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Assessment of environmental-livestock interactions in crop-livestock systems of central Ethiopian highlandsNigatu Alemayehu Minase 09 1900 (has links)
The study was done in Adaa district which is one of the 12 districts in East Shoa zone in Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. It is located southeast of Addis Ababa at 38o51’ 43.63’’ to 39o04’ 58.59’’ E and 8o46’ 16.20’’ to 8o59’ 16.38’’ N, on the western margin of the Great East African Rift Valley. The altitude ranges from 1 500 to ≥ 2 000 meters above sea level. The district has a high potential for mixed livestock and crop production systems. The purpose of this study was to make up for the paucity of information on livestock and environment interaction by assessing the relationship of livestock, soil, water, land, climate and crops under mixed crop-livestock production systems in central Ethiopian highlands.
The objectives of the study were: (a) to assess the effect of change in land management on carbon storage and the contribution of livestock to carbon storage; (b) to examine the impact of livestock on natural resources and the environment; (c) to assess the effects of the change in traditional agricultural practices, expansion of factories, slaughter houses, greenhouses and flower farms on water and soil quality; (d) to evaluate the effect of climate change on livestock production under small-scale agriculture; and (e) to recommend options for mitigation and adaptation to environmental changes.
The research design was non-experimental and did not involve the manipulation of the situation, circumstances or experiences of the interviewees. The design was comparative research that compared two or more groups on one or more variables, such as the effect of agricultural land use management, tillage type etc. on carbon storage in the soil. This research also applied a longitudinal design that examined variables such as the performance exhibited by groups over time. Purposive sampling was often used to measure the effect of agricultural, industrial effluent and human interferences on the environment by measuring nutrient contents at sources in the soil, water and manure. Biological data were complemented by key socio-economic survey by interviewing individual farmers and focus groups from sampling sites. Secondary data were also reviewed to measure soil degradation and run-off attributed to livestock.
Results showed that animal waste and farmyard manure had the highest contribution in the addition of carbon in the soil. This implied that for most of carbon inputs livestock products and by-products had a greater place in the carbon sink. Therefore, livestock production could be considered as one of the major agricultural production systems in soil carbon storage. Similarly, livestock production systems also play an important role in maintaining the eco-system balance through nutrient recycling.
On the average, the number of livestock per household for most species increased during the Derge regime in the 1990s compared to the Haile Sellassie regime in the 1970s when people did not own land; and then the number declined in the 2000s except for equines, crossbreeds and oxen. The change to crop intensification led to the change in the purpose for livestock keeping. Farmers started keeping certain types of animals for specific purposes unlike before when livestock was kept for prestige and economic security. The major drive for the change of attitude towards the purpose of keeping livestock was scarcity of resources, mainly feed and water. Equine ownership has significantly increased due to their low off-take rate and their feeding habits which allowed them to survive in harsh environments where feed resources were extremely scarce.
There was a significant difference in crop response to manure application. Vegetables produced higher yields with manure than chemical fertilizers. Cereals on the other hand responded more to chemical fertilizers than to manure. Therefore, combining manure and chemical fertilizers was the best option for the sustainability of crop production in the study area. Some of the limitations to the use of manure as an organic fertilizer were inadequate manure production, high labour cost, bulkiness and high cost of transport to the fields and weed infestation. Manure management systems in the study area were affected by livestock husbandry practices. Only crossbred cattle (5%) were zero-grazed and used; and manure was stored in pits as slurry. Indigenous cattle were grazed outdoors in the fields during the day and at night they were kept in kraals near homesteads. There was a substantial loss of nutrients during the day when animals were grazing in the fields through leaching and trampling of dung and urine patches. Indoor or zero grazing of livestock could reduce nutrient losses.
The use of manure as fuel in the study area had no significant effect on CO2 emissions at household or local level, but had a negative impact on soil organic carbon storage and soil fertility. Therefore, for improved yield and balanced eco-systems manure burning has to be replaced by other alternative energy sources such as bio-gas and kerosene. The largest carbon equivalent emissions were from CH4 (72.6%), N2O (24%) and CO2 (3.4%) which indicated the need to improve livestock and manure management systems under smallholder agriculture.
Overall, there was an indication of a decline in water resources on per capita basis. The major contributing factors were combined pressure of human and animal population on natural resources that led to excessive deforestation, loss of biological diversity, overgrazing, soil degradation and various forms of pollution and contamination. The global climate change also played a role in the decline in water resources due to the decrease in annual precipitation and increasing temperatures. Urbanization and economic growth increased the demand for milk and meat, which required additional water use for each unit of increased animal protein. The demand for milk and meat is expected to double in the next 20 years with an annual growth rate of between 2.5 to 4%.
From the sixty-year meteorological data (1951-2009) there was an established increase in rainfall by 2% per annum; and maximum and minimum temperature by 0.08oC per decade, which amounted to a cumulative temperature increase of 0.5oC in the last decade. The increase in precipitation and temperature favoured the adaption of lowland crops like maize and sorghum to highland agro-ecology. Climate prediction models forecasted that most of the highlands in Ethiopia will remain suitable for cereals like wheat and Teff for the next 50 to100 years. However, the perception of farmers indicated that they felt more heat and warm weather than they have experienced before. They reported that rainfall is now more erratic or comes late and stops earlier before plants completed their vegetative growth. / Environmental Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (Environmental Science)
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Farm planning for a typical crop-livestock integrated farm : an application of a mixed integer linear programming modelGhebretsadik, Amanuel Habte 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MSc) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In an integrated crop-livestock production farm, the profitability and sustainability of farm
production is dependent on the crop rotation strategy applied. Crop rotations have historically
been applied to maintain long-term profitability and sustainabiliry of farming production by
exploiting the jointly beneficial interrelationships existing among different crop types and the
animal production activity.
Monocrop (specifically wheat) growers in the Swartland area of the Western Cape are
struggling to maintain long-term profitability and sustainability of the crop production,
challenging them to rethink about the introduction crop rotation in the production planning.
By making proper assumptions, this paper develops a mixed integer linear programming
model to suggest a decision planning for the farm planning problem faced by an integratedcrop-
livestock production farmer. The mathematical model developed includes crop
production, dairy production and wool sheep production activities, which permitted the
consideration of five crop types within a crop rotation system. By assuming that a farmer
uses a cycle of at most three years, the crop rotation model was incorporated in the composite
mixed integer linear farm planning model.
In order to demonstrate the application of the mathematical farm planning model formulated,
a case study is presented. Relevant data from the Koeberg area of the Swartland region of the
Western Cape was applied. For each planning period, the model assumed that the farm has
the option of selecting from any of 15 cropping strategies. A land which is not allocated to
any of the 15 crop rotation strategies due to risky production situation is left as grass land for
roughage purposes of the animal production. Results of the mathematical model indicated that farm profit is dependent on the cropping
strategy selected. Additionally, animal production level was also dependent on the crop
strategy appl ied. Furthermore, study results suggest that the profit generated from the
integrated crop-livestock farm production by adopting crop rotation was superior to profit
generated 1'1'0111 the farm activities which are based on monocrop wheat strategy. Empirical
results also indicated that the complex interrelationship involved in a mixed crop-livestock
farm operation play a major role in determining optimal farm plans. This complex
interrelationships favour the introduction of crop rotation in the crop production activities of
the farm under investigation.
Crop production risk is the major risk component of risk the farmer faces in the farm
production. In this study, risk is incorporated in the mixed integer programrnmg farm
planning model as a deviation from the expected values of an activity of returns. Model
solution with risk indicated that crop rotation strategy and animal production level is sensitive
to risk levels considered. The Results also showed that the incorporation of risk in the model
greatly affects the level of acreage allocation, crop rotation and animal production level of the
Finally, to improve the profitability and sustainability of the farm activity, the study results
suggest that the introduction of crop rotation which consist cereals, oil crops and leguminous
forages is of paramount importance. Furthermore, the inclusion of forage crops such as
medics in the integrated crop livestock production is beneficial for sustained profitability from
year to year. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wisselbou is baie belangrik om volhoubare winsgewindheid te verseker in 'n geintegreerde
lewendehawe I gewasverbouing boerdery in die Swartland gebied van Wes-Kaap. "n
Monokultuur van veral koring produksie het ernstige problerne vir produsente veroorsaak.
In hierdie studie word 'n gemengde heeltallige liniere prograrnmerings-model gebruik om te
help met besluitneming in sulke boerderye.Die wiskundige model beskou die produksie van
kontant- en voer-gewasse (5 verskillende soorte) asook suiwel- en wol/vleis-produksie
(beeste en skape) .Daar word aanvaar dat die boer "n siklus van hoogstens 3 jaar in die
wisselbou rotasie model gebruik ..
'n Gevallestudie word gedoen met behulp van toepaslike data van 'n plaas in die Koeberg
gebied. Die model aanvaar dat die produsent 'n keuse het uit 16 wisselbou strategic .Resultate
toon dat winsgewindheid afhanklik is van die strategie gekies en dat wisselbou beter resultate
lewer as in die geval van "n monokultuur.Dit wys ook dat die wisselwerking tussen diereproduksie
en gewasproduksie baie belangrik is in die keuse van 'n optimale strategie.
Die risiko in gewasverbouing is die belangrikste risiko factor vir die produsent.In hierdie
studie word risiko ook ingesluit in die gemengde heeltallige model, naamlik as 'n afwyking
van die verwagte opbrengs-waardes .Die model toon duidelik dat gewasproduksie en
lewendehawe-produksie baie sensitief is ten opsigte van die gekose risiko vlak.
Die studie toon ook dat 'n wisselbou program wat die produksie van graan (veral koring)
.oliesade asook voere insluit belangrik is vir volhoubare winsgewindheid Die insluiting van
klawers (bv "medics") is veral belangrik hier.
903 |
A comparison of standard scientific methods and pastoralists’ perceptions of vegetation responses to livestock exclusion in Namaqualand, South AfricaSnyman, Dirk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: Protected areas do not always achieve the desired level of biodiversity conservation, while
often reducing the welfare of indigenous communities by reducing availability of land for
subsistence. Traditional agricultural landscapes are significant biodiversity refugia and can
contribute meaningfully to conservation.
Rangelands comprise one-third to one-half of the world’s terrestrial surface, providing
livelihoods for around 220 million people, usually in a communal subsistence system.
Colonial practices impinged on traditional land-use practices with far-reaching social and
environmental impacts. This has resulted in management based on assumptions regarding
vegetation dynamics and traditional lifestyles that are increasingly shown to be inaccurate. A
comparison of a vegetation survey based on conventional scientific methods and a survey of
the perceptions of pastoralists was undertaken to highlight differences and similarities
between the two knowledge systems with the hope of providing guidelines for more
sustainable land-use practices in the communal rangelands of Namaqualand, South Africa.
Vegetation responses to removal of grazing pressure revealed complex interactions that do
not correspond with the prevailing management paradigm. Rather than a predictive
relationship between livestock and vegetation, environmental factors play a large role in
determining plant composition, abundance and cover. Pastoralists’ perceptions reflected this
complexity in rangeland resource dynamics. The impact of livestock on rangeland resource
dynamics was perceived by herders to be secondary to a range of environmental and climatic
factors. Both sets of results were at odds with the theories that currently govern management
in this system.
Studies in rangeland systems must take the complexity of the subject into account.
Research into such socio-ecological systems must take a multiplicity of factors – social,
environmental, economic, political and other – into account. Implications for management are
that it is inappropriate to adhere strictly to the conventional, conservative strategies that are
prescribed by conservation and agricultural authorities. Rather, a more flexible, opportunistic
grazing strategy would allow the persistence of traditional subsistence livelihoods without
serious negative consequences for biodiversity conservation. / AFRIKAANSR OPSOMMING: Die instelling van beskermde gebiede lewer nie altyd die gewenste vlak van
biodiversiteitsbewaring, terwyl die welvaart van plaaslike gemeenskappe dikwels daaronder
ly deur die afname in grond beskikbaar vir bestaanspraktyke. Tradisionele landboulandskappe
is beduidende biodiversiteitshawens wat ‘n belangrike bydrae tot bewaring kan maak.
Weivelde bevat ‘n derde tot ‘n helfte van die wêreld se landsoppervlakte en ondersteun
rondom 220 miljoen mense, gewoonlik binne ‘n gemeenskaplike bestaansstelsel.
Kolonialisasie het inbraak gemaak op tradisionele bestuurspraktyke, met verrykende sosialeen
omgewingsimpakte. Dit het gelei tot bestuurspraktyke gebaseer op standpunte oor
plantegroeidinamika en traditionele lewenswyses wat toenemend verkeerd bywys word. ‘n
Vergelyking van ‘n plantegroei opname gebaseer op konvensionele wetenskaplike metodes en
‘n opname van die standpunte van veewagters is onderneem om die verskille en
ooreenkomstes tussen die twee kennisstelsels uiteen te lê met die hoop om riglyne vir meer
volhoubare bestuurspraktyke in die meentgronde van Namakwaland, Suid-Afrika te verskaf.
Plantegroei reaksies tot die verwydering van weidingsdruk wys op komplekse interaksies
wat nie ooreenstem met die heersende bestuursparadigma. Eerder as ‘n voorspelbare
verwantskap tussen vee en plantegroei, omgewingsfaktore speel ‘n groot rol in die bepaling
van plantgemeenskapsamestelling, -getalle en grondbedekking. Die veewagters se standpunte
het hierdie kompleksiteit in plantegroeidinamika weerspiëel. Die impak van vee op die
weiveldhulpbron is deur veewagters as sekondêr beskou teenoor ‘n reeks omgewings- en
klimaatsfaktore. Beide stel resultate is in teenstelling met die teoriëe wat tans bestuur in
hierdie stelsel bepaal.
Studies in weiveldstelsels moet die kompleksiteit daarvan in ag neem. Navorsing oor
hierdie sosio-ekologiese stelsels moet ‘n verskeidenheid faktore – sosiale-, omgewings-,
ekonomiese-, politiese- en ander – in ag neem. Implikasies vir bestuur is dat dit onvanpas is
om te volhard met konvensionele, konservatiewe strategiëe voorgeskryf deur bewarings- en
landboukundige gesagte. ‘n Meer aanpasbare, voordeelnemende weidingsstrategie sal die
voortbestaan van traditionele bestaanslewenspraktyke toelaat sonder ernstige negatiewe
nagevolge vir biodiversiteitsbewaring.
904 |
Pratiques de gestion de la biomasse au sein des exploitations familiales d’agriculture-élevage des hauts plateaux de Madagascar : conséquences sur la durabilité des systèmes / Biomass management on smallholder crop–livestock systems of highlands of Madagascar : effects on farm sustainabilityAlvarez, Stéphanie 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les exploitations mixtes d'agriculture-élevage sont le pilier des systèmes agricoles des pays en développement. Dans les hauts plateaux de Madagascar, les exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage sont basées sur l'association riz et élevage bovin. Les bovins ont un rôle central dans l'économie et la reconnaissance sociale de ces exploitations malgaches. Cependant ces exploitations sont souvent confrontées à des problèmes de faibles productivités liés à la dégradation de la fertilité des sols et à un accès limité aux intrants. Dans ce contexte, les exploitants doivent gérer les ressources végétales pour trouver un compromis entre alimentation humaine, alimentation animale et retours aux sols. Certaines pratiques de gestion des biomasses peuvent aggraver les phénomènes de dégradation de la fertilité des sols et remettre alors en cause la durabilité des exploitations. L'objectif de cette thèse est de montrer que la diversité des pratiques de gestion des biomasses au sein des exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage des hauts plateaux de Madagascar conditionne la durabilité des systèmes en termes de fertilité des sols, de recyclage des éléments nutritifs, de revenus et de sécurité alimentaire. Pour cela, il a été nécessaire de : i) caractériser au préalable la diversité des exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra et de comprendre le fonctionnement de ces exploitations mixtes ; ii) étudier les effets des pratiques de gestion des parcelles sur la variabilité de la fertilité des sols des exploitations ; iii) évaluer la durabilité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage et tester l'impact d'améliorations des pratiques d'alimentation animale, de gestion des effluents et de fertilisation sur la durabilité des exploitation. Quatre exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra, sélectionnées à dires d'experts, ont été enquêtées par immersion. Une étude typologique des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra a été effectuée. Des prélèvements de sol ont été effectués pour l'ensemble des parcelles des quatre exploitations d'agriculture-élevage étudiées. Un outil de calcul des flux d'azote au sein des exploitations a été élaboré, puis a été associé aux matrices du Network Analysis afin de générer des indicateurs environnementaux, sociaux et économiques. Cet outil a été utilisé pour simuler les options d'améliorations des pratiques d'alimentation animale, de gestion des effluents et de fertilisation.L'étude typologique a identifié six types d'exploitations d'agriculture-élevage au Vakinankaratra. L'étude du fonctionnement des exploitations sélectionnées a mis en évidence d'une grande diversité des pratiques d'alimentation des animaux, de gestion des effluents d'élevage et de fertilisation. Une hétérogénéité de la fertilité des sols induite par les pratiques de gestion des parcelles a été révélée. Pour les quatre exploitations étudiées, l'amélioration des pratiques d'alimentation du troupeau bovin laitier associée à l'amélioration des pratiques de gestion des effluents d'élevage a permis d'améliorer la durabilité environnementale (efficience azotée globale, recyclage de l'azote, bilan azoté du sol), économique (marge brute agricole) et sociale (autosuffisance alimentaire).Ce travail a permis de caractériser la diversité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra, la diversité des pratiques et leurs effets sur la fertilité du/des sol. Cette étude s'est avérée être une approche intéressante pour évaluer des options d'amélioration de la durabilité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage dans un contexte peu documenté. / Mixed crop-livestock systems constitute the backbone of agriculture in developing countries. In highlands of Madagascar, crop–livestock systems are based on rice and cattle. Cattle play a major role in the economy and the social recognition of these smallholder farms. Smallholder farms used to face with low crop productivity related to soil fertility degradation and to low access to inputs. In this context, smallholders have to manage plant resources in order to find a trade-off between food, feed and soil returns. Some biomass management may increase soil fertility degradation and then compromise farms sustainability.The objective of this thesis is to show that the diversity of biomass management on smallholder crop–livestock systems of highlands of Madagascar determines the sustainability of farming systems in terms of soil fertility, nutrients recycling, incomes and food security. For this, it was necessary to: i) characterize the diversity of crop-livestock systems in the region of Vakinankaratra and understand how smallholder farms are managed; ii) study the effects of soil management on the soil variability; iii) assess the farms sustainability and explore improvements of feeding, manure management and fertilization.Four crop-livestock farms of the Vakinankaratra (selected with local experts) were surveyed using participant observation methodology. A typology of crop-livestock farms was performed. Topsoil samples were collected in all plots of the four cases studies. A nitrogen flows calculating tool was developed and has been associated with Network Analysis matrices to generate environmental, social and economic indicators. This tool was used to simulate improvements in feeding, manure management and fertilization.The typology identified six farm types of crop-livestock systems in the Vakinankaratra. The farms study revealed a great diversity of animal feeding practices, manure management and fertilization. Heterogeneity of soil fertility induced by farmer management was shown. For the four case studies, improved feeding practices on dairy combined with improved manure management have increased environmental (farm nitrogen efficiency, nitrogen recycling, soil nitrogen balance), economic (agricultural gross margin) and social (food self-sufficiency) sustainability.This study characterized the diversity of crop-livestock farms of the Vakinankaratra, the diversity of practices and their effects on soil fertility. It proved to be an interesting approach to explore options for improving sustainability of crop-livestock farms in context of data scarcity.
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N2O emission from soil due to urine deposition by grazing cattle and potential mitigation / Emissão de N2O do solo devido à aplicação de urina e o potencial de mitigaçãoBarneze, Arlete Simões 16 July 2013 (has links)
Grazing pasture is a major system of livestock production in many countries and it has been identified as an important source of N2O from urine deposition on soils. The aim of this study was to determinate the N2O emissions from soil after urine deposition and the emission factor, in addition, determine how temperature and water content of the soil influence these emissions. We also intended to study a potential of mitigation using nitrification inhibitors. Soil and gas samples were collected in traditional livestock areas in Brazil and UK to evaluate the N2O emission dynamics under field conditions. In addition, incubation experiments were conducted to evaluate how temperature and water content affect N2O emissions in the soil and to study the potential mitigation on N2O emission from the soil after urine application, using two distinct nitrification inhibitors. In the field experiment, the N2O emission factor for cattle urine was 0.20% of the applied urine N in Brazil and 0.66% for the UK conditions. The incubation experiments showed the N2O emissions after urine application are higher in soils with high moisture and high temperature. The nitrification inhibitor effectiveness was not statistically significant, however had shown some N2O emission absolute reductions among 6% to 33% comparing with urine only application on the soil. Various physical and biological factors can be influence the effectiveness of the products. It confirmed that urine deposition can contribute to N2O emission from the soil and the temperature and water content can markedly increase these emissions. The nitrification inhibitors have a potential mitigation effect since some decreased emissions of almost 40%. The results in this study are pioneers and can be used as a basis for more complex evaluations and to help with determining the carbon footprint of beef production worldwide / Considerado o maior sistema de produção animal em muitos países, as pastagens tem sido identificadas como uma importante fonte de emissão de N2O, devido à deposição de urina ao solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as emissões de N2O do solo após a deposição de urina e seu fator de emissão, além disso, determinar como temperatura e teor de água do solo influenciam as emissões. Pretendeu-se também estudar o potencial de mitigação das emissões de N2O usando inibidores de nitrificação. Amostras de solo e de gás foram coletadas em áreas tradicionais de pastagens do Brasil e do Reino Unido para avaliar a dinâmica das emissões de N2O. Experimentos de incubação também foram realizados para avaliar a influência de fatores como temperatura e teor de água no solo nas emissões, além de avaliar o potencial de redução das emissões de N2O do solo após a aplicação da urina, utilizando dois inibidores de nitrificação. Nos experimentos de campo realizados no Brasil e no Reino Unido, o fator de emissão do N2O para a urina foi de 0,20% e 0,66% do nitrogênio na forma de urina bovina aplicada, respectivamente. Nos experimentos de incubação, as emissões de N2O após a aplicação de urina foram maiores em solos com alta umidade e alta temperatura. A eficácia no uso dos inibidores de nitrificação não foi estatisticamente significativa, no entanto mostrou uma redução absoluta entre 6% a 33% nas emissões de N2O comparado com a aplicação de apenas urina ao solo. Vários fatores físicos e biológicos podem ter influenciado a eficácia dos produtos. Dessa forma, confirma-se que a deposição de urina pode contribuir para a emissão de N2O do solo e que a temperatura e o teor de água no solo podem aumentar consideravelmente essas emissões. Os inibidores de nitrificação podem ser usados como um potencial de mitigação, já que houve redução em termos absolutos de quase 40% nas emissões. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo são pioneiros e poderão ser utilizados como base para avaliações mais complexas e contribuir para a determinação da pegada de carbono na produção de carne mundial
906 |
Nutrients dynamics in corn-Brachiaria intercropping systems / Dinâmica de nutrientes nos sistemas de consórcio milho-BrachiariaOliveira, Silas Maciel de 29 January 2018 (has links)
Corn (Zea mays L.) intercropped with Brachiaria spp. plays an important role in tropical agriculture management, providing residues or forage to areas intensively cropped. Although previous studies provide useful information about effects of intercropping on soil management and crop yield, a better understanding of how corn-Brachiaria intercropping systems impacts exogenous and endogenous nutrient dynamic is needed. Two experiments were performed in the both conventional and late planting season. In the first, corn and palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) monoculture were compared with two intercropping patterns, directed for production of residues or forage, with simulated animal grazing. Biomass, crop nitrogen (N) content, N derived from fertilizer and N budget were measured. Among farming systems, variable responses remained almost unchanged during period of simultaneous growth. After corn harvest, intercropping patterns achieved greater biomass (0.6-11 Mg ha-1) and N content (12-318 kg ha-1) relative to fallow preceded by corn monoculture, but it results in overall gains (pre and post-harvest) only to conventional planting season. N fertilizer recovery was not affected by intercropping patterns. When corn and Brachiaria were intercropped to establish pasture, simulated grazing after grain harvest had a tightly influence on N budget, approximately -221 kg ha-1. The second experiment investigated the influence of Brachiaria species on corn nutrients partitioning and their cycling after corn harvest. Biomass, N, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) content were evaluated using corn intercropped with three species of Brachiaria (B. Brizantha cv Marandu, B. ruziziensis, and B. hybrid cultivar Mulato II, Convert HD 36) and corn monoculture. Biomass and nutrient content was not affect when corn was intercropped with Brachiaria species. After corn harvest, Brachiaria nutrient content and biomass yield were ranking from greater to lower following the order: B. brizantha > B. ruziziensis > B. convert. Relative with the corn monoculture, intercropping treatments enhanced the total biomass (corn + Brachiaria) and the nutrient accumulation only when planted at conventional season. Over 6 site-yr, benefits of intercropping appear after corn harvest, particularly at conventional planting season. Corn intercropped with Brachiaria species either had no effect N fertilizer recovery or affect N-fertilizer distribution within components of soil-plant system. Nonetheless, intercropping provide greater biomass accumulation after harvest compared with corn monoculture, resulting in larger nutrient content stored in plant component. Our results suggest a larger N requirements when crop-livestock activities was integrated. Corn intercropped with B. brizantha during conventional season was the best approach to enhanced crop yield and nutrient cycle for corn production systems. / O consórcio entre milho (Zea mays L) e espécies de Brachiaria spp. (syn. Urochloa spp.) desempenha importante função no manejo da agricultura tropical, produzir resíduos ou forragem em áreas intensivamente cultivadas. Apesar de estudos anteriores fornecerem valiosas informações sobre efeitos do consórcio sobre o manejo do solo e produção de biomassa, um melhor entendimento de como este sistema de cultivo afeta a dinâmica de nutrientes (exógenos ou endógeno) é necessário. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante a safra e segunda safra. No primeiro, os monocultivos de milho e braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) foram comparados com dois padrões de consórcio, direcionado a produção de resíduos ou forragem, com simulação do pastejo animal. Biomassa, acúmulo de nitrogênio (N), N- fertilizante e balanço de N foram avaliados. As variáveis respostas praticamente não foram afetadas pelos sistemas de cultivos durante o período de coexistência. Após a colheita do milho, os sistemas consórciados acumularam mais biomassa (0,6 -11 Mg ha-1) e N (12-318 kg ha-1) comparado ao pousio precedido pelo monocultivo de milho, apesar destes incrementos afetarem apenas o acúmulos totais (pré+pós-colheita) do cultivo de safra. A recuperação do N-fertilizante foi semelhante entre os sitemas de cultivo. Quando o consórcio objetivou a implantação de pasto, o pastejo simulado após a colheita do milho influênciou o balanço de N, com deficit de aproximadamente -221 kg ha-1.O segundo experimento foi conduzido para investigar a influência das espécies de Brachiaria sobre o particionamento de nutrientes no milho e a ciclagem pós-colheita de grãos. Produção de biomassa, quantidades de N, fósforo (P) e postássio (K) acumuladas foram avaliadas no monocultivo de milho e em três espécies de Brachiaria spp. (B. Brizantha cv Marandu, B. ruziziensis, and B. hibrido cultivar Mulato II, Convert HD 36) em consórcio com milho. Biomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes não foram afetados no consórcio do milho com as espécies de Brachiaria. Após a colheita do milho, o acúmulo de biomassa e nutrientes das espéceis de braquiária classificadas em ordem decrescente foram: B. brizantha > B. ruziziensis > B. convert. Comparado ao monocultivo de milho, o consórcio aumentou a biomassa total (milho+braquiária) e o acúmulo de nutrientes apenas quando cultivado na safra. Entre os 6 locais/anos, os benefícios do consórcio ocorreu após acolheita do milho, especialmente para o cultivo de safra. O milho consorciado com espécies de Brachiaria não afetou a recuperação do N-fertilizante nem sua distribuição nos componentes do sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, o consórcio proporcionou maior acúmulo de biomassa após a colheita do milho se comparado ao pousio precedido pelo monocultivo de milho, aumentando a porção de nutrientes alocados no compartimento planta do sistema. Nossos resultados sugerem que a integração entre atividades de lavoura e pastejo aumenta a demanda por N do sistema de produção. O consórcio entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu no cultivo de safra foi a melhor estratégia para aumentar a produção de biomassa e a ciclagem de nutrientes no sistema de produção do milho.
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A indústria agropecuária na fronteira noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul / The industry of agriculture and stock raising in northwest of Rio Grande do SulSleiman, Jorge 26 August 2014 (has links)
Este estudo aborda a atividade industrial vinculada à atividade agropecuária de um município de pequeno porte localizado na microrregião Fronteira Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Rosa que, nas últimas décadas, atraiu para sua região de abrangência investimentos industriais ligados à transformação dos produtos gerados pela agropecuária local: a soja, o milho, o trigo, o leite e o suíno, produzidos em grande parte em pequenas propriedades fundiárias. Uma destacada indústria dessa microrregião é a metalmecânica, que teve alicerçadas as primeiras plantas industriais montadoras de máquinas e produtoras de implementos agrícolas já na década de 1950 e que, à medida dos empreendimentos em tecnologia, melhoramento de produtividade no campo e formação de mão-de-obra especializada, tem aumentado a geração de renda na região de estudo. No transcurso de sua economia, a microrregião enfrentou diversos percalços, devidos por um lado ao modelo de produtividade local e, por outro, às dificuldades da política econômica brasileira vigente nos anos de 1980, quando o Governo deixa de subsidiar o setor produtivo primário da região, forçando uma reestruturação de sua economia. As lideranças regionais do RS procuraram estimular a vinda de novos empreendimentos e ao mesmo tempo evitar a fuga de capitais internos, especialmente do setor empresarial e do efetivo humano, consequência da intensificação do êxodo rural rumo a outras áreas melhor posicionadas economicamente. É quando entram em cena as políticas coordenadas que, envolvendo atores sociais, políticos e econômicos, buscaram melhorar a inserção da região nos contextos estadual e brasileiro e culminaram na criação recente dos Conselhos Regionais de Desenvolvimento, dos Arranjos Produtivos Locais e dos Programas de Apoio aos Polos Tecnológicos. O estudo traça uma trajetória dos principais setores dessa indústria local e regional do Brasil, revelando alguns dos aspectos que têm marcado seu avanço entre meados do século XX e os dias atuais / This study addresses the industrial activities of Santa Rosa, a small city located in the North West Frontier micro region of Rio Grande do Sul, and their linking to agriculture. In recent decades, Santa Rosa has attracted industrial investments related to the processing of local agricultural products, such as soybeans, corn, wheat, milk and pork, mostly farmed on small estates. In this scenario, metalworking has played a major role since the foundation of the first industrial plants for the production of machinery and agricultural implements, in the 1950s. It has developed technology, improved productivity and trained specialized manpower, increasing the income generation in the study area. Over the period, however, Santa Rosa region has faced some mishaps. This were due firstly to the local production model, and secondly, to the Brazilian economic policy in the 1980s when the government stopped subsidizing the primary productive sector of the region, which led the municipality to restructure its economy. Regional leaders of Rio Grande do Sul sought to encourage the coming of new ventures and at the same time prevent the outflow of domestic capital, especially the business class and working class, caused by the intensifying rural exodus towards other better economically positioned areas. Coordinated policies involving social, political and economic players then came into play aiming at better integration of the region at the state and national levels culminating in the mid -1990s in the creation of the Conselhos Regionais de Desenvolvimento COREDES (regional development councils), Arranjos Produtivos Locais APL (local production arrangements) and Programas de Apoio aos Polos Tecnológicos (programs to support technological poles). The study traces a trajectory the main sectors of this local and regional industry in Brazil, revealing some of the aspects that have marked its development from the mid-twentieth century to present day
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CONTROLE DA ACIDEZ DO SOLO EM SISTEMAS DE PRODUÇÃO DE AZEVÉM ANUAL E MILHO SILAGEM: ESTUDO EM MÉDIO PRAZO / Soil acidity control in systems production of annual ryegrass and maize silage: study in medium-termSantos, Jéssica Alves dos 20 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The liming is essential for building soil fertility, enabling exploitation more sustainable of production systems. However, the efficiency and the residual effect of lime used are dependent on the degree of soil disturbance, which has been distinguished in conservation production systems. The objectives of this work are (i) quantify the yields of dry matter (DM) and content crude protein (CP) in maize silage during the years 2008-2014; and (ii) evaluate
the changes in soil fertility attributes: active acidity (pH), potential acidity (H+Al), exchangeable acidity (Al3+) and base saturation (V) 24 and 60 months after of liming, in
different methods tillage and uses of annual ryegrass during the autumn-winter. The experiment was conducted in Castro (PR) in an Oxisol dystrophic clayey. The design
experimental was a randomized complete block design with split plots and four replications. In the plots were studied four methods of soil tillage: conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), no-tillage (NT) and chiseled no-tillage (CNT). In the subplots were studied three
purposes of use of annual ryegrass: cover crop (CC), silage (S) and grazing of the dairy heifers in integrated crop-livestock (ICL). In medium-term, the tillage methods (CT, MT, NT, and CNT) do not influence the yield of DM and CP content of maize silage. The uses annual ryegrass for S and ICL not influence yield of DM and provide high CP in corn silage. Using the preceding crop just as CC provides least amount of benefits systems to annual ryegrass
production and maize silage. Lower acidity and higher V were observed in layer the 0-5 cm in NT. Compared to the NT, the CNT not improve the acidity and V. The annual ryegrass for the S and ICL provided, over time, decrease in the acidity of the soil in layers below 10 cm depth.
The NT combined with ICL provides improvement in soil acidity conditions after 60 months
after liming. / A correção da acidez é fundamental para a construção da fertilidade do solo, possibilitando a exploração mais sustentável dos sistemas de produção. Todavia, a eficiência e o efeito residual do corretivo utilizado são dependentes do grau de perturbação do solo, que tem sido distinto nos sistemas de produção. Os objetivos deste trabalho são (i) quantificar os rendimentos de matéria seca (MS) e teor de proteína bruta (PB) no milho silagem durante os anos 2008-2014; e (ii) avaliar as alterações nos atributos de fertilidade do solo: acidez ativa (pH), potencial (H+Al) e trocável (Al3+) e saturação por bases (V) aos 24 e 60 meses após a calagem, em diferentes métodos de preparo do solo e usos do azevém anual durante o outonoinverno. O experimento foi instalado no município de Castro (PR), em um Latossolo Bruno distrófico de textura argilosa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Nas parcelas (10 x 30 m) foram empregados quatro métodos de preparo do solo: cultivo convencional (CC), cultivo mínimo (CM), plantio direto (PD) e PD com subsolagem bianual (PDS). Nas subparcelas (10
x 10 m) foram estudadas três propósitos de uso do azevém anual: cobertura do solo (CS), silagem pré-secada (SPS) e pastejo animal em sistema integrado de produção agropecuária (SIPA). Em médio prazo, os métodos de preparo do solo (CC, CM, PD e PDS) não influenciam o rendimento de MS e teor de PB de milho silagem. Os usos de azevém anual para SPS e em SIPA não influenciam o rendimento de MS e proporcionam incremento nos
teores de PB no milho silagem. O uso da cultura antecessora apenas como CS proporciona menor quantidade de benefícios aos sistemas de produção de azevém anual e milho silagem. No decorrer do período, menor acidez e maior V foram observadas na camada de 0-5 cm no PD. Quando comparado ao PD, o PDS não proporcionou melhoria nas condições de acidez e V. O azevém anual destinado à SPS e SIPA proporcionou, ao longo do tempo, diminuição da acidez do solo nas camadas abaixo de 10 cm de profundidade. O PD aliado ao SIPA proporciona melhoria nas condições de acidez do solo após 60 meses da aplicação do calcário.
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Produção de milho e capins Marandu e Mombaça em função de modos de implantação do consórcio /Borghi, Emerson, 1978- January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol / Banca: Ciro Antonio Rosolem / Banca: Francisco Antonio Monteiro / Banca: Paulo Cesar Ocheuze Trivelin / Banca: João Kluthcouski / Resumo: O trabalho de pesquisa teve por objetivo: 1) avaliar a produtividade de grãos da cultura de milho em épocas de consorciação com Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça em SPD; 2) avaliar o desempenho das plantas forrageiras consorciadas em épocas e a resposta à adubação nitrogenada aplicada após a colheita do milho, quanto à produtividade e valor nutritivo; 3) verificar, na B. brizantha, o acúmulo de nitrogênio total e proveniente do fertilizante nitrato de amônio (NPPF) com doses de nitrato de amônio (15NH4NO3) aplicado em cobertura nas plantas forrageiras após a colheita da cultura do milho; 4) avaliar o residual da adubação nitrogenada nas plantas forrageiras na cultura do milho cultivado em sucessão; 5)avaliar o aproveitamento do nitrogênio (15N), aplicado em cobertura na B. brizantha, pela cultura sucedânea do milho. Para atingir tais propósitos, foram conduzidos três estudos simultaneamente, conduzidos em condições de campo durante os anos agrícolas de 2003/04, 2004/05 e 2005/06 na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Campus de Botucatu, em NITOSSOLO VERMELHO Estruturado, cultivado em SPD. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. No estudo I, os tratamentos foram: 1) cultivo do milho solteiro; 2) milho com Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu consorciada na semeadura; 3) milho com Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu consorciada na adubação de cobertura; 4) milho com Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça consorciado na semeadura; 5) milho com Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça consorciado na adubação de cobertura. No segundo e terceiro anos de condução do experimento (anos agrícolas 2004/05 e 2005/06), após a colheita da cultura do milho, foi aplicado nitrato de amônio em cobertura nas quantidades equivalentes a 0, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present work aimed to: 1) evaluate corn grain yield under different intercropping epochs with Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça under no-tillage system; 2) evaluate the performance of the forages intercropped and the answer of these crops to nitrogen rates applied after corn harvest, considering the productivity and nutritional value; 3) verify, in B. brizantha, the total nitrogen accumulation and the nitrogen accumulated from the fertilizer ammonium nitrate (NPPF) under different ammonium nitrate rates (15NH4NO3) applied in the forages as cover crop after corn harvest; 4) evaluate the nitrogen profit (15N), applied as cover crop in B. brizantha, by corn cultivated in succession. To reach the proposed objectives, it was carried on three simultaneous studies, carriers on at field conditions, during the cropping years of 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 at Lageado Experimental Farm, College of Agricultural Sciences, in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in a structured Oxisol cultivated under no-tillage system. The experimental design was in blocks completely randomized, with four replicates. In the experiment I, the treatments were: 1) corn cultivated alone; 2) corn with Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu as consortium seeded at corn seeding; 3) corn with B. brizantha cv. Marandu as consortium seeded at corn cover fertilization; 4) corn with Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça as consortium seeded at corn seeding; 5) corn with P. maximum cv. Mombaça as consortium seeded at corn cover fertilization. In the second and third experimental years (2004/05 and 2005/06), after corn grain harvest, it was applied cover rates of ammonium nitrate, equivalent to 0, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1 of N. Only under B. brizantha were allocated micro parcels in which it was applied enriched ammonium nitrate (15NH4NO3), to evaluate the N recovery by Brachiaria ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Influência do gado e da monocultura de eucalyptus sp. em florestas ripárias do sul do BrasilDe Marchi, Tiago Closs 11 January 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A mudança do uso da terra decorrente de atividades agrícolas provoca uma modificação na paisagem que leva à criação de fragmentos florestais isolados que se mantém imersos em uma matriz que pode apresentar uma maior ou menor agressividade de acordo com o seu uso. Este estudo foi realizado em duas fazendas vizinhas localizadas no município de Eldorado do Sul, RS. A Fazenda Terra Dura, pertence à empresa Celulose Riograndense S/A e a maior parte da área é utilizada para a monocultura de eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.). Os remanescentes de floresta nativa estão exclusivamente associados aos diversos cursos d’água que cruzam a área e cercados pelo plantio de eucalipto de diversas idades e estágios de produção. A área é utilizada para o plantio de eucalipto há cerca de 30 anos e há 20 foi isolada do gado. A Fazenda Eldorado destina-se à criação extensiva de gado e sua cobertura vegetal é caracterizada por um predomínio de campo com fragmentos de florestas ripárias que o gado utiliza como local de pastejo e desedentação. Em cada uma das dez áreas selecionadas foram alocados dois transectos paralelos ao curso d’água a 20 metros de distância um do outro nos quais foram aleatorizadas cinco unidades amostrais de 10 x 10m para amostragem do componente arbóreo dos fragmentos. Em cada unidade amostral foram registradas a circunferência de todos os indivíduos com diâmetro a altura do peito maior ou igual a 5 cm (DAP ≥ 5cm). O componente juvenil foi amostrado em unidades amostrais de 5 x 5m concêntricas em cada parcela de 10 x 10m, onde foram amostrados todos os indivíduos com mais de um metro de altura e com menos de 5 cm de diâmetro e estimou-se sua altura total e seu diâmetro à altura do solo (DAS). A densidade e composição do estrato herbáceo foi amostrada em parcelas de 1 x 1 m concêntricas às unidades amostrais de 5 x 5 m. Nestas unidades amostrais foi removida toda vegetação de até 1 m de altura e identificadas taxonômicamente as espécies e separadas em formas de vida (árvore, arbusto, erva, gramíneas, pteridófita, trepadeiras, epífitos). Para avaliação do sub-bosque nos plantios de eucalipto foram selecionados quatro talhões onde foram alocados três transectos de 100 m de comprimento em diferentes distâncias da borda (5, 25 e 50 m) e dois transectos (5 e 25 m) para o interior da mata ciliar. Em cada transecto foram sorteadas cinco unidades amostrais de 5 x 5 m e amostrados todos os indivíduos juvenis utilizando os mesmos critérios anteriormente citados para este estrato. Nos fragmentos adjacentes aos plantios de eucalipto, foram encontradas 61 espécies para os adultos e 77 para os juvenis e o estoque de carbono estimado foi de 106 Mg.ha-1 para os indivíduos adultos e de 4,3 Mg.ha-1 para os herbáceos. Nas áreas com presença de gado foram amostradas 62 espécies para os adultos e 48 para juvenis, com um estoque de carbono de 85,5 Mg.ha-1 para adultos e 0,9 Mg.ha-1 para herbáceo. No sub-bosque dos plantios de eucalipto foram amostradas 32 espécies, sendo 16 exclusivas e 71 no interior da floresta ripária, com 55 exclusivas. Os resultados mostraram que florestas em pequenos fragmentos incorporados em plantações de eucalipto parecem ser melhor preservadas do que aqueles expostos à pecuária. Além disso, áreas com presença de gado apresentaram uma redução no estoque de carbono de 23,8% para o estrato arbóreo e de 79,4% no estrato herbáceo em relação às áreas sem a presença de gado. A plantação de eucalipto possui um importante papel, embora restrito devido ao curto período de corte das árvores, para a manutenção da diversidade de espécies de florestas nativas adjacentes em seu sub-bosque e podem atuar como uma catalizadoras da regeneração da vegetação nativa e na manutenção da diversidade local. / The change in land use due to agricultural activities causes a landscape change that leads to the creation of isolated forest fragments that remain embedded in a matrix that may present a greater or lesser aggressiveness according to their use. The environmental quality of this matrix can affect species composition and forest structure through several factors that impact the surrounding environment, but on the other hand, depending on its type, the array can act as an important source of biodiversity conservation. This study was conducted in two neighboring farms located in Eldorado do Sul, RS. Terra Dura Farm, owned by Celulose Riograndense S/A and most of the area is used for the monoculture of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.). The remnants of native forest are exclusively associated with the various streams that cross the area and surrounded by eucalyptus plantations of various ages and stages of production. The area is used for the planting of eucalyptus during 30 years. The cattle was isolated 20 years ago. Eldorado Farm is intended for extensive cattle ranching and its vegetation is characterized by a predominance of field with fragments of riparian forests that livestock use for grazing. We survey ten riparian fragments, five in each farm, were allocated two transects parallel to the stream to 20 m away from each other in which five were randomized plots of 10 x 10 m sampling of the tree component of the fragments. In each sampling unit circumference were recorded for all individuals with diameter at breast height greater than or equal to 5 cm (DBH ≥ 5 cm). The juvenile component was sampled in 5 x 5 m plots concentric in each plot of 10 x 10 m was sampled all individuals with more than one meter in height and less than 5 cm in diameter and estimated its total height, and its diameter at ground level (DAS). The density and composition of the herbaceous layer was sampled in plots of 1 x 1 m plots of concentric to 5 x 5 m. In these sample units of all vegetation was removed up to 1 m high, which were taxonomically identified and separated in life forms (tree, shrub, herb, grass, fern, lianes and epiphytes). To evaluate the understory in the eucalyptus plantations were selected four plots were allocated three transects of 100 m length at different distances from the edge (5, 25 and 50 m) and two transects (5 and 25 m) into the riparian vegetation. In each transect were randomly selected five samples of 5 x 5 m and sampled all juveniles using the same criteria previously cited for this stratum. In fragments adjacent to eucalyptus plantations, 61 species were found for adults and 77 for juveniles and the estimated carbon storage was 106 Mg.ha-1 for adults and 4.3 Mg.ha-1 for the herbs. In areas with presence of cattle were sampled for 62 adults and 48 for juveniles, with a carbon stock of 85.5 Mg.ha-1 for adults and 0.9 Mg.ha-1 for herbaceous. In the understory of the eucalyptus plantations were found 32 species, with 16 exclusive and 71 within the riparian forest, with 55 exclusive. Our results showed that in small forest fragments embedded in eucalypt plantations seem to be better preserved than those exposed to livestock. In addition, areas with the presence of cattle showed a reduction in carbon stock of 23.8% for the upper stratum and 79.4% in the herbaceous layer compared to areas without the presence of livestock and the planting of eucalyptus has an important role, although limited, due to shortcut the trees for the maintenance of species diversity of native forest adjacent to their understory and can act as a catalyst of the regeneration of native vegetation and maintenance of local diversity.
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