981 |
The Creative Sector and Class of SocietyCameron, Samuel January 2011 (has links)
No / The notion of the creative sector/class has been very much put on the map by the recent writings of Richard Florida. The most distinctive feature of the creative class literature is that it seems to minimize the importance of conflict and exploitation which have been the hallmark of the original uses of the concept of class in social analysis. Inevitably, debate must also rage as to who is to be included in the definition of a creative class which, under Florida's broadest definition, has controversially expanded to include psychiatrists amongst others.
982 |
Literary criticism as a method of biblical scholarship: narrative space and the Gospel of JohnQuigley, Jennifer 05 1900 (has links)
Boston University. University Professors Program Senior theses. / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / 2999-01-01
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Die retoriese rol van literêre feeste, met toespitsing US Woordfees en die Amsterdamse WeerwoordfestivalLotter, Jacoba Catharina (Karin) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The establishment of literary festivals as a type of event that is presented both nationally
and internationally has expanded tremendously in recent years, but it has not as yet
received the necessary attention to fully understand its impact on and sociocultural function
in a host community. This thesis attempts to formulate a working definition for the
phenomenon, in order to gain more insight in its sociocultural function and impact in a host
community and thus to contribute towards a more substantial discourse on the subject. The
hypothesis is firstly that literary festivals come into existence due to specific needs in the
host society and secondly that the strategic application of rhetorical strategies have a
positive sociocultural impact.
It is argumented that literary festivals function according to the principles of Aristotle’s
rhetoric, by convincing festival visitors that books, reading, writing, debating and freedom of
speech are of great aesthetic, moral and educational value. The eventual aim is to cause
festival visitors to show greater appreciation for literary texts, as illustrated by their
increased participation in reading, writing and other literary activities. The following theories
serve as points of departure: the system theory as expounded by Itamar Even-Zohar, Gerard
Hauser’s application of rhetorics to the public sphere, the ritual theories of Victor Turner and
Jeremy Boissevain, as well as festival theories by Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Getz, Henri
Schoenmakers, Paul Kaptein, William Sauter, Don Handelman, Temple Hauptfleisch and
Michael Kamp.
The programmes, festival contents and other relevant texts that form part of two selected
literary festivals, i.e. the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Wordfest (Woordfees) and the
Amsterdam Weerwoordfestival, are scrutinised in order to prove that these festivals are
strategically constructed to have a persuasive effect on festivalgoers. A festival’s survival and
sustainability is determinated by its establishment of a strong own character; good
management (also in times of crisis); effective networks; and the persuasion of both target
groups and interest groups that supporting the festival is to their own advantage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die literêre fees, as tipe gebeurtenis wat toenemend nasionaal én internasionaal aangebied
word, het tot dusver min aandag van navorsers geniet. Ten einde die sosio-kulturele funksie
en krag daarvan in ’n gasheergemeenskap te probeer vasstel en te omskryf, asook om by te
dra tot ’n meer omvangryke diskoers oor hierdie fenomeen, word bestaande teorieë oor
feeste in die algemeen dus in hierdie studie as vertrekpunt gebruik en aangepas by literêre
feeste. Die hipotese is eerstens dat literêre feeste ontstaan in reaksie op behoeftes in die
gasheergemeenskap en tweedens dat die aanwending van retoriese strategieë in literêre
feeste ’n positiewe sosio-kulturele impak tot gevolg kan hê.
Na aanleiding van Aristoteles se uitgangspunte oor die retorika word voorgestel dat die
funksie en werking van literêre feeste retories van aard is: Die organiseerders wil
feesdeelnemers oorreed dat lees, skryf, debattering en vrye meningswisseling esteties,
opvoedkundig en moreel waardevol is, om sodoende ’n groter belangstelling in en deelname
aan literêre aktiwiteite te probeer bewerkstellig. Die volgende teoretici se uitgangspunte
word veral gebruik: dié van Itamar Even-Zohar oor die sisteemteorie, Gerard Hauser se
toepassing van die retorika op ’n openbare sfeer, ritueelteorieë deur Victor Turner en Jeremy
Boissevain, sowel as feesteorieë van Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Getz, Henri Schoenmakers,
Paul Kaptein, William Sauter, Don Handelman, Temple Hauptfleisch en Michael Kamp.
Deur ’n vergelykende studie van die ruimer konteks, feesprogramme en ander relevante
tekste wat deel uitmaak van twee literêre feeste, naamlik die Universiteit Stellenbosch
Woordfees en die Amsterdamse Weerwoordfestival, word nagegaan hoe hierdie feeste
strategies en oorredend funksioneer deurdat beide literêre én nie-literêre elemente
geselekteer (inventio) en gekombineer (dispositio) is om ’n sterker positiewe eventiserende
betekenis oor te dra as in die alledaagse lewe. Die gevolgtrekking is dat effektiewe retoriese
strategieë sterk afhanklik is van die konteks waarbinne feeste plaasvind. Die voortbestaan en
volhoubaarbaarheid van literêre feeste word veral bepaal deur die vestiging van ’n sterk eie
identiteit; goeie bestuur (ook in krisisse); doeltreffende netwerke, asook deur die oorreding
van beide teikengroepe én belanghebbers dat hulle wen deur die fees te ondersteun.
984 |
Die uitbeelding van kreatiwiteit in die werk van J. M. CoetzeeNaude, Stephanus Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: J. M. Coetzee se werke ondersoek dikwels op intense en ongewone wyse wat kreatiwiteit
is en hoe dit werk, wat die bronne en oorspronge daarvan is, en verwonder sig aan die
onvoorspelbaarheid van die voorwaardes en katalisators vir, en die aard en uitkomste
van, die kreatiewe proses. Hierdie essay ondersoek eerstens die teoretisering van
literêre kreatiwiteit deur veral Derek Attridge, wat hy hoofsaaklik baseer op Coetzee se
werk. Tweedens word die komplekse uitbeeldings – of performance – van kreatiwiteit en
die kreatiewe proses in Coetzee se oeuvre, spesifiek aan die hand van The Master of
Petersburg en die post-Disgrace werke, ontleed. Daar word gefokus op skeppende
karakters en alter ego’s, veral skrywers, wat toenemend hul verskyning in Coetzee se
prosa maak. Kwessies van skrywerlike mag, die etiek van skryf, die konflik tussen
werklikheidsvlakke binne fiksie asook tussen werklikheid en fiksie, soos dit uitspeel in die
hibriede en eksperimentele laat werke, kom aan bod. Die essay maak dikwels van
stipleestegnieke gebruik in die lees van die betrokke werke. Ander strategieë word egter
ook ingespan, veral by die lees van die laat werke. Die siening van kreatiewe impuls wat
aldus blyk, is ‘n radikale een. Kreatiwiteit is blind vir moraliteit en dalk selfs etiek. Dit
word onder andere gelykgestel aan die epileptiese val. Dit gaan oor die oopstelling vir –
en die eksklusiewe verantwoordelikheid teenoor – die onverwagse, die
Beckettiaanse/Derridiaanse proses van ‘n produktiewe/onproduktiewe gewag. Dit word
vergestalt deur ‘n gebeurtenis wat beslag vind in die onverminderbare eiesoortigheid van
die literêre werk. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: J. M. Coetzee’s work often investigates in an intense and unusual manner the nature of
creativity and how it works, what the sources and origins of creativity are, and marvels
at the unpredictability of the preconditions and catalysts for, and the nature and
outcomes of, the creative process. This essay investigates, in the first place, the
theorisation of literary creativity by especially Derek Attridge, which he mainly bases on
Coetzee’s work. In the second instance, the complex portrayals – or performances – of
creativity and the creative process in Coetzee’s oeuvre are analysed, particularly with
reference to The Master of Petersburg and the post-Disgrace works. The focus is on
creative characters, particularly authors, who are increasingly making an appearance in
Coetzee’s prose. Questions of authorial power, the ethics of writing, the conflict of reality
levels within fiction as well as between reality and fiction, as it plays out in the hybird
and experimental late works, are presented. The essay often uses close reading in the
reading of the mentioned works. Other strategies are also used, particularly in the
reading of the late works. The view of the creative impulse thus crystallising, is a radical
one. Creativity is blind to morality, and perhaps also ethics. It is equated, inter alia, to
the epileptic fit. It is about the opening up – and the exclusive responsibility – to the
unexpected, to the Beckettian/Derridian process of a productive/unproductive waiting. It
is represented by a happening which precipitates in the irreducible singularity of the
literary work.
985 |
Toward a Phenomenological Theory of LiteratureTaylor, Larry G. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem is the investigation of the possibility of an alternative theory of literature that attempts to show literature's relation to human consciousness. A phenomenological theory of literature is presented as a comprehensive theory of literature as opposed to extrinsic theories that are not comprehensive. The basic assumption is that a comprehensive theory of literature must take into account literature's relationship to human consciousness.
The shortcomings of traditional modes of literary theory are discussed in order to provide grounds for the proposed intrinsic alternative. The philosophical foundations for the proposed alternative are laid in the phenomenology of Husserl, Ingarden, Heidegger, and the French existentialists. These four positions are mediated through the introduction of the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur. Finally, the proposed alternative theory of literature is applied to the test case of Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim.
986 |
Anthologie des sonnets au QuébecCunningham, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
987 |
Die Maskew Miller Longman Young Africa Awards : 'n leserkundige analise19 November 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Information Science) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
988 |
Real and imagined readers: censorship, publishing and reading under apartheidMatteau, Rachel 21 August 2012 (has links)
Ph.D. University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 2012 / This thesis studies the readership of literature that was banned under the various laws
that comprised the censorship system, focusing on the apartheid period, from the
1950s until the early 1990s. It investigates the conditions under which banned and
subversive literature existed in the underground network despite the ever-looming
censorship apparatus. It is based on theories drawn from the history of the book,
sociology of literature, South African literary histories, and on data from secondary
and primary sources such as archival material and interviews with, and testimonies
from, readers. This thesis focuses on the roles of readers in alternative circuits, by
examining the modalities of sourcing, distributing, reading and sharing of imported
and local banned publications. It seeks to demonstrate that readers did read banned
books and books likely to be banned, showing creativity in the various strategies used
to get these books into the country and to share them amongst the largest number of
readers, using texts in various fashions, and actively participating to the South African
literary industry and broader socio-political affairs.
989 |
De l'épopée et du roman : énergétique comparée / On epic and novel : comparative energeticsVinclair, Pierre 14 March 2014 (has links)
L’« énergétique comparée » propose de considérer les textes comme des dispositifs à la fois économiques, sémiotiques et praxéonomiques (dont l’utilisation produit des types de subjectivations, des modes de pensée et des domaines idéologiques). Afin de comprendre la nature du roman et de l’épopée, nous confrontons, dans chacune de ces trois dimensions, l’analyse de ces genres littéraires. L’économie du dispositif est à la fois une théorie de la production et de la consommation ; la sémiotique se décompose en rhétorique et en noétique ; la praxéonomie en politique et en éthique.L’énergétique se veut ainsi une nouvelle approche de la littérature, nourrie autant par l’anthropologie culturelle que par la narratologie, par la métaphysique de Hegel que par la pragmatique d’Austin. Enfin, dans chaque partie, un « contrepoint » permet d’aiguiser, transversalement, les instruments d’analyse sur des oeuvres particulières qui semblent a priori échapper à la distinction entre roman et épopée (du roman populaire chinois au roman postcolonial) ou qui prétendent donner à la modernité son épopée (de la poésie épique à l’épopée humanitaire). Ces « contrepoints » se font également le lieu d’un débat de l’énergétique comparée avec les poétiques « indigènes » de leurs auteurs ou de leurs contemporains.L’énergétique, s’opposant à la « poétique des traits génériques » comme à l’« esthétique des registres » permet ainsi de fournir une définition comparée de l’effort de l’épopée (dispositif politique de subjectivation collective par mobilisation de la tradition dans la cérémonie de la reconnaissance) et de celui du roman (dispositif éthique de subjectivation individuelle par valorisation de l’originalité dans la performance d’émancipation), ainsi que la mise en évidence des conditions de possibilité d’une épopée contemporaine. / This dissertation attempts to understand what it is exactly that makes an epic and a novel. Through a "comparative energetics" we propose to consider literature as a set of ‘economical’, ‘semiotical’ and ‘praxeonomical’ dispositions the use of which contributes to specific types of subjective rendering, ways of thinking and ideological domains. These three categories constitute the framework of the current endeavor: Textual economics is a theory of both production and consumption; semiotics decomposes into rhetorics and noetical analysis; praxeonomy into politics and ethics.Energetics consists in a new approach to literature, influenced by cultural anthropology, narratology, Hegel’s metaphysics and Austin’s pragmatics. Each section of the dissertation includes a “counterpoint" bringing up a transversal approach to works outside the main corpus considered, that either seem to escape the distinction between the established genres of novel and epic, e.g. popular Chinese novels, postcolonial novels, or purport to give its proper epic (epic poetry, humanitarian epic, etc) to modernity. These "counterpoints" also allow a comparison between the energetic approach and the “indigenous” poetics of the authors considered or their contemporaries.Energetics, both objecting to the "poetics of features" and to the "aesthetics of registers," provides a comparative definition of the epic (political disposition of collective subjectification by mobilizing tradition in the ceremony of recognition) and of the novel (ethical dispositif of individual subjectifive rendering by valuing originality in the performance of emancipation). It also sets the conditions for a possible modern epic.
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Matthew Arnold’s epics:towards a communicative approachAlarauhio, J.-P. (Juha-Pekka) 21 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is, on the one hand, an investigation into Matthew Arnold’s (1822–1888) literary communications and, on the other hand, an attempt to mediate between his writings and a twenty-first century readership. Arnold’s oeuvre is substantial and varied, but this study focuses on his epic poetry, which has remained a neglected part of his body of work despite its significance both to the author himself and to developing an understanding of Arnold’s development as a poet, cultural critic, and iconic ‘Victorian sage’. Furthermore, it is his epic poetry that seems to most fully address the theme of communication, and thus these longer poems function as points of orientation for a broader inquiry into Arnold’s communications. Arnold himself was keenly aware of the complicated status of communicative acts, but these complications have not always been acknowledged by the generations of criticism that have emerged since his death. Critics have thus produced images of Arnold which have not always done justice to the complexity of his communications. Based on an understanding of ‘communicative’ as a position of mediation between writers and readers, this thesis addresses the need for a more balanced communicative framework for mediating between Arnold’s writings in general — and his epic poetry in particular — his critics, and present audiences. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan Matthew Arnoldin (1822–1888) kirjallista kommunikaatiota, pyrkien välittämään hänen kirjoitustensa merkityksiä 2000-luvun yleisölle. Arnoldin kirjallinen tuotanto on runsas ja monipuolinen, mutta tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään erityisesti hänen runoepiikkansa tulkintaan. Tämä osa hänen työstään on jäänyt tutkimuksessa verrattain vähäiseen asemaan huolimatta siitä, että Arnoldin kaksi lyhyttä runoeeposta olivat tärkeitä paitsi hänelle itselleen, mutta erityisesti osana hänen kehitystään runoilijana, kulttuurikriitikkona ja ikonisena viktoriaanisen ajan julkisena intellektuellina.
Arnoldin runoepiikka vaikuttaa myös tutkivan kommunikaation teemaa laajemmin kuin hänen muut runonsa, ja toimii myös tällä tavoin keskiönä hänen oman kommunikaationsa laajemmalle tarkastelulle. Arnold oli varsin tietoinen kommunikaatiopyrkimystensä haasteista, mutta näitä ongelmia ei ole hänen kuolemansa jälkeen ilmestyneessä kritiikissä aina otettu huomioon. Näin on syntynyt monia Arnold-käsityksiä, jotka eivät välttämättä tee oikeutta hänen kommunikaationsa monivivahteisuudelle. Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii tuottamaan tasapainoisemman kommunikatiivisen lähestymistavan toimiakseen välittäjänä Arnoldin kirjoitusten, eritoten hänen eepostensa, ja nykylukijan välillä. / Original papers
The original publications are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation.
Alarauhio, J.-P. (2012). Towards a Dialogical Approach to Matthew Arnold. In Sell, Roger D. (Ed.) Literary Community-Making: The dialogicality of English Texts from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. (131 - 142) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Alarauhio, J.-P (2007). Sohrab and Rustum and Balder Dead – Communicating about Communication. In Nordic Journal of English Studies Volume 6, No. 2 (2007), 47 - 64.
Alarauhio, J.-P (Forthcoming). Sohrab and Rustum – Matthew Arnold’s Spectacle.
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