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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the ways in which children use collaborative talk to develop their response to text

Yonge, Charlotte Jane January 1998 (has links)
No description available.


胡碧桃, Hu Bee-tao Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學英國語文學系碩士在職專班 論文提要 論文名稱 : 透過文學教英語 : 從讀者反應層面探討文學作品在英語教學上之應用 指導教授 : 林茂松 博士 研究生 : 胡碧桃 論文提要內容 : 本論文旨在探討藉由文學教學激發學習者學習英語的動機及對文學的興趣,進而提升其英文閱讀及寫作能力的可能性。 從二十世紀初以來,對於文學教法,學者先後提出各種理論,舉其盈盈大者:如傳統教學法、心理分析法、及新文評主義,對文學教學皆有著墨。近年來,以讀者為中心、重視讀者與文本間的互動、允許不同讀者對同一作品有不同詮釋的讀者反應理論已成為教師們在教授文學時樂於應用的教學法。 本研究採用以Rosenblatt 為首的學者的建議,先引導學生閱讀文學文本,由學生以書面方式,回答老師根據文本提出與學生知識經驗相關的美學問題,最後全班參與討論,分享感受。 受試者為國立三重高中二年級學生。測驗工具為取自全民英檢(1999及2003年)中級閱讀測驗及作文試題、自製英語學習動機問卷以及文學興趣問卷。實驗組於前測後,以六篇文學作品為其教科書外之補充教材;而控制組則給予六篇非文學類文章。實驗時間為時一學期 (自2002年九月至2003年一月) 。 經由問卷調查訪問及前後測實施結果分析,發現實驗組的學生,在接受讀者反應法的文學教學後,可提升其英文學習動機、文學興趣及閱讀能力。至於寫作部分,實驗組的學生使用的字彙量比控制組為多。 本研究結論發現若經過適當設計,文學作品可以做為合適的閱讀教材以提升英語學習動機、激發創造性及批判性思考,甚至培養出終身的文學讀者。 / Abstract This thesis aims to investigate the effects of using literature as supplementary reading material for senior high school students studying English as a foreign language. The study adopts reader response theories, whose critics focus on the reader and the interaction between the reader and the text. An experiment was run for five months on senior high school subjects. Following a pre-test, the experimental group used six literary texts as supplementary reading material and the control group six non-literary ones. After exploring each text, students in the experimental group were assigned to answer reader response questions and those in the control group were asked to answer synthesis /evaluation questions after exploring each text. In addition, a questionnaire was issued to the subjects to investigate whether they liked the texts or not. Oral interviews were also conducted with the subjects to further observe their reactions to each work. After the teaching experiment, a post-test was given to examine the performance differences between the two groups. Throughout the experiment, all class interactions were recorded, then transcribed, and analyzed. The results show that (1) after the experiment, more students in the experimental group liked English than in the control group, (2) literary texts triggerred more interest than non-literary ones, (3) the number of students interested in literature increased after using literary texts as supplementary reading material, and (4) the students given literary texts as supplementary reading material develop better English reading skills and a larger English writing vocabulary than those in the controlled group. In addition, the students in the experimental group were eager to share their ideas about the readings. Key words: reader response, literature instruction, literary text, supplementary reading material.

Hur kan jag veta det när det inte står i texten? : Läsförståelse bland gymnasieelever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar / How can I know when it doesn’t say so in the text? : Reading comprehension among high school pupils with neuropsychiatric functional impairments

Nieminen Johansson, Tiina January 2014 (has links)
Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school. The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils’ reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon. The pupils also had to complete a questionnaire about their reading habits, how they go about understanding the texts better, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons. The pupils were interviewed to yield a little more information about how they comprehended the two different types of text. The study was conducted at two high schools geared to pupils with ASD, including a total of twelve pupils. Four of these pupils were also interviewed. The result of the reading comprehension tests show that the majority of the pupils found it easier to answer the questions about the factual text. The pupils who read a lot and are interested in reading achieved better results in both text assignments. There was a clear association between the pupils who have difficulties concentrating and finishing a book and their results on the reading comprehension tasks, which can be explained by their functional impairment. The result of the pupils’ questionnaire showed that they use different strategies when reading factual texts and literary texts. There were also differences in how the pupils work with different texts in school, both individually and together with other pupils, depending on which type of text it is. The help that pupils receive from their teachers can be limited by the pupils’ functional impairment, but according to the study this help is significant for the pupils’ reading comprehension, especially of literary texts.

Em busca de uma essência poética: a expressividade do substantivo em João Cabral de Melo Neto / In search of a poetic essence: the expressiveness of the noun in João Carlos de Melo Neto

Anderson da Silva Ribeiro 24 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho, ao analisar a expressividade do substantivo em João Cabral de Melo Neto, objetiva contribuir para um ensino produtivo de língua materna ao conceber a gramática concretizada em textos. O substantivo, visto pela tradição gramatical dentro dos limites da morfologia e da sintaxe, passa a ser resgatado como elemento responsável e criador de uma cadeia referencial ao construir um determinado objeto de discurso conforme postulam os pressupostos da Linguística Textual. Sirvo-me disso para redimensionar a análise estilística a que me propus, observando a classe em questão, sobretudo, como fator estético responsável pela dicção nua e expressiva sobre a qual se debruçou o poeta. No labor de seu fazer poético, esteve avesso ao comum do gênero poesia: o apreço pela rima e pela musicalidade, a exploração de conotações abstratas, a imersão pelo interior, o ritmo métrico, a autoconfissão marcada pelo emprego da primeira pessoa do singular. Ao se distanciar de tal perspectiva, Cabral ganha notoriedade entre os modernistas atentos à liberdade de pensamento e expressão artística, bem como entre os poucos poetas brasileiros que conseguiram atingir singularidade ao produzir uma estética baseada no menos e na subtração das formas linguísticas, privilegiando um léxico mais concreto na fronteira com o abstrato, a opção pela macroestrutura descritiva na materialização da realidade exterior e a imersão pelo ritmo sintático sobreposto às sílabas métricas no rompimento entre as fronteiras da poesia e da prosa. Diante de tantos aspectos, detive-me na morfossintaxe do substantivo como recurso largamente aproveitado na tradução do pensamento obsessivo acerca dos canaviais pernambucanos e de bailadoras espanholas. Em O cão sem plumas (1950), privilegiei a figura do sujeito na condição de tópico informacional que coincide, no texto, com as funções formal, semântica e estilístico-discursiva. Em Uma faca só lâmina (1955), o substantivo é analisado sob a perspectiva das inversões, desmembrada na literatura linguística como hipérbato, anástrofe, sínquise e prolepse. Já em Quaderna (1959), última obra do corpus, selecionei oito poemas que tratam da mulher, algo incomum em Cabral, e dediquei-me ao estudo do substantivo como núcleo de sintagmas nominais ligados a sintagmas preposicionados no intuito de projetar, na inteireza, a caracterização do termo referente, contagiada pelas crenças e pelo olhar do poeta-enunciador / This dissertation, while analyzing the expressiveness of the noun in João Cabral de Melo Netos work, aims to contribute to a productive teaching of the mother tongue when it conceives grammar materialized in texts. The noun, as seen by traditional grammar within the limits of morphology and syntax is now perceived as a creative element of a referential net as it builds a determined discourse object, as postulated by the assumptions of Textual Linguistics. I assume this point of view to put the stylistic analysis into a new perspective. I aimed to develop, observing the word class in question, specially as an aesthetic factor responsible for the expressive naked diction which the poet look into. In his poetic labour, the poet was against the common poetic genre, the appreciation for the rhyme and musicality, the exploration of abstract connotations, the immersion in the individuals self , the metrics, the self-confession stressed by the usage of the first person singular. Getting far from this perspective, Cabral becomes notorious among the modernists that were attentive to the freedom of speech and of thought and to the artistic expression, as well as being one of the few to produce an aesthetics based on the less and on the subtraction of the linguistics forms, focusing on a more concrete lexicus in the border of the abstract, the option for the descriptive macro structure in the materialization of the exterior of reality and the immersion in the syntactic rhythm overlapping the metric syllables in the breakthrough of the frontiers between prose and poetry. All these things considered, I privileged the morphosyntax of the noun as a resource vastly appreciated when translating the obsessive thinking in regards to the sugar cane fields in Pernambuco and Spanish dancers. In A Dog Without Feathers (1950), I privileged the subject as an informative topic that coincides, in the text, with the formal, semantic and stylistic-discursive functions. In A Knife All Blade (1955), the noun is analyzed in the perspective of inversions, split in linguistics literature as hiperbaton, anastrophe, and procatalepsis, whereas in Quaderna (1959), the last work of the corpus, I selected nine poems that talk about women, something unusual in Cabrals work, and I focused on the study of the noun as a nuclei of noun phrases linked to prepositional phrases in order to project, in wholeness, the characterization of the referred term, infected by the beliefs and by the eye of the enunciator-poet

Em busca de uma essência poética: a expressividade do substantivo em João Cabral de Melo Neto / In search of a poetic essence: the expressiveness of the noun in João Carlos de Melo Neto

Anderson da Silva Ribeiro 24 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho, ao analisar a expressividade do substantivo em João Cabral de Melo Neto, objetiva contribuir para um ensino produtivo de língua materna ao conceber a gramática concretizada em textos. O substantivo, visto pela tradição gramatical dentro dos limites da morfologia e da sintaxe, passa a ser resgatado como elemento responsável e criador de uma cadeia referencial ao construir um determinado objeto de discurso conforme postulam os pressupostos da Linguística Textual. Sirvo-me disso para redimensionar a análise estilística a que me propus, observando a classe em questão, sobretudo, como fator estético responsável pela dicção nua e expressiva sobre a qual se debruçou o poeta. No labor de seu fazer poético, esteve avesso ao comum do gênero poesia: o apreço pela rima e pela musicalidade, a exploração de conotações abstratas, a imersão pelo interior, o ritmo métrico, a autoconfissão marcada pelo emprego da primeira pessoa do singular. Ao se distanciar de tal perspectiva, Cabral ganha notoriedade entre os modernistas atentos à liberdade de pensamento e expressão artística, bem como entre os poucos poetas brasileiros que conseguiram atingir singularidade ao produzir uma estética baseada no menos e na subtração das formas linguísticas, privilegiando um léxico mais concreto na fronteira com o abstrato, a opção pela macroestrutura descritiva na materialização da realidade exterior e a imersão pelo ritmo sintático sobreposto às sílabas métricas no rompimento entre as fronteiras da poesia e da prosa. Diante de tantos aspectos, detive-me na morfossintaxe do substantivo como recurso largamente aproveitado na tradução do pensamento obsessivo acerca dos canaviais pernambucanos e de bailadoras espanholas. Em O cão sem plumas (1950), privilegiei a figura do sujeito na condição de tópico informacional que coincide, no texto, com as funções formal, semântica e estilístico-discursiva. Em Uma faca só lâmina (1955), o substantivo é analisado sob a perspectiva das inversões, desmembrada na literatura linguística como hipérbato, anástrofe, sínquise e prolepse. Já em Quaderna (1959), última obra do corpus, selecionei oito poemas que tratam da mulher, algo incomum em Cabral, e dediquei-me ao estudo do substantivo como núcleo de sintagmas nominais ligados a sintagmas preposicionados no intuito de projetar, na inteireza, a caracterização do termo referente, contagiada pelas crenças e pelo olhar do poeta-enunciador / This dissertation, while analyzing the expressiveness of the noun in João Cabral de Melo Netos work, aims to contribute to a productive teaching of the mother tongue when it conceives grammar materialized in texts. The noun, as seen by traditional grammar within the limits of morphology and syntax is now perceived as a creative element of a referential net as it builds a determined discourse object, as postulated by the assumptions of Textual Linguistics. I assume this point of view to put the stylistic analysis into a new perspective. I aimed to develop, observing the word class in question, specially as an aesthetic factor responsible for the expressive naked diction which the poet look into. In his poetic labour, the poet was against the common poetic genre, the appreciation for the rhyme and musicality, the exploration of abstract connotations, the immersion in the individuals self , the metrics, the self-confession stressed by the usage of the first person singular. Getting far from this perspective, Cabral becomes notorious among the modernists that were attentive to the freedom of speech and of thought and to the artistic expression, as well as being one of the few to produce an aesthetics based on the less and on the subtraction of the linguistics forms, focusing on a more concrete lexicus in the border of the abstract, the option for the descriptive macro structure in the materialization of the exterior of reality and the immersion in the syntactic rhythm overlapping the metric syllables in the breakthrough of the frontiers between prose and poetry. All these things considered, I privileged the morphosyntax of the noun as a resource vastly appreciated when translating the obsessive thinking in regards to the sugar cane fields in Pernambuco and Spanish dancers. In A Dog Without Feathers (1950), I privileged the subject as an informative topic that coincides, in the text, with the formal, semantic and stylistic-discursive functions. In A Knife All Blade (1955), the noun is analyzed in the perspective of inversions, split in linguistics literature as hiperbaton, anastrophe, and procatalepsis, whereas in Quaderna (1959), the last work of the corpus, I selected nine poems that talk about women, something unusual in Cabrals work, and I focused on the study of the noun as a nuclei of noun phrases linked to prepositional phrases in order to project, in wholeness, the characterization of the referred term, infected by the beliefs and by the eye of the enunciator-poet

Идеолошки аспекти у критичком и књижевноисторијском сагледавању српске књижевности у 20. веку / Ideološki aspekti u kritičkom i književnoistorijskom sagledavanju srpske književnosti u 20. veku / “Ideological Aspects of the Critical Assessmentof the 20th and Early 21st Century SerbianLiterature

Bulatović Boris 19 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je ukazano na vidove<br />ideolo&scaron;ke recepcije srpske književnosti u 20.<br />veku, pri čemu je najznačajniji istraživački<br />napor bio je usmeren ka uočavanju i analizi<br />ideolo&scaron;kog vida recepcije srpske književnosti<br />od početka 1990-ih godina. Ukazuje se da u<br />značajnom segmentu inostrane akademske<br />kritike srpska književnost biva podvrgavana<br />isključivo političkoj kontekstualizaciji i<br />interpretaciji, te da se motiv za njeno<br />uključivanje u domen akademskog<br />interesovanja nalazi, u značajnom broju<br />primera, potpuno izvan sfere književnosti.<br />Nagla&scaron;eno ideolo&scaron;ko vrednovanje, koje<br />zapostavlja estetske odlike i potencira politička<br />značenja u delima srpske literature, uspostavlja<br />takav horizont očekivanja od srpskih pisaca koji<br />se nalazi u suprotnosti sa očekivanjem ove<br />kritike od vlastitih nacionalnih književnosti (u<br />smislu primarnosti estetske relevantnosti), i &ndash; na primeru srpske književnosti &ndash; afirmi&scaron;e principe</p><p>utilitarističkog pristupa, kao i političke<br />relevantnosti i podobnosti. Na taj način, ova<br />kritika pokazuje odlike koje je čine bliskom<br />rigidnoj komunističkoj matrici i njenim<br />obrascima u nauci o književnosti.</p> / <p>Research in this dissertation is focused on<br />observing and analyzing the ideological aspect<br />of the reception of Serbian literature in 20th<br />century, with the strongest emphasis on the<br />period starting in the 1990s. It is shown that a<br />considerable number of foreign<br />universityreviews of Serbian literature subjected<br />it to exclusively political contextualization and<br />interpretation, and that in many examples the<br />reason for including it in the sphere of academic<br />interest was completely outside the domain of<br />literature. This pronounced ideological<br />assessment that disregards aesthetic features and<br />stresses political importance in works of Serbian<br />literature establishes a level of expectation from<br />Serbian writers that is contrary to the<br />expectations of literary criticism of their own<br />national literature (where precedence is given to<br />aesthetic relevance) and &ndash; using the example of<br />Serbian literature &ndash; recognizes the principles of<br />a utilitarian approach, and political relevancy<br />and suitability. Such literary criticism has<br />characteristics that draw it close to the rigid<br />communist matrix and its forms in the science<br />of literature, and also simulates the position of<br />anti-colonial criticism, presenting Serbian<br />literature as the morally inferior literature of a<br />colonizer.</p>

Loutka a její využití při práci s literárním textem na 1. stupni ZŠ / Using Puppets for Working with a Literary Text on the First Degree of the Elementary School

Vebrová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
In its theoretical part, this thesis deals with possibilities of using puppets at the education process of drama education. It is aimed at the puppets using at literary text working. It sketches relation between a child and a puppet, his or her communication and working with it. It points out puppets using in the other education sphere. This thesis acquaints pupils with basic kinds of puppets, a way of their using at the education and it shows possibilities of puppets hand making. This work refers to child fantasy what can help bringing subject around and after that its using is easy. It demonstrates that a puppet can have its own place in drama education lessons which concentrate on literary. The practical part deals of research what is oriented on the drama education lessons which use activities with a puppet and without it. It approaches a child working during a school year and shows progress at his work and in relation to a puppet. The thesis brings the solution how to make it special for school. This work makes puppets importance at the education. Key words: - puppets - education - literary text - drama education - activity - stage process - communication - puppet theatre - working with puppets

Otázky literární hermeneutiky / Issues in Literary Hermeneutics

Válková, Natalia January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to explore the possibility of systematization of the literary hermeneutics as a method of interpretation. Three selective studies focused on the hermeneutic the- ory (namely problem of the language, understanding and textuality) should provide a theoretical and philosophical framework for the interpretative part of this thesis, which is focused on interpretation of a literary text, namely Joseph Brodsky's poem Isaac and Abraham. The thesis also explores con- cept of the literary hermeneutics, which stands between phenomenological-ontological hermeneu- tics and methodological-normanative orientated theory of interpretation. Despite the explicit tension between these two attitudes, there is also a space within the literary hermeneutics for their inspira- tional dialog.

A descrição literária e suas construções em torno do adjetivo em frânces / The literary description and its constructions around the adjective in French

Lima, Carmen Rodrigues de 27 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a construção do texto descritivo literário, considerando, em especial, o papel do adjetivo e o seu funcionamento dentro desse modo de organização textual. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa se inscreve no conjunto de reflexões em torno do aspecto linguístico e do literário. Tendo como base o texto descritivo, não se trata de estudar o discurso literário aplicando noções linguísticas, mas de refletir sobre o processo da escritura literária como linguagem que explora os recursos da língua. A perspectiva que permeia este estudo tem por ambição repensar a prática pedagógica em aulas de língua estrangeira, em específico o francês. Partindo de uma contextualização não exaustiva do texto descritivo literário, desde a tradição a movimentos literários, a pesquisa visa ao exame dos limites do texto descritivo, considerando, sobretudo, sua relação com o modo narrativo. O trabalho interroga sobre a possibilidade de se estabelecer fronteiras entre os dois modos e sobre a existência de parâmetros linguísticos, discursivos e estéticos que permitem determinálos: Afora os procedimentos que configuram o ato de descrever, como devem ser tratadas as questões tidas como decisivas nesse processo, como a subjetividade, os efeitos de realidade e de ficção? A hipótese que norteia a pesquisa é a de que, inicialmente, existe um conjunto de marcas linguísticas, a exemplo do adjetivo, que, combinadas, constituem o modo descritivo e permitem sua caracterização. Assim, no primeiro capítulo, além de leituras críticas de textos que versam sobre a temática em questão, desenvolvem-se ainda alguns conceitos que estão ligados intrinsecamente à construção do texto descritivo, entre eles a isotopia e a focalização. A fim de observar a elaboração de uma sequência descritiva e o funcionamento do adjetivo como parte desse processo, o segundo capítulo propõe a análise de um corpus, constituído pelos contos Le curé de Cucugnan, de Alphonse Daudet, e La montagne du dieu vivant, de Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, e pela novela La maison du chat-qui-pelote, de Honoré de Balzac. Na análise da sequência, observa-se o processo que envolve a construção e a encenação descritiva no corpus. Quanto à análise do adjetivo, examina-se o processo de adjetivação como forma de exposição da subjetividade. O terceiro capítulo se apoia em uma perspectiva pedagógica que discute a importância da didática no ensino-aprendizagem de língua e de literatura estrangeira e apresenta exercícios que visam à leitura e à produção de textos de natureza descritiva. Os resultados apontados no trabalho possibilitam por meio da análise do corpus uma reflexão mais particularizada de aspectos relacionados à descrição literária e ao papel do adjetivo nesse contexto. Especialmente em relação à construção de uma sequência descritiva, observam-se questões que, aparentemente, são consideradas menos importantes, mas que, ao contrário, exigem certo domínio de propriedades linguísticodiscursivas que contribuem para a elaboração desse tipo de sequência, como, por exemplo a fronteira entre o descritivo e o narrativo. Além disso, o trabalho permite ainda a elaboração de uma proposta de exercícios, a título de exemplo prático. / The aim of this work is to study the construction of the descriptive literary text, particularly considering the role of the adjective and its operation within this textual organization mode. In this sense, the present research is inserted in reflections around the linguistic and literary aspects. Based on the descriptive text, it is not the aim here to study the literary discourse applying linguistic notions, it is the intend to reflect upon the literary writing as language which explores the resources of the language. The perspective that permeates this study aims at rethink the pedagogical practice in foreign language lessons, more specifically in French language. Departing from a non exhaustive contextualization of the descriptive literary text, from tradition to literary movements, the research aims at examining the limits of the descriptive text, considering its relation with the narrative mode. The work questions about the possibility of establishing boundaries between the two modes, and about the existence of linguistic, discursive and esthetic parameters which permit to determine them. Aside from the proceedings that configure the act of writing, how should be treated the decisive questions in this process, like the subjectivity, the reality and the fiction effects? The hypothesis here is that, initially, there exist a group of linguistic marks (see the adjective as example), that, in combination, constitute the descriptive mode and permit its characterization. Thus, in the first chapter, besides the readings upon the theme, it also elaborates on some concepts which are intrinsically linked to the construction of the descriptive text, among them are the isotopy and the focalization. Aiming at observing a descriptive sequence, and the operation of the adjective as part of this process, the second chapter proposes the analyses of a corpus, constituted by the tales of Le curé de Cucugnan, by Alphonse Daudet, and La montagne du dieu vivant, by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, and by the romance La maison du chat qui pelote, by Honoré de Balzac. In the analyses of the sequence, it is observed the process that involves the construction and the descriptive staging in the corpus. Concerning to the analysis of the adjective, it is examined the adjectival process as a form of the exposition of the subjectivity. The third chapter is based on pedagogical perspective which discusses the importance of the didactic in the teaching-learning of foreign language and literature, and presents exercises that aims at the reading and production of descriptive texts. The results from the research make feasible a more peculiar reflection of the aspects related to the literary description, as well as the role of the adjectives in this context. Concerning to the construction of a descriptive sequence, it is possible to observe issues that, at first sight, are considered of less importance, but that actually demand a domain of linguistic-discursive properties that contribute to the elaboration of this kind of sequence, the boundary between the descriptive and the narrative for instance. Besides that, the work still allows the elaboration of exercises in a more practical way.

O texto literário em aula de Francês Língua Estrangeira (FLE) / The literary text in the scope of French as foreign language teaching (FLE)

Mariz, Josilene Pinheiro 14 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a importância do texto literário (TL) no âmbito do ensino de línguas estrangeiras e, em particular, do francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Na primeira parte, elaborou-se uma síntese histórica sobre a evolução desse ensino através dos tempos, bem como uma análise da presença do TL em manuais de FLE. Percebeu-se que, tradicionalmente, do mesmo modo que a aprendizagem da língua francesa esteve associada às elites intelectuais, a da literatura sempre foi reservada aos alunos com um maior nível de conhecimento lingüístico, sendo algo inacessível a principiantes. Para verificar a hipótese de que essa prática se reproduz em sala de aula, foi realizada uma sondagem entre alunos e professores de FLE em Universidades Federais do Nordeste do Brasil sobre a abordagem do TL em aula de língua / literatura francesa, apontando para a realidade distante do tratamento unificado entre a língua e a literatura. Esse perfil é ponto inicial para o aprofundamento da fundamentação teórica, feita na segunda parte, de maneira a elaborar uma proposta de abordagem do TL em FLE para iniciantes, ou seja, sem sacralização nem banalização desse tipo de narrativa. Foram evidenciadas correntes da crítica literária, favorecendo outras possibilidades de leitura. Destacaram-se, ainda, noções de isotopia e intertextualidade, e situou-se a cena enunciativa no contexto literário para uma melhor compreensão desse texto. Na terceira parte desta tese, apresentou-se um exemplo de TL trabalhado em uma situação real de ensino de língua francesa no Brasil. Experiências didáticas foram realizadas com quatro grupos de alunos iniciantes em FLE do curso de extensão e um da graduação de Letras / Francês da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. O corpus é constituído de contos, narrativas curtas integrais. Para essas experiências didáticas, foram elaborados dossiês com: um quadro de compreensão geral; exercícios sobre as competências de compreensão, expressão e intercultural; informações necessárias para melhor entendimento de cada conto, além de questões sobre a relação entre língua e literatura. Observou-se que a abordagem do TL em aula de FLE para iniciantes é um trabalho possível e necessário não somente para dinamizar a aprendizagem de outro idioma, mas, sobretudo, para contribuir para a apreensão / construção dos sentidos, conduzindo o leitor aprendiz ao prazer do texto. / This work discusses the importance of the literary text in the scope of foreign language teaching and, in particular, French as a foreign language (FFL). First, we prepared a historical summary on the evolution of FFL throughout the years plus an analysis of the literary text in FFL textbooks. We perceived that, traditionally, in the same way as the French language learning has been associated with the intellectual elite, literature has always been reserved to learners who have a higher linguistic level, making it something inaccessible to beginners. Aiming at verifying the hypothesis that such practice reproduces itself in the classroom, we conducted a survey among learners and teachers of FFL at Federal Universities in the northeast of Brazil regarding the approach to the literary text (LT) in the French language/literature class. We were able to notice, as a whole, that the classroom reality is still far from a unified treatment between language and literature. As we visualize this profile, we deepen the theoretical background so as to put forward a proposal for an ideal approach to the LT in the FFL classroom for beginners, without enshrining or vulgarizing this kind of narrative. In this second part, too, we highlight notes about literary critique currents which can leave room for other readings. As a sequence for the theoretical background, we present notions about isotopy and intertextuality, and we even place the enunciative scene in the literary context, something which is of great value for a better understanding of such text. In the third and last part of this thesis, we present an example of how the LT can be tackled in a real situation of French language teaching in Brazil. We performed didactic experiments with four groups of beginners in the four-skill course and one group in the graduation course of Letters (French language) at the Federal University of Campina Grande. Our corpus is composed of short-stories, because they enable the contact with the whole work. To serve as tools used in these didactic experiments, we prepared files which contained: an overall comprehension chart; exercises on comprehension, expression and intercultural competencies; necessary information for a better understanding of each short-story, as well as some questions about the relationship between language and literature. After these didactic experiments, it is possible to state that working with the LT in the FFL classroom with beginners it is possible and necessary, not only to make FL learning dynamic but above all contribute to the apprehension / construction of the senses and to get the pleasure of the text.

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