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Régulation de l'apoptose des lymphocytes T par les protéines de la famille TSC-22DPepin, Aurelie 12 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les protéines GILZ (Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper) et TSC-22 (Transforming growth factor-beta Stimulated Clone-22) appartiennent à la famille de protéines TSC-22D (TSC-22 Domain). GILZ a été décrit précédemment comme étant induit au cours de la déprivation en interleukine-2 (IL-2) des lymphocytes de la lignée cellulaire CTLL-2, permettant ainsi de retarder leur apoptose. Le but de notre travail était de déterminer les rôles respectifs de GILZ et TSC-22 au cours de l'apoptose des cellules CTLL-2.Nos résultats ont permis de montrer que TSC-22 augmentait l'apoptose induite par la déprivation en IL-2 des cellules CTLL-2. Nous avons mis en évidence une augmentation de l'activation des caspases ainsi qu'une régulation positive de l'expression de BIM. Nous avons en outre montré que l'expression de GILZ, protéine anti-apoptotique, induite lors de la déprivation en IL-2, était régulée négativement en présence de TSC-22. Enfin, nous avons montré que l'expression de l'ARNm de gilz était régulée négativement par TSC-22, mais que la stabilité de son ARNm n'était pas modifiée.Notre travail a donc permis de montrer que TSC-22 accélère l'entrée en apoptose des lymphocytes T en régulant négativement l'expression de la protéine anti-apoptotique GILZ.
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Régulation transcriptionnelle du facteur de transcription spécifique des bâtonnets, NrlKautzmann, Marie Audrey 12 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La leucine zipper de la rétine neurale (Nrl) joue un rôle central dans le développement et l'homéostasie des bâtonnets en activant I'expression de gènes tels que le photopigment Rhodopsine. Nrl est aussi associé à la Rétinite Pigmentaire, faisant ainsi de ce gène un modèle intéressant pour la compréhension des programmes contrôlant le développement et I'homéostasie des photorécepteurs.Ce travail de thèse vise à caractériser les mécanismes régulateurs de I'expression de Nr/ au cours du développement rétinien. L'électroporation in vivo de vecteurs rapporteurs dans des rétines de souris en développement, a révélé des séquences minimales de promoteur Nr/ nécessaires à une expression spécifique dans les photorécepteurs. Nous avons identifié RORI3 comme facteur requis pour cette expression, et montré que les facteurs OTX2, CRX et CREB s'accrochent aussi directement à des régions régulatrices particulières du promoteur. Nous avons construit un virus adéno-associé (AAV) contenant un promoteur minimal Nrl de 0.3 kb, et montré qu'il est adapté à la délivrance de gène spécifiquement dans les photorécepteurs.Nous avons montré que NRL, CRX et NR2E3, les régulateurs principaux de la Rhodopsine, ont une expression rythmique au cours de 24 h, et que l'expression cyclique de Nr/ peut être due à l'activation par RORp, un composant l'horloge circadienne. Enfin, nous avons identifié un nouveau facteur de transcription, NonO, au niveau de la région du promoteur proximal de la Rhodopsine, qui en combinaison avec NRL et CRX, active le promoteur de la Rhodopsine. L'invalidation de NonO au cours du développement rétinien a prouvé son implication pour le développement et I'homéostasie des bâtonnets.
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Characterization of the BACH1 Helicase in the DNA Damage Response Pathway: a DissertationLitman, Rachel 15 February 2007 (has links)
DNA damage response pathways are a complicated network of proteins that function to remove and/or reverse DNA damage. Following genetic insult, a signal cascade is generated, which alerts the cell to the presence of damaged DNA. Once recognized, the damage is either removed or the damaged region is excised, and the original genetic sequence is restored. However, when these pathways are defective the cell is unable to effectively mediate the DNA damage response and the damage persists unrepaired. Thus, the proteins that maintain the DNA damage response pathway are critical in preserving genomic stability.
One essential DNA repair protein is the Breast Cancer Associated gene, BRCA1. BRCA1 is essential for mediating the DNA damage response, facilitating DNA damage repair, and activating key cell cycle checkpoints. Moreover, mutations in BRCA1 lead to a higher incidence of breast and ovarian cancer, highlighting the importance of BRCA1 as a tumor suppressor. In an effort to better understand how BRCA1 carried out these functions, researchers sought to identify additional BRCA1 interacting proteins. This led to the identification of several proteins including the BRCA1 Associated C-terminal Helicase, BACH1. Due to the direct interaction of BACH1 with a region of BRCA1 essential for DNA repair and tumor suppression, it was speculated that BACH1 may help support these BRCA1 function(s). In fact, initial genetic screenings confirmed that mutations in BACH1 correlated not only with hereditary breast cancer, but also with defects in DNA damage repair processes.
The initial correlation between BACH1 and cancer predisposition was further confirmed when mutations in BACH1 were identified in the cancer syndrome Fanconi anemia (FA) (complementation group FA-J), thus giving BACH1 its new name FANCJ. These findings supported a previously established link between the FA and BRCA pathways and between FA and DNA repair. In particular, we demonstrated that similar to other FA/BRCA proteins, suppression of FANCJ lead to a substantial decrease in homologous recombination and enhanced both the cellular sensitivity to DNA interstrand cross-linking agents and chromosomal instability. What remained unknown was specifically how FANCJ functioned and whether these functions were dependent on its interaction with BRCA1 or other associated partners. In fact, we identified that FANCJ interacted directly with the MMR protein MLH1. Moreover, we found that the FANCJ/BRCA1 interaction was not required to correct the cellular defects in FA-J cells, but rather that the FANCJ/MLH1 interaction was required. Although both the FA/BRCA and MMR pathways undoubtedly mediate the DNA damage response, there was no evidence to suggest that these pathways were linked, until recently. Our findings not only indicate a physical link between these pathways by protein-protein interaction, but also demonstrated a functional link.
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Role of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in Cancer Cell Survival under Matrix-Deprived ConditionsSaha, Manipa January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Cancer progression is a multi-step process requiring cells to acquire specific properties that aid the neoplastic growth. One such property is the ability to survive in the absence of matrix-attachment, a critical necessity for cells to traverse in circulation and seed metastases. Therefore, understanding the signalling mechanisms that protect cells from undergoing death in matrix-deprived condition, termed as anoikis, is important. We have used two systems to study this, one involving experimental transformation model, and another involving cancer cell lines.
In the in vitro transformation model system involving the serial introduction of oncogenes, the ability to survive in anchorage-independent condition and generate spheres/colonies was dependent on the presence of the Simian Virus Small T antigen, SV40 ST. We identified that the viral antigen mediates its effects, at least in part, by activating the master metabolic regulator and cellular stress kinase AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) leading to maintenance of energy homeostasis.
Consistent with this, our lab has previously identified both activation of AMPK upon matrix-deprivation in breast cells, as well as its requirement for survival under these conditions. However, a pathway often associated with survival under matrix-deprivation is the PI3K/Akt pathway. Surprisingly, we observed an AMPK-dependent decrease in Akt activity under conditions of matrix-detachment. Since this was contrary to the general notion, we probed deeper into a possible crosstalk between these two kinases. Our work revealed that AMPK activation in suspension inhibits Akt via upregulation of a known Akt phosphatase, pleckstrin homology domain leucinrich repeat protein phosphatise (PHLPP). We further show that the AMPK-PHLPP-Akt signalling axis is important for anoikis-resistance and metastasis. In addition, our results point to a yet unidentified protumorigenic role of PHLPP in breast cancer progression.
With an aim to identify cellular proteins differentially regulated upon AMPK activation in breast cancer cells, we undertook a proteomics approach. Using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometric analysis, we identified some candidate proteins. We have validated the increase in levels of one of these proteins, annexin A2, in cancer cells upon AMPK activation.
In summary, the present study unveils novel oncogenic functions of AMPK in cancer cells under the stress of matrix-deprivation. Furthermore, our results elucidate a double-negative feedback loop between two critical cellular kinases AMPK and Akt, and also identify a novel pro-tumorigenic role of PHLPP in breast cancer. In addition, we identify PHLPP and annexin A2 as novel proteins upregulated by AMPK in cancer cells. Thus, our results begin to identify pathways utilised by cancer cells to aid anchorage-independent growth, a critical step for cancer metastasis. Based on our results, inhibition of AMPK or perturbation of signalling axes involving AMPK, and PHLPP or annexin A2 might be considered as novel therapeutic approaches to combat cancer progression
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Estratégias nutricionais para minimizar o dano muscular induzido pelo exercício de força / Nutritional strategies to minimize exercise-induced muscle damageWesley Pereira Barbosa 08 February 2018 (has links)
Após a realização de uma sessão de treinamento (ST) é comum a ocorrência do fenômeno denominado dano muscular induzido pelo exercício (DMIE), que se caracteriza por prejuizos a estrutura da fibra muscular, com ruptura de alguns sarcômeros, desordem miofibrilar e alargamento das linhas Z. Ainda em consequência ao DMIE, surgem alguns sintomas que são utilizados como marcadores indiretos: dor muscular de início tardio (DMIT), redução na produção de força, aumento de enzimas e proteínas na corrente sanguínea e inchaço. O presente estudo examinou os efeitos da suplementação nutricional a fim de minimizar os efeitos deletérios do DMIE em 3 experimentos. No 1° estudo, 36 indivíduos inexperientes em treinamento de força (TF) foram suplementados com: placebo (PLA, n=12, 50mg·kg-1 de carboidrato); leucina (LEU) baixa dose (LBD, n=12, 50mg·kg-1 de LEU + 50mg·kg-1 de carboidrato) e LEU alta dose (LAD, n=12, 250mg·kg-1 de LEU + 50mg·kg-1 de carboidrato) por 6 dias antecedentes a sessão de treinamento (ST), e nos 3 dias seguintes. Foi observada redução significante, p<0.05, na dor muscular de início tardio (DMIT) do peitoral por palpação, e alongamento nos momentos 48h, e 72h após a ST no grupo LBD comparado ao PLA. A redução no teste de 1 repetição máxima (1RM) apresentou significância no grupo PLA em todos momentos após ST. O aumento na atividade da creatina quinase (CK) foi significante no grupo PLA comparado ao LAD em 24h, 48h e 72h após a ST, enquanto o aumento da concentração de mioglobina (Mb) foi significante no grupo PLA comparado ao grupo LBD e LAD em 24h, 48h e 72h após a ST. O 2° estudo contou com a participação de 28 indivíduos com até 6 meses de experiência em TF. Os sujeitos foram suplementados com 3g de β-hidroxi-β-metilbutirato (HM) por 14 dias (H14, n=07); 7 dias (H07, n=07) e placebo por 14 dias (P14) ou 7 dias (P07, n=07) antecedentes a ST, e nos 3 dias seguintes. O aumento da DMIT por palpação e alongamento foi significante no grupo P14 comparado ao H14 em 24h (apenas alongamento), 48h e 72h após ST, ainda no momento 72h o grupo P07 era superior ao H07. A redução no teste de 1RM ocorreu nos 4 grupos imediatamente após, foi mantida em 24h após a ST nos grupos H14, H07 e P07, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O aumento na concentração de Mb foi significante no grupo P14 comparado ao grupo H14. No 3° estudo, 24 indivíduos experientes em TF foram suplementados com 7g de arginina (ARG, n=12) ou placebo (PLA, n=12, 7g carboidrato) 30 minutos pré-ST. O grupo PLA apresentou aumento significante na DMIT por palpação em 24h comparado ao grupo ARG. A redução no teste de 1RM alcançou significância apenas em 24h após a ST no grupo PLA, mas sem diferença entre os grupos. Os resultados do presente estudo permitem concluir que a suplementação nutricional implementada atenuou o comportamento de alguns marcadores indiretos DMIE, com maior efeito para a DMIT e parametros bioquímicos / After performing a training session (TS) is common the occurrence of the phenomenon called muscle damage induced by exercise (DMIE), which is characterized by damage to muscle fiber structure, breaking some sarcomeres, myofibrillar disorder and extension lines Z. As a consequence of DMIE, there are some symptoms that are measured as indirect markers: delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), reduction in strength production, increase of enzymes and proteins in the bloodstream, and swelling. The effect of nutritional interventions to minimize deleterious responses associated with exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) were investigated in 3 experiments. In study 1, 36 inexperienced subjects in resistance training (RT) were supplemented for 6 days prior to the training session (TS), and in the following 3 days with: placebo (PLA, n=12, 50mg·kg-1 of carbohydrate); leucine (LEU) low dose (LLD, n=12, 250mg·kg-1 LEU + 50mg·kg-1 + carbohydrate) and LEU high dose (LHD, n=12, 250mg·kg-1 LEU + 50mg·kg-1 + carbohydrate). There was a significant reduction (p <0.05) in delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), of the chest by palpation and stretching at 48h, after TS in the LLD group compared to PLA. A significant reduction in the one repetition maximum (1RM) test was observed in the PLA group at all times after TS. The increase in creatine kinase (CK) activity was significant in the PLA group compared to the LHD in 24h, 48h and 72h after TS, while the increase in myoglobin concentration (Mb) was significant in the PLA group compared to the LLD and LHD group in 24h, 48h, and 72h after TS. In study 2, 28 subjects with up to 6 months of RT experience were supplemented with 3g of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMβ) for 14 days (H14, n=7); for 7 days (H07, n=7), and placebo for 14 days (P14, n=7) or 7 days (P07, n=7) antecedent to ST, and in the next 3 days. The increase in DOMS by palpation and stretching was significant in the P14 group compared to H14 in 24h (stretching only), 48h and 72h after TS, yet at 72h the P07 group was higher than H07. The reduction in the 1RM test occurred in the 4 groups immediately after and maintained within 24h after TS in groups H14, H07 and P07, and there was no difference between groups. The increase in Mb concentration was significant in the P14 group compared to the H14 group. In study 3, 24 resistance-trained subjects were supplemented with 7g of arginine (ARG, n=12) or placebo (PLA, n=12, 7g of carbohydrate) 30 minutes pre- TS. The PLA group presented a significant increase in DOMS by palpation in 24h compared to the ARG group, and a significant reduction in the 1RM test only in 24h after ST in the PLA group, but without a significant difference between groups. The results of the present study suggest that the responses of indirect markers associated with EIMD were attenuated by nutritional interventions, with greater effect for DOMS and biochemical parameters
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Regulation of BACH1/FANCJ Function in DNA Damage Repair: A DissertationXie, Jenny X. 11 August 2009 (has links)
The DNA damage response (DDR) pathway is a complicated network of interacting proteins that function to sense and remove DNA damage. Upon exposure to DNA damage, a signaling cascade is generated. The damage is either removed, restoring the original genetic sequence, or apoptosis is activated. In the absence of DDR, cells are unable to effectively process DNA damage. Unprocessed DNA damage can lead to chromosomal changes, gene mutations, and malignant transformation. Thus, the proteins involved in DDR are critical for maintaining genomic stability.
One essential DDR protein is the BRCA1 Associated C-terminal Helicase, BACH1. BACH1 was initially identified through its direct association with the BRCT domain of the Breast Cancer Associated Gene, BRCA1. Similar to BRCA1, germline mutations in BACH1were identified in patients with early onset breast cancer. Interestingly, the disease-associated mutations in BACH1 were shown to have altered helicase activity in vitro, providing a direct link between BACH1 helicase activity and disease development. The correlation between BACH1 and cancer predisposition was further confirmed by the identification of BACH1 as the cancer syndrome Fanconi anemia (FA) gene product, FANCJ. Similar to other FA proteins, suppression of FANCJ leads to decreased homologous recombination, enhanced sensitivity to DNA interstrand crosslinking (ICL) agents, and chromosomal instability.
In an effort to further understand the function of FANCJ in DDR, FANCJ was shown to directly associate with the mismatch repair (MMR) protein MLH1. This interaction is facilitated by lysines 141 and 142 within the helicase domain of FANCJ. Importantly, the FANCJ/MLH1 interaction is critical for ICL repair. Furthermore, in an attempt to dissect the binding site of FANCJ on MLH1, we discovered an HNPCC associated MLH1 mutation (L607H) that has intact mismatch repair, but lacks FANCJ interaction. In contrast to the MLH1 interaction, the FANCJ/BRCA1 interaction was not required for correcting the cellular defects in FANCJ null cells. Thus, in an effort to understand the functional significance of the FANCJ/BRCA1 interaction, we discovered that FANCJ promotes Pol η dependent translesion synthesis (TLS) bypass when uncoupled from BRCA1. In this thesis, we provide evidence suggesting that FANCJ and MLH1 are functionally linked and that the interaction of these proteins is critical for repair choice.
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Morfologická a funkční charakterizace střevního epitelu z hlediska exprese proteinu LGR4 / Morphological and functional characterization of intestinal epithelium in the context of LGR4 expressionBurešová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Efeitos da L-glutamina sobre a atividade das vias de sinalização da síntese e degradação de proteínas no músculo esquelético de camundongos e no conteúdo intracelular de aminoácidos em miotubos cultivados. / Effects of L-gultamine on the signaling pathways of protein synthesis and degradation in skeletal muscle and intracellular free aminoacids contente in cultured miotubes.Vasconcelos, Diogo Antonio Alves de 21 May 2015 (has links)
Investigou-se os efeitos da L-glutamina (1g/kg de massa corpórea) em camundongos jejuados por 24 horas. A L-glutamina atenuou a perda de massa muscular e a diminuição da área das fibras musculares esqueléticas causadas pelo jejum via Akt-mTOR. No sóleo, a L-glutamina estimulou a Akt (início da via), e no EDL ativou a S6 (final da via). Investigou-se também os efeitos da L-glutamina em miotubos (C2C12) cultivados por 48 horas. A diminuição de L-glutamina no meio (de 2 para zero mM) causou balanço proteico negativo e aumento do conteúdo dos aminoácidos livres, exceto dos produtos da glutaminólise, indicando estimulação de proteólise. O aumento de L-glutamina no meio (de 2 para 8 e 16 mM) não alterou o conteúdo intracelular de proteínas e dos aminoácidos livres. Na presença de 2 mM de glutamina no meio, a insulina teve efeito positivo no balanço proteico via Akt/mTOR/S6K, estimulando a S6K. Na ausência de glutamina, houve maior fosforilação de eIF2α estimulada por dexametasona e portanto menor síntese proteica. / We investigated the effects of L-glutamine (1g/kg of body mass) on 24 h fasted mice. L-Glutamine attenuated the loss of muscle mass and the reduction of the skeletal muscle fibers area caused by fasting. This attenuation occurred via Akt-mTOR, however, glutamine stimulated Akt (upstream) in the soleus, whereas it activated S6 (dowstream) in EDL. The effects of L-glutamine on myotubes (C2C12) cultured for 48 hours were also examined. The reduction of L-glutamine in the medium (from 2 to zero mM) decreased protein content and increased contents of all amino acids, except products of glutaminolysis, indicating stimulation of proteolysis. The increased L-glutamine levels in the medium (from 2 to 8 and 16 mM) did not change the intracellular contents of protein and free amino acids. In the presence of 2 mM glutamine, insulin had a positive effect on total protein content through Akt/mTOR/S6K pathway, stimulating S6K. In turn, in the absence of L-glutamine, there was increased eIF2α phosphorylation stimulated by dexamethasone and thus less protein synthesis.
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Transcriptional Regulation and Differentiation in Saccharomyces and Aspergillus: jlbA, RPS26, and ARO3/4 / Transkriptionelle Regulation und Differzierung in Saccharomyces und Aspergillus: jlbA, RPS26, and ARO3/4Strittmatter, Axel 06 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Studien zur Aminosäurenwirksamkeit beim Mastgeflügel unter spezifischer Betrachtung der verzweigtkettigen Aminosäuren / Studies on the amino acid efficiency in broiler chickens under the specific consideration of the branched-chain amino acidsPastor, Anja 04 February 2014 (has links)
Das Konzept des Idealproteins (IAAR) bietet einen Ansatzpunkt zur umweltschonenden Tierproduktion. Das IAAR definiert genau die Relationen an AA,
die der Körper für eine gewünschte Leistung, z.B. Wachstum, Reproduktion,
etc., benötigt. Im Idealfall liegt keine AA im Überschuss oder im Mangel vor.
In der Folge wirken alle AA gleichermaßen limitierend. Das Protein kann unter
diesen Bedingungen mit der höchsten Effizienz genutzt werden. Stickstoff
(N)-Exkretionen und Belastungen des Stoffwechsels werden minimiert.
Bei der Umsetzung des IAAR-Konzepts wird die zu untersuchende AA in Relation
zu einer Referenz-Aminosäure (AA), meistens Lysin (Lys), gesetzt.
Eine umfassende Literaturrecherche zeigte, dass fundierte Angaben über die
idealen Verhältnisse der verzweigtkettigen AA (engl.: branched-chain amino
acids, BCAA) Leucin (Leu), Isoleucin (Ile) und Valin (Val) zu Lys beim Masthähnchen rar sind, insbesondere Angaben zum idealen Leu:Lys-Verhältnis.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die Ermittlung der idealen BCAA:Lys-
Verhältnisse in Futtermischungen für männliche Masthähnchen der Genetik
Ross 308 und eine anschließende Validierung der gefundenen Ergebnisse.
Dabei erfolgte die Auswertung von aus Stoffwechselversuchen gewonnen NAnsatz-
Daten mit Hilfe eines nicht-linearen N-Verwertungsmodells für wachsende
Des Weiteren sollte der optimale Zeitpunkt für die Blutabnahme zur Analyse
der verzweigtkettigen Ketosäuren, die wichtige Informationen zum Stoffwechsel
der BCAA vermitteln können, definiert werden, da in der Literatur
keine Hinweise auf einen optimalen Zeitpunkt gegeben sind.
Drei aufeinander aufbauende Versuchskomplexe wurden durchgeführt, die
neben N-Bilanz-Studien parallel Wachstumsversuche umfassten. Diese waren
in eine Starter- und Growerperiode unterteilt. In den Bilanzversuchen
schlossen sich an eine fünf-tägige Adaptationsperiode die zweimal fünftägigen
Sammelperioden an (je 36 Tiere in der Starter- (10.-20. Lebenstag
(LT)) und Growerperiode (25.-35.LT)). Im Wachstumsversuch gliederten sich
die Versuchsabschnitte vom 1.-12. 13.-24. und 25.-36. Lebenstag in Experiment
1. In Experiment 2 und 3 umfasste die Starterperiode den 1.-21. LT
bzw. 10.-20. LT und die Growerperiode den 21.-35. LT bzw. 25.-35. LT. Für
jeden Abschnitt wurden jeweils 240 Tiere verwendet. Zu Beginn und zum
Ende jedes Wachstumsabschnittes wurden repräsentative Tiere für eine
Ganzkörperanalyse ausgewählt, 24h genüchtert, eingeschläfert, autoklaviert,
homogenisiert und im Hinblick auf XP, TS und XA analysiert. Dies ermöglichte
die Berechnung des N-Ansatzes der Versuchstiere für den jeweiligen
Hauptkomponenten der Diäten in allen Versuchen waren Weizen, Weizenkleber,
Sojaproteinkonzentrat und Fischmehl. Das zunächst als Referenz
angenommene IAAR basierte auf Literaturdaten. Die Diätgestaltung erfolgte
nach dem Prinzip der Verdünnungsmethode.
Zur Bestimmung des optimalen Blutabnahmezeitpunktes wurden 40 Tiere
verwendet. Nur Tiere, die eine AA-balancierte Kontrollmischung erhalten hatten,
kamen zur Anwendung. Über einen gestaffelten Zeitraum wurde den
Masthähnchen Blut am 36. LT abgenommen. Die Bestimmung des Gehalts
an verzweigtkettigen α-Ketosäuren erfolgte mittels Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC).
Nachfolgend sind die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Versuchskomplexe dargestellt:
Experiment 1 diente der Ermittlung der Modellparameter des täglichen NErhaltungsbedarfs (NMR) sowie des täglichen maximalen N-Retentionsvermögens
(NRmaxT) für die Ergebnisevaluierung nach dem exponentiellen
N-Verwertungsmodell. Auf Grundlage der N-Bilanz-Daten ergaben sich ein
NMR und NRmaxT von 113 mg N/LMkg0,67/d und 4705 mg N/LMkg0,67/d für die
Starter-, sowie von 215 mg N/LMkg0,67/d und 4516 mg N/LMkg0,67/d für die
Weiterhin konnte basierend auf der ermittelten Lys-Effizienz der Lys-Bedarf
für unterschiedliche Leistungsziele (g XP-Ansatz/d), verschieden unterstellte
Futteraufnahmen sowie für eine definierte Lebendmasse quantifiziert werden.
In Experiment 2 erfolgte die Ermittlung des IAAR für die BCAA in Relation zu
Lys (IAARBCAA). Es ergab sich für die Starter- bzw. Growerperiode ein
IAARBCAA von Lys:Leu:Ile:Val = 100:94:55:65 bzw. 100:106:56:72.
Die Ergebnisse deuteten an, dass für die Growerperiode ein erhöhter relativer
Bedarf an Leu und Val vorlag. Die ermittelten Werte des IAARBCAA lagen
deutlich unterhalb des Referenz IAARBCAA (100:110:68:79).
Die Analyse der verzweigtkettigen α-Ketosäuren zeigte, dass 3 – 12h nach
Futterentzug keine signifikanten Konzentrationsänderungen im Blutplasma
für alle drei α-Ketosäuren vorlag (p<0,05). Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass
dieser Zeitraum für weitere Untersuchungen zu präferieren ist.
Experiment 3 diente der Validierung eines im Vergleich zum Referenz
IAARBCAA (Lys:Leu:Ile:Val = 100:110:68:79) deutlich reduzierten BCAA-Anteils
im Broilerfutter (Lys:Leu:Ile:Val = 100:89:53:63 in der Starter- und
100:97:56:70 in der Growerperiode). Es konnte festgehalten werden, dass
sich die Einstellung eines im Vergleich zur Literatur niedrigeren IAARBCAA
nicht negativ auf die Leistung von Masthähnchen auswirkte.
Weiterer Forschungsbedarf besteht einerseits in der Methodik. Neben einer
weiteren Optimierung von Stoffwechsel- und Wachstumsversuchen wäre
auch ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Modelle (z.B. N-Verwertungsmodell und
Supplementationsmethode) zur Ableitung des AA-Bedarfs/des IAAR innerhalb
eines Versuchskomplexes wünschenswert. Andererseits könnten nachfolgende
Untersuchungen neben den Gehalt an verzweigtkettigen α-
Ketosäuren im Blutplasma von Masthähnchen weitere Parameter, wie den
AA- oder Harnsäure-Gehalt mit einbeziehen. Somit könnte ein Beitrag zu
einem noch besseren Verständnis für den BCAA-Metabolismus und dessen
Auswirkungen auf die Tierleistung und –gesundheit geleistet werden.
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