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Tree growth and mortality and implications for restoration and carbon sequestration in Australian subtropical semi-arid forests and woodlandsJohn Dwyer Unknown Date (has links)
Many researchers have highlighted the dire prospects for biodiversity in fragmented agricultural landscapes and stressed the need for increasing the area of, and connectivity between, natural ecosystems. Some have advocated the use of naturally regenerating forest ecosystems for sequestering atmospheric carbon, with opportunities for dual restoration and carbon benefits. However, no studies have explicitly explored the feasibility of obtaining such dual benefits from a regenerating woody ecosystem. This thesis aims to provide a detailed assessment of the restoration and carbon potential of Brigalow regrowth, an extensive naturally regenerating ecosystem throughout the pastoral regions of north eastern Australia. It combines observational, experimental and modelling techniques to describe the agricultural legacy of pastoral development, identify constraints to restoration and explore methods to remove these constraints. A review of existing ecological knowledge of Brigalow ecosystems is provided in chapter 3, along with discussion of policy and socio-economic issues that are likely to influence how and to what extent regrowth is utilised for restoration and carbon purposes in the Brigalow Belt. The review found restoring regrowth is likely to have benefits for a wide range of native flora and fauna, including the endangered bridled nailtail wallaby. Knowledge gaps exist relating to the landscape ecology of Brigalow regrowth and the impacts of management and climate change on carbon and restoration potential. Also, a conflict exists between short-term carbon sequestration and long-term restoration goals. Regional demand for high biomass regrowth as a carbon offset is likely to be high but ambiguities in carbon policy threaten to diminish the use of natural regrowth for reforestation projects. A large cross-sectional study of regrowth is presented in chapter 4. Data were analysed using multi-level / hierarchical Bayesian models (HBMs). Firstly, we found that repeated attempts at clearing Brigalow regrowth increases stem densities and densities remain high over the long term, particularly in high rainfall areas and on clay soils with deep gilgais. Secondly, higher density stands have slower biomass accumulation and structural development in the long term. Spatial extrapolations of the HBMs indicated that the central and eastern parts of the study region are most environmentally suitability for biomass accumulation, however these may not correspond to the areas that historically supported the highest biomass Brigalow forests. We conclude that carbon and restoration goals are largely congruent within regions of similar climate. At the regional scale however, spatial prioritisation of restoration and carbon projects may only be aligned in areas with higher carbon potential. Given the importance of stem density in determining restoration and carbon potential, an experimental thinning trial was established in dense Brigalow regrowth in southern Queensland (chapter 5). Four treatments were applied in a randomised block design and growth and mortality of a subset of stems was monitored for two years. Data were analysed using mixed-effects models and HBMs and the latter were subsequently used to parameterise an individual-based simulation model of stand structural development and biomass accumulation over 50 years. The main findings of this study were that growth and mortality of stems is influenced by the amount of space available to each stem (a neighbourhood effect) and that thinning accelerates structural development and increases woody species diversity. The examination of neighbourhood effects is taken further by considering drought-related mortality in a Eucalyptus savanna ecosystem (chapter 6). For this work a multi-faceted approach was employed including spatial pattern analyses and statistical models of stem survival to test three competing hypotheses relating to neighbourhood effects on drought related tree mortality. The main finding of this study was that neighbour density and microsite effects both influence drought-related mortality and the observed patterns can readily be explained by an interaction between these two factors. As a whole, this thesis contributes the following scientific insights: (1) restoration and carbon goals may be aligned for naturally regenerating woody ecosystems, but the degree of goal congruence will vary across the landscape in question, (2) while some woody ecosystems retain an excellent capacity to regenerate naturally, the agricultural legacy may still have long term effects on restoration and carbon potential, (3) neighbourhood effects that operate at the stem scale strongly influence dynamics at the ecosystem scale.
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Was geschrieben ist, ist geschrieben – Legacy CICS-Anwendungen im neuen GewandStefan, Fred, Herrmann, Paul, Spruth, Wilhelm G. 01 February 2019 (has links)
Integrationsprojekte sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil einer anpassungsfähigen Informationstechnologie und für einen flexiblen Geschäftsbetrieb unumgänglich. Gerade im Großrechnerbereich besteht ein wachsender Bedarf an Modernisierungsmöglichkeiten für Altanwendungen. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet einen von IBM verfolgten Ansatz zur Modernisierung von Legacy-Anwendungen und diskutiert die nötigen Schritte, um Altanwendungen auf den neusten Stand zu bringen. Das Service Flow Feature (SFF) bietet einen interessanten Ansatz zur Modernisierung von Legacy CICS-Anwendungen (CICS: Customer Information Control System), weil bereits laufende Anwendungen weiterverwendet und in vorhandene Architekturen integriert werden können. Zudem werden bessere Modernisierungsmöglichkeiten bereitgestellt als lediglich die Anpassung der Oberfläche. Hinzu kommt, dass mehrere CICS-Anwendungen aggregiert werden können und die damit erzeugten Geschäftsprozesse über offene Schnittstellen erreichbar sind. Gleichzeitig findet eine Entkopplung der Präsentationslogik von der Anwendungslogik statt. Letzteres bietet dem Entwickler die Möglichkeit, modernere Methoden der Präsentationslogik wie z.B. mittels JSP zu implementieren. Über den Einsatz des CICS SFF in der Entwicklungsumgebung RDz besteht für Firmen kurz- bis mittelfristig die Chance, ihr Reservoire an Legacy CICS-Anwendungen mit relativ wenig Aufwand den modernen IT-Anforderungen anzupassen. / Integration projects are importent elements of a flexible information technology and essential for a flexible business concern. Current discussions show that even in the field of mainframe computing, an increasing need of modernisation possibilities for Legacy applications exist. This article highlights an IBM pursued method to modernize such applications and discusses the necessary steps to make them up-to-date again. The Service Flow Feature delivers an interesting modernization method for Legacy CICS (Customer Information Control System) applications because it reuses and integrates existing applications in available architectures. Furthermore it delivers more possibilities than only modernizing the user interface. In addition, it can aggregate multiple CICS applications, which forms business processes, that are accessible via open interfaces. At the same time, an uncoupling of the presentation logic from the application logic takes place.
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Riktlinjer för Pensionering av IT - SystemMarcus, Elwin, Emil, Lehti January 2016 (has links)
Retirement of old IT - systems to newer ones has become more up-to-date, due to increases in performance in hardware and new programming languages. Nevertheless for companies it is not uncomplicated how this retirement process is best handled, and there are not many studies covering this phenomenon. In this thesis the goal is to find general guidelines regarding retirement of IT - systems. This is done by doing a case study on retirement for the old (MAPPER/BIS) platform to a more modern C# system which is currently used at Handelsbanken, one of Sweden’s largest banks. With the help of a qualitative research method, literature study and with interviews at Handelsbanken and external parts, we aim to understand and analyze what’s important in a retirement process. In order to create recommendations for our guidelines by also using some parts from the EM3: Software Retirement Process Model. The result of the thesis report is in total 16 guidelines that are presented as tables in the study, which companies can use in their retirement process. Ten guidelines are concerned with the retirement of the platform and six guidelines regarding conversion rules. Nonetheless the study has shown that not all systems on the MAPPER platform were possible to retire. / Pensionering av IT-system har idag blivit en mer aktuell fråga än någonsin, till följd av att system blir gamla och inte är anpassade till dagens hårdvara eller moderna programmeringsspråk. Det är inte okomplicerat hur en sådan pensionering ska ske, speciellt då det inte gjorts så många studier kring det ämnet. I denna uppsats är målet att ta fram riktlinjer gällande pensionering, detta gjordes genom att utföra en fallstudie. Fallstudien gjordes på uppdrag av Handelsbanken, en av de största bankerna i Sverige, kring pensionering av (MAPPER/BIS) plattformen till en annan mer moderna plattform i C#. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, litteraturstudie samt intervjuer med personal på Handelsbanken och externa parter, ämnar vi att förstå och analysera vad som är viktigt vid en pensioneringsprocess. För att kunna skapa rekommendationer till de riktlinjer kring pensionering som detta arbete presenterar. Vissa utvalda delar av EM3: Software Retirement Process Model kommer också att ligga till grund för riktlinjerna. Uppsatsrapporten har resulterat i totalt 16 riktlinjerna som presenteras i tabeller som företag kan använda i sina pensioneringsprocesser. Tio stycken riktlinjer grundar sig i pensioneringen av en plattform och ytligare sex stycken gäller konvertering. Studien visade dock att alla system på MAPPER plattformen inte var möjliga att pensionera.
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Hantering av legacy-system vid migreringar till molnet : Kvalitativ intervjustudie angående utmaningar vid migreringarav äldre IT-system till molnlösningar inom svenska IT-sektornAndersson, Albin, Arfvidsson, Olle January 2020 (has links)
Studien undersöker fenomenet migrering av legacy-system till molnlösningar. Ettlegacy-system är ett föråldrat IT-system som fortfarande använder äldre typer av teknikäven då mer modern teknik finns tillgängligt. Dessa system används vanligtvistillsammans med äldre affärssystem samt inom lager och produktionsmiljöer. Utifrån tidigare forskning på området identifierades det en lucka i litteraturen hursvenska konsultbolag inom IT-sektorn hanterar och genomför migreringar av legacysystem till molnlösningar. Denna undersökning tillämpade en kvalitativ intervjustudiemed semistrukturerad intervjuform och en tematisk analys genomfördes. Litteratursamlades även in kring tidigare dokumenterade utmaningar och metoder för att skapagrundläggande förståelse inom ämnet. Studien ämnade kartlägga vilka utmaningar, metoder och hantering av utmaningar IT konsulter möter i deras arbete. Denna studie identifierar totalt tre tillvägagångssätt förmigreringar, först en förstudie, sedan två olika metodval, Rehost och Replace. Vidareframförs även totalt nio olika utmaningar samt vilka tekniska åtgärder konsulter utför ihanteringen av dessa. Studien bidrar även med att öka antalet studier mot näringslivetgenom att djupare undersöka svenska konsulters arbete med migrering av legacysystem. / This study investigates the phenomenon legacy-system migration to cloud solutions.Legacy-systems are described as an outdated IT-system which still uses older types oftechnology even though more modern technology is available. These systems areusually found in older ERP-systems, as well as in warehouses and productionenvironments. Based on previous research in the field, a gap was identified in the literature on howSwedish consulting companies in the IT-sector handle and implement migrations oflegacy-systems to cloud solutions. This study applied a qualitative interview study withsemi-structured interview form and a thematic analysis was conducted. Literature wasalso collected around previously documented challenges and methods for creating basicunderstanding of the subject. The study aims to identify challenges, methods, and the management of challenges IT consultants face in their work. The study presents a total of three different methods,first a feasibility study on migration, then two different method choices, Rehost andReplace. Furthermore, a total of nine different challenges are presented, as well as whattechnical measures consultants perform in handling them. The study also contributes toincreasing the number of studies towards the industry by examining in more dept thework of Swedish consultants on the migration of legacy-systems.
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Design and Evaluation of V/UHF Satellite Communication Antennas for Naval ApplicationsBäckström, Hampus January 2018 (has links)
In this master thesis, compact antenna design aimed towards naval applicationshave been designed, analyzed and evaluated. There is a recentinterest in the development of compact antennas to be used for smallersubmarine models, and with a smaller hull on a submarine, communicationand antenna systems must be adapted and minimized, which limitsantenna design. With two limiting cylindrical volumes with maximumallowed dimensions r = 10 cm, h = 50 cm and r = 5 cm, h = 90 cm,the antennas would operate on the upper to lower V/UHF band, radiatehemispherically and have a high RHCP purity. It was found that the mostappropriate antenna structure for both volumes was QHA design. Afterthe design and analysis process was completed, it was concluded that theshorter antenna design could meet all requirements set while the longerantenna design did not meet all requirements but could still establish agood communication link on the higher frequencies. Antenna prototypesbased on the produced design were constructed and measured and, despiteminor deviations, veried that the results obtained from this thesis werereliable. / I denna mastersuppsatsen har kompakta antenner riktade mot marinaapplikationer designats, analyserats och utvarderats. Det nns ett intressefor utvecklingen av kompakta antenner som ska anvandas for mindreubatsmodeller och med ett mindre skrov pa en ubat maste kommunikationsochantennsystemen anpassas och minimeras darefter, vilket begransarantenndesignen. Med tva begransande cylindriska volymer med maximalttillatna dimensioner r = 10 cm, h = 50 cm samt r = 5 cm,h = 90 cm, skulle antennerna verka pa det ovre till lagre V/UHF-bandet,strala hemisfariskt och ha en hog RHCP-renhet. Det konstaterades attden lampligaste antennstrukturen for bada volymen var QHA-design. Efteratt design- och analysprocessen slutforts drogs slutsatsen att den kortareantenndesignen kunde uppfylla alla krav som stalldes medan den langreantenndesignen inte uppfyllde alla krav men fortfarande kunde upprattaen bra kommunikationslank pa de hogre frekvenserna. Antennprototyperbaserade pa de framtagna designerna konstruerades och mattes och, trotsmindre avvikelser, verierade att de erhallna resultaten fran denna avhandlingvar tillforlitliga.
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Managing Innovation of Payments : A Study of Regulatory Compliance Within Swedish Banking / Innovation och reglering av digitala betaltjänster hos svenska bankerKaragöz, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates challenges that emerge for Swedish incumbent banks when pursuing compliance with IT security regulations, while simultaneously striving towards innovation in order to maintain market competitiveness in terms of digital payment service offerings. As competition increases within the payment service industry, developing innovative services becomes increasingly important. At the same time, it is essential that these solutions maintain a high level of IT security, both in terms of the preservation of customer trust as well as in terms of compliance with financial regulations. Consequently, the aim of this study was to contribute to research from an incumbent banking perspective, where theory together with a qualitative case study has revolved around the topics of technology, compliance, and innovation in the pursuit of identifying key challenges. The study included a series of interviews with respondents within banking, IT security, and compliance management. This resulted in three principal challenges regarding compliance and innovation within payment services at incumbent banks, along with proposed actions to be taken. Firstly, the necessity of incrementally transitioning from legacy infrastructure towards modernized platforms was established. Secondly, banks are encouraged to make trade-offs between regulations and deploying new products and services. Finally, for banks to engage in communication and collaboration within the organization as well as with regulators can facilitate compliance as well as promoting harmonization of regulations. / Denna studie undersöker de utmaningar som svenska storbanker står inför i en digitaliserad miljö där både IT-säkerhet och innovation behöver tillgodoses för att upprätthålla konkurrenskraft gällande betaltjänster. Då konkurrensen ökar inom betaltjänstsektorn blir utvecklingen av innovativa tjänster allt mer betydelsefull. Samtidigt är det viktigt att dessa lösningar håller en hög nivå av IT-säkerhet, dels för att bibehålla kundförtroende, men också för att banker lyder under finansiella regelverk. Följaktligen var syftet med denna studie att bidra till kunskap om utvecklingen av framtidens betaltjänster. Teori och empiri kretsade kring områdena teknik, regelverk och innovation, med en strävan att identifiera huvudutmaningar på området. I en kvalitativ fallstudie inkluderandes en serie intervjuer med experter inom banksektorn och ITsäkerhet. Resultaten visade att de viktigaste utmaningarna kopplat till regelefterlevnad och innovation inom betaltjänster för storbanker är nyttjandet av föråldrad teknik, behovet av en avvägning mellan att uppfylla regelverk och utveckling av nya produkter och tjänster, och slutligen kommunikation och samarbete inom både organisationen och med lagstiftare.
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The influence of Hannibal of Carthage on the art of war and how his legacy has been interpretedMesser, Rick Jay January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of History / David R. Stone / This paper examines the influence of Hannibal of Carthage on the art of war over time. Hannibal’s war with Rome provides a complex example of strategic and tactical successes and failures that have been modeled and studied throughout military history in one fashion or another. The method of research was a literature review organized into chapters with relevant examples from ancient through modern history. The primary finding was that Hannibal’s examples have been interpreted according to the needs of each observer. There was no uniform conclusion of lessons drawn from Hannibal’s campaigns. Perceptions were drawn by each author based on time and particular circumstances. For instance, Machiavelli pillories Hannibal’s use of mercenaries as the antithesis of a virtuous society. Alfred von Schlieffen studied the tactical battle of Cannae and attempted to construct a strategic level plan for war in Europe based on lessons drawn from his study. Victor Hanson cites Hannibal’s war with Rome as a metaphor for the West’s current conflict with Islam, implying that the West will be ultimately victorious in this latest confrontation owing to the superiority of its institutions. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that Hannibal’s successes and failures are still relevant for study by historians and practitioners of the military arts even though there is no one set of definitive lessons learned.
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Fourteen years on : the legacy of giving testimony to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission for survivors of human rights violationsFaku-Juqula, Nthabiseng Anna January 2014 (has links)
Objectives : This study focused, unusually, on the experience of people who gave testimony in person to the TRC many years previously. The study’s objectives were firstly to explore the personal, social and political events that participants recounted as motivating them to testify to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), and secondly to analyse the meanings that participants gave retrospectively, about fourteen years later, to testifying before the TRC. METHOD: 30 participants were recruited, from poor socioeconomic backgrounds, in Gauteng and Western Cape provinces, South Africa. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in participants’ preferred SA languages. Data were analysed using principles of modified grounded theory. Findings: Participants from the two provinces testified through shared hopes for change but differed in the specific political and violent events that they wished to make public. Looking back, many participants expressed disillusionment with the TRC’s effectiveness. Participants were concerned by unfulfilled promises, inadequate reparations and lack of socioeconomic improvement. Memories of horrific abuses were still vivid, and most doubted that the TRC process could result in forgiveness, amnesty, reconciliation and healing. Participants felt unacknowledged, invalidated and inadequately recompensed, symbolically and monetarily. Nonetheless, participants expressed suspended hope, if not for themselves but for the future generations. ‘Misrecognition’ emerged as the overarching theme, an experience of feeling ignored and dismissed, finding promises for material recompense broken, and their contribution to the seemingly successful TRC processes not recognised. Conclusion: The TRC process neglected the abuse of the apartheid period, which has left a legacy. This study has shown that many participants continue to struggle with the legacy of a very unequal society, and further follow-up research is vital to review participants’ long-term needs. Lack of improvement in social and economic conditions has led some people in South Africa to question the effectiveness of the TRC.
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An evaluation of the sub-regional legacy/impacts of the London 2012 Olympic Games in a non-hosting sub-region : a case study of LeicestershireChen, Shushu January 2013 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the legacy/impact of the London 2012 Games for a non-hosting sub-region Leicestershire, principally through evaluations of four legacy-programmes (i.e. the Workplace Challenge, Get Set, Sport Makers, and Games Makers programmes), drawing conclusions about lessons learned from the Leicestershire 2012 legacy experience. The selection of Leicestershire as a non-hosting sub-region reflects the fact that little is known about the legacy/ impact of the Games in such contexts. The nature of Olympic legacy evaluation is considered as a complex, wide-ranging, and multi-staged process. This thesis thus focuses on two main areas: i) conducting a systematic review of the literature (covering the period 1996-2011) to explore and establish an understanding of the concepts of Olympic legacy , and evidenced legacy/impact of hosting the Olympics in previous Games; ii) assessing the extent to which the London 2012 Games had impacted on the changed legacy outcomes for Leicestershire through realist evaluations. Together with realist evaluations, analytic logic models and the assessment of additionality approaches are adopted in this study, focusing on the four legacy-programmes evaluations, wherein quantitative and/or qualitative methodology are utilised in order to identify the causal mechanisms that produced the anticipated/unanticipated effects in their specific contexts. This study is an empirical example of the application of the realist evaluation and assessment of additionality. It also produces an evidence base for policy analysis in order to inform stakeholders thinking regarding sustaining the legacy of the Games and any future major sporting events by identifying lessons learned for non-hosting contexts.
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Native American Sacred Sites and the Department of DefenseDeloria Jr., Vine, Stoffle, Richard W. 06 1900 (has links)
Since 1990, at the direction of Congress, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has been developing the Legacy Resource Management Program to enhance DoD's stewardship of cultural and natural resources for which it has responsibilities. The Legacy Program is designed to go beyond compliance with various host nation, Federal, tribal, state, and local historic preservation, religious freedom, and natural resource protection laws, policies, regulations, and guidance. The original Legacy legislation specifically directed the Program to assess the adequacy of DoD's stewardship of Native American resources, for which it may have conservation or management responsibilities either as a major landholder or as a Federal agency whose activities affect traditional Native American values and practices.
This report is about Native Americans and their cultural resource relationships with the Department of Defense. This study does not consider the Native American relationships of all 16 Defense agencies that report to the Department of Defense. Instead, the study was restricted to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.
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