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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hjälmen under yngre järnåldern : härkomst, förekomst och bruk / The Helmet During the Iron Age : Origin, Frequency and Use

Frisk, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
Few helmets, dated to the Vendel period are known from Scandinavia and even fewer are known from the Viking age. Paradoxically, picture stones and sagas frequently tell about these objects as if they were very common, something that is contradicted by the archaeological material. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different literary sources and compare these to the archaeological materials and by doing so, gets a clearer picture about the emergence, use, function and of the late Iron Age helmets in Scandinavia.

Att skapa intersektionalitet : En studie av forskarsubjekt i upprättade arkivhandlingar i Valsgärde arkiv / Creating Intersectionality : A Study of Subjects in Records Created from the Valsgärde Archive

Lindström, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to gain an understanding on how researchers leave their mark on archaeological records and to discuss what this have meant for the production of archaeological knowledge. This was done by studying archival records from two archaeological excavations of boat graves in Valsgärde, which was held in 1936 and 1950. Starting with the relation between creator/researcher and records made the idea was to contribute with a study of the relationship between records and creator. The theories being used for analyzing this was intersectionality combined with Donna Haraways situated knowledges, where created interacting categories in the material was analyzed in relation to each researcher. Both researchers material where further discussed whis this in mind. The main method used was qualitative content analysis, wich were also combined with a quantitative method of the number of records created with the same content. Through these methods interacting categoriers was found in the archaeological documentation. The created interacting categories in one material consisted of documentation of archaeological remains in situ, documentation of single finds and documentation of archaeological stratigraphy. Further three interacting categories of documentation after excavation, of weapons and single finds was found in the same material. In comparision, the other records consisted of interacting categories of documentation of archaeological remains in situ, documentation of the contex of the findings and documentation of archaeological stratigraphy. This showed how the reseachers in the studied records have left their marks on the archaeological documentation of each boat grave. The researches had desicive impact on the produced knowledge that was based on their findings, since the records that were created were created were influenced by each researcher. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Ryttargravar från Vendel och Valsgärde : En studie om skillnader och kontraster i hästutrustning mellan vendel- och vikingatid. / Equestrian graves from Vendel and Valsgärde : A study of differences and contrasts in horse equipment between Vendel period and Viking Age.

Fleischer, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
What specifically characterizes an equestrian grave and what equipment do the equestrian graves from the Vendel period and early Viking Age contain? This study deals with the differences and contrasts that exist in horse equipment between Vendel period and early Viking Age times in Vendel and Valsgärde and how the horse equipment changes over time. The study deals with what are called equestrian graves and this is also where the differences in the grave material are the biggest. The contrasts that have been read shows a change in the grave material between the Vendel period and Viking Age, it goes from being an equestrian and warrior ideal where horse and riding have been a large part of the social structure with among other things like stirrups, spurs, and saddles to turn into what could be likened to a development of agriculture and the need for horses as draft and working animals. The latter grave material contains equipment such as towhooks, “rangles” and driving equipment. This material also contains other points of departure that are relevant to this thesis, including the role of the horse in human history, looting of boat graves and its disturbed context, and how it has affected the boat graves of this study and the deposition of horse equipment. The horse was of great importance in the lives of the living and in the land of the dead, but it also received both its riding equipment and working equipment in order to continue to have a centered role, even in the afterlife.

De arkeologiska artefakternas museala liv : En biografi över Valsgärdesamlingen / The museum life of archaeological artefacts : A biography of the Valsgärde-collection

Friberg, Zanna January 2016 (has links)
The museum life of archaeological artefacts - A biography of the Valsgärde-collection is a two years master ́s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies at Uppsala University in Sweden. It is an object biography of an archaeological collection housed in the university museum Museum Gustavianum in Uppsala. The collection is the result of excavations conducted by Uppsala University in the early 20th century in Valsgärde in Gamla Uppsala parish, Uppland. The aim of the study is to highlight the museum life of archaeological artefacts and relate this to the curation crisis within archaeology, as described in Anglo-American research. Archival material from the museum was examined, using a method inspired by ethnographic content analysis (ECA), in order to write a biography of the curatorial management and use of the collection. The resulting object biography revealed clear signs that the collection had been suffering from problems associated with the curation crisis during its museum life. The perspective offered by the biographical narrative also revealed some long-term issues that resulted in these problems. Both general problems described in research on the curation crisis and issues specific to the Valsgärde-collection is illustrated by this object biography. The study shows that a continuation of the biographies of archaeological artefacts beyond the mere excavation phase offers insights into issues within, as well as possible solutions to, the archaeological curation crisis. / Artefakternas museala liv - En biografi över Valsgärdesamlingen är en objektbiografisk studie över den arkeologiska samlingen från utgrävningarna i Valsgärde, Gamla Uppsala socken, Uppland. Studiens underlag har utgjorts av arkivhandlingar från föremålsarkivet Museum Gustavianum Samlingar (MGS) i Uppsala, där även samlingen förvaltas. Studiens syfte var att förlänga artefakters biografier för att inkludera deras museala liv kan se ut och förhålla det till forskning om samlingsförvaltningskrisen. Dess centrala problematik är att insamlingstakten av arkeologiskt material är för intensiv för att samlings- förvaltning ska hinna med. Resultatet blir att samlingar inte kan förvaltas på ett ansvarsfullt sätt i fråga om bevarande och användande. Studiens metod är inspirerad av etnografisk innehållsanalys (ECA), där datainsamlingen börjat med två huvudkategorier; förvaltning och användande. Inom dessa kategorier har arkivens sammansättning fått styra vilka teman som fått framträda under datainsamlingen. Objektbiografin faller inom forskningstraditionen Material culture studies, vars bärande princip är att materialitet är nödvändig för förståelse av sociala och kulturella skeenden. Objektbiografin erbjuder ett perspektiv som tillåter att kunskap om hur samlingen skapats, behandlats och använts, samt hur dess museala kontext sett ut och hur aktörer förhållit sig till den, kan användas för att förstå ett större fenomen, samlingsförvaltningskrisen. Studiens specifika frågeställningar gällde vad för bild arkiven på MGS kunde erbjuda av användande och förvaltning av samlingen samt hur detta förhåller sig till samlingsförvaltningskrisen. Samlingen har varit föremål för kontinuerligt intresse och användande, trots att den inte blivit fullständigt publicerad eller inventerad. Användandet har bestått av utställning såväl som forskning. Dock har brist på en tidig holistisk finansieringsplan gjort att den utsatts för undermåliga bevarandeförhållanden under sitt museala liv. Ansvariga har i regel varit måna om att ta hand om samlingen och upprepade försök gjordes att färdigställa samlingens bearbetning, men även här förelåg ekonomiska hinder. Arkivens bild av förvaltningen och användandet har tydligt visat att Valsgärde-artefakternas liv inte tog slut då de införlivades i en museisamling. Den övergripande slutsatsen som dragits från studien är att det fyller en funktion att förlänga arkeologiska artefakters biografier för att inkludera deras museala liv, speciellt om man vill komma till rätta med samlingsförvaltningskrisen.

Vikingatida brickväv från Valsgärdes båtgravar : en teknikbeskrivning samt några tankar / Viking age tablet weave from the boat-graves in Valsgärde : a technical description and some thoughts

Pallin, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
In the collections of Uppsala university, cared for by the university Museum Gustavianum, is the collection of finds from the Valsgärde cemetery, located 4 km north of Uppsala. The cemetery contained boat graves, chamber graves, cremation graves and other finds. Among the boat graves, dating from around c 600–c 1000 AD, some includes textile finds. The primary source material for this study are the tablet woven bands found in three of the Viking age boat graves. I first came across these tablet woven borders in 2014 when writing an early stage thesis in Textile history (Textilvetenskap), a subject taught at Uppsala university at the department of Art History. This article is based on the research I carried out then and have since continued with. The research focuses on the weaving techniques and materials used in the bands. An attempt to work with a theoretical framework based in crafts research and crafts as a concept and idea – instead of just being a method for understanding the production process from a technical perspective – is also made. The bands are brocaded with metal thread, similar to the Birka bands. However, in the Valsgärde bands a spun thread is used in all bands but one. What makes the bands from Valsgärde particularly interesting are the two different weaving techniques present.  Some of the bands are patterned with the quite common technique “lifted warp threads”, and some with an additional weft in a soumak technique. Metal brocaded bands patterned with soumak are unusual both in the Viking age and in the later medieval material. The theoretical framework of the study shows that the bands can be interpreted as part of a symbolic funeral outfit. If the bands are used prior to the funeral is not known. The study draws on material from both earlier and later periods to discuss why this dress decor appears in Viking age Scandinavia, and particularly in East Sweden. The fashion of the Frankish crusade era take part in the discussion and so does the tirazsystem of early Islam. The study concludes that understanding Viking age dress is much more than knowing what the persons wore. The symbolic dress in the graves tells us about some kind of fashion – or vestment – system and if we can read the code, we would be a lot closer to an understanding about the Scandinavian mentality of the time. This however is a task for a larger study, this one has only shown where to start.

Leather in Late Iron Age Scandinavia : From elk-traps to cheese-glue / Läder i den sena järnålderns Skandinavien : Från älgfällor till ostlim

Carlson, Stella January 2021 (has links)
Leather is a material that throughout history has been very important for humankind. Up until recently is has often however, together with other organic materials, not been given the attention it might deserve. This essay investigates how leather from the Late Iron Age in Scandinavia can be studied, if specialisation within leather related crafts can be identified and what this can tell us about how crafting skills were spread in a society. First a broader analysis is made of related crafts in the Late Iron Age, which is then put into relation to three chosen Vendel Age graves from the Valsgärde burial ground. Both leather production through hunting and tanning, and item production techniques like for example sewing and scabbard making are reviewed. Problems with preservation are discussed and possible alternative ways to study the subject are explored. The essay concludes that leather crafting included many techniques spread in society, practiced by common people. Still, several explicit specialisations also existed, which created high-quality leather products. Finally, suggestions for future research are made. / Läder har som material varit mycket viktigt genom hela den mänskliga historien. Fram tills nyligen har det, tillsammans med andra organiska material, dock ofta inte fått den uppmärksamhet det kanske förtjänar. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur läder från den sena järnålderns Skandinavien kan studeras, om specialisering inom läderhantverk kan identifieras och vad detta kan berätta för oss om hur hantverkskompetens var spritt i ett samhälle. Först görs en bredare analys av relaterade hantverk under den sena järnåldern, vilket sedan sätts i relation till tre vendeltida gravar från gravfältet i Valsgärde. Både produktion av läder genom jakt och garvning, och tekniker för produktion av föremål såsom sömnad och tillverkning av svärdsskidor granskas. Problematik med bevarandeförhållanden diskuteras och alternativa sätt att studera ämnet utforskas. Slutsatserna av uppsatsen är att läderhantverk inkluderade många olika hantverkstekniker, som var spridda i hela samhället och praktiserades av vanligt folk. Flertalet explicita specialiseringar existerade dock också, vilket gav upphov till högkvalitativa läderprodukter. Slutligen ges förslag till framtida forskning.

Once upon a boat(grave) : An osteological biography of seven horses from Valsgärde / Det var en gång en båt(grav) : En osteologisk biografi av sju hästar från Valsgärde

Brozén, Astrid January 2024 (has links)
This thesis creates an osteological biography of the seven horses buried in the boat graves Valsgärde 3, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 15, and explores how the horses were placed in the graves and their part in the burial performance. The thesis focuses on the Valsgärde burial site and the final part of the Viking Age. Using the equine skeletal remains, a variety of osteological methods areapplied to answer the research questions. Archaeothanatology and performance archaeology are used for the theoretical framework for the thesis. The osteological analysis indicates that all horses except for the horse from Valsgärde 10 are of a similar size and health status. Valsgärde 3 contained two horses, and the remaining five graves contained a single horse. Five horses could be sexed as male while the remaining two are uncertain. The horses vary in age from a minimum of two and a half to eleven years and seem to have been buried whole. A definitive cause of death could not be determined, though three potential methods are discussed. The horses were placed in the burials in a few different positions, with some similarities which seem to be chronologically linked. / Den här uppsatsen skapar en osteologisk biografi av de sju hästar som begravts i båtgravarna Valsgärde 3, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 15, samt utforskar hur hästarna placerades i gravarna och deras deltagande i gravuppträdandet. Uppsatsen fokuserar på Valsgärdegravplatsen och slutet på Vikingatiden. Diverse osteologiska metoder appliceras på hästskeletten för att besvara frågeställningarna. Arkeotanatologi och performance-arkeologi formar uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk. Den osteologiska analysen visar att alla hästar utom den från Valsgärde 10 är av liknande storlek och hälsostatus. Valsgärde 3 innehöll två hästar, de resterande gravarna innehöll endast en var. Fem hästar kunde könsbedömas som hanar, de andra två är obestämda. Hästarna varierar i ålder från två och ett halvt år till elva år och samtliga verkar begravts hela. Ingen definitiv dödsorsak kunde bestämmas, men tre potentiella metoder diskuteras. Hästarna har placerats i ett par olika positioner med likheter som verkar vara kronologiskt sammanlänkade.

Båtgravar och affekt : En studie av båtgravars affektiva betydelser utifrån närvaro och frånvaro av kroppar i Valsgärde och Sutton Hoo / Boat graves and affects : A study of affects surrounding boatgraves departing from a discussion of presence and absence of bodies at Valsgärde and Sutton Hoo.

Gustafsson, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis studies the famous boat graves in Valsgärde, Sweden and Sutton Hoo, England.  Its purpose is to understand the affects these graves had on the people who surrounded and visited them. Affect describes the first reaction when a person experience somthing new. The other focus of this thesis is the boat graves that seemingly lack buried people, and why the bodies in the graves are missing. There are some fragments of both humans and animals in the Valsgärde graves. In Sutton Hoo there are small amounts of remains from humans or animals, the osteologists have not been able to ascertain which of the two. There are some theories that the burials have been open for everyone to see, the question is then why and if this is the case, how did people react to this phenomenon, that is the boat-graves affects. The thesis concludes that the now missing bodies may have been exposed in the open for a long time, before they were buried. The soil´s acidity at Sutton Hoo is at pH 3,8 at the lowest, which has an impact on how well bodies are preserved in the ground. Both the soil and the exposing of the bodies might have done an equal amount of damage to the bodies.

Fåglarna som följeslagare till människorna. : Osteologiska material av fågel från båtgravarna i Valsgärde. / Birds as companions to humans. : Remains found in boat graves from Valsgärde.

Jordahl, Jane January 2018 (has links)
This paper reviews the osteological material from birds which are found in the boat graves from Valsgärde in Sweden. Based on my own work with boat grave number 13, I have studied the avian bone material to find out what kind of bird species there are in the grave. Birds have a significant meaning in many religions from all around the world and are symbolic for different kinds of beliefs. Although many written sources from the past indicate the cultural importance of birds, there is still little zooarchaeological research done in the subject of bird findings in graves. The boat graves from Valsgärde is from the Vendel period about 550–800 AD. My interest with the species analysis is that it furthermore will lead to discussions about interpretation of the graves. I want to examine questions like what birds of certain species can tell about the individual that the grave belongs to. For example, findings of predatory birds often refer to wealth, due to fact that it’s difficult to raise them in captivity. This is an interesting fact that should be consider when a grave is examined, because it reveals many more questions. Also, I want to examine how birds at that time were used in everyday life, and if there were any other practices concerning birds like for example hunting.

Maktens ätter i Midgård : En jämförande studie mellan grav 7 i Valsgärde och grav I i Vendel / The dynasties of power in Middle Earth : A comparative study between grave 7 in Valsgärde and grave I in Vendel

Hesselbäck, Anders January 2020 (has links)
The phenomenon of burying people in boat graves is a well-known aspect of the Vendel period. Although these graves are relatively rare, they appear in places like Valsgärde, Vendel, Ultuna, Tuna in Alsike and Badelunda. The 19th - and early 20th-century excavations at the grave fields at Valsgärde and Vendel, in particular, provided a new perspective on the iron age cultures which preceded those of the Viking age. These grave fields are the main focus for this thesis. I will examine the relationship between the family groups in each grave field and also study what roles they once had in life during the Vendel era. Their material culture has been examined by conducting a comparative study between boat grave 7 from Valsgärde and boat grave I from Vendel. Both tombs are dated to about 675 AD and show an archaeological material that is relatively similar. By comparing and interpreting the common find material a clear interaction was made visible. The nature of this silent interaction that is reflected through the common archaeological material culture have been addressed by using the theory Peer polity interaction, which has served as the thesis theoretical framework. Peer polity interaction aims to explain change in society and material culture. It sees the primary driver of change as the relationships and contacts between societies of relatively equal standing and has played an important role for the study and its conclusions. Furthermore it has also been found that the groups had different ways of expressing their elite status and that they probably also held various occupations during the Vendel era.

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