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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frakturbildung in den zahnärztlichen vollkeramischen Materialien auf der Basis von Zirkoniumdioxid / Fracture development of dental all- ceramic materials based on zirconia

Wünscher, Ulrike 09 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Prüfung der Anwendbarkeit des Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopes zur Bewertung der Abnutzung von Zahnbürstenborsten / Examination of the applicability of the laser-scanning-microscope to evaluate the wear of toothbrush bristles

Teske, Franziska 19 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Identification of Parameters for the Middle Ear Model

Bornitz, Matthias, Zahnert, Thomas, Hardtke, Hans-Jürgen, Hüttenbrink, Karl-Bernd 03 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents a method of parameter identification for a finite-element model of the human middle ear. The parameter values are estimated using a characterization of the difference in natural frequencies and mode shapes of the tympanic membrane between the model and the specimens. Experimental results were obtained from temporal bone specimens under sound excitation (300–3,000 Hz). The first 3 modes of the tympanic membrane could be observed with a laser scanning vibrometer and were used to estimate the stiffness parameters for the orthotropic finite-element model of the eardrum. A further point of discussion is the parameter sensitivity and its implication for the identification process. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Structure from Motion, a Cheaper Alternative for Three-Dimensional Modeling in Earth Science / Structure from Motion, ett billigare alternativ för tredimensionell modellering inom geovetenskap

Fagerström, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
In this report, two methods for three-dimensional modeling are evaluated against each other. The first method is terrestrial laser scanning (LiDAR) that uses a laser beam to record the surrounding environment, and the second one is called Structure from Motion (SfM). The SfM technique works on the same bases as photogrammetry, which is that an object of interest is photographed from multiple angles with overlapping images and mutual points are identified and used to create a three- dimensional model. Since both the equipment and the software used to produce LiDAR models are very expensive the main thought of this project was to produce the SfM model using a cellphone camera and free open source software. The study was carried out in such a way that a “before and after” -model was generated of a small snowy mound to see how well the SfM method performed compared to the LiDAR method. The final result revealed that SfM method deviated with approximately 8mm from the LiDAR method. One of the main difficulties during this project was to correctly reference the models against exact coordinate, which also could have been one reason to why the two models differed the way they did. Taking into consideration the user-friendliness and the low cost of the SfM method, it is a very promising tool for earth science related field research. / I denna rapport så kommer två metoder för att framställa tredimensionella modeller att jämföras mot varandra. Den ena metoden är markbunden laserscanning (LiDAR), vilket använder sig av en scanner som skickar ut en laserstråle som scannar av omgivningen. Den andra metoden använder en teknik som kallas för ”Structure-from- Motion” (SfM). SfMs grunder bygger på samma teknik som används inom fotogrammetri, vilket är att objektet av intresse fotograferas, med en vanlig kamera, med ett flertal överlappande bilder och gemensamma punkter i dessa bilder används för att producera en tredimensionell modell. Då både utrustning och programvaran för att producera laserscanningar är mycket kostsamma så är grundtanken med denna undersökning att endast använda en mobiltelefonkamera och gratis öppen källkod programvara för att producera SfM modellen. Själva undersökningen gick till på så sätt att en ”före och efter” modell skapades av en snöhög med båda teknikerna för att se hur bra SfM förhöll sig mot LiDAR metoden. Resultatet visade sig att SfM metoden avvek från LiDAR-resultatet med ungefär 8mm. En av de största svårigheterna med detta projekt var att korrekt referera modellerna till exakta koordinater, vilket även kan vara en av orsakerna till att modellerna inte korrelerade med varandra helt och hållet. Med tanke på användarvänligheten och kostnaden för SfM metoden så är detta ett mycket lovande verktyg för användning inom geovetenskap.

Volumetrische Untersuchungen zur BSP-Expression humaner männlicher Osteoblasten auf Implantatoberflächen in-vitro mittels Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie

Bachmann, Kristin 25 February 2013 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Einsatz der konfokalen Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie (LSM) für die Beurteilung von humanen Osteoblasten auf experimentellen Implantatoberflächen zu prüfen. Die acht Probekörper besaßen anodische Konversionsoberflächen, die aus den Elektrolyten Zirkoniumsulfat, Phosphorsäure und Kaliumfluorid sowie deren Kombinationen hergestellt waren. Als Positivstandard dienten TICER® und Cercon®, als Negativstandard commercial pure Titan (CPT/Reintitan). Diese Probekörper wurden in Chamber Slides mit einer humanen Osteoblastenkultur inkubiert. Am 3., 5., 7. und 10. Versuchstag erfolgte die immunhistochemische Darstellung von Bone-Sialoprotein (BSP). Anschließend wurden im LSM fluoreszenzmikroskopisch 3D-Bildstapel aufgenommen und mit dem 2D-mikroskopischen Verfahren verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass das Bone-Sialoprotein einen Hinweis auf aktive Osteoblasten darstellt. Die BSP-exprimierenden Strukturen, die sich zu Volumina zusammenfügen, variieren an den verschiedenen Versuchstagen und bei den unterschiedlichen Oberflächenstrukturen. Eine deutlich erhöhte BSP-Expressionsrate wurde bei den elektrolytisch beschichteten Probekörpern aus Zirkoniumsulfat, Kaliumfluorid und Phosphorsäure erfasst. Ein eindeutiger Unterschied zwischen der 2D-Mikroskopie und der LSM ergab sich jedoch nicht. Die LSM erlaubt aber zusätzlich Aussagen über absorbierte Proteine an den Probekörperoberflächen durch eine um 90°-gedrehte Projektion der 3D-Bildstapel.

Polyposis nasi: Quantitative Analyse der eosinophilen Granulozyten mit der Laser Scanning Zytometrie

Gutsche, Manuela 07 December 2010 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde Gewebe aus den Nasennebenhöhlen von Patienten mit Nasenpolypen untersucht. Außerdem wurden Zusammenhänge zwischen den Zellpopulationen und den Angaben zu allergischen Erkrankungen und wiederholtem Auftreten der Polypen analysiert. Es fand sich eine interindividuell unterschiedlich starke Infiltration mit eosinophilen Granulozyten. Es konnten keine Unterschiede in der prozentualen Verteilung von eosinophilen Granulozyten im Polypengewebe bei allergischen/ nichtallergischen Patienten oder Patienten mit/ ohne Rezidiv nachgewiesen werden. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten mit dem Laser Scanning Zytometer (LSC), das mit der Standardmethode, der Begutachtung mittels Lichtmikroskop, verglichen wurde. Mit der beschriebenen Methode erfolgte die Untersuchung von Polypengewebe nach einem speziell für diese Anwendung entwickelten Protokoll. Die Ergebnisse korrelierten gut mit den Ergebnissen der Lichtmikroskopie. Aufgrund der Weiterentwicklung des LSC und der ständig wachsenden Anzahl der Nachweismöglichkeiten der an der Polyposis nasi beteiligten Zytokine stellt das LSC eine ideale Methode für die Erforschung der Pathogenese von chronischen Entzündungen der Nasennebenhöhlen dar.

Processing and analysis of airborne fullwaveform laser scanning data for the characterization of forest structure and fuel properties

Crespo Peremarch, Pablo 30 October 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de métodos de procesado y análisis de datos ALSFW para la caracterización de la estructura vertical del bosque y, en particular, del sotobosque. Para responder a este objetivo general, se establecieron seis objetivos específicos: En primer lugar, se analiza la influencia de la densidad de pulso, de los parámetros de voxelización (tamaño de vóxel y valor de asignación) y de los métodos de regresión sobre los valores de las métricas ALSFW y sobre la estimación de atributos de estructura del bosque. Para ello, se redujo aleatoriamente la densidad de pulsos y se modificaron los parámetros de voxelización, obteniendo los valores de las métricas ALSFW para las diferentes combinaciones de parámetros. Estas mismas métricas ALSFW se emplearon para la estimación de atributos de la estructura del bosque mediante diferentes métodos de regresión. En segundo lugar, se integran métodos de procesado y análisis de datos ALSFW en una nueva herramienta llamada WoLFeX (Waveform Lidar for Forestry eXtraction) que incluye los procesos de recorte, corrección radiométrica relativa, voxelización y extracción de métricas a partir de los datos ALSFW, así como nuevas métricas descriptoras del sotobosque. En tercer lugar, se evalúa la influencia del ángulo de escaneo utilizado en la adquisición de datos ALS y la corrección radiométrica en la extracción de métricas ALSFW y en la estimación de atributos de combustibilidad forestal. Para ello, se extrajeron métricas ALSFW con y sin corrección radiométrica relativa y empleando diferentes ángulos de escaneo. En cuarto lugar, se caracteriza la oclusión de la señal a lo largo de la estructura vertical del bosque empleando y comparando tres tipos diferentes de láser escáner (ALSFW, ALSD y láser escáner terrestre: TLS, por sus siglas en inglés), determinando así sus limitaciones en la detección de material vegetativo en dos ecosistemas forestales diferenciados: el boreal y el mediterráneo. Para cuantificar la oclusión de la señal a lo largo de la estructura vertical del bosque se propone un nuevo parámetro, la tasa de reducción del pulso, basada en el porcentaje de haces láser bloqueados antes de alcanzar una posición dada. En quinto lugar, se evalúa la forma en que se detectan y determinan las clases de densidad de sotobosque mediante los diferentes tipos de ALS. Se compararon los perfiles de distribución vertical en los estratos inferiores descritos por el ALSFW y el ALSD con respecto a los descritos por el TLS, utilizando este último como referencia. Asimismo, se determinaron las clases de densidad de sotobosque aplicando la curva Lorenz y el índice Gini a partir de los perfiles de distribución vertical descritos por ALSFW y ALSD. Finalmente, se aplican y evalúan las nuevas métricas ALSFW basadas en la voxelización, utilizando como referencia los atributos extraídos a partir del TLS, para estimar la altura, la cobertura y el volumen del sotobosque en un ecosistema mediterráneo. / [EN] This thesis addresses the development of ALSFW processing and analysis methods to characterize the vertical forest structure, in particular, the understory vegetation. To answer this overarching goal, a total of six specific objectives were established: Firstly, the influence of pulse density, voxel parameters (i.e., voxel size and assignation value) and regression methods on ALSFW metric values and on estimates of forest structure attributes are analyzed. To do this, pulse density was randomly reduced and voxel parameters modified, obtaining ALSFW metric values for the different parameter combinations. These ALSFW metrics were used to estimate forest structure attributes with different regression methods. Secondly, a set of ALSFW data processing and analysis methods are integrated in a new software named WoLFeX (Waveform Lidar for Forestry eXtraction), including clipping, relative radiometric correction, voxelization and ALSFW metric extraction, and proposing new metrics for understory vegetation. Thirdly, the influence of the scan angle of ALS data acquisition and radiometric correction on the extraction of ALSFW metrics and on modeling forest fuel attributes is assessed. To do this, ALSFW metrics were extracted applying and without applying relative radiometric correction and using different scan angles. Fourthly, signal occlusion is characterized along the vertical forest structure using and comparing three different laser scanning configurations (ALSFW, ALSD and terrestrial laser scanning: TLS), determining their limitations in the detection of vegetative material in two contrasted forest ecosystems: boreal and Mediterranean. To quantify signal occlusion along the vertical forest structure, a new parameter based on the percentage of laser beams blocked prior to reach a given location, the rate of pulse reduction, is proposed. Fifthly, the assessment of how understory vegetation density classes are detected and determined by different ALS configurations is done. Vertical distribution profiles at the lower strata described by ALSFW and ALSD are compared with those described by TLS as reference. Moreover, understory vegetation density classes are determined by applying the Lorenz curve and Gini index from the vertical distribution profiles described by ALSFW and ALSD. Finally, the new proposed voxel-based ALSFW metrics are applied and evaluated, using TLS-based attributes as a reference, to estimate understory height, cover and volume in a Mediterranean ecosystem. / [CA] Aquesta tesi aborda el desenvolupament de mètodes de processament i anàlisi de dades ALSFW per a la caracterització de l'estructura vertical del bosc i, en particular, del sotabosc. Per a respondre a aquest objectiu general, s'establiren sis objectius específics: En primer lloc, s'analitza la influència de la densitat de pols, dels paràmetres de voxelització (grandària de vóxel i valor d'assignació) i dels mètodes de regressió sobre els valors de les mètriques ALSFW i sobre l'estimació dels atributs d'estructura del bosc. Per a això, es reduí aleatòriament la densitat de polsos i es modificaren els paràmetres de voxelització, obtenint els valors de les mètriques ALSFW per a les diferents combinacions de paràmetres. Aquestes mètriques ALSFW s'empraren per a l'estimació d'atributs de l'estructura del bosc mitjançant diferents mètodes de regressió. En segon lloc, s'integraren mètodes de processament i d'anàlisi de dades ALSFW en una nova eina anomenada WoLFeX (Waveform Lidar for Forestry eXtraction) que inclou el processos de retallada, correcció radiomètrica relativa, voxelització i extracció de mètriques a partir de les dades ALSFW, així com noves mètriques descriptores del sotabosc. En tercer lloc, s'avalua la influència de l'angle de escaneig emprat en l'adquisició de les dades ALS i la correcció radiomètrica en l'extracció de mètriques ALSFW i en l'estimació d'atributs de combustibilitat forestal. Per a això, s'extragueren mètriques ALSFW amb i sense correcció radiomètrica relativa i emprant diferents angles d'escaneig. En quart lloc, es caracteritza l'oclusió del senyal al llarg de l'estructura vertical del bosc emprant i comparant tres tipus diferents de làser escàner (ALSFW, ALSD i làser escàner terrestre: TLS, per les seues sigles en anglès), determinant així les seues limitacions en la detecció de material vegetatiu en dos ecosistemes diferenciats: un boreal i un mediterrani. Per a quantificar l'oclusió del senyal al llarg de l'estructura vertical del bosc es proposa un nou paràmetre, la taxa de reducció del pols, basada en el percentatge de rajos làser bloquejats abans d'arribar a una posició donada. En cinquè lloc, s'avalua la manera en la qual es detecten i determinen les classes de densitat de sotabosc mitjançant els diferents tipus d'ALS. Es compararen els perfils de distribució vertical en estrats inferiors descrits per l'ALSFW i l'ALSD respecte als descrits pel TLS, emprant aquest últim com a referència. A més a més, es determinaren les classes de densitat de sotabosc aplicant la corba Lorenz i l'índex Gini a partir dels perfils de distribució vertical descrits per l'ALSFW i l'ALSD. Finalment, s'apliquen i avaluen les noves mètriques ALSFW basades en la voxelització, emprant com a referència els atributs extrets a partir del TLS, per a estimar l'alçada, la cobertura i el volum del sotabosc en un ecosistema mediterrani. / Crespo Peremarch, P. (2020). Processing and analysis of airborne fullwaveform laser scanning data for the characterization of forest structure and fuel properties [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153715 / Compendio

Quantification of soil properties for analyzing surface processes using spectroscopy and laser scanning

Haubrock, Sören-Nils 21 September 2009 (has links)
Oberflächennahe Prozesse werden durch die dynamischen Eigenschaften der Bodenoberfläche besonders beeinflusst. Zwar sind die kausalen Zusammenhänge dieser Prozesse weitestgehend bekannt, doch gibt es einen Mangel an verfügbaren Datenquellen und Erhebungsmethoden, die es erlauben, die Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen Skalen zu quantifizieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin, das Potential ausgewählter moderner Fernerkundungstechnologien zu bewerten, relevante Bodeneigenschaften zu quantifizieren und damit das Verständnis von oberflächennahen Prozessen in degradierten Landschaften zu verbessern. Das Studiengebiet befand sich in einer Rekultivierunglandschaft des Niederlausitzer Braunkohletagebaus Welzow-Süd. Die Größe von 4 ha ermöglichte eine umfassende, interdisziplinäre und multi-temporale Analyse der Bodeneigenschaften auf Grundlage von Fernerkundungsmethoden sowie hydrologischen und bodenkundlichen Feld- und Labormessungen. Die Quantifizierung der Bodenfeuchte als eine entscheidende Variable für Infiltrations- und Abflussprozesse war das Ziel von labor- und feldspektroskopischen Messungen sowie von hyperspektralen Flugzeugscanner-Messungen. Der hierbei entwickelte Normalized Soil Moisture Index (NSMI) wurde als optimales Quantifizierungsmodell für Oberflächen-Bodenfeuchte im Feld ermittelt. Bodenrauhigkeit wurde in hoher Präzision durch Anwendung eines stationären Laserscanners gemessen und in Form neuartiger multi-skalarer Indizes quantifiziert. Die Analyse der raum-zeitlichen Verteilungen ermöglichte die Identifizierung von Rauhigkeitsmustern, die unter dem Einfluss der Erosion im Feld entstanden. Diese Arbeit entwickelte neuartige Methoden und Indizes zur Quantifizierung von Oberflächen-Bodenfeuchte und Rauhigkeit im Feld. Für die Zukunft verspricht deren Anwendung die Entwicklung eines tieferen Verständnisses von Bodenerosionsprozessen sowie die Sammlung wertvoller Daten durch Monitoring- und Modellierungskampagnen. / Soil processes taking place in the context of erosion and land degradation are highly dependent on the properties of the surface. While the causes and effects of such processes are commonly well understood on a conceptual level, there is a lack of adequate data sources allowing for their quantification at various spatial scales. The main goal of this thesis was to assess the role of state-of-the-art remote sensing methods for the quantification of soil properties with the aim to improve the understanding of surface processes taking place in a degraded landscape. The chosen study area of 4 ha size located in a lignite mine in eastern Germany allowed for a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and multi-temporal analysis of surface properties based on remote sensing, pedological and hydrological measurements. The quantification of surface soil moisture as an important variable for infiltration and runoff processes has been the objective in laboratory and field spectroscopic experiments as well as in airborne hyperspectral measurements. The newly developed Normalized Soil Moisture Index (NSMI) was identified as the most robust quantifier for surface soil moisture in the field. Surface roughness was successfully quantified at high precision in form of novel multiscale indices derived from datasets collected with a stationary laser scanning device. The analysis of spatiotemporal roughness distributions allowed for the detection of distinct patterns that developed under the influence of soil erosion in the field. The thesis developed a set of methods and indices that successfully implement the quantification of surface soil moisture and roughness in the field. For the future, the application of these methods promises further insights into the details of soil erosion processes taking place as well as the collection of invaluable datasets to be used for soil erosion monitoring and modeling campaigns.

Anthropometric analysis of maxillofacial foramina in skulls of four human populations using electronic calliper and 3D laser scanning methods

Alayan, Ibrahim Abead January 2014 (has links)
This study was undertaken to identify the landmarks that would provide the most reliable and predictable indicators of the position of the supraorbital, infraorbital, mental and mandibular foramina in human skulls of Hokien, Hylam, Indian and British populations of ranging ages, which would provide clinicians with suitable modifications in technique to accommodate these variations. Measurements were taken using both electronic digital callipers and 3D laser scanning. Electronic digital calliper measurements were made to estimate how far each foramen was from specific anatomical landmarks on the skulls. An apparatus was developed to position the skulls securely so that the measurement points could be accurately identified, then an electronic digital calliper was used to measure the distance between the defined points. In addition, the same skulls were also scanned using a FastSCAN™ Polhemus Scorpion™ handheld laser scanner, and imported into 3D modelling software (FreeForm Modelling Plus™). This 3D software integrates a PHANYOM™ desktop arm and a haptic force feedback device that provides the user with a sense of touch. Accordingly, with the “Ruler” tool, the measurements between various foramina and defined anatomical landmarks were measured. Measurements made by electronic digital calliper were compared statistically with those made using the 3D scanning method, and overall there was good correlation between the two, indicating that 3D scanning could be used as an alternative method. With regard to age changes in the skulls, the ages of the Hokien and Hylam groups were known, having been recorded from death records, but the Indian and British skulls were not of known age. In a preliminary study the known age skulls were used to validate the methods of Miles (1962) and Brothwell (1981) who aged skulls using tooth wear patterns. The decision was taken to use the Brothwell chart for the assessment of age in the Indian and British skulls in the main study. For each of the four population groups, intra-population comparisons of the measurements were made between right and left sides, and between skulls of young and old individuals, also inter-population comparisons between ipsilateral measurements were made. The correlation between the obtuseness of the mandibular angle and the ipsilateral measurement from the mental foramen to the posterior border of the mandible were made on both sides of the skulls of each population group. Non-significant differences were found between the measurements on right and left sides for the skulls of all populations. There were significant differences between some ipsilateral measurements but although there were statistically significant, they were not considered to be clinically significant. There were no significant differences between ipsilateral measurements with increasing age of the skulls. Also there were weak correlations between the obtuseness of the mandibular angle and the ipsilateral measurement from the mental foramen to the posterior border of the mandible on both sides of the skulls of each population group. There were good statistically agreements between the electronic digital calliper and 3D laser scanning measurements in all groups and the two methods may be used interchangeably. However 3D scanning is a digital process and therefore the scans could be accessed remotely, either across the internet or by CD.

Microelectromechanical handheld laser-scanning confocal microscope: application to breast cancer imaging

Kumar, Karthik 15 February 2010 (has links)
Demographic data indicate that 60% of 6.7 million annual global cancer mortalities and 54% of 10.8 million new patients are in developing nations, unable or unwilling to avail of invasive screening tests that are the current norm. For most cancers, survival rate is strongly dependent on early detection, highlighting the need for improved screening methods. Studies have shown that cancers can be identified based on distinct sub-cellular morphological features and expression levels of specific molecular markers. Since 85% of cancers are known to originate in the epithelium, portable in vivo imaging techniques providing sub-cellular detail in tissue up to depths of 250 μm could help improve access to biopsy-free examination in low-infrastructure environments. The resultant early detection could dramatically improve patient prognosis, while reducing screening costs, treatment delay, and occurrences of unnecessary and potentially harmful medication. This dissertation investigates handheld instrumentation for laser-scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) and its applicability to breast cancer detection and subsequent image-guided management. LSCM allows high-resolution mapping of spatial variations in refractive index or tumor marker expression within a single cell layer situated few hundred micrometers beneath the tissue surface. The main challenge facing miniaturization lies in the mechanism of beam deflection across the sample. The first part of the dissertation presents a fast, large-angle, high-reflectivity two-axis vertical comb driven silicon micromirror fabricated by a novel method compatible with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor processing employed in the semiconductor industry. The process enables integration of rotation sensors on the chip to adaptively correct for aberrations in beam scanning while significantly reducing fabrication costs and barriers to market acceptance. The second part of the dissertation explores the integration of this micromirror with other optical and electronic components into a handheld laser-scanning confocal microscope. Applicability of the probe to epithelial breast cancer screening via reflectance and fluorescence imaging is investigated. Finally, enhanced imaging modalities based on the micromirror are presented. 3D cellular-level in vivo imaging via rapid swept-source optical coherence tomography is demonstrated. A method for “objective-less” microendoscopy, potentially resulting in substantially reduced probe dimensions, employing reflective binary-phase Fresnel zone plates monolithically integrated on the surface of the micromirror is presented. / text

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