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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Draudėjo pareigų pagal draudimo sutartį pažeidimo teisinės pasekmės / Legal consequences of breach of the insured‘s obligations under an insurance contract

Dargis, Vytautas 09 July 2011 (has links)
Auganti draudimo rinka ir draudimo reikšmė visuomenėje verčia valstybę pradėti reguliuoti santykius tarp draudikų ir draudėjų. Valdžios institucijos siekia apriboti draudiko galimybes piktnaudžiauti savo pranašumu sutartiniuose santykiuose. Yra stengiamasi, kad draudimo išmokos būtų išmokamos kaip įmanoma dažniau. Pažymėtina, kad tam tikrais atvejais prioritetinis draudėjo teisių gynimas draudiko ir draudėjo ginčuose pasireiškia nepagrįstu draudimo apsaugos išplėtimu ir draudėjo nebaudžiamumu. Draudikai gali bandyti pasinaudoti draudėjų silpnumu. Draudikai sudarydami draudimo taisykles, dažnai įtraukia neaiškias ir klaidinančias sąlygas. Bando įtvirtinti draudėjo pareigas draudimo sutartyje tokiu būdu, kad jų pažeidimas sudarytų sąlygas taikyti griežčiausias pasekmes. Naudodamiesi draudėjo ribotu teisiniu išsilavinimu, draudikai aiškina teises normas sau naudinga linkme. Tokia draudėjo padėtis kelia susirūpinimą. Darbo objektas – draudėjo pareigų pagal draudimo sutartį pažeidimo teisinės pasekmės. Yra analizuojamos bendrų prievolinių pažeistų teisių gynybos būdų ir specialių draudimo teisėje įtvirtintų gynybos būdų ryšys, jų taikymo galimybės, draudėjui pažeidus sutartį. Nagrinėjamos už draudimo sutarties pažeidimą skiriamų sankcijų taikymo sąlygos ir jų griežtumo nustatymo kriterijai. Draudimo sutarties pažeidimo teisinės pasekmės turi būti subalansuotas. Iš vienos pusės, jis turi sudaryti galimybes draudikui nubausti draudėją už sutartinių santykių nevykdymą ir efektyviai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Legal Consequences of Breach of the Insured’s Obligations under an Insurance Contract Insurers can try to exploit policyholders’ lack of information on insurance. They incorporate ambiguous and misleading clauses in the insurance policy. Insurers try to imbed insured’s contractual obligations in such manner that their breach would evoke the strictest legal consequences. By using limited policyholder’s understanding of insurance contract law, insurers interpret terms of insurance contracts lucratively. Such abuse causes concern. Insurers are private enterprises. Insurers by seeking to increase their profits can attempt to impose stricter sanctions than it would be just on the insured for breach of his contractual obligations. Jeopardy arises that the insurer will impose sanctions on the policyholder in an abusive manner. The subject matter of this writing is legal consequences of the insured’s obligations under an insurance contract. Provisions of the Civil Code on breach of contractual duties and civil liability are being analyzed together with special provisions of insurance contract law. Their comprehensive and systematic study reveals the scope of sanctions available for insurer’s use and the conditions that must be met before applying the sanctions. At the present the number of disputes between insurers and policyholders is increasing. The reason behind the disputes often is lack of clearness in legal regulation. Insurers abuse the lack of clearness by abusively... [to full text]

Sutarčių neįvykdymo teisinės pasekmės / Legal consequences of failure to fulfill contracts

Matulevičienė, Asta 11 December 2006 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamos ir tarpusavyje lyginamos Lietuvos, užsienio valstybių, tarptautinių teisės aktų nuostatos, atskleidžiant sutarties neįvykdymo sampratą bei detaliai nagrinėjamos civilinės teisinės pasekmės, kylančios dėl sutarties neįvykdymo. Vienai iš šalių neįvykdžius sutarties, nukenčia kitos šalies teisės ir interesai, taigi atsiranda civilinės teisinės pasekmės, kurios tiesiogiai susijusios su teisės gynimo būdais. Teisės aktuose numatytos sutarties neįvykdymo civilinės teisinės pasekmės apsaugo šalis nuo galimų nuostolių ar netekčių dėl sutarties neįvykdymo ir suteikia nukentėjusiai šaliai teisę reikalauti tam tikrų veiksmų iš sutartį neįvykdžiusios šalies, o sutartį pažeidusi šalis priverčiama atsakyti už savo su sutarties vykdymu susijusius netinkamus veiksmus ar neveikimą. / Master’s final paper analyzes and compares provisions of Lithuanian, foreign and international legislation revealing the concept of failure to fulfill a contract and making a detailed analysis of civil legal consequences arising due to failure to fulfill contracts. When one of the parties fails to fulfill a contract, rights and interests of the other party suffer, thus resulting in civil legal consequences that are directly related to the ways of rights protection. Civil legal consequences of the failure to fulfill a contract defined in legislation protect the parties from possible damages or losses incurred due to failure to fulfill a contract and gives the other party the right to demand certain actions from the failing party and the failing party is forced to account for improper actions or inaction related to fulfillment of the contract. The paper analyzes and reveals only the civil legal consequences that are applied independently from the type of contract concluded between the parties. The essence, content and features of civil legal consequences of failure to fulfill a contract are revealed in investigation of certain legal consequences: suspension of contract fulfillment; assigning additional term for contract fulfillment; requirement to fulfill an obligation in kind, which includes the requirement to fulfill both monetary obligations and nonmonetary obligations, also requirement to eliminate deficiencies of fulfillment, to change the fulfillment itself or in other... [to full text]

Santuokos nutraukimo dėl vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės teisinės pasekmės / The Legal Consequences of a Divorce by the Fault of One Spouse

Žemelienė, Daiva 04 March 2009 (has links)
Santuokos nutraukimo dėl vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės teisinės pasekmės Šeima yra mūsų visuomenės ir valstybės pagrindas. Ši nuostata įtvirtinta Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 38 straipsnio 1 dalyje. Tokiu būdu akcentuojamas vaidmuo, priskiriamas šeimai, kaip natūraliai ir pagrindinei visuomenės grupei, užtikrinančiai visuomenės ir valstybės stabilumą. Santuokos nutraukimas yra vienas iš šeimos teisės institutų. Tinkamas santuokos nutraukimo teisinis reglamentavimas turi labai didelę reikšmę, nes leidžia užtikrinti asmeninės laisvės apsaugą, sąžiningo sutuoktinio teisių gynimą, sumažinti teisinių ginčų skaičių ir gali daryti įtaką šeimos stabilumui. Nuo 2001 m. liepos 1 d. įsigaliojus naujajam Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniu kodeksui santuokos nutraukimo teisinis reglamentavimas pasikeitė, nes įtvirtinta daug naujovių. Viena iš tokių naujovių – santuokos nutraukimas dėl sutuoktinio (ių) kaltės. Taikymo praktika pagal šį kodeksą dar nėra pilnai susiformavusi. Todėl nagrinėjama tema ,,Santuokos nutraukimo dėl vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės teisinės pasekmės” yra labai aktuali. Taigi darbe yra nagrinėjamas santuokos nutraukimo institutas, analizuojamos santuokos nutraukimo teisinės pasekmės dėl vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės. Pirmiausiai aptariama santuokos nutraukimo samprata, toliau analizuojamas sutuoktinio kaltės klausimas, galiausiai, per nagrinėjamus atskirų santuokos nutraukimo būdų ypatumus, siekiama išaiškinti santuokos nutraukimo teisines pasekmes kaltam sutuoktiniui... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The legal consequences of a divorce by the fault of one spouse Family is the basis of our society and our state. This provision is established in the first part of the thirty-eighth particle of the Constitution of Lithuania. The role that is emphasized in such way is subsumed to the family as natural and main group of society, which secures the stability of society and country. Divorce is one of the institutes of Family Law. Proper legal regulation of divorce is very important, because it allows to warrant the security of personal freedom, the defense of conscientious spouse rights, it allows to reduce the number of legal issues and can influence the stability of the family. When in 2005-07-01 the new Civil code of Lithuanian Republic came into force the juridical regulation of conjugality abatement has changed, because it consolidates a lot of innovations. One of these innovations is a divorce by the fault of one (or both) spouse. The application practice according this code has not been totally formed yet. That is why the studied theme “The legal consequences of a divorce by the fault of one spouse” is very important. The institute of divorce, the legal consequences of a divorce by the fault of one spouse are under consideration in this work. Foremost, sets forth the conception of divorce, further analyses the issue of fault spouse and seeks to discover the legal consequences of a divorce by the fault of one spouse by analyzing separated discipline of divorce, discuss the... [to full text]

As consequências jurídicas imputáveis ao descumprimento de deveres anexos na negociação coletiva trabalhista

Nascimento, Vitor Rocha January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação investiga as possíveis consequências jurídicas imputáveis a descumprimentos de deveres anexos de boa-fé ocorridos em negociações coletivas trabalhistas. Para tanto, pesquisa-se a negociação coletiva trabalhista em si mesma, suas origens, os interesses nela envolvidos, suas funções, seus princípios, delineando-a como uma fase negocial análoga ao momento pré-contratual dos contratos em geral. Após, estuda-se o princípio da boa-fé, desde seu berço natural, no Direito comum, especialmente na sua vertente objetiva, que tem papel primordial na limitação do princípio da autonomia negocial, para então analisar-se sua aplicabilidade ao Direito Coletivo do Trabalho, especificamente no tocante as negociações coletivas trabalhistas, com a visualização dos deveres anexos de boa-fé incidentes nas mesmas. Também verificam-se as consequências jurídicas imputáveis aos descumprimentos de deveres anexos de boa-fé na negociação coletiva trabalhista, que parecem exigir, para harmonização do sistema e atingimento da finalidade do próprio instituto negocial coletivo laboral, respostas que, de fato, estimulem, privilegiem e otimizem a negociação coletiva laboral como um direito fundamental, eficaz e democrático-construtivo das relações de trabalho. Em conclusão, questiona-se se essa verificação não seria necessária para um futuro saudável das relações coletivas trabalhistas. / This dissertation investigates the possible legal consequences attributable to the noncompliance with good faith obligations in collective labor bargainings. Therefore, the collective labor bargaining is researched in itself, its origins, the interests involved, its functions, its principles, delinating it as a negotiation phase comparable to the pre-contractual moment of contracts in general. After, the principle of good faith is studied, from its birth in commom Law, especially in its objective strand, which has a primordial role in limitating the principle of negotiation autonomy, for then analyse its applicability to the Collective Labour Law, specifically about collective labor bargainings, with the visualization of its incidents good faith obligations. Also, the legal consequences for the noncompliance of good faith obligations in the collective labor bargaining are verified, which seems to require, to harmonize the system and to reach the purpose of the very institute of the collective labor bargaining, responsaes that, in fact, stimulate, privilege and optimize the collective labor bargaining as a fundamental, effective and democratic-constructive right. In conclusion, it is questioned whether this verification would not be necessary for a healthy future of collective labor relations.

As consequências jurídicas imputáveis ao descumprimento de deveres anexos na negociação coletiva trabalhista

Nascimento, Vitor Rocha January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação investiga as possíveis consequências jurídicas imputáveis a descumprimentos de deveres anexos de boa-fé ocorridos em negociações coletivas trabalhistas. Para tanto, pesquisa-se a negociação coletiva trabalhista em si mesma, suas origens, os interesses nela envolvidos, suas funções, seus princípios, delineando-a como uma fase negocial análoga ao momento pré-contratual dos contratos em geral. Após, estuda-se o princípio da boa-fé, desde seu berço natural, no Direito comum, especialmente na sua vertente objetiva, que tem papel primordial na limitação do princípio da autonomia negocial, para então analisar-se sua aplicabilidade ao Direito Coletivo do Trabalho, especificamente no tocante as negociações coletivas trabalhistas, com a visualização dos deveres anexos de boa-fé incidentes nas mesmas. Também verificam-se as consequências jurídicas imputáveis aos descumprimentos de deveres anexos de boa-fé na negociação coletiva trabalhista, que parecem exigir, para harmonização do sistema e atingimento da finalidade do próprio instituto negocial coletivo laboral, respostas que, de fato, estimulem, privilegiem e otimizem a negociação coletiva laboral como um direito fundamental, eficaz e democrático-construtivo das relações de trabalho. Em conclusão, questiona-se se essa verificação não seria necessária para um futuro saudável das relações coletivas trabalhistas. / This dissertation investigates the possible legal consequences attributable to the noncompliance with good faith obligations in collective labor bargainings. Therefore, the collective labor bargaining is researched in itself, its origins, the interests involved, its functions, its principles, delinating it as a negotiation phase comparable to the pre-contractual moment of contracts in general. After, the principle of good faith is studied, from its birth in commom Law, especially in its objective strand, which has a primordial role in limitating the principle of negotiation autonomy, for then analyse its applicability to the Collective Labour Law, specifically about collective labor bargainings, with the visualization of its incidents good faith obligations. Also, the legal consequences for the noncompliance of good faith obligations in the collective labor bargaining are verified, which seems to require, to harmonize the system and to reach the purpose of the very institute of the collective labor bargaining, responsaes that, in fact, stimulate, privilege and optimize the collective labor bargaining as a fundamental, effective and democratic-constructive right. In conclusion, it is questioned whether this verification would not be necessary for a healthy future of collective labor relations.

As consequências jurídicas imputáveis ao descumprimento de deveres anexos na negociação coletiva trabalhista

Nascimento, Vitor Rocha January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação investiga as possíveis consequências jurídicas imputáveis a descumprimentos de deveres anexos de boa-fé ocorridos em negociações coletivas trabalhistas. Para tanto, pesquisa-se a negociação coletiva trabalhista em si mesma, suas origens, os interesses nela envolvidos, suas funções, seus princípios, delineando-a como uma fase negocial análoga ao momento pré-contratual dos contratos em geral. Após, estuda-se o princípio da boa-fé, desde seu berço natural, no Direito comum, especialmente na sua vertente objetiva, que tem papel primordial na limitação do princípio da autonomia negocial, para então analisar-se sua aplicabilidade ao Direito Coletivo do Trabalho, especificamente no tocante as negociações coletivas trabalhistas, com a visualização dos deveres anexos de boa-fé incidentes nas mesmas. Também verificam-se as consequências jurídicas imputáveis aos descumprimentos de deveres anexos de boa-fé na negociação coletiva trabalhista, que parecem exigir, para harmonização do sistema e atingimento da finalidade do próprio instituto negocial coletivo laboral, respostas que, de fato, estimulem, privilegiem e otimizem a negociação coletiva laboral como um direito fundamental, eficaz e democrático-construtivo das relações de trabalho. Em conclusão, questiona-se se essa verificação não seria necessária para um futuro saudável das relações coletivas trabalhistas. / This dissertation investigates the possible legal consequences attributable to the noncompliance with good faith obligations in collective labor bargainings. Therefore, the collective labor bargaining is researched in itself, its origins, the interests involved, its functions, its principles, delinating it as a negotiation phase comparable to the pre-contractual moment of contracts in general. After, the principle of good faith is studied, from its birth in commom Law, especially in its objective strand, which has a primordial role in limitating the principle of negotiation autonomy, for then analyse its applicability to the Collective Labour Law, specifically about collective labor bargainings, with the visualization of its incidents good faith obligations. Also, the legal consequences for the noncompliance of good faith obligations in the collective labor bargaining are verified, which seems to require, to harmonize the system and to reach the purpose of the very institute of the collective labor bargaining, responsaes that, in fact, stimulate, privilege and optimize the collective labor bargaining as a fundamental, effective and democratic-constructive right. In conclusion, it is questioned whether this verification would not be necessary for a healthy future of collective labor relations.

Consecuencias jurídicas de la determinación del project delivery system (PDS) en el contrato de construcción privado

García Valdez, Leandro 11 November 2019 (has links)
En los últimos años la gestión de las obras ha tenido un desarrollo importante en el Perú a partir de la incorporación de prácticas jurídicas y técnicas propias del mundo anglosajón, como es el caso de los formatos contractuales internacionales (NEC y FIDIC), y tecnologías como el building information modelling. Así, con el pasar del tiempo presenciamos un acercamiento de las figuras del construction law a nuestro sistema jurídico. En ese contexto, la presente investigación analiza una de las figuras medulares del construction law: el project delivery system, con el objetivo de demostrar, en primer término, su compatibilidad con nuestro sistema jurídico, y, en segundo término, que a través de dicha figura los agentes intervinientes de la obra pueden gestionar con eficacia y eficiencia uno de los conflictos más recurrentes en la industria: los derivados de los errores y/o indefiniciones del alcance. / In recent years, the management of works has had an important development in Peru from the incorporation of legal and technical practices typical of the Anglo-Saxon world, as is the case of international contractual formats (NEC and FIDIC), and technologies such as building information modeling. Thus, with the passing of time we witness an approach of the figures of construction law to our legal system. In this context, the present research analyzes one of the core figures of construction law: the project delivery system, with the aim of demonstrating, firstly, its compatibility with our legal system, and, secondly, that through said figure the agents involved in the work can effectively and efficiently manage one of the most recurrent conflicts in the industry: those derived from errors and / or indefinite scope. / Tesis

Právní následky kupní smlouvy ve srovnání s francouzskou právní úpravou / Legal consequences of purchase agreement compared with French legal regulation

Viková, Ivana January 2017 (has links)
Abrégé Cette mémoire est consacrée à la problématique des effets du contrat de vente. Son but est de décrire la législation tchèque et française et de souligner les différences les plus importantes entre elles. La mémoire est divisé en 5 chapitres qui sont encore divisés en souschapitres. Dans l'introduction il est évalué le rôle du phénomène mondiale qui est imputable au contrat de vente. Il est aussi souligné la nécessité de sa réglementation dans les systèmes juridiques différents. En plus, il y a la question de l'intérêt a la comparaison de ces deux législations. Dans le premier chapitre on peut trouver la déscription du premier effet du contrat qui a été mentionné dans cette mémoire - le transfert de propriété. D'abord il faut s'y concentrer a la réglementation du transfert dans la loi et puis aux aménagements des parties dans le contrat qui peuvent modifier ou exclure la réglementation légale du transfert de propriété. Le deuxième chapitre est dédié au transfert des risques sur la chose et son relation avec le transfert de propriété. Dans le troisième chapitre il y a le débat sur l'obligation du vendeur de délivrer la chose qui est l'objet du contrat. Le chapitre est divisé en deux parties essentielles qui se préoccupent de l'une part de l'obligation de délivrer la chose et des sanctions conséquentes...

Decemberkompromiss eller Januariförlovning? : - en komparativ studie av svensk och finsk avtals- och arbetsmarknadsstruktur, reglering kring kollektivavtal samt reglering kring stridsåtgärder och sympatiåtgärder.

Jonasson, Alfred January 2009 (has links)
Declining union memberships are a fact in both Sweden and Finland. At the same time, the autonomous labour market parties and the high membership rates are the most significant factors for the two countries compared to Europe and the rest of the world. These two factors have in turn been developed and strengthened since the beginning of the twentieth century. By autonomous labour market parties I refer to the fact that the labour market parties themselves through collective bargaining are agreeing on the labour market conditions, without interference from the government. This paper is therefore taking it's stance in the question of what happens with the autonomous labour market parties when the membership rates are in decline.   With this in mind, this paper describes the judicial development, the collective agreement and labour market structures, the legal consequences of collective agreements and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action in both Sweden and Finland. The two countries' systems of labour law have caught some negative attention, hence two of the most discussed cases of recent years are given some attention as well.   The collective judicial conditions are very similar in both Sweden and Finland regarding the labour market main actors' collaboration, the collective agreement structures and legal consequences and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action. The Finnish regulations regarding industrial action are somewhat more unconstrained compared to the Swedish ones. The Swedish opportunities of sympathy action are on the other hand more intricate and contain more exceptions. The Finnish union density is almost as high as in Sweden, although the Finnish employees are more willing to use industrial action. The labour market structures are relatively similar between the countries and so are the effects of the legislation and traditions surrounding them. The differences are found in the larger gender pay gaps present in Finland. While the differences are also present in Sweden, they are smaller. The similarities are found in the effects of the labour market structures and the labour market main actors' collaboration. Both are contributing to strengthening the present conditions. / Gemensamt för Sverige och Finland är att medlemstalen i de fackliga organisationerna minskar. Samtidigt är det den fackliga autonomin och den höga anslutningsgraden som i jämförelse med Europa och resten av världen är utmärkande för de båda länderna. Dessa två faktorer har i de båda länderna utvecklats och befästs sedan början av 1900-talet. Den fackliga autonomin bygger på att de centrala parterna utan inblandning från staten själva kommer överens om arbetsmarknadens villkor. Uppsatsen utgår därför från den övergripande frågan om vad som händer med den fackliga autonomin när medlemstalen minskar.   Med detta i åtanke redogör uppsatsen för Sveriges och Finlands rättsliga utveckling, deras kollektivavtals- och arbetsmarknadsstrukturer, kollektivavtalens bindningsmekanism och rättsverkningar samt möjligheten till strids- och sympatiåtgärder. De båda ländernas arbetsrättsliga system har heller inte undgått kritik, varför två av de mest omtalade rättsfallen på senare tid också ges en redogörelse.   Sveriges och Finlands kollektiva arbetsrättsliga system är mycket lika, både avseende de centrala parternas samrådsförfaranden, kollektivavtalens bindningsmekanism, rättsverkningar och arbetskonfliktsreglering. Den finska regleringen kring stridsåtgärder är dock något friare, medan den svenska innehåller fler intrikata undantag. De finska arbetstagarna är medlemmar i fackliga organisationer i nästan lika hög grad som de svenska. De finska arbetstagarna är dock betydligt mer benägna att ta till arbetsstrid. Arbetsmarknadsstrukturerna i Sverige och Finland är relativt lika och likaså effekterna av dem. Skillnaden ligger i de stora löneskillnader mellan män och kvinnor som föreligger i Finland. Även i Sverige förekommer det skillnader, om än något mindre. Effekterna, som är liknande i de båda länderna, består i att befintliga särfördelningar av löne- och anställningsvillkor befästs genom rådande arbetsrättsliga reglering och huvudavtalsparternas samrådsförfaranden. / Yhteistä Ruotsin ja Suomen ammattiliitoille on jäsenmäärän supistuminen. Samanaikaisesti ammattiliittojen itsenäisyys ja korkea järjestäytymisaste ovat ominaisia molemmille maille verrattuna Eurooppaan ja muuhun maailmaan. Nämä kaksi tekijää ovat molemmissa maissa kehittyneet ja vahvistuneet 1900-luvun alusta alkaen.   Ammattiyhdistysten itsenäisyys rakentuu sille että keskeiset osapuolet ilman valtiovallan sekaantumista sopivat itse työmarkkinoiden ehdoista. Opinnäytteen lähtökohta on mitä tapahtuu ammattiyhdistysten itsenäisyydelle jäsenmäärän supistuessa.   Opinnäyte selvittää Ruotsin ja Suomen yhteiskuntien oikeudellista kehitystä, työehtosopimus- ja työmarkkinarakennetta, työehtosopimusten sitomismekanismia ja oikeudellisia vaikutuksia sekä mahdollisuuksia työtaistelu- ja myötätuntotoimenpiteisiin. Molempien maiden työoikeudellinen järjestelmä ei ole välttynyt arvostelulta, josta syystä aineisto sisältää selostuksen kahdesta viime aikojen puhutuimmasta oikeustapauksesta.   Ruotsin ja Suomen työoikeudellinen järjestelmä on hyvin samankaltainen sekä keskeisten osapuolten kuulemismenettelyn, työehtosopimusten sitomismekanismin, oikeudellisten vaikutusten että työtaistelujen säätelyn osalta. Suomalainen työtaistelusäätely on jonkunverran vapaampi, ruotsalainen sisältää useita monimutkaisia poikkeuksia. Suomalaiset työntekijät ovat ammattiliitojen jäseniä melkein yhtä usein kuin ruotsalaiset. Suomalaiset työntekijät ovat kuitenkin paljon useammin mukana työtaisteluissa Työmarkkinoiden rakenne Ruotsissa ja Suomessa ovat suhteellisen samanlaisia kuten myös niiden vaikutukset. Erot ovat Suomen suurissa palkkaeroissa miesten ja naisten kesken. Myös Ruotsissa on eroja, joskin pienempiä. Vaikutukset jotka ovat samanlaisia molemmissa maissa, koostuvat vallitsevan jaon palkka- ja palkkaamisehtojen vahvistamisesta vallitsevasta työoikeudellisesta sääntelystä ja pääsopijaosapuolten kuulemismenettelystä.

Decemberkompromiss eller Januariförlovning? : - en komparativ studie av svensk och finsk avtals- och arbetsmarknadsstruktur, reglering kring kollektivavtal samt reglering kring stridsåtgärder och sympatiåtgärder.

Jonasson, Alfred January 2009 (has links)
<p>Declining union memberships are a fact in both Sweden and Finland. At the same time, the autonomous labour market parties and the high membership rates are the most significant factors for the two countries compared to Europe and the rest of the world. These two factors have in turn been developed and strengthened since the beginning of the twentieth century. By autonomous labour market parties I refer to the fact that the labour market parties themselves through collective bargaining are agreeing on the labour market conditions, without interference from the government.</p><p>This paper is therefore taking it's stance in the question of what happens with the autonomous labour market parties when the membership rates are in decline.</p><p> </p><p>With this in mind, this paper describes the judicial development, the collective agreement and labour market structures, the legal consequences of collective agreements and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action in both Sweden and Finland. The two countries' systems of labour law have caught some negative attention, hence two of the most discussed cases of recent years are given some attention as well.</p><p> </p><p>The collective judicial conditions are very similar in both Sweden and Finland regarding the labour market main actors' collaboration, the collective agreement structures and legal consequences and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action. The Finnish regulations regarding industrial action are somewhat more unconstrained compared to the Swedish ones. The Swedish opportunities of sympathy action are on the other hand more intricate and contain more exceptions. The Finnish union density is almost as high as in Sweden, although the Finnish employees are more willing to use industrial action. The labour market structures are relatively similar between the countries and so are the effects of the legislation and traditions surrounding them. The differences are found in the larger gender pay gaps present in Finland. While the differences are also present in Sweden, they are smaller. The similarities are found in the effects of the labour market structures and the labour market main actors' collaboration. Both are contributing to strengthening the present conditions.</p> / <p>Gemensamt för Sverige och Finland är att medlemstalen i de fackliga organisationerna minskar. Samtidigt är det den fackliga autonomin och den höga anslutningsgraden som i jämförelse med Europa och resten av världen är utmärkande för de båda länderna. Dessa två faktorer har i de båda länderna utvecklats och befästs sedan början av 1900-talet.</p><p>Den fackliga autonomin bygger på att de centrala parterna utan inblandning från staten själva kommer överens om arbetsmarknadens villkor. Uppsatsen utgår därför från den övergripande frågan om vad som händer med den fackliga autonomin när medlemstalen minskar.</p><p> </p><p>Med detta i åtanke redogör uppsatsen för Sveriges och Finlands rättsliga utveckling, deras kollektivavtals- och arbetsmarknadsstrukturer, kollektivavtalens bindningsmekanism och rättsverkningar samt möjligheten till strids- och sympatiåtgärder. De båda ländernas arbetsrättsliga system har heller inte undgått kritik, varför två av de mest omtalade rättsfallen på senare tid också ges en redogörelse.</p><p> </p><p>Sveriges och Finlands kollektiva arbetsrättsliga system är mycket lika, både avseende de centrala parternas samrådsförfaranden, kollektivavtalens bindningsmekanism, rättsverkningar och arbetskonfliktsreglering. Den finska regleringen kring stridsåtgärder är dock något friare, medan den svenska innehåller fler intrikata undantag. De finska arbetstagarna är medlemmar i fackliga organisationer i nästan lika hög grad som de svenska. De finska arbetstagarna är dock betydligt mer benägna att ta till arbetsstrid. Arbetsmarknadsstrukturerna i Sverige och Finland är relativt lika och likaså effekterna av dem. Skillnaden ligger i de stora löneskillnader mellan män och kvinnor som föreligger i Finland. Även i Sverige förekommer det skillnader, om än något mindre. Effekterna, som är liknande i de båda länderna, består i att befintliga särfördelningar av löne- och anställningsvillkor befästs genom rådande arbetsrättsliga reglering och huvudavtalsparternas samrådsförfaranden.</p> / <p>Yhteistä Ruotsin ja Suomen ammattiliitoille on jäsenmäärän supistuminen. Samanaikaisesti ammattiliittojen itsenäisyys ja korkea järjestäytymisaste ovat ominaisia molemmille maille verrattuna Eurooppaan ja muuhun maailmaan. Nämä kaksi tekijää ovat molemmissa maissa kehittyneet ja vahvistuneet 1900-luvun alusta alkaen.</p><p> </p><p>Ammattiyhdistysten itsenäisyys rakentuu sille että keskeiset osapuolet ilman valtiovallan sekaantumista sopivat itse työmarkkinoiden ehdoista. Opinnäytteen lähtökohta on mitä tapahtuu ammattiyhdistysten itsenäisyydelle jäsenmäärän supistuessa.</p><p> </p><p>Opinnäyte selvittää Ruotsin ja Suomen yhteiskuntien oikeudellista kehitystä, työehtosopimus- ja työmarkkinarakennetta, työehtosopimusten sitomismekanismia ja oikeudellisia vaikutuksia sekä mahdollisuuksia työtaistelu- ja myötätuntotoimenpiteisiin. Molempien maiden työoikeudellinen järjestelmä ei ole välttynyt arvostelulta, josta syystä aineisto sisältää selostuksen kahdesta viime aikojen puhutuimmasta oikeustapauksesta.</p><p> </p><p>Ruotsin ja Suomen työoikeudellinen järjestelmä on hyvin samankaltainen sekä keskeisten osapuolten kuulemismenettelyn, työehtosopimusten sitomismekanismin, oikeudellisten vaikutusten että työtaistelujen säätelyn osalta. Suomalainen työtaistelusäätely on jonkunverran vapaampi, ruotsalainen sisältää useita monimutkaisia poikkeuksia. Suomalaiset työntekijät ovat ammattiliitojen jäseniä melkein yhtä usein kuin ruotsalaiset. Suomalaiset työntekijät ovat kuitenkin paljon useammin mukana työtaisteluissa Työmarkkinoiden rakenne Ruotsissa ja Suomessa ovat suhteellisen samanlaisia kuten myös niiden vaikutukset. Erot ovat Suomen suurissa palkkaeroissa miesten ja naisten kesken. Myös Ruotsissa on eroja, joskin pienempiä. Vaikutukset jotka ovat samanlaisia molemmissa maissa, koostuvat vallitsevan jaon palkka- ja palkkaamisehtojen vahvistamisesta vallitsevasta työoikeudellisesta sääntelystä ja pääsopijaosapuolten kuulemismenettelystä.</p>

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