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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přístup k uměleckému textu na střední škole (Didaktický přínos Přemysla Blažíčka) / The Approach to the Literary Text in Secondary School (Methodological Contribution of Přemysl Blažíček)

Pácalt, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis deals with a possible approach to the literary text in the teaching of literature in secondary school. It discusses the choice of the literary text, its reading, interpretation and meaning. The whole approach is demonstrated on Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road; the theoretical framework of the thesis is provided by Přemysl Blažíček's texts. The thesis aims to figure out whether Blažíček's literary thought is as viable and useful in the pedagogical process as it is in literary criticism and theory.

Tvorba Jaroslava Foglara jako východisko pro využití metod dramatické výchovy na první stupni ZŠ / Creation/Work of Jaroslav Foglar as a starting point for the use of dramatic education methods at the first elementary school

Sedláková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The diploma thesis deals with the possibility of using Jaroslav Foglar's work in dramatic education at elementary school.The aim of the diploma thesis is to verify the influence of methods and techniques of dramatic education through Jaroslav Foglar's texts in the form of value charts and attitudes in the life of pupils of the 5th year of primary school.How dramatic education helps with methods and techniques - first fordeepest adoption of Jaroslav Foglar's work, and second - to increase understanding and adoption of given values and attitudes.The theoretical part focuses on the personality and work of Jaroslav Foglar and his timeless message. It focuses on the concept of drama education, its aims, principles, forms, methods and techniques. At the same time, it focuses on the analysis of the work in terms of dramatic education. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, three thematic units focusing on the moral qualities of the human being, using methods and techniques of dramatic education, are elaborated on the basis of books and short stories by Jaroslav Foglar. For the experiment, two classes of the fifth year grade of elementary school were selected. In one class - test, the units were realized using methods and techniques of dramatic education. In the second class - normal, only reading...

Les amies qui m’accompagnent : l’amitié textuelle d’après Clarice Lispector et Hélène Cixous

Côté, Julie 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse envisage la relation qui prend forme par le biais du texte littéraire, lors de son écriture et de ses lectures subséquentes, dans la perspective d’une amitié, telle que l’amitié textuelle posthume entre les autrices Clarice Lispector (1920-1977) et Hélène Cixous (1937- ) la donne à penser. Bien que la mort de Lispector soit survenue avant que Cixous ait pu la lire, celle-ci a perçu dans son écriture un appel à l’amitié qui s’est répercuté autant dans sa pensée que dans son écriture et ses enseignements, influençant considérablement sa conception de l’écriture féminine. Il demeure que l’approche qu’a eue Cixous du texte lispectorien a été fortement critiquée parce que jugée trop envahissante, voire déformante, et ce, malgré les multiples invitations à la lectrice que recèle les textes de Lispector. Celle-ci somme sa lectrice à reconnaître non seulement le rôle qu’elle joue dans la constitution du texte, mais aussi à accepter sa part de la responsabilité qu’implique l’autorité du texte. L’étude de certains de ses romans montre que Lispector met de l’avant une manière d’être en relation avec autrui par le biais du texte qui tient de l’amitié. Entre l’approche lispectorienne, qui appelle à une reconnaissance de la subjectivité, ce à quoi Cixous a adhéré pleinement, et celle des critiques de la lecture de Cixous, qui prônent une lecture objective fondée sur la connaissance, il y a donc un conflit portant sur le statut du texte littéraire et sur le rapport que l’on peut entretenir avec lui. Cette relation inédite entre Lispector et Cixous est une invitation à revoir l’amitié de même que la manière dont on peut concevoir la relation qui prend forme par le biais du texte littéraire. Pour mieux comprendre le malaise que suscite le fait de rapprocher cette relation à une amitié, seront étudiées les définitions que les philosophes de l’Antiquité Platon, Aristote et Cicéron ont données à l’amitié pour mieux cerner, notamment, les enjeux relatifs à la réciprocité et à la vie en commun des amis. Montaigne et Maurice Blanchot ayant écrit au sujet de l’amitié une fois leur ami disparu, ils nous permettent de penser ce lien entre l’amitié et le texte, en ce que ce dernier permet la poursuite de la première après la mort de l’ami, alors que la réciprocité et la vie en commun sont rendues impossibles. Or, si le texte permet à l’amitié de se poursuivre au-delà de la mort, Emmanuel Levinas et Hans-Georg Gadamer considèrent que tout rapport au texte et toute herméneutique impliquent une relation qu’il faut simplement reconnaître. Cette amitié entre Lispector et Cixous s’avère donc un exemple d’amitié textuelle, laquelle est une invitation à revoir la manière dont on entre en relation avec le texte et dont on vit l’amitié en dehors de lui, comme quoi, à l’instar de toute relation, l’amitié et le texte se trouvent modifiés lorsqu’ils sont envisagés dans la perspective de leur relation. / This dissertation examines the relationship that takes shape within the literary text, through writing and reading it, as a friendship. The posthumous textual friendship between authors Clarice Lispector (1920-1977) and Hélène Cixous (1937- ) serves as an example as to how such a relationship can occur through the literary text. While Lispector was already dead when Cixous first read her, the latter heard a calling in the former’s writing, which she perceived as an invitation to be friends. Lispector’s oeuvre had a considerable influence on Cixous’ writing, teaching and thinking, even modifying her conception of écriture féminine. Nonetheless, her reading of Lispector’s texts was harshly criticized, as some found it to be domineering, even though Lispector often directly asks her reader to engage with the text so as not to leave her alone. She also invites her reader to recognize her share of the responsibility that comes with creating the text, suggesting a way to relate to another within the text that is akin to a friendship. This way to engage with the text calls for a recognition of everyone’s —writers’ and readers’— subjectivity, an approach Cixous took to heart. As for the critics, their approach to the literary text is based on knowledge instead of on the relationships to which it gives shape. This clash explains why they deemed Cixous’ reading as utterly unacceptable, these conflicting visions being irreconcilable. Lispector’s and Cixous’ uncanny friendship reads as an invitation to envision friendship as a new way to engage with the literary text. To better understand the reluctance to define any relationship taking place within the literary text as a friendship, we will examine how friendship has been defined philosophically since Antiquity through the works of Plato, Aristotle and Cicero, in which the questions of reciprocity and proximity arise. Then, Montaigne and Maurice Blanchot, who wrote texts about their respective deceased friend, will help us to consider the relationship between friendship and the text, as the latter serves to keep the friendship alive after their friend’s death, when reciprocity and proximity are no longer possible in the living world. Since the text allows for friendship to be carried on after one of the friend’s passing, it can also be envisioned as the place for friendships to take place. Emmanuel Levinas and Hans-Georg Gadamer both consider that any relation to the text and hermeneutics as a whole implies a relationship that requires to be recognized as such. Therefore, the relationship between Lispector and Cixous is considered an example of textual friendship that allows us to rethink how we engage with the text but also how we experience friendship. Just like friends both impact one another, friendship and the literary text also affect one another when viewed through the lens of relationship.

Образ стиляги в контексте советской культуры 1950-1960-х годов : магистерская диссертация / Dissertation title: The image of a dandy in the context of Soviet culture of the 1950s-1960s

Тетушкин, Д. Н., Tetushkin, D. N. January 2020 (has links)
Работа посвящена актуальной и мало разработанной теме, касающейся советской культуры 1950-1960-х годов, в свете которой исследуется явление «стиляжничества». Избранная проблематика раскрывается на основе многих философских,_социологических, культурологических трудов, которые позволяют выявить состояние советской культуры избранного периода и показать в ней роль «субкультуры» стиляжничества. В диссертации исследуются социокультурные корни этого явления и выявляются особенности "образа стиляги" в реалиях советской культуры, а также его воплощение в документальных и художественных текстах. В работе содержится проект интерактивного «Музея стиляги», представляющего повседневную советскую культуру, в условиях которой сформировался этот образ. / The work is devoted to a topical and little-developed topic related to the Soviet culture of the 1950s-1960s, in the light of which the phenomenon of "styling" is investigated. The selected problematic is revealed on the basis of many philosophical, sociological, cultural studies, which make it possible to reveal the state of Soviet culture of the chosen period and show the role of the "subculture" of styling in it. The dissertation examines the socio-cultural roots of this phenomenon and reveals the features of the "image of the dandy" in the realities of Soviet culture, as well as its embodiment in documentary and literary texts. The work presents a project of the interactive "Museum of Styles", representing everyday Soviet culture, in the conditions of which this image was formed.

Recounting the Author

Grgorinic, Natalija 22 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Využití metod a technik dramatické výchovy k pochopení literárního textu / Using Methods andTechniques of Creative Drama Education to Understanding of Literary Texts

Mihalová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns possibilities of using drama methods and techniques for understanding of literary texts within primary school education, with special emphasis on supporting pupils' reading. In its first theoretical part the basic terms are defined, such as literature, reading and their importance for a human; Literary Education and Drama Education (including its methods) and their possible meetings in the educational process. Furthermore, the theoretical part deals with use of a literary text as a theme for a preparation for creative drama lessons, including drama structuring. The practical part is focused on three specific proposals for drama lessons with using literary texts. Two of them were carried out and evaluated with respect to the predetermined goals. It affirms that the application of drama methods and techniques within classes of literature and reading is justified. Keywords: Drama Education, School Work System of Education, drama methods and techniques, preparation for a lesson, individual experience, learning through co-operation, a literary text

La pertinencia del corpus literario en el aula de ELE : una propuesta basada en la descripcion, la narracion y la argumentacion

Lopez Rebolledo, Victor Omar 01 1900 (has links)
Enseigner l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et utiliser la Littérature comme moyen didactique n’est pas une activité qui a été favorisée, ni dans l’aspect théorique comme pratique, dans les salles de classe, on l’a plutôt évitée. On a constaté que la plupart de temps on l’a réduit à un échantillon culturelle qui se situe à la fin des unités didactiques dans le manuelles d’ELE. Ces visions ont radicalement changé ces dernières années et des nombreux auteurs ont revendiqué son potentiel didactique et pédagogique. La présente mémoire s’inscrit dans la courante qui revendique l’utilisation du texte littéraire (TL) à cause du potentiel didactique qu’il renferme. On propose une série d’activités didactiques qui s’appuient dans le texte littéraire pour renforcer les compétences du discours au niveau de la description, la narration et la argumentation dans le cours d’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) au niveau collégial et universitaire au Québec (Canada), en s’ appuyant sur les critères établis par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, le Plan curricular de l’Institut Cervantès, et le Programme du Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Auparavant, on a fait un bref parcours sur les différentes méthodes et approches pédagogiques dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol (ELE) ainsi que plusieurs études et articles qui proposent l’utilisation du texte littéraire en ayant comme objectif d’améliorer les compétences linguistique et communicatives des étudiants. / Teaching Spanish as a Second Language (ELE) and using literature as a didactic tool has never been an educational activity which received much support, in theory or in practice, it has rather been avoided. Most often, it has been relegated to a “cultural” sample at the end of the units in the ELE manuals, as “extra” material which the teacher did not really know what to do with. In recent years, these views have changed radically and many authors have claimed their teaching and learning potential. This thesis follows this tendency and claims the use of literary texts (TL) for the didactic potential they carry. It proposes a series of didactic activities, supported by literary texts, to strengthen the skills of discourse at the descriptive, the narrative and the argumentative level in teaching ELE to college and university students in Quebec (Canada), taking into account the criteria set by Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the Plan curricular of the Instituto Cervantes and the Program of the Ministry of Education of Quebec. First, it offers a brief tour exposing the different currents and pedagogical approaches in the teaching of ELE and the various treaties and studies postulating the use of literary texts for this purpose. / Incursionar en la enseñanza del español para extranjeros (ELE) y utilizar la Literatura como herramienta didáctica no es una actividad docente que haya tenido siempre apoyo, tanto teórico como práctico, más bien se ha evitado. La mayoría de las veces se ha relegado a una muestra cultural al final de las unidades de los manuales de ELE, como un material extra con el que el docente no sabía bien qué hacer. Estas visiones han ido cambiando radicalmente en los últimos años, y numerosos autores han reivindicado su potencial didáctico y pedagógico. Esta memoria se inscribe en dicha corriente y reivindica el uso del texto literario (TL) por el potencial didáctico que conlleva. Se propone una serie de actividades didácticas, apoyadas en el texto literario, para fortalecer las competencias discursivas en el plano de la descripción, la narración y la argumentación en el ámbito de la enseñanza de ELE dirigidas a alumnos de nivel colegial y universitario de Quebec (Canadá), teniendo en cuenta los criterios establecidos por el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas, el Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes y el Programa del Ministerio de Educación de Quebec. Anteriormente, se hace un breve recorrido para exponer las diferentes corrientes y enfoques pedagógicos en la enseñanza de ELE y los diferentes tratados y estudios que postulan el uso del texto literario para este fin.

Komiksové adaptace ve výuce literatury na základní a střední škole / Comics adaptations in literatury education at elementary school and high school

Hrubanová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of comic adaptations in literary lessons at primary and secondary schools. The aim of this work is to map available comic adaptations of literary works written by Czech authors. The comic adaptations of Franz Kafka's novella The Metamorphosis will be evaluated based on pre-selected criteria. Part of the work will also be a comparison of the original text with the selected comic adaptation and noting the changes in the fictional world created by transferring it to the comic medium. The work will help teachers to understand the theory of comics. Theoretical knowledge will be applied in the creation of two teaching blocks built for the purposes of literary education at primary and secondary schools. The concrete implementation of both teaching blocks in practice will be compared.

Deviation as communicative strategy in Gamba la nyoka

Mbatiah, Mwenda 06 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This article deals with deviation in Euphrase Kezilahabi´s novel Gamba la Nyoka (1979). We analyse four different types of deviation, namely grammatical, lexical, phonological, and semantic deviation. The objective of this study is to combine linguistic analysis with literary riticism, in order to show how these different types of deviation correspond with the overall message the author conveys in this novel, which is a political novel dealing with the era of establishing Ujamaa policies in rural Tanzania.

La pertinencia del corpus literario en el aula de ELE : una propuesta basada en la descripcion, la narracion y la argumentacion

Lopez Rebolledo, Victor Omar 01 1900 (has links)
Enseigner l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et utiliser la Littérature comme moyen didactique n’est pas une activité qui a été favorisée, ni dans l’aspect théorique comme pratique, dans les salles de classe, on l’a plutôt évitée. On a constaté que la plupart de temps on l’a réduit à un échantillon culturelle qui se situe à la fin des unités didactiques dans le manuelles d’ELE. Ces visions ont radicalement changé ces dernières années et des nombreux auteurs ont revendiqué son potentiel didactique et pédagogique. La présente mémoire s’inscrit dans la courante qui revendique l’utilisation du texte littéraire (TL) à cause du potentiel didactique qu’il renferme. On propose une série d’activités didactiques qui s’appuient dans le texte littéraire pour renforcer les compétences du discours au niveau de la description, la narration et la argumentation dans le cours d’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) au niveau collégial et universitaire au Québec (Canada), en s’ appuyant sur les critères établis par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, le Plan curricular de l’Institut Cervantès, et le Programme du Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Auparavant, on a fait un bref parcours sur les différentes méthodes et approches pédagogiques dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol (ELE) ainsi que plusieurs études et articles qui proposent l’utilisation du texte littéraire en ayant comme objectif d’améliorer les compétences linguistique et communicatives des étudiants. / Teaching Spanish as a Second Language (ELE) and using literature as a didactic tool has never been an educational activity which received much support, in theory or in practice, it has rather been avoided. Most often, it has been relegated to a “cultural” sample at the end of the units in the ELE manuals, as “extra” material which the teacher did not really know what to do with. In recent years, these views have changed radically and many authors have claimed their teaching and learning potential. This thesis follows this tendency and claims the use of literary texts (TL) for the didactic potential they carry. It proposes a series of didactic activities, supported by literary texts, to strengthen the skills of discourse at the descriptive, the narrative and the argumentative level in teaching ELE to college and university students in Quebec (Canada), taking into account the criteria set by Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the Plan curricular of the Instituto Cervantes and the Program of the Ministry of Education of Quebec. First, it offers a brief tour exposing the different currents and pedagogical approaches in the teaching of ELE and the various treaties and studies postulating the use of literary texts for this purpose. / Incursionar en la enseñanza del español para extranjeros (ELE) y utilizar la Literatura como herramienta didáctica no es una actividad docente que haya tenido siempre apoyo, tanto teórico como práctico, más bien se ha evitado. La mayoría de las veces se ha relegado a una muestra cultural al final de las unidades de los manuales de ELE, como un material extra con el que el docente no sabía bien qué hacer. Estas visiones han ido cambiando radicalmente en los últimos años, y numerosos autores han reivindicado su potencial didáctico y pedagógico. Esta memoria se inscribe en dicha corriente y reivindica el uso del texto literario (TL) por el potencial didáctico que conlleva. Se propone una serie de actividades didácticas, apoyadas en el texto literario, para fortalecer las competencias discursivas en el plano de la descripción, la narración y la argumentación en el ámbito de la enseñanza de ELE dirigidas a alumnos de nivel colegial y universitario de Quebec (Canadá), teniendo en cuenta los criterios establecidos por el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas, el Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes y el Programa del Ministerio de Educación de Quebec. Anteriormente, se hace un breve recorrido para exponer las diferentes corrientes y enfoques pedagógicos en la enseñanza de ELE y los diferentes tratados y estudios que postulan el uso del texto literario para este fin.

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