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Using XhLEA, a group 1 vegetative Late Embryogenesis Abundant protein to aid water deficit tolerance in plants and microbesDenkhaus, Erik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) genes have been irrefutably linked to the
osmotic stress response since their initial discovery in maturing cotton seeds. They
have since been reported from a multitude of other organism where their occurrence
is often associated with general responses to abiotic stress. Many studies have been
conducted using LEA genes in over expression strategies to improve abiotic stress resistance.
Of the known classes of LEAs, the group 1 LEAs have been widely reported,
in plants, to only occur in seeds during late stages of development. Their expression
coincides with the seeds acquisition of desiccation tolerance. In this thesis we present
a group 1 LEA isolated from the desiccated vegetative tissues (leaves) of the resurrection
plant Xerophyta humilis. Using E.coli and Arabidopsis we attempted to use
XhLEA to improve salt and water deficit stress-responses, respectively. To this end
we conducted soil-drought trials on two independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing
XhLEA under a drought inducible-promoter and monitored their responses
as compared to untransformed WT (Col-0 ) controls. Solid substrate E.coli growth
assays and liquid media growth curves under both stress and unstressed conditions
were conducted. We found no obvious beneficial effect through the expression of
XhLEA in either of the organisms. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming beskikbaar
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Ephesus, Pagan and Christian 133 B.C. - 262 A.D.Michener, Ruth O. 01 January 1958 (has links)
This dissertation is an atrcempt to reconstruct and to recapture a period in the history of this famous city, a center so important in New Testament times and in the first two centuries or the Christian Church, but a metropolis which centuries ago became buried in the silt of a river. The site and a primitive kind of settlement began in pre-historic times. We will briefly trace the story of its ancestory; its youth; its changes; traditions; then its glory between the years 133 B.C. to A.D. 262; its contribution to culture; its spirit; its contact with Christianity; its period as a Christian center; the invasion of the Goths; the inroad of Islam; its disappearance; and its partial excavation in the nineteenth century. It is the period of its glory, 133 B.C. to A.D. 262, that is the theme of this dissertation. This was the period when the religion of Artemis was at its height and her temple at Ephesus was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This period includes the era when Christianity appeared in Ephesus and gained a foothold. Here at Ephesus the Christian writing was formed into a body of literature and published, and the Christian tradition became a pattern of Apostolic tradition. It was in these two Christian centuries that the episc~pal form of church government and organization made its appearance.
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Symeon Stylites the Younger and his cult in context : hagiography and society in sixth- to seventh-century ByzantiumParker, Lucy January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between hagiography and history, with a particular focus on the cult of the little-studied sixth-century Antiochene holy man Symeon Stylites the Younger. It argues that any hagiographic text can only be understood through an appreciation of both its particular historical context and of developments in the genre over time. The first chapter thus addresses the economy, society and culture of the Antiochene area, arguing, against some recent archaeological interpretations, that sixth-century natural and military disasters did have a significant impact on the region. The second chapter turns to the first text associated with Symeon's cult, the sermon collection attributed to the stylite, which reveals how a holy man could construct his own spiritual authority through powerful rhetoric. Starkly polarised in his thought, Symeon eschews the compromises adopted by many clerical preachers, focusing on the opposition of demon and monk, rich and poor, and heaven and hell. The third chapter addresses the Life of Symeon, arguing that it can be read as an extended apology for Symeon's failure to protect the Antiochene from the disasters of the sixth century. The fourth chapter looks at the Life of Martha, Symeon's mother, which contains an original and inclusive vision of holiness, focusing not on asceticism or celibacy but on the redemptive powers of liturgy and the sacraments. The fifth chapter takes a step back, arguing that both Lives reflect broader developments in hagiography in the late sixth and seventh centuries: Symeon's hagiographer's struggle to justify disasters are echoed in other near-contemporary saints' Lives, while Martha's Life resembles in many respects the posthumous miracle collections which flourished in this period and were, in their relatively narrow focus, very suitable for a time of crisis.
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L’évolution des cérémonies publiques impériales dans le monde romain tardif / The evolution of imperial public ceremonies in the Late roman worldPasco, Loïc 13 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’évolution des cérémonies publiques impériales dans le monde romain tardif, thème qui nous a semblé fondamental pour la compréhension des institutions politiques de l’Empire Romain des IVe-VIIe s. Ces évolutions comptent sans doute parmi les plus importantes mutations qu'a connues le monde romain de l'Antiquité Tardive, puisqu'elles touchent le pouvoir suprême et son aura à l'intérieur de la société. L’objectif majeur du cérémonial est d’exalter l’empereur, de manifester sa gloire triomphale et sa sacralité – voire sa sainteté après l’adoption du christianisme – ainsi que de magnifier et célébrer le pouvoir d’origine divine qu’il détenait. Notre propos sera de montrer comment on passe d’un Empereur, princeps senatus, qui cherche à maintenir une fiction républicaine pour masquer le caractère monarchique de son pouvoir et qui est l’incarnation du passé romain ; à un empereur qui est l’élu de Dieu, affirmant un pouvoir monarchique avec le soutien de l’Eglise. Trois axes ont guidé notre recherche : La centralité du rôle de l’empereur dans l’évolution des cérémonies publiques. L’importance de l’intégration de l’empereur dans le système cérémoniel de l’Eglise et celle de l’intégration du clergé et principalement de l’évêque dans le système cérémoniel de l’empire. L’importance du fait barbare sur le phénomène cérémoniel. Dans l’Antiquité tardive on voit clairement des influences et des acculturations réciproques au niveau des cérémonies, mais aussi des formes de rejet de ces changements caractéristique des évolutions culturelles de la période. / This thesis focuses on the evolution of imperial public ceremonies in the late Roman world, a theme that seemed fundamental to the understanding of the political institutions of the Roman Empire of the fourth to seventh centuries. These developments are without doubt among the most important changes that have taken the world of Late Roman Antiquity, as they reach the supreme power and aura within society. The main objective of the ceremonies is to exalt the emperor, to manifest his triumphal rulership and his sacrality - even his holiness after the adoption of christianism - and to magnify and celebrate the divine power he held. Our purpose is to show how we shift from an emperor, princeps senatus, which seeks to maintain a republican fiction to hide the monarchical nature of his power, and is the epitome of Roman history ; to an emperor who is elected by God. Three axes have guided our research: The centrality of the role of the emperor in the evolution of public ceremonies. The importance of the integration of the emperor in the ceremonial system of the Church and the integration of the clergy and especially the bishop in the ceremonial system of the empire. The importance of the barbars on the ceremonial phenomenon. In Late antiquity we can clearly seen influences and mutual acculturation in the ceremonies, but also forms of rejection of these paradigmatic changes of the cultural evolutions of the period.
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La culture de l'honneur : le cas de l'Angleterre des XIVe- XVe siecles / The cultur of honor : the case of England in the XIV-XVFievet, Raoul 11 December 2013 (has links)
La culture de l'honneur, notion primordiale dans la structuration de la société médiévale, fait ici l'objet d'un développement particulier au travers de l'angleterre des xive-xve siècles. cette analyse tente de dresser un tableau global des représentations sociales liées à l'honneur, en particulier dans le contexte de l'affirmation de l'état. sont ainsi explorés les mécanismes d'hybridation ou de rejet entre les diverses appréciations de l'honneur, en analysant notamment l'impact des efforts d'encadrement de l'honneur de la part de l'état ou de l'église dans l'émergence de nouvelles conceptions de l'honneur. dans cette optique, de nombreux développements mettent en lumière la façon dont les individus ou les groupes conçoivent et expriment à leurs niveaux la notion d'honneur, ainsi que les comportements, les attitudes attendues, notamment aux travers des violences d'honneur, qui permettent de s'affirmer dans le regard des autres comme un « homme honorable ». en outre, le cas plus spécifique de la noblesse y est naturellement largement exprimé, en particulier dans la perspective des changements profonds qui affectent ce groupe dans l'Angleterre des XIV-XV siècles, liés à l'affaiblissement des liens de loyauté, à l'émergence des réseaux de clientèle et à l'ouverture de la gentry à de nouveaux membres, dans le cadre du « féodalisme bâtard ». au sein de cette noblesse, une attention spécifique est aussi accordée aux références spécifiques des magnats. / The culture of honor, a vital concept in the structure of medieval society, here is the subject of a particular analysis through england in the late middle age. This analysis attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of social representations of honor, within the main groups in society. In this regard, many developments highlight how individuals and groups perceive and express the concept of honor. This study also aims to show how individuals or groups trying to assert their honorable character, including through violence. In addition, the more specific case of the aristocracy is naturally well treated, in particular in view of the profound changes that have affected this group in england during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, related to the phenomenon of "bastard feudalism" and decline in military experience. In addition, this study explains the operating principle of honor, particularly as regards the ties between the honor and social status. This thesis also highlights the impact of state formation on the culture of honor, especially on the honor of the nobles and gentlemen.
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Relationen mellan människa och djur under vendel- och vikingatid : En osteoarkeologisk analys av brandgravar / The relationship between humans and animals during the Vendel Period and the Viking Age : An osteoarcheological analysis of cremation gravesKarlström, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Today, the pets we own are thought of as friends and family members. A lot of people even go as far as saying that the pets they own are their children. While we have this close and almost human relationship with our pets, we also distance ourselves from the animals we have on our plates. What did the human – animal relationships look like during the Vendel Period and Viking Age? The goal with this essay is to analyse cremation graves from the grave site in Valsgärde, Uppsala, and then compare these results with those from Ylva Bäckström’s osteological study of eight cremation graves from Valsgärde and with Berit Sigvallius’ study of the cremated material from the grave fields in northern Spånga. The grave field in Valsgärde, Uppsala, is dated to pre-Roman Iron Age as well as Vendel Period and Viking Age. The boat graves are what the grave field in Valsgärde is most famous for, but in addition to the 15 boat graves there are also at least 62 cremation graves and 15 skeleton graves. The graves in the northern Spånga are dated to 500 BC. - 1050 AD and lies in Kista, Granby, Ervinge and Kymlinge. The osteological study and the comparison with the two previously executed analysis have been done with the purpose to see in what way the relations between humans and animals expresses itself in the osteological material of Uppland during the late Iron Age. Hopefully the composition of the graves’ animal material will contain indicators of the human – animal relations. Previously conducted studies of Iron Age cremation graves in general, has shown that there was a significant increase in the amount of animal bones in the graves during the Vendel and Viking age. Animals are clearly important to the people during the late Iron Age. In what way were the animals significant and how is this expressed in the material?
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Condicionantes ambientais relacionados à origem e formação dos depósitos de espículas silicosas do paleolago cemitério, Catalão, GOMachado, Vanessa de Souza January 2014 (has links)
O Paleolago Cemitério, formado sobre um domo magmático carbonatítico do Cretáceo Superior, em Catalão, GO, compreende um depósito lacustre espesso, datado entre 51.780 ± 400 14C anos AP e 27.500 ± 4.000 anos AP, e rico em fósseis, particularmente de esponjas de água doce. A presença inédita de camadas de espongilitos e diatomitos no mesmo depósito, bem como de estruturas inteiramente preservadas, gêmulas e porções do esqueleto das esponjas, permitiu a proposição da presente tese, que teve como objetivo identificar as condições ambientais que poderiam ter favorecido essa singular produção e preservação de esponjas. Por conseguinte, investigou-se também a atual Lagoa Serra Negra, em Patrocínio, MG, formada sobre um domo carbonatítico similar àquele do paleolago e sujeita ao regime climático do Bioma Cerrado. As gêmulas e fibras do retículo esqueletal das esponjas integralmente preservadas nos sedimentos do Paleolago Cemitério, bem como fragmentos de espongilito e diatomito, foram fixadas em suportes e analisadas ao MEV. A análise taxonômica das espículas nos sedimentos amostrados em todas as fácies do paleolago, bem como nas 10 amostras de sedimentos da Lagoa Serra Negra, foi feita sobre lâminas permanentes obtidas após preparações laboratoriais destinadas à avaliação ao microscópio óptico. Análises sedimentológicas (granulometria e matéria orgânica) também foram realizadas em amostras de todos os sedimentos recuperados do paleolago e em duas amostras de sedimentos da Lagoa Serra Negra. A água da lagoa foi analisada para as principais características físicas e químicas. A análise taxonômica das espículas nos sedimentos da Lagoa Serra Negra indicou a contribuição das mesmas cinco espécies de esponjas que formaram largos depósitos em áreas vizinhas incluindo os do Paleolago Cemitério, Dosilia pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro (1992), Metania spinata (Carter, 1881), Trochospongilla variabilis Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago (1973), Radiospongilla amazonensis Volkmer-Ribeiro & Maciel (1983) e Heterorotula fistula Volkmer-Ribeiro & Motta (1995). As análises dos sedimentos da lagoa também revelaram um depósito biosilicoso conspícuo, com destaque para as espículas de esponjas, o que permitiu uma comparação com o depósito do Paleolago Cemitério. A integração de todos os resultados permitiu propor uma interpretação para a evolução do Paleolago Cemitério. Assim, cinco fases de mudanças ambientais foram identificadas no depósito do paleolago, que correspondem à instalação (fase lótica e erosiva), ao estabelecimento e desenvolvimento do lago, e à colmatação do lago, essa última correlacionada ao Último Máximo Glacial (UMG). Com base nos requisitos ecológicos das espécies de esponjas identificadas no depósito foi, além disso, possível inferir os padrões climáticos relacionados com as respectivas fases do paleolago. A presença inédita da espécie de esponjas Corvoheteromeyenia australis no Paleolago Cemitério, atualmente registrada apenas no sul da América do Sul, indicou que incursões polares originárias da Antártida foram frequentes durante o último período glacial, e podem ter desempenhado um papel notável no Brasil central. No entanto, por um curto período de tempo, condições climáticas mais secas e quentes podem ter predominado, como sugerido pela presença de Corvomeyenia thumi. Não resta dúvida que o paleoclima favoreceu o processo cárstico no domo de Catalão I que levou à formação da bacia do paleolago, onde as condições ambientais favoreceram à existência de uma particular comunidade de esponjas, hoje típicas de lagoas do Bioma Cerrado. Profundidade, fluxo e residência de água na bacia, bem como disponibilidade de substrato e concentração de sílica, essa última favorecida pelas rochas-fonte circundantes, foram condições ambientais chave para a formação dos depósitos biosilicosos no Paleolago Cemitério. / The Cemitério Palaeolake, formed in a Late Cretaceous magmatic carbonatitic dome in Catalão, GO, comprises a thick lacustrine deposit, dated between 51,780 ± 400 14C years BP and 27,500 ± 4,000 years BP, and rich in fossils, particulary freshwater sponges. The unprecedented presence of spongillite and diatomite layers in the same deposit, as well as the entire structures of gemmules and skeleton strutures of the sponges, allowed the proposition of the present thesis, which aimed to identify the environmental conditions that could have favored this singular production and preservation of sponges. Accordingly, the actual Serra Negra Lake, in Patrocínio, MG, was also investigated once it was formed on a carbonatite dome, similar and close to that of the Paleolake and subjected to the climate regime of the Cerrado biome. The fully preserved gemmules and fibres of the skeletal reticulum of sponges from the Cemitério Paleolake sediments, as well as the fragments of its spongillites and diatomites, were fixed on stubbs and analysed using SEM. The taxonomic analysis of spicules in the sediments sampled from all the facies of the paleolake as well as in 10 sediment samples from the Serra Negra Lake was conducted on permanent slides obtained after laboratorial preparations designed for evaluation under optical microscope. Sedimentological analyses (granulometry and organic matter) were also performed using all the sediment samples recovered from the paleolake and two sediment samples obtained from the Serra Negra Lake. The lake water was analysed for the main physical and chemical characteristics. The taxonomic analysis of spicules in the sediments of the Serra Negra Lake indicated the contribution of the same five sponge species, which formed large deposits in the neighbouring areas including those of the Cemitério Paleolake, Dosilia pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro (1992), Metania spinata (Carter, 1881), Trochospongilla variabilis Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago (1973), Radiospongilla amazonensis Volkmer-Ribeiro & Maciel (1983) and Heterorotula fistula Volkmer-Ribeiro & Motta (1995). The analyses of current sediments of the lake also revealed a conspicuous biosilicious deposit, highlighting the sponge spicules, which allowed a comparison with the Cemitério Paleolake deposit. All these results led us to propose an interpretation of the evolution of the Cemitério Paleolake. Therefore, five phases of environmental changes were identified in the paleolake deposit, corresponding to the installation (lotic and erosion phase), establishment and development of the lake, and colmatation of the lake, with the latter correlating to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Moreover, on the basis of the ecological requirements of the sponge species identified in the deposit, it was possible to infer the probable weather patterns related to the respective phases of the lake. The unprecedented presence of the sponge species Corvoheteromeyenia australis in the Cemitério Paleolake, which is presently recorded only in southern South America, indicated that polar incursions originating from the Antarctic were frequent during the last glacial period and may have played a notable role in what is now the central Brazil. However, for a short time, drier and hotter weather conditions may have predominated, as suggested by the presence of Corvomeyenia thumi. There is no doubt that the paleoclim favored the karstic process in the dome of Catalão I, which led to the formation of the paleolake basin, where environmental condictions favored the existence of a particular sponges community, currently typical of the lakes of the Cerrado Biome. Depth, flow and water residence in the basin as well as the availability of substrate and silica concentrations, with the latter favored by the surrounding source rocks, were the key environmental conditions for the formation of biosiliceous deposit in the Cemitério Paleolake.
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Les suburbia d'Ostie antique. Nouvelles recherches sur l'évolution urbain de la ville de la fin de la période Républicaine jusqu’à l'Antiquité tardive / The suburbia of Ostia Antica. New researches on the urban evolution from late Republican period to Late AntiquityDe Togni, Stefano 29 June 2018 (has links)
Au sein de cette thèse de doctorat, l’auteur a cherché à appréhender les suburbia d'Ostie (Rome, Latium Italie) au travers d’analyses menées sur différentes échelles, depuis l’étude globale des quartiers de Porta Marina et du Trastevere Ostiense jusqu’à des fouilles stratigraphiques. Les structures qui forment ces deux quartiers ont d’abord été analysés et classés comme « unités topographiques », puis incluses dans un SIG. Les données relatives à chaque structure ont été récoltées aussi bien durant les investigations menées au sein des archives du Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica qu’au cours de prospections sur le terrain, de l’analyse de photographies aériennes, de relevés, d’observations in situ et des fouilles.Au cours de cette enquête, plusieurs objets mis au jour lors d’anciennes fouilles ont été pris en compte et insérés dans des fiches de catalogues créées ad hoc, intégrées au SIG. Ainsi, le recensement des structures archéologiques du Trastevere Ostiense ont permis de mettre en évidence un territoire densément construit, au moins depuis le Ier siècle ap. J.-C. et ce, jusqu’au Ve siècle ap. J.-C. L'étude globale de l'évolution urbaine du quartier de Porta Marina a permis d'identifier pas moins de 13 phases principales, qui s’étendent du Ier siècle av. J.-C. jusqu'au VIe siècle, en plus de deux phases de spoliations et d’une phase d'érosion marine datée du Moyen Age. Parmi les principales découvertes, il faut d’abord signaler la découverte d'une importante activité de construction entre l'époque Julio-Claudienne et l'époque Flavienne. Cette phase, qui était restée presque inconnue jusqu’à présent, est en partie liée à l’édification de bâtiments funéraires. Si l’on se fie à ces nouveaux éléments, il est très probable qu’une nécropole ait vu le jour à cette époque, au-delà de la Porta Marina. Cette nécropole fut ensuite complètement démantelée lors du développement du quartier maritime voulu par l'empereur Hadrien en personne.L'approche analytique menée à l’échelle d’un quartier, couplée aux bornes chronologiques apportées par les fouilles conduites dans le cadre du projet Ostia Marina, a permis de donner une vision totalement renouvelée du front de mer de la ville. Les recherches menées sur les bâtiments construits contre et par-dessus l’enceinte tardo-républicaine ont permis de mettre en évidence l’abandon rapide de sa fonction défensive, quoique cette structure ait été respectée jusqu'au début du IIe siècle ap. J.-C. Par la suite, le bras oriental a fonctionné comme un aqueduc, tandis que le bras occidental fut rasé pour construire de nouveaux édifices. A la place de la Porta Marina, un arc fut élevé à la place de l’ancienne porte afin de délimiter la ville intra-muros et la ville extra-muros. Le plan d'un grand bâtiment a pu être complétée à partir de photos aériennes. Celui-ci est situé dans la partie orientale du suburbium situé au-delà de Porta Marina, qui n’a pas encore été fouillée.Les phases relatives à l’Antiquité tardive témoignent de la vitalité de ce quartier tout au long du IVe siècle ap. J.-C. et ce, jusqu'au début du Ve siècle. En revanche, des signes importants d'abandon apparaissent au cours de la première moitié du Ve siècle. Cette phase d’abandon trouve probablement son origine dans le tremblement de terre daté au 443 ap. J.-C.Un autre acquis majeur de cette étude a trait aux relations entre ville et mer, ainsi qu’aux changements du littoral au cours des siècles. L'étude des traces d'érosion sur les bâtiments qui se trouvaient près de l'ancienne plage ont permis de confirmer l'hypothèse d'une érosion marine postérieure à la fin de l’Antiquité, datable au XIe siècle, qui a détruit certains bâtiments, conditionnant ainsi notre vision de la ville antique sur le front de mer. / In this thesis the study of the suburbs of Ostia (Rome, Italy) took place at different levels of study, from the macro scale of the entire neighborhoods to the micro scale of the single stratigraphic trench. The archaeological evidence of the porta Marina area and of the “Trastevere Ostiense” have been analyzed and filed as Topographical Units and recorded in a GIS. For each structure data were collected either through the consultation of archives, through field surveys, aerial photography, direct examinations and excavation essays. 148 artifacts from the old excavations were recorded and inserted in a data base created ad hoc. Where possible, spatial data was associated with the objects, with the positioning in the place of discovery within the GIS. The survey of the archaeological evidences of the “Trastevere Ostiense” allowed to recognize a densely built territory, with a chronology that goes from first to at least the fifth century AD. Among the types of buildings identified, the “horreum” seems to be the prevailing. The precise positioning of some excavation trenches of 1957 at the loop of the Tiber has allowed to identify a flood zone of second-third century AD reclaimed and built. At the same time, on the other side, the Via Ostiense was rebuilt further south due to erosion.The overall study of the urbanistic evolution of the suburban area of porta Marina has allowed to identify 13 main phases of life, from the first century BC until the 6th century AD, in addition to two phases of spoliation and a phase of sea erosion of the Middle Age. Among the main novelties there is the discovery of a notable construction activity dating back to the Julio-Claudian age to the Flavia age, previously almost unknown, which can be partially connected to funerary buildings. It is very probable, in the light of the new data, that there was a necropolis outside porta Marina, which was completely dismantled during the Hadrianic urban renovation and the thermal development of the maritime district. The large-scale analytical approach, also thanks to the chronological extremes derived from the excavations carried out with the Ostia Marina Project, has led to a completely renewed vision of the city's maritime sector. The presumed preservation of late Republican funerary monuments in the imperial era turned out to be a not entirely exact theory, the result of the distorted vision created with the E-42 restorations and demolitions. The stratigraphic analysis shows a partial obliteration of the funerary monuments already occurred by the end of the first century. A.D. due to the raising of the walking surfaces. The research on buildings built close to and above the Late-Republic walls made it possible to highlight that they quickly lost the defensive functions, but continued to be respected until the beginning of the second century AD. Subsequently, the eastern part functioned as an aqueduct, while the western part was demolished to build new buildings. An arch was built in place of the porta Marina door, to set the limit between town and suburb. Starting from some aerial photos, the plan of a large building, located in the eastern unexcavated portion of the porta Marina suburban area, was completed. The particular form of the complex allows to hypothesize a link to the “foro ad mare” built by Aureliano, mentioned in the Historia Augusta. The study of the late-antique phases revealed a remarkable vitality of the district throughout the IV until the beginning of the fifth century AD, while during the first half of the 5th century AD strong signs of abandonment appear. The probable effects of the earthquake of 443 AD were found, starting from the traces of collapse found in at least four buildings. Another important acquisition concerns the relationship between the city and the sea and changes in the coastline over the centuries.
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Mountain and sea : settlement and economy in late antique Lycia, Isauria and north central AnatoliaTerpoy, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an interdisciplinary comparative analysis of the socio-economic developments of three regions in Anatolia: Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia in the late antique period (c. AD 330-600s). I present the most up-to-date picture of late antique settlement in these regions by collating recent evidence, particularly amphorae and settlement remains, derived from research conducted in these regions over the past few decades. From this picture, I analyse what the location of settlement and archeological remains within sites may reveal concerning the ways in which settlements participated in local, region and interregional exchange networks. As these three regions share the common geographic features of bordering major maritime areas and encompassing mountainous interiors, I examine how geography may have impacted the location of settlement and the movement of goods and people. By integrating areas located on opposite Anatolian coastlines, I examine how differing maritime networks may have impacted settlement development. This tripartite comparison attempts to establish northern Anatolia alongside its southern counterpart in the discourse of late antique economy and settlement development. Alongside this regional analysis, I discuss methodological considerations, such as the ways in which the current state of research and various research methods impact our analysis and interpretation of late antique settlement development. This study reveals that sub-regions within Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia developed in diverse ways and that the ways in which each region participated in wider exchange differed. I argue that overarching narratives of development, such as 'prosperity' and 'decline' do not accurately reflect the development of these regions. In sum, this thesis contributes an up-to-date analysis of the settlement development of Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia to the wider discourse of late antique regional development, which engages and challenges discourse surrounding the economic development of these regions in Late Antiquity.
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Imagining modernity in the Uganda Prisons Service, 1945-1979Bruce-Lockhart, Katherine deVries January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a social history of the Uganda Prisons Service in the late colonial and early post-colonial periods. Focusing particularly on prison officers, it advances four key arguments. Firstly, it argues that global visions of the prison were crucial in shaping the Service’s development, its institutional culture, and the professional identities of its personnel. From the late colonial period onwards, this vision was anchored on notions of penal welfarism, which positioned the prison as a centre of rehabilitation, staffed by professionals who possessed technical expertise. Secondly, the penal welfare model was combined with an emphasis on the prison’s role as a driver of economic development and a source of public revenue – features that were seen as compatible with penal modernity. Thirdly, this vision of the prison gave the Service a particular imaginative capital, which prison officers used as an important resource. It provided them with a common set of principles and norms through which to define their professional role. Senior officers adopted it with alacrity, pursuing further professionalization through engagement with transnational penal reform networks. Others summoned it as a source of claim-making, using it to call on the state to provide them with greater benefits and treat them as respectable public servants. Finally, visions of penal modernity and professionalism were contested throughout the periods under study, leading officers to engage in boundary work. Officers were regularly defining their role in relation to other spaces of incarceration, such as local government prisons and informal detention sites. With the take-over of Idi Amin in 1971 and the militarization of the state, prison officers’ professional identities were profoundly challenged, but also became particularly important, providing them with a conceptual boundary that at least partially demarcated them from Amin’s regime. Ultimately, the case of the Uganda Prisons Service reminds us of the importance of studying prisons beyond their coercive capacities, paying attention to how such institutions became the focal point of debates over modernity, authority, and professionalism. More broadly, this study challenges the narrative of failure that has dominated popular and scholarly portrayals of state institutions on the African continent, rejecting generic depictions of the postcolony as a site of chaos and disorder.
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