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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informal English Language Teaching and Learning on Thai Facebook Pages: Affordances, Positioning, and Stance-Taking

Koowuttayakorn, Sichon, Koowuttayakorn, Sichon January 2017 (has links)
The present study explores informal English language teaching and learning (ELTL) on the social media platform of Facebook. In contrast to a formal second/foreign language (L2/FL) education setting which is institutionally sponsored and highly structured, the context of informal ELTL under investigation is "recreational" (Chik, 2015) in the sense that it is unconstrained by institutional structures and largely driven by personal interests and goals. With the unprecedented success of social media and social networking sites (SNSs), this new form of learning and teaching can be found in a variety of languages and discourses across diverse digital landscapes. This study pays particular attention to the context of Thai speakers in three ELTL communities formed on Facebook Pages (FPs). The aim is to describe the participants' SNS-mediated L2 literacy practices as informed by Thai culture, beliefs, and values. This research project is grounded in the concept of new literacies (Lankshear & Knobel, 2011) and the multimodal social semiotic approaches to analyzing digitally-mediated communication (Kress, 2010; Jewitt, 2009; Van Leeuwen, 2005). The analysis is also informed by the interpretative framework of positioning theory (Davies and Harré, 1990; Harré & van Langenhove, 1991) and sociolinguistic approaches to stances (Du Bois, 2007; Jaffe, 2009a). The integration of various theoretical and analytical models offers a holistic understanding of the participants' Facebook-based literacy practices from different perspectives. A mixed method approach that combines qualitative (e.g., multimodal analysis, online ethnographic observation) and quantitative (e.g., survey, user statistics) data analysis also helps describe the users’ semiotic productions and interactions from a diachronic point of view. While the purpose of the project is to examine contemporary L2 literacy engagement in an underexplored historical and cultural context, the analysis does not simply discuss the way Thai SNS users teach and/or learn English online. Rather, the findings also shed light on other important issues relating to digital literacies including multimodal production, identity construction, social relationship formation, stance-taking acts, and language ideology. These emerging literacy practices are presented in three separate but interrelated analysis chapters. They are comprised of: 1) the multimodal analysis of the interplay between Facebook affordances and the users' semiotic activities; 2) the investigation of the participants’ self- and other-positioning strategies; and 3) the discussion of the participants' stance-taking acts in various aspects relating to English language teaching, learning, and use in contemporary society. Altogether, the findings pinpoint the complex and interconnected relationships among digital media, self, community, and ideology as fundamental to meaningful learning experiences on SNSs. They also support the view of language learning as a social practice, which highlights the fact that meaning and knowledge are socially and culturally situated, shaped by contexts, and shared by members within particular communities (Gee, 2010; Lankshear & Knobel, 2011; Thorne, 2013). The dissertation, therefore, has implications for pedagogies and practice because it provides insights about how to design equitable learning materials and activities that address these contemporary social practices. Ultimately, the research suggests the use of a social media-enhanced ELTL site to develop meaningful interactions between learner, language, media, and community during the process of learning.

‘Taking hold’ of mobile phone stories in a Cape Flats reading club

Bangani, Zandile January 2019 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This ethnographically-orientated intervention explored how members of a Cape Flats reading club “took hold” (Street, 2009) of digital literacy in their engagement with online fictional stories accessed by a mobile phone. The Masifunde reading club takes place inside the premises of a church located in one of the most impoverished and resource-constrained communities on the outskirts of Cape Town. The club is connected to a bigger sets of clubs under the Nal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment campaign seeking to create nurturing spaces for learning by introducing children to literacy through story-telling. I wanted to diversify and increase the literacy material available by introducing mobile phones to the club. This research paper is theoretically grounded in the New Literacy Studies (NLS) framework which argues that the social turn and digital turn to literacy have transformed literacy. I adopted an ethnographic approach to literacy in order to understand how mobile reading is ‘taken hold’ of within an already established activities of the club which are conceptualized using Goffman’s (1983) “interaction order”. Goffman’s (1983) “interaction order” was used to map the established print-based interaction order and then to examine the practices of reading online fiction and the materiality of the mobile phone as taken hold of within this interaction order. The notion of ‘taking hold’ of was further extended to reveal the ways in which mobile stories were resemiotized in the shared practices of the club members. The introduction of mobile phones is viewed within Prinsloo’s (2005) “placed resources” concept that pays attention to the specificity of the context in how the phone was taken hold of. What is more, through Goffman’s (1956) back stage and front stage concept, I was able to trace using Ker’s (2005) “text-chain” concept, how interactions in the back region WhatsApp group chat moved across space-time to the front stage interactions in the Saturday club event. This revealed the ways in which the uses and valuing of the phone changed across these spaces, with the phone being naturalised in the back stage, but being treated as a difficult object in the front stage sessions by the volunteers, while the children took up the phones in easy ways consistent with the existing interaction order and therefore as placed resources. The study reveals that triumphalist claims about uptake of digital technologies in resource-poor contexts and dismal internet connectivity need to be treated with caution.

'Talk deep to write deeper': an exploration of the value of talk in developing cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)

Layton, Delia 06 April 2009 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to discover the value of ‘deep’ talk in developing Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), with primary focus on a group of ‘under-prepared’ first year university students for whom English is an additional language (EAL), who were registered for an ‘extended degree’ in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Johannesburg, Kingsway campus. The method of research was qualitative and took the form of a teaching intervention in which groups of students voluntarily participated in the performance of different learning activities (such as reading, talking and writing) either as individuals of as members of a group. All of the students were given identical background texts to read. The texts provided contextual information on a topic pertaining to a gender debate. Some students read the texts prior to participating in a discussion on the topic, after which they wrote an argumentative essay. Other students talked about the topic first, and then read the texts before writing their essay. A ‘control’ group of students did not talk at all, but just read the texts and then wrote an essay on the topic. The researcher analysed transcriptions of tape-recordings of the group discussions, using limited discourse analysis to highlight various ‘speech acts’ to assess how the students used language to actively engage with each other and build their arguments. The research findings were also assisted by an analysis of the essays and reflections written by each student. The research found that the process of talk itself in which the students used language to respond to each other’s ideas, helped to cognitively challenge the students in the development of their arguments. The research also found that the cognitive development gained through the talk was helpful in assisting students to formulate their written arguments in their essay. The research found that some contextual support in the form of background readings was also helpful. The order in which this took place was also found to be important. The research found it to be particularly useful for students to be given background reading before their talk, rather than after their talk, as this gave students a more informed perspective with which to approach their group discussion. By examining the essays in relation to the transcripts of the talk, the researcher explored the extent to which a more informed perspective on the topic, coupled with the way in which students used language, helped students to develop a more balanced approach in developing their written arguments.

Interpretações: autobiografia de uma pesquisa sobre letramento literário em língua inglesa / Interpretations: autobiography of a research on literary literacy in English

Silva, Roberto Bezerra da 07 February 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa qualitativa promove reflexões sobre a prática pedagógica no ensino de literaturas de língua inglesa em cursos superiores de formação de professores, a partir de dados coletados da prática docente do próprio pesquisador e em diálogo com a perspectiva teórica dos novos letramentos. O viés metodológico adotado é o da autoetnografia, abordagem de análise de práticas sociais que se define no entrecruzamento da etnografia e da autobiografia. O estudo narra e analisa dois eventos pedagógicos que focalizam a interpretação de textos literários em inglês, a saber: a) uma prática de interpretação colaborativa em aulas presenciais; b) a construção de um espaço virtual e a formação de uma comunidade online dedicada à construção colaborativa de sentidos. A discussão teórica que acompanha a apresentação das práticas tem como norte o conceito de crítica e sua acomodação às teorias dos letramentos, as quais sublinham a dimensão social e ideológica das práticas pedagógicas e alinham-se com os objetivos de formação cidadã para a democracia em resposta aos desafios contemporâneos de construção de espaços sociais que acolham a convivência com a diferença e nutram a responsabilidade ética. A avaliação feita sobre o potencial pedagógico das práticas de interpretação colaborativa, presencias e virtuais, aponta para possibilidades concretas de desenvolvimento da criticidade em tais eventos; nos casos estudados, algumas dessas possibilidades foram realizadas. / This qualitative study gathers data from the researcher/professors own pedagogical practices to build up a discussion about teaching literatures in English in the context of teacher education undergraduate courses from the theoretical standpoint of the new literacies studies. It embodies the methodological principles of autoethnography through which the analysis of social practices intermingles with an autobiographic approach. It narrates and analyzes two pedagogical events which focus on the collaborative interpretation of literary texts in English: a) the practice of teaching through face-to-face collaborative interpretation; b) the development of virtual spaces and the formation of an online interpretive community devoted to meaning making. The theoretical discussion that takes place alongside the description of such events concentrates on the conceptualization of criticism/critique and the placement of such notions within the academic field of literacies studies, a current which highlights the social and ideological dimensions of pedagogical practices besides framing its objectives around the idea of citizenship education towards democracy as a response to contemporary challenges for building social spaces that may welcome living across differences and nurture ethical responsibility. Upon assessing the pedagogical potential of collaborative interpretive practices, virtual or otherwise, this study finds real possibilities for the development of critical thinking. In the examples analyzed herein some of those possibilities came true.

Educação de língua inglesa e novos letramentos: espaços de mudanças por meio dos ensinos técnicos e tecnológicos / English language education and new literacies: changing spaces through technical and technology education

Ferraz, Daniel de Mello 31 August 2012 (has links)
Os ensinos técnicos e tecnológicos estão em pauta nas discussões e decisões governamentais. Esta pesquisa investiga o encontro entre a educação de língua inglesa e esses ensinos. Por meio de metodologias qualitativas de cunho etnográfico, analiso as visões de dois professores e de diversos alunos de duas escolas, uma escola técnica de nível médio e uma faculdade de tecnologia do ensino superior, pertencentes a um centro educacional tecnológico no Estado de São Paulo. Nesta, respondo a duas perguntas de pesquisa: qual é a percepção dos alunos e professores do segmento escolar técnico/tecnológico da presença da língua inglesa na sociedade? E qual é o reflexo da relação língua inglesa e sociedade neoliberal globalizada nos contextos de educação técnica/tecnológica, considerando-se a premissa da formação crítica na sociedade atual? Com base nas interpretações de dados, esta tese defende que as duas escolas investigadas têm realizado um trabalho educacional por meio das aulas de inglês que visa, concomitantemente, a formação tecnológica/instrumental, cidadã e crítica. A contribuição desta pesquisa é mostrar que esses contextos constituem espaços de mudança e que visam uma formação cidadã dos alunos, como indicado em suas diretrizes. Exponho este estudo em duas partes. A primeira parte apresenta uma introdução, na qual contextualizo o campo e as metodologias envolvidas na investigação sobre a língua inglesa, e as raízes teóricas desse estudo, embora a teorização se estenda ao longo dos capítulos, tecidos com dados, análise e reflexões. A segunda parte se constitui por cinco capítulos. Os sentidos construídos nesta parte se pautam em dados que me levaram a interpretações e compreensões sobre: as questões acerca do neoliberalismo que influencia os discursos sobre a língua inglesa, discutidas no primeiro capítulo; o ensino de língua inglesa e a educação na sociedade atual, ensino este analisado no contexto das relações globais-locais (glocais) e que é apresentado no segundo capítulo; a relação pedagogia convencional/tradicional e a pedagogia crítica analisada no ensino de língua inglesa no referido contexto de investigação, o que me permitiu reflexões e revisitas conceituais no terceiro capítulo; a adequação de uma proposta de formação crítica no contexto de educação técnica/tecnológica, numa análise que conta com as teorias dos novos letramentos e das novas tecnologias (NTICs) para a investigação da prática, compondo o quarto capítulo e da problematização da prática dessas teorias e respectivas perspectivas culturais no desenvolvimento de uma cidadania ativa, o que constitui o quinto capítulo. Ancorado nos movimentos educacionais contemporâneos, concluo afirmando que os novos letramentos, somados às práticas pedagógicas existentes nos ensinos técnicos/tecnológicos, podem colaborar com propostas educacionais renovadas. / The technical education and the technology/vocational education are at stake in government decisions and discussions. This research investigates the encounter between English language education and the technical and vocational education. Based on qualitative ethnographic methodologies, I analyze the discourses of two teachers and several students from two schools - a secondary level technical school and a faculty of technology both belonging to a technology educational institution in the State of São Paulo . Through this approach I seek to answer two main research questions: what is the perception of students and teachers from these schools in relation to the presence of English language in society? And how is the relationship between the English language and globalized neoliberal society reflected in technical/technology education, with regard to the premise of the necessity of critical education in today\'s society? Based on interpretations of data, this thesis argues that both schools have developed a pedagogical approach aimed at instrumental teaching at the same time as it focuses on citizenship and critical education. The contribution of this thesis is to suggest that these contexts provide spaces for change and that vocational education can contribute to students citizenship education, as indicated in its official orientations. I present this study in two parts. The first one comprises the introduction, the contextualization, the methodologies, and some theoretical roots of this research. The second part comprises the analysis of data intertwined with more theoretical grounding. In the first chapter, I discuss the influence of the neoliberal discourse on English language teaching and learning. In the second one, the interpretative analysis focuses on English language teaching and education in current society, in particular the notion of the global-local, or the glocal. In the third part I present an analysis based on a revisited critical pedagogy. I reflect upon some views of conventional/traditional pedagogy and critical pedagogy through English language education. The new literacies and new technologies (ICTs) are the focus of the fourth chapter. In the fifth and final chapter I reflect upon the concepts of culture and citizenship within foreign language education contexts. I understand that education, culture and citizenship should be in dialogue if they are to contribute to new teachings and new learnings. Based on contemporary educational movements, I conclude by stating that the new literacies, added to the existing pedagogical practices of this educational institution, might produce new educational proposals, which comprise the transformative dimensions of schooling.

A formação do formador de professores: uma pesquisa autoetnográfica na área de língua inglesa / The educator and the teacher education program: an autoethnographic investigation in the English Teaching area

Ono, Fabrício Tetsuya Parreira 03 March 2017 (has links)
A autoetnografia foi o viés metodológico escolhido nesta pesquisa para dar suporte ao objetivo da investigação, ou seja, a formação de formador de professores, na qual o papel do pesquisador se funde com sua atuação caracterizada pelo binômio sujeito/objeto de pesquisa. Este aporte metodológico proporciona ao pesquisador uma experiência incômoda, na qual sua intimidade é desvelada, ao passo que suas histórias de vida funcionam como um pano de fundo para caracterizar o objetivo da pesquisa. Neste sentido, busca-se por meio do papel do formador de professores/investigador e seus diversos contextos de atuação por meio de seus questionamentos impulsionados tanto por aportes teóricos quanto sua experiência em sala de aula e de mundo. Esta tese organiza-se da seguinte forma: no primeiro capítulo apresenta-se uma reflexão e discussão teórica acerca do processo metodológico escolhido nesta investigação, a autoetnografia, alinhavada com narrativas, que compõem uma das características desta investigação, prenunciando o lócus de enunciação. O capítulo II constitui-se por um mergulho no processo autoetnográfico focado na formação do formador de professores de língua inglesa, com narrativas que representam a algumas epifanias oriundas da história e experiência de vida do pesquisador no percurso de investigação, assim como pressupostos teóricos pautados pelo pensamento pós-moderno, pós-colonial, construção de sentidos, Novos Letramentos/Multiletramentos e Letramento crítico. No último capítulo são apresentados os desdobramentos deste processo autoetnográfico por meio da apresentação de Exercícios Espitemológicos e Ontológicos na/para a formação do formador de professores, retomando as reflexões dos capítulos anteriores e levantando questionamentos para futuras investigações nesta área.Por fim, nas considerações finais, apresenta-se uma análise geral do trabalho, considerações, ponderações, sentimentos e emoções causado pela necessária finalização desta proposta de investigação. / Autoethnography was chosen as the methodological perspective for this research to support the investigation aims, i.e., the teacher educator and the teacher education program, in which the research role merge with his attitudes as a teacher educator characterized by the binomial subject/object.This methodological contribution provides the researcher with an uncomfortable experience in which his intimacy is revealed, while his life histories function as a background to characterize the purpose of the research. In this sense, it is sought through the role of the teacher educator/ researcher and his various contexts of action through his inquiries driven by both theoretical contributions and his experiences in the classroom and in the world. This work is organized as follows: an introduction which shows work objectives and foreshadowing the researchers locus of enunciation. The first chapter presents a theoretical discussion and debate about the methodological process chosen in this research, the autoethnography, aligned with narratives, which make up one of the characteristics of this investigation. Chapter II consists of a dive into the autoethnographic process focused on the English-language teacher educator, with narratives that represent some epiphanies from the history and life experience of the investigator in the course of research, as well as theoretical presuppositions guided by the Postmodern thinking, postcolonial, meaningmaking, New Literacies / Multilitreacies, and Critical Literacy. In the last chapter the unfolding of this autoethnographic process is presented through the presentation of Espitemological and Ontological Exercises in the education of the teacher educator, resuming the reflections of the previous chapters and raising questions for future investigations in this area. Finally, in the final considerations, it presented a general analysis of the work caused by the necessary completion of this research proposal.

A concepção de trabalho acadêmico de alunas de um curso de pedagogia a distância: um estudo de caso

Santos, Fernando César dos 24 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-11-23T16:14:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando César dos Santos_.pdf: 2158144 bytes, checksum: d3437ca28aab633e5dfaeeadfdff4935 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-23T16:14:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando César dos Santos_.pdf: 2158144 bytes, checksum: d3437ca28aab633e5dfaeeadfdff4935 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-24 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a concepção de trabalho acadêmico de alunas do curso de Pedagogia à Distância de uma Universidade do interior de um Estado do Nordeste do Brasil e por que esta concepção está associada ao plágio (GALLO, 2004; ABRANCHES, 2008; SILVA, 2008; CELANI, 2005). Para isso, lançamos mão do estudo de caso e selecionamos três TCCs que foram analisados a partir da perspectiva do interacionismo sociodiscursivo de Bronckart (2007), que propõe uma análise dos gêneros textuais levando em consideração, além da estrutura interna do texto, o seu contexto de produção. Esta perspectiva na análise nos permitiu associar o contexto sociocultural das alunas aos problemas na construção dos TCCs, demonstrando os problemas nos processos de letramentos (KLEIMAN, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2015) das alunas que ficaram evidentes na opção pela cópia. Observamos que a identidade de sujeito/autor (FOUCAULT, 1991, 2002; SILVA, 2008) das alunas não está presente em seus trabalhos. No lugar de construírem textos próprios, produzem uma escrita que demonstra que, de certa forma, conhecem as regras de um trabalho acadêmico que precisa ser apoiado nas falas de autores especialistas. Contudo, o que fazem é ceder as próprias vozes a esses autores academicamente legitimados. Acreditamos que esse processo está ligado a uma baixa autoestima que constrói identidades (HALL, 2011; LOPES e FABRÍCIO, 2002; RAJAGOPALAN, 2003) de autor fragilizadas. As alunas não acreditam que suas próprias vozes devam ser ouvidas. A partir disto pudemos, também, discutir o papel da universidade nos processos de letramentos acadêmicos (LEA & STREET, 2014; STREET, 2013; ZAVALA 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2009, 2014; BRANDÃO 2013) dos alunos ingressantes. O gênero acadêmico “trabalho de conclusão de curso” deve ser apresentado aos alunos e trabalhado com eles desde os primeiros períodos, e não considerado como algo natural, que o aluno consiga fazer sozinho. Se o aluno que entra na universidade nunca teve contato com gêneros acadêmicos e provém de contextos socioculturais desligados da questão da leitura e escrita, ele terá muitas dificuldades para produzir gêneros de texto que circulam na esfera acadêmica e, nesses casos, o plágio pode se tornar um caminho considerado alternativa. / By taking as a case study a distance-learning course from a university in the hinterland of Brazilian Northeast, this dissertation aims to understand the notions of ‘academic work’ and plagiarism (GALLO, 2004, ABRANCHES, 2008; SILVA, 2008; CELANI, 2005). In order to do so, I selected three undergraduate monographs to be studied according to Bronckart’s theory (2007) – an approach that takes into consideration analyzes of textual genres as well as the texts’ internal structure and context. Such a perspective allowed me to associate the students’ socio-cultural context to the problems in their works, i.e., it pointed out their literacy difficulties (KLEIMAN, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2015), which led to copy, and therefore to plagiarism. It is noticeable that those students’ author-identities (FOUCAULT, 1991, 2002; SILVA, 2008) are not present in the works. Instead, their writing shows some idea of the rules of academic work: mostly that one needs to rely on specialists’ knowledge authority. Thus, instead of using scholarly knowledge to support their own ideas, those undergraduate students just reproduce scholars’ statements. I believe that such phenomenon relates to low self-esteem that creates fragile identities (HALL, 2011; LOPES e FABRÍCIO, 2002; RAJAGOPALAN, 2003). For those students do not believe that their own voices are capable of being heard. From this standing-point, I also intend to discuss the university’s role in the development of student’s academic literacy (LEA & STREET, 2014; STREET, 2013; ZAVALA 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2009, 2014; BRANDÃO 2013). I argue that the mastering of academic writing should not be taken for granted. On the contrary, the literary genre of ‘undergraduate monograph’ must be introduced and developed together with the students from their first academic year onwards. As a matter of fact, an undergraduate that has never been in contact with academic writing, and also comes from underprivileged background, will have much more difficulty to engage in academic writing and might also consider plagiarism as a valid resource.

Performances narrativas de minorias sociais nos novos letramentos digitais: empoderamento de LGBTs no canal Muro Pequeno / Narrative performances of social minorities in the new digital literacies: empowerment of LGBTs in the Muro Pequeno channel

Bazerque, Aline de Lima 22 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-06-29T19:28:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Aline_de_Lima_Bazerque.pdf: 1133407 bytes, checksum: 9976484a04ef08d5a18e496ec643f22c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-07-03T20:24:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_Aline_de_Lima_Bazerque.pdf: 1133407 bytes, checksum: 9976484a04ef08d5a18e496ec643f22c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-03T20:24:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_Aline_de_Lima_Bazerque.pdf: 1133407 bytes, checksum: 9976484a04ef08d5a18e496ec643f22c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-22 / Sem bolsa / Em tempos de globalização nos quais pesquisas positivistas e estudos modernistas são questionados, a concepção de sujeito social como homogêneo e preexistente aos discursos que lhe atravessam parece não dar conta das discussões e reflexões que surgem sobre identidades de gênero (MOITA LOPES, 2006). Por conseguinte, faz-se necessário olhar para essas diversas identidades de gênero como fragmentadas, heterogêneas, fluidas e em processo de construção contínuo (HALL, 2000) através de performances discursivo-identitárias (PENNYCOOK, 2006; BUTLER, [1990]2003). Sendo o homem branco cisgênero e heterossexual classificado como padrão dominante, esse trabalho tem por objetivo principal analisar performances discursivas de pessoas LGBTs para compreender de que forma os novos letramentos digitais impulsionam a compreensão e o empoderamento de identidades de gênero e sexualidade desviantes do padrão. Para isso, busco suporte teórico em uma Linguística Aplicada Indisciplinar e no socioconstrucionismo propostos por Moita Lopes (2002, 2006, 2013a, 2013b), nas performances e performatividades elucidadas por Pennycook (2006), nas teorias queer (BUTLER, 1993, 2003) e no entendimento de novos letramentos digitais discutido por Knobel e Lankshear (2007), Lemke (1998) e Moita Lopes (2010). Ao gerar e analisar os dados, apoio-me em uma etnografia virtual (HINE, 2000), realizando observações etnográficas e entrevistas narrativas via redes sociais virtuais com LGBTs, analisadas segundo as pistas indexicais de Wortham (2001). A pesquisa aponta para o empoderamento de LGBTs a partir da mobilidade e da coletividade na construção de discursos que a Web 2.0 e a 3.0 possibilitam ao disponibilizarem informação e propiciarem a comunicação. / In a globalization time in which positivist research and modernism studies are questioned, a view of the social subject as homogeneous and pre-existent to discourses that cross it does not seem to run the errand for the discussions and reflections that arise on gender identities (MOITA LOPES, 2006). Therefore, it is necessary to look at the various gender identities as fragmented, heterogeneous, fluid and in a continuous construction process (HALL, 2000) through discursiveidentity performances (PENNYCOOK, 2006, BUTLER, [1990] 2003). Being the White cisgender and heterosexual man classified as the main standard to be followed, this paper has the main objective to analyze the discursive performances of LGBT people so that we can comprehend the way new digital formats boost an understanding and empowerment of deviant gender and sexuality identities. For this, I seek theoretical support in an Indisciplinary Applied Linguistics and in the socioconstructionism proposed by Moita Lopes (2002, 2006, 2013a, 2013b), in performances and performativities elucidated by Pennycook (2006), queer theories (Butler, 1993, 2003) and in the new digital literacies discussed by Knobel and Lankshear (2007), Lemke (1998) and Moita Lopes (2010). In generating and analyzing data, I rely on a virtual ethnography (HINE, 2000), making ethnographic observations and narrative interviews via virtual social networks with LGBTs analysing them according to the indexical clues proposed by Wortham (2001). The research signals to the empowerment of LGBTs happening due to the mobility and collectivity in the construction of discourses that Web 2.0 and 3.0 enable when they make information available and facilitate communication.

Letramentos demandados em cursos on-line: por uma redefiniÃÃo do conceito de letramentos hipertextuais / Literacies required in courses on-line: towards a redefinition of hypertextual literacy

Regina ClÃudia Pinheiro 11 November 2013 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Esta tese tem o objetivo de redefinir o conceito de letramento hipertextual, cunhado por Bolter (1998), visto que este nÃo contempla mais as atuais prÃticas sociais mediadas por hipertexto. A base teÃrica que sustenta esta investigaÃÃo acadÃmica procede, principalmente, de Bolter (1998), Semali (2001), Soares (2002), Cavalcante Jr. (2003), Street (2003), Martin (2008), Barton (2009), Lemke (2010) e Pinheiro; AraÃjo (2012). A metodologia que tornou exequÃvel o referido objetivo foi um estudo de caso sobre produÃÃo de material didÃtico on-line que se destinava a cursos de graduaÃÃo a distÃncia da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC) em parceria com a Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB). Os sujeitos que participaram da pesquisa foram trÃs professores conteudistas, responsÃveis pelas disciplinas e pela elaboraÃÃo do conteÃdo didÃtico que fica disponibilizado no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) da UFC Virtual, e dois membros equipe de transiÃÃo didÃtica, uma das responsÃveis pela hipertextualizaÃÃo do material. Os instrumentos e tÃcnicas utilizados para construÃÃo dos dados foram: (i) entrevista semiestruturada com os sujeitos, (ii) acompanhamento da elaboraÃÃo por parte dos professores, atravÃs da instalaÃÃo de um programa no computador dos docentes que filma a tela com todos os seus movimentos e permite a gravaÃÃo de voz, o que possibilitou que o professor realizasse uma espÃcie de protocolo verbal, e (iii) acompanhamento presencial do trabalho da equipe de transiÃÃo didÃtica, realizado por meio de um diÃrio de bordo no qual fiz anotaÃÃes sobre esse momento. AlÃm disso, analisei o material elaborado em suas trÃs versÃes: a elaboraÃÃo do professor, a versÃo da equipe de transiÃÃo didÃtica e a versÃo final do material no ambiente web. A anÃlise permite a conclusÃo de que os letramentos praticados pelos sujeitos da pesquisa podem ser categorizados em centrado na escrita, oral, visual, tecnolÃgico, comunicacional e informacional, os quais se inter-relacionam e um ou outro pode se sobressair. Sendo assim, o conceito de letramento hipertextual a que chegamos se configura como prÃticas sociais mediadas por hipertexto, atravÃs das quais se pode identificar diversos tipos de letramentos que se harmonizam para a significaÃÃo de sentidos. / This thesis aims to redefine the concept of hypertextual literacy, coined by Bolter (1998), since this does not include the current social practices mediated by hypertext. The theoretical basis supporting this academic enterprise proceeds mainly Bolter (1998), Semali (2001), Soares (2002), Cavalcante Jr. (2003), Street (2003), Martin (2008), Barton (2009), Lemke (2010) and Pinheiro; AraÃjo (2012). The methodology which made feasible the aforementioned goal was the case study of the online pedagogical materials designed for undergraduate distance learning courses provided by Federal University of Cearà (UFC â Universidade Federal do CearÃ) in partnership with Open University of Brazil (UAB â Universidade Aberta do Brasil). The subjects who participated in the research were the professors responsible for the discipline organization and for designing the curricular contents available for access on the Online Learning Environment (AVA â Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem) of Virtual UFC Institute, and team of professors, a part of the group responsible for the hypertextualisation process, whose work is to do the didactic transition. The instruments and techniques used to build the data were: (i) semi-structured interviews with the subjects, (ii) observing the development of materials by professors through a software that record all the operations on screen and the surrounding sounds, allowing professors to perform a verbal protocol, and (iii) monitoring the work of the group of didactic transition by means of a journal in which Iâve made notes about this moment. Furthermore, I analyzed the material produced in its three versions: the initial version designed by professors, then the one designed by the group of didactic transition, and the final version available on the online environment. The analysis leads to conclude that literacy practices developed by the subjects can be categorized into traditional, oral, visual, technological, communicational and informational, which are interrelated, and one or the other can stand out. Thus, we define the concept of hypertextual literacy as social practices mediated by hypertext, through which one can identify different types of literacies that jointly create the meaning.

Dynamic intertextuality and emergent second language microdevelopment in digital space

Deifell, Elizabeth Dryman 01 August 2018 (has links)
This naturalistic exploratory multiple case study of the academic writing activity of L2 writers enrolled in an introductory Spanish literature course reveals the complex dynamicity of intertextual activity and L2 development. The writing tasks, designed for communicative practice rather than for mastery of a genre, required students to upload Microsoft Word documents to the learning management software’s dropbox, thus necessitating their engagement with multiple digitally mediated resources. Participants completed the assignment outside of class in a computer lab, where data were collected, including observational field notes, screen recordings, and stimulated recall, and semi-structured interviews about the participants’ use and perception of digital resources. Findings show that these students employed many strategies with a variety of resources, including online dictionaries, translators, and original and translated texts, when experiencing a lexical gap while writing. A close examination of second language writers’ intertextual engagement with the affordances provided by these digitally mediated resources through an analytical frame informed by dynamic systems theory (Larsen-Freeman & Cameron, 2008a) reveals idiosyncratic use and evidence of emergent word and strategy learning. Pedagogical implications, including the need to start where students are, are discussed.

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