Spelling suggestions: "subject:"literary forma"" "subject:"iiterary forma""
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Fortune’s Friends: Forms and Figures of Friendship in the Chaucer TraditionNeel, Travis E. 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Commentary on the Pseudonymous Letters of Aeschines (excluding Letter 10)Guo, Zilong January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to study the pseudonymous letters of Aeschines, all of which purport to give an account of his sojourn in exile. There is a strong consensus among scholars that all the letters are forgeries, and their date of composition tends to be located in the first few centuries CE on linguistic grounds. Embracing a variety of literary forms, these letters were probably composed by multiple hands and may for convenience be divided into three categories: Letters 2, 3, 7, 11, 12 imitate the ‘Demosthenic’ letters in a manner similar to the Hellenistic (and beyond) historical declamations and progymnasmata; Letters 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 come to us with features reminiscent of what German scholars would call Briefromane, or ‘epistolary novels’, and are normally deemed typical of the so-called Second Sophistic; and Letter 4 is a showpiece assuming the form of a Pindaric exegesis. The thesis consists of two parts. The first gives an extensive account of the letters, including their background, history of scholarship, and basic features, to seek to present the ‘forger’ and the text in their proper historical and cultural contexts. The second part, which constitutes the basis for the reflections developed in the first, provides a detailed commentary in thematic sequence. It begins with the ‘Demosthenic’ counterparts (Epp. 2, 3, 7, 11, 12), and stylistic comparisons are made throughout. The analysis of the fictional letters (Epp. 1, 5, 6, 8, 9) pays particular attention to their consistency of narrative and engagement with other literary genres. The commentary on Letter 4 foregrounds the Pindaric elements and completes the thesis. Letter 10 is discussed at sporadic points: it is a later attachment to the corpus and the erotic content is inconsistent with the ‘original’ forgeries. The overall focus of the thesis is on two overlapping aspects of Aeschines’ early reception in antiquity – as ‘the other orator’ beside Demosthenes and as inspiration for later rhetorical education. Existing studies, however, are more concerned with textual criticism and linguistic analysis and have left the letters almost unproductive in these respects: so Drerup (1904), Schwegler (1914), and, most recently, García Ruiz and Hernández Muñoz (2012). In his classic work Goldstein (1968) took the parallel passages in the pseudonymous letters as evidence for authenticating Demosthenes’ letters, and scholars are now able to take advantage of a more reliable reference when studying Ps.-Aeschines. Holzberg (1994), on the other hand, established a set of generic criteria for the Briefromane and has substantially changed the way we read Ps.-Aeschines: it is now possible to appreciate the literary value of the letters without scrutinising their authenticity. Yet both these studies tell us only half the story: while Goldstein left more remarks on the imitative counterparts of Demosthenes’ letters, Holzberg focused on the way the letters reflect the epistolary narrative. Following Rohde (1876/1960), moreover, it seems common sense to characterise the pseudo-historical tale as seen through the letters as a product of the ‘Second Sophistic’, though discoveries of new papyri, e.g. the Ninus romance c. first century BCE, undermined this assumption. My study is built on these investigations in an attempt to form the most extended analysis. The study of the ‘Demosthenic’ counterparts will contribute to a better understanding of Ps.-Aeschines’ intertextual engagement with Demosthenes and his successors, e.g. Ps.-Leosthenes (FGrH 105 F 6 = MP3 2496). It shows that Ps.-Aeschines owes a great deal to the culture of rhetoric and highlights his significance in the Nachleben of Attic oratory. As for the other letters, this thesis argues that they deserve some space in our accounts of the history of exilic, periegetic, and epinician literatures for contextualising a wide range of preexisting literary forms such as the Homeric Odyssey (Ep. 1) and Pindar’s victory odes (Ep. 4). As contingent by-products of the ‘Demosthenic’ counterparts, however, they seem to allow no confident judgement about generic consciousness, esp. the very notion of ‘novel’, and need to be approached as antedating the Imperial exponents. Contrary to the communis opinio, therefore, I attempt to move the date of composition forward to the late Hellenistic period, in which there was already ample encouragement for a sophist, as well as for his students, to write pseudonymous letters. The ‘traitors’ blacklist’ (Ep. 12.8–9) and the term for the Rhodian family of Diagoreans (Ep. 4.4) entertain this possibility inasmuch as both show marked affinities with the Hellenistic sources. Last but not least, the two coexisting, radically opposed interpretations of one’s civic orientation in exile will help us tackle the stability and change in the political cultures of the post-Classical era. My conclusion is that these letters hold a unique position as very early – and very illuminating – examples of how different literary, political trends were interwoven to make, and to remould, a Classic. It is hoped that this study may have done something to reappraise Ps.-Aeschines, who is, in all likelihood, a pre-sophisticated forerunner at a crossroads in the history of Greek literature.
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Anthologie des sonnets au QuébecCunningham, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Anthologie des sonnets au QuébecCunningham, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Correspondances avec l'absence : la fiction épistolaire monologique aux XXe et XXIe siècles / Monologic epistolary fiction of the 20th and 21st centuriesDoig, Katherine 06 December 2017 (has links)
La fiction longue entièrement composée d'une lettre ininterrompue – le roman (ou la pièce) épistolaire monologique – représente un cas de figure négligé, souvent même refusé, par la théorie. Son existence est démontrée ici par un corpus de quinze textes en anglais, français, italien et allemand, de Gide (1902) à Norman (2011) via Yourcenar, Coetzee, Celestini, ou Amis.Ce travail mesure dans un premier temps les dimensions de cet inventaire : sa largeur, grâce à la mise en place d'un cadre formel ; sa longueur historique ; la profondeur de ses interactions avec la lettre réelle, le genre épistolaire, et enfin avec les qualités épistolaires de toute fiction, dont la lettre monologique est un miroir aux déformations calculées.Le corpus révèle l'intérêt de ce cadrage technique grâce à des thèmes récurrents, qui interrogent trois caractéristiques-clé de l'écriture épistolaire. Le thème de la mort de soi (Yourcenar, Coetzee, Bernstein, Robinson, Amis) se conjugue à une réflexion sur la structure physique de tout texte que la lettre rend soudainement tangible, établissant une réflexion sur la lettre-cadavre. Une imagerie apocalyptique (Auster, Coetzee, Amis) problématise ensuite cette idée de la lettre qui se résumerait comme manifestation physique de la mort de l'auteur ; il met en scène un portrait de la temporalité qui ouvre à des superpositions et des rencontres. Ces deux chapitres établissent les pôles du débat pour un dernier, qui emprunte l'imagerie du double pour parler de la communication épistolaire (Gide, Coetzee, Bernstein, Celestini). Après l'absence et la correspondance, ce chapitre interroge le problématique “avec” du titre ; le plan narré de la lettre et le plan dramatique de son envoi sont rejoints par un troisième, pragmatique, posant la question de l'éthique de la correspondance épistolaire, et à travers elle, l'éthique de la fiction même. / Long fictions composed of one uninterrupted letter – monologic epistolary fictions – are underrepresented in critical discourse, and frequently shunted more or less overtly beyond its margins. Their existence is brought to light here by one play and fourteen novels in French, English, Italian and German, ranging from 1902 (Gide) to 2011 (Norman) via a cast of authors including Yourcenar, Coetzee, Amis and Celestini.This study aims firstly to fill the critical lacuna, establishing the dimensions of this new sub- genre. It measures the breadth of the formal definitions of the single-letter epistolary novel, the length of its inscription in literary history, and the depth conferred upon it by critical discourse about real letters, the letter-novel genre and a certain epistolary quality to be found in all literature, which our novels set themselves up to reflect and refract.Our rather disparate corpus of texts reveals the interest of this technical framework, haunted as it is by recurrent themes which illuminate the characteristics of monological epistolary writing. Firstly, the theme of one's own death (Yourcenar, Coetzee, Bernstein, Robinson, Amis) shines a light on the physical structure of any text, rendered visible in the format of the letter; this conjunction suggests the idea of the text as corpse. A series of apocalyptic universes complicates this rather empirical portrait, which reads like the symbol of the Death of the Author; novels by Coetzee, Amis and Auster use complex portraits of fictional time to suggest the possibility of coincidence, overlap, meetings both epistolary and literary. These two chapters set up the terms of a final debate concerning literary communication, investigated via the symbol of the double (Gide, Coeztee, Bernstein, Celestini). After the narrative of the text itself and the implied drama of the letter's trajectory, a pragmatic dimension comes to light. This final analysis allows us to investigate the ethics of correspondence, and the letter as one key to understanding those of fiction itself.
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Les représentations du lecteur réel dans quelques récits de voyage de Michel Butor / The representations of the real reader in some Michel Butor's travels storiesBirouk, Nadia 16 January 2012 (has links)
Le lecteur joue un grand rôle dans la production et dans l’élaboration du sens. En effet, dès le premier contact avec un énoncé littéraire, le lecteur réel est engagé dans une « communication interactionnelle » avec l’auteur réel, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de saisir le sens d'un récit « déroutant ». Pourtant, nous ne pouvons pas toujours préciser les types de lecteurs réels et leur capacité dans l’activation de l’acte de lecture qui doit être productif. La thèse essaye de mettre en lumière les particularités de la lecture littéraire et la difficulté d’approcher un énoncé littéraire, qui demeure un défi et une contrainte au vu de sa spécificité. Nous avons tenté de déterminer à l’aide d’exemples précis empruntés à Michel Butor, l’activité du lecteur réel que nous sommes, car ils présentent un outil intéressant pour approcher la question de la lecture chez Michel Butor, dans la mesure où ils illustrent le parcours d’une écriture « de voyage » qui va jusqu’à la mise en question du genre (Récit de voyage). Bref, il s’est avéré que la réception d’un texte est liée à nos choix les plus intimes, à nos partis pris, à nos sentiments et à nos pulsions… / The reader plays a tremendous role in the production and elaboration of meaning. Indeed, once facing a literary statement, the real reader becomes is committed (hired) with the real writer in a give-and-take relation, especially when it is a question of to seize the meaning of a «puzzling» text. Nevertheless, we cannot always advance the types of the real readers, nor can we determine their reading strategies and the related productivity. Actually, to clarify the nature and the task of the real reader is a complex work. The thesis tries to bring to light the peculiarities of the literary reading and the difficulty of approaching a literary statement. Such a reading remains, in fact, due to its particularity, a challenge and a constraint. We have tried to determine by means of precise examples Borrowed (Taken) from Michel Butor, the activity in which the real reader, whom we are, is engaged, because they present an interesting tool to approach the question of the reading at Michel Butor, as far as they illustrate the route (course) of a writing " with journey " which goes to the questioning of the kind (Travel story). In brief, it has turned out that the reception of a text is bound (connected) to our most intimate choices, to our taken parts, to our feelings and to our drives…
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Dialéticas das formas literárias: uma interpretação de O Livro da Dor, Godido e Outros Contos e Chitlango, Filho de Chefe / Dialectics of literary forms: an interpretation O Livro da Dor, Godido e Outros Contos and Chitlango, Filho de ChefeNhamona, Elídio Miguel Fernando 17 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como pressuposto de que as formas literárias visadas são conteúdos sedimentados que se consolidaram no processo colonial. Neste processo, considera-se o entrelaçamento entre uma cultura letrada alienígena e uma cultura oral autóctone, sendo uma dominante e outra dominada. Constatamos que a compreensão das fissuras, problemas e dilemas verificáveis nos textos em análise permitirá apreender os mecanismos, quer literário, quer sociais, que engendraram formas impregnadas de características situacionais e contextuais. Supomos que, em O Livro da Dor de João Albasini, Godido e Outros Contos de João Dias e Chitlango, Filho de Chefe de Chitlango Khambane e André-Daniel Clerc, as formas engendradas se resumem ao assimilado, resultante da hegemonia cultural produzida em situação colonial. / This work is based on the assumption that the target forms are consolidated content in the colonial process. In this process, it is considered the intertwining of an alien literate culture to another indigenous oral culture, one dominant and one dominated. We observed that the understanding of fissures, problems and verifiable dilemmas in the texts in question will enable to capture the literary and social mechanisms that engendered forms impregnated with situational and contextual characteristics. We assume that in O Livro da Dor of João Albasini, Godido e Outros Contos of João Dias and Chitlango, Filho de Chefe of Chitlango Khambane and André- Daniel Clerc the forms engendered are centered on the assimilated, resulting from cultural hegemony produced in colonial situation.
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Dialéticas das formas literárias: uma interpretação de O Livro da Dor, Godido e Outros Contos e Chitlango, Filho de Chefe / Dialectics of literary forms: an interpretation O Livro da Dor, Godido e Outros Contos and Chitlango, Filho de ChefeElídio Miguel Fernando Nhamona 17 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como pressuposto de que as formas literárias visadas são conteúdos sedimentados que se consolidaram no processo colonial. Neste processo, considera-se o entrelaçamento entre uma cultura letrada alienígena e uma cultura oral autóctone, sendo uma dominante e outra dominada. Constatamos que a compreensão das fissuras, problemas e dilemas verificáveis nos textos em análise permitirá apreender os mecanismos, quer literário, quer sociais, que engendraram formas impregnadas de características situacionais e contextuais. Supomos que, em O Livro da Dor de João Albasini, Godido e Outros Contos de João Dias e Chitlango, Filho de Chefe de Chitlango Khambane e André-Daniel Clerc, as formas engendradas se resumem ao assimilado, resultante da hegemonia cultural produzida em situação colonial. / This work is based on the assumption that the target forms are consolidated content in the colonial process. In this process, it is considered the intertwining of an alien literate culture to another indigenous oral culture, one dominant and one dominated. We observed that the understanding of fissures, problems and verifiable dilemmas in the texts in question will enable to capture the literary and social mechanisms that engendered forms impregnated with situational and contextual characteristics. We assume that in O Livro da Dor of João Albasini, Godido e Outros Contos of João Dias and Chitlango, Filho de Chefe of Chitlango Khambane and André- Daniel Clerc the forms engendered are centered on the assimilated, resulting from cultural hegemony produced in colonial situation.
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Etude de la place et de la fonction des éléments supposés tardifs du livre d'Amos : contribution à la lecture de type synchronique du livre d'Amos / Study of the place and the function of the late supposed elements of the book of Amos : contribution to the reading of synchronic type of the book of AmosKolani, Bakimani 04 February 2017 (has links)
Les deux premiers chapitres de cette étude mettent en exergue les raisons pour lesquelles des biblistes sont de plus en plus convaincus que lire ce corpus, dans sa forme actuelle, comme un tout reste la voie la mieux indiquée pour cerner son message. Le premier chapitre montre que les exégètes partisans de l’approche diachronique tentent de justifier son organisation par la reconstitution hypothétique des ipsissima verba d’Amos. Ils morcellement ce corpus en de petits fragments indépendants, dévalorisent neuf de ses passages, perçus comme secondaires et ré-disposent, à leur guise, ceux supposés mal placés. Le second chapitre relève que ces mêmes passages empêchent les partisans de l’approche synchronique de s’accorder sur sa structuration d’ensemble et incitent des commentateurs à alléguer que ce livre est désordonné. Les trois derniers chapitres étudient les neuf passages souvent perçus comme secondaires et disparates. Ils montrent que ces textes sont accordés à leurs contextes et que leur présence est essentielle à l’équilibre littéraire et théologique du livre. Cette étude dévoile que ce corpus est cohérent et doté d’une stratégie littéraire unifiante. / The two first chapters of this present study examines underlines the reasons for which biblical scholars are more and more convinced that read the corpus as a whole, in its present form, remains the best way to understand it message. The first chapter demonstrates that the commentators who advocate a diachronic approach sought and continue to justify the composition of this book by the hypothetical reconstitution of the “ipsissima verba” of Amos. They often divide the text into numerous small independent fragments; sacrificing nine passages perceived as secondary and out of place and arranges certain of them as they think fit. The second chapter demonstrates that these same passages prevent the followers of the synchronic approach agreeing on a structure capable of proving that this corpus is a very sophisticated work. The three last chapters study the nine passages often considered secondary and disparate. They show that these passages are in harmony with their contexts and their presence is essential to the literary and theological balance of the book. This study reveals de facto that, this corpus is a well-organized book with a unifying literary strategy.
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