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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viabilidade econômica de um sistema de produção pecuária de bovinos sob alta lotação: uso na pesquisa e na pecuária comercial / Economic viability of a cattle system production under high stocking rate: use in research and commercial livestock

Rinaldo Rodrigues 26 November 2010 (has links)
Um estudo de viabilidade foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar a economicidade de um sistema de produção de ciclo completo de pecuária de bovinos de corte, sob alta lotação. O sistema foi inicialmente concebido para a utilização em pesquisas na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, sendo que esta dissertação buscou avaliar a viabilidade econômica de tal sistema quando aplicado à pecuária comercial. Para tanto foram utilizados dez cenários, nove dos quais definidos a partir da variação de preços dos produtos vendidos, utilização de capital próprio e recursos de financiamento rural via programa do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES). O décimo cenário utilizado foi definido a partir de um nível pré-determinado de preço dos produtos vendidos e utilização de capital próprio, decorrente de arrendamento de área liberada a partir da intensificação do sistema de produção. O método de análise econômica utilizado foi o de Fluxo de Caixa e as técnicas aplicadas foram: Payback Simples, Payback Descontado, Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) e Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR). O sistema mostrou-se economicamente viável estritamente para os cenários que consideraram o nível máximo de projeção de preços da arroba da carne e para o cenário que considerou o arrendamento de área liberada a partir da intensificação do sistema de produção. A utilização de financiamento via Programa de Crédito Rural do BNDES proporcionou melhora expressiva nos valores monetários e índices utilizados na análise. / A study was carried out to verify the economic viability of a life-cycle production system of beef cattle under high stocking. This system was initially designed for use in research at the school of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Universidade São Paulo, but this dissertation tried to evaluate the economic viability of this system when applied to commercial livestock. Therefore, ten scenarios were studied. Nine of them were determined by the variation of prices of products, use of own capital and resources from rural finance programs from Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Ecônomico e Social (BNDES). The tenth scenario was based on a predetermined level of prices of products and use of own capital, due to leasing of the area released from the intensification of the production system. The analysis method was the Cash Flow and the applied techniques were: Simple Payback, Discounted Payback, Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The system showed to be economically viable for the scenarios that considered the maximum projection of meat prices and for the scenario that considered the leasing area related to the intensification of the production system. Funding from BNDES Rural Credit Program has provided significant improvement in the monetary values and indices used in the analysis.

Desenvolvimento de modelo de cálculo e de indicador de custos de produção para bovinos de corte em confinamento / Development of a production cost model and index for beef cattle in feedlot

Gustavo Lineu Sartorello 26 August 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento dos custos de produção contribui para o gerenciamento e desenvolvimento de qualquer empreendimento. No entanto, distorções podem ocorrer ao se compararem os resultados com a utilização de diferentes métodos de cálculo. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: i) desenvolver modelo matemático de cálculo de custo de produção de bovinos de corte em confinamento; e ii) propor um índice para o acompanhamento da evolução dos custos de produção de confinamentos nos Estados de São Paulo (SP) e Goiás (GO). O modelo de cálculo foi desenvolvido utilizando o software Microsoft Excel®, a partir da realização de estudo de caso. Todos os itens de custo de produção foram alocados conforme preconiza a Teoria Econômica, com adaptações propostas para a agropecuária. Para o atendimento do segundo objetivo, realizou-se levantamento de dados a campo (survey) junto a 19 confinadores dez em SP e nove em GO, utilizando questionário semiestruturado com 45 perguntas. Essas informações foram úteis para elaborar três propriedades representativas, duas para SP (confinamento médio e grande) e outra para GO. As propriedades foram descritas no modelo desenvolvido com os preços de todos os itens atualizados para os meses de abril e maio de 2016. Os índices de custos foram calculados pelos métodos de Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher e Konüs. O Índice de Fisher foi possível devido à utilização do modelo de Programação Linear para atualizar a cada período as quantidades dos ingredientes alimentares consumidos. As parcelas de custo comumente conhecidas (custo fixo, variável, operacional efetivo e operacional total) foram exploradas no modelo. Adicionalmente, foram adotados os conceitos de custo semifixo, de oportunidade, da diária-boi (CDB) e operacional diário da atividade produtiva (COPd). Esses dois últimos são de interesse do setor. CDB é o custo de manter, por dia, um animal no confinamento sem o custo relacionado à aquisição do animal; COPd representa o custo total diário, por animal, excetuando os itens relacionados à compra do animal, alimentação e impostos variáveis, sendo, portanto, o indicador específico da eficiência operacional do sistema. O modelo proposto foi capaz de estimar os custos no estudo de caso, bem como dos confinamentos representativos dos dois Estados brasileiros. Observou-se menores custos para o confinamento representativo de GO: de R$ 10,57 por animal/dia e R$ 1,72 por animal/dia, para CDB e COPd; em comparação às unidades de SP: R$ 11,49 e R$ 11,42 para CDB e R$ 1,95 e R$ 1,73 para COPd, respectivamente, para os confinamentos médio e grande. Concluiu-se que o índice recomendado para estimar a evolução dos custos foi o Índice Exato de Konüs. As variações do custo total médio por arroba mensuradas pelo índice, entre os meses de abril a maio, foram de 7,79%, 6,96% e 4,14%, para os confinamentos médio e grande de SP, e o de GO, respectivamente. Por fim, o modelo de cálculo permitiu estimar, com precisão, os custos de produção de bovinos de corte em confinamentos, sendo, por isso, disponibilizado em planilha eletrônica à sociedade. / The knowledge of production costs contributes to the development and management of any enterprise. However, distortion may appear when comparing the results with the use of different calculation methods. The objectives of this study were: i) to develop mathematical model to calculate the cost of production of beef cattle in feedlots; and ii) to propose an index for monitoring the evolution of cost of production in feedlots in the states of São Paulo (SP) and Goiás (GO), Brazil. The model was developed in Microsoft Excel® software from a detailed case study. All items of production of costs were allocated as recommended by the Economics Theory, with adaptations proposed for livestock. For the attendance of the second objective, a field survey data on 19 feedlots farms was conducted ten in São Paulo and nine in Goiás states through a semi structured questionnaire composed of 45 questions. These information were useful to elaborate three representative farms, two for São Paulo state (medium and large feedlot) and one for Goiás. The farms were described in the proposed model with prices of all items updated for the months of April and May 2016. The cost indexes were calculated by the Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher and Konüs methods. The use of Fisher Index was possible due to the use of a Linear Programming model to update the quantities of consumed food ingredients in every period. The commonly known costs of installments (fixed cost, variable, effective operational and total operational) were explored in the model. In addition, the concepts of semifixed cost, opportunity, cost of daily-cattle (CDB) and daily production activity operating (COPd) were adopted. These last two are of interest to the sector: CDB is the cost of keeping an animal in feedlot without considering the costs related to its acquisition per day; and COPd is the total daily cost, per animal, except for the items related to the purchase animals, feed and variable taxes of the animal. This is a specific indicator of the operational efficiency of the system. The proposed model was able to estimate the costs in the case study, as well as the representative farms of the two Brazilian states. It was found lower cost for the representative farm of GO: of R$ 10.57 per animal/day and R$ 1.72 per animal/day, for CDB and COPd; compared to SP units: R$ 11.49 and R$ 11.42 for CDB and R$ 1.95 and R$ 1.73 for COPd, respectively, for medium and large feedlots. It was concluded that the recommended index to estimate the evolution of the costs was the \"Exact Konüs Index\". The variations in the average total cost per fifteen kilos measured by the index, from April to May were 7.79%, 6.96% and 4.14%, for SP medium and large feedlots (SP) and GO, respectively. Finally, the calculation model allowed us to estimate precisely beef cattle production costs in feedlots, thus available in spreadsheet to society.

Análise do uso do solo e dos recursos naturais na pecuária de corte no Brasil: estudo com técnicas multivariadas / Soil use analysis and natural resources in Brazil\'s beef cattle: study with multivariate techniques

Sérgio Eduardo Candido 11 December 2017 (has links)
O Brasil ocupa uma posição de respeito nos âmbitos nacional e mundial no ranking da pecuária de corte, uma vez que possui significativa participação nesse mercado nos últimos 50 anos. Efetivamente, a cadeia produtiva de carne bovina no Brasil tem impacto real na economia do agronegócio e do país. Os contrastes regionais observados ao longo desta cadeia de negócios possibilitam elaborar uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa, no intuito de compreender a prática de ocupação da terra no Brasil, tornando executável o registro de sua real ação exploratória e seus modelos de utilização. Para o diagnóstico da situação atual do estágio de ocupação do território para a atividade pecuária no Brasil, foram sistematizadas informações de base secundária com o auxílio de técnicas de análise multivariada. Neste sentido, foram considerados os dados apontados no Censo Agropecuário de 2006 do IBGE, da Produção da Pecuária Municipal (PPM, 2015), bem como outras diversas fontes observadas, tais como: ABIEC (Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Exportadoras de Carnes), ANUALPEC (Anuário da Pecuária Brasileira), CNA (Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil), CONAB (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento), FAO (Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura), MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) e MMA (Ministério do Meio Ambiente). O presente estudo propôs uma delimitação da amostra da pesquisa, tendo como base de referência as Unidades da Federação. Foi detectada uma situação regional heterogênea para a ocupação dos espaços utilizados para esta atividade, além de se sugerir a existência de diferentes sistemas produtivos com diversos sintomas que apontam, em linhas gerais, para a modernização da pecuária de corte no país nas últimas décadas. / Brazil occupies a position of respect at the national and global levels in the ranking of beef cattle, since it has a significant participation in this market in the last 50 years. In fact, the production chain of beef in Brazil has real impact on the agribusiness economy and on the country. The regional contrasts observed throughout this business chain make it possible to elaborate a qualitative and quantitative analysis, in order to understand the practice of land occupation in Brazil, making it possible to record its real exploratory action and its models of use. For the diagnosis of the current situation of the occupation of the territory for livestock activity in Brazil, secondary information was systematized with the aid of multivariate analysis techniques. In this sense, the data indicated in the 2006 IBGE Census of Livestock Production (PPM, 2015), as well as other sources observed, such as: ABIEC (Brazilian Association of Meat Exporters), ANUALPEC, CNA (Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil), CONAB (National Food Supply Company), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) and MMA (Ministry of the Environment). The present study proposed a delimitation of the research sample, based on the Federation Units. A heterogeneous regional situation was detected for the occupation of the spaces used for this activity, in addition to suggesting the existence of different productive systems with different symptoms that point, in general lines, to the modernization of the cattle ranching in the country in the last decades.

Nome aos bois. Zebus e zebuzeiros em uma pecuária brasileira de elite / Naming the oxen. Zebus and Zebuzeiros in the Brazilian cattle elite

Natacha Simei Leal 10 October 2014 (has links)
Está é uma tese sobre homens e bois. Através de pesquisa de campo em feiras agropecuárias, centrais de inseminação artificial, laboratórios, fazendas e do exame de registros genealógicos, manuais zootécnicos e outros textos e documentos publicados ou de arquivo, são explorados sob uma perspectiva antropológica aspectos e conceitos do âmbito do parentesco, das biotecnologias, da economia, das políticas de Estado relacionados a um segmento particular da pecuária no Brasil: o gado de elite. A pecuária de elite é um ramo da bovinocultura que produz espécimes reprodutores desenvolvidos para melhorar a qualidade de espécimes de comuns, de corte, que são encaminhados aos frigoríficos. Ao mesmo tempo, esse ramo se realiza em alto grau de autonomia em relação à pecuária de corte, constituindo um mercado com regras e atores específicos. O trabalho se concentra sobre a narrativa de uma invenção brasileira, do Triângulo Mineiro o gado zebu , que como tantas outras invenções nacionais, se fez a partir de investimentos nas ideias de sangue, família e raça. Zebus são, por excelência, de elite no Brasil e sua constituição mobiliza conceitos de sangue, genes, genealogia, raça, mestiçagem, pureza (entre outros), que se consolidam ao passo que aos animais é atribuído valor de mercado. O mercado de gado de elite, que contemporaneamente mobiliza cifras milionárias através da venda de bovinos em leilões, do uso de biotecnologias e da venda de células reprodutivas (sêmen e embriões), determina o valor das reses e de seus criadores, de zebus e de zebuzeiros. A invenção e realização deste ramo da pecuária, mais que zootécnica, é sobretudo política, pois trata da consolidação de elites de bovinos e elites de criadores no Brasil. / This is a thesis about men and oxen. Through field research on agricultural fairs, artificial insemination centers, laboratories, farms and examining genealogical records, husbandry manuals, as well as other texts, published documents or archives. In this thesis, aspects of the framework and concepts of kinship, biotechnologies, the economy, government policies relating to a particular segment of livestock in Brazil - the cattle elite - will all be explored from an anthropological perspective. The cattle elite is a branch of breeding cattle that produces specimens developed to improve the quality of specimens of common cutting, which are sent to slaughterhouses. At the same time, this branch carries a high degree of autonomy in relation to beef cattle, constituting a market with specific rules and actors. The work focuses on the narrative of a Brazilian invention, from the Triângulo Mineiro the zebu cattle - which like so many other national inventions was made from investments in the ideas of blood, family and race. Zebu cattle are, per excellence, the cattle elite in Brazil, and its constitution mobilizes concepts of blood, genes, genealogy, race, miscegenation and purity (among others), which consolidate these animals market value. The cattle market elite - which simultaneously mobilizes millions in money by selling at auctions, by the use of biotechnology and by the sales of reproductive cells (semen and embryos), determining the value of the cattle and their owners, i.e the zebu and the zebuzeiros (zebu breeders). The invention and implementation of this branch of husbandry, more than zootechnical, is actually political, because it pertains to the consolidation of the elites of cattle and the elites of family breeders in Brazil.

Les gauchos et la mondialisation. Vulnérabilité et adaptation de l'élevage familial dans la dans la Pampa l'Uruguay, l'Argentine et le Brésil / Gauchos et Globalisation. Vulnerability and Adaptation of Family Livestock Producers in the Pampas of Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil

Litre, Gabriela 11 May 2010 (has links)
L’élevage familial gaucho, une catégorie spéciale dans le monde de l’agriculture familiale, a été longuement ignoré par le milieu académique et par les décideurs. Le scénario où se déroule l’élevage familial gaucho – la Pampa – est un biome en profonde transformation qui, même riche, a le plus petit pourcentage de surface légalement protégée, en plus des passifs environnementaux à réversibilité difficile. Cette dévalorisation naît du manque de politiques d’appui au secteur et à l’exode massif des éleveurs familiaux qui, marginalisés ou forcés à choisir un système d’élevage en confinement des animaux [feedlot], finissent par louer ou vendre leurs terres à des entreprises multinationales dédiées aux monocultures de soja ou eucalyptus. Dans ce travail, nous analyserons les perceptions et les stratégies d’adaptation des éleveurs familiaux de viande bovine du biome Pampa de l’Argentine, de l’Uruguay et du Brésil face à la concurrence entre l’élevage traditionnel et l’agriculture à grande échelle. On utilise les concepts de vulnérabilité, résilience, adaptation et de double exposition aux risques climatiques et socio-économiques comme l’explication théorique plus consistante pour la réalité trouvée. Comme données primaires, nous avons interviewé 75 familles d’éleveurs [25 par pays] avec des formulaires semi-structurés qui cherchaient à identifier, à travers la méthode de l’analyse thématique, leurs modes de vie. C’est à partir de ces données que nous avons conclu que l’élevage familial gaúcho constitue un lien important entre emploi, production, durabilité et contention sociale. / Gaucho family livestock producers are a special social category in the family agriculure world. They have been traditionally ignored by researchers and decision-makers. Like their livelihoods, the context in which gaúcho family farming takes place – the Pampa biome – is also experiencing deep transformations. In spite of its rich biodiversity, the grasslands of the Pampas have one of the smallest areas of legally protected land in the world and is subject to environmental passives of difficult reversibility. This lack of interest in the Pampas and its family livestock producers has led to the absence of public policies tailored to that sector and the massive exodus of family farmers to the cities. Thus marginalized, and forced to intensify their production through systems such as feedlots, many of them choose to rent or directly sell their land to multinational soybean or eucalypt companies. We have conducted a thematic analysis of 75 semi-structured interviews to family livestock producers [25 per country]. The semi-structured questionnaires aimed at discovering their livelihoods and adaptation strategies. We use the concepts of adaptation, resilience, vulnerability and the double exposure framework as theoretical tools to explain this complex reality. We conclude that gaucho family livestock production is a positive link between employement, production, sustainability and social contention.

Stratégies d'adaptation des systèmes d'élevage ovins et modes d'utilisation des parcours en Tunisie Centrale / Strategies of adaptation of the sheep farming systems and use of rangelands in Central Tunisia

Jemaa, Tasnim 14 December 2016 (has links)
Le développement de l’agriculture en Tunisie Centrale a favorisé l’expansion des cultures au détriment des terres de parcours et du secteur de l’élevage. L’arboriculture surtout d’oliviers, s’est développée grâce à la privatisation des terres collectives. En conséquence, il y a une régression de la superficie des parcours steppiques qui a été amplifié par très forte augmentation démographique dans les années 1970-90. En revanche, le cheptel national a connu une importante croissance, bien que pour la majorité des troupeaux, la végétation pastorale couvre à peine 20 % des besoins alimentaire des animaux. Ce taux a chuté de façon très importante et de façon continue depuis 1995. Cette évolution induit une double problématique de vulnérabilité de la majorité des élevages : la dépendance à la disponibilité et prix des aliments concentrés ; les aléas météorologiques dont dépend les différentes sources de pâtures. Notre questionnement généralement porte sur la diversité des voies d’adaptations à ces facteurs de transition et les différences de vulnérabilité selon les choix d’adaptation des éleveurs. Nos travaux confirment que la chute de la couverture alimentaire par la végétation des parcours est de l’ordre de 80 % en 6 ans. Cette contribution des parcours à l’alimentation des parcours repose essentiellement sur les parcours améliorés, qui représentent 75 % de la superficie des parcours collectifs et domaniaux. La gestion par les services de l’Etat de l’accès à ces parcours permet une utilisation saisonnière, évitant des charges trop importantes. Cette régulation, imposée au travers du paiement d’un droit d’accès et d’un contrôle par des agents de l’Etat présents sur le terrain, semble plutôt bien fonctionner, d’un point de vue préservation de la ressource.Les parcours naturels (non gérés par les services de l’Etat) sont quant à eux très peu fréquentés. Cette très faible utilisation est le reflet de décisions individuelles des éleveurs face à l’état de ces parcours. Le passage d’un système pastoral à un système agropastoral, voir à territoire essentiellement de cultures s’avère une réalité, dans le cadre d’une transition de quelques décennies. Nos travaux permettent d’estimer que les concentrés constituent de 13 à 24 % de la matière sèche ingérée par les brebis, selon les 3 types d’élevage naisseurs. Le reste de l’ingéré correspond à des fourrages, distribués : foin, cactus… ; ou pâturés : chaumes de céréales, céréales sinistrées, déprimage, repousses ou végétation des parcours. Un système agriculture-élevage émerge nettement qui produit 3 agneaux par brebis en deux ans. Nos études sur l’identification des différentes formes d’adaptation, révèlent des pistes pour trouver des voies alternatives de gestion des parcours aptes à maintenir le renouvellement des ressources pastorales et de créer des nouvelles stratégies agropastorales. / The Tunisian agriculture development is supporting the expansion of cultivated area in favor to the grounds of rangeland relative to the breeding sector. The arboriculture especially olive-trees was developed thanks to the privatization of the collective grounds. In addition a significant demographic increase amplified strongly the regression surface regression of the steppe rangeland between 1970 and 1990. On the other hand, the national livestock showed a considerable growth, while the pastoral vegetation covers hardly 20% of the food needs of the animals for the majority of the herds. Since 1995, this rate is decreasing significantly and continuously, This evolution induces double problems vulnerability of the majority of the breeding. In fact is depending on the availability and the price of concentrated food and the weather risks which various sources on grazing are depending. Our questioning is related to the diversity of the adaptation ways to these heavy transition factors and the differences in vulnerability of the adaptation of the stock breeders. Our study confirms that the rangeland vegetation is covering about 80% of the food needs during six years. This contribution is primarily resulting to the improved rangeland, which are accounting for 75% of the surface of the collective and domanial rangeland. The state management of the rangeland access allows a seasonal use which is avoiding important loads. From a safe guarding point of view of the resource this law which is imposed through the payment of the right of the access and the control by the government officials, seems to be functional. The natural courses which are not managed by the services of the State, are very little attendedThis low use is the reflection of the individual decision of the stock breeders ending on the state of these courses. The transition from a pastoral system to an agropastoral system proves to be carried out appeared in very few decades. Our work showed that, for the three considered types of breeding naisseurs, 13 to 24% of the dry matter introduced by the ewes is provided by the concentrates. The rest of the introduced corresponds to fodder, distributed: hay, cactus…; or grazed: cereal thatches, cereals disaster victims, déprimage, push backor vegetation of the courses. A system of agriculture-breeding is clearly emerging is: producing three lambs per ewe in two years.

Effects of anthropogenic pressure on large mammal species in the Hyrcanian forest, Iran / Effects of poaching, logging and livestock grazing on large mammals

Soofi, Mahmood 08 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Rocha, Nájila Souza da 15 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to analyze the vulnerabilities of family livestock on water front property at temperature rise caused by climate change, the Alto Camaquã s sub-watershed, which is located at the top of the river basin Camaquã covering eight counties of Rio Grande do Sul, all belonging to the Pampa Biome. This territory belongs to the remaining part of greater value to the biodiversity of the Pampa Biome, it includes a region that, for their economic, social and environmental characteristics, still maintains an ecosystem stable priori, still preserving some plant systems, water and nature of the local geology. The production system, family farming, helps to maintain these conditions, but suffer certain market demands incompatible with their management. In addition, climate and environmental changes that have occurred throughout the planet, accelerate weathering processes, environmental degradation and changes the hydrological cycle. The availability of water becomes a major environmental and social problems of the region. For these and many other features, the Alto Camaquã can be considered a fragile and vulnerable sub-watershed to the various socio-environmental changes, including climate change. This research was divided into two main analyzes: the first analysis deals with the Water Balance Climatologically (BHC), carried out in order to understand the behavior of the basin for the months of higher deficits and water surplus. The second analysis deals with the weaknesses of the Alto Camaquã front of the temperature rise caused by climate change and the vulnerability of family farmers face these changes. The BHC was performed by two methods: the first methodology consisted in calculating the Water Balance Climatological (BHC) Thornthwaite and Mather (1995), excel spreadsheet for Windows. The second method consisted in calculating the BHC through script GERHI, this was used a script developed by GERHI (Water Resources Management) of UFSM. The methodology used for the analysis of environmental weaknesses, was adapted from FRAG-RIO project (MMA, 2009), through a scheme weights (for variables) and notes (for classes). This study shows that water availability and soil resistance are variables that make the Alto Camaqua a fragile front territory to temperature rise caused by climate change. In addition, family farmers are vulnerable to these changes do not present mitigation instruments of environmental impacts and no increased its resilience strategies. / Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo analisar as vulnerabilidades da pecuária familiar sobre a disponibilidade hídrica frente ao aumento de temperatura ocasionada pelas mudanças climáticas, da sub-bacia do Alto Camaquã, que localiza-se na parte superior da Bacia do rio Camaquã, abrangendo oito municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, todos pertencentes ao Bioma Pampa. Este território pertence a parte remanescente de maior valor para a biodiversidade do Bioma Pampa, pois compreende uma região que, por suas características econômicas e socioambientais, ainda mantém um ecossistema a priori estável, preservando ainda alguns sistemas vegetais, hídricos e geológicos naturais do local. O sistema de produção, pecuária familiar, ajuda a manter essas condições, porém sofre determinadas demandas de mercado incompatíveis com seu manejo. Além disso, as mudanças climáticas e ambientais, que vem ocorrendo em todo o planeta, aceleram processos do intemperismo, da degradação ambiental e modificam o ciclo hidrológico. A disponibilidade de água passa a ser um dos principais problemas ambientais e sociais da região. Por essas e tantas outras características, o Alto Camaquã pode ser considerado uma sub-bacia frágil e vulnerável às diversas mudanças sócio-ambientais, inclusive as mudanças climáticas. Esta pesquisa foi dividida em duas análises principais: a primeira análise trata dos Balanços Hídricos Climatológicos (BHC), realizados com o intuito de compreender o comportamento da bacia quanto aos meses de maiores déficits e excedentes hídricos. A segunda análise trata das fragilidades do Alto Camaquã frente ao aumento de temperatura causado pelas mudanças climáticas e das vulnerabilidades dos pecuaristas familiares frente a estas mudanças. O BHC foi realizado através de duas metodologias: a primeira metodologia utilizada consistiu no cálculo do Balanço Hídrico Climatológico (BHC) de Thornthwaite, Mather (1995) em planilha Excel para Windows. O segundo método utilizado consistiu no cálculo do BHC através do SCRIPT GERHI, neste foi utilizado um script desenvolvido pelo GERHI (Gestão de Recursos Hídricos) da UFSM. A metodologia utilizada, para a análise de fragilidades ambientais, foi adaptada do projeto FRAG-RIO (MMA, 2009), através de um esquema de pesos (para variáveis) e notas (para classes). Este estudo demonstra que a disponibilidade hídrica e a resistência do solo são variáveis que tornam o Alto Camaquã um território frágil frente ao aumento de temperatura ocasionado pelas mudanças climáticas. Além disso, os pecuaristas familiares são vulneráveis a estas mudanças por não apresentarem instrumentos de mitigação dos impactos ambientais e não haver estratégias de aumento de sua resiliência.

Cattle price risk management strategies-using computer simulation to educate Iowa producers of available tools

Wray, Vicki Lorraine January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / Kevin C. Dhuyvetter / Risk is an inevitable part of production agriculture. Price risk is especially a concern for cattle producers in the Midwest. Producers can curtail profit volatility, to an extent, through the utilization of price risk management strategies such as forward contracting, hedging, using put and call options, Livestock Risk Protection Insurance (LRP), as well as Livestock Gross Insurance (LGM) for feedlot cattle. Learning about such price risk management tools can be a daunting task. Kansas State University Extension created a computer based simulation workshop to assist them in teaching cattle producers about price risk management strategies. The simulation paralleled a lecture where participants learned of the price risk management strategies that are available. The simulation allowed the workshop participants to practice using the management strategies as they assumed the role of a feedlot or ranch manager in charge of marketing the operation's calves. In a cooperative effort with Iowa State University, Kansas State University presented the Cattle Risk Management Workshops across the state of Iowa. Participants were given pre-and posttests to measure the effectiveness of the workshop. The overall post-test scores were 25 percentage points higher than the pre-test scores. This research also discusses the interest and perceptions of cattle producers regarding price risk management strategies. The effectiveness of simulations as a teaching tool in helping producers learn about price risk management strategies is also reviewed. In addition, the various price risk management strategies available to producers, as well as seasonality of prices and basis are analyzed. This research also explains and estimates the LRP Feeder Cattle Basis Model. The LRP Feeder Cattle Basis Model was developed with the objective of assisting producers in forecasting LRP basis. The model was developed using similar methodology applied in the creation of a CME basis forecasting model developed by Kansas State University Extension and Custom Ag Solutions, Inc. The LRP Feeder Cattle Basis Model automatically adjusts for the LRP price adjustment factor applied to beef steer calves weighing less than 600 pounds, and beef heifers weighing 600-900 pounds. The LRP Feeder Cattle Basis Model explains 71.37 percent of the variation of LRP basis.

Behavioural ecology of the caracal in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, and its impact on adjacent small stock units

Melville, Haemisch 13 June 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MSc (Wildlife Management))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Centre for Wildlife Management / unrestricted

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