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[pt] Agostinho de Hipona em sua juventude investigou a aquisição de uma verdade dogmática. Durante o percurso tentou desvendar os segredos que envolvem o mundo, as fontes da sabedoria e as complexidades da natureza humana, especialmente, a parte que abrange a subjetividade. O pensamento agostiniano marca uma filosofia centralizada na racionalidade. A razão é uma força interior, o movimento oculto que o homem produz, capaz de discernir os conhecimentos apreendidos. Ao considerar a epistemologia, o bispo de Hipona enfatiza dois tipos de conhecimentos: os sensíveis e os inteligíveis. Os conhecimentos sensíveis são adquiridos pelos sentidos, através dos sentidos os homens comprovam a existência de um mundo tangível. O conhecimento inteligível, no que lhe concerne, é denominado verdade ou sabedoria. Esse conhecimento é compreendido como o conhecimento ontológico, é adquirido pela iluminação divina na intelectualidade. No entanto, para o homem alcançar esse saber é necessário a autoconscientização de si, fé e a elevação gradativa da alma em sete graus: animação, sensação, arte, virtude, tranquilidade, ingresso e sabedoria. As reflexões de Agostinho o levaram a acreditar que embora o ser racional seja de natureza temporal e contingente, recebe uma iluminação concedida pelo Mestre interior, um ser atemporal, o qual ensina os homens dispostos a aprender. No agostianismo, Deus é a única substância imutável, não é susceptível de acidentes, por isso, é a verdade. Como criador do homem, Deus inseriu na mente humana centelhas da mente divina, local em que ilumina com a luz inarrável, penetra e propaga o conhecimento indubitável através de um processo de interioridade. O filósofo identifica a verdade incorporada na
subjetividade dos homens. Em síntese, Agostinho caracteriza a sabedoria como operações intelectivas e espirituais, o maior grau do conhecimento. / [en] Augustine of Hippo in his youth investigated the acquisition of a dogmatic truth. Along the way, he tried to unravel the secrets that surround the world, the sources of wisdom and the complexities of human nature, especially the part that covers subjectivity. Augustinian thought marks a philosophy centered on rationality. The reason is an inner force, the hidden movement that man produces, capable of discerning the learned knowledge. When considering epistemology, the Bishop of Hippo emphasizes two types of knowledge: the sensitive and the intelligible. Sensitive knowledge is acquired by the senses, through the senses men prove the existence of a tangible world. Intelligible knowledge, as far as it is concerned, is called truth or wisdom. This knowledge is understood as ontological knowledge, it is acquired by divine enlightenment in intellectuality. However, for man to achieve this knowledge, self-awareness, faith and the gradual elevation of the soul in seven degrees are necessary: animation, sensation, art, virtue, tranquility, admission and wisdom. Augustine s reflections led him to believe that although the rational being is of a temporal and contingent nature, he receives an enlightenment granted by the inner Master, a timeless being, who teaches men willing to learn. In Augustinianism, God is the only immutable substance, it is not susceptible to accidents, so it is the truth. As the creator of man, God inserted in the human mind sparks of the divine mind, a place where he illuminates, with the unspeakable light, penetrates and propagates undoubted knowledge through a process of interiority. The philosopher identifies the truth embodied in the subjectivity of men. In short, Augustine characterizes wisdom as intellectual and spiritual operations, the highest degree of knowledge.
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Public tendencies and perception of brightness and light in OdenplanAngeli, Anastasia January 2021 (has links)
This research paper is discussing light, and brightness in particular, in terms of perception, taking Odenplan as a case study.Some links between light characteristics and behaviour patterns, such as lingering, have been made, raising the discussion about the qualities of the artificial lighting that would add to convivial urban spaces at nighttime, attempting at differentiating between how people think they would behave and how they actually behave in a public square, and the impact of artificial lighting on public tendencies, suggesting if people feel comfortable and safe in the space, then they tend to perceive the space brighter. The research has shown that it is hard to draw conclusions when it comes to perceived qualities of light. Different research methods have been used with the intention of suggesting a methodology to be explored by others, including literature review, empirical study, informal interviews and word association survey.
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Light Image Therapy in the Health Care Environment.Dutro, Anna Rae 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Use of positive distraction in the built healthcare environment to assist in alleviating stress in a patient was investigated. A backlit light image was mounted in the ceiling of an examination room to create a positive distraction for patients in the ETSU Pediatric Clinic in Johnson City, TN. Survey instruments were used to collect sample data from patients and physicians in a randomized, balanced controlled study designed to determine if patients experienced less stress in the room with the backlit image as compared to other rooms (treatments). Although a statistical difference was not determined between the room with the backlit image and positive and negative control rooms, patients in rooms containing nature art tended to exhibit less anxiety. Researched based knowledge for creating positive distractions in the built healthcare environment helps designers create environments that benefit the patients, their families and medical staff of healthcare facilities.
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Outdoor lighting in Icelandic schoolyards : The importance of outdoor lighting during the dark winter daysGuðmundsdóttir, Anna Kristín January 2017 (has links)
Schoolyards play an important role in the Icelandic education system. Students aged 6 to 12 years old are required to go outdoors for recess at least two times per day. To play, get fresh air and to regain energy for upcoming classes. The schoolyards are even sometimes used for outdoor education where the students can experience their nearest environment. The children spend a great time of their childhood in school, which should support their well-being by offering an environment of good quality.The thesis main objective is to examine the importance of outdoor lighting in Icelandic schoolyards by the dark winter days. Since Iceland is located at high latitudes, the amount of daylight varies between seasons, with shorter days by winter but longer and brighter days by the summer.The structure of the thesis is a combination of research background and a case study. The research background introduces the positive link between the outdoors and well-being and how the mindset towards the winter can change the perception of darkness. Possibilities of outdoor lighting are examined, how lighting can contribute to the users and the identity of urban spaces. The case study examines two Icelandic schools where the current conditions are analyzed. Qualitative interviews were carried out to gain insight from school employees about the school environment and their experience of the students‘ well-being during the dark winter months. Finally, a lighting proposal is introduced that illustrates how layers of light can enrich the school outdoor environment.It can be truly said that outdoor lighting is of high importance in Icelandic schoolyards, for the students to see and experience the schoolyard by dark winter days. It is important that the lighting is in context with the schoolyard elements and thereby enhancing the quality of the environment.
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A study on task lighting in shared residential kitchens highlighting the relation between multiple users, illuminance and task performances.Navaneethakrishnan, Santhini January 2018 (has links)
Shared spaces have proven to be the most sustainable solution in the midst of growing demand to implement sustainable lifestyles and at present, co-living is the most trending housing option. In these coliving spaces, the common shared spaces are very important among which kitchen is the most critical one as most of the tasks are carried out there. The main objective of this study is to find if a relationship exists between task lighting, illuminance and multiple users in shared residential kitchens. Limited research in this area has been the primary motivation for this study. Furthermore, during the course of the study, the importance of flexibility in the task lighting for shared residential kitchens was investigated. Realizing the objectives, the study aims at answering the following main investigation questions: Is task lighting in a shared kitchen designed with the number of users in mind and does it consider the different ways in which they perform different tasks at the same time? Should the lighting design standards be reconsidered for shared residential kitchens? Would flexibility in the lighting devices be beneficial for shared kitchens ? The main investigation questions are answered with the help of the following sub-investigation questions which mainly highlights the relation between the multiple users, illuminance and task performances. Do multiple users affect the various performances carried out in a shared kitchen? Are there any shadows cast by the multiple users in a shared kitchen? Do they affect the illuminance levels in the task areas and thereby affect the visual and task performances? Case studies of two different shared residential kitchens were carried out. The methodology of the case study involved two stages, complete site analysis and an experiment. The experimental set up is adapted from McGuiness, Boyce and Harker‘s investigation study “The effects of illuminance on task performance in domestic kitchens” and was modified to suit this study. The experiment was conducted in two different scenarios. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was carried out during the study. The end results of the experiment proved that there is a strong influence of multiple users on the task performances without having any major impacts on the lighting conditions. This indicated that new lighting standards have to be framed for shared residential kitchens in the aspects of ergonomics and flexibility. The importance of flexibility in shared spaces and in shared residential kitchens was realised was considered just beneficial in terms of mood, comfortability and practicality.
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An Analysis of Real-Time Ray Tracing Techniques Using the Vulkan® Explicit APISouza, Elleis C 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
In computer graphics applications, the choice and implementation of a rendering technique is crucial when targeting real-time performance. Traditionally, rasterization-based approaches have dominated the real-time sector. Other algorithms were simply too slow to compete on consumer graphics hardware. With the addition of hardware support for ray-intersection calculations on modern GPUs, hybrid ray tracing/rasterization and purely ray tracing approaches have become possible in real-time as well. Industry real-time graphics applications, namely games, have been exploring these different rendering techniques with great levels of success. The addition of ray tracing into the graphics developer’s toolkit has without a doubt increased what level of graphical fidelity is achievable in real-time.
In this thesis, three rendering techniques are implemented in a custom rendering engine built on the Vulkan® Explicit API. Each technique represents a different family of modern real-time rendering algorithms. A largely rasterization-based method, a hybrid ray tracing/rasterization method, and a method solely using ray tracing. Both the hybrid and ray tracing exclusive approach rely on the ReSTIR algorithm for lighting calculations. Analysis of the performance and render quality of these approaches reveals the trade-offs incurred by each approach, alongside the performance viability of each in a real-time setting.
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How Does the Level Design in The Last of Us Part 2 Use Lighting and Set Dressing to Suggest Whether an Area Is Safe or Dangerous?Grepl-Malmgren, Luka, Hallenbom, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents a formal comparative analysis of how the level design in The Last of Us Part 2 uses lighting and set dressing to suggest whether an area is safe or dangerous. The study's findings are relevant to developers of action survival games with elements of horror which are story-based and want to create a solid immersive experience with lighting and set dressing. The research gathered data on lighting and set dressing components in eight game levels.The elements analysed regarding lighting were evenly lit, high-key, low-key, red light, and flashlight. The elements analysed regarding set dressing were decals, overgrown vegetation, fungus and dead bodies. The analysis involved a mix of contextual observations as well as a discreet count of certain elements.A comparison was made between the safe and dangerous levels to understand if the game uses consistent visual language in lighting and set dressing to suggest to players whether a level is safe or dangerous.
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LIGHTING MASTER PLANFOR MARCHAMALOSALT FLATSGarcia Rodriguez, Raquel January 2019 (has links)
The Marchamalo salt flats, built in the 18th century, are located near Cabo de Palos, Murcia (Spain), in a hot spot area with constant pressures of tourism and urban speculation. The salt flats are currently abandoned, but its landscape and ecological value still subsist. This Thesis aims to develop a low impact lighting Master plan for Marchamalo salt flats in which a comprehensive analysis is relevant for the design project. A holistic analysis method is employed which considers three agents: “Space”, “Humans” and “Light” to which the factor “Flora & Fauna” was added since the original method was developed for an urban context while the salt flats are located in a natural protected area. Each agent is studied in depth, separately and the interrelations between them. Applying the interpretation of facts and data developed in the analysis and by means of alternative urban lighting solutions like phosphorescence, portable lamps and smart controls; a customised urban lighting design is proposed based on the salt flats identity, preservation of darkness, multi-sensorial experience of the realm and the reconnection with the sky and nature. The lighting proposal will also be the guiding thread to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the heritage in the Region of Murcia in general, taking as a particular example the case of Marchamalo salt flat.
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Cinematic Style: The Effects of TechnologyRosenblatt, Jacob A. 06 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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