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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillförlitlighetsförbättring av klipprocessen i en hydraulisk klippmaskin : En studie på hastighetens inverkan på klipp i flera sammansatta material

Eis, Emil, Arvidsson, Jessica, Selander, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
En stor del av den teknik som idag konsumeras innehåller någon form av skärm. En allt snabbare konsumtionstakt av just tekniska produkter ökar pressen på återvinningsindustrin. En vanlig typ av skärm är LCD-skärmen som lyses upp med hjälp av lysrör innehållande kvicksilver. Kvicksilver är mycket farligt för både människor, miljö och djur. Därför måste det hanteras med stor försiktighet. Att klippa upp skärmar för att avlägsna kvicksilvret och komma åt andra värdefulla material har visat sig vara en bra metod. Men metoden har utvecklingspotential eftersom kompletta skärmar, med plasthölje och kretskort, sällan klipps på ett smidigt sätt. I denna studie tas en hypotes fram om att klipphastigheten förbättrar klippkvaliteten, grundat på teori bakom plåtklippning och vad experter inom området berättar. Vidare utvecklas en metod för att verifiera eller falsifiera hypotesen. Metoden innefattar utveckling av en testrigg, byggnation av densamma, fullskaliga tester samt insamlande av testdata. All insamlad data analyseras noggrant, diskuteras och sammanställs till slutsatser. Undersökningen visar att en ökning av klipphastigheten påverkar klippkvaliteten på ett positivt sätt samt att klippspalten, inom rimliga gränser, kan ökas utan att påverka klippkvaliteten.

Design and Implementation of an Alcohol Meter

Shi, Jianan January 2013 (has links)
With the development of economy, more and more cars appear in the roads. Many drivers ignore thedanger about driving after drinking so that drunk driving causes a large number of traffic accidents allaround the world. By now, alcohol has killed a lot of people in the world. To reduce accidents causedby drunk driving, make certain the alcohol content in driver's body would help a lot, and it is related toalcohol concentration measuring and relevant instrument.In this thesis work, the design of a simple alcohol meter was present. The designed system iscomposed of a gas sensor (TGS-822) working circuit, microcontroller PIC16F690 and LCD display.The system collects the electronic signals caused by resistance changes in gas sensor (TGS-822) froma built-in Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D) in microcontroller PIC16F690, programs withPIC16F690, and displays alcohol concentration in LCD display finally. The measuring concentrationrange of the designed alcohol meter is from 50PPM to 5000PPM. This paper describes the datacollection, processing and display of the designed alcohol meter in detail. And lastly, the authordiscussed about the advantages and disadvantages of the designed alcohol meter, it could beconsidered as a guideline for further work.

Liten displaymodul

Jonsson, Michael January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this Master Thesis is to analyze what suitable hardware platforms there are on the market in order to build a low price control and information system for mobile applications, called small display module. The thesis will be underlying material for making a decision for further development. The result of the thesis consists mainly of a Windows CE kernel and a schematic for a CPU card, on which it would be suitable to build the display module. Another major part of the report is the introduction of different techniques that could be of interest when designing a processor based system. The processor architecture that was chosen is the x86. This is mainly due to CPU availability, but as well as the fact that existing software can be used on the display module without any significant modifications. Many interesting processors were sorted out because they hade a very high price on the development kits from the manufacturer and because the possible production volume can not manage this cost. The development kit makes the development easier and can be used for performance tests before prototypes are built.

Ovládací a měřicí jednotka pro generátory plazmatu / Control and measurement unit for plasma generators

Paulovics, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of plasma generators. Specificantlly, the work focuses on the design of HMI devices for plasma generators, including the design of the control part of the generator. The main advantage of controlling the plasma generator using an HMI device is the ability to quickly change important parameters. The HMI device allows convenient switching of the generator output frequency without the need to interfere with the wiring, which leads to higher efficiency when working with the plasma generator. Another advantage of the HMI device is the display of all important information on the LCD display. The work deals with the basic theory of plasma and its use, the division of microcontrollers and the description of their peripherals, the selection of components used and their wiring. The last part of the work is devoted to the software of the plasma generator.

Realizace miniaturních PC monitorů / Miniature PC monitor realization

Nečesaný, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
Objective of the Master Thesis was to bring in two solutions of miniature PC display. One of them uses the VGA signal as the source of the data. The second uses USB for communication. Display using USB was chosen to be produced. Device contains LCD screen, SD card reader and audio DAC with mini speaker. Software running on the PC allows user to watch part of the screen of the computer. Position and size of the chosen part may be varied. The display may be controlled by touch screen. One part of the software running on PC is a simple video player.

Soft proofing using liquid crystal displays

Leckner, Sara January 2004 (has links)
Development of colour management systems, the level ofstandardisation, as well as the embedding of facilities forcolour management into computer operating systems and software,enables successful future interoperability of colour reproductionin the graphic arts industry. Yet colour reproduction from onemedium to another, still gives rise to inconsistencies. This thesis investigates colour management and controlprocesses in premedia and press process workflows in graphic artsproduction, including standards, instruments and procedures. Thegoal is to find methods for higher efficiency and control ofcolour print media production processes, aiming at increasingcolour consistency and process automation and of reducingoverheads. The focus is on the control of colour data by displaysin prepress processes producing low quality paper products. Inthis respect the greatest interest of this thesis is on technicaland visual characteristics of displays with respect tp thereproduction of colour, especially desktop Thin Film TransistorLiquid Crystal Displays (TFTLCD) compared to portable TFTLCDs andCathod Ray Tube (CRT) monitors. In order to reach the desired goal, this thesis is based on aliterature survey and empirical studies. The empirical studiesinclude both qualitative and quantitative methods, organised intothree parts:     Colour process management: Analysed case studies of theimplementation of colour management in entire graphic artsproduction workflow processes.     Display technology: LCD and CRT displays have been examinedthrough measurements to establish their fundamental strengthsand weaknesses in reproducing colours.     Comparison of reproduction: A perceptual experiment hasbeen conducted to determine the ability of the disparatecomponents included in a colour management system to co-operateand match reproduced colour, according to the perceivedpreference of observers. It was found that in most cases consistent colour fidelitydepends on the knowledge and experience of the actors involved inthe production process, including the utilisation of routines andequipment. Lack of these factors is not necessarily fatal for thefinal low quality paper colour product, but obstructs theautomation. In addition, increased digitalisation will increasethe importance of displays in such processes. The results showthat CRTs and desktop LCDs meet most of the demands of colourreproduction in various areas of low quality paper productionprocesses, e.g. newspaper production. However, some fundamentalaspects, such as low digital input values, viewing angles andcolour temperature, matters that concern characterisation andcalibration, still need to be developed. Concerning softproofing, the matching correspondence between hard and softcopies gives similar results for both CRT and LCDs forhigh-quality paper originals, if the luminance is decreased onthe LCD (to luminance levels of CRTs). Soft proofing of lowquality papers gives equally lower matching agreement for bothCRT and LCD, in this case when the luminance of the LCD is sethigher (e.g. about twice the levels luminance levels ofCRTs). Keywords:Displays, LCD, CRT, premedia, prepress, softproof, workflows, newspaper, colour management systems, colourcontrol, colour reproduction

Fourier series-based optimization of LED angular intensity profiles for displays and backlighting

Beauchamp, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
A method using a Fourier series is demonstrated to optimize an LED array for local dimming applications in liquid crystal display backlighting. The same optimization method is also suitable for LED displays in which the Moiré effect must be suppressed during photography with a minimum loss of spatial resolution. Initially, the angular intensity profile of a Lambertian LED is modelled when backlighting a Lambertian rear projection screen and compared to experimental data. An array of optimized LEDs and the resulting screen intensity pattern is then derived such that an intensity distribution with an intensity deviation of less than 2% is achieved. The angular intensity profile of the LED is modified using adjustable Fourier coefficients optimized according to an algorithm. The algorithm is designed to achieve an illuminated screen area of maximum size for a bounded LED backlight array to appear uniform in intensity to an observer. This Fourier series approach provides an elegant method to optimize the intensity profile of LED backlight arrays without the use of ray tracing. A lens was designed in order to provide this optimized intensity profile as well as created and tested. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Σχεδίαση ψηφιακού συστήματος λήψης, επεξεργασίας, αποθήκευσης και απεικόνισης εικόνων ελεγχόμενο από μια LCD οθόνη αφής

Πετούρης, Μιλτιάδης 11 August 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα ειδική ερευνητική εργασία υλοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος “Ηλεκτρονική και Η/Υ” του τμήματος Φυσικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός συστήματος βασισμένου σε τεχνολογία FPGA [1-2]. Το σύστημα αυτό έχει τη δυνατότητα να λαμβάνει εικόνες, και αφού τις επεξεργαστεί κατάλληλα, τις αποθηκεύει στη μνήμη του και στη συνέχεια τις απεικονίζει σε μία LCD οθόνη αφής [3-4,8]. Τέλος, η διαχείριση των λειτουργιών που ενσωματώνει το σύστημα γίνεται μέσω της οθόνης αυτής [5]. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο πραγματοποιείται σύντομη περιγραφή του συστήματος, της βασικής αναπτυξιακής πλατφόρμας, DE2 της Altera [6], καθώς και του περιβάλλοντος ανάπτυξης Quartus II [12]. Tο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος γίνεται παρουσίαση της TRDB-D5M CMOS Camera της Altera [9], των γενικών χαρακτηριστικών της και των απαραίτητων καταχωρητών για τη σωστή ρύθμισή της. Στο δεύτερο μέρος παρουσιάζεται η οθόνη TRDB_LTM LCD Touch Panel της Altera [7], η οποία επιλέχθηκε τόσο για την απεικόνιση των εικόνων όσο και για τον έλεγχο του συστήματος μέσω αυτής. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο πραγματοποιείται η πλήρης περιγραφή του συστήματος, που υλοποιήθηκε μέσω της γλώσσας ανάπτυξης υλικού Verilog HDL και ενσωματώθηκε στο FPGA [10-11], με σκοπό τη διαχείριση των δεδομένων που λαμβάνονται από την Camera. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της εργασίας αυτής, τα συμπεράσματα που προέκυψαν, καθώς επίσης και προτάσεις για μελλοντική ανάπτυξη του συστήματος. Τέλος, στο παράρτημα Α παρουσιάζεται ο συνολικός κώδικας που υλοποιήθηκε και ενσωματώθηκε στο FPGA. / The present inquiring master thesis was realized as part of the postgraduate program “Electronics and Computer Science” of the department of Physics of University of Patras. The aim of this master thesis is the development of an FPGA technology based system [1-2] that has the ability to receive images, save them on its memory after appropriate processing and finally project them on an LCD touch panel [3-4,8]. The management of the system operations is realized through this touch panel [5]. Within the first chapter, we briefly describe the system, the basic development board of Altera [6], used to develop it, and finally the environment Quartus II [12]. We separated the second chapter in two parts. The first part presents the TRDB-D5M CMOS Camera of Altera [9], with its basic characteristics and the necessary registers for its appropriate regulation. The second part presents the TRDB-LTM LCD touch panel of Altera [7], which was chosen to portray images and allow the system control. The third chapter describes the system itself, realized in Verilog HDL, and incorporated in the FPGA [10-11], in order to manage the data received by the camera. The fourth chapter presents the results of this master thesis along with important conclusions and suggestions to further research. Finally, in appendix A we present the total code that was realized and incorporated in the FPGA.

Využití technologických inovací u vybraného podniku maloobchodu / Use of Technological Innovations for Selected Retail Enterprise

PENIAŠTEKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
Presented diploma work represents a further development of my bachelor-degree diploma work, dealing with new technologies in retail business. In contrast of said bachelor diploma work, which extent was limited to theoretical part of the problem, practical application of the objective new technologies has been analyzed within TESCO stores buiseness environment. Therefore, this diploma work deals with specific technologies, which are really used in the TESCO retail network. The technologies analyzed in this work were chosen on the basis of Retail Summit 2011 topics. Application potential of m-commerce and e-commerce is analyzed and EDI technology innovation, which makes this option available for small companies, is described. Beside self-service cash desks, which are currently widely used, the RFID, NFC and LCD price tags, which are still in the testing process, are dealt with.


Argenta, Aline Brum 15 July 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The growth in the generation of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) has won global importance and cell phones are highlighted between these wastes because of short life cycle and its amounts of hazardous materials. In LCD screens, there is a mixture of indium tin oxide (ITO), typically tin oxide (10-20 %) and indium oxide (80-90 %). The indium (In) is a metal of relatively limited resources and has extensive use. Thus, this work aims to obtain an effective method for extraction of In from LCD screens of mobile phones. To this purpose, after manual separation of LCD screens followed by mechanical treatment, leaching at atmospheric pressure comparing the citric, malic and acetic acids, were carried out varying parameters like temperature, concentration of acid, solid:liquid ratio, volume peroxide hydrogen and reaction time. Therefore, the best conditions set out in the leaching at atmospheric pressure were used for extraction in supercritical CO2, where the employment of different temperatures and critical pressures were studied, in order to make the process faster and more efficient. The In concentration extracted in both cases was determined by atomic absorption (AAS). The extraction using 1M citric acid, 90 °C, 1:20 solid:liquid ratio with 5 % of the volume of H2O2 performed for 3 hours resulted in extraction of 76.5 % of In present in the LCD screens from obsolete cell phones. The leaching process using supercritical fluid in the presence of co-solvents, provided reduction in extraction time and higher percentage of metal extraction, reaching 90.2 % when were used 1 M citric acid, 80 °C, 1:20 ratio solid:liquid with 5 % v/v of H2O2, pressure of 150 bar and 30 minutes of process time. In order to transfer the obtained In in solution to a solid phase, the adsorption process was carried out with activated carbon and Spirulina as adsorbent, yielding removal 77.8 and 67.8 %, respectively. Thus, a new process for In recovery was developed, which in addition to reducing environmental pollution generated by the incorrect disposal of LCD screens of mobile phones and the employment of inorganic acids conventionally used, reduces the consumption of natural resources, making the promising process. / O crescimento na geração de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos (REEE) tem ganhado importância mundial e, os telefones celulares ganham destaque entre esses resíduos pelo ciclo de vida curto e quantidade de materiais perigosos que possuem. Nas telas de LCD, presentes neste tipo de resíduo, há uma mistura de óxido de estanho (10-20 %) e índio (80-90 %), denominada ITO. O índio (In) é um metal de recursos relativamente limitados e que possui ampla utilização. Assim, o presente trabalho possui como objetivo a obtenção de um método eficaz para extração de In presente em telas de LCD de telefones celulares. Para tal, após a separação manual das telas de LCD seguido de processamento mecânico, foram realizadas lixiviações sob pressão atmosférica comparando os ácidos cítrico, málico e acético, variando parâmetros como temperatura, concentração de ácido, relação sólido:líquido, volume de peróxido de hidrogênio e tempo de reação. Logo, as melhores condições estabelecidas nas lixiviações sob pressão atmosférica foram utilizadas para extração de In com CO2 supercrítico, onde se estudou o emprego de diferentes temperaturas e pressões críticas, a fim de tornar o processo mais rápido e eficiente. A concentração de In extraída, em ambos os processos, foi determinada por absorção atômica (AAS). A extração a pressão atmosférica utilizando ácido cítrico a 1 M, 90 °C, razão sólido:líquido de 1:20, com 5 % do volume de H2O2 realizada durante 3 horas proporcionou a extração de 76,5 % de In das telas de LCD obtidas a partir de celulares obsoletos. O processo utilizando a lixiviação com fluido supercrítico, na presença de co-solventes, proporcionou redução no tempo de extração, além de maior percentual de extração do metal, chegando a 90,2 % de extração quando utilizado ácido cítrico a 1 M, 80 °C, razão sólido:líquido de 1:20, com 5 % do volume de H2O2, pressão de 150 bar e tempo de processo de 30 min. Visando a recuperação do In da fase aquosa obtida na lixiviação, realizou-se o processo de adsorção utilizando carvão ativado e Spirulina como adsorventes, obtendo-se remoção de 77,8 e 67,8 %, respectivamente. Assim, um novo processo de recuperação de In foi desenvolvido, que além de reduzir a poluição ambiental gerada pelo descarte incorreto de telas de LCD de telefones celulares e pelos ácidos inorgânicos convencionalmente utilizados, diminui o consumo de recursos naturais, tornando o processo promissor.

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