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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jaunesniojo amžiaus vaikų sportinių gebėjimų lavinimo galimybės neformaliajame ugdyme / Younger children sports skills training opportunities in non-formal education

Simonavičius, Vaidas 10 June 2014 (has links)
Kasdienybės tendencijų kaita skatina užimti jaunesniojo amžiaus vaikus po pamokų, apsaugant juos nuo nepageidaujamos įtakos gatvėje, suteikti jiems papildomų žinių ir įgūdžių, įtraukti į visuomenei svarbių problemų sprendimą ir t.t. Pastaruoju metu pedagogai, švietimo specialistai ir organizatoriai dažnai kelia klausimą, kaip galima efektyviau plėtoti papildomą ugdymą ne tik kaip dalykinių žinių suteikimo priemonę, bet taip pat - ir būdą, kaip spręsti aktualias dabarties problemas. Darbe keliama problema, kad jaunesniojo amžiaus vaikų sportinių gebėjimų lavinimas neformaliajame ugdyme susiduria su problemomis, kurių tikslingas sprendimas galimas tik bendrų visos vaikus supančios aplinkos pastangų kontekste, užtikrinančiame tikslingą neformalaus ugdymo vertinimą ir eigą. Probleminis klausimas – kodėl reikia lavinti jaunesniojo amžiaus vaikų sportinius gebėjimus neformaliajame ugdyme? Sportinių gebėjimų lavinimas neformaliajame ugdyme yra svarbus ir reikšmingas veiksnys, įgalinantis vaikų teisingą augimą ir sveiką vystymąsi. Neformalaus sportinių gebėjimų lavinimo tikslas yra formuoti asmens fizines savybes, kad sugebėtų tapti aktyviu visuomenės nariu, sėkmingai veiktų visuomenėje, realizuotų pažinimo ir saviraiškos poreikius. Sportinių gebėjimo lavinimo veikla yra nukreipta į asmens saviraišką ir bendrųjų gebėjimų raišką. Neformaliajame ugdyme susiduriama su materialinės bazės, pedagogų stoka, pedagogų kvalifikacijos trūkumu, įgalinančiu tikslingai atskleisti kiekvieno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Changes of everyday trends promotes to occupy younger children after school, protecting them from the adverse impact on the street, giving them additional knowledge and skills included in the public interest, problems, etc. Recently, educators, education specialists and organizers often raises the question of how to develop effectively further education not only meaning providing subject-specific knowledge, but also the way to solve burning problems in the present time. Problem. Development of sports skills among younger children in non-formal education is facing problems which need purposeful decision, that is available only for all the children surrounding environment in the context of efforts designed to ensure targeted non-formal education and course evaluation. Problem question - why there is a need to develop the younger children sports skills in non-formal education? Sport skills development in non-formal education is an important and significant factor enabling children's healthy growth and development. Informal sports skills is to shape a person's physical characteristics to be able to become an active member of society, operate successfully in society, realize the cognitive and self-expression needs. Sport capacity-building activities are focused on personal fulfillment, its operational excellence maturity necessary conditions for the conclusion. Non-formal education faces with lack of material basis, lack of teachers, lack of teachers` qualification, that are... [to full text]

Didžiojo Lietuvos etmono Jonušo Radvilos mokomosios kuopos kursantų fizinio parengtumo rodiklių kaita / Changes in indices of physical preparedness of cadets of training company of Jonušas Radvila, the great etmon of lithuania

Čižauskas, Mantvydas 22 May 2006 (has links)
The aim: to examine the alternation of physical preparedness of the cadets aged 23-25 of the Great Lithuanian etmon Jonusas Radvila training company, while purposely training the least trained physical feature. The object of the study: the physical preparedness of the cadets. Hypothesis: The results of the physical preparedness of the cadets will improve after 8 weeks of emphasized training of the least trained physical feature. Methods used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization, anthropometry, physical fitness test, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics. Subjects: 54 healthy cadets, aged 23-25, of the Great Lithuanian etmon Jonusas Radvila training company. Anthropometrical measurements (height and weight) were performed using standard methods. The body mass index was calculated according to formula (kg/m2). The physical preparedness of the cadets was examined with the tests corresponding to the NATO standards: press-ups (t/2 min), sit-ups (t/2 min), and 3000 m running. Physical preparedness was assessed according to the table of points in the system of 5 points. After analyzing the results of physical preparedness it was observed that for those cadets who failed or performed weakly, the hardest exercise was sit-ups in 2 minutes. The experimental group of the cadets was made of volunteers, who failed or performed this normative of physical preparedness weakly. The program for training the dynamic endurance strength of abdominal muscles was applied... [to full text]

Ignoravimo sindromo gydymo metodų efektyvumo palyginimas ergoterapijoje,persirgusiems galvos smegenų insultu / Effectiveness of neglect treatment methods in patients with stroke in occupational therapy

Vaicekauskaitė, Silva 20 June 2008 (has links)
Ignoravimo sindromas yra neuropsichologinis sutrikimas dėl kurio ligonis nereaguoja ar neatsako į stimulus iš priešingos nei pažeidimas pusės, dažniausiai jis atsiranda po galvos smegenų insulto. Šį sindromą turi nuo 10% iki 82% pacientų, persirgusių dešiniojo smegenų pusrutulio insultu. Ignoravimo sindromas dažniausiai atsiranda po dešiniojo galvos smegenų insulto, tačiau pasitaiko ir po kairiojo. Diplominio darbo tikslas yra įvertinti ignoravimo sindromo gydymo metodikų efektyvumą persirgusiems galvos smegenų infarktu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti pacientų, turinčių ignoravimo sindromą, savarankiškumą prieš ir po ergoterapijos, abiejuose grupėse. 2. Palyginti ignoravimo sindromo gydymo metodikų įtaką savarankiškumui priklausomai nuo lyties. 3. Išsiaškinti kuri gydymo metodika yra efektyvesnė šalinant ignoravimo sindromą po galvos smegenų infarkto. Tyrimas atliktas Všį Kauno apskrities ligoninėje. Tirti 44 asmenys, iš jų 22 moterys ir 22 vyrai, patyrę dešiniojo galvos smegenų pusrutlio infarktą ir turintys ignoravimo sindromą, gydyti stacionare 2006m. rugsėjo mėn. – 2008m. Gegužės mėn. Ligoniai, kuriems pasireiškė ignoravimo sindromas, buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmą – gydytų rankos aktyvavimo metodu ir antrą – gydytą dėmesio lavinomo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavę pacientai ergoterapeuto buvo testuojami reabilitacijos pradžioje ir pabaigoje naudojant: 1. Ignoravimo sindromo įvertinimo testus; 2. Funkcinio nepriklausomumo testą (FNT); 3. Protinės būklės mini... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Unilateral neglect (or "neglect") is a common behavioural syndrome in patients following stroke, it is characterized by the failure to report or respond to people or objects presented to the side opposite a brain lesion. The reported incidence of unilateral neglect varies widely from 10% to 82% following right – hemisphere stroke. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of 2 approaches to reduce unilateral neglect in people who have had strokes. The tasks of this research was: to evaluate effectiveness of occupational therapy for patients with unilateral neglect (1), to investigate influence of the patients sex for effectiveness of occupational therapy (2), find out influence of neglect for functional independence of patients (3). Research was made at Všį Kauno apskrities ligoninė. Examined people with unilateral neglect after right side stroke of the brain. There were analyzed forty four patients. They were separated into two groups: first - who received limb activation and second - who received scanning treatment strategy. Methods. All patients before and after occupational therapy interventions were tested with these tests: 1. Unilateral neglect tests; 2. Functional independence measure (FIM); 3. Mini – mental test examination (MMSE). Conclusions: 1. After occupational therapy interventions, results of functional independence had increased in patients who had neglect (p<0, 05). 2. Effectiveness of unilateral neglect treatment is independent of patients... [to full text]

Mokinių, atėjusių mokytis į profesines mokyklas, mokymosi motyvacijos ir bendrojo lavinimo pasiekimų kaita / The change of learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational school

Kimštienė, Laima 29 June 2006 (has links)
The change of learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational school The objective of the research: Evaluation of changes in learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational schools. The tarks of the research: 1. Determining the fects of studying motivation changes in vocational schools. 2. Deseribing the influence of motivation changes on learning achievements. Methods and sources of the research. The research has been fulfilled applying general and special scientific methods as literature analysis, statistical analysis, grouping of research data, generalization and comparison. The data has been processed by SPSS computer programme. The guestionnaire has been chosen as the main research method. The area of the research. The research has been carried out with 196 students and 40 teachers from vocational schools. Conclusions: · The research results showed that about 60% students decided to study in a vocational school, because their studies in a secondary school were not successful. · The research also revealed the fact that the learning achievements of most students at a vocational shool remain almost the same though motivation rises. · The students and the teachers pointed out the factors which should be important in enhancing the motivation to study. They are such as active training methods, validity of assessment system, motivating training material, interest, figurative style and relation with future profession.

Profesinių mokyklų įvaizdis (Vilniaus miesto dešimtokų atvejis) / Image of vocational schools (Tenth grade case of Vilnius)

Stankevičiūtė, Eglė 09 July 2010 (has links)
Eglė Stankevičiūtė, Vilniaus Pedagoginio Universiteto, socialinių mokslų fakulteto, politinės sociologijos magistro studentė atliko tyrimą, kurio tikslas ištirti profesinių mokyklų įvaizdį, tarp Vilniaus miesto dešimtos klasės moksleivių. Šio darbo problemą nusako profesinių mokyklų socialinė ir ekonominė svarba ir jos ištirtumo trūkumas. Profesinio mokymo patrauklumas yra svarbus socialinis – ekonominis reiškinys, kuris yra tiesiogiai susijęs su ekonomine šalies raida. Lietuvoje neproporcingai mokinių abiturientų pasirenka aukštąjį mokslą, todėl didėja kvalifikuotų viduriniosios grandies specialistų, turinčių konkrečią profesiją, poreikis. Šio tyrimo objektas - profesinio mokymo įvaizdis. Darbe iškelti tokie uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių darbais, apibrėžti organizacijos įvaizdžio esmę, nustatyti švietimo organizacijos įvaizdžio įpatumus. 2. Aptarti profesinių mokyklų sistemos Lietuvoje kontekstą. 3. Ištirti koks profesinių mokyklų įvaizdis tarp Vilniaus miesto 10 klasės moksleivių. 4. Remiantis tyrimu nustatyti kokie yra profesinių mokyklų įvaizdžio veiksniai. 5. Nustatyti galimą profesinių mokyklų įvaizdžio kitimo kryptį. Visos tyrimo hipotezės pasitvirtino arba pasitvirtino iš dalies: 1. Profesinio mokymo įvaizdis tarp dešimtokų yra neigiamas, nes profesinė mokykla suprantama, kaip prastai besimokančių ugdymo institucija – pasitvirtino iš dalies. 2. Mokiniai kurie turi daug draugų besimokančiųjų profesinėse mokyklose, profesines mokyklas vertina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Egle Stankeviciute sociology master’s degree student of VPU, Social sciences faculty sociology and political sciences department fulfilled an investigation. Its purpose is to examine the image of vocational schools among the tenth grade students in Vilnius city. The problem of this work is described by the social and economical importance of these schools. What is more, there is a lack of study in this particular field. In Lithuania, the high-school graduates choose higher education disproportionately, which increased the need of middle-skilled specialists. The object of this work is the image of vocational training. The tasks of this work: 1. To define the essence of the organizations image with the help of Lithuanian and foreign authors’ works, also to identify the image peculiarities of this educational institution. 2. To discuss the vocational training situation in Lithuania. 3. To examine the image of vocational schools among the tenth grade students in Vilnius city. 4. To define the factors of the vocational school image, relying on the survey. 5. To identify the potential directions in the image changes of vocational schools. All the raised hypotheses were proved or partially proved during the investigation: · The image of vocational schools is negative because these schools are chosen mostly by the low achievers- partially proved. · The image of vocational schools is better among those students who have many friends studying there, comparing to the students who has... [to full text]

Vidutiniškai sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių Aš veiksmingumo lavinimas edukacinėmis situacijomis skatinant dailinę raišką / Training of Self-efficacy of Young People with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities Promoting Art Expression in Educational Situations

Vaitkevičienė, Asta 17 October 2006 (has links)
The thesis deals with the construction of the model for training Self-efficacy of young people with moderate intellectual disabilities based on A.Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. The hypothesis of three conditions is developed: Self-efficacy of young people with moderate intellectual disabilities will be trained if: 1) educational situations are based on the educator and the learners’ harmony of aims and equipotential interaction; 2) the learner is able to express his feelings and images in the creative work spontaneously by means of art expression and the educator is able to express his expectations; 3) the educator is active creating conditions for art expression searching for the ways of social promotion and analysing the changes in the topics and graphic patterns of creative works of young people with moderate intellectual disabilities. To implement and study these three conditions the art expression studio initiated its activity and educational situations adequate to the hypothesis were created. The pedagogical interaction was investigated employing standardised observational method, the elements of Grounded theory and H-T-P methods were employed to analyse the learners’ drawings, and the manifestations of the learners’ Self-efficacy were searched employing phenomenological investigation performing case analyses. It is proved that consciously and purposefully constructed equipotential pedagogical interaction is the precondition of Self-efficacy of young people with MID.

Vidutiniškai sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių Aš veiksmingumo lavinimas edukacinėmis situacijomis skatinant dailinę raišką / Training of Self-efficacy of Youth People with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities Promoting Art Expression in Educational Situations

Vaitkevičienė, Asta 31 October 2006 (has links)
The thesis deals with the construction of the model for training Self-efficacy of young people with moderate intellectual disabilities based on A.Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. The hypothesis of three conditions is developed: Self-efficacy of young people with moderate intellectual disabilities will be trained if: 1) educational situations are based on the educator and the learners’ harmony of aims and equipotential interaction; 2) the learner is able to express his feelings and images in the creative work spontaneously by means of art expression and the educator is able to express his expectations; 3) the educator is active creating conditions for art expression searching for the ways of social promotion and analysing the changes in the topics and graphic patterns of creative works of young people with moderate intellectual disabilities. To implement and study these three conditions the art expression studio initiated its activity and educational situations adequate to the hypothesis were created. The pedagogical interaction was investigated employing standardised observational method, the elements of Grounded theory and H-T-P methods were employed to analyse the learners’ drawings, and the manifestations of the learners’ Self-efficacy were searched employing phenomenological investigation performing case analyses. It is proved that consciously and purposefully constructed equipotential pedagogical interaction is the precondition of Self-efficacy of young people with MID.

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