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Vers une meilleure estimation des stocks de carbone dans les forêts exploitées à Diptérocarpées de Bornéo / Towards better estimates of carbon stocks in Bornean logged-over Dipterocarp forestsRozak, Andes 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les forêts tropicales constituent le principal réservoir de biodiversité et de carbone (C). Cependant, la plupart des forêts tropicales, en particulier les forêts de Bornéo en Asie du Sud-Est, subissent une pression intense et sont menacées par des activités anthropiques telles que l'exploitation forestière, l'industrie minière l’agriculture et la conversion en plantations industrielles. En 2010, la superficie des forêts de production de Bornéo était de 26,8 millions d’ha (environ 36% de la superficie totale de l’île, dont 18 millions ha (environ 24%) déjà exploités. Par conséquent, les forêts de production occupent donc une place importante à Bornéo et jouent un rôle essentiel dans la compensation des biens fournis et la maintenance des services écosystémiques, tels que la conservation du C et de la biodiversité.L’exploitation sélective réduit la biomasse aérienne et souterraine par l’élimination de quelques grands arbres, et augmente les stocks de bois mort par des dommages collatéraux. En créant des trouées dans la canopée, le microclimat dans les sous-étages et au sol change localement et accélèrent la décomposition de la litière et de la matière organique. L'importance des dégâts, de l'ouverture de la canopée et de la rapidité du rétablissement du C s'est avéré principalement liée à l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière. Cependant, les évaluations empiriques de l'effet à long terme de l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière sur l'équilibre du C dans les forêts de production restent rares.La présente thèse se concentre principalement sur l'évaluation de l'effet à long terme de l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière sur la séquestration de carbone dans une forêt à Diptérocarpées de Nord Bornéo (District de Malinau, Kalimantan Nord) exploitée en 1999/2000. Cinq principaux réservoirs de C, à savoir le C aérien dans les arbres vivants (AGC), le C souterrain dans les arbres vivants (BGC), le bois mort, la litière et le C organique du sol (SOC) ont été estimés le long d’un gradient d'intensité d'exploitation (0-57% de la biomasse perdue).Nos résultats ont montré que les stocks totaux de C, 16 ans après l'exploitation, variaient de 218 à 554 Mg C ha-1 avec une moyenne de 314 Mg C ha-1. Une différence de 95 Mg C ha-1 a été observée entre une faible intensité d'exploitation forestière (<2,1% de la biomasse initiale perdue) et une intensité d'exploitation élevée (>19%). La plus grande partie du C (environ 77%) était présente dans les arbres vivants, suivie par les stocks du sol (15%), les stocks de bois mort (6%) et une fraction mineure des stocks de litière (1%). L'empreinte de l'intensité de l'exploitation forestière était encore détectable 16 ans après l'exploitation et a été le principal facteur expliquant la réduction des AGC>20, BGC>20, du bois mort et des stocks de C et une augmentation du bois mort. L'intensité de l'exploitation expliquait à elle seule 61%, 63%, 38% et 48% des variations des AGC>20, BGC>20, du bois mort et des stocks de C totaux, respectivement. L'intensité de l'abattage a également réduit considérablement les stocks de SOC dans la couche supérieure de 30 cm. Pour l'ensemble des stocks de SOC (0-100 cm), l'influence de l'intensité de l'exploitation était encore perceptible, en conjonction avec d'autres variables.Nos résultats quantifient l'effet à long terme de l'exploitation forestière sur les stocks de C forestier, en particulier sur les AGC et les bois morts. L'intensité élevée de l'exploitation forestière (réduction de 50% de la biomasse initiale) a réduit les stocks totaux de C de 27%. La récupération de l'AGC était plus faible dans les parcelles d'intensité d'exploitation forestière élevée, ce qui suggère une résilience plus faible de la forêt à l'exploitation forestière. Par conséquent, une intensité d'exploitation forestière inférieure à 20%, devrait être envisagé afin de limiter l'effet à long terme sur les AGC et le bois mort. / Tropical forests are a major reservoir of biodiversity and carbon (C), playing a pivotal role in global ecosystem function and climate regulation. However, most of the tropical forests, especially Bornean forests in Southeast Asia, are under intense pressure and threatened by anthropogenic activities such as logging, mining industry, agriculture and conversion to industrial plantation. In 2010, the area of production forests in Borneo was 26.8 million ha (approx. 36% of the total land area of Borneo) including 18 million ha (approx. 24%) of logged forests. Production forests are thus emerging as a dominant land-use, playing a crucial role in trading-off provision of goods and maintenance of ecosystem services, such as C and biodiversity retention.Selective logging is known to reduce both above- and below-ground biomass through the removal of a few large trees, while increasing deadwood stocks through collateral damages. By creating large gaps in the canopy, microclimates in the understory and on the forest floor change locally speeding up the decomposition of litter and organic matter. The extent of incidental damages, canopy openness, as well as the speed of C recovery, was shown to be primarily related to logging intensity. However, empirical evaluations of the long-term effect of logging intensity on C balance in production forests remain rare.The present thesis aims to assess the long-term effect of logging intensity on C sequestration in a north Bornean Dipterocarp forests (Malinau District, North Kalimantan) logged in 1999/2000. Five main C pools, namely above-ground (AGC) and below-ground (BGC) carbon in living trees, deadwood, litter, and soil organic carbon (SOC) were estimated along a logging intensity gradient (ranging from 0 to 57% of initial biomass removed).Our result showed that total C stocks 16 years after logging, ranged from 218-554 Mg C ha-1 with an average of 314 Mg C ha-1. A difference of 95 Mg C ha-1 was found between low logging intensity (<2.1% of initial biomass lost) and high logging intensity (>19%). Most C (approx. 77%) was found in living trees, followed by soil (15%), deadwood (6%), and a minor fraction in litter (1%). The imprint of logging intensity was still detectable 16 years after logging, and logging intensity thus was the main driver explaining the reduction of AGC>20, BGC>20, deadwood, and total C stocks and an increase in deadwood. Solely, logging intensity explained 61%, 63%, 38%, and 48% of variations of AGC>20, BGC>20, deadwood, and total C stocks, respectively. Logging intensity also significantly reduced SOC stocks in the upper 30 cm layer. For total SOC stocks (0-100 cm), the negative influence of logging intensity was still perceptible, being significant in conjunction with other variables.Our results quantify the long-term effect of logging on forest C stocks, especially on AGC and deadwood. High logging intensity (50% reduction of initial biomass) reduced total C stocks by 27%. AGC recovery was lower in high logging intensity plots, suggesting lowered forest resilience to logging. Our study showed that maintaining logging intensity, below 20% of the initial biomass, limit the long-term effect of logging on AGC and deadwood stocks.
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Source, transfert et devenir des microplastiques (MPs) en mer Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale / Source, transfer and future of microplastics (mp) in the North-West Mediterranean SeaConstant, Mel 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les déchets plastiques et les produits issus de leurs fragmentations (microplastiques ou « MP », <5mm) représentent une menace globale et persistante pour l'ensemble des écosystèmes marins, du fait de leur facilité d'ingestion par une grande diversité d'espèces marines. La mer Méditerranée, de part sa nature semi-fermée et son littoral anthropisé, est très impactée par cette pollution. Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux comprendre l'origine et le devenir des MP en mer, et ce, par la mise en place d'une stratégie d’échantillonnage le long du continuum terre-mer, i.e. des sources continentales aux récepteurs marins finaux. Cette approche holistique a été appliquée à l'échelle locale du golfe du Lion (Nord-Ouest de la Méditerranée) à l’ensemble des compartiments côtiers. Les MP ont été retrouvés dans toutes les matrices étudiées (eau, sédiment, dépôtatmosphérique et tissus biologiques) dans des quantités très variables à la fois dans les compartiments et entre les compartiments. Aucune sélection qualitative (forme, taille, polymère et couleur) majeure ne semble s'opérer lors du transfert des MP d'un compartiment à l'autre, et la majorité des MP sont des fibres. Quantitativement, la concentration des MP varie à des échelles temporelles et spatiales très courtes (<1 heure et <1 kilomètre). Si aucune relation claire entre les concentrations en MP et les forçages environnementaux (e.g. précipitation, débit des fleuves, vents, etc.) n'a été observée, les événements de précipitation semblent influencer grandement les quantités de MP transférées entre les compartiments. En extrapolant nos résultats aux bassins-versants du golfe du Lion, 30 ± 20 tonnes de MP se déposeraient via l'atmosphère sur les zones urbainescôtières et 7 ± 10 tonnes de MP seraient transportées par les fleuves vers la Méditerranée, chaque année. L'extrapolation des quantités de MP dans les compartiments marins, semble indiquer que la surface de la mer et les plages ne sont que des compartiments transitoires (< 1 tonne), tandis que les sédiments et la colonne d'eau sont potentiellement plus impactés (jusqu'à 350 tonnes pour les sédiments). De nouvelles données sont nécessaires pour la colonne d'eau et les sédiments pourconfirmer cette hypothèse, mais les résultats laissent penser qu'ils pourraient avoir un rôle majeur dans le stockage des MP. / Anthropogenic litter, particularly plastic litter and their fragments (microplastics or “MPs”; < 5 mm) represent a highly pervasive and persistent global threat to marine ecosystems, as they can be ingested by a wide range of marine species. As a landlocked sea with a high population density, the Mediterranean Sea is highly exposed to marine litter pollution. This thesis aims tounderstand the origin and the future of marine MPs thanks to a holistic approach from terrestrial sources to marine sinks. This strategy was applied at the regional scale of the Gulf of Lion (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) on all coastal compartments. MPs were observed in every studied matrices (water, sediment, atmospheric fallout) with a high variability within and betweenthe different compartments. No significant qualitative trend seems to occur during the transfer of MPs between compartments and fibers were the most abundant shape found in samples. MP concentrations changed at a short spatial and temporal scale (< 1 hour and < 1 kilometer), overlaying other variabilities (i.e. seasonal or between sites). If no obvious relationship betweenexternal forcing (e.g. precipitations, river flow rates, winds) and MP concentrations was observed, rainfall events seemed to have an important impact on the amount of MPs transferred into the sea. Extrapolating our results to the whole Gulf of Lion watersheds, 30 ± 20 tons of MPs would settle on urban areas and 7 ± 10 tons would be supplied by rivers into the Mediterranean Sea every year. The extrapolation of MP quantities within marine environments seems to indicate that the sea surface and beaches are only transitory compartments (<1 ton) whereas sea floor and water column couldbe more impacted (up to 350 tons for marine sediment). New data on water column and marine sediments are needed to confirm this hypothesis, but those results suggest that both latter compartments could be major sinks for marine MPs.
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Avaliação do bem-estar de aves poedeiras em diferentes sistemas de produção e condições ambientais, utilizando análise de imagens. / Welfare evaluation by image analysis of laying hens in different housing systems and environmental conditions.Barbosa Filho, José Antonio Delfino 03 February 2005 (has links)
A utilização de sistemas de bateria de gaiolas é assunto de grande polêmica nos países da Europa, sendo que a maior preocupação com o uso de gaiolas se dá quanto ao espaço oferecido às aves poedeiras, o qual certamente afeta seu bem-estar. Sendo assim este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar os aspectos relacionados ao comportamento e bem-estar das aves, comparando o sistema de criação convencional (bateria de gaiolas) com um sistema de criação em cama, ninho e poleiro, bem como avaliar a influencia das condições ambientais (estresse e conforto) na qualidade final dos ovos, associando técnicas da zootecnia de precisão (análise de imagens), para avaliar as respostas comportamentais das diferentes linhagens nas diferentes condições. Dois grupos de 20 aves (10 Hy-line W36 e 10 Hy-line Brown) em inicio de postura foram submetidas a duas condições ambientais durante duas semanas consecutivas (26°C e 60% UR e 35°C e 70%UR), sendo também submetidas a dois sistemas de criação (bateria de gaiolas e cama). Durante o período de avaliação um sistema de câmeras de vídeo registrava o comportamento das aves. Os ovos produzidos durante todo o período da pesquisa foram avaliados pela análise dos seguintes parâmetros de qualidade: peso do ovo, espessura da casca, gravidade especifica, unidades Haugh, além de análise da colorimetria da gema, porosidade da casca e análises microbiológicas, para a verificação de uma possível ocorrência de contaminação por Salmonella sp na gema e casca dos ovos. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma redução significativa (P<0,05) nos parâmetros de qualidade do ovo para a condição de estresse térmico, principalmente para o sistema de criação em gaiolas. Quanto as análises de comportamento, o sistema de criação em cama proporcionou a expressão de todos os comportamentos naturais e de conforto das aves, favorecendo assim melhores condições de bem-estar. Para o sistema de criação convencional (gaiolas) foi possível verificar que mesmo sem nenhuma condição, as aves ainda tentavam executar seus comportamentos naturais, sendo que a impossibilidade de expressarem estes comportamentos certamente agravou a condição de estresse provocada por este sistema de criação. Pela análise dos dois sistemas de criação e das duas condições ambientais a linhagem Hy-Line W36. foi a que obteve um melhor desempenho. / The battery cage system is a very polemic issue in European countries, being the most commonly raised concerns focused on the spatial restrictions of the hens, which might compromise important comfort movements affecting their welfare conditions. This work aimed to evaluate aspects related to behavior and welfare of hens comparing a conventional housing system (laying cages in battery) with another system using litter, lair and roost. In addition, the effects of environmental conditions (stress or comfort) on final egg quality and behavior responses (analyzed by precision techniques) were evaluated in different laying hen lines. Two groups of 20 birds (10 Hyline W36 and 10 Hy-line Brown) at the beginning of production phase were submitted to two environmental conditions (26°C with 60% RU or 35°C with 70% RU) and two housing systems (cages in battery or litter) during two consecutive weeks. During the evaluation period, bird behaviors were recorded by video cameras. Total egg production was analyzed according to egg weight, shell thickness, specific gravidity, Haugh unit, yolk colorimetric parameters and shell porosity. Eggs were microbiologically analyzed in order to detect Salmonella sp contamination in yolk and eggshell. A significant (P<0.05) reduction in quality parameters was observed in eggs from laying hens raised under heat stress, mainly in those from laying cage system. In relation to behavior, the housing system in litters proportioned the expression of all natural behaviors and those related to bird comfort, which permitted to improve welfare conditions. In conventional system (laying cages) was verified that birds tried to manifest their natural behavior in spite of lacking condition for it. This impossibility for executing natural behaviors promoted an increase of stress provoked by the housing system. Analyzing both systems and environmental conditions, hens from Hy-Line W36 showed the better performances.
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Desenvolvimento de substrato supressivo à murcha do crisântemo causada por Fusarium oxysporum /Pinto, Zayame Vegette, 1977- January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Wagner Bettiol / Banca: Edson Luiz Furtado / Banca: Marcelo Augusto Boechat Morandi / Banca : Nelson Sdney Massola Júnior / Banca: Flávia Rodrigues Alves Patrício / Resumo: A murcha de Fusarium spp. em crisântemo é responsável por sérios prejuízos à cultura no Brasil. Uma alternativa para o seu controle é o uso de substrato supressivo, o qual pode ser obtido pela adição de fontes de matérias orgânicas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um substrato supressivo à murcha do Fusarium em crisântemo com a introdução de matéria orgânica em substratos comerciais. Para tanto, lodo de esgoto e lodo de esgoto compostado; torta de mamona; esterco suíno; cama aviária; compostos comerciais Lanzi®; casca de camarão, biofertilizante e hidrolisado de peixe foram incorporados a substratos à base de casca de Pinus e de turfa em diferentes concentrações e combinações. Os experimentos foram realizados em propriedade produtora de crisântemo Bola-belga com problemas de Fusarium. Em todos os experimentos o número mínimo de repetições foi de 20 vasos por tratamento. Transcorridas 8, 12, 15 e 20 semanas do transplantio foi avaliada a severidade da doença por uma escala de notas de 0 para planta sadia a 5 para planta morta. Com os dados foram calculadas as áreas abaixo da curva de progresso da severidade da murcha de Fusarium. Além disso, foram realizadas análises dos atributos químicos e da atividade microbiana dos substratos bem como do desenvolvimento das plantas. O lodo de esgoto, lodo de esgoto compostado, cama aviária, casca de camarão e o composto Lanzi® induziram a supressividade do substrato à base de casca se Pinus e/ou de turfa, controlando a murcha de Fusarium. Por outro lado, esterco suíno, torta de mamona, hidrolisado de peixe, quitosana e Trichoderma asperellum não interferiram na supressividade à doença. Substratos obtidos com lodo de esgoto e cama aviária, em mistura ou não, nas concentrações de 10, 20 e 30% (v/v) foram os mais adequados do ponto de vista de indução de supressividade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Fusarium spp. wilt causes serious damages to chrysanthemum crops in Brazil. An alternative for its control is the use of suppressive plant growth media, which can be obtained by the addition of organic matter to container media. The objective of the present work was to develop a plant growth media suppressive to the Fusarium spp. in chrysanthemum with the introduction of organic matter to commercial container media. Sewage sludge and sewage sludge compost; castorbean presscake, swine manure; poultry litter; shrimp peel, biofertilizer, chitosan and fish hydrolyzed were incorporated to pine-bark and turf container media in different concentrations and combinations. The experiments were conducted in a Belgianchrysanthemum variety producing property with a Fusarium problem. In all experiments the minimum number of repetitions was 20 containers per treatment. Eight, 12, 15 and 20 weeks following transplanting the severity of the disease was evaluated according to a progressive scale from 0 (healthy plant) to 5 (dead plant). Areas under the disease progress curve for disease severity of Fusarium wilt were calculated. Chemical and microbiological attributes of container media and plant development were analyzed. The sewage sludge, sewage sludge compost, poultry litter, shrimp peel and the Lanzi® compost induced the suppressiveness of pine bark and/or turf container media, controlling the wilt. On the other hand, swine manure, castorbean presscake, fish hydrolyzed, chitosan and Trichoderma asperellum did not affect the suppressiveness to the disease. Plant growth media with sewage sludge and poultry litter, in mixture or alone, in the concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% (v/v) were the most appropriate from the point of view of induction of suppressiveness and product quality, being the plant growth media recommended... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Avaliação do bem-estar de aves poedeiras em diferentes sistemas de produção e condições ambientais, utilizando análise de imagens. / Welfare evaluation by image analysis of laying hens in different housing systems and environmental conditions.José Antonio Delfino Barbosa Filho 03 February 2005 (has links)
A utilização de sistemas de bateria de gaiolas é assunto de grande polêmica nos países da Europa, sendo que a maior preocupação com o uso de gaiolas se dá quanto ao espaço oferecido às aves poedeiras, o qual certamente afeta seu bem-estar. Sendo assim este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar os aspectos relacionados ao comportamento e bem-estar das aves, comparando o sistema de criação convencional (bateria de gaiolas) com um sistema de criação em cama, ninho e poleiro, bem como avaliar a influencia das condições ambientais (estresse e conforto) na qualidade final dos ovos, associando técnicas da zootecnia de precisão (análise de imagens), para avaliar as respostas comportamentais das diferentes linhagens nas diferentes condições. Dois grupos de 20 aves (10 Hy-line W36 e 10 Hy-line Brown) em inicio de postura foram submetidas a duas condições ambientais durante duas semanas consecutivas (26°C e 60% UR e 35°C e 70%UR), sendo também submetidas a dois sistemas de criação (bateria de gaiolas e cama). Durante o período de avaliação um sistema de câmeras de vídeo registrava o comportamento das aves. Os ovos produzidos durante todo o período da pesquisa foram avaliados pela análise dos seguintes parâmetros de qualidade: peso do ovo, espessura da casca, gravidade especifica, unidades Haugh, além de análise da colorimetria da gema, porosidade da casca e análises microbiológicas, para a verificação de uma possível ocorrência de contaminação por Salmonella sp na gema e casca dos ovos. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma redução significativa (P<0,05) nos parâmetros de qualidade do ovo para a condição de estresse térmico, principalmente para o sistema de criação em gaiolas. Quanto as análises de comportamento, o sistema de criação em cama proporcionou a expressão de todos os comportamentos naturais e de conforto das aves, favorecendo assim melhores condições de bem-estar. Para o sistema de criação convencional (gaiolas) foi possível verificar que mesmo sem nenhuma condição, as aves ainda tentavam executar seus comportamentos naturais, sendo que a impossibilidade de expressarem estes comportamentos certamente agravou a condição de estresse provocada por este sistema de criação. Pela análise dos dois sistemas de criação e das duas condições ambientais a linhagem Hy-Line W36. foi a que obteve um melhor desempenho. / The battery cage system is a very polemic issue in European countries, being the most commonly raised concerns focused on the spatial restrictions of the hens, which might compromise important comfort movements affecting their welfare conditions. This work aimed to evaluate aspects related to behavior and welfare of hens comparing a conventional housing system (laying cages in battery) with another system using litter, lair and roost. In addition, the effects of environmental conditions (stress or comfort) on final egg quality and behavior responses (analyzed by precision techniques) were evaluated in different laying hen lines. Two groups of 20 birds (10 Hyline W36 and 10 Hy-line Brown) at the beginning of production phase were submitted to two environmental conditions (26°C with 60% RU or 35°C with 70% RU) and two housing systems (cages in battery or litter) during two consecutive weeks. During the evaluation period, bird behaviors were recorded by video cameras. Total egg production was analyzed according to egg weight, shell thickness, specific gravidity, Haugh unit, yolk colorimetric parameters and shell porosity. Eggs were microbiologically analyzed in order to detect Salmonella sp contamination in yolk and eggshell. A significant (P<0.05) reduction in quality parameters was observed in eggs from laying hens raised under heat stress, mainly in those from laying cage system. In relation to behavior, the housing system in litters proportioned the expression of all natural behaviors and those related to bird comfort, which permitted to improve welfare conditions. In conventional system (laying cages) was verified that birds tried to manifest their natural behavior in spite of lacking condition for it. This impossibility for executing natural behaviors promoted an increase of stress provoked by the housing system. Analyzing both systems and environmental conditions, hens from Hy-Line W36 showed the better performances.
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Conditions pour la mise en place durable d’une filière d’assainissement par toilettes sèches à litière bio-maîtrisée dans les zones rurales des pays en développement. Application au contexte haïtien / Conditions for the sustainable establishment of a sanitation system with bio-controlled litter toilets in rural areas of developing countries. Application to the Haitian contextJean, Gaston 21 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à proposer une solution d’assainissement durable, digne, sécurisante, accessible à tous, permettant de réduire les maladies à transmission hydrique, adaptée aux populations vivant dans des conditions précaires en zones rurales de pays en développement. Il contribue ainsi à la lutte contre la défécation à l’air libre, une des cibles de l’Objectif de Développement Durable n°6 concernant l’eau et l’assainissement. Le choix s’est porté sur des toilettes sèches individuelles à litière biomaîtrisée et un mode de gestion communautaire des résidus, en lien avec une association paysanne locale. La mise en place s’est faite avec un accompagnement scientifique qui a donné lieu aux travaux présentés ici. Dans un premier temps, nous avons opéré selon une approche participative, visant à s’assurer de l’adhésion des utilisateurs. Puis nous avons mené un programme scientifique pour identifier les conditions permettant l’hygiénisation des résidus traités. Après 3 ans d’expérimentation, la filière d’assainissement mise en place est totalement adoptée par les ménages, qui apportent régulièrement leurs résidus sur le site de compostage. Une enquête a fait ressortir que les familles sont très satisfaites de ce mode d’assainissement à domicile et se sentent moins sujettes à des maladies féco-orales. Ces ménages se sont constitués en un groupe qui procède à présent à l’appui à la réplication. Les litières absorbantes utilisées, les résidus avant et après traitement par compostage ont été caractérisés. Des essais en pilotes ont permis de déterminer les conditions permettant de garantir une hygiénisation rapide, ce qui était un de nos principaux objectifs, afin de réduire les risques sanitaires. Nous sommes à présent à même de définir les « bonnes pratiques » pour que la filière d’assainissement par toilettes sèches à litière biomaîtrisée dans une zone rurale de pays en développement soit sûre et durable, sur les aspects sociaux, techniques, économiques, environnementaux et sanitaires. / This work aims at proposing a sustainable, dignified, safe, accessible to everyone sanitation solution, allowing to reduce water-borne diseases, adapted to populations living in precarious conditions in rural areas of developing countries. It thus contributes to the fight against open defecation, one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goal n ° 6 concerning water and sanitation. The choice fell on individual dry toilets with biocontrolled litter and a way of community management of residues, in connection with a local peasant association. The implementation was done with a scientific accompaniment which gave rise to the work presented here. Firstly, we operated according to a participatory approach, aiming to ensure the adhesion of the users. Then we conducted a scientific program to identify the conditions allowing the sanitizing of treated residues. After 3 years of experimentation, the sanitation system set up is totally adopted by the households, who regularly bring their residues to the composting site. One survey found that the families are very satisfied with this type of home sanitation and feel less prone to disease. These households have formed into a group that now supports replication of the system. The absorbent litter used, the residues before and after composting were characterized. Pilot tests were conducted to determine conditions to ensure rapid sanitizing, which was one of our main objectives, in order to reduce health risks. We are now in position to assure safe and sustainable practices so that the sanitation by dry biocontrolled litter toilets in rural areas of developing countries satisfy social; technical; economical, environmental and health criteria.
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Water Table and Nutrient Dynamics in Neotropical Savannas and Wetland EcosystemsVillalobos-Vega, Randol 07 May 2010 (has links)
The Tropical savannas of central Brazil (cerrado) and the Everglades wetland (Florida) ecosystems are ideal systems to study landscape spatial mosaics and their interactions. Both ecosystems show a variety of plant physiognomies distributed within small spatial scales and elevation gradients. Such variety of plant physiognomies provide an opportunity to investigate the roles of climate, topography, nutrient availability and water table dynamics as determinants of plant physiognomic distributions, and their role in shaping regional systems. South Florida Wetlands and the tropical savannas of central Brazil are examples of hydrologically-controlled ecosystems. In hydrologically-controlled ecosystems water sources, the availability of nutrients, and the patterns of water movement play important roles in determining vegetation structure and function. The main objective of this study was to understand ecosystem level processes that shape different physiognomies in two hydrologically-controlled ecosystems. I conducted field work at the IBGE ecological reserve, a field experimental station located in Brasilia, Brazil. I also worked at the Everglades National Park in an area located near the south entrance of the Park in Homestead, Florida. I carried out three interconnected studies investigating water and nutrient dynamics: (1) In a Brazilian savanna I manipulated levels of litter input and measured changes to soil properties, organic matter decomposition and tree growth. I found that changes in litter input affect soil physicochemical properties and soil biochemical processes. I also found that litter dynamics influence tree growth through their effects on soil physicochemical properties. (2) I also studied the effect of water table depth and its temporal variation on spatial patterns of vegetation distribution in the cerrado landscape. I monitored diurnal and seasonal changes in water table depth along two tree-density and topographic gradients. In addition, I measured woody species composition, growth rates of four tree species, litter production, soil nutrients, and nutrient resorption efficiency along those two gradients. I found that water table depth has an important role in determining the spatial distribution of cerrado physiognomies; it also affects tree growth, species composition and nutrient resorption efficiency. (3) In the Everglades I studied patterns of underground water uptake by two vegetation types. I monitored seasonal and diurnal changes in water table depth in a Hammock forest, in a stand dominated by the invasive woody species Schinus terebinthifolius, as well as the water level in an adjacent lake. I estimated stand level transpiration using two different approaches: with sap flow measurements and diurnal oscillations in water table levels. Then, I calculated the total quantity of groundwater withdrawn by evapotranspiration for the wet and dry seasons in the Hammocks and in the exotic invaded site and then compared the results. I found that water uptake by Everglades trees is well coupled to diurnal changes in water table depth and that the amount of water withdrawn from the groundwater was larger during the wet season than during the dry season. Finally, I detected hydrological feedbacks between different vegetation types and nearby bodies of water. Results of this study contributes to the current knowledge of ecosystem level processes in tropical and subtropical ecosystems where water circulation and water availability play a dominant role in shaping vegetation structure and function.
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Zu den Auswirkungen experimenteller Waldneugründungs- und Waldumbaumaßnahmen auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna an extrem immissionsgeschädigten Kammlagenstandorten des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen) / Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae; Acari: Oribatida; Insecta: Collembola / Bodenzoologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen / Soil zoological-ecological study / Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae; Acari: Oribatida; Insecta: Collembola / To the influence of experimental reafforestation measures on communities of saprophagous invertebrates at immission damaged Eastern Ore Mountain forest sites (Saxony, Germany)La France, Martin 03 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The effects of reafforestation with seedlings of spruce, birch, mountain-ash, beech and larch, partially in combination with liming and removal of the topsoil layer before planting, on the community of saprophagous invertebrates (lumbricids, enchytraeids, oribatids, collembolans) were examined. The study area was located on plateau sites of the eastern Ore Mountains (Saxonia, Germany). Investigations were carried out on study sites exposed to high sulphur dioxide immissions and reforested 3 respectively 10 years ago. Invertebrates were sampled by the extraction of soil cores and by the ?electro-octett-method? (lumbricids). Additionally, the ?minicontainer method? was used to investigate decomposition rates of different types of litter. On the control area, a diedback spruce stand, the decomposer community showed high adaptations to the acidic soil substrate and was dominated by few enchytraeid species. Long-termed loss of tree shelter, liming and topsoil removal before planting resulted in a severe decline of most saprophagous species. However, changes in invertebrate community pattern due to different plantations were not found. A comparison of leaf and needle litter decomposition rates resulted in the following order: birch (k = 0.50) &gt; mountain-ash (0.40) &gt; spruce (0.30) &gt;&gt; larch (0.12). Considering all investigated taxa, the metabolic decomposing capacity of the larch litter reached 39 %, that the spruce litter 54 % of the foliage litter results. / Anläßlich des kompletten Ausfalls der Fichte in den extrem immissionsbelasteten Kammlagen des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen) wurden im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Verbundprojektes verschiedene Waldbaukonzepte hinsichtlich ihrer Einflüsse auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna (Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae, Oribatida, Collembola) untersucht. Zur Disposition standen Verfahren zur Waldneugründung (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Birke, Eberesche oder Fichte; zusätzlich waldbaulich unbeeinflußte Sukzessionsparzellen) und zum Waldumbau (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Buche oder Lärche nach Abtrieb und flächigem Oberbodenabschub). Ein absterbender Fichtenreinbestand in fortgeschrittener Auflösung diente als Referenz- bzw. Korrelationsmaßstab. Die Erfassung der Mesofauna erfolgte über die Extraktion von Stechrohrproben. Lumbriciden wurden mit der Elektrooktett-Methode aufgenommen. Neben der flächenbezogenen Datenerfassung wurden 1.200 mit Blattstreu von Birke, Eberesche, Fichte und Lärche befüllte Minicontainer über 19 Monate auf einer Sukzessionsparzelle exponiert, um substratspezifische Abbaugeschwindigkeiten zu ermitteln und faunistische Sukzessionsverläufe zu studieren. Die Referenzfläche zeichnete sich durch eine stark enchytraeendominierte Zersetzergemeinschaft aus, die deutliche Anzeichen einer kalkungsbedingten Überprägung erkennen ließ. Der Enchytraeenanteil an den potentiellen Umsatzleistungen der untersuchten Destruententaxa (berechnet über metabolische Äquivalenzwerte) lag bei über 90 %. Hiervon ausgehend zeigten die Zersetzergemeinschaften der Versuchsanlagen &quot;Waldneugründung&quot; und &quot;Waldumbau&quot; stark divergierende Entwicklungsrichtungen. Als ausschlaggebende Faktoren konnten Schirmverlust, Kalkung und Oberbodenbeseitigung wahrscheinlich gemacht werden. Dagegen waren Einflüsse der unterschiedlichen Kulturbaumarten kaum nachzuweisen. Die streuspezifischen Dekompositionsgeschwindigkeiten unterschieden sich wie folgt: Birke (k = 0,50) &gt; Eberesche (0,40) &gt; Fichte (0,30) &gt;&gt; Lärche (0,12). Diese vergleichsweise geringen Abbauraten stehen überwiegend mit dem rauhen Montanklima in Zusammenhang. Enchytraeen besiedelten alle Streutypen zügig, während Collembolen vor allem die Ebereschenstreu verzögert aufsuchten und mit geringster Dichte bevölkerten. Oribatiden zeigten die geringste Besiedlungsgeschwindigkeit und hatten wie die Enchytaeen in der Laubstreu signifikant höhere Wohndichten. Nur Steganacarus spinosus zeigte eine besondere Affinität für Nadelstreu. Das metabolische Leistungspotential des Destruentenbesatzes der Lärchenstreu erreichte 39 %, das der Fichtenstreu 54 % der Laubstreuresultate.
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Effects of a Wetting Agent on the Infiltration Characteristics of a Ponderosa Pine SoilKaplan, Marc G., Zwolinski, Malcolm J. 05 May 1973 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1973 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 4-5, 1973, Tucson, Arizona / An infiltration- wetting agent study, using the wetting agent "WATER-IN", was conducted in the ponderosa pine forest type of east central Arizona. An application rate of 10 gallons of wetting agent per acre was used on bare mineral soil and on ponderosa pine litter. The infiltration rate was measured by a modified North Fork infiltrometer. It was found that "WATER-IN" significantly increased water runoff when applied to litter, but, when applied to bare mineral soil, "WATER-IN" caused a significant increase in water infiltration. The wetting agent did not significantly affect antecedent moisture, soil particle distribution, litter water holding capacity, or litter bulk density. It is presently hypothesized that the increase in water infiltration on treated bare mineral soil is due to a decrease in the average bulk density of the surface inch of soil. The increase in runoff when litter is treated is probably due to an interaction, either physical, chemical, or both, between the humus layer and "WATER-IN ", creating a hydrophobic condition where one did not exist before.
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Einfluß einwandernder Espen (Populus tremuloides) auf den Stickstoffhaushalt nordamerikanischer Prärieökosysteme / Influence of Invading Aspen (Populus tremuloides) on the Nitrogen Cycle of North-American Prairie EcosystemsKöchy, Martin 20 April 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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