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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies on bone marrow-derived stem cells in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Miettinen, J. (Johanna) 16 March 2011 (has links)
Abstract Intracoronary administration of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMC) has been postulated to repair the myocardial damage in patients who have suffered acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The aim of this study was to find determinants for the left ventricular functional recovery after BMC treatment of STEMI and to study the effect of BMC treatment on different biochemical and clinical parameters associated with the outcome of STEMI patients. In this study, STEMI patients treated with thrombolysis were randomly assigned to receive either intracoronary BMC (n=39) or placebo (n=39) into the infarct related artery at the time of percutaneous coronary intervention. The efficacy of the BMC treatment was assessed by measurement of the change of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) from baseline to six months after STEMI. Two-dimensional echocardiography was used to assess PA pressure, LV systolic and diastolic function. Blood samples were drawn for biochemical determinations at several time points and BMCs were cultured in the laboratory for in vitro analyses. In the BMC group, the most powerful determinant of the change of LVEF was the baseline LVEF. Patients with baseline LVEF at or below the median (≤62.5%) experienced a more marked improvement of LVEF than those above the median. Elevated levels of N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and N-terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide (NT-proANP) were also associated with an improvement of LVEF in the BMC group. However, no difference was observed between the BMC group and the placebo group in the changes of the levels of NT-proANP, NT-proBNP or any of the inflammatory markers measured. The BMC group showed a trend toward a reduction of peak PA pressure, while the placebo group had a significant increase of peak PA pressure at 6 months. In addition, there was a greater improvement in the LV diastolic function, assessed in quartiles, in the BMC group. The in vitro studies of BMCs revealed that exposure to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) significantly enhanced the proliferation of BMCs and resulted in activation of immunosuppression by altering the expression of several immunosuppressive proteins. In conclusion, low baseline LVEF as well as high levels of natriuretic peptides NT-proANP and NT-proBNP, which reflect the severity of the hemodynamic and neurohumoral reactions evoked by the myocardial damage, have a considerable association to a better response to stem cell therapy after an acute STEMI. BMC therapy also prevents the increase of PA pressure and improves the cardiac diastolic function. Based on in vitro studies, the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α seems to evoke an enhanced proliferation of the bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and activation of several immunosuppressive defence mechanisms. / Tiivistelmä Sydäninfarktipotilaiden sepelvaltimoon pallolaajennuksen yhteydessä injektoitujen kantasolujen tiedetään parantavan hieman sydämen pumppauskykyä, mutta taustalla olevaa mekanismia ei tunneta. Kantasoluhoidon onnistumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on tutkittu vasta vähän, eikä myöskään sitä tiedetä, miksi kaikki potilaat eivät hyödy kantasoluhoidosta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää infarktialueelle annetun kantasoluhoidon vaikutuksia äkillisen ST-nousuinfarktin (STEMI) sairastaneissa potilaissa, ja etsiä hoidon onnistumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin potilasaineistoa, johon otettiin 78 äkilliseen sydäninfarktiin sairastunutta potilasta, jotka hoidettiin liuotushoidolla ja sen jälkeen pallolaajennuksella. Puolet potilaista satunnaistettiin saamaan lumeliuosta ja puolet omaa luuydinsolukkoaan (BMC), joka ruiskutettiin pallolaajennuksen yhteydessä sepelvaltimon kautta infarktialueelle. Hoidon vaikusta tutkittiin mittaamalla angiografian avulla vasemman kammion ejektiofraktion (LVEF) muutosta lähtötilanteen ja kuuden kuukauden seurannan välillä. Lisäksi sydämen ultraäänitutkimuksella määritettiin keuhkovaltimopainetta ja vasemman kammion systolista ja diastolista toimintaa. Potilaista otettiin lisäksi verinäytteitä, joista määritettiin erilaisia tulehdusmerkkiaineita ja natriureettisia peptidejä. Lisäksi potilaista kerättyjä luuydinkantasoluja viljeltiin laboratoriossa in vitro-analyyseja varten. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että LVEF ennen kantasoluhoitoa oli voimakkain ennustetekijä suotuisalle LVEF:n muutokselle kantasoluhoidon jälkeen. Potilaat, joilla LVEF oli ennen kantasoluhoitoa alle mediaaniarvon (≤62.5%), hyötyivät kantasoluhoidosta enemmän kuin potilaat, joilla LVEF oli yli mediaanin. Myös natriureettisten peptidien NT-proBNP:n ja NT-proANP:n korkea taso infarktin jälkeen oli yhteydessä suurempaan LVEF:n paranemiseen BMC-potilailla. Natriureettisten peptidien ja tulehdusmerkkiaineiden pitoisuuksien muutoksissa kantasoluhoidon jälkeen ei kuitenkaan todettu eroa BMC- ja kontrolliryhmän välillä. Sydämen diastolisen toiminnan havaittiin paranevan enemmän BMC-ryhmässä kuin kontrolliryhmässä. Lisäksi BMC-ryhmässä havaittiin lievää laskua keuhkovaltimopaineessa, kun taas kontrolliryhmässä se nousi merkittävästi. In vitro-tutkimukset luuytimestä erilaistetuilla mesenkymaalisilla kantasoluilla puolestaan osoittivat, että tuumorinekroositekijä alfa (TNF-α)-altistus lisäsi solujakautumista ja monien immunosupressiivisten proteiinien tuottoa soluissa. Matala LVEF sekä natriureettisten peptidien NT-proBNP:n ja NT-proANP:n korkea taso sydäninfarktin jälkeen kuvaavat infarktivaurion aiheuttamien hemodynaamisten ja neurohumoraalisten reaktioiden vakavuutta, ja tässä tutkimuksessa niiden osoitettiin olevan vahvasti yhteydessä äkillisen ST-nousuinfarktin jälkeen annetun kantasoluhoidon hyötyyn. Kantasoluhoito saattaa myös suojata infarktipotilaita haitalliselta keuhkovaltimopaineen nousulta ja parantaa sydämen diastolista toimintaa. Tulehdusvälittäjäaine TNF-α näytti in vitro-kokeiden perusteella lisäävän luuytimen mesenkymaalisten kantasolujen jakautumista ja aktivoivan niissä monia immunosuppressiivisia puolustusmekanismeja tulehdusta vastaan.


Flamarz, Diana January 2020 (has links)
Echocardiography examination is an important and familiar method for heart`s examination. Echocardiography is used to assess the function of the heart during to check the heart disease. In an echocardiography examination, the heart´s flow rates, contractility (pumping capacity), wall thickness, and inner diameter can be examined. All these examinations are done with the help of evolution of the ultrasonic waves that the ultrasonic transducer sends out and receives. The transducer consists of piezoelectric crystals that can both transmit and receive ultrasonic waves with frequencies exceeding 20 kHz. The purpose of the study is to compare the measurement of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) between an experienced biomedical scientist (BMA) and a student. In addition to see how the image quality affects the result. The measurement was performed by using the Simpson method. The result was analyzed by using with a static method. The results were analyzed by using a paired t-test to see if there is any significant difference between the performance of a BMA and a student. The measurement was performed on apical 4-chamber and apical 2-chamber image. The study included 30 patients, both heart -healthy and cardiac patients of the genders. The result showed that there is a significant difference in the performance of LVEF- measurements between BMA and student, with lower values measured by the student. / Ekokardiografiundersökning är en viktig och vanlig metod vid undersökning av hjärtat. Ekokardiografi används för att bedöma hjärtats funktion vid utredning av hjärtsjukdomar. Vid en ekokardiografiundersökning kan hjärtats flödeshastigheter, kontraktilitet (pumpförmåga), väggtjocklek, och innerdiameter undersökas. Alla dessa undersökningar görs med hjälp av tolkning av ultraljudsvågorna som ultraljudsgivaren skickar ut och tar emot. Givaren består av piezoelektriska kristaller som kan både sända och tar emot ultraljudsvågor med frekvens på över 20 kHz. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra mätningen av den vänstra ventrikulära ejektionsfraktion (LVEF) mellan en erfaren biomedicinsk analytiker (BMA) och en student samt att se hur bildkvalitén påverkar resultatet. Mätningen utfördes med Simpsons- metoden. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av en statistisk metod. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av parat t-test för att se om det finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan utförandet av en BMA och en student. Mätningen utfördes på apikala 4-kammarbilder och apikala 2-kammarblider. Studien inkluderade 30 patienter, både hjärtfriska och hjärtsjuka patienter av både könen. Resultatet visade att det finns en signifikant skillnad i utförande av LVEF- mätningar mellan BMA och student, med lägre uppmätta värden av studenten.

Simpsons biplan metod jämfört med Philips Heart Model vid bestämning av vänsterkammares ejektionsfraktion / Simpson’s biplane method compared to the Philips Heart Model when determining the left ventricular ejection fraction

Kassem, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Vänsterkammarens ejektionsfraktion (VKEF) är ett central mått på systolisk funktion i vänster kammare och är en av de mest betydelsefulla parametrar vid ekokardiografiska undersökningar. Idag är Simpson biplan metoden den mest använda metoden för bestämning av ejektionsfraktionen. Vid ekokardiografiska undersökningar sänder givaren med piezoelektriska kristaller ut ultraljudsvågor med en frekvens över 20 000 Hz. Ljudvågorna som skickas ut i kroppen reflekteras och sedan återvänder de till givaren för att skapa en bild. Denna studie jämför den tvådimensionella (2D) ultraljudsmetoden Simpsons biplan med Philips Heart Model som är en automatiserad tredimensionella (3D) funktion för bedömning av VKEF.  Material och metod: I studien inkluderades 31 hjärtfriska försökspersoner mellan åldrarna 21-64. Det samlades in bilder på apikala 4- och 2 kammarbilder från alla försökspersoner där Simpsons biplan metoden användes för att beräkna ejektionsfraktion. Apikala 4-kammarbilder samlades in för att beräkna ejektionsfraktionen med Philips Heart Model 3D funktion.  Resultat: Resultatet från denna studie visade att det inte föreligger någon signifikant skillnad mellan Simpsons biplan metoden och Philips Heart Model metoden för bestämning av ejektionsfraktion. Båda metoderna visade likvärdiga mätresultat.  Diskussion: Philips Heart Model metoden är en relativ ny funktion som använder sig av artificiell intelligens för att analysera 3D bilder. Philips Heart Model metoden är en säker funktion att använda då de flesta studier bevisar likvärdiga och säkra mätresultat i jämförelse med andra metoder.  Konklusion: Enligt denna studie ger Philips Heart Model funktionen likvärdiga mätresultat av vänsterkammarens ejektionsfraktion i jämförelse med Simpsons biplan. / Introduction: Simpson’s biplane method is the most used method for determining the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in echocardiographic examinations. Ejection fraction is a central measurement of the heart's global systolic function. The probe with piezoelectric crystals emits ultrasound waves with a frequency above 20,000 Hz. The sound waves that are sent out into the body are reflected and then return to the probe to create an image. This study compares the two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound Simpson's biplane method with the Philips Heart Model method, which is an automated three-dimensional (3D) function for assessment of LVEF.                                                                                                                          Material and method: 31 subjects with no recorded heart pathologies between the ages of 21-64 were included in the study. Apical 4- and 2-chamber images were collected from the test subjects, where the Simpson's biplane method was applied to calculate the ejection fraction. 2D apical 4-chamber images were collected to convert to 3D and used to calculate the ejection fraction with the Philips Heart Model.    Results: The results of this study showed that there is no significant difference between the Simpson’s biplane method and the Philips Heart Model method for determining ejection fraction.    Discussion: The Philips Heart Model method is a relatively new feature that uses artificial intelligence to analyze 3D images. The Philips Heart Model method is a reliable feature to use as most studies have proven similar and reliable measurements when comparing it with other methods for determining LVEF.    Conclusion: According to this study, the Philips Heart Model feature provides equivalent measurements in comparison with the manual method Simpson's biplane.

Performance diagnóstica do PET-CT com rubídio-82 na avaliação da perfusão e da função ventricular esquerda em pacientes submetidos à cinecoronarioangiografia e SPECT com 99mTc-SESTAMIBI / Diagnostic performance of rubidium-82 PET-CT in evaluation of perfusion and left ventricular function in patients submitted to coronary angiography and 99mTc-SESTAMIBI SPECT

Padilha, Bruno Gomes 20 May 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A avaliação e detecção precoce dos defeitos de perfusão miocárdica permite estratificar o risco cardiovascular e auxiliar a tomada de decisão terapêutica nos pacientes com DAC estabelecida ou suspeita. O PET/CT com Rb-82 na avaliação da perfusão e função miocárdica não invasiva é uma ferramenta de elevada acurácia diagnóstica. O presente trabalho procura estabelecer uma avaliação de performance de diagnóstica, entre dois métodos na medicina nuclear - SPECT com 99mTc-Sestamibi e PET/CT com Rb-82. Métodos: Avaliação da perfusão e da função do ventrículo esquerdo em 42 pacientes submetidos ao PET-CT com Rb-82 e SPECT com MIBI com mesmo estresse farmacológico (Dipiridamol), utilizando-se das variáveis de perfusão (SSS, SDS, SRS, fluxo sanguíneo e reserva coronariana) e de função (FEVE, DeltaFEVE, VDF, VSF - no repouso e no estresse), considerando o CATE como o método de referência. Resultados: No escore SDS, o Rb-82 apresentou valores médios próximos ao dobro do MIBI no grupo dos alterados (7,6 vs 3,9). Obteve-se um valor de sensibilidade do Rb-82 de 90,9%, com VPP de 88,2% (p=0,012) para o SSS e de 87,8%, com VPP de 87,8% (p= 0,012) para o SDS. As áreas sobre curva demonstraram superioridade do Rb-82 com maior exatidão e acurácia do método em relação ao MIBI na amostra avaliada. No escore de reversibilidade (SDS), houve maior sensibilidade em cut-off de menor valor e maior especificidade em cut-off de maior valor. FEVE em repouso e estresse, assim como, VDF e VSF em repouso e estresse apresentaram valores de concordância altos. Os valores de SSS, SRS e SDS apresentaram concordâncias moderadas. Houve aparente queda do DeltaFEVE no Rb-82, contudo similar tendência não foi observada no MIBI, considerando que as diferenças não foram significativas com relação ao número de vasos com estenose em ambos os radioisótopos (p > 0,05). Em outra análise, entre uma variável de função ventricular e a CFR global foi evidenciada diferença significativa (p=0,024) entre os grupos normal e alterado. No grupo alterado com CFR global < 2,0 houve redução do DeltaFEVE em 2,7%.Conclusão: O PET-CT com 82Rb apresenta maior exatidão e acurácia diagnóstica na avaliação perfusional miocárdica em relação ao SPECT com MIBI, inclusive com reclassificação dos grupos avaliados que passaram de defeito perfusional de pequena para moderada extensão. A FEVE estresse na população geral sugere valor mais alto no 82Rb (aquisição do exame no pico do estresse).Haveria uma sugestão de que no grupo com CATE alterado, a CFR global seria reduzida; que em maiores graus de estenose coronariana ao CATE, a CFR global decresceria; que existiria queda da DeltaFEVE no 82Rb quanto maior fosse o número de vasos obstruídos ao CATE. A relação entre a FEVE reserva e a CFR global no 82Rb foi significativa com queda da DeltaFEVE no grupo com CFR global alterada / Background: The evaluation and early detection of myocardial perfusion defects allows to stratify cardiovascular risk and it helps therapeutic decision-making in patients with established or suspected CAD. Rb-82 PET/CT in perfusion evaluation and noninvasive myocardial function is a tool of high diagnostic accuracy. The present study seeks to establish a diagnostic performance evaluation between two methods in nuclear medicine - 99mTc-Sestamibi SPECT and Rb-82 PET/CT. Methods: Evaluation of perfusion and left ventricular function in 42 patients submitted to Rb-82 PET-CT and MIBI SPECT with the same pharmacological stress (Dipyridamole), using perfusion variables (SSS, SDS, SRS, blood flow and coronary reserve) and function (LVEF, DeltaLVEF, EDV, ESV - in rest and stress), considering CAG as the reference method. Results: In the SDS score, Rb-82 presented mean values close to double the MIBI in the altered group (7.6 vs 3.9). A Rb-82 sensitivity of 90.9% was obtained, with PPV of 88.2% (p = 0.012) for SSS and 87.8% for PPV of 87.8% (p = 0.012) for or SDS. The areas on the curve indicated superiority of Rb-82 with greater accuracy and accuracy of the method in relation to the MIBI in the sample evaluated. In the reversibility score (SDS), there was greater sensitivity in the lower cut-off value and greater specificity in the higher cut-off value. LVEF at rest and stress, as well as VDF and VSF at rest and stress had high agreement values. The values of SSS, SRS and SDS presented moderate agreement. There was an apparent decrease of DeltaLVEF in Rb-82, however a similar trend was not observed in the MIBI, considering that the differences were not significant in relation to the number of vessels with stenosis in both radioisotopes (p > 0.05). In another analysis, a significant difference (p = 0.024) between the normal and altered groups was found of ventricular function variable and global CFR. In the altered group with global CFR < 2.0 there was a reduction of DeltaLVEF in 2.7%.Conclusion: 82Rb PET-CT has a greater accuracy and diagnostic accuracy of myocardial perfusion assessment in relation to MIBI SPECT, including reclassification of the evaluated groups that went from small to moderate perfusion defect extension. The LVEF stress in the general population suggests a higher value in 82Rb (acquisition of the exam at peak stress). There would be a suggestion that if the CAG group changed, the overall CFR would be reduced; in which greater degrees of coronary stenosis to CAG, the global CFR would decrease; and there would be a decrease of DeltaLVEF in 82Rb, the greater the number of vessels obstructed to CAG. The relation to reserve LVEF and overall CFR in 82Rb was significant with decrease in DeltaLVEF of the group with altered global CFR

Ergebnisse der operativen Revaskularisation von Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit und eingeschränkter linksventrikulärer Funktion

Czyganowsky, Bent 18 February 1999 (has links)
Ziel: Die Ergebnisse nach aortokoronarer Bypassoperation (CABG) unterscheiden sich bei Patienten mit schlechter linksventrikulärer Pumpfunktion deutlich von denen bei Patienten ohne Einschränkungen derselben. Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Untersuchung des Einflusses einer reduzierten linksventrikulären Ejektionsfraktion (LVEF), eines vergrößerten linksventrikulären enddiastolischen Volumenindexes (LVEDVI) und eines erhöhten linksventrikulären enddiastolischen Druckes (LVEDP) auf das postoperative "outcome". Material und Methodik: Im Rahmen dieser retrospektiven Studie wurden 148 Patienten mit einer koronaren Herzkrankheit (KHK) und eingeschränkter Ejektionsfraktion (EF / Aim: Results of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with poor left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) differ from those in patients with normal LVEF. The aim of the study was a investigation into the influence of reduced LVEF, augmented left ventricular enddiastolic volume index (LVEDVI) and elevated left ventricular enddiastolic pressure (LVEDP) on the outcome of CABG. Methods: 148 Patients with LVEF < 50% underwent CABG. Exercise tolerance and LVEF were determined pre- and postoperatively. Three subgroups were built to distinguish the influence of reduced LVEF on postoperative outcome. Group I: LVEF < 30%, group II: 30% < LVEF < 40%, group III: 40% < LVEF < 50%. Results: Exercise tolerance rised from a preoperatively mean of 70 Watt to 97 Watt postoperatively. Mean NYHA class was 2,7 pre- and 1,7 postoperatively. There were no significant differences in the results of the three subgroups. Perioperative mortality in group I was 6,3%. Actuarial 1 and 2 years survival in this group is at 81 and 70% respectively. These results differ clearly from those of group II and III. Perioperativ mortality was 2,2% in group II and 1,4% in group III. Actuarial 1 and 2 years survival is at 93 and 84% in group II and at 95 and 83% in group III. There was no difference in postoperative outcome of patients with LVEDP > 12mmHg in comparison to patients with LVEDP < 12mmHg. Patients with LVEDVI > 100 ml/m2 had a sifnificant higher peri- and postoperative mortality than patients with LVEDVI < 100 ml/m2. Mean LVEDVI of those patients, whose LVEF increased postoperatively, was 84 ml/m2. Patients with no change in LVEF had a mean LVEDVI of 122 ml/m2. Conclusion: CABG in patients with reduced LVEF improves exercise tolerance and quality of life. Poor LVEF (< 30%) and augmented LVEDVI are predicting higher peri- and postopertive mortality. Postoperative increase of LVEF is unlikely in patients with enlarged left ventricels.

Les facteurs de risque associés à la dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs en postopératoire de chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extracorporelle

Kontar, Loay 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La dépendance aux vasopresseurs est une complication fréquente de la chirurgie cardiaque. Le syndrome vasoplégique (SV) est une forme grave de dépendance aux vasopresseurs due soit à une réaction inflammatoire systémique diffuse, soit à un dysfonctionnement cardiaque après une séparation de la circulation extracorporelle (CEC). Bien que plusieurs facteurs de risque aient été décrits, aucune intervention n’a démontré d’efficacité pour prévenir cette complication. Objectif : Identifier les facteurs de risque modifiables de la dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs chez les patients ayant bénéficié d’une chirurgie cardiaque avec CEC. Devis : C’est une étude de cohorte, observationnelle, rétrospective et monocentrique ayant été menée à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal. Patients et méthodes : Analyse rétrospective des patients provenant de deux études prospectives incluant 263 patients ayant subi une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC entre 2015 et 2017 et admis aux soins intensifs (SI) de chirurgie cardiaque à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal. L’étude exclut toutes les chirurgies cardiaques sans CEC, la transplantation cardiaque et les patients n’ayant pas reçu de vasopresseurs après la fin de la CEC. La dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs en postopératoire est définie par la persistance d’au moins un vasopresseur à partir de la fin de la CEC pour une durée supérieure à 24 heures. Une analyse de régression logistique fut effectuée afin de déterminer les variables indépendantes associées à la vasoplégie postopératoire. Résultats : Parmi les patients étudiés, 247 furent éligibles dont 98 (39,7 %) ont développé une dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs. Ces patients étaient plus âgés (67 ± 12 ans vs 64 ± 12 ans; p < 0,02) et avec un EuroSCORE II supérieur (3,1 % (1,7-6,1) vs 1,8 % (1,0-3,1), p < 0,0001). En outre, ces patients ont eu plusieurs complications en postopératoire, y compris une durée plus longue de ventilation mécanique (5 heures (IQR 4-9) contre 4 heures (IQR 3-5), p < 0,001), un séjour plus long aux SI (3 jours (IQR 1-2) vs 1 jour (IQR 1-2) ; p <0,001), mais aussi à l’hôpital (7 jours (IQR 6-10) vs 5 jours (IQR 4-7)). Les patients avec une dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs avaient été exposés à une période plus longue de CEC (100 minutes (IQR 75-129) vs 83 minutes (IQR 65-108) ; p = 0,009), une dose de norépinéphrine peropératoire plus importante (0,07  0,05 μg-1.kg-1.min contre 0,04 μg.kg-1.min-1, p < 0,001) et une administration de liquides plus importante durant l’opération (2747 ± 1241 par rapport à 2284 ± 879 ml; p = 0,001). En analyse multivariée, la réduction préexistante de la fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche (FEVG)  30 % (OR : 9,52, IC 95 % : 1,14-79,25, p = 0,04), l’hypertension pulmonaire (HTP) préopératoire (définie comme modérée si la pression artérielle pulmonaire systolique (PAPs) est > 30 et  55 mmHg (OR : 2,52, IC 95 % : 1,15-5,52) ; ou sévère si la PAPs est > 55 mmHg (OR : 8,12, IC 95 % : 2,54-26,03, p = 0,002)) et le bilan liquidien cumulatif des premières 24 h aux SI (OR : 1,76, IC 95 % : 1,32-2,33, p < 0,0001) étaient indépendamment associés au développement de la dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs. La prédiction du modèle était associée avec une aire sous la courbe ROC de 0,80, IC 95 % : 0,74-0,86, p < 0,0001. Conclusion : La dépendance prolongée aux vasopresseurs après une chirurgie cardiaque est une complication fréquente. La réduction de la FEVG, de l’HTP et un bilan hydrique positif se sont avérés des facteurs de risque indépendants dans ce contexte. / Background: Vasopressor dependency is a common complication of cardiac surgery. The vasoplegic syndrome is a severe form of vasopressor dependency, due either to a diffuse systemic inflammatory reaction or to cardiac dysfunction after separation from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Although several risk factors have been described, no intervention has been demonstrated to be effective to prevent this complication. The objective of this study is to identify modifiable pre and peri operative risk factors of prolonged vasopressor dependency after separation from CPB in cardiac surgery. Design: This is a retrospective observational study in a single specialized cardiac surgery center. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 263 patients undergoing cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) enrolled in two separate prospective studies was performed. Prolonged vasopressor use was defined as the persistence of at least one vasopressor for more than 24 hours after separation from CPB. Data collection included pre-operative risk factors, intraoperative treatment, hemodynamic and echocardiographic variables within the first 24 hours of intensive care unit (ICU) stay after surgery. Results: A total of 247 patients were included and 98 (39.7%) developed prolonged vasopressor dependence. Older age (67 ± 12 vs. 64 ± 12 years; p = 0.01) and higher EuroSCORE II (3.1% (IQR 1.7-6.1) vs. 1.7% (IQR 1.03-3.1); p < 0.0001) was associated with prolonged vasopressor dependence. Furthermore, those patients had worst outcomes including a longer duration of mechanical ventilation (5 hours (IQR 4-9) vs. 4 hours (IQR 3-5); p < 0.001) and a longer ICU stay (3 days (IQR 1-2) vs. 1 day (IQR 1-2); p < 0.001) and hospital stay (7 days (IQR 6-10) vs. 5 days (IQR 4-7)). Patients with prolonged vasopressor dependency had a longer CPB time (100 mins (IQR 75-129) vs. 83 mins (IQR 65-108); p = 0.009), greater intraoperative norepinephrine dose (0.07 ± 0.05 μg.kg-1.min-1 vs. 0.04 ± 0.04 μg.kg-1.min-1, p < 0.001) and larger fluid intake at the end of surgery (2747 ± 1241 vs. 2284 ± 879 ml; p = 0.001). In multivariable analysis, pre-existing reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF £ 30%) (OR: 9,52, 95 % CI : 1.14-79.24; p = 0.03), preoperative pulmonary hypertension (PH) (sPAP > 30 and £ 55 mmHg: OR: 2.5, 95 % CI : 1.14- 5.52; sPAP > 55 mmHg: OR: 8,12, 95 % CI: 2.53-26.02; p = 0.001) and first 24 hours cumulative fluid balance (OR: 1.78, 95 % CI: 1.41-2.24; p < 0.0001) were independently associated with the development of prolonged vasopressors dependence. This model had a good ability to predict prolonged vasopressor dependence after cardiac surgery (AUC = 0.80, 95 % CI: 0.73-0.86; p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Vasopressor dependency remains a frequent complication after CPB surgery. Its association with PH and positive fluid balance is unreported and potentially reversible. Prospective studies and clinical trials should explore the role and potential modulation of these two factors in order to prevent postoperative vasopressor dependency.

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