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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schwefelbedarf, -akkumulation und -düngung von Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.), Schmalblättriger Lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) und Erbse (Pisum sativum L.) in Reinsaat sowie Erbse und Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) im Gemenge

Pötzsch, Fredo Frank 18 December 2019 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss verschiedener Schwefel (S)-Düngemittel, der Leguminosenart und des Gemengebaus von Erbse (Pisum sativum L.) und Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) auf die Schwefelakkumulation sowie den Ertrag der Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.), Schmalblättrige Lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) und Erbse zu erheben. In den Jahren 2012 bis 2014 wurden Feldversuche auf zahlreichen Standorten durchgeführt, um die Wirkung von Kieserit (MgSO4), Gips (CaSO4), elementarem S und Bittersalz (MgSO4 × 7H2O) auf die Körnerleguminosen zu testen. Die Düngung von Ackerbohne, Schmalblättriger Lupine und Erbse mit verschiedenen S-haltigen Düngemitteln führte unter den geprüften Feldbedingungen weder zu Ertragssteigerungen noch zu einer gesteigerten N-Akkumulation. Der S-Bedarf der drei Körnerlegunminosen wurde offenbar über natürliche Ressourcen gedeckt. Trotzdem zeigten sich Gips und Kieserit, teilweise auch Bittersalz als geeignete Düngemittel, um die S-Konzentration im Gewebe der Pflanzen zu erhöhen. Die S-Akkumulation im Spross der Ackerbohne (5-17 kg S ha-1), Schmalblättrigen Lupine (5-15 kg S ha-1) und Erbse (2-13 kg S ha-1) war gering und wurde von den Pflanzen an deren Bedarf angepasst. Im Gegensatz zu Ackerbohne (SHI 0,65) und Erbse (SHI 0,63), die S vorwiegend im Korn akkumulierten, sammelte die Schmalblättrige Lupine einen Großteil des aufgenommenen S im Stroh (SHI 0,40) an. Der Einfluss des Gemengeanbaus mit Gerste auf den S-Haushalt der Erbse war sehr gering. Die Erbse in Reinsaat nahm signifikant mehr S gemittelt über alle getesteten Düngemittel auf als das Gemenge aus Erbse und Gerste. Erbse und Gerste akkumulierten ähnlich hohe Mengen S im Spross pro Einheit Kornertrag. Um maximale Kornerträge sowie N- und S-Akkumulationen in einem substitutiv zusammengesetzten Gemenge aus Erbse und Gerste zu erzielen, wurde ein optimales Saatverhältnis von 42-88% keimfähiger Erbsensamen zu 12-58% keimfähigen Gerstensamen der jeweiligen Reinsaatstärke ermittelt. / The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of different sulfur (S) containing fertilizers, the legume species and of intercropping of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on sulfur accumulation and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), narrow leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) and pea. In the years 2012 to 2014 field trials have been conducted to test the effects of kieserite (MgSO4), gypsum (CaSO4), elemental S and epsom salt (MgSO4 × 7H2O) on grain legumes at several sites in Germany. Under the given environmental conditions, fertilization of faba bean, narrow leaf lupin and pea with different S containing fertilizers did not increase yield and nitrogen (N) accumulation. The S demand of the three grain legumes was low and obviously covered by S sources from the soil as well as atmospheric S deposition. However, gypsum, kieserite and epsom salt generated noticeable increases in S concentration in parts of the plants. S accumulation in shoots of faba bean (5-17 kg S ha-1), narrow leaf lupin (5-15 kg S ha-1) and pea (2-13 kg S ha-1) was comparatively low and has been adapted to the plants respective S demand. In contrast to faba bean (SHI 0,65) and pea (SHI 0,63), who accumulated S predominantly in seeds, narrow leaf lupin (SHI 0,40) accumulated the bulk of S in its straw. The influence of barley on peas S concentration was very low. Pea in pure stands accumulated significantly more S than the total intercrop of pea and barley, whereas pea and barley accumulated similar amounts of S in its shoots per unit seed yield. To achieve the maximum seed yield and maximum N and S accumulation in substitutive mixtures of pea and barley, a relative seed frequency of 42%–88% pea seeds to 12%–58% barley seeds of their monocrop seeding rate has been calculated to be optimal.

Efficiency of protein utilization of forage legumes for milk production on goats

Katsande, Simbarashe 11 February 2016 (has links)
Department of Animal Science / PhD (Agric)

L’évolution des biomes chez la sous-famille des Cercidoideae (Fabaceae/Leguminosae)

Hagelstam Renshaw, Charlotte 11 1900 (has links)
Certaines lignées de plantes tendent à rester dans le même biome au cours du temps (conservatisme de biome), tandis que d’autres semblent s’adapter plus facilement à de nouveaux biomes (changements de biome). Les ~396 espèces (14 genres) de la sous-famille des Cercidoideae se retrouvent dans plusieurs biomes à travers le monde, en particulier dans les régions tropicales de l’Amérique du Sud, de l’Asie et de l’Afrique. Ces espèces diffèrent aussi au niveau de leur port, pouvant être des arbres, arbustes, lianes ou herbacées. Après avoir établi une liste révisée d’espèces de la sous-famille, incluant tous les synonymes connus et leurs noms acceptés, des données d’occurrence ont été téléchargées depuis le Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) et d’autres bases de données d’herbiers. Après avoir nettoyé les données d’occurrences, des cartes de répartition des espèces ont été produites. Ces cartes ont été comparées avec des cartes publiées de biomes tropicaux afin d’attribuer chaque espèce à un biome et à un continent. Les biomes de forêt tropicale humide (179 espèces), de savane (117 espèces), succulent (65 espèces) et tempéré (7 espèces et sous-espèces) ont été identifiés comme importants pour décrire la répartition globale des Cercidoideae, avec plusieurs espèces se trouvant dans plus d’un biome. Après avoir reconstruit une phylogénie calibrée dans le temps, nous avons effectué des estimations de caractères ancestraux afin d’évaluer le nombre et la direction des changements de biome, de port et de continent. Les analyses suggèrent que plusieurs changements de biomes ont eu lieu dans l’histoire évolutive de la sous-famille, les changements du biome succulent à la forêt tropicale humide et de la forêt tropicale humide à la savane étant les plus communs, tandis qu’il n’y avait aucun changement depuis la savane. Sept changements de port ont eu lieu, dont trois qui sont associés à des changements de biome (un est caractéristique du genre Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc., un du genre Lysiphyllum (Benth.) de Wit et un de l’espèce Phanera retusa Benth.). Les analyses montrent aussi que les changements de biomes tendent à avoir lieu au sein d’un même continent et que les dispersions vers de nouveaux continents tendent à se produire au sein d’un même biome. Par contraste avec d’autres sous-familles de légumineuses plus conservées au niveau des biomes, les changements fréquents observés au sein des Cercidoideae suggèrent une capacité d’adaptation à des environnements significativement différents à travers le temps. / Some plant lineages remain within the same biome over time (biome conservatism), whereas others seem to adapt more easily to new biomes (biome shifts). The ~396 species (14 genera) in subfamily Cercidoideae of Leguminosae (Fabaceae) are found in many biomes around the world, particularly in the tropical regions of South America, Asia and Africa, and display a variety of habits/growth forms (small trees, shrubs, lianas and herbs). After establishing an updated expert-verified species list, including all known synonyms and their accepted names, we downloaded and cleaned occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and other herbarium databases to produce species distribution maps. These maps were compared with existing biome maps to attribute species to biomes and continents. Rainforest (179 species), savanna (117 species), succulent (65 species) and temperate (7 species and subspecies) biomes were found to be important in describing the global distribution of Cercidoideae, with many species occurring in multiple biomes. After reconstructing a time-calibrated phylogeny, we performed ancestral state reconstructions to evaluate the number and direction of shifts in biome, habit and continents. Analyses suggest multiple biome shifts throughout the phylogeny, shifts from succulent to rainforest and from rainforest to savanna being the most common, while no shifts were observed from the savanna. Seven shifts in habit occurred, of which at least three were associated with biome shifts (one subtends the genus Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc., one subtends the genus Lysiphyllum (Benth.) de Wit and one occurs in Phanera retusa Benth.). Analyses also show that biome shifts tend to occur within the same continent and that dispersals to new continents tend to occur within the same biome. In contrast to other more biome-conserved legume subfamilies, the frequent shifts observed in Cercidoideae suggest ability for adaptation to significantly different environments through time.

Einfluss organischer Düngung auf Ertrag, symbiotische N2-Fixierung und Nährstoffaufnahme von Saatplatterbse (Lathyrus sativus L.), Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.) und Rotklee (Trifolium pratense L.) sowie auf Ertrag eines nachfolgenden Winterweizens (Triticum aestivum L.)

Lux, Guido 11 February 2016 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, ob sich mit der Düngung von Stroh, Gehölzhäcksel, frischem Pferdemist und Grüngutkompost die Ertragsleistung und Nährstoffaufnahme von Leguminosen sowie der Folgefrucht Winterweizen steigern lässt. Darüber hinaus sollte die Aufnahme von düngebürtigem Kohlenstoff durch Rotklee mittels 13-C-angereichertem Stroh quantifiziert werden. Die Verfügbarkeit von Kalium, teilweise auch von Schwefel und Molybdän, wurde vor allem nach der Düngung von Grüngutkompost und von Pferdemist für die untersuchten Leguminosen verbessert, während nach der Düngung von Gehölzhäcksel und Stroh keine signifikanten Effekte auf die Nährstoffaufnahme der Pflanzen festgestellt werden konnten. Die scheinbare Ausnutzung des gedüngten Stickstoffs durch die Leguminosen lag in Abhängigkeit von der Düngung zwischen 0 und 9 % (Gehölzhäcksel < Grüngutkompost < Pferdemist < Stroh). Nur nach der Düngung von Pferdemist zu Saatplatterbse und Ackerbohne verringerte sich der Anteil an symbiotisch fixiertem Luftstickstoff am Spross-N gegenüber der Kontrolle, nicht jedoch die symbiotisch fixierte N-Menge. Der Vorrat an mineralischem Stickstoff im Boden in einer Tiefe von 0 bis 30 cm war unter Ackerbohne und Rotklee ca. 40 Tage nach der Düngung und Einarbeitung von Gehölzhäcksel gegenüber den Vergleichsvarianten und der Kontrolle deutlich vermindert. Ein Einfluss der durch die Düngung bedingten temporären N-Festlegung im Boden auf den Anteil an fixiertem Luftstickstoff am Spross-N konnte bei keiner der untersuchten Leguminosen festgestellt werden. Der nachfolgende Winterweizen reagierte in einem Jahr mit signifikant höherem Kornertrag auf die Düngung von Grüngutkompost zu Ackerbohne und erhöhtem Rohproteingehalt im Korn auf die Düngung von Pferdemist zu Saatplatterbse. Mit Hilfe von 13-C-markiertem Stroh wurde im Freiland eine Assimilation von 0,5 % der mit dem Stroh gedüngten Kohlenstoffmenge durch Rotklee ermittelt. / The aim of this study was to examine, whether the application of wheat straw, pruning, horse manure and green compost improves the yield formation and nutrient uptake of legumes and the succeeding crop winter wheat. Furthermore it should be quantified the amount of carbon in red clover derived from the organic fertilizer by carbon dioxid assimilation. An improved uptake of potassium, partially of sulphur and molybdenum for the legumes could be detected after the application of green compost and horse manure. No effects were found on plant nutrient uptake after the application of straw and pruning. The apparent utilization of the applied nitrogen by organic fertilizer was 0 to 9 %, depending on the fertilization (pruning < green compost < horse manure < straw). The proportion of symbiontically fixed nitrogen decrease in faba bean and in chick-pea after manuring with horse manure compared with the control. However the total amount of symbiotically fixed nitrogen did not decreased. The amount of mineral nitrogen in the soil (depth: 0 to 0,3 m) was significant reduced under faba bean and red clover, 40 days after application and incorporation of pruning. No effect on the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of the legumes was found because of the organic fertilizer induced temporary immobilization of nitrogen in this soil layer. An increased grain yield was determined in the succeeding winter wheat after fertilizing green compost to faba bean and a higher content of crude protein in grain of the wheat was determined after fertilizing horse manure to chick-pea. With the help of a 13C-tracer method it could be estimated, that about 0,5 % of the added carbon with straw was assimilated by red clover under field conditions.

Desempenho de Leguminosas para Aduba??o Verde e sua Utiliza??o no Cultivo Org?nico de Milho e Repolho no Cerrado de Mato Grosso do Sul / Performance of Legumes for Green Manure and their use in organic cultivation of maize and cabbage at the Cerrado of Mato Grosso do Sul

Cesar, Marcius Nei Zanin 30 April 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-11T19:30:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Marcius Nei Zanin Cesar.pdf: 3447328 bytes, checksum: 098490a3674208d8609db17b18d3c285 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T19:30:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Marcius Nei Zanin Cesar.pdf: 3447328 bytes, checksum: 098490a3674208d8609db17b18d3c285 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-30 / Cap. I The aim of this work is to evaluate the agronomic behavior of different legume species under cerrado conditions in Mato Grosso do Sul. Seven experiments were carried out, all of them in the experimental field of the (Ag?ncia de Desenvolvimento Agr?rio e Extens?o Rural de MS), (Agency of rural development and extension of MS). Two of these experiments referred to the performance of legumes evaluation. The first experiment was carried out during the Spring- Summer period, and the second one during the Fall- Winter period. The treatments were constituted by the legume species (Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria ochroleuca, Crotalaria mucronata, Crotalaria reviflora, Mucuna pruriens, Mucuna aterrima, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp Cv Fava larga and Cv IAPAR Arat? 43 an?o, Canavalia ensiformes and Canavalia brasiliensis). The third experiment was carried out to determine the dry phytomass decomposition rate and the nitrogen release of the species that were evaluated; this happened during the Fall-Winter period, and the treatments were the mulching of the legumes cited above, except C. breviflora, which was severely attacked by Fusarium sp. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks, with eleven treatments and nine harvest dates disposed with four replicates. The forth and the fifth experiments were carried out in the subsequent year, their aim was qualifying the Biological Nitrogen Fixation (hereinafter called BNF) and determining the isotope discrimination value ?B value?; their treatments were seven legume species previously selected due to their performances on the former experimental actions and three checks, Brachiaria decumbens, Helianthus annuus, and Zea mays cv BR 106, disposed in randomized blocks with four replicates. The sixth and the seventh experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of the cabbage cv Astrus under organic management in no-tillage system. The treatments of the sixth experiment were maize-velvet bean intercrop. The later was sown in five different times after maize germination, mucuna alone, maize alone, spontaneous vegetation, and cultivation with conventional tillage of the soil. The treatments of the seventh experiment were maize intercropped with Crotalaria juncea, the latter was slashed, slashed and pruned, maize with basic fertilizer, maize with basic and dressing fertilizers, crotalaria alone, maize alone, spontaneous vegetation, and cultivation with conventional tillage of the soil. The experimental design adopted for both experiments was randomized blocks. The evaluation of the aerial phytomass production was determined when the legume species flowered and when the non-legume ones underwent the grain filling process. The quantification of BNF and the determination of the B value were estimated by using natural abundance 15N and the 15N dilution technique. Functional growth analyses were also carried out as well as soil cover rates, digestion time of the plant tissues, and the phytosociology were determined. On the sixth and seventh experiments the green manure contributions on the agronomic behavior of the cabbage cultivated in no-tillage system under organic management were evaluated. The results obtained have demonstrated the viability for the cultivations of these legume species at the Cerrado Biome, with the contribution of the BNF varying between 75 and 85% of the nitrogen found in the plant tissue originating from the air. They have also demonstrated the viability of using C. juncea and velvet bean when both are intercropped with maize in the mulching formation to the organic cultivation of the cabbage in no-tillage system Cap. II Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the agronomic behavior of legume species in which several components of plant growth were evaluated, such as aerial phytomass production, soil cover rate, seed production, besides phytosociology and in situ decomposition rate under cerrado conditions in Mato Grosso do Sul in two periods of the year. One experiment was carried out during the Spring-Summer period and the other one was carried out during the Fall-Winter period. Both experiments were carried out at the Centro de Pesquisa da Ag?ncia de Desenvolvimento Rural e Extens?o Rural de Mato Grosso do Sul (Mato Grosso do Sul Research center of the Agency of rural development and extension), in Campo Grande ? MS. The experimental design adopted for both was randomized blocks, formed by eleven treatments made up by the species C. juncea, C. ochroleuca, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis, C. breviflora, Mucuna aterrima, Mucuna pruriens, Canavalia brasiliensis, Canavalia ensiformis, Cajanus Cajans cv ?IAPAR an?o?, and Cajanus Cajans cv. giant broad bean. The agronomic behavior of the species that were studied was evaluated by the analysis of the stem and the leaf separately. It was observed that the aerial phytomass productions differed significantly with the species of the genus Crotalaria, showing the best results. Crotalaria juncea stands out with 14.16 Mg ha-1, followed by the Cajanus cajan cv. Fava larga with 11.58 Mg ha-1; there were no significant differences among the species of prostrate habit, mucunas and Brazilian jackbean (Canavalia brasiliensis). The later obtained 3.56 Mg ha-1 and the former did 2.85 Mg ha-1. Regarding seed production, the best performances were obtained during the Fall-Winter period for all legume species, except jack bean and feij?o-bravo (Capparis flexuosa), both obtained similar performances on the two periods of sowing, probably because they might be more tolerant to the drought stress. Regarding the decomposition rate, the results have revealed that the decomposition constants and the residue half-lives had different behaviors on the species that were studied; the Crotalaria species obtained higher decomposition rates when compared to the other species, differentiated behaviors were also noticed on the stem and on the leaf. The C. juncea, jack bean, and the two species of mucuna obtained higher soil cover rate, which reflected a higher suppression of spontaneous plants Cap. III Two experiments related to the quantification of BNF and the determination of the isotope discrimination, ?B value?, in legume species previously selected were simultaneously carried out in the experimental field of the AGRAER-MS, in Campo Grande-MS, during the Spring/Summer period in the 2005/2006 year of production. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks, formed by ten treatments made up by the species C. juncea, C. ochroleuca, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis, velvet bean, Brazilian jackbean, and Pigeon pea; there have been also, as checks, Sunflower, Maize, and Brachiaria species. The aerial phytomass productions were determined when each legume species flowered and when the non-legume ones underwent the grain filling process. With the samples of legumes and check plants, the quantities of N and the BNF were estimated by using the 15N dilution technique. Afterwards, when the BNF values were known, they were applied to the equation used in natural abundance 15N with the aim of estimating the B value. Regarding the aerial phytomass production, the Pigeon pea had the best performance, followed by the C. ochroleuca, reaching averages of 16.24 Mg ha-1 against 14.44 Mg ha-1. The legume species behaved similarly to the amount of accumulated nitrogen; the Pigeon pea, C. ohcroleuca, and C. mucronata reached values of 346.57 kg ha-1, 333.25 kg ha-1, and 277.35 kg ha- 1 respectively, and they deserve a distinction. Regarding the %BNF, it was observed that the 15N dilution technique could not be applied in all the species that were studied since the cycle of most legumes species was different from the checks; in this way, the checks were not appropriate because the technique demands that legumes and checks grow simultaneously and under the same conditions. However, to the varieties which were more precocious that the checks, the BNF value must be at least between 73 to 87%. Just on the specie C. mucronata it was possible to estimate the BNF and the B value with the rigor that the applied isotopic methodologies demand. The B value of this specie was -3.69. Cap. IV The aim of this study is to evaluate the agronomic behavior of the cabbage in no-tillage system under organic management and the contribution of the prior cultivation of two legumes with different growing habits intercropping with maize in the mulching formation. Both experiments were carried out in the experimental field of AGRAER-MS, in Campo Grande-MS. The first experiment was the maize-C. juncea intercrop, the latter was managed, slashed, pruned, and slashed afterwards; besides the cultivation of single maize, single C. juncea, cultivation with conventional tillage of the soil with and without fertilization with equivalent amounts of 100 Kg N ha-1 at planting and sidressed 30 days after the maize cultivation, making up eight treatments with four replications in randomized blocks. The dry matter productions in the aerial part of the cover crops and the spontaneous vegetation were evaluated. Agronomic characteristics that were evaluated on the cabbage: productivity, commercial standard, fresh and dry weight, besides the dry phytomass of the prior cultivation. On this experiment it was possible to verify better yields regarding the fresh weight and head diameter when we used single, pruned C. juncea maize with basic fertilizer, and maize with base and dressing fertilizers, reaching a fresh weight over 1.0 Kg and heads diameter over 10 cm. Regarding maize and cabbage productivity, they were not influenced by the different kinds of intercrop systems; there were no significant statistic difference of treatments, which also reflected on the dry matter production of the prior cultivations. On the second experiment, the experimental design which was adopted was randomized blocks, with nine treatments and four replicates. The treatments were: maize-velvet bean intercrop, the later was planted in five different times: after the maize germination, maize alone, mucuna alone, cultivation with conventional tillage of the soil, and fallow with spontaneous vegetation, making up a total number of nine treatments. The parameters that were evaluated were similar to the ones of the former experiment.The cabbage production showed the most promising yield 2.06 Kg of head average weight and when cultivated as a sequential crop to the maize-velvet bean intercrop sown 15 days after the maize germination, differing significantly from the other treatments. When we analyzed the maize productivities, we noticed fall of productivity around 29% when it was intercropped with velvet bean at 15 and 30 days after its germination when it was compared to the other prior cultivations in which the intercrop system was used. / Cap. I O presente trabalho teve como finalidade avaliar o comportamento agron?mico de diferentes esp?cies de leguminosas nas condi??es do cerrado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram conduzidos sete experimentos, todos no campo experimental da Ag?ncia de Desenvolvimento Agr?rio e Extens?o Rural de MS, sendo que dois deles foram referentes ? avalia??o do desempenho das leguminosas. O primeiro foi instalado no per?odo de primavera-ver?o e o segundo no outonoinverno. Os tratamentos foram constitu?dos das esp?cies de leguminosas Crotal?ria juncea, Crotal?ria ochroleuca, Crotal?ria mucronata, Crotal?ria reviflora, Mucuna pruriens, Mucuna aterrima, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp cv Fava larga e Cv IAPAR Arat? 43 an?o, Canavalia ensiformes e Canavalia brasiliensis. O terceiro experimento foi realizado para determinar a taxa de decomposi??o da fitomassa seca e libera??o de nitrog?nio das esp?cies avaliadas, realizado no per?odo de outono-inverno, com os tratamentos constituindo-se da palhada das leguminosas descrita acima, exceto C. breviflora, pois a leguminosa sofreu ataque severo de Fusarium sp. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com onze tratamentos e nove ?pocas de coleta distribu?dos em quatro repeti??es. O quarto e o quinto experimentos foram realizados no ano subsequente e tiveram como finalidade quantificar a Fixa??o Biol?gica de Nitrog?nio (FBN) e determinar o valor de discrimina??o isot?pica ?Valor B?, tendo como tratamentos sete esp?cies de leguminosas previamente selecionadas pelos seus desempenhos nas a??es experimentais anteriores e tr?s testemunhas, Brachiaria decumbens, Helianthus annuus e Zea mays cv BR 106, dispostos em blocos ao acaso com quatro repeti??es. O sexto e o s?timo experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar o desempenho do repolho cv Astrus sob manejo org?nico em sistema plantio direto, sendo que o sexto experimento teve como tratamentos cons?rcio milho x mucuna cinza, sendo esta semeada em cinco ?pocas diferentes, ap?s germina??o do milho, mucuna em monocultivo, milho em monocultivo, vegeta??o espont?nea e cultivo com preparo convencional do solo. O s?timo experimento teve como tratamentos milho consorciado com Crotal?ria juncea, sendo esta ro?ada, ro?ada e podada, milho com aduba??o de base, milho com aduba??o de base e cobertura, crotal?ria em monocultivo, milho em monocultivo, vegeta??o espont?nea e cultivo com preparo convencional do solo. O delineamento experimental adotado em ambos os experimentos foi o de blocos ao acaso. A avalia??o da produ??o de fitomassa a?rea foi determinada por ocasi?o do florescimento para as esp?cies de leguminosas e de enchimento de gr?os para as n?o-leguminosas. A quantifica??o da FBN e determina??o do valor ?B? foram estimadas utilizando-se a t?cnica de abund?ncia natural 15N e da dilui??o isot?pica de 15N. Foram tamb?m realizadas an?lises funcionais de crescimento, bem como determinadas as taxas de cobertura do solo, tempo de decomposi??o dos tecidos vegetais e a fitossociologia. No sexto e no s?timo experimentos, foram avaliadas as contribui??es da aduba??o verde no desempenho agron?mico do repolho cultivado em sistema de plantio direto, sob manejo org?nico. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a viabilidade do cultivo destas leguminosas no bioma cerrado, com a contribui??o da FBN, variando entre 75 e 85% do nitrog?nio encontrado no tecido vegetal proveniente do ar. Tamb?m, demonstraram a viabilidade do uso da C. juncea e M. cinza quando cultivadas em cons?rcio com milho para obten??o de palhada ao cultivo org?nico do repolho em sistema plantio direto. Cap. II Dois experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar o comportamento agron?mico de esp?cies de leguminosas, onde foram avaliados diferentes componentes do crescimento vegetal, como produ??o fitomassa a?rea, taxa de cobertura de solo, produ??o de sementes, al?m da fitossociologia e taxa de decomposi??o ?in situ?, nas condi??es do cerrado de Mato Grosso do Sul, em duas ?pocas do ano. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Centro de Pesquisa da Ag?ncia de Desenvolvimento Agr?rio e Extens?o Rural de Mato Grosso do Sul, localizado em Campo Grande - MS, sendo um no per?odo de primavera-ver?o e outro no outono-inverno. Em ambos, o delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, formado de onze tratamentos constitu?dos das esp?cies C. juncea, C. ochroleuca, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis, C. breviflora, Mucuna aterrima, Mucuna pruriens, Canavalia brasiliensis, Canavalia ensiformis, Cajanus Cajans cv. IAPAR an?o e Cajanus Cajans cv. fava larga gigante. O comportamento agron?mico das esp?cies estudadas foi avaliado analisando-se separadamente haste e folha. Observou-se que as produ??es de fitomassa a?rea diferiram de forma significativa com as esp?cies do g?nero crotal?ria, obtendo-se melhores desempenhos. Destacam-se a Crotal?ria juncea com 14,16 Mg ha-1, seguida do Guandu cv fava-larga com 11,58 Mg ha-1; entre as esp?cies de h?bito prostrado, n?o houve diferen?as significativas, mucunas e o feij?o-bravo-do Cear?, sendo que esse obteve 3,56 Mg ha-1 contra 2,85 Mg ha-1 da M. preta. Com rela??o ? produ??o de sementes, os melhores desempenhos foram obtidos no per?odo de outono-inverno para todas as leguminosas, com exce??o do feij?o-de-porco e feij?o-bravo, que obtiveram desempenhos semelhantes nas duas ?pocas de semeadura, provavelmente, por serem mais tolerantes ao estresse h?drico. No tocante ? taxa de decomposi??o, os resultados revelaram que as constantes de decomposi??o e tempo de meia-vida tiveram comportamentos diferentes para as esp?cies estudadas, com esp?cies de crotal?ria obtendo maiores velocidades de decomposi??o quando comparadas ?s demais esp?cies, notou-se tamb?m comportamentos diferenciados para haste e folha. A C. juncea, feij?o de porco e as duas esp?cies de mucuna obtiveram maior taxa de cobertura de solo, o que refletiu em uma maior supress?o da vegeta??o de ocorr?ncia espont?nea Cap III Foram conduzidos simultaneamente dois experimentos relacionados ? quantifica??o da FBN e determina??o do valor de discrimina??o isot?pica, valor ?B?, em esp?cies de leguminosas previamente selecionadas. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no campo experimental da AGRAER-MS, localizado em Campo Grande-MS, no per?odo de primavera-ver?o, no ano agr?cola 2005/06. O delineamento estat?stico utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, constitu?dos de dez tratamentos, sendo este compostos pelas esp?cies C. juncea, C. ochroleuca, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis, Mucuna cinza, Feij?o-bravo-do-cear? e Guandu fava larga; e como testemunhas as esp?cies Girassol, Milho e Braqui?ria. Por ocasi?o do florescimento de cada esp?cie de leguminosa e enchimento de gr?os das n?o-leguminosas, foram determinadas as produ??es de fitomassa a?rea. A partir das amostras de leguminosas e plantas testemunhas, estimaram-se as quantidades de N e a FBN, para tanto usando a t?cnica de dilui??o isot?pica de 15N . Posteriormente, conhecendo-se os valores de FBN, aplicou-se aos mesmos a equa??o utilizada na t?cnica de abund?ncia natural de 15N com a finalidade de estimar o valor B. Com rela??o ? produ??o de fitomassa a?rea, o Guandu fava larga obteve melhor desempenho seguido da C. ochroleuca, atingindo m?dias de 16,24 Mg ha -1 contra 14,44 Mg ha-1. Para a quantidade de nitrog?nio acumulada as esp?cies de leguminosas se comportaram de maneira semelhante, com destaque para o Guandu fava larga, C. ohcroleuca e C. Mucronata, atingido valores de 346,57 kg ha-1, 333,25 kg ha-1 e 277,35 kg ha-1 respectivamente. No tocante ? %FBN, observou-se que a t?cnica de dilui??o isot?pica de 15N n?o poderia ser aplicada para todas as esp?cies estudadas, uma vez que a maioria das esp?cies de leguminosas teve ciclo diferenciado das testemunhas, desta forma, as testemunhas n?o foram apropriadas, visto que a t?cnica exige que tanto as leguminosas como as testemunhas cres?am nas mesmas condi??es e de forma simult?nea. Contudo, para as variedades mais precoces que as testemunhas, o valor de FBN deve estar no m?nimo entre 73 a 87%. Somente na esp?cie C. Mucronata, foi poss?vel estimar a FBN e o valor B com o rigor que exigem as metodologias isot?picas aplicadas. O valor B para esta esp?cie foi de -3,69. Cap. IV O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho agron?mico do repolho em sistema plantio direto, sob manejo org?nico, e a contribui??o do pr?-cultivo de duas leguminosas de h?bitos de crescimento distintos em cons?rcio com milho, na forma??o de palhada. Ambos experimentos foram implantados no Campo Experimental da AGRAER, em Campo Grande-MS. O primeiro experimento consistiu no cons?rcio entre milho e C. juncea, sendo esta manejada, somente com ro?ada (taratamento 6), podada e posteriormente ro?ada (tratamento 5), al?m do cultivo do milho solteiro, C. juncea solteira, cultivo com preparo convencional do solo, com aus?ncia e presen?a de aduba??o, em quantidades equivalentes a 100 Kg N ha-1 no plantio e em cobertura 30 dias ap?s plantio do milho, perfazendo oito tratamentos com quatro repeti??es, dispostos em blocos ao acaso. Avaliaram-se as produ??es de mat?ria seca na parte a?rea das plantas de cobertura e da vegeta??o espont?nea. As caracter?sticas agron?micas avaliadas no repolho foram: produtividade, padr?o comercial, peso fresco e seco, al?m da fitomassa seca do pr?-cultivo. Neste experimento, verificaram-se melhores rendimentos quanto ao peso m?dio e di?metro da cabe?a quando se utilizaram C. juncea solteira, C.juncea ro?ada, milho com aduba??o de base e milho com aduba??o de base e cobertura, alcan?ando peso m?dio acima de 1,0 kg e di?metro das cabe?as acima de 10 cm. Quanto ? produtividade do milho e do repolho, estes n?o foram influenciados pelos diferentes tipos de cons?rcios, n?o havendo diferen?a estat?stica significativa entre os tratamentos, o que refletiu tamb?m na produ??o de mat?ria seca dos pr?-cultivos. No segundo experimento, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com nove tratamentos e quatro repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram: o cons?rcio entre milho e mucuna cinza, sendo esta plantada em cinco ?pocas diferentes - ap?s a germina??o do milho, monocultivo do milho, monocultivo da mucuna, cultivo com preparo convencional do solo e pousio com vegeta??o espont?nea -, perfazendo um total de nove tratamentos. Os par?metros avaliados foram semelhantes aos do experimento anterior. A produ??o do repolho alcan?ou melhores rendimentos, 2,06 kg de peso m?dio da cabe?a; e, quando cultivado em sucess?o ao cons?rcio milho x M. Cinza, semeada aos 15 dias ap?s germina??o do milho, diferiu significativamente dos demais tratamentos. Ao se analisarem as produtividades do milho, notouse uma queda de rendimento em torno de 29% quando este foi consorciado com M. Cinza, aos 15 e 30 dias ap?s sua germina??o, ao comparar-lo aos demais pr?-cultivos utilizando-se cons?rcios

Nitrogen fixation by Ulex europaeus (gorse) and Cytisus scoparius (broom)

Reid, T. C. January 1973 (has links)
A series of glasshouse and laboratory experiments was carried out to enable comparison of two woody perennial legumes, gorse and broom, with other legumes, nodulated non-legumes and other biological nitrogen fixing systems. Both species had distinct juvenile phases in which broom closely resembled herbaceous species in appearance, but adult plants of both species bore little resemblance to each other or to other legume species. Nodule development was similar to that of other legumes, but mature nodules exhibited structural adaptations to longevity - meristematic activity, a well developed vascular system and numerous cytoplasmic granules in cortical cells. Acetylene reduction and ¹⁵N₂ fixation continued for much longer following excision than has been observed in other legumes. In all experiments, broom nodules exhibited higher rates of acetylene reduction and nitrogen fixation than did gorse nodules. The first detectable product of nitrogen fixation in excised nodules - ammonia - was rapidly incorporated into amide and ∝ amino groups and another unidentified fraction. The principle free amino acid in nodules and sap was asparagine. Its preponderance increased as plants aged. Whole nodulated plants and excised nodules of both species exhibited a relatively low temperature optimum for growth and nitrogen fixation (22°C). They were very sensitive to elevated temperatures. Results indicated that gorse and broom have relatively low light requirements. When aeration was sufficient, combined nitrogen had little effect on growth of nodulated plants. Nodulation in both species was reduced by increasing amounts of combined nitrogen. High levels (100 mg/1) of nitrate and ammonia caused considerable inhibition of nitrogen function. Both species showed large responses to phosphate, but were able to grow and fix nitrogen when supplied with low amounts of phosphate. Boron deficiency reduced nitrogen fixation. Nodulation was increased to compensate for this. Considerable amounts of nitrogen can be contributed to the ecosystem in gorse end broom litter. Direct transfer between gorse or broom and Pinus radiate is likely to be small and may be masked by competition for other nutrients. These findings are discussed with respect to the use of gorse and broom to overcome nitrogen deficiency in reafforestation on the Moutere Gravels, in Nelson, N.Z.


河野, 恭広, 山内, 章, 飯嶋, 盛雄, 矢野, 勝也 10 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(A)(2) 課題番号:08406002 研究代表者:山内 章 研究期間:1996-1997年度

Untersuchungen und Kalkulationstabellen zur Schätzung der N2-Fixierleistung und der N-Flächenbilanz beim Anbau von Lupinus albus und Lupinus luteus in Reinsaat und von Vicia faba und Pisum sativum in Reinsaat und im Gemenge mit Avena sativa / Estimation of the nitrogen fixation and the N balance in cultivations of Lupinus albus and Lupinus luteus as sole crops and of Vicia faba and Pisum sativum as sole crops and in mixed stands with Avena sativa - resarches and calculation charts -

Jost, Britta 11 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Diversité, endémisme, géographie et conservation des Fabaceae de l'Afrique Centrale / Diversity, endemism, geography and conservation of Fabaceae of Central Africa

Ndayishimiye, Joel 21 October 2011 (has links)
La connaissance de la distribution spatiale des espèces et leurs déterminants constituent les principaux thèmes de la biogéographie et de l’écologie. Cette thèse a été réalisée sur les Fabaceae de l’Afrique Centrale :Burundi, République Démocratique du Congo et Rwanda. Composées de trois sous-familles (Caesalpinioideae, Faboideae et Mimosoideae), les Fabaceae sont présentes dans tous les biomes terrestres du monde. La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer et localiser la diversité spécifique, déterminer les zones de conservation des Fabaceae, identifier leur modèle de distribution spatiale et examiner l’impact potentiel de la déforestation sur les espèces indicatrices de cette famille. Les facteurs environnementaux déterminant la distribution des espèces endémiques de Fabaceae, les zones favorables à leur présence et l’évaluation de leur état de conservation ont également été analysés. L’étude a consisté à vérifier et à digitaliser tous les échantillons d’herbiers des Fabaceae conservés au Jardin Botanique National de Belgique et à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Les Systèmes d’Information Géographique ont été largement utilisés. Les analyses spatiales ont montré une distribution non uniforme de la diversité spécifique des Fabaceae. Les zones où la diversité spécifique coïncide avec celle des espèces endémiques ont été suggérées comme prioritaires pour la conservation. L’analyse de groupement appliquée sur le jeu de données des Mimosoideae a mis en évidence trois régions floristiques majeures. Ces trois régions correspondent aux régions phytogéographiques définies par White (1979, 1983). L’étude des Caesalpinioideae a confirmé l’existence d’espèces indicatrices de territoires phytogéographiques de Ndjele (1988). L’étude de cas réalisée au Katanga (R.D. Congo) a montré que la déforestation constitue une menace potentielle pour ces espèces, les plus vulnérables étant inféodées aux habitats forestiers. La distribution potentielle des espèces endémiques de Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae) a montré une convergence entre les cartes de la distribution actuelle et celles issues de la distribution potentielle. Des sites où les espèces n’ont jamais été signalées ont été identifiés. La distribution potentielle a démontré le rôle des déterminants environnementaux dans la distribution des espèces endémiques. Cette étude a également prouvé que d’importantes proportions des zones de diversité des espèces endémiques ne sont pas couvertes par la conservation actuelle de l’Afrique Centrale. Cette thèse confirme que l’Afrique Centrale est une zone importante de conservation de la biodiversité. L’étude devrait être poursuivie en étendant la distribution potentielle aux Fabaceae non endémiques afin de définir leurs aires de distributions, critère indispensable pour évaluer le degré de vulnérabilité d’une espèce. La création de nouvelles aires protégées renforcerait le système actuel de conservation dans cette région./Knowledge of the spatial distribution of species and its determinants constitutes a principal theme in biogeography and ecology. This dissertation focused on the Fabaceae family of Central Africa: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. Composed of three subfamilies (Caesalpinioideae, Faboideae and Mimosoideae), Fabaceae species are present in all terrestrial biomes of the world. The current study aimed to assess and locate Fabaceae species diversity, to determine potential conservation zones, to identify the spatial distribution pattern and to examine the potential impact of deforestation on some indicator species of this family. The environmental factors driving the distribution of endemic Fabaceae have been identified, as well as the potential areas of occurrence; their conservation status in the region has also been studied. The current study has verified and digitized all the herbarium samples kept at the National Botanical Garden of Belgium and the Université Libre de Bruxelles regarding the Fabaceae family. Geographic Information Systems have been used frequently. Spatial analysis showed an uneven distribution of Fabaceae species diversity. The zones where species richness depends on endemic species diversity are suggested to have priority for conservation. A cluster analysis applied to the dataset of Mimosoideae has highlighted three major floristic regions. These three regions correspond to existing phytogeographical regions defined by White (1979, 1983). A study on Caesalpinioideae species of Central Africa has confirmed the existence of indicator species of phytogeographic territories of Ndjele (1988). A case study conducted in Katanga (D.R Congo) showed that deforestation constitutes a potential threat for these species, the most vulnerable being those strictly confined to forest habitats. The potential distribution of endemic Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae) showed a clear convergence between the current distribution maps and the potential distibutions. Sites where those species had not been reported before have been identified. The potential distribution enabled to identify the importance of the different environmental factors for each endemic species’ distribution. This study also showed that large regions characterized by important endemic species diversity are not covered by current zones of conservation in Central Africa. This dissertation confirms Central Africa as an important zone for biodiversity conservation. The current research should be completed by the potential distribution of non endemic Fabaceae species of Central Africa, an important criterion to evaluate their degree of vulnerability. Creation of new protected areas would reinforce the current status of conservation in the region. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The effect of water stress and storage conditions on seed quality of chickpea genotypes characterized by differences in seed size and coat colour

Vilakazi, Busisiwe 18 May 2018 (has links)
MSCAGR (Plant Production) / Department of Plant Production / Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an excellent utilizer of residual soil moisture in agricultural ecosystems. However, its seed quality and hence reproduction is constrained by water stress, seed size and storage conditions. This study was carried out at the University of KwaZulu- Natal (UKZN), Pietermaritzburg Campus. It was conducted to evaluate the performance of chickpea genotypes (Desi-K, Saina-K and ICCV-K) with different seed sizes on seedling emergence (i), seed ageing effect on seed quality and imbibition of genotypes produced under water stressed and non-stressed conditions (ii), and (iii) the effect of water stress during seed development on sugars and protein accumulation, germination and seed vigour. Pot experiments were conducted under glasshouse / tunnel conditions at the Controlled Environment Facilities (CEF). The experiment for objective 1 was laid out as a single factor in completely randomized design (CRD). Data on emergence rate, final hypocotyl and complete emergence was collected. The small seeded Desi-K showed higher and faster emergence compared to medium sized Saina-K and large seeded ICCV-K. In the experiment of the second objective, seeds of the three genotypes were first obtained by production under water stressed and non-stressed growing conditions. They were then aged for 0, 1, 3, 5, or 7 days at 41 ºC and 100% relative humidity to form a 2 x 3 x 5 (water levels x genotypes x ageing) factorial design. Data was collected on germination percentage (GP), mean germination time (MGT), electrical conductivity (EC), tetrazolium chloride test (TZ) and imbibition weight. Seed ageing caused progressive loss of seed viability and vigour in all genotypes, which resulted in lower GP, delayed MGT, reduced TZ staining, cell death and high solute leakage from the seeds produced under the two water regimes. However, the effect was more severe under water stressed conditions. In the experiment for objective 3, seeds of all three genotypes were larger when grown under non-stressed condition compared to those under water stressed condition. These larger seeds had higher seed viability and germination percentage but lower electrical conductivity and mean germination time. Stressed seeds had higher soluble sugars than non-stressed seeds. It was deduced that irrigation during seed development reduces the final sugars and protein content but increases the seed size and physiological quality parameters allied to production of chickpea. Therefore, water provision to chickpea crop is critical during seed development. / NRF

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