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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Criação de Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) em dieta artificial em diferentes temperaturas e seleção de linhagens de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) para seu controle em arroz / Rearing of Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in artificial diet at different temperatures and Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) strain selection for pest control in rice

Andrade, Rízia da Silva 15 January 2013 (has links)
Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), ou broca-do-colo, é uma importante praga polífaga, poucas informações estão disponíveis sobre seu controle biológico. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a biologia de E. lignosellus criada em dieta artificial em diferentes temperaturas, visando obter informações a respeito da praga para estratégias de manejo integrado e selecionar uma linhagem de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), em laboratório, para possível utilização desse parasitoide em programas de controle biológico do elasmo em campo, visando à fase inicial (ovo) de desenvolvimento da praga. Foram desenvolvidas as seguintes etapas para atingir os objetivos propostos: 1. Efeito da temperatura no período de incubação e no período lagarta-adulto de E. lignosellus; 2. Tabela de vida de fertilidade de E. lignosellus; 3. Estudos comportamentais e de local de oviposição de E. lignosellus; 4. Seleção de linhagens de T. pretiosum, visando ao controle de E. lignosellus. Com base nos resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa, pode-se concluir: a faixa térmica de desenvolvimento de Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) situou-se entre 10°C e 37 e 38°C, suportado, portanto, altas temperaturas; as maiores viabilidades do período lagarta-adulto a 30 e 32°C confirmaram a adaptação do inseto às altas temperaturas; a 32°C, o inseto tem elevada taxa líquida de reprodução, ou seja, aumentou 18,30 vezes a cada geração; o período de oviposição de E. lignosellus se concentrou entre 20 e 22 horas, sempre na escotofase; a grande maioria dos ovos de E. lignosellus foi colocada de forma exposta, facilitando o parasitismo por parasitoides de ovos, no caso Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879; a linhagem T. pretiosum selecionada para o controle de ovos de E. lignosellus é da região do cerrado, indicando a especificidade do parasitoide por determinadas condições de clima. / Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), or cornstalk borer, is an important polyphagous pest and there is little knowledge regarding its biological control. The aim of this research was to study the biology of E. lignosellus reared on artificial diet under different temperatures in order to gather information to (i) develop integrated management strategies and (ii) select strains of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) for biological control programs. The following steps were performed to achieve the proposed goals: 1. Temperature effect on incubation period and E. lignosellus immature-adult period; 2. Table life of E. lignosellus fertility; 3. E. lignosellus behavior studies and oviposition preference; 4. T. pretiosum strain selection aiming E. lignosellus control. Based on the results, it\'s possible to conclude that: the ideal development temperature threshold of E. lignosellus is between 10°C and 37-38°C, therefore, it tolerates high temperatures; the higher immature-adult period viability at 30 and 32°C supports E. lignosellus\'adaptation to high temperatures; at 32ºC, E. lignosellus show elevated the net reproductive rate, since it increased 18.30 times for each genaration; E. lignosellus\' oviposition period was concentrated between 20 and 22 hours, always at the scotophase; most of E. lignosellus eggs was laid exposed, allowing parasitism by the egg parasitoidTrichogramma pretiosum; the selected T. pretiosum strain for E. lignosellus egg control is originated in the brazilian savannah, pointing out the parasitoid\'s specificity to certain climate conditions.

Caracterização tecnológica da madeira das espécies de maior frequência no segundo ciclo de corte na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós / Lumber technological characteristics of the more frequent species at second exploration cycle in the Tapajós National Forest

Cardoso, Cláudia da Costa 28 January 2015 (has links)
Ensaios pioneiros sobre o manejo de florestas tropicais, no final da década de 70, foram executados na Floresta Nacional (FLONA) do Tapajós; e atualmente surge a oportunidade de se iniciar os estudos relativos ao segundo ciclo de corte. Nisto, áreas experimentais em que a exploração inicial foi intensiva apresentam mudanças na cobertura vegetal, com abundância de espécies menos conhecidas ou não comerciais, sendo então necessário analisar tecnologicamente a madeira dessas espécies com o intuito de inseri-las no mercado. Visando colaborar nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal caracterizar tecnologicamente e elaborar programas de secagem para as madeiras de Acariquarana (Rinorea guianensis), Breu (Protium apiculatum) e Urucu da mata (Bixa arborea); espécies com alta densidade populacional na área do segundo ciclo de corte na FLONA Tapajós. Para tal, abateu-se cinco árvores de cada espécie, sendo coletado material tanto para a identificação botânica como para a caracterização anatômica, ensaios físico-mecânicos e elaboração dos programas de secagem, além destes foram realizados testes estatísticos de correlação canônica para identificar as associações entre as características estudadas. Com base nos resultados, a madeira das espécies Rinorea guianensis e Protium apiculatum apresentaram características anatômicas semelhantes às encontradas em literatura ao nível de gênero e, Bixa arborea para o nível de espécie. Em relação às principais propriedades físico-mecânicas, as madeiras de Acariquarana, Breu e Urucu possuem densidade básica de, respectivamente, 0,78; 0,51 e 0,27 g/cm³; e com Módulo de Ruptura (MOR) na flexão estática de 147,98; 79,10 e 34,06 Mpa, na mesma ordem. Em comparação com espécies já comercializadas, a espécie Rinorea guianensis (Acariquarana) pode ser indicada para construção civil, móveis, ferramentas, além de torneados e chapas; a espécie Protium apiculatum (Breu) pode ser usada na construção civil, embalagens, caixas, venezianas, para decoração, móveis e compensados e, Bixa arborea (Urucu da mata) pode ser indicada para molduras, palito de fósforo, compensados, laminados, divisórias internas, engradados, brinquedos, aeromodelismo, além de produção de papel. Foi possível a indicação de programas de secagem específicos para as madeiras de cada uma das espécies estudadas, os quais se mostraram coerentes com as indicações encontradas em literatura para espécies já comercializadas e com características semelhantes às das espécies em estudo. Com relação à analise das correlações canônicas ao nível de 1% de probabilidade entre as propriedades das madeiras observa-se que madeiras de maior frequência e espessura do raio e parede celular de menor espessura estão associadas a madeiras de alta contração tanto tangencial como radial, e baixa densidade básica; madeiras de maior frequência e espessura do raio e com paredes menos espessas estão associadas a madeiras de elevado módulo de ruptura no ensaio de flexão estática e menor módulo de ruptura no ensaio de compressão paralela; madeiras com paredes mais espessas e menor espessura dos raios estão associadas a madeiras de maior módulo de ruptura no ensaio de compressão paralela e menor módulo de ruptura no ensaio de flexão estática; madeiras com raios mais espessos e parede menos espessa estão associados a madeiras de baixo nível de colapso e elevado nível de rachadura. / Pioneering trials on management of tropical forests, in the 70s, were executed in the Tapajós National Forest (FLONA); and presently appears the opportunity to begin the studies for the second cutting cycle. However, experimental areas where initial exploration was intensive present changes in the forest composition, with abundance of lesser-known or non commercial species; being necessary technological analysis of these species lumber to insert it in the market. In order to contribute in this direction, the present work aimed the technological characterization and the development of drying programs for woods of Acariquarana (Rinorea guianensis), Breu (Protium apiculatum) and Urucu da mata (Bixa arborea); species with high population density in areas of second cutting cycle in the Tapajós National Forest. For this, the material was collected for botanical identification and for anatomical characterization, physical and mechanical testing and development of drying programs. The wood of Acariquarana presents some distinct growth rings, straight grain, very large vessels, solitary to multiple, intervascular switches pit, garnished, long fibers with thick cell wall, not septate; Axial parenchyma scanty paratracheal, heterogeneous rays, multiseriate, numerous and the presence of parenchymatical crystals. The wood of Breu has distinct growth rings, crossed grain, big vessels, solitary to multiple, diffuse porosity, intervascular switches pit, garnished, medium-wall fibers, septate, paratracheal vasicentric axial parenchyma, heterogeneous rays, multiseriate, numerous. Wood of Urucu da mata presents distinct growth rings, straight grain, big vessels, diffuse porosity, intervascular switches pit, garnished, thin-walled fibers, septate, axial parenchyma diffuse apotracheal, storied rays, heterogeneous, multiseriates and numerous. Regarding the main physical and mechanical properties the wood of Acariquarana, Breu and Urucu have basic density of, respectively, 0,78; 0,51 and 0,27 g/cm³; and with Module of Rupture (MOR) in static bending of 147,98; 79,10 and 34,06 MPa, in the same order. Compared to species already marketed, Rinorea guianensis (Acariquarana) may be indicated for construction, furniture, tools, turned and plates; Protium apiculatum (Breu) may be used in construction, packages, boxes, blinds, decorating parts, furniture and plywood, and Bixa arborea (Urucu da mata) may be indicated for frames, safety match, plywood, laminates, crates, toys, model airplanes, as well to paper production. It was possible to indicate specific kiln schedules for each one of the studied species lumber, which demonstrated consistent with the information found in literature for species already on the market and with similar characteristics to the studied species.

Apport de la géodésie fond de mer à l’évaluation de l’aléa sismique côtier : distancemétrie en mer de Marmara et simulation de GNSS/A aux Antilles / Contribution of seafloor geodesy to the coastal seismic hazard evaluation : acoustic ranging in Marmara Sea and GNSS/A simulation for the West Indies

Sakic-Kieffer, Pierre 09 December 2016 (has links)
Plus de 70 % de la surface terrestre est recouverte par les mers et océans. Nombre de phénomènes tectoniques parmi les plus dévastateurs ont par ailleurs lieu en environnement océanique. On peut citer en exemple les zones de subduction, pouvant générer des mégaséismes associés à des tsunamis dévastateurs (Sumatra en 2004, Tohokuen 2011), mais aussi les failles décrochantes sous-marines. Dans de nombreux cas, les méthodes de géodésie spatiale ne permettent pas de discriminer entre un comportement bloqué ou asismique, les instruments étant situés trop loin de la zone potentiellement déformée par le processus tectonique. Il faut alors mettre au point de nouvelles techniques qui permettent de prolonger les réseaux d’observation classiques au large afin de cartographier la déformation sur l’intégralité de la zone. Cette thèse s’intéresse à deux méthodes de géodésie fond de mer permettant d’aider à l’évaluation du risque sismique. La première est la distancemétrie relative acoustique, avec comme zone d’application effective la mer de Marmara. Nos premiers résultats laissent supposer un comportement bloqué au niveau du segment de la faille nord-anatolienne immergé devant İstanbul. La seconde zone d’étude considérée est la subduction antillaise. L’échelle de travail nécessite une localisation des points observés dans un référentiel global. Nous étudions les phénomènes océaniques à considérer et détaillons une méthodologie dite GNSS/A (pour Acoustique), consistant en des interrogations acoustiques depuis une plateforme de surface précisément positionnée par GNSS, pour une future expérience de positionnement absolu au large de la Guadeloupe. / More than 70 % of the Earth surface is covered by seas and oceans. Several tectonic phenomena, among the most devastating, take place in ocean environment. For example, the subduction zones, which can generate mega-earthquakes associated with devastating tsunamis (Sumatra in 2004, Tōhoku in 2011), but also the underwater strike-slip faults. In many cases, methods of space geodesy cannot discriminate between a blocked or aseismic behavior, because the instruments are located too far from the area potentially deformed by the tectonic process. Thus, it is necessary to develop new techniques to extend conventional observation networks off-shore to map the deformation in the entire area. This thesis focuses on two seafloor geodesy methods, in order to assess the seismic risk evaluation. The first is the relative acoustic ranging, with an efective deployment of the Marmara Sea area. Our early results suggest a locked state at the segment of the North Anatolian fault of İstanbul. The second area considered is the Caribbean subduction. The working scale requires localization of the observed points in a global reference frame. We study ocean processes to consider, and detail a GNSS/A (Acoustic) methodology, consisting of acoustic interrogations from a precisely GNSS positioned surface platform, for a future absolute positioning experience of Guadeloupe.

Etude de la géométrie, de la nature et des déformations de la zone de subduction des Petites Antilles du Nord / Deep structure geometry, crust nature and tectonic deformation in the northern Lesser Antilles margin

Laurencin, Muriel 17 November 2017 (has links)
Dans les zones de subduction, la géométrie du slab est l'un des paramètres qui contrôle les déformations tectoniques de la marge, le couplage et le potentiel sismogénique. La subduction des Antilles résulte du chevauchement de la plaque Caraïbe vers le NE sur les plaques Amériques, à une vitesse de convergence de 2 cm/an. La sismicité est hétérogène et augmente localement sous la plateforme des Iles Vierges. D’une obliquité croissante vers le nord, cette zone est favorable à un partitionnement dont les déformations sont très peu observées. Ces travaux ont permis de confirmer un substratum d’une affinité de croûte océanique épaissie par un panache mantellique et faiblement épaissi par le magmatisme formant les arcs volcaniques Deux structures accommodant le partitionnement de la déformation ont été mis en évidence. La faille de Bunce est une faille décrochante sénestre de 850 km s’étendant d’Hispaniola jusqu’à Barbuda découplant le prisme d’accrétion du substratum. Le Passage d’Anegada, dont nous avons découvert son extension vers le NE, entaille profondément l’avant-arc. Formé par extension due à la collision du Banc des Bahamas sur le nord de la marge caribéenne, ces structures sont réactivées en décrochement sénestre compatible avec du partitionnement. Les caractéristiques d’une dorsale lente (core complexe et grain océanique) entrant en subduction sont imagées pour la première fois. Elles affectent probablement la morphologie du prisme d’accrétion et le potentiel sismogène. Là où les séismes et les déformations de partitionnement (Passage d’Anegada) s'accentuent localement, le slab est moins profond. Ainsi, le couplage interplaque pourrait augmenter localement et favoriser l'activité sismique et le partitionnement tectonique sous le Passage d'Anegada. / In subduction zones, the 3D geometry of the plate interface is one of the key parameters that controls margin tectonic deformation, interplate coupling and seismogenic behavior. The North American plate subducts below the Caribbean plate with a convergence rate of 20 mm/y. The seismic activity is heterogeneous and increases locally under the Virgin Islands platform. The northward increasing convergence obliquity is favorable in partitioning which deformations were not really observed. This PhD confirms that the forearc crust is a crust of oceanic affinity thickened by hotspot magmatism and poorly affected by subduction magmatism. Two structures accommodating the partitioning of the deformation were identified. The Bunce Fault is a 850-kmlength sinistral strike-slip fault extending from Hispaniola to the east of Barbuda decoupling the accretionary prism from the Caribbean substratum. The Anegada Passage, whose extension towards the NE is highlighted, entailed deeply the forearc. The structures are reactivated in sinistral strike-slip faults compatible with the partitioning of the deformation after formation in extension due to the collision of the Bahamas Bank with the northern margin. We image for the first time the characteristics of a slow ridge formation (partly complex core and partly oceanic grain) entering in subduction. It affects the morphology of the accretion prism and probably the seismogenic potential of the subduction interface. We have highlighted a shallower slab which is located under the NE Anegada Passage and where earthquakes and partitioning deformations increase locally. Thus, the shallowing slab might results in a local greater interplate coupling favoring seismic activity and tectonic partitioning beneath the Anegada Passage.

Molecular Studies of South American Teiid Lizards (Teiidae: Squamata) from Deep Time to Shallow Divergences

Tucker, Derek B. 01 June 2016 (has links)
I focus on phylogenetic relationships of teiid lizards beginning with generic and species relationship within the family, followed by a detailed biogeographical examination of the Caribbean genus Pholidoscelis, and end by studying species boundaries and phylogeographic patterns of the widespread Giant Ameiva Ameiva ameiva. Genomic data (488,656 bp of aligned nuclear DNA) recovered a well-supported phylogeny for Teiidae, showing monophyly for 18 genera including those recently described using morphology and smaller molecular datasets. All three methods of phylogenetic estimation (two species tree, one concatenation) recovered identical topologies except for some relationships within the subfamily Tupinambinae (i.e. position of Salvator and Dracaena) and species relationships within Pholidoscelis, but these were unsupported in all analyses. Phylogenetic reconstruction focused on Caribbean Pholidoscelis recovered novel relationships not reported in previous studies that were based on significantly smaller datasets. Using fossil data, I improve upon divergence time estimates and hypotheses for the biogeographic history of the genus. It is proposed that Pholidoscelis colonized the Caribbean islands through the Lesser Antilles based on biogeographic analysis, the directionality of ocean currents, and evidence that most Caribbean taxa originally colonized from South America. Genetic relationships among populations within the Ameiva ameiva species complex have been poorly understood as a result of its continental-scale distribution and an absence of molecular data for the group. Mitochondrial ND2 data for 357 samples from 233 localities show that A. ameiva may consist of up to six species, with pairwise genetic distances among these six groups ranging from 4.7–12.8%. An examination of morphological characters supports the molecular findings with prediction accuracy of the six clades reaching 72.5% using the seven most diagnostic predictors.

Protected Area Site Selection Based On Abiotic Data: How Reliable Is It?

Kaya Ozdemirel, Banu 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Protected area site selection is generally carried out using biodiversity data as surrogates. However, reliable and complete biodiversity data is rarely available due to limited resources, time and equipment. Instead of drawing on inadequate biodiversity data, an alternative is to use environmental diversity (ED) as a surrogate in conservation planning. However, there are few studies that use environmental diversity for site selection or that evaluates its efficiency / unfortunately, no such example exists for Turkey, where biodiversity is high but our knowledge about it is unsatisfactory. Hence, this study was carried out to investigate the efficiency of environmental surrogates and the utility of different biological taxa in conservation planning. The objective was to find out the most efficient surrogates, either environmental or biological, for conservation planning, so that limited resources can be used more efficiently to establish an effective protected areas network. The study was carried out in northeastern Turkey, within the Lesser Caucasus ecoregion. The taxonomic groups considered include large mammals, breeding birds, globally threatened reptiles and amphibians, butterflies, highly threatened plants, and ecological communities. The distribution data was taken from a previous study, while climate and topographical data were obtained from various sources and produced through spatio-statistical techniques. Complementarity-based site selection was carried out with Marxan software, where the planning unit was the 100 sq.km. UTM grid square. Various statistical methods, including geographically weighted regression, principal components analysis, and p-median algorithm, were used to determine ED across the units. Performance of different approaches and different sets of surrogates were tested by comparing them to a random null model as well as representation success. Results indicate that endemic or non-endemic highly threatened plant species, butterfly species and ecological communities represent biodiversity better than other taxa in the study area. As such, they can be used on their own as efficient biodiversity surrogates in conservation area planning. Another finding is that highly threatened plant species are required to be used in the site selection process if they need to be represented well / in other words, they are their own surrogates. It was demonstrated that while ED alone can be used as a surrogate to represent biodiversity of an area, they are not as good as biodiversity surrogates themselves. It is also suggested that using species taxa with smaller distributional ranges or taxa that complement each other due to ecological differences as surrogates provide better results. On the other hand, ED might be a more suitable surrogate if resources are very limited or field work is impossible. In such cases, using ED in conjunction with one of the better biodiversity surrogates is probably the best solution.


RODRIGO SANTOS PINTO DE OLIVEIRA 19 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] Tendo como princípio a inquietação causada pelo questionamento de Sócrates no Hípias Menor de Platão (363a-364c): Qual personagem, entre Aquiles e Odisseu, seria superior? A presente dissertação leva em consideração o direcionamento do diálogo acerca do que seja a mentira segundo a ótica platônica, e dedica-se especificamente a descobrir quem destes poderia ser compreendido como um mentiroso: entre Aquiles e Odisseu, quem estaria mentindo? Primeiramente a pesquisa deseja averiguar as definições que sejam provenientes do diálogo platônico, para em seguida retornar para a cena da epopeia homérica em que seja possível definir para qual herói caberia a alcunha de mentiroso. Abalizado pelos critérios extraídos do diálogo entre Sócrates e Hípias, a busca pela cena que atenda às definições necessárias para a mentira se direciona às tragédias, onde o Filoctetes de Sófocles se sobressai entre as demais remanescentes, por atender aos critérios e nos permitir examinar a mentira de modo a justapor definições e critérios à cena que melhor exemplifica o caso. Em suma, metodologicamente tenta-se conjecturar para além do que se vê no diálogo Hípias Menor, buscando exemplo mais oportuno do que aquele dado pelo sofista a Sócrates, contudo, sem deixar de atentar para os argumentos e definições expostas, deseja-se chegar mais próximo de uma compreensão menos aporética deste diálogo, lançando mão do exemplo como um recurso didático que pode ajudar concomitantemente na compreensão do que seja a mentira, ao mesmo passo que se observe quem seja um mentiroso. / [en] Taking as a principle the uneasiness caused by Socrates questioning in Plato s Hippias Minor (363a-364c): which character, between Achilles and Odysseus, would be superior? This dissertation takes into account the direction of the dialogue about the lie according to the Platonic perspective, and is dedicated specifically to discover who could be understood as a liar: between Achilles and Odysseus, who would be lying? First, the research wants to ascertain the definitions that come from the Platonic dialogue, and then return to the scene of the Homeric epic where is possible to define which hero would be named as the liar. By the assignments taken as criteria drawn from the dialogue between Socrates and Hippias, the search for the scene that meets the necessary definitions for the lie is targeted to the tragedies, where the Sophocle s Philoctetes excels among the plays remaining fully, to revel the criteria and allowing us to examine the lie in order to juxtapose definitions and criteria to the scene that best exemplifies the case. In sum, this dissertation tries methodologically to conjecture for beyond what is seen in Hippias Minor, seeking a more opportune example than that given by the Sophist to Socrates, yet without neglecting the arguments and definitions set forth, it is desired to get closer to a complete understanding of this dialogue, using example as a didactic resource that can help concomitantly in the understanding of what is the lie, at the same time as observing who could be a liar.

Malostranský graduál a jeho donátoři: Renesanční iluminovaný rukopis jako nástroj měšťanské reprezentace / Lesser Town gradual and its patrons: Renaissance illuminated manuscript as an instrument of burghers' representation.

DOKTOROVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the Malostranský gradual (hymnal, collection of religious songs for the laity), a significant Renaissance illuminated manuscript made in the second half of the 16th century for the literary confraternity at the church of St. Nicholas in the Lesser Town of Prague. In the introductory chapters, the author describes the contextual methodological approach through which she interprets the work, continues with the historical context of its creation, and provides an overview of the current research on this subject. In the main part of the thesis, she presents the individual donors, whose names are recorded on the folios of the manuscript. Based on written sources, the author discloses not only their identity, and profession, familial and friendship ties, or their economic background and social standing, but also answers the question, what is the motivation behind their donation, how did they influence the gradual's decoration, and how did they present themself in this artistic medium.

Les mouvements de terrain dans les petites Antilles : Contribution à l'analyse comparative de leur gestion de crise

Peronet, Lucie 27 October 2015 (has links)
Dans les sociétés insulaires souvent vulnérables, l’omniprésence de phénomènes naturels (cyclones, séismes, éruptions volcaniques, mouvements de terrain, inondations) représente des risques majeurs et engendre des crises fréquentes. Une analyse des modes de gestion de crises mouvement de terrain est proposée dans un espace précis : les Petites Antilles. Véritable laboratoire, cet espace rassemble les conditions morphoclimatiques propices à l’occurrence des mouvements de terrain. La notion de territoire est importante dans l’étude des crises, car un aléa ne devient un risque et éventuellement une crise que s’il concerne une zone présentant des enjeux plus ou moins vulnérables (populations, infrastructures, etc.). Dans ce sens, le choix des Petites Antilles est intéressant car dans une même zone il y a la possibilité d’étudier des cas de crises dans plusieurs territoires insulaires dont le fonctionnement économique, l’organisation politique et les niveaux de vie sont différents. L’étude montre que malgré ces différences, ils sont face à des problématiques similaires en termes de récurrence des phénomènes mouvements de terrain, d’ampleur des dommages et d’investissements coûteux. Par conséquent, l’observation des particularités de ces territoires et la complexité des phénomènes mouvements de terrain a abouti à l’étude des crises et de leur mode de gestion par le biais d’une démarche méthodologique systémique et comparative. Elle se fonde sur une double sélection. Grâce à un travail d’inventaire débouchant sur des typologies, des îles ainsi que des évènements mouvements de terrain spécifiques furent retenus. Approcher ces phénomènes géomorphologiques sous cet angle en plaçant la gestion de crise au cœur de l’analyse, a permis de mettre en exergue les relations systémiques entre les composantes territoriales que sont : le phénomène mouvement de terrain, les populations avec leurs activités, leurs modes d’emprises spatiales, et leur vulnérabilité. Ce travail de confrontation des modes de gestion de crise par un raisonnement systémique a permis de comprendre comment des évènements mouvements de terrain entraînant une crise traduisent un fonctionnement sociétal particulier dans différents territoires des Petites Antilles. / In the often vulnerable island societies, the omnipresence of natural phenomena (hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods) represents major risks and causes frequent crises. An analysis of landslide crisis management is proposed in a specific area: the Lesser Antilles. Real laboratory, this space brings together the morphoclimatic conditions for landslide occurrence. The notion of territory is important in the study of crises because a hazard becomes a risk and possibly a crisis only if it concerns an area with more or less vulnerable stakes (people, infrastructure, etc.). In this sense, the choice of the Lesser Antilles is interesting because in the same area there is the opportunity to study cases of crises in several island territories whose economy, political organization and living standards are different. The study shows that despite these differences, they are faced with similar problems in terms of landslides recurrence, extent of damage and costly investment. Therefore, the observation of the particularities of these territories and the complexity of landslide led to the study of crises and their management through a systemic and comparative methodological approach. It’s based on a double selection. With a work inventory leading on typologies, islands and specific landslide events were retained. Studying these geomorphic phenomena by placing the crisis management at the heart of the analysis allowed to highlight the systemic relations between the territorial components which are: the landslide event, people with their activities, their modes space allowances, and their vulnerability. This confrontation of the crisis management by systemic approach helped to understand how landslide events causing a crisis reflected a specific societal functioning in different territories of the Lesser Antilles.

Criação de Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) em dieta artificial em diferentes temperaturas e seleção de linhagens de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) para seu controle em arroz / Rearing of Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in artificial diet at different temperatures and Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) strain selection for pest control in rice

Rízia da Silva Andrade 15 January 2013 (has links)
Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), ou broca-do-colo, é uma importante praga polífaga, poucas informações estão disponíveis sobre seu controle biológico. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a biologia de E. lignosellus criada em dieta artificial em diferentes temperaturas, visando obter informações a respeito da praga para estratégias de manejo integrado e selecionar uma linhagem de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), em laboratório, para possível utilização desse parasitoide em programas de controle biológico do elasmo em campo, visando à fase inicial (ovo) de desenvolvimento da praga. Foram desenvolvidas as seguintes etapas para atingir os objetivos propostos: 1. Efeito da temperatura no período de incubação e no período lagarta-adulto de E. lignosellus; 2. Tabela de vida de fertilidade de E. lignosellus; 3. Estudos comportamentais e de local de oviposição de E. lignosellus; 4. Seleção de linhagens de T. pretiosum, visando ao controle de E. lignosellus. Com base nos resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa, pode-se concluir: a faixa térmica de desenvolvimento de Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) situou-se entre 10°C e 37 e 38°C, suportado, portanto, altas temperaturas; as maiores viabilidades do período lagarta-adulto a 30 e 32°C confirmaram a adaptação do inseto às altas temperaturas; a 32°C, o inseto tem elevada taxa líquida de reprodução, ou seja, aumentou 18,30 vezes a cada geração; o período de oviposição de E. lignosellus se concentrou entre 20 e 22 horas, sempre na escotofase; a grande maioria dos ovos de E. lignosellus foi colocada de forma exposta, facilitando o parasitismo por parasitoides de ovos, no caso Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879; a linhagem T. pretiosum selecionada para o controle de ovos de E. lignosellus é da região do cerrado, indicando a especificidade do parasitoide por determinadas condições de clima. / Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller, 1848) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), or cornstalk borer, is an important polyphagous pest and there is little knowledge regarding its biological control. The aim of this research was to study the biology of E. lignosellus reared on artificial diet under different temperatures in order to gather information to (i) develop integrated management strategies and (ii) select strains of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) for biological control programs. The following steps were performed to achieve the proposed goals: 1. Temperature effect on incubation period and E. lignosellus immature-adult period; 2. Table life of E. lignosellus fertility; 3. E. lignosellus behavior studies and oviposition preference; 4. T. pretiosum strain selection aiming E. lignosellus control. Based on the results, it\'s possible to conclude that: the ideal development temperature threshold of E. lignosellus is between 10°C and 37-38°C, therefore, it tolerates high temperatures; the higher immature-adult period viability at 30 and 32°C supports E. lignosellus\'adaptation to high temperatures; at 32ºC, E. lignosellus show elevated the net reproductive rate, since it increased 18.30 times for each genaration; E. lignosellus\' oviposition period was concentrated between 20 and 22 hours, always at the scotophase; most of E. lignosellus eggs was laid exposed, allowing parasitism by the egg parasitoidTrichogramma pretiosum; the selected T. pretiosum strain for E. lignosellus egg control is originated in the brazilian savannah, pointing out the parasitoid\'s specificity to certain climate conditions.

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