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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det svenska kapitalkravet underminerat och förlegat? : En jämförande studie av den svenska och engelska bolagsrätten i ljuset av etableringsfriheten / The Swedish legal capital regime undermined and outdated? : A comparative study of Swedish and English Company Law in the light of the freedom of establishment

Persson, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success; important differences still remains in European company law.</p><p>The freedom of establishment itself, and the ECJ’s interpretation of the freedom provides European companies with a substantial cross-border mobility. As a consequence of this mobility, together with the differences in national legislation; mandatory rules in company law can be easily evaded. A typical example of this is that a Swedish enterprise, by running their business through a British private limited company, can escape the Swedish legislation on capital contributions when forming a company with limited liability for its members. These rules are thereby undermined.</p><p>The fact that these, otherwise mandatory, rules can be evaded should result in a questioning of their existence. The main purpose of rules on minimal capital contributions is to safeguard the interests of the creditors of the company. The analysis in this thesis shows that the Swedish legal capital regime is very unlikley to fulfill its purpose. The alternative, English company law, can in various aspects be seen as more efficient.</p> / <p>Den gemenskapsrättsliga harmoniseringsprocessen har på bolagsrättens område varit relativt framgångsrik. Trots detta går det i dagsläget inte att tala om någon konform europeisk bolagsrätt. Betydande skillnader kvarstår mellan de nationella bolagsrättsliga regelverken.</p><p>Den EG-rättsliga etableringsfriheten, och EG-domstolens tolkning av densamma, innebär att de europeiska företagen ges ett relativt stort mått av gränsöverskridande rörelsefrihet. En följd av denna mobilitet tillsammans med skillnaderna i de nationella regelverken är att tvingande nationell bolagsrättslig lagstiftning relativt</p><p>enkelt kan kringgås. Ett typexempel på detta är att svenska företagare, genom att bedriva sin verksamhet i ett engelskt aktiebolag, kan undgå det svenska kravet på tillskjutande av ett minsta aktiekapital vid bildandet av ett privat aktiebolag. Det svenska kapitalkravet kan därmed sägas vara underminerat.</p><p>Blott det faktum att det svenska kapitalkravet underminerats innebär att dess existens bör ifrågasättas. Syftet med kapitalkravet är främst att skydda borgenärernas intressen i bolagen. Mot bakgrund av vad som framkommer i denna uppsats kan det svenska kapitalkravets effektivitet betvivlas. Alternativet, den engelska bolagsrätten, kan ur en rad aspekter sägas vara mer ändamålsenlig.</p>

Negócios da companhia com ações de sua emissão / Transactions by the company in its own shares

Bruno di Dotto 07 April 2014 (has links)
Depois de mais de 30 anos da edição da Lei 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976 e da publicação da Instrução CVM 10, de 14 de fevereiro de 1980, volta novamente o regulador brasileiro a sua atenção para os benefícios e perigos dos negócios da companhia com ações de sua emissão. Tal se torna evidente pela publicação, em outubro de 2013, do Edital de Audiência Pública SDM 11/13, por meio do qual a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários pretende substituir a antiga regra aplicável às companhias abertas por uma nova, de conteúdo mais moderno e aderente à nova realidade. Desenvolveu-se durante o século XX e XXI o estudo dos negócios da companhia com as suas ações, admitindo-se cada vez mais numerosas exceções ao inicialmente duro e absoluto preceito proibitivo positivado originalmente pela Aktienrechtsnovelle alemã de 1870. O estudo das finanças sociais e o aprimoramento dos mecanismos de salvaguarda dos interesses protegidos no decorrer do século XX e XXI forçaram (e ainda forçam) a redefinição dos seus contornos jurídicos. No que diz respeito a estes negócios, ressaltam como interesses escudados aqueles dos credores, dos acionistas e do mercado de capitais (e os investidores que nele atuam) os grupos de referência (Bezugsgruppen) do direito societário. É na proteção de seus interesses que se fundamentam as normas que os regem: a utilização de saldo de lucros tutela os credores, o princípio do tratamento equitativo protege os acionistas e as regras de prevenção a atos manipulativos e de repressão ao insider trading salvaguardam o mercado e seus investidores. É, portanto, no confronto com tais interesses que se deve avaliar a legalidade ou ilegalidade de cada um desses negócios, e não na simples (in)existência de uma exceção legal expressa ao conceito proibitivo geral. O art. 30 da Lei das S.A. estipula condições de validade dos negócios com ações próprias, e não meramente um rol de exceções taxativas. / Thirty years after the enactment of Law 6.404, of December 15, 1976 and CVM Instruction 10, of February 14, 1980, once again have the transactions of the company in its own shares gained the attention of the Brazilian regulatory authority, especially in consideration of the benefits and perils arising from them. This is evidenced by the publication, in October 2013, by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários of Public Hearing SDM 11/13, the purpose of which is to replace the old rule applicable to public companies by a new one, containing a more modern approach on the subject and a more reality-driven concept. The studies about the transactions a company is allowed to perform in its own shares have had a great academic and empiric development during the XX and XXI centuries, the result of which has been the gradual acceptance of an ever-increasing list of possible exceptions to the inititally absolute prohibition originally stated by the german Aktienrechtsnovelle of 1870. The study of financial economics and the improvement of the legal protective measures designed over the last century have forced (and continue to force) a broad redefinition of these transactions legal boundaries. In respect to these transactions, the interests of creditors, shareholders and the capital market itself (including the investors which act in it) arise in the center of the legal protective framework they have been denominated as the reference groups of Corporate Law. Safeguarding their interests is the main purpose of the rules revolving around them: the use of profits and profit reserves safeguards creditors, adherence to the principle of equitable treatment adresses shareholder interests and the rules preventing manipulative acts and insider trading practices sponsor the interests of the capital market and its investors. Therefore, it is mandatory that any interpretation on the legality or ilegality of any given transaction by the company in its own shares be preceded by the examination of these concrete interests; this legal analysis cannot be limited to the verification of an express exception to the general rule. Article 30 of Law 6.404/76 must therefore be read as containing a general validity framework, and not merely an exaustive list of exceptions.

Estrutura e função do capital social na companhia aberta / Legal capital of publicly-held company : structure and function

Eli Loria 14 May 2009 (has links)
A inovação financeira, caracterizada pela criação de novas estruturas e instrumentos jurídicos e financeiros nas últimas décadas, impactam os tradicionais conceitos do direito societário e a própria interpretação das normas vigentes. Assim, a partir do estudo das acepções e funções exercidas pelo capital social, buscou-se confrontá-lo com instrumentos criados para obtenção de recursos para as companhias bem como com alternativas para a proteção dos credores. O presente trabalho explora o tema buscando de início identificar a origem das formas associativas e o precedente histórico da companhia aberta para, em seguida, adentrar na disciplina jurídica do capital social, suas características e propósitos. Então, por fim, trata-se, em capítulos apartados, da securitização de créditos, da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica e do patrimônio de afetação, procedendo-se a uma comparação com o instituto do capital social, sem concentração específica na disciplina desses instrumentos. / Financial innovation, characterized by the development of new structures and legal and financial instruments in the past decades, impacts the traditional concepts of corporate law, as well as the interpretation of existing legislation. Starting from an analysis of the different meanings and functions of the legal capital of companies, it was sought to specifically examine this concept in light of mechanisms devised for the funding of companies and for the protection of creditors. This paper analyzes the matters seeking, initially, to identify the forms of association and the historical background of the publicly¬-held company in order to then analyze the rules pertaining to the legal capital, with its characteristics and purposes. Last, we examine, in separate chapters, of credit securitization, of the lifting of the corporate veil, and of the segregated capital, comparing each of these concepts with that of the legal capital, instead of focusing on the specific legal rules pertaining to such concepts.

Aspects of the regulation of share capital and distributions to shareholders

Van der Linde, Kathleen 30 June 2008 (has links)
It is in the area of the regulation of a company's share capital and distributions to shareholders that the inherent conflict between creditors and shareholders, and the fragile balance among shareholders internally, intersect. The share capital of a company underlies its corporate structure and represents not only its initial own funds from which creditors can be paid, but also the relative equity interests of the shareholders. The balance between shareholders can be disturbed by capital reorganisations through increase, reduction or variation of share capital or through disproportionate contributions by, or distributions to, shareholders. Share repurchases are particularly risky in this regard. Creditor interests are affected when their prior right to payment is endangered by distributions to shareholders. This study analyses the South African Law relating to share capital and distributions against the background of a comparative study of the laws of England, New Zealand, Delaware and California, as well as the provisions of the American Model Business Corporations Act. Two main approaches to creditor protection are evident. The capital maintenance doctrine, which is followed in England and Delaware, protects creditors by emphasising the notional share capital of the company as a limit on distributions. In contrast, the solvency and liquidity approach focuses on the net assets of the company and on its ability to pay its debts. New Zealand, California and the Model Business Corporations Act represent this approach. Regulatory responses to shareholder protection range from insistence on compliance with procedural requirements to minimal statutory intervention in the internal affairs of companies, instead relying on general principles of fairness and good faith. There is little correlation between a particular system's approach to creditor protection on the one hand, and to shareholder protection on the other. England, New Zealand and South Africa prescribe specific formalities, while the American approach is more relaxed. South Africa is a hybrid system. Its transition from capital maintenance to solvency and liquidity has been incomplete and its protection of equity interests is relatively unsophisticated. A number of recommendations are made for an effective and coherent approach that will safeguard the interests of creditors and shareholders alike. / School: Law / LL.D.


GRANATO, MICHELANGELO 22 April 2016 (has links)
La tesi affronta il tema del capitale sociale e della sua funzione all’interno del sistema delle società di capitali partendo dalle innovazioni legislative che hanno interessato la disciplina della s.r.l. in Europa. Nel primo capitolo vengono dipanate alcune questioni teoriche e applicative che hanno afflitto la prima esegesi delle nuove forme di patrimonializzazione delle s.r.l. Nel secondo capitolo sono discusse le tesi tradizionali sul capitale sociale e sono esposte le ragioni per cui esse non paiono idonee a risolvere le questioni organizzative e capitalistiche poste dall’istituto. Nel terzo capitolo è esposta la tesi centrale: il capitale sociale esprime un concetto normativo che svolge una funzione di governo societario, volto a risolvere la questione organizzativo-corporativa (rapporti interorganici in materia di scelte finanziarie) e riafferma l’impostazione proprietaria degli ordinamenti continentali. Si illustra una lettura unitaria interna alla classe delle società di capitali e il collegamento con la limitazione di responsabilità. Sono esaminati gli istituti del diritto societario finalizzati ad assicurare garanzia ed efficienza, profili non sempre convergenti. Si sostiene la necessità di una rule, ex ante, ad effetto reale, rispetto ai rimedi basati sugli standard e di carattere obbligatorio, individuando un possibile strumento di composizione degli interessi in gioco nelle nuove tutele. / The dissertation deals with legal capital and its function within the system of the Italian civil code rules for corporations. These rules have been recently amended both in Italy and in other European Countries, in particular with respect to the non-stock company forms (limited liability company, Italian s.r.l.). The first Chapter addresses some theoretical and practical issues raised by the early scholarly works that have analyzed the new financing schemes for the Italian s.r.l. The second Chapter discusses the traditional approaches to legal capital and provides evidence that such approaches prove inadequate to resolve the corporate and capitalistic questions that legal capital poses. The third Chapter draws the key argument of the dissertation: legal capital is a rule that fulfills corporate governance goals. It allocates powers and responsibilities regarding the financial structure of the firm and reaffirms the proprietary, shareholder oriented, European approach. This is a typical feature of all corporations, public stock corporations and private close corporations, and stems from limited liability. Further, the dissertation compares the creditor protection rules against the value maximization principle. A rule-based, ex ante approach appears more desirable and a potentially effective and flexible legal strategy can be found in the new legal reserve.

Aspects of the regulation of share capital and distributions to shareholders

Van der Linde, Kathleen 30 June 2008 (has links)
It is in the area of the regulation of a company's share capital and distributions to shareholders that the inherent conflict between creditors and shareholders, and the fragile balance among shareholders internally, intersect. The share capital of a company underlies its corporate structure and represents not only its initial own funds from which creditors can be paid, but also the relative equity interests of the shareholders. The balance between shareholders can be disturbed by capital reorganisations through increase, reduction or variation of share capital or through disproportionate contributions by, or distributions to, shareholders. Share repurchases are particularly risky in this regard. Creditor interests are affected when their prior right to payment is endangered by distributions to shareholders. This study analyses the South African Law relating to share capital and distributions against the background of a comparative study of the laws of England, New Zealand, Delaware and California, as well as the provisions of the American Model Business Corporations Act. Two main approaches to creditor protection are evident. The capital maintenance doctrine, which is followed in England and Delaware, protects creditors by emphasising the notional share capital of the company as a limit on distributions. In contrast, the solvency and liquidity approach focuses on the net assets of the company and on its ability to pay its debts. New Zealand, California and the Model Business Corporations Act represent this approach. Regulatory responses to shareholder protection range from insistence on compliance with procedural requirements to minimal statutory intervention in the internal affairs of companies, instead relying on general principles of fairness and good faith. There is little correlation between a particular system's approach to creditor protection on the one hand, and to shareholder protection on the other. England, New Zealand and South Africa prescribe specific formalities, while the American approach is more relaxed. South Africa is a hybrid system. Its transition from capital maintenance to solvency and liquidity has been incomplete and its protection of equity interests is relatively unsophisticated. A number of recommendations are made for an effective and coherent approach that will safeguard the interests of creditors and shareholders alike. / School: Law / LL.D.

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