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Characterisation and modeling of cattle movements in CameroonMotta, Paolo Roberto January 2017 (has links)
Introduction In sub-Saharan Africa, rapid urbanisation and per capita consumption of animal source foods are expected to accelerate in the short-medium term and to increase the movements of live animals and animal products in the region. In Cameroon, where the livelihood of most of the rural population depends on the agricultural and livestock sector, a wide range of endemic transboundary infectious diseases (TADs) affect livestock production and trade, and have direct detrimental effects on animal, human and environmental health. Livestock mobility represents a central economic activity in the livestock value chain of the country as well as a central strategy of seasonal adaptation to the ecosystem. Livestock movements, however, are also a central driver of infectious diseases dynamics and contacts between livestock populations are major risk factors for disease introduction and circulation. In countries where financial and technical resources are constrained, such as Cameroon, strategic interventions aiming at the surveillance and control of multiple infectious diseases simultaneously are essential for optimising their cost-effectiveness. The overall aim of this study was to apply a methodological framework to contribute to the understanding of cattle movements in Cameroon and of their implications for disease circulation. Methods This project used a variety of epidemiological and statistical methods to characterise cattle movements in the country across different scales. The collection of primary data and information targeted both the formal cattle trade system, across the country, and the informal seasonal transhumance, across the main livestock production areas. Between September 2014 and May 2015 diverse strategies were applied for collecting empirical data and various data sources from multiple Regions of the country were combined. Cattle trade in Cameroon mainly occurs via multiple trading points owned and managed either by the veterinary authorities or the municipalities. A total of 62 livestock markets, and the relevant offices of the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Products (MINEPIA), were targeted for collecting official data on cattle trade referring to a 12-month period ranging between September 2013 and August 2014. Additionally, a questionnaire-based survey with the various livestock markets stakeholders (herders, traders, butchers and veterinary officials) was carried out to collect a variety of information on the cattle market system. During this 9-month period of field work, data on cattle seasonal transhumance were simultaneously collected using a combination of GPS-tracking technology and questionnaire-based survey. Results Volumes of cattle trade, the type of traded animals and their commercial values varied over the year and across the Regions of the country included in this study. Nevertheless, the market supply of live cattle showed similar temporal trends over the year and across the Regions. Although for almost the entire study area the peak of traded animals in the market system was in December 2013, the trade volume was consistently higher during the rainy season (May to September). On the contrary, the reduction in the trade volume during the dry season was accompanied by an opposite trend in the cattle price, with their commercial value being higher during the dry season. Furthermore, a cattle price differential was highlighted between production Regions and high consumption Regions of the country. The highest volume of cattle trade was recorded in the Adamawa Region, which was the main source of cattle for the country while also receiving animals from neighbouring countries, such as Chad and Central African Republic. In contrast, major urban markets in the Littoral and Central Regions were the main receivers of cattle originating from almost all the other areas of the country. Interestingly, the North-West Region appeared to be more independent and isolated within the cattle trade network of Cameroon, particularly receiving few animals from other Regions. Importantly, there was little variation in the structural characteristics of the cattle trade network as well as in its properties across seasons, showing that, despite the seasonality in traded numbers, the network of cattle moving between markets in Cameroon is very stable. This consistent structure of the network over the year increases the robustness of strategic targeted interventions. We found that targeting the top 20% of the most connected markets would significantly reduce the network cohesiveness providing opportunities for strategic disease surveillance, communication and risk mitigation interventions. The centrality of the market within the trading network was also found to be positively associated with the price of live cattle, which tended to be heavily affected by phenotypic characteristics of the traded cattle. The seasonal cattle transhumance has been found as a common and widespread practice for herders attending the market system across whole the study area, highlighting the close relation between formal trading movements and informal pastoral movements across the country. Transhumant herds were observed to undertake migrations across multiple Regions for period exceeding 6 months and showing the potential for multiple types of interactions with domestic and wild animals. Discussion Multiple livestock infectious diseases were identified as being related to the cattle trade system. As neighbouring and non-neighbouring countries were found to be epidemiologically connected it is clear that national strategies for surveillance and control are likely to have limited effectiveness. Regional coordination for designing and implementing prevention and mitigation strategies against infectious diseases is essential to improve animal health also at national level. This study highlights the opportunity for strategic surveillance, control and communication interventions targeting key livestock markets and Regions of Cameroon. Live cattle price and centrality of markets, represented by their connectedness within the trading network, highlights the need to further investigate the links between economic factors and drivers of disease dynamics, such as livestock movements. The complexity of cattle movements in this context was further evidenced by the seasonal transhumance representing an established common mechanism for managing livestock, and closely interacting with the formal trading system as well as with other domestic and wild animal populations. Better data collection and analysis of livestock movements is required for improving the effectiveness of surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Although animal identification and registration systems would represent an ideal step for increasing traceability of cattle movements, enhancing animal health management and the overall competitiveness of the livestock industry, in the short-term a cost-effective intervention should aim at further developing the current data recording and management systems. Pastoralism, for long seen as an economic and environmental activity with little future, also needs to be acknowledged as a key component of the livestock production system in the country and to be considered accordingly in the management of infectious diseases.
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Plantas Tóxicas de interesse pecuário provocam sérios prejuízos aos produtores em todo o mundo. No Brasil essas plantas também causam prejuízos relevantes aos pecuaristas. / Toxic Plants of interest cause serious damage to livestock producers worldwide. In Brazil these plants also cause material losses to ranchers. ItsGeraldo Neto, Severino Antonio 31 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-31 / Its economic importance is due to the death of animals, decreased production and high cost control measures and prophylaxis. and lack of data on the frequency of animals mortality by regions, has hindered define the economic impact that these have been causing in the country. Therefore, this work aimed to determine the poisonous plants species and the poisonings promoted by them in 35 cities from Central and West regions of Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. The study was conducted at micro-regions of Macau, Angicos and Serra de Santana from Central region, constituted by 20 cities; and at micro-regions
of Mossoró and Vale do Assú from West region, constituted by 15 cities. It were visited all the cities, and veterinarians, agronomists, agriculture experts and farmers were interviewed using three forms. Data obtained in the interviews were compiled and analyzed using the software Epi Info version 6.04. From the 217 interviews done in this
study, it was reported 1,483 outbreaks of poisoning by plants with proven toxicity. The plant species responsible by greater number of poisoning outbreaks were Ipomoea
asarifolia (308 outbreaks), Aspidosperma pyrifolium (285 outbreaks), Indigofera suffruticosa (189 outbreaks), Manihot carthaginensis subsp. glaziovii (153 outbreaks),
and Amorimia rigida (87 outbreaks). The other plant species with proven toxicity pointed as responsible by poisonings were Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil,
Cnidoscolus quercifolius, Crotalaria retusa, Froelichia humboldtiana, Ipomoea carnea, Leucaena leucocephala, Marsdenia megalantha, Manihot esculenta, Mimosa tenuiflora,
Nerium oleander, Plumbago scandens, Prosopis juliflora, Ricinus communis, Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum halepense, Tephrosia cinerea , and Urochloa (Brachiaria) decumbens. / A sua importância econômica se deve a morte de animais,
diminuição da produção e alto custo com medidas de controle e profilaxia. A falta de dados sobre a frequência da mortalidade de animais por regiões tem dificultado definir o impacto econômico que estas vêm causando no país. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as plantas tóxicas e as intoxicações por elas causadas em 35 municípios das mesorregiões Central e Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Norte. O trabalho foi realizado nas microrregiões de Macau, Angicos e Serra de Santana pertencentes à mesorregião Central Potiguar do RN, sendo estas formadas por 20 municípios; e nas microrregiões de Mossoró e Vale do Assú pertencentes à Mesorregião
Oeste Potiguar do RN, sendo estas formadas por 15 municípios. Foram realizadas entrevistas com médicos veterinários, agrônomos, técnicos agrícolas e produtores em todos os municípios com a aplicação de três questionários. Os dados obtidos nas entrevistas foram compilados e analisados com auxílio do programa Epi Info versão 6.04. Nas 217 entrevistas feitas neste estudo, foram relatados 1.483 surtos de
intoxicação por plantas comprovadamente tóxicas. As plantas responsáveis pela maior quantidade de surtos de intoxicação foram Ipomoea asarifolia com 308 surtos (20,77%),
Aspidosperma pyrifolium com 285 surtos (19,22%), Indigofera suffruticosa com 189 surtos (12,74%), Manihot carthaginensis subsp. glaziovii com 153 surtos (10,32%) e
Amorimia rigida com 87 surtos (5,87%). Outras plantas comprovadamente tóxicas responsáveis por intoxicações foram Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Cnidoscolus
quercifolius, Crotalaria retusa, Froelichia humboldtiana, Ipomoea carnea, Leucaena leucocephala, Marsdenia megalantha, Manihot esculenta, Mimosa tenuiflora, Nerium
oleander, Plumbago scandens, Prosopis juliflora, Ricinus communis, Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum halepense, Tephrosia cinerea e Urochloa (Brachiaria) decumbens.
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Determinantes da expansão da bovinocultura na Amazônia Legal Mato-Grossense / The determinants of cattle herd expansion in the brazilian legal Amazon (Mato Grosso state)Gianezini, Miguelangelo January 2012 (has links)
O atendimento a crescente demanda mundial por alimentos tornou-se um desafio para os setores produtivos, ao passo que a distribuição igualitária desta produção é uma das preocupações latentes da sociedade contemporânea. Neste sentido, a intensificação da produção de origem vegetal tem se destacado, amparada pelo investimento em pesquisa e tecnologia. Por outro lado, ainda há possibilidades para o aumento da produção de alimentos de origem animal, seja pela diversificação produtiva em consórcio com outras atividades, seja pela intensificação em áreas cada vez mais restritas pelas mudanças climáticas e pressões ambientais. Considerando que este é o cenário de desafios e oportunidades para o setor do agronegócio, apresenta-se o objetivo deste estudo, que consistiu em caracterizar os determinantes da expansão da bovinocultura na Amazônia Legal Mato-Grossense, descrevendo sua introdução, analisando sua expansão e discutindo suas perspectivas. Metodologicamente, optou-se por um estudo misto, contemplando as categorias exploratória, descritiva e explicativa. Dentre os instrumentos de análise, utilizou-se o enfoque de cadeias produtivas, com especial atenção ao segmento de produção. As técnicas de coleta de dados, análise e apresentação dos resultados foram divididas em: leitura e revisão das teorias e conceitos para construção de um quadro analítico; levantamento documental para auxiliar na caracterização do objeto; participação em eventos, para identificar os agentes responsáveis pelas mudanças tecnológicas do setor e os marcos da expansão no Estado; e a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, para obtenção de opiniões e informações junto aos agentes selecionados. Os resultados estão contidos em quatro capítulos. O primeiro, dividido em três seções, apresenta – como parte preliminar dos resultados da pesquisa – uma revisão bibliográfica interdisciplinar geral e aplicada ao objeto de estudo. No segundo, descreve-se a introdução da bovinocultura e suas diferentes fases, em consonância com o desenvolvimento histórico e socioeconômico de Mato Grosso, com destaque para a divisão estadual, o processo migratório, a concessão de crédito e incentivos para exploração de atividades agropecuárias a partir do ingresso do Estado na Amazônia Legal. No terceiro é realizada uma análise no processo de expansão da bovinocultura em Mato Grosso – enquanto Estado integralmente pertencente à região da Amazônia Legal – com destaque para os aspectos que envolvem a difusão de tecnologias e o papel da indústria frigorífica. E no quarto, promove-se a discussão das perspectivas da bovinocultura e a questão da sustentabilidade no âmbito do objeto de estudo, com foco nas orientações para o mercado e cadeias de demanda. Na conclusão são retomados os objetivos e os questionamentos, cujas respostas auxiliaram na construção de um framework com a síntese dos determinantes da expansão da bovinocultura na Amazônia Legal Mato-Grossense, bem como a indicação de possibilidades para novas pesquisas derivadas do objeto estudado. / While the growing demand for food has become a challenge to the productive sectors, the equal distribution of this production is one of the main concerns of the contemporary society. Following this trend, agricultural production has thrived, supported by research and technology. On the other hand, meat production still has room for improvement through diversification of production by associating with other activities or through intensification in areas increasingly affected by climate change or environmental pressures. In this scenario of challenges and opportunities for the agribusiness sector, the object of this study is characterization of determinants of the beef cattle expansion in the Brazilian Legal Amazon (Mato Grosso state), describing the introduction of this activity, analyzing its expansion and discussing perspectives. A qualitative and quantitative study was undertook by contemplating exploratory, descriptive and explanatory categories. Among the instruments of analysis, the approach of productive chains was used, with special attention being given to the production segment. The techniques of data compilation, analysis and presentation of the results were divided in: the reading and revision of theories and concepts for building an analytical framework; documentary survey to assist in the characterization of the object; the participation in events to identify the agents responsible for technical changes in the sector and the expansion of landmarks in the state; and conducting interviews to obtain opinions and information from selected agents. The results are presented in four chapters. The first part is divided into three sections, has – as part of the preliminary results of the research – a bibliographic review applied to the object of the study. The second one describes the introduction of cattle and its different phases, in line with the historical and socioeconomic development of Mato Grosso, with emphasis on the state division, the migration process, the granting of credit an incentives for the exploitation of agricultural activities. The third one is an analysis of the expansion of beef cattle in Mato Grosso, now belonging to the Legal Amazon region, focusing mainly on aspects involving the diffusion of technologies and the role of the beef industry. The fourth and last entails a discussion on the outlook of the cattle breeding and the issue of sustainability within the scope of the object of this study, focusing on guidelines for the market and chain of demands. The conclusion retakes the goals and questionings whose answers helped in the preparation of a framework that synthesizes the determinants of the cattle herd expansion in Mato Grosso and pointed to the possibility of new research from the object of this study.
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Sustainable silvopastoral systems: theory and a practical caseCañón, Jorge Federico Useche 20 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Federico Useche Cañón (jorge.canon2012@gvmail.br) on 2015-04-09T22:17:52Z
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Luana de Assis Rodrigues
Cursos de Pós-Graduação – Post Graduate Program
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on 2015-04-10T13:31:10Z (GMT) / Submitted by Jorge Federico Useche Cañón (jorge.canon2012@gvmail.br) on 2015-04-14T16:00:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-01-20 / Many changes are expected because of the climate change, especially from the agricultural activities done in the tropics. This thesis focuses on two aspects. The first one is to gather knowledge of environmentally sustainable silvopastoral systems; this view establishes the importance of tropical soils and their proper management in line with environmental and sustainable standards. The second part of the thesis is the application of these principles in a specific case: the 'El Paraíso' Farm improvement. The central objective or problem to solve of the thesis is to explain silvopastoril principles; and based on that to propose a project to improve meat production activities and at the same time help to preserve and to improve the environment. The methodology used in the thesis was to search and to analyze information on the subject, after that experimental and field research was conducted to raise the project that would combine the two parts of the work. At the end with the information gathered a project proposal was done. The objective was to propose the transformation of the production processes in the selected farm. After developing and presenting the project, the chances of project implementation were analyzed. The conclusion of the study was to present and discuss three possible scenarios after the implementation, it is discussed and expected that the positive scenario is reached. Finally the general conclusion presents the achievements, the opportunities and possible future expansions of the project. / Muitas transformações são esperadas por causa das mudanças do clima, especialmente das atividades agrícolas realizadas nos trópicos. Esta tese centra-se em dois aspectos. O primeiro deles é o de reunir o conhecimento de sistemas silvipastoris; este ponto de vista estabelece a importância de solos tropicais e sua gestão adequada de acordo com as normas ambientais e sustentáveis. A segunda parte da tese é a aplicação desses princípios em um caso específico: a fazenda 'El Paraíso'. O objetivo central ou problema a resolver da segunda parte é propor um projeto para melhorar as atividades de produção de carne e, ao mesmo tempo, ajudar a preservar e melhorar o meio ambiente e especialmente os ecossistemas tropicais. A metodologia utilizada na tese foi buscar e analisar informações sobre o assunto. Depois disso, a investigação experimental e de campo foi realizada para levantar o projeto que combinaria as duas partes da obra. No final, com a informação recolhida uma proposta de projeto foi feita. O objetivo era propor a transformação dos processos de produção na fazenda selecionada. Logo de desenvolver e apresentar o projeto, foram analisadas as possibilidades de implementação do projeto. A conclusão do estudo foi o de apresentar e discutir três cenários possíveis após a implementação. Finalmente, a conclusão geral apresenta as realizações, as oportunidades e possíveis expansões futuras do projeto.
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Simulação da sustentabilidade econômica e ambiental em três sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte do RS / Simulation of the economic and environmental sustainability on three rs statebeff production systemsPereira, Carolina Heller January 2015 (has links)
Na produção agropecuária, os impactos ambientais relacionados com a produção de gases do efeito estufa (GEE), o uso da água, uso de energia e uso da terra são grandes preocupações globais. Pouca informação existe sobre a sustentabilidade ambiental e econômica dos sistemas de produção em pastagem natural do sul do Brasil. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisaavaliar através de simulações no modelo computacional biológico, IntegratedFarm System Model, a produtividade animal, custos de produção e retorno financeiro, bem como apegada de carbono (PC), pegada de nitrogênio (PN), pegada da água e pegada de energia, de três sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). As simulações foram realizadas utilizando dados reais de sistemas de produção que trabalham com bovinos de corte da raça Angus criados em pastagem natural (PN), com baixa suplementação (PNS), e PNS combinada com lavoura de soja (PNSI). A produtividade animal em kg/ha/ano foi 44% maior para os sistemas PNS e PNSI, quando comparado com PN. Mesmo que o custo de produção por hectare foi menor para PN (US $ 78.14) em comparação a PNS (US$ 99.98) e PNSI (US$ 142.00), o PNS e PNSI obtiveram um rendimento líquido por hectare (US$/ha), 70% e 220% maior, respectivamente, quando comparado com NP. Isto ocorreu em razão da maior produção de carne em consequência da suplementação com grão e também devido à diversificação com culturas rentáveis como a soja. A pegada de carbono (PC) (kg de equivalente CO2/kg de peso vivo ganho (PVG) foi 48% e 37% menor (P<0.0001) em sistemas PNSI e PNS, respectivamente, quando comparado a PN. Além disto, a PC foi 18% menor em PNSI em comparação a PNS, provavelmente devido ao maior sequestro de GEE pela planta (soja) nas condições de solo e clima avaliados. No entanto, a maior contribuição para a redução da PC foi devido à suplementação. PNS apresentou menor (P<0.0001) pegada de nitrogênio em comparação a PN e PNSI. Apegada de nitrogênio (kg N/kg PVG), pegada de água (Mg H2O/kg PVG), pegada de energia (MJ/kg PVG) foram aumentadas (P<0.0001) no sistema PNSI em comparação a PNS e PN. A melhoria da eficiência produtiva, em consequência da suplementação reduziu a PC/kg de PVG e por hectare. No entanto, com a compra de fertilizantes para lavoura e grãos para alimentação animal, houve um aumento da pegada de água e pegada de energia. A suplementação em pastagem natural nos específicos cenários avaliados pode ser considerada uma prática de baixo impacto ambiental, que quando integrado com a soja, poderá trazer um maior retorno econômico para a atividade agropecuária. / For agri-food products, environmental impacts related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, energy use and land use are all typically of high concern. However, little information exists about the environmental footprints and economics of beef production systems in southern Brazil. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the economics, carbon footprint (CF),nitrogen footprint, water footprint and energy footprint of beef production systems in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) using a software Integrated Farm System Model. These simulations were done with Angus beef cattle raised on natural pasture (NP), natural pasture with low supplementation (NPS), and natural pasture with low supplementation and soybean crop combination (NPSI). Net animal gain sold (kg)/ha/year increased 44% for NPS and NPSI when compared with NP. Even though NP production cost per hectare was lower (US$ 78.14) than NPS (US$ 99.98) and NPSI (US$ 142.00), NPS and NPSI had net return per hectare (US$/ha), 70% and 220% greater, respectively, when compared to NP due to higher beef productivity from feeding more grain and diversifying into profitable crop enterprises such as soybeans. Natural pasture with low supplementation level in NPSI and NPS decreased (P<0.0001) by 48% e 37% the CF (kg CO2 equivalent /kg of body weight gain (BWG)) when compared with NP. Furthermore, CF was also 18% lower for NPSI compared with NPS, may due to greater sequestration of GHG by soybean plants in this specifics scenario evaluated. However, the higher contribution in reducing GHG emissions was more due to supplementation. For agri-food products, environmental impacts related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, energy use and land use are all typically of high concern. However, little information exists about the environmental footprints and economics of beef production systems in southern Brazil. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the economics, carbon footprint (CF),nitrogen footprint, water footprint and energy footprint of beef production systems in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) using a software Integrated Farm System Model. These simulations were done with Angus beef cattle raised on natural pasture (NP), natural pasture with low supplementation (NPS), and natural pasture with low supplementation and soybean crop combination (NPSI). Net animal gain sold (kg)/ha/year increased 44% for NPS and NPSI when compared with NP. Even though NP production cost per hectare was lower (US$ 78.14) than NPS (US$ 99.98) and NPSI (US$ 142.00), NPS and NPSI had net return per hectare (US$/ha), 70% and 220% greater, respectively, when compared to NP due to higher beef productivity from feeding more grain and diversifying into profitable crop enterprises such as soybeans. Natural pasture with low supplementation level in NPSI and NPS decreased (P<0.0001) by 48% e 37% the CF (kg CO2 equivalent /kg of body weight gain (BWG)) when compared with NP. Furthermore, CF was also 18% lower for NPSI compared with NPS, may due to greater sequestration of GHG by soybean plants in this specifics scenario evaluated. However, the higher contribution in reducing GHG emissions was more due to supplementation.
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Relação retorno x risco de sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária em terras baixasFavero, Débora January 2015 (has links)
O setor agrícola é constantemente influenciado pelas conjunturas de mercado, as sazonalidades dos preços tanto de insumos quanto da produção afetam cada vez mais o produtor rural. O orizicultor domina as técnicas produtivas e as tecnologias, estando cada vez mais suscetível aos riscos da comercialização. Essa maior percepção dos riscos de mercado influencia diretamente sua tomada de decisão quanto à diversificação de cultivos. Nesse contexto os sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária ganham representatividade, reduzindo os riscos associados ao monocultivo de arroz, através da maior estabilidade da renda agrícola. Os objetivos deste trabalho são analisar as relações entre retorno e risco de diferentes sistemas produtivos de lavoura e pecuária, assim como sua integração; avaliar a importância relativa de cada atividade produtiva na formação da renda agrícola; criar cenários de aumentos de custos de produção e de valor da produção, avaliando seu impacto sobre os diferentes sistemas; analisar brevemente eficiência econômica, de uso da mão de obra própria e do uso da terra. Os sistemas produtivos analisados são: tradicional binômio arroz-pecuária (1), sistema pecuário (2), sistema similar ao tradicional com a inserção de soja (3), sistema mais diversificado e rotacionado no tempo (4), sistemas diversificados com menor uso da cultura do arroz (5 e 6). A análise do comportamento diferenciado dos sistemas permite a construção de relações Retorno x Risco, indicando que os sistemas 1, 3 e 4 possuem melhor relação retorno risco no cenário atual da propriedade, ou seja, possuem maior retorno, mas também maior risco, sendo recomendados para produtores menos avessos ao risco. Para produtores descapitalizados ou avessos ao risco o sistema 2 é o mais recomendado. Nas análises de sensibilidade para cenários futuros, a diversificação dos sistemas reduziu o impacto do aumento nos custos. A eficiência econômica, de uso de mão de obra e da terra, a cada ano-safra mostra as diferenças entre as atividades, sendo a pecuária a mais eficiente economicamente e ao mesmo tempo a que possui menor valor de cultivo por hectare. O arroz é a cultura dominante nos custos totais de produção por safra, já na formação do lucro total vêm perdendo espaço para a soja. Não existe, portanto, a recomendação de um sistema único, e sim a necessidade da formação de estratégias frente às condições do mercado. A interação de diferentes sistemas produtivos, dentro de uma propriedade, pode ser a resposta às mudanças do mercado no futuro. / The agricultural sector is constantly influenced by market, the seasonality of prices, of both inputs and the final product, are increasingly affecting the farmers. The rice producer mastered the production techniques and technologies, but are more and more susceptible to marketing risks. This increased perception of market risk directly influences their decision making regarding to crop diversification. In this context the integrated crop-livestock production systems gain representativity as a viable and attractive alternative, bringing benefits in the productive, environmental and economic spheres, reducing the risks associated with rice monoculture, through the greater stability of agricultural income. The aims of this study is to analyze the relations between return and risk of different production systems of agriculture and livestock, as well as their integration; evaluate the relative importance of each productive activity in the formation of agricultural income; create scenarios of increases in production costs and in the value of production, evaluating their impact on different systems; briefly analyze economic efficiency, use of labor and land. The production systems analyzed are: traditional rice-livestock binomium (1), livestock system (2), similar to traditional system with soy insert (3), more diversified system and rotated in time (4), diversified systems with lower use of rice (5 and 6). The analysis of the behavior of the systems allows the construction of Return x Risk relationships, indicating that the systems 1, 3 and 4 have better risk return relationship for the current situation of the property, ie have higher returns but also greater associated risk, being recommended for less aversive to risk producers. To decapitalized producers or more aversive to risk, System 2 is the most recommended. In sensitivity analysis to production costs the diversification reduced the impact of increased costs. Economic efficiency, use of work and soil use, for each harvest year, shows the differences between the activities, being livestock the most economically efficient and at the same time the one with lower crop value per hectare. Rice is the dominant culture in the total production costs, in the formation of the total profit, however, has been losing ground for soybeans. There is no recommendation of a single system, but the necessity of setting strategies to market conditions. The interaction of various production systems may be the answer to market changes in the future.
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Level of access to agricultural extension and advisory services by emerging livestock farmers in Uthungulu District Municipality, Kwa Zulu Natal ProvinceNkosi, Norah Zanele 07 1900 (has links)
Lack of access to agricultural extension and advisory services is one of the major challenges facing emerging farmers in South Africa. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of access to extension and advisory services by emerging livestock farmers in uThungulu district municipality of KwaZulu Natal province. A survey design of face-to-face interviews was used to collect data using a structured questionnaire. A sample of 1 437 was randomly selected from 4 792 emerging livestock farmers in the district. A sampling fraction of 30% was used. Stratified sampling was used to determine the number of participants from each local municipality. The survey was conducted with different groups of emerging livestock farmers representing different age groups ranging from 18 years of age and older. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 software. The results showed that more than 90% of emerging livestock farmers in the district had better access to public extension compared with 14% who had access to private extension. On average, 30% of the respondents indicated that they also had access to extension and advisory services from agricultural cooperatives. With regard to extension delivery approaches, advisory was the main (43.5%) extension approach practised in uThungulu district municipality followed by project approach (37.8%), participatory approach (36.4%) and technology transfer at 11.1%. In conclusion, the involvement of private sector and cooperatives in rendering agricultural extension and advisory services in the emerging livestock sector was an indication that various stakeholders collaborate in the improvement of agriculture in the province. The emergence of project approach showed that extension agents or officers have become more target oriented rather than technology transfer driven. The use of participatory extension approach indicated that in the 21st century, farmer’s opinions were also taken into consideration in the delivery of agricultural extension and advisory services in the emerging livestock sector. It was recommended that there should be a wider partnership of extension and advisory services involving various stakeholders such as farmers, municipalities, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to address and boost the efficiency of services to farmers in South Africa. Therefore, more work is required to increase access to extension and advisory services through cooperative associations by organizing emerging farmers in cooperative associations for the participatory approach to succeed / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Resource Regeneration and Poverty Reduction: Striking a Balance through a Contemporary Community-Based Forestry ProgramDhungel, Shashi 01 January 2008 (has links)
The Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Program (LFLP) was initiated by the Nepal Department of Forest (DOF) in 1993 with two goals: (1) resource regeneration and (2) poverty alleviation. Through support from the United Nations' International Fund for Agriculture Development, the DOF allocated degraded forest and rangeland to eligible, poor households in 10 pilot districts. Today the program supports almost 17,000 families in 22 districts. While the program's tenure and expansion portends success, some have called to question its real economic impact (Baral et al. 2003, Thoms et al. 2006). An exploratory assessment of LFLP was conducted in four districts through in-depth interviews with two major stakeholders: (1) Departments of Forest and Livestock Services officials, who administer LFLP, and (2) user groups. The objectives of the study were to assess perceptions of the social, ecological and economic impacts of LFLP from the perspectives of those most intimately involved in program delivery and outcomes. Thirty personal interviews were conducted in the fall of 2007. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative analysis procedures. According to study participants, LFLP has contributed to resource regeneration, healthy forest composition, and increased biodiversity in leased forest parcels through controlled grazing, reforestation incentives, and local management. However, mixed reviews of the economic impact of the program were recorded. The collection of rotational funds among user groups has opened avenues of small investments. Yet, study participants blamed inadequate human resources within the Departments for impairing service delivery and depressing the rate of economic return. Furthermore, ambiguous and inconsistently enforced policies around program guideline compliance have engendered conflict over resource access and use. Perhaps the most significant windfall to user groups is not poverty alleviation but rather increased social capital and capacity building among user groups. User group formation has strengthened networks between members in standing against social discrimination, lobbying their rights at the district level, and sharing knowledge. Our findings suggest that benefits attained by user groups are not entirely commensurate with LFLP goals. We recommend further research on the economic impacts of LFLP. In addition, LFLP officials should recognize and bolster investments in social capital among LFLP user groups.
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Trabalho e gênero : mulheres na atividade pecuária familiar no município de Encruzilhada do Sul/RSLangbecker, Tatielle Belem January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta como objetivo geral conhecer e compreender a situação das mulheres nas atividades de trabalho na pecuária familiar, em áreas rurais no município de Encruzilhada do Sul. A proposta justifica-se por buscar compreender as dinâmicas de vida e trabalho dessas mulheres. Através do conhecimento empírico das dinâmicas vivenciadas na pecuária familiar e fazendo uso de referenciais que tratam da divisão sexual do trabalho, buscou-se o aporte analítico a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero, adotando-se também concepções ampliadas de desenvolvimento rural. A proposta metodológica surge de uma construção qualitativa em que, primeiramente, define-se o objeto de pesquisa, e, na sequência, o método a ser seguido, buscando a compreensão do contexto estudado. As participantes foram identificadas através das indicações realizadas pela Emater do município. Foram disponibilizados dados pertencentes às estatísticas da ação de Inclusão Produtiva do Plano Brasil Sem Miséria no município, o que permitiu a identificação de mulheres inseridas na ação e na pecuária familiar. As entrevistas foram: duas entrevistas-piloto e mais 13 entrevistas no decorrer da pesquisa de campo, ou seja, o total de entrevistas foi de 15. A saturação de dados foi o método utilizado para a definição do número de entrevistadas. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas para as análises, desenvolvidas por meio da análise de conteúdo com auxílio do NVivo8 para a categorização analítica. As unidades de análise dividiram-se em “estrutura de trabalho e dinâmicas familiares” e “vulnerabilidades e violências de gênero”. O primeiro capítulo analítico apresenta um estudo descritivo do perfil das mulheres participantes do Plano Brasil Sem Miséria, enfatizando a inserção destas na pecuária familiar, e do perfil sociodemográfico das participantes da pesquisa. No segundo capítulo analítico, analisa-se a estrutura de trabalho e as dinâmicas familiares, para compreender a situação de trabalho dessas mulheres, através de aspectos que lhes permitem atender tanto a lida doméstica quanto a lida na agricultura e na pecuária. A divisão das atividades de trabalho é realizada de acordo com os recortes de gênero e também de geração. O terceiro capítulo analítico analisa as condições de trabalho que consubstanciam situações de vulnerabilidade e privação de direitos, como por exemplo, a distribuição e destino da renda na propriedade concentrada entre homens e, quando se referencia aos ganhos de mulheres, esses se destinam ao suprimento das necessidades domésticas. A inserção do nome das mulheres nos blocos de notas, a divisão estabelecida entre casa e criação para mulheres (trabalhos leves/feminino) e lavoura para os homens (trabalhos pesados/masculino), o ajudar na agricultura e na pecuária afirmam os destinos de gênero da mulher, conduzem à modernização agrícola aos homens evidenciando os princípios da divisão sexual do trabalho: separação e hierarquização. A pecuária, aprendida a partir do homem (marido, pai, avô), representa orgulho em praticá-la por questões culturais, por ocupar uma posição masculina, refletindo o bem-estar e o desprender-se do doméstico. Assim, a inserção das mulheres na atividade é percebida como um exemplo de empoderamento, sendo este componente para ampliar o entendimento sobre o desenvolvimento rural. / This study has the main goal to know and understand the situation of women in work activities in family livestock in rural areas in the city of Encruzilhada do Sul. The research has the proposal of understand the dinamic of life and work of these women. Through the empirical knowledge of the dynamics experienced in family farming and making use of references that deal with the sexual division of labor, sought the analytical contribution from a gender perspective, also embraced extended conceptions of rural development. The methodological proposal emerges from a qualitative construction, which, initially, is defined the object of research, and, in sequence, the method to be followed, seeking to understand the context studied. The participants were identified through the indications made by Emater the municipality. Data were made available from the statistics of the “Inclusão Produtiva of Plano Brasil Sem Miséria” of the city, which allowed the identification of women inserted in the action and family livestock. The interviews were: two experimental interviews and 13 more interviews during the field research, totaling 15 interviews. The saturation data was the method used to define the number of interviewed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for analysis, developed through content analysis with the assistance of NVivo8 for analytical categorization. The units of analysis were divided into "work structure and parental dynamics" and "vulnerabilities and gender violence". The first analytical chapter presents a descriptive profile study of women participating in the “Plano Brasil Sem Miséria”, emphasizing the inclusion of these in family livestock, and socio-demographic profile of women participating in the survey. In the second analytical chapter analyzes the structure of work and family dynamics, to understand the work situation of women through aspects that allow meet both the housework as in agriculture and livestock. The division of work activities are performed according to gender and also generation. The analytic third chapter looks at working conditions that embody situations of vulnerability and deprivation of rights, such as the distribution and destination of income on the concentrated ownership between, and when reference is to women's profit, they are meant to supply domestic needs. The inclusion of the name of women in notepads, the established division between home and creation for women (light labor/ feminine) and agriculture for men (hard labor/male), help in agriculture and livestock, affirmed the woman's gender destinations, leading to agricultural modernization to men, and highlights the principles of sexual division of labor: separation and hierarchy. Livestock, learned from the man (husband, father, grandfather), represents proud to practice it for cultural reasons, for occupying a man's position, reflecting the well-being and loosen up of the domestic. So the insertion of women in the activity is perceived as an example of the empowerment being this component to enlarge the understanding of rural development.
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Perfil do consumidor de carne bovina de Porto Alegre/RS / Beef consumers profile in Porto Alegre/RSAntunes, Kelly Kunkel January 2016 (has links)
O entendimento dos hábitos e necessidades dos consumidores é um elemento estratégico para a cadeia produtiva, mas o setor produtivo de carnes no Brasil ainda é carente de análises. Frente a esse desafio este trabalho busca caracterizar o perfil do consumidor da carne bovina da cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil. Mais ainda, buscou-se definir os padrões de preferências e consumo destes consumidores, em função de diferentes espécies produtoras de carnes e cortes bovinos disponíveis no mercado local. Além disso, estimar a frequência de consumo da carne bovina, local de compra e quantidade em quilogramas comprada por semana relacionando essas informações com o perfil socioeconômico dos entrevistados. Os dados foram coletados através da aplicação de 1070 questionários nos principais parques, em dois períodos dos anos de 2011 e 2012. Os questionários foram divididos em dois blocos – primeiro com perguntas relacionadas à preferência e consumo das espécies de carne e o segundo com questões específicas sobre a carne bovina. A amostragem foi realizada pelo método survey quantitativo longitudinal e explanatório. Para as comparações entre preferência e consumo de espécies de animais produtores de carnes (tipo de carne) e dos cortes de carne bovina foram realizadas por Qui-quadrado com índice de concordância de Kendall pelo software SPSS 20.0. Para comparar as médias foi realizada uma análise descritiva dos dados e uma comparação entre as médias por Kruskall-Whallis também no SPSS 20.0. Para todas as análises, foi considerando nível de significância de 0,05. Os dados encontrados corroboram para os resultados de pesquisas já realizadas em Porto Alegre nos últimos anos. A população consume e prefere majoritariamente a carne bovina, sendo sua principal substituta é a carne de frango. A carne de peixe também se faz presente nos hábitos alimentares. A compra da carne bovina foi realizada principalmente em supermercados. O nível de renda e a instrução foram os fatores que mais influenciam na decisão de compra. Os cortes bovinos mais consumidos foram à alcatra, costela, carne moída e maminha, e os preferidos foram à picanha, costela, maminha, filé mignon, e alcatra. / Understanding the habits and needs of consumers is a strategic element in the supply chain, but the Brazilian meat industry still lacks researches. Therefore, this research aims to characterize the profile of beef consumers in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. Furthermore, it aims to define the standard of preferences and consumption of these consumers for different meats species and beef cuts available at the local market. In addition, estimate the frequency beef consumption, place of purchase and quantity in kilograms purchased for week, relating this information to the socioeconomic interviewed profile. Data were collected through the application of 1070 questionnaires in the main parks, in two periods of the years 2011 and 2012. The questionnaires were divided into two blocks - first with questions related to preference and consumption of meat species and the second with specific issues related to beef. The sampling was performed by longitudinal quantitative and explanatory survey method. To compare the preferences and consumption between meat species (type of meat) and beef cuts the Chi-square with Kendall concordance index was applied. To compare the means, a descriptive analysis and a Kruskal-Whallis were used. For all analyses were carried out in the SPSS 20, considering 0.05 significance level. The results corroborate with the previous researches carried in Porto Alegre in recent years. The consumers prefer beef meat, and it’s main substitute is the chicken meat. The fish meat is also present in eating habits. The purchase of beef was held mainly in supermarkets, and the income and educations levels were the factors that most influence the decision of buying power. The most consumed beef cuts were the rump, short ribs, ground beef e trip-tip, and the preferred cuts were top sirloin cap, short ribs, trip-tip, tenderloin and rump.
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