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The Relations Between the Legal Provisions for Education in Texas and Public School AdministrationBrowning, Voyd 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the relation between the legal provisions for education in Texas and the public school administration, to determine, if possible, whether these provisions provide for an adequate program meeting the educational needs of the children of the state. Legal provisions, in this instance, comprise both the constitutional provisions for education and the school laws passed to carry out these provisions.
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Le reclassement des actes juridiques en droit constitutionnel français / The reclassification of the legal acts in french constitutional lawDegboe, Dario 23 November 2015 (has links)
Au stade de leur entrée en vigueur, la valeur des actes juridiques est essentiellement formelle. Cette force n'est cependant pas immuable. Divers mécanismes sont susceptibles de conférer aux actes juridiques une nouvelle valeur fonction de leur caractère (ou nature). Ce caractère repose sur une distribution des compétences matérielles entre les organes habilités à édicter des actes juridiques de portée générale. Ainsi, la prise en compte du critère matériel amène à reconsidérer la valeur des actes juridiques et de leurs dispositions. Le reclassement étudie les modalités par lesquelles les actes juridiques acquièrent une force autre que celle dont ils étaient initialement pourvus.De façon générale, la transmutation de l'acte juridique est due à une incompétence positive signalée, parfois rectifiée, mais non censurée par le juge : la délégalisation, le reclassement des « neutrons organiques », le reclassement des actes nationaux empiétant sur les compétences des institutions d'outre-mer, etc. Certains mécanismes de reclassement sont institués – la ratification des ordonnances –, d'autres sont incidents – les renvois organiques –. Les conséquences du reclassement constituent l'essentiel de l'étude. La valeur juridique détermine le régime applicable à chaque acte. Mais les instrumenta peuvent n'être que partiellement reclassés. Dans ce cas, chaque disposition est pourvue d'une force juridique propre. Après le reclassement de l'acte, l'autorité d'édiction perd sa compétence de modification et d'abrogation. Le régime contentieux de l'acte reclassé est remanié. L'étude du reclassement éclaire la distinction entre la valeur des sources formalisées et la valeur des normes juridiques, c'est-à-dire, de leurs significations prescriptives. / The instrumenta takes effect with legal force that is not immutable. Various mechanisms may give new strength to these legal acts and their provisions. These new strengths are then altered according to its distribution among the establishments empowered to enact legal measures of general application. This force is often determined by a distribution of material powers between the bodies empowered to pass legal acts of general application. This sharing is accomplished by various texts such as the Constitution or organic legislation. If the value of the acts are essentially formal at the stage of their entry into force, taking into account the material criterion this would lead to the reconsideration of their strength. Their reclassification is the process of studying the ways in which the legal acts acquire another force than they were originally filled.Generally, the transmutation of the legal act is not invalid due to incompetence, but simply corrected by the judge: the delegalisation and reclassification of neutral organic acts; the reclassification of national acts encroaching on the powers of the institutions of overseas, etc. Some reclassification mechanisms are instituted - the ratification of orders - and others are incidents - organic references - the consequences of the reclassification constitute the bulk of the study. The value determines the legal regime applicable to each act. But the Instrumenta may be only partially reclassified. In this case, each provision is provided with its own legal force. After reclassification, the enactment of authority loses its modification of skills and repeal the act (or its provisions). Sue to the act being reclassified, the litigation regime is overhauled. These theoretical implications are nonetheless not always observed in practice. The study of the reclassification and litigation that is generated confirms the distinction between the value of formal sources and the value of legal norms, in other words, their prescriptive meanings.
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Preserving Human Rights in Marital Relations : A Critical Examination of the Criminalization of Marital Rape in India from a Human Rights PerspectiveDhankhar, Shweta January 2024 (has links)
In India, the law does not consider marital rape as a criminal offence. This means that the legal provisions do not acknowledge that a husband can be held accountable for raping his wife. The reasons for this are numerous and can be found in a range of reports from the Law Commission, Parliamentary debates, and judicial decisions. There are various reasons for this, including the desire to uphold the importance of marriage as an institution and the availability of other legal solutions. Given the ongoing debate surrounding the criminalization of marital rape in India, it is important to thoroughly examine the potential consequences of such a move. In order to achieve this goal, the current research will gather information from a diverse range of secondary sources, such as books, journals, articles, and reports that are relevant to the topic being investigated. The research will also gather primary data from respondents to obtain firsthand perspectives on this matter. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the perspectives presented by different scholars regarding the criminalization of marital rape in India. In contrast to the responses obtained from the respondents for this study, the majority of them suggest that marital rape should not be criminalized. In addition, the paper delves into the approach taken by the Indian judiciary regarding the criminalization of marital rape. This study aims to provide valuable insights for leaders, scholars, and academics to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of criminalizing marital rape in India.
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Les conflits de lois dans le temps en droit de la propriété intellectuelle / Conflicts of legal provisions in the intellectual propertyMeuris, Florence 13 October 2011 (has links)
Le droit transitoire est une discipline dont la vocation est universelle. Cet ensemble de règles a pour finalité de permettre la découverte de la loi applicable à un fait ou un acte donné. Tout comportement a une traduction juridique, même neutre, selon une norme unique. À ce titre, peu importe le domaine du Droit concerné. De nombreuses règles, forgées par la doctrine et la jurisprudence à partir de l’article 2 du Code civil, permettent à l’interprète de la loi nouvelle de décliner le principe de non rétroactivité selon les spécificités d’une espèce. Par exception, le législateur peut proposer lui-même des dispositions transitoires, qui s’avèrent pour la plupart, en droit de la propriété intellectuelle, conformes au principe de sécurité juridique. D’une manière générale, l’opération de qualification nécessaire porte sur l’acte ou le fait étudié ou bien sur la norme nouvelle elle-même. L’étude menée a pour objet la transposition de cette opération de qualification au sein du domaine précis de la propriété intellectuelle. Dans cette optique, les notions de « droit acquis » et de « situation juridique » sont confrontées aux spécificités de la discipline, dont la filiation apparente avec le droit des biens est parfois source d’erreurs. En plus de ces qualifications qui se rapportent aux éléments saillants d’une espèce donnée, sont également recherchées en droit de la propriété intellectuelle les illustrations des qualifications classiques de « loi interprétative », de « loi pénale plus douce », de « loi d’ordre public » et de « loi de procédure ». Leur signification transitoire est appréciée au regard de l’exigence de sécurité juridique, fil conducteur de toute discussion relative à la résolution d’un conflit de lois dans le temps. Au cours de cette étude, les systèmes de protection très disparates qu’offre le droit de la propriété intellectuelle à tout créateur ou « découvreur », apparaissent comme autant de facteurs d’une diversité jurisprudentielle gênante. À l’inverse, le mécanisme de réservation d’une chose intellectuelle semble constituer un dénominateur commun intéressant. Celui-ci trouve une traduction efficace avec la notion de « situation juridique » écrite de cette manière : « titularité d’un droit de propriété intellectuelle ». Par suite, l’indépendance de la matière se confirme et ses disparités internes sont gommées. Seulement, si l’exigence de sécurité juridique commande de retenir la notion de « situation juridique », il convient, au contraire, de se méfier de la notion de « droit acquis ». De plus, il est constaté que l’utilisation de la notion de «loi d’ordre public » n’est pas conforme à l’exigence de sécurité juridique, quand le maniement de la qualification de « loi de procédure » se révèle souvent délicate. Enfin, la notion de « loi interprétative » semble implicitement justifier de nombreux choix jurisprudentiels, orientés par l’absence de nouveauté manifeste de la norme nouvelle. Il convient alors de proposer la qualification de « loi de codification ». / A lawyer can settle conflicts of legal provisions through the application of several rules. They can be used like universal tools, in every juridical domain. The aim of the operation consist in determining the law which has to be applied. Each behavior can be translated in juridical terms. In this way, only one set of laws has to be taken into account. The lawyer can use the principles created by doctrine and precedents in order to solve conflicts of legal provisions. The article 2 of the Civil Code is the foundation of them. In the intellectual property domain, the legislator can intervene and suggest transitory provisions. The judge is not allowed to enforce the law retroactively, no matter the facts or the acts under consideration. The purpose of this investigation lies in the adaption of these rules for intellectual property issues. Therefore, “vested interests” and “legal status” concepts are confronted with specificities of intellectual property as such a corpus o findependent rules. In a certain extent, there is a link between this discipline and the law of property. When the lawyer has to choose the law to apply, there are disturbing parallels to be made. He may easily make a mistake. Furthermore, the concepts of “declaratory act”, “softer penal act”, “public order law”, and “proceedings act” can be used to resolve special problems in the intellectual property domain. When a conflict of legal provisions is under discussion, the judge has to ensure a certain security of the procedure. The judge must always be able to justify precisely his choice. It’s a significant guarantee for any persons subject to trial. It has been widely recognized that intellectual property offers a large selection of rights. As a result, the judge is tempted to follow several different lines of thought and case law on the subject is not always uniform. On the contrary, legal precedents could be unified if the judge has used the “legal status” concept. It should be written in an efficient way : “to be entitled to exercise an intellectual property right”. The independence of the discipline is confirmed and its internal disparities disappear. The “vested interests” concept does not seem to be appropriate to the characteristics of intellectual property. Moreover, the concept of “public order law” doesn’t square properly with intellectual property issues. The concept of “proceedings act” is delicate to use. Lastly, it appears that the concept of “declarative law” is implicitly used by judges to prove the retroactivity of the law. Finally, the concept of “codification act” should be applied to this situation.
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Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and povertyCosta Neto, José Wellington Bezerra da 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.
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Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and povertyJosé Wellington Bezerra da Costa Neto 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.
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