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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Počáteční fáze profesní dráhy ředitele organizace neformálního vzdělávání / Beginning phase of career manager for non-formal education

Kostková, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the beginning phase of career manager for organization non- formal education. The work examines the process that precedes the onset school manager to executive positions primarily in terms of motivation, expectations and subsequent reality. It describes the initial phase of his work in a new role in life from the perspective of the management of school facilities and other activities associated with this process . The work is mapped to what extent the entrance to the Director and his previous preparation reflects on the development of controlled organization and quality of education provided . It also describes how to correspond to the expectations of the individual manager of educational facilities with a daily reality in the context of changing conditions providing non-formal education, based on education legislation and the overall development of society in the approach to the use of leisure time. KEY WORDS: headmaster, informal education, professional careers, personnel management, career change, lifelong learning, competency, anticioation, reality

De l'impossibilité de tout dire : étude des rapports entre représentations sociales et formes d'implication : le cas de la remise à niveau à l'Ecole Régionale de la Deuxième Chance Midi-Pyrénées / About impossibility of saying everything : connection between social representations and professionnal involvement : the development of scholastic knowledge at the Regional School of the Second Chance

Cazeneuve, Anne 30 November 2012 (has links)
Dans la société cognitive, la connaissance devient un levier économique, où l’apprenant guide son projet d’apprentissage tout au long de sa vie. Apprendre à apprendre est une compétence centrale pour l’accès à une insertion socioprofessionnelle pérenne. Mais 140 000 jeunes français quittent chaque année le système scolaire sans diplôme, sans qualification. L’École Régionale de la Deuxième Chance propose une formation en alternance où la remise à niveau soutient l’insertion. Cette recherche (CIFRE) interroge l’activité de remise à niveau. L’étude longitudinale s’appuie sur 50 parcours d’apprenants, hier en difficulté scolaire, aujourd’hui stagiaires de la formation professionnelle. Nous analysons le lien entre représentations sociales de la remise à niveau et implications et interrogeons la dichotomie réalisée entre implication active ou passive. Les prises de position recueillies sont hétérogènes et révèlent les éléments représentationnels générateurs de formes spécifiques d’implication (d’être et d’agir à l’École). L’étude découvre l’autocensure que s’imposent les élèves. Ils s’enferment dans des rôles institutionnels, inspirés par leur passé scolaire : difficile passage de l’apprenant dépendant du professeur à l’apprenant co-construisant ses apprentissages. Ces non-dits interrogent aussi les conditions d’expression de l’implication. Les « réfractaires » à la remise à niveau disent deux choses : leur implication passive affichée dans un projet d’apprentissage subi, et leur implication active cachée dans ce que pourrait être ce projet. Ces différentes explicitations d’implication, chez un même individu, révèlent qu’il n’est pas pertinent de qualifier de passifs ces apprenants. / In the cognitive society, knowledge becomes an economic lift, where the learner manages his learning project throughout his life. Learning to learn is a central competence for the access to a perennial social and professional insertion. But every year 140,000 young French people leave the educational system without any diploma, without any qualification. The Regional School of Second Chance offers a training combining school courses and work experience in enterprises, development of academic knowledge being an active support for insertion. This research (CIFRE) is questioning about the activities of the scholastic knowledge. The longitudinal research is based on 50 learning courses for students who have faced learning difficulties in the past, and are today involved in a vocational training. We analyze the link between social representations of the academic learning and implications, and we question the dichotomy made between active and passive involvement. The students statements collected are heterogeneous and reveal specific forms of involvement (being and acting in school). The research shows that students submit themselves to a self-censorship. They lock themselves into institutional roles, inspired by their own school history : difficult transition from being a student dependent of his teacher, to a student co-constructing his learning process with his teacher. The students’ unsaid is as well raising questions about the conditions of the expression of their involvement. The “recalcitrant” students to the scholastic learning activities are expressing two things : their passive implication results from a project of training which they do not stick to, and their active implication is hidden in what could be their project. The various explanations of implication, for a same individual, reveal that it is not appropriate to call them passive learners.

Souvislost profesního rozvoje ředitelů škol s fázemi jejich kariérové dráhy (z pohledu ředitelek, ředitelů mateřských škol Plzeňského kraje) / Connection between headteachers' professional development and phases of their career (from the perspective of kindergarten headteachers in the Pilsen Region)

Adamová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with an actual topic which must be solved in connection with promotion of lifelong learning principle in educational policy and with the need of systematic support for head teachers such as education and development throughout their career. At this time the role of school leader is changing as a consequence of changing environment dependency. Therefore it seems to be necessary that school managements identify themselves with the ideas of lifelong learning. Research of this study is oriented in the same sense. Its main goal is to chart the actual state of attention which is paid by kindergarten leaders of the Plzeň Region to their professional development. The final study is elaborated in the context of human capital values increase as a tool for adaptation to changes brought by the contemporary world. The thesis flows from the studied theory, information got by a survey and the author's own experience, too. It brings an outline, how kindergarten directors in the Plzeň Region do perceive the actual development and educational support in the relation to managing all phases of their career, and it indicates that weaknesses remain in the professional head teachers' development and the development of school leaders itself is not conceived as a system.

Celoživotní vzdělávání osob s mentálním postižením / Lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities

Kolomazníková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the specifics of the lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities. The work consists of theoretical and practical parts. Thesis is mainly based on professional literature, laws and regulations Czech Republic and Internet resources. The first chapter deals with the explaning of the concept of mental retardation, its classification, etiology, and psychological traits of these people. The second chapter describes the system of education people with mental disability in the Czech Republic and activities of special education centers and of early care centers. The next chapter is devoted to lifelong learning, Chapter describes general lifelong learning and lifelong learning of people with mental disability, brief history of lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities in the Czech Republic and didactic principles of education for this group and example of this education are also describe in this chapter. Fourth part deals with empirical research. Research is about learning opportunities of adults with mental disabilities in the regional capital Liberec.

Další vzdělávání ředitele školy v mezinárodním kontextu - komparace České republiky, Bavorska, Severního Porýní-Vestfálska a Skotska / Further Education of a School Headmaster in an International Context - Comparison of the Czech Republic, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Scotland

Jícha, Zbyněk January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: "Are school headmasters in different European countries comparable?" The author deals with the subject of further training of school headmasteres in the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany (Bavaria and North Rhine - Westphalia) and Scotland. With the help of selected research methods which were a questionnaire and interviews with headmasters he is trying to report on the opportunities of their further training in selected countries. The author finds out that further training of headmasters focuses primarily on managerial and vocational training. The necessity of further qualification of executives arises from the fact that nowadays headmasters have to meet a wide range of requirements in terms of their competence which they receive through good specialised training. The information obtained can serve as a model or methodological recommendation as in each country the managerial training follows different qualifying models. KEYWORDS: lifelong training, further training of teachers, further training of headmasters, headmaster competence, competence profile, qualifying model

La contribution d’Henri Desroche à l’éducation des adultes : de la recherche de la “communauté” à la recherche “compagnonnique” : un modèle d’apprentissage permanent / The contribution of Henri Desroche to adult education : the search for the "community" looking "Compagnonnique" : a model for lifelong learning

Lago, Davide 03 December 2009 (has links)
Dans l’œuvre très vaste d’Henri Desroche (Roanne 1914-Paris 1994), cette recherche vise à discerner la contribution de l’auteur à l’éducation des adultes. En particulier, après avoir relevé les mots-clés de communauté et de compagnonnage dans son œuvre, on analyse les contextes qui ont permis la création du Collège Coopératif de Paris (en 1958), du DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Études des Pratiques Sociales) et de l’Université Coopérative Internationale (UCI), ainsi que les modalités de leur essor. On essayera ensuite, en guise de conclusion, d’esquisser les conditions de transposabilité de ces institutions et de ces procédures de formation permanente en Italie. Il s’agit d’une recherche historique concernant les institutions éducatives. La méthodologie suivie consiste en l’analyse a priori des ouvrages éducationnels d’Henri Desroche, en l’analyse d’autres ouvrages sur l’auteur, permettant de reconstruire le climat culturel de l’époque, et en la réalisation d’entretiens avec les compagnons d’Henri Desroche et avec les continuateurs de son œuvre. Théoricien et praticien, Henri Desroche s’est occupé des études marxologiques, de sociologie des religions et d’économie sociale, avec une attention particulière aux formes de coopération dans les domaines religieux, économique et éducatif / This research aims at identifying the contribution of Henri Desroche (Roanne 1914-Paris 1994) to adult education, within his extensive scientific work. In particular, after focusing on keywords such as community and companionship in his work, the contexts which led to the creation (1958) and the development of Collège Coopératif of Paris, of DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Etudes des Pratiques Sociales) and of the Université Cooperative Internationale (UCI) have been analyzed. In conclusion, the possibilities of transferability in Italy of Desrochian intuitions have been outlined. This study is a part of the history of educational institutions. The adopted methodology consisted in the analysis of the most “educational” works of Henri Desroche (as well as his early work, which proved to be very illuminating) and of the author’s literature. It also includes interviews with Desroche’s colleagues and the researchers that continued his work. Theoretical and practitioner at the same time, Henri Desroche studied Marxism, the sociology of religions and social economy, with a particular attention to the various forms of cooperation in the religious, economical and educational fields

Conjuguer technologie de l’information et de communication et management de l’administration publique : le défi d'une formation administrative publique efficiente en République de Djibouti / Diagnosis and optimization of the Professional Training of agents of the general administration publique : The possible role of CTBT

Ahmed Hagui Salem, Ilham 13 October 2011 (has links)
Le thème de cette thèse relève du domaine de la formation tout au long de la vie professionnelle des agents administratifs de l’Etat djiboutien et plus particulièrement de l’usage des TICE. En effet, la place des TICE dans la formation des adultes, est devenue un moyen important de modernisation pédagogique et de mode de transmission de connaissances à des publics plus vastes. On assiste à un phénomène très important de convergence des enseignements présentiel et à distance dans le monde. Beaucoup des Ecoles Nationales de l’Administration (ENA), notamment ceux des pays industrialisés, consacrent aujourd'hui des moyens humains et financiers très importants à l'enseignement numérique. Elles utilisent ce système pour enrichir leur enseignement présentiel et parfois aussi pour offrir des programmes à distance.Il s’agit donc d’étudier l’environnement de ce système dans sa complexité en prenant en compte ses spécifications (pédagogiques et fonctionnelles) mais aussi sa dynamique, sa mise en œuvre et son exploitation. Nous allons étudier en particulier les dimensions technologiques éducatives et la diversification des modes et méthodes pédagogiques en formation d’adultes afin d’en proposer et de l’adapter au contexte djiboutien.Ainsi, il s’agit de trouver des indices et des critères de prise de décision stratégique pour renforcer les compétences de la ressource humaine de l’administration publique djiboutienne. / The theme of this thesis within the field of training throughout the working lives of administrative officers of the state of Djibouti and in particular the use of ICT.Indeed, the role of ICT in adult education, has become an important means to modernize teaching and mode of transmission of knowledge to wider audiences. There has been a very important phenomenon of convergence and distance learning worldwide. Many of the National School of Administration (ENA), including those of industrialized countries now devote human and financial resources very important to teach digital. They use this system to enrich their classroom teaching and sometimes also to provide programs remotely.It is therefore to study the environment of this system in its complexity, taking into account its specifications (educational and functional), but also its dynamics, its implementation and operation. We will consider in particular the educational and technological dimensions of alternative teaching methods and training of adults in order to propose and to adapt to the context of Djibouti.Thus, it is to find clues and criteria for strategic decision making to enhance the skills of human resources of the government of Djibouti.

Vzdělávání zaměstnanců veřejné správy - Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy a Městský úřad Praha 13 / Education of employees in public service- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Office of Town District Prague 13

Szakálová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with education of employees in public service and it focuses on the differences between state administration and local government. Representative of the state administration is Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and representative of local government is Office of Town District Prague 13. Educated employees present a valuable capital and the basic assumption for efficient administration of services and organizational stability too. The goal of diploma thesis is to classify the structure and utilization of employee's education methods in state administration and local government, to determinate the differences and to fix recommendations. The theoretical part focuses on the importance of education, education as a HR activity, the forms and methods of employee's education and it presents legislation, which governs the area of employee's education in public service. The practical part presents the present state of employee's education in public service and used education methods and employee's satisfaction. This is based on obtained results of expert interviews and questionnaire survey. Based on this information there are descriptions of the main differences between the state administration and local government in the area of employee's education and there are mentioned suitable recommendations.

Die soziale Selektivität des lebenslangen Lernens

Schlenker, Annika 16 March 2015 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird analysiert, wie sich Pfade biografisch zunehmender Exklusion vom lebenslangen Lernen bei erwachsenen Lernern herausbilden, deren Erwerbsverläufe durch Instabilitäten und Diskontinuitäten gekennzeichnet sind. Die Analyse der drei in der einschlägigen Literatur diskutierten zentralen Vermittlungsinstanzen der Exklusion lässt neben dem allgemeinbildenden Schulabschluss als pfadinitiierendem Ereignis auch die zunehmende Bedeutung des Arbeitsmarkts im Hinblick auf die Strukturierung und Stabilisierung von Exklusionsrisiken sichtbar werden. Die frühzeitige Pfadinitiierung sowie die Identifikation asymmetrischer Machtverhältnisse als kontinuitätssichernde Mechanismen – verbunden mit der sichtbaren Tendenz zur Selbstexklusion – können als Desiderat einer verstärkten Berücksichtigung der jeweils vorliegenden Subjekt-Kontext-Relation der (potenziellen) Weiterbildungsteilnehmer verstanden werden. Wenn Konzepte lebenslangen Lernens breite inkludierende Wirkung entfalten sollen, erscheint öffentlich geförderte berufliche Weiterbildung notwendig, die sich verstärkt an der Formung der Person orientiert und nachhaltige, individuell als nützlich erfahrene Bildungsprozesse ermöglicht. / In the following work, we examine how exclusion affects the lifelong learning paths of adult learners, whose employment histories are often characterized by instability and discontinuity. The analysis of the three central facets often discussed in the literature of “exclusion,” allows for the ever increasing importance of the labour market in terms of structuring, and in the stabilization of “exclusion risks” along with general education as an initial “path” event. The results suggest the following conclusion: access to continuing education is often shaped by opportunity, and also individual demand. The attitude towards, or whether an individual engages in lifelong learning appears to be shaped early within a person. These early events of path dependency, as well as the identification of asymmetrical power relations as continuity assurance mechanisms, connected with the visible tendency to the exclusion of the self can be understood as a desideratum of reinforcement, which take into account the respective subject context relationship of (potential) participants in the educational program. If the concept of “lifelong learning for all” is to become a reality, or is to be of any effect, several aspects appear to be necessary; namely, a broad, public sponsored vocational training, that focuses on the formation of the individual, coupled with sustainable, requisite skills, and knowledge base.

Lebenslanges Lernen an den Hochschulen in Deutschland

Banscherus, Ulf 18 April 2017 (has links)
Die Dissertation analysiert die Auswirkungen der internationalen Diskussion zum lebenslangen Lernen als bildungspolitischem Reformkonzept auf die institutionelle Ausgestaltung des deutschen Hochschulwesens. Sie besteht aus einem einleitenden Kapitel und 14 Teilstudien, die zusammen eine multiperspektivische Fallstudie bilden. Über bereits vorliegende Bestandsaufnahmen geht die vorliegende Untersuchung durch ihre Multi¬perspektivität sowie die historische, theoretische und international ver¬gleichende Einordnung der Befunde hinaus. Die theoretische Basis bilden Konzepte zur Entstehung und zum Wandel von Institutionen. Hierbei kommt der Perspektive des Historischen Institutionalismus eine besondere Bedeutung zu. In den Teilstudien werden vier Dimensionen von Durchlässigkeit behandelt, die sich aus den im internationalen Rahmen diskutierten Reformkonzepten ergeben: (1.) die soziale Durchlässigkeit im Sinne der Beteiligung von unterrepräsentierten Personengruppen an hochschulischer Bildung, (2.) die institutionelle Durchlässigkeit zwischen den Systemen der beruflichen und der akademischen Bildung, (3.) die Realisierung eines Arbeitswelt- bzw. Praxisbezugs durch flankierende curriculare und/oder didaktische Initiativen sowie (4.) eine flexible Studienorganisation, die aus – ebenfalls flankierenden – organisatorischen Maßnahmen resultiert. Insgesamt konnte gezeigt werden, dass die seit den 1960er Jahren andauernde inter-nationale Diskussion um lebenslanges Lernen in Deutschland auf eine geringe Resonanz gestoßen ist. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Hochschulbereich. Seit einigen Jahren ist in Politik und Hochschulen jedoch ein Umdenken festzustellen, das seinen Ausdruck unter anderem in Veränderungen bei den Zugangsmöglichkeiten zum Hochschul¬studium gefunden hat. Die (potenziellen) Auswirkungen der aktuellen Entwicklungen auf die künftige institutionelle Ausgestaltung des deutschen Hochschulwesens sind allerdings kaum abzuschätzen. / This dissertation deals with the international discussion on lifelong learning as a political concept to reform the education system and analyses its impact on the institutional structure of the German higher education system. This doctoral thesis by publication is composed of an introductory chapter and 14 substudies providing an in-depth examination of various aspects applying various methods. The diverse parts form a multiperspectival case study. The present study exceeds existing research not only by its multitude of perspectives, but also by explaining the results from a historical, theoretical and internationally comparative point of view. Concepts concerning the emergence and change of institutions make up the theoretical basis of the thesis at hand. Special emphasis is put on the theoretical approach of historical institutionalism. The substudies focus on four dimensions of permeability emerging from international discussions about lifelong learning: (1.) social mobility of underrepresented groups with regard to the higher education system, (2.) institutional permeability between the systems of vocational education and higher education, (3.) implementation of requirements of the world of work and society in curricular and didactical concepts, and (4.) a flexible organisation of study programs resulting from organisational and operative measures. The present study concludes that the ideas of lifelong learning, which have been under discussion on an international level since the late 1960s, have only met with little response in Germany. This holds particularly true for the higher education system. However, a change of thinking in politics and higher education institutions has been noticeable in recent years. This has led to changes, among others, in the way of admission to study programs. (Potential) impacts of recent developments on the future institutional structure of the German higher education system can hardly be predicted at the present time.

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