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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Okruh pozdně románských staveb v Posázaví (Týnec nad Sázavou a Poříčí nad Sázavou) / Late Romanic heritage sights situated in Posázaví (in Týnec nad Sázavou and Poříčí nad Sázavou)

KOUKLÍKOVÁ, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of this Diploma thesis covering the topic ``Late Romanic heritage sights situated in Posázaví/ in Týnec nad Sázavou and Poříčí nad Sázavou), was to sum up the literature touching those sights, to describe the historical buildings and to link them with the whole architectonic development in ancient Bohemia. In its first part, the Diploma thesis concludes the literature used for my descriptions, in the second part it describes selected buildings {--} chapel of St. Havel in Poříčí nad Sázavou, chapel of St. Petr in Poříčí nad Sázavou, rotunda of St.Václav in Týnec nad Sázavou and extinct Romanic church located in the same city. The thesis also touches building{\crq}s conditions, describes their reconstructions, inventory and ranks them chronologically into the context of ancient Romanic architecture in our country. Finally all my descriptions are also supported by the visual attachment, which is the last part of my work.

Flora pleistocênica do Paleolago Cemitério, Catalão, GO: taxonomia e fitofisionomia

Silva, Simone Carolina Sousa e January 2013 (has links)
O Afloramento Paleolago Cemitério, localizado na mina de fosfato a céu aberto da “Ultrafértil”, município de Catalão, Goiás, possui depósito lacustre de idade quaternária (Pleistoceno tardio), originado pelo preenchimento de uma depressão na parte central do Complexo Carbonatítico de Catalão I, onde sedimentos, ricos em espículas de esponjas, diatomáceas e macrorrestos vegetais, assentam discordantemente sobre um domo de rochas magmáticas carbonatíticas do Cretáceo Superior. Foram analisadas as tafofloras do paleolago Cemitério a partir de folhas fósseis de angiospermas presentes em duas Seções (1 e 2). É abordada aqui a taxonomia das folhas fósseis de angiospermas, incluindo descrições morfológicas diagnósticas, e o enquadramento fitofisionômico da paleoflora. Para esse fim, foram coletadas centenas de espécimes de folhas fossilizadas das quais foram selecionados de acordo com o grau de preservação. Os espécimes selecionados foram inicialmente agrupados de acordo com aspectos morfológicos gerais. Os critérios diagnósticos mais importantes utilizados estiveram relacionados aos padrões de nervação. Em seguida, as folhas foram descritas minuciosamente e identificadas com auxílio de especialistas. O estudo taxonômico dos macrorrestos vegetais nessas rochas confirmou a existência de 62 morfótipos identificados (46 em nível específico, 11 em nível genérico e 5 permaneceram apenas como Família) distribuídos em 23 Famílias. Em todos os níveis fossilíferos, os espécimes apresentaram correspondentes modernos. Devido ao excelente grau de preservação dos fósseis, foi possível realizar uma boa identificação taxonômica sugerindo que as folhas presentes no afloramento Paleolago Cemitério sofreram pequenos transportes e desidratação, bem como ataques por agentes biológicos, antes da deposição, tendo assim ficado pouco tempo expostas à degradação subaérea. A composição florística não acusou a presença de elementos de caatinga e sim de uma vegetação tipo formação florestal do Bioma Cerrado. O estudo permitiu também associar as tafofloras com as diferentes fitofisionomias do Cerrado, em especial às formações florestais, indicando a preservação de um mosaico vegetacional e não exclusivamente elementos que representavam apenas as Matas de Galerias. A paleoflora encontrada em Catalão apresentou alta riqueza de espécies identificadas, representando um excelente registro da flora pretérita que ocupou essa região no Pleistoceno. / The Paleolake Cemitério Outcrop, situated in the open cast mine of Ultrafertil enterprise, in municipality of Catalão, Goiás state, correspond to a lacustrine deposit of Quaternary age (late Pleistocene) originated by filling out a depression in the central part of the Carbonatitic Complex from Catalão I, where the sediments rich in sponge spicules, diatom frustules and plant macroremains, lie unconformably on the dome of carbonatitic magmatic rocks from the Upper Cretaceous. We analyzed the plant assemblages of Paleolake Cemitério from fossil angiosperm leaves present in two Sections (1 and 2). It is addressed here the taxonomy of fossil angiosperm leaves, including the diagnostic morphological descriptions and the fitophysiognomic analysis. For this purpose, we collected a hundreds of specimens of fossil leaves which have been selected to this study according to the degree of preservation. The selected specimens were initially clustered according general morphology. The most important diagnostic criteria used were related to the venation pattern. Then the leaves were described in detail and identified with the aid of experts. The taxonomic analysis of plant remains in these deposit confirmed the occurrence of 62 morphotypes identified (46 in specific level, 11 in generic level and 5 remained only as family) distributed in 23 families. At all fossiliferous levels, the specimens demonstrated modern correspondent taxa. Due to the excellent degree of preservation of plant fossils, it was possible carry out a precise taxonomic identification, suggesting that the leaves present in this outcrop suffered minor transport and low dehydration, as well as attacks by biological agents, before the deposition, what means that they did not be exposed to the subaerial degradation for a long period. The floral composition did not accuse the presence of elements of Caatinga, but of one’s typical of forest formation of the Cerrado Biome. This study allowed also the association of the plant assemblages analyzed with different fitophysiognomies of the Cerrado, especially with forest formations, indicating the preservation of a vegetation mosaic and not only elements that represented exclusively Mata de Galeria. The paleoflora of Catalão showed high species richness indentified, representing a reliable register of the ancient flora that occupied this region during the Late Pleistocene.

A monumentalidade da história e a formação da memória cultural do cristianismo no século IV : uma análise da "história eclasiástica" de Eusébio de Cesareia

Losekann, Cydne Rosa Lopes January 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo abordar a História Eclesiástica, obra pioneira de Eusébio de Cesareia, a partir do ponto de vista de sua monumentalidade. Isto é: contemplando a maneira com que os temas abordados, e sobretudo a maneira como esses temas foram expostos nas páginas da História Eclesiástica, contribuíram para a constituição de uma identidade cristã em um período em que se deu uma passagem geracional de um contexto em que os cristãos eram perseguidos pelas autoridades romanas para um período em que o cristianismo adquiriu um novo status dentro do Império Romano. Para que essa abordagem seja possível, para que seja possível tratar da História Eclesiástica como uma referência para o mundo cristão do século IV e para as futuras gerações cristãs, será considerado todo o entorno religioso e cultural que de alguma maneira influenciou o desenvolvimento e a difusão do cristianismo e esteve presente na obra monumental do bispo de Cesareia, assim como autores cristãos de diferentes períodos que encontraram na História Eclesiástica uma referência para compreender os conflitos religiosos de seu próprio tempo. / The present research aims to approach the Ecclesiastical History, a pioneer historical work written by Eusebius of Caesarea, from the point of view of its monumentality. In other words, comprising the way that the addressed subjects, especially the way those subjects were exposed on the pages of the Ecclesiastical History, contributed to the formation of a christian identity in a period in which there was a generational transition from a context when christians were pursued by the roman authorities to a period when the christian religion acquired a new status in the Roman Empire. In order to succeed in this approach, in order to make possible to consider the Ecclesiastical History a refference to the christian world from the 4th century and for future christian generations, it will be taken into account the whole religious environment that somehow influenced the growth and spread of christianity and was present in the monumental work of the bishop of Caesarea, as well as christian authors from different historical periods that found in the Ecclesiastical Historial a refference to understand the religious conflicts from their own time.

Revisão epidemiológica com ênfase nos efeitos tardios pós primeira linha de tratamento para linfoma de Hodgkin em pacientes acompanhados no serviço de oncologia pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre no período de 1995 a 2012

Gatiboni, Tanira January 2014 (has links)
Introdução linfoma de Hodgkin (LH) é uma neoplasia que atinge tipicamente crianças e adultos jovens, com uma taxa de cura superior a 80%. Consequentemente, estes pacientes podem viver por décadas com efeitos tardios (ET) persistentes e emergentes da doença e do seu tratamento. Estes sobreviventes possuem risco aumentado para vários tipos de doenças, dentre elas, segunda neoplasia, doença cardíaca, pulmonar, disfunção endócrina e infertilidade. Objetivos Analisar epidemiologicamente os pacientes com diagnóstico de LH tratados com esquemas terapêuticos de primeira linha no Serviço de Oncologia Pediatria do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), visando os ET do tratamento empregado. Métodos e análise estatística estudo de coorte retrospectivo, realizado através da revisão dos prontuários médicos dos pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico de LH tratados com esquemas de primeira linha no Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica do HCPA, no período de 1995 a 2012. Características dos pacientes, resposta ao tratamento e efeitos tardios foram avaliados através de análise descritiva. As variáveis contínuas foram descritas por média e desvio padrão ou mediana e amplitude interquartílica. As variáveis categóricas foram descritas por frequências absolutas e relativas. O método de Kaplan-Meier foi utilizado para estimar a sobrevida global e a sobrevida livre de eventos. A comparação entre as curvas de sobrevida foi realizada pelo teste de log-rank. Para avaliar a associação entre as variáveis categóricas, os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson ou exato de Fisher foram aplicados. Para comparar as médias das doses dos esquemas quimioterápicos conforme efeitos tardios, o teste t-student foi aplicado. Resultados total de 51 pacientes, o tempo de seguimento foi de 6,9 anos (mediana), a idade ao diagnóstico variou entre 3 a 17 anos (media 9,53 anos DP=3,85); 41(80,3%) eram do sexo masculino. O tipo histológico predominante foi esclerose nodular (56,5%). A sobrevida global foi de 91,8% em 5 anos e 82,7% em 10 anos e a Sobrevida livre de eventos (SLE) em 5 e 10 anos foram 76,4% e 76,4%, respectivamente. Dezoito (35,3%) apresentaram ao menos um ET, sendo 1 (2%) alteração musculoesquelético, 1 (2%) segunda neoplasia, 6 (11,8%) infertilidade, 8 (15,7%) alteração pulmonar, 9 (17,6%) alteração da tireóide. Trinta (58,8%) dos pacientes receberam radioterapia e 13 (43,3%) apresentaram ET, sendo 9 (17,6%) alteração da tireoide, 8 (15,7%) alteração pulmonar, 6 (11,8%) infertilidade 1 (2%) alteração musculo-esquelética, 1 (2%) segunda neoplasia e nenhuma alteração cardíaca. Dezoito (36,7%) pacientes receberam radioterapia cervical e 12 (66,7%) desses apresentaram ET contra 6/31 (19,4%) dos que não fizeram (P= 0,003); 23 (46%) receberam radioterapia do mediastino e 13 (56,5%) desses pacientes desenvolveram ET e apenas 5/27 (18,5%) dos que não receberam desenvolveram ET (P=0,013). Dentre os esquemas terapêuticos mais utilizados nesta coorte, 26 (53,1%) receberam ciclofosfamida, vincristina, procarbazina, prednisona, doxorrubicina, bleomicina e vimblastina (COPP/ABV) e 10 (38,5 %) dos que receberam este esquema apresentaram ET em comparação com 6/23 (26,1%) dos que não utilizaram (P=0,537); 14 (28,6%) dos pacientes receberam bleomicina, etoposide, doxorrubicina, ciclofosfamida, vincristina, procarbazina e prednisona (BEACOPP) e 3/14 (21,4%) desses apresentaram ET ao passo que 13/35 (37,1%) dos que não utilizaram esse esquema apresentaram ET (P=0,336); 7 (14,3%) receberam bleomicina, vimblastina, doxorrubicina, dacarbazina (ABVD) e apenas 1 (14,3%) apresentou ET em comparação com 15/42 (35,7%) que não receberam (P=0,402); 4 (8,2%) dos pacientes receberam bleomicina, vimblastina, doxorrubicina, dacarbazina (ABVPC) e 1 (25%) contra 15/45 (33,3%) dos que não receberam este esquema apresentaram ET (P=1). Conclusão devido ao risco de ET e aos bons índices de sobrevida, a atenção especial para criação de regimes de tratamento com cada vez menor toxicidade tardia, assistência médica para pacientes pós-tratamento e preparação dos médicos e sistemas de saúde são de suma importância para assegurar a qualidade de vida desses sobreviventes. / Introduction Hodgkin linfoma (HL) is a malignancy which typically affects children and adolescents, with a cure rate higher than 80%. Consequently, these patients may live for decades with treatment-related late effects (LE), which are persistent and emergent. These survivors possess increased risk for various diseases, including second malignancies, cardiac and pulmonary disease, endocrine dysfunction and infertility. Objectives Perform an epidemiological analysis of patients diagnosed with, and treated for, HL with first line chemotherapeutic regimens at the Pediatric Oncology Unit of the Federal University Hospital of Porto Alegre (HCPA), focusing on each treatment’s late effects. Methods and statistical analysis This is a retrospective cohort study, performed by revising medical charts of patients diagnosed with HL and treated with first line chemotherapeutic regimens at the Pediatric Oncology Unit of the HCPA, from 1995 to 2012. Patient characteristics, response to therapy and late effects are reported via descriptive analysis. Continuous variables are reported via mean and standard deviation or median and interquartile ranges. Categorical variables are described by absolute and relative frequencies. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate overall and event-free survival. The comparison between survival curves were performed with the log-rank test. To explore the association between categorical variables, the Pearson Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test were employed. The relationship between late effects and mean chemotherapeutic dose was evaluated with the student’s T test. Results a total of 51 patients, of which 41 (80.3%) were males. Median follow-up time was of 6.9 years. Age at diagnosis varied between 3 and 17 years (mean 9.53; SD 3.85). The most common histological subtype was nodular sclerosis (56,5%). Overall survival (OS) was of 91.8% in 5 years and 82.7% in 10 years, and event-free survival (EFS) was 76.4% and 76.4% for 5 and 10 years, respectively. Eighteen (35.3%) patients presented at least one LE, being 1 (2%) musculoskeletal alterations, 1 (2%) second malignancy, 6 (11.8%) infertility, 8 (15.7%) pulmonary alterations, 9 (17.6%) thyroid alterations and none presented cardiac alterations. Thirty (58.8%) patients received radiotherapy and of these 13 (43.3%) presented LE, being 9 (17.6%) thyroid alterations, 8 (15.7%) pulmonary alterations, 6 (11.8%) infertility, 1 (2%) musculoskeletal alterations, 1 (2%) second malignancy, and none presented cardiac alterations. Eighteen (36.7%) patients received cervical radiotherapy, and of these 12 (66.7%) presented LE, against 6 (19.4%) of 31 patients who were not submitted to cervical radiotherapy and developed a LE (P=0.003). Twenty-three (46%) patients received mediastinal radiotherapy, and of these 13 (56.5%) presented LE, against 5 (18.5%) of 27 patients who did not receive this treatment and developed a LE (P=0,013). With regards to treatment, 26 (53.1%) patients received COPPABV and 10 (38.5%) of these presented LE, against 6 (26.1%) of 23 patients who did not receive COPPABV and presented LE (P=0.537). Fourteen (28.6%) patients received BEACOPP, and of these 3 (21.4%) presented LE, against 13 (37.1%) of the 35 patients who did not receive BEACOPP and presented LE (P=0.336). Seven (14.3%) patients received ABVD and only one (14.3%) presented LE in comparison to 15 (35.7%) of 42 patients who did not receive ABVD and presented LE (P=0.402); four (8.2%) patients received ABVPC and 1 (25%) presented LE, against 15 (33.3%) of 45 patients who did not receive ABVPC and presented LE (P=1). Conclusion Because of the high overall survival rates in children and adolescents diagnosed with, and treated for LH, special attention should be given to treatment regimens with reduced late effects burden. In order to guarantee the quality of life of LH survivors, adequate medical attention to patients should be provided post-treatment. Physicians and other health care professionals would also benefit from training sessions which focus on these issues.

Antes del Inka y después del Inka: paisajes culturales y sacralidad en la puna de Atacama, Chile

Aldunate, Carlos, Castro, Victoria, Varela, Varinia 10 April 2018 (has links)
Before the Inka and After the Inka: Cultural Lansdcapes and Sacredness in the Puna of Atacama, ChileThe objective of the present study is to explore ideological aspects of towns of the late pre-Hispanic periods (900-1500 C.E.) located in the upper valleys of the Atacama, on the western slopes of the southern Andes, which are related to the tradition of the south-central Andean area. The surprising aspects of cultural continuity that exist among the present-day inhabitants of communities in this area permit the authors to interpret the material remains left by the pre-Columbian inhabitants.In this study, results are presented of fieldwork undertaken by the authors that pertain to the beliefs of older community members of the puna of Atacama. In particular, emphasis will be given to rituals related to the mountains and the transformations that came about with the incorporation of this region into Tawantinsuyu. / El objetivo del presente trabajo es explorar aspectos ideológicos de los pueblos prehispánicos de los periodos tardíos (900-1500 d.C.) que se asentaron en las quebradas altas de Atacama, en las laderas occidentales de los Andes surandinos, ligados a la tradición del área centro-sur andina. Los sorprendentes aspectos de continuidad cultural que existen entre los actuales pueblos originarios de este lugar han permitido a los autores interpretar los restos materiales dejados por los pueblos precolombinos.Este trabajo presenta algunos resultados de los trabajos realizados por los autores acerca de las creencias de los antiguos habitantes de la puna de Atacama. Se hará énfasis, muy especialmente, en los rituales relacionados con las montañas y las transformaciones sufridas con la incorporación de esta región al Tawantinsuyu.

¿Por qué surgió Tiwanaku y no otro centro político del Formativo Tardío?

Bandy, Matthew S. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Why did Tiwanaku emerge and not other Late Formative Politic Center?An attempt is made to answer the question "why Tiwanaku?" Between 300 and 500 A.D., the site of Tiwanaku assumed a dominant role in the Titicaca Basin social landscape. In this paper, I consider three possible explanations for this event: 1) conquest, 2) interzonal exchange, and 3) raised field agriculture. These scenarios are considered in light of settlement data recently collected by the author. / Se intenta formular una respuesta al problema de por qué surgió Tiwanaku. Entre 300 y 500 d.C., el sitio de Tiwanaku asumió un papel dominante dentro del paisaje social de la cuenca del Titicaca. La presente nota considera tres posibles explicaciones para el evento: 1) conquista, 2) intercambio interzonal, y 3) agricultura en campos elevados. Estas posibilidades se consideran en relación a datos de asentamientos arqueológicos que el autor ha recolectado de manera reciente.

Hydraulic Technology, Agricultural Expansion, And Non-Monumental Settlements During The Lima Period / Tecnología hidráulica, ampliación de la frontera agrícola y asentamientos no monumentales durante la época Lima

Palacios, Jonathan, Maquera, Erik, Toledo, Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this article is to provide new evidence that contributes to an understanding of the processes that led to the creation of Late Lima monumental centers. is evidence comes from the Huachipa plains and non-monumental settlements located in the middle Rimac Valley such as San Antonio-Huachipa, El Golf de Huampaní (also known as El Vallecito), and Pancha Paula located in the Chillon valley. / El propósito de este trabajo es aportar nueva evidencia que contribuya a explicar los procesos que dieron origen a los centros monumentales Lima Tardío, con evidencia procedente de la llanura de Huachipa y asentamientos no monumentalesdel valle medio del Rímac como San Antonio-Huachipa, El Golf de Huampaní (en adelante El Vallecito) y Pancha Paula en el valle del Chillón.

Young Adult Maturing Out of Alcohol Involvement: Moderated Effects among Marriage, Developmental Changes in Personality, and Late Adolescent Alcohol Involvement

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Research has shown that a developmental process of maturing out of alcohol involvement occurs during young adulthood, and that this process is related to both young adult role transitions (e.g., marriage) and personality developmental (e.g., decreased disinhibition and neuroticism). The current study extended past research by testing whether protective marriage and personality effects on maturing out were stronger among more severe late adolescent drinkers, and whether protective marriage effects were stronger among those who experienced more personality development. Parental alcoholism and gender were tested as moderators of marriage, personality, and late adolescent drinking effects on maturing out; and as distal predictors mediated by these effects. Participants were a subsample (N = 844; 51% children of alcoholics; 53% male, 71% non-Hispanic Caucasian, 27% Hispanic; Chassin, Barrera, Bech, & Kossak-Fuller, 1992) from a larger longitudinal study of familial alcoholism. Hypotheses were tested with latent growth models characterizing alcohol consumption and drinking consequence trajectories from late adolescence to adulthood (age 17-40). Past findings were replicated by showing protective effects of becoming married, sensation-seeking reductions, and neuroticism reductions on the drinking trajectories. Moderation tests showed that protective marriage effects on the drinking trajectories were stronger among those with higher pre-marriage drinking in late adolescence (i.e., higher growth intercepts). This might reflect role socialization mechanisms such that more severe drinking produces more conflict with the demands of new roles (i.e., role incompatibility), thus requiring greater drinking reductions to resolve this conflict. In contrast, little evidence was found for moderation of personality effects by late adolescent drinking or for moderation of marriage effects by personality. Parental alcoholism findings suggested complex moderated mediation pathways. Parental alcoholism predicted less drinking reduction through decreasing the likelihood of marriage (mediation) and muting marriage's effect on the drinking trajectories (moderation), but parental alcoholism also predicted more drinking reduction through increasing initial drinking in late adolescence (mediation). The current study provides new insights into naturally occurring processes of recovery during young adulthood and suggests that developmentally-tailored interventions for young adults could harness these natural recovery processes (e.g., by integrating role incompatibility themes and addressing factors that block role effects among those with familial alcoholism). / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Psychology 2013

Saint Ambroise de Milan, De Noe : présentation, traduction, annotation / Saint. Ambrose of Milan, De Noe : introduction, translation and annotation

Martz, Philippe 10 October 2014 (has links)
Le traité intitulé Noé, écrit par Ambroise de Milan, est représentatif de sa pensée et de son activité en 378. Il synthétise déjà les études et les travaux produits tout au long des quatre cycles liturgiques qu’il a vécus depuis le début de son épiscopat en 374. Tout en suivant le fil du récit de la Genèse, l’exégète milanais fait le portrait du Juste, pour l’offrir à des fidèles soucieux, en temps de carême, de vivre au quotidien leur engagement chrétien et d’enrichir leur connaissance du texte et de la spiritualité bibliques.Nous nous sommes appuyés sur le texte latin de l’édition italienne SAEMO de 1984, pour en fournir une traduction. Nous y avons joint des notes, qui montrent le lien avec les autres oeuvres d’Ambroise et sa lecture de Philon d’Alexandrie, et un commentaire sous forme d’introduction. Nous décrivons la méthode de l’exégèse du pasteur milanais à travers ses aspects littéraires et rhétoriques, pour entrer ensuite dans la vie liturgique qui donne son sens au traité, avant d’évoquer des aspects de la théologie ambrosienne. / The treatise entitled Noe, written by Ambrose of Milan, represents his thought and his activity in 378. Firstly, it summarises the studies and work he completed throughout the four liturgical cycles he had known since the beginning of his episcopacy in 374. While following the thread of the story of The Genesis, the Milanese exegete draws the portrait of The Just Man to the faithful eager to live their daily Christian commitment, in times of lent, and enrich their knowledge of the biblical text and spirituality.We have used the Latin text of the Italian edition SAEMO dating back to 1984, in order to translate it. We have added notes, showing the link with Ambrose's other works and his reading of Philon of Alexandria, as well as a commentary as an introduction. We are describing the method of the Milanese pastor's exegesis through their literary and rhetorical angles, so as to enter then the liturgical life which gives its meaning to the treatise, before evoking the aspects of Ambrose's theology.

Život v pozdní antice: kontextuální analýza keramiky ze severního svahu Vesuvu / Life in Late Antiquity: A Contextual Analysis of the Pottery from the North Slope of Vesuvius.

Benková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis examines two ceramic assemblages from the villa baths at Pollena Trocchia, Italy. The private bath complex was likely part of the Roman villa built at the beginning of the 2nd century AD and buried under the volcanoclastic debris of the AD 472 eruption which provided an important terminus ante quem. The previous studies demonstrated that in the 5th century AD the bath complex became a pottery dump and cemetery. Nevertheless, a different picture was drawn from the excavation of the underground cistern in the north-western part of the baths. In order to better understand the purpose of the cistern prior to the eruption, which sealed most of the site, the pottery assemblage from the cistern was compared to the assemblage from one of the bathrooms identified as the laconicum. In fact, the cistern uncovered rather low number of individuals compared to the rest of the baths and the ratio of attested pottery classes was limited. While the African imports were almost absent, there was a great number of local products. Most of the shapes consisted of locally produced jugs of big volume, which could be associated with the water-supply system. When possible, the individuals were dated to the second half of the 5th century. Therefore, it is likely that the cistern was still in use a long...

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