in-depth the often-discounted stories/reflective narratives of our teachers. This paper reports a qualitative cases study that explores three veteran teacher’s reflection on their personal and professional experiences with ELLs for self-discovery over years (Cirocki & Farrell, 2017) so that they can further reflect for their future actions with ELLs (Burns & Bulman, 2000; Farrell, 2007; Farrell & Vos, 2018). Data analysis revealed the teachers’ different strengths and needs in working with ELLs. Four major dimensions (language, culture, culturally and linguistically sensitive pedagogy, and collaborative community) were identified as critical to effective teaching of ELLs and preparation of second language teachers.

Diagnostiskt läsförståelseprov i början av lärarutbildningen med inriktning mot språk

Lalander, Christine January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe, analyse and interpret the reading comprehension of language teacher students at the beginning of their university studies through a diagnostic reading comprehension test as a prognosis of their ability to manage their studies. The research questions are: 1. What form has the diagnostic reading comprehension test of the development project used at the beginning of the teacher education for language teacher students? 2. What does the diagnostic reading comprehension test at the beginning of the studies indicate about the success in the reading comprehension of academic course literature of the language teacher students? 3. What do the language teacher students’ reflections show about the reading comprehension test and about their insight into their own reading comprehension of academic course literature? 4. To what extent can a connection be shown between the results of the diagnostic reading comprehension test and the study results of the language teacher students? The research study represents a mixed method strategy and is a descriptive case study. A diagnostic reading comprehension test has been given to a group of language teacher students at the beginning of their first term. The students were also asked to reflect on the test and their reading ability. According to the study the diagnostic reading comprehension test used in the development project, and analysed in this study, must be altered to meet desired claims before used again. For example should the test include more reflective questions and more people should be included in the test process. This research contributes to new knowledge about teacher students’ comprehension of academic texts as well as new knowledge about a reading comprehension test.

Google Translate in English Language Learning : A Study of Teachers' Beliefs and Practices

Laird Eriksson, Nickole January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore upper secondary school English teachers' beliefs and practices for free online machine translation (FOMT) tools. It is believed that students are using these tools, but the focus of this study is to highlight what teachers think and how they are addressing FOMT usage by students. Participants are currently teaching various English levels in upper secondary schools throughout Sweden and have varying degrees of experience. This study includes a brief background of previous studies detailing teachers' attitudes and methods for incorporating machine translation (MT) in their language teaching. The theoretical framework used for this study is language teacher cognition and translation in language teaching. The results reveal that the previous research conducted in this area has not yet influenced teachers' language classrooms methods. Teachers' education and language learning experience may explain this disconnect to current research. There is a common theme that teachers do not mind using FOMT tools in their personal lives but strongly recommend other sources for their students.

Language Maintenance and Proficiency of World Language Teachers

Robison, Anna E. 18 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to examine the current proficiency strengths and weaknesses of practicing K-12 non-native WL teachers in the states of Utah and Oklahoma. Data were gathered through a survey and the OPIc diagnostic grid. The results revealed what features of Function, Accuracy, Content, and Text Type were strengths and weaknesses for OPIc ratings Intermediate High, Advanced Low, Advanced Mid, and Advanced High. The self-reported OPI scores compared to the OPIc scores found an encouraging rate of TL maintenance and improvement. The language maintenance activities reported by the participants revealed the frequency with which they engage in those activities.

An Analysis of Student-Centered Curricular Innovation in Online Language Teacher Education: A Case Study

McNeil, Merica, McNeil, Merica January 2016 (has links)
Online learning is increasingly common (Allen & Seaman, 2016). The number of online language teacher education programs also continues to rise to address the growing need for qualified language teachers worldwide (England, 2012b; Hall & Knox, 2009; Murray, 2013). Although technology offers a plethora of possibilities, course design and implementation significantly influence students' online learning experience, likelihood of success, and satisfaction. Using a socio-constructivist, student-centered learning approach can engage students through interaction and collaboration (Garrison, 2013; Murray, 2013). Murray (2013) reported details on what language teacher education programs are offered online, their challenges and how institutions have dealt with them, and highlighted the need for further research to explore the experiences and attitudes of instructors and students. The goal of this three-article dissertation is to gain insights into one online program that prepares teachers of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), which was recently revised to make it more student-centered by implementing a group project. The first article examines benefits and challenges of the group project according to students, teachers, and the teacher training coordinator to determine its value and to provide suggestions. The second article explores instructors' perspectives of their role in the online class and group project and offers suggestions for good practice. Recognizing that online students have diverse needs, the last article analyzes profiles of students enrolled in one class in this program and their perceptions of the Community of Inquiry presences, which have been shown to support intellectual development in online courses. Mixed methods were used including an individual semi-structured interview with students, teachers, and the teacher training coordinator, observations of archived online course documents and posts, an entrance survey, the Community of Inquiry survey as well as anonymous instructor and program evaluations completed by students at the end of the course. Findings provide detailed insights into participants' perceptions of these areas addressed in each article, which shine light on strengths of the student-centered curricular innovation and areas that may need more attention.

Sentidos de \'erro\' no dizer de professores de inglês/língua estrangeira: uma reflexão sobre representações e práticas pedagógicas / Meanings of error in EFL teachers discourse: a reflection about representations and pedagogical practices

Fortes, Laura 22 September 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo a análise de sentidos evocados pelo significante erro no discurso de sujeitos-professores de inglês/língua estrangeira atuando em dois contextos institucionais: uma escola pública e uma escola de idiomas. Partindo de uma perspectiva discursiva, que contempla a dimensão histórico-ideológico-social na compreensão dos processos de produção de sentidos, buscamos delinear as regiões do interdiscurso que constituem um espaço de memória ao qual os sentidos de erro se ancoram. Para tanto, fizemos um levantamento da literatura em Lingüística Aplicada sobre o erro, enfocando os principais modelos teóricos que abordaram essa questão no âmbito das teorias de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. O estudo desse espaço de memória levou-nos à compreensão das regiões do interdiscurso mobilizadas no processo de constituição de saberes sobre a língua inglesa e sobre seu ensino, configurando um lugar de legitimação de determinadas práticas pedagógicas às quais sujeitosprofessores e sujeitos-aprendizes estão submetidos e através das quais constituem suas subjetividades. A análise da materialidade lingüística dos enunciados produzidos pelos sujeitos-professores delineou duas representações predominantes no nível do imaginário: a representação da língua inglesa como gramática e a representação da língua como instrumento de comunicação. A primeira regula os sentidos em torno do significante erro a partir de uma redução do conceito de língua a um sistema fechado e regido por regras que não podem ser violadas, instaurando a dicotomia certo (gramatical) e errado (agramatical). Na segunda representação, ancorada no discurso do Inglês como Língua Internacional, os sentidos de erro evocam um julgamento do nível de comunicabilidade que o sujeito-aprendiz é capaz de alcançar, convocando o sujeito-professor a priorizar a oralidade em suas práticas em sala de aula, a fim de levar ao uso adequado da língua e à fluência ideal do falante nativo. Essas representações remetem à evidência da transparência da língua (ideal de completude do sentido) e à evidência da unidade do sujeito (ideal de controle sobre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem). Concluímos que o sujeito-professor ocupa um lugar de contradições, em que se enfatiza a aprendizagem através do erro e, ao mesmo tempo, busca-se minimizar sua ocorrência e seus efeitos. Buscamos, ao longo do trabalho, compreender como se configura esse lugar de contradições na relação com a constituição identitária do sujeito-professor no contato com a língua inglesa e com as formações ideológicas que sustentam suas práticas. Assim, essa compreensão permitiu a desconstrução da naturalização de certos sentidos produzidos pela enunciação do significante erro. / This work aims at analyzing meanings evoked by the signifier error in EFL teachers discourse in two institutional contexts: a public school and a language institute. From a discursive perspective, which contemplates the historical-ideological-social dimension in the study of meaning production processes, we have attempted to delineate the interdiscourse that constitutes the space of memory to which the meanings of error are anchored. In order to accomplish this task, we have conducted a literature survey on Applied Linguistics, focusing on the main theoretical models which have approached the role of errors in the scope of ELT theories. The study of this space of memory has conducted to the understanding of the interdiscourse functioning in the process of constitution of knowledge about the English language and ELT. This process legitimates specific pedagogical practices to which teachers and learners are submitted, and through which they constitute their subjectivities. The analysis of the linguistic materiality of the enunciations produced by the teachers delineated two predominant representations in the imaginary level: the representation of the English language as grammar and the representation of the English language as a communication tool. The former regulates the meanings of the signifier error through the reduction of the concept of language to a closed system controlled by rules which cannot be infringed, establishing the dichotomy right (grammatical) and wrong (ungrammatical). In the latter, which is anchored to the English as an International Language (EIL) discourse, the meanings of error evoke a judgement of the level of communicability that the learner is able to reach, summoning the teacher to prioritize orality in their classroom practices, in order to induce the learner to the adequate use of language and to the ideal fluency of the native speaker. These representations allude to the evidence of language transparency (an ideal of completeness of meaning) and to the evidence of the unity of the subject (an ideal of control over teaching and learning processes). We have concluded that the teacher occupies a place of contradictions, where learning through errors is emphasized, whereas, at the same time, there is an attempt to minimize the occurrence of errors and their effects. We have searched, throughout this work, to understand how this place of contradictions is shaped in the relation with the identitary constitution of EFL teachers through the contact with the English language and with the ideological formations that support their practices. This understanding has, thus, enabled the deconstruction of the naturalization of certain meanings produced by the enunciation of the signifier error.

Os significados da docência nos textos produzidos por estudantes dos Cursos de Letras em situação de estágio de Língua Portuguesa / THE MEANINGS OF THE NOTION OF TEACHING IN THE DISCOURSE OF UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE STUDENTS IN THEIR IN-TRAINING COURSE FOR PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE TEACHERS

Silva, Elaine Nogueira da 29 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:27:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 eSilva.pdf: 1538000 bytes, checksum: 3d37f29319573b39019fe58ab0d38696 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-29 / This study aims at investigating the meanings of a group of university language learners when they discourse on in their professional training to become mother tongue Portuguese teachers. Having this objective in mind, students were asked to report on their mother tongue school learning and living experiences while at elementary and high school. Therefore, the focus of this study is on the meanings learners bring to their texts when asked to report on their learning experiences while at elementary and high school. The study departs from the principle that the professional training of a language teacher involves tensions between symbols and representations crystallized in the learners memories professional representations which are many times outdated, and which in terms of professional training still need to be implemented. These tensions are frequently intrinsically related to methodological issues, to the professional activities, to what to teach, in opposition to working and social conditions. However, these two last variables are also taking into account in the analysis and interpretation of the learners discourse. The linguistic analysis of the data is based on the principles of the Functional Systemic Linguistic Theory, or more precisely, on the ideational metafunction, according to Halliday (2004) and his collaborators. The semantic interpretative analysis is carried out according to the principles of the Critical Discourse Analysis based on Fairclough (1989, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2003 and 2010). It is also based on teacher identity studies. The representations of the learners of the teaching profession allow us to conclude that learners are not yet able to speak from the position of the teacher, in spite of having quite a clear perception of the professional responsibilities of the teacher in the classroom. Learners reproduce the university discourse to which they have been exposed to, as well as the content of the research reports related to Portuguese teaching that they read, and they still do not show the necessary appropriation of the theoretical discourse-principles which can generate the necessary professional changes. This leads to conclude that their professional training must include careful evaluation of their own educational and learning process, and that their comprehension-definition of teacher-learner will include a resignification of their pedagogical action / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral a investigação dos significados construídos pelos estudantes de Letras, constituindo-se em práticas discursivas reveladoras de como compreendem e decodificam o contexto de sua escolarização no que se refere às aulas de português. Para dar conta de tal objetivo, o corpus desta pesquisa constitui-se de textos produzidos pelos estudantes de Letras a respeito das suas vivências nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa no período em que eram estudantes no Ensino Básico. Portanto, o foco do presente estudo está nos significados construídos pelos estudantes de Letras, partindo do princípio de que o momento de pré-estágio caracteriza-se por tensões entre símbolos e representações cristalizadas na memória que muitas vezes não servem mais , e um espaço ainda a ser preenchido daquilo que deveria ser. Essas tensões estão mais intrinsecamente relacionadas ao fazer do professor, às suas atividades, ao que ensinar, e menos às condições de trabalho e sociais, embora estas também perspassem os discursos que são o objeto de análise deste trabalho. A análise liguística dos textos está embasada na Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, mais precisamente, na metafunção ideacional, segundo Halliday e colaboradores (2004). A análise semânticointerpretativa é realizada sob o ponto de vista da Análise Crítica do Discurso, consoante Fairclough (1989, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2003 e 2010), bem como dos estudos de identidade e docência. As representações construídas nos discursos dos graduandos permitem dizer que eles ainda não conseguem falar do lugar de professor, embora tenham clareza do papel do professor no processo de ensino e aprendizagem em sala de aula. Eles reproduzem o discurso vigente nas universidades e nas pesquisas sobre o ensino de Língua Portuguesa, não demonstrando apropriação de conhecimento teórico que sustente as propostas de mudança sugeridas. Dessa forma, fica evidenciada a necessidade de oportunizar um espaço maior para a reflexão e desenvolvimento de práticas de ensino que possam dar um embasamento maior na formação inicial dos professores

"Quem me ensinou o inglês que eu ensino?" A influência das tecnologias digitais na constituição da identidade do professor de línguas no século XXI / WHO TAUGHT ME THE ENGLISH THAT I TEACH? THE INFLUENCE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ON THE LANGUAGE TEACHER IDENTITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY

Marzari, Gabriela Quatrin 21 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:27:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE GABRIELA MARZARI.pdf: 2022000 bytes, checksum: 9f0a7e484af143fd323a114f61da1a03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Information and Communication Technologies have been increasingly evident in the contemporary life, thus, influencing and redefining social practices such as teaching and learning (foreign) languages. It is due to the configuration of this new scenario, full of innovations and changing possibilities and, at the same time, so fluctuating and uncertain that the need arises to investigate the foreign language teacher identity in the 21st century. If we take into consideration that digital artifacts are currently quite accessible to Web 2.0 users and that they can be used as pedagogical tools in the processes of searching, constructing and socializing knowledge, then the social roles traditionally played by language teachers and learners will change, either complementing each other or changing from one to another. In this study, based on a qualitative perspective, our main objective is to investigate the identity of the (foreign) language teacher in the 21st century by analyzing the influence of digital technologies on networked learning. In order to do so, we will try to answer the following questions along the study: 1) How does the student learn in the 21st century?; 2) Who is responsible for or somehow contributes to the student learning?; and finally, 3) What is the role of the teacher in relation to the student learning? By analyzing the pedagogical contributions of Open Educational Resources, based on the Connectivism Theory, we conclude that knowledge is the result of different kinds of interaction, which are basically the agent-artifact type, understanding the artifact simply as a tool, or the agent-agent type, understanding the artifact as an actant (SIEMENS, 2004; LATOUR, 2005). Therefore, we understand that our initial hypothesis was confirmed in the sense that the identity of the (foreign) language teacher in the 21st century has been significantly altered mainly due to the numerous possibilities of accessing knowledge as offered by digital artifacts. This change allows us to rethink about the role of teachers in general since we believe that they have not been taking the main role in the current educational scenario and, thus, are not seen any longer as being responsible for the transmission and mediation of knowledge in favor of the learner. Rather, we believe that teachers have been performing a supporting role in the learning process in the sense that they integrate network elements ("nodes"), through which interactions or connections, that are considered essential to the construction and socialization of knowledge, have been developing. Therefore, along this study, we aim to highlight the role of the teacher as coadjuvant, not as protagonist of the teaching process anymore / A presença das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação é cada vez mais evidente na vida do sujeito contemporâneo, influenciando e ressignificando as práticas sociais de que participa, dentre elas, o ensino e a aprendizagem de línguas (estrangeiras). É devido à configuração desse novo cenário, repleto de inovações e possibilidades de mudança e, ao mesmo tempo, tão flutuante e incerto, que surge a necessidade de investigarmos a constituição da identidade do professor de línguas estrangeiras do século XXI. Se considerarmos que os artefatos digitais, atualmente bastante acessíveis aos usuários da Web 2.0, podem ser utilizados como instrumentos de mediação pedagógica, nos processos de busca, construção e socialização do conhecimento, os papéis tradicionalmente desempenhados por professores e aprendizes de línguas se alteram, ora justapondo-se um ao outro, ora deslocando-se de um para o outro. Neste estudo, de base qualitativa, temos como objetivo principal investigar a constituição da identidade do professor de línguas (estrangeiras) do século XXI, a partir de uma problematização acerca da influência exercida pelas tecnologias digitais na mediação da aprendizagem em rede. Para tanto, partimos dos seguintes questionamentos: 1) como aprende o aluno do século XXI?; 2) quem é responsável ou, de alguma forma, contribui para a sua aprendizagem?; e, por fim, 3) qual é o papel do professor em relação à aprendizagem do aluno? Ao analisamos as potencialidades pedagógicas dos Recursos Educacionais Abertos, sob a perspectiva do Conectivismo, concluímos que o conhecimento é resultado de interações do tipo agente-artefato, entendendo-se o artefato apenas como mediador, ou agente-agente, entendendo-se o artefato como agente (SIEMENS, 2004; LATOUR, 2005), desse modo, confirmando a hipótese inicialmente defendida neste estudo: a identidade do professor de línguas (estrangeiras) do século XXI está sendo profundamente alterada, devido, sobretudo, às inúmeras possibilidades de acesso ao conhecimento oferecidas pelos artefatos digitais. Essa transformação permite repensarmos o papel do professor de um modo geral, que, a nosso ver, deixa de exercer a função de protagonista no cenário educacional atual, ou seja, entendido como responsável pela transmissão ou mediação do conhecimento ao aprendiz, e passar a exercer a função de coadjuvante, no sentido que integra a rede de elementos ( nós ), por meio dos quais as interações ou conexões, essenciais à construção e socialização do conhecimento, se estabelecem e se proliferam. Portanto, ao longo deste estudo, buscamos destacar o papel do professor como coadjuvante, não mais como protagonista do processo de ensinar

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